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以下是范例脚本- #==============================================================================
- # XaiL System - Teleport
- # Author: Nicke
- # Created: 10/01/2012
- # Edited: 11/01/2012
- # Version: 1.0
- #==============================================================================
- # Instructions
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
- # to an open slot below ▼ Materials but above ▼ Main. Remember to save.
- #
- # To call this scene in a menu or on the map simply use the following code:
- # SceneManager.call(Scene_Teleport)
- #
- # To add/del a teleport from the TP_LIST, do this in a script call:
- # tp(id, type, enabled = true)
- # Examples:
- # tp(2, :add) # This will add id 2.
- # tp(2, :del) # This will delete id 1.
- #
- # To check if id is added or enabled/disabled do the following, preferably in a
- # conditional branch:
- # tp_added?(id)
- # tp_enable?(id)
- # Examples:
- # tp_added?(2) # Is id 2 added?
- # tp_enabled?(1) # Is id 1 enabled?
- # !tp_enabled?(3) # Same method used but returns true if it is disabled.
- #
- # To enable/disabling an id do like this:
- # tp_enable(1, true) # Enable id 1.
- # tp_enable(2, false) # Disable id 2.
- #
- # If you want to add/delete all the id's in the list use this method:
- # Note: This method uses the normal way of adding a tp. I created this method
- # to save some space when adding a large amount of id's.
- # tp_all(:add) # Add all id's.
- # tp_all(:del) # Remove all id's.
- #
- # Read the settings carefully when setting up new teleport location as well as
- # how to change certain settings. Make sure you change the settings as you
- # want them and hopefully you will be pleased. Enjoy!
- #
- # *** Only for RPG Maker VX Ace. ***
- #==============================================================================
- ($imported ||= {})["XS-TELEPORT-SCENE"] = true
- module XAIL
- module TELEPORT
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # * Settings
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # TP_FONT = [ name, size, color, bold, italic, shadow ]
- # Bare in mind that if italic is on, it might look weird depending on font
- # choice as well as the size.
- TP_CMD_FONT = [["Verdana"], 16, Color.new(255,255,255), true, false, false]
- TP_INFO_FONT = [["Verdana"], 14, Color.new(155,205,205), true, false, true]
- # The windowskin to use for the windows. Set to nil to disable.
- # SKIN = string
- SKIN = nil
- # Use this template when adding a long string to the map details.
- # Use \n to get to a new line.
- TP_INFO_1 = "这是王城的街区"
- TP_INFO_2 = "位于魔王城堡下的著名地带"
- TP_INFO_3 = "充满魔力的神奇地方"
- # How many lines the info window should display.
- # If you do have long strings in the info I suggest change this.
- # TP_INFO_LINES = number
- # Sets the padding of the text in the info window.
- TP_INFO_PADDING = 10 # Default: 12.
- # ID = [ 'Title', :symbol, map_id, x & y, map_image(nil), map_info(nil), enabled ]
- TP_LIST = [] # Don't remove!
- TP_LIST[0] = ['城下小镇', :kris_map, 69, [93,113], "城下小镇", TP_INFO_1, true]
- TP_LIST[1] = ['市场', :market_map, 69, [68,124],"市场", TP_INFO_2, true]
- TP_LIST[2] = ['神奇小镇', :disabled, 69, [53,93],"神奇小镇", TP_INFO_3, true]
- # Display texts. Should be easy enough to understand what they are for.
- TEXT_NO_TELEPORTS = "You haven't found a location to teleport to."
- OK_NAME = "传送" # Dialog box ok.
- OK_CANCEL = "取消" # Dialog box cancel.
- # Transition, nil to use default.
- # TRANSITION = [20, "Graphics/Transitions/1", 50]
- # Menu background image (System folder)
- # Note: You might want to decrease the opacity as well as arrange
- # the windows so that you can properly see the background.
- # Set to nil to use default.
- BACK = nil
- # Should a animation be used when teleporting to a new map.
- # Set it to nil to disable it.
- ANIM_ID = 81
- # Fade out time when teleporting to a new map.
- # 1000 (1 second)
- ANIM_SCENE_FADE = 500 # Fade out time for scene.
- ANIM_AUDIO_FADE = 500 # Fade out time for audio.
- end
- end
- # *** Don't edit below unless you know what you are doing. ***
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Game_System
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Method for checking the teleport list.
- #==============================================================================#
- class Game_System
- attr_accessor :tp_list
- alias xail_teleport_sys_initialize initialize
- def initialize(*args, &block)
- xail_teleport_sys_initialize(*args, &block)
- @tp_list = []
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Game_Interpreter
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Method for adding and deleting a teleport.
- #==============================================================================#
- class Game_Interpreter
- def tp(id, type)
- # // Method to add a item to the list.
- case type
- when :add # // Add teleport id.
- unless $game_system.tp_list.include?(XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_LIST[id])
- $game_system.tp_list.push(XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_LIST[id])
- end unless XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_LIST[id].nil?
- when :del # // Remove teleport id.
- unless XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_LIST[id].nil?
- $game_system.tp_list.delete(XAIL::MENU::TP_LIST[id])
- end
- end
- end
- def tp_enabled?(id)
- # // Method to check if id is enabled.
- # (Must be added in the list or else it returns nil).
- return if $game_system.tp_list[id].nil?
- return $game_system.tp_list[id][6]
- end
- def tp_added?(id)
- # // Method to check if id is added.
- return $game_system.tp_list[id]
- end
- def tp_enable(id, enabled)
- # // Method to enable id.
- $game_system.tp_list[id][6] = enabled
- end
- def tp_all(type = :add)
- # // Method to add/delete all teleport id's.
- id = 0
- while id < XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_LIST.size
- case type
- when :add
- tp(id, :add)
- else
- tp(id, :del)
- end
- id += 1
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Window_TeleportCommand
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New Window :: Window_TeleportCommand - A window for creating the commands.
- #==============================================================================#
- class Window_TeleportCommand < Window_Command
- def window_width
- # // Method to return the width.
- return 140
- end
- def window_height
- # // Method to return the height.
- return Graphics.height
- end
- def menu_color(color, enabled = true)
- # // Method to set the color and alpha if not enabled.
- contents.font.color.set(color)
- contents.font.color.alpha = 100 unless enabled
- end
- def draw_item(index)
- # // Method to draw the command item.
- contents.font.name = XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_CMD_FONT[0]
- contents.font.size = XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_CMD_FONT[1]
- menu_color(XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_CMD_FONT[2], menu_enabled?(index))
- contents.font.bold = XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_CMD_FONT[3]
- contents.font.italic = XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_CMD_FONT[4]
- contents.font.shadow = XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_CMD_FONT[5]
- draw_text(item_rect_for_text(index), command_name(index), alignment)
- reset_font_settings
- end
- def menu_enabled?(index)
- # // Method to check if item is enabled.
- return @tp_list[index][6]
- end
- alias xail_mk_cmd_list_tp make_command_list
- def make_command_list(*args, &block)
- # // Method to add the commands.
- xail_mk_cmd_list_tp(*args, &block)
- @tp_list = $game_system.tp_list
- for i in @tp_list
- add_command(i[0], i[1], i[6])
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Window_tpInfo
- #==============================================================================#
- class Window_OK_Command < Window_Command
- def window_width
- # // Method to return the width.
- return 120
- end
- def alignment
- # // Method to return the alignment.
- return 1
- end
- alias xail_mk_cmd_list_ok make_command_list
- def make_command_list(*args, &block)
- # // Method to add the commands.
- xail_mk_cmd_list_ok(*args, &block)
- add_command(XAIL::TELEPORT::OK_NAME, :ok)
- add_command(XAIL::TELEPORT::OK_CANCEL, :cancel)
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Window_tpInfo
- #==============================================================================#
- class Window_tpInfo < Window_Base
- def initialize(x, y, width, height)
- # // Method to initialize the window.
- super(0, 0, width, window_height)
- @tp_list = $game_system.tp_list
- refresh
- end
- def set_text(text, enabled)
- # // Method to set a new the tp text to the window.
- if text != @text
- @text = text
- menu_color(XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_INFO_FONT[2], enabled)
- refresh
- end
- end
- def window_height
- # // Method to return the height.
- return fitting_height(XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_INFO_LINES)
- end
- def standard_padding
- # // Method to set the padding for text.
- end
- def refresh
- # // Method to refresh the window.
- contents.clear
- draw_tp_text
- end
- def menu_color(color, enabled = true)
- # // Method to set the color and alpha if not enabled.
- contents.font.color.set(color)
- contents.font.color.alpha = 150 unless enabled
- end
- def draw_tp_ex(x, y, text)
- # // Special method to draw a text.
- text = convert_escape_characters(text)
- pos = {:x => x, :y => y, :new_x => x, :height => calc_line_height(text)}
- process_character(text.slice!(0, 1), text, pos) until text.empty?
- end
- def draw_tp_text
- # // Method to draw the tp text to the window.
- contents.font.name = XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_INFO_FONT[0]
- contents.font.size = XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_INFO_FONT[1]
- contents.font.bold = XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_INFO_FONT[3]
- contents.font.italic = XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_INFO_FONT[4]
- contents.font.shadow = XAIL::TELEPORT::TP_INFO_FONT[5]
- draw_tp_ex(0, 0, @text)
- reset_font_settings
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Window_tpImage
- #==============================================================================#
- class Window_tpImage < Window_Base
- def initialize(x, y, width, height)
- # // Method to initialize the window.
- super(0, 0, width, height)
- refresh
- end
- def refresh
- # // Method to refresh the window.
- contents.clear
- end
- def draw_tp_map(x, y, source, enabled = true)
- # // Method to draw the teleport map.
- rect = Rect.new(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
- return clear_tp_map(rect) if source.nil?
- clear_tp_map(rect)
- tp_map = Cache.picture(source)
- contents.blt(x, y, tp_map, rect, enabled ? 255 : 150)
- end
- def clear_tp_map(rect)
- contents.clear_rect(rect)
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Scene_TeleportBase
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New Scene :: Scene_TeleportBase - The teleport scene.
- #==============================================================================#
- class Scene_TeleportBase < Scene_Base
- alias xail_tpbase_start start
- def start(*args, &block)
- # // Method to start the scene
- xail_tpbase_start(*args, &block)
- @tp_list = $game_system.tp_list
- create_background
- end
- def post_start
- # // Method to post_start the scene.
- perform_transition unless @tp_list.empty?
- end
- alias xail_tpbase_terminate terminate
- def terminate(*args, &block)
- # // Method to terminate the scene.
- xail_tpbase_terminate(*args, &block)
- end
- def create_background
- # // Method to create the background.
- @background_sprite = Sprite.new
- @background_sprite.bitmap = SceneManager.background_bitmap
- @background_sprite.color.set(16, 16, 16, 128)
- else
- @background_sprite.bitmap = Cache.system(XAIL::TELEPORT::BACK)
- end
- end
- def perform_transition
- # // Method to create the transition.
- Graphics.transition(15)
- else
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Scene_Teleport
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New Scene :: Scene_Teleport - The teleport scene.
- #==============================================================================#
- class Scene_Teleport < Scene_TeleportBase
- alias xail_tpbase_init initialize
- def initialize(*args, &block)
- # // Method to initialize scene teleport.
- xail_tpbase_init(*args, &block)
- @tp_list = $game_system.tp_list
- end
- def start
- # // Method to start scene teleport.
- super
- return command_map if @tp_list.empty?
- create_tp_command_window
- create_tp_info
- create_tp_image
- on_index_change(0) # // Draw id 0 when scene is loaded.
- end
- def create_tp_command_window
- # // Method to create command list window.
- @command_window = Window_TeleportCommand.new(0, 0)
- @command_window.windowskin = Cache.system(XAIL::TELEPORT::SKIN) unless XAIL::TELEPORT::SKIN.nil?
- @command_window.x = 0
- @command_window.y = 0
- for i in @tp_list
- @command_window.set_handler(i[1], method(:command_ok_dialog))
- end
- @command_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:return_scene))
- end
- def create_ok__window
- # // Method to create ok command window.
- @ok_window = Window_OK_Command.new(0, 0)
- @ok_window.windowskin = Cache.system(XAIL::TELEPORT::SKIN) unless XAIL::TELEPORT::SKIN.nil?
- @ok_window.x = (Graphics.width - @ok_window.width) / 2
- @ok_window.y = (Graphics.height - @ok_window.height) / 2
- @ok_window.set_handler(:ok, method(:command_teleport))
- @ok_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:command_cancel_dialog))
- end
- def create_tp_info
- # // Method to create teleport info window.
- width = Graphics.width - @command_window.width
- height = 80
- @tp_info = Window_tpInfo.new(0, 0, width, height)
- @tp_info.windowskin = Cache.system(XAIL::TELEPORT::SKIN) unless XAIL::TELEPORT::SKIN.nil?
- @tp_info.x = @command_window.width
- @tp_info.y = 0
- end
- def create_tp_image
- # // Method to create teleport image window.
- width = Graphics.width - @command_window.width
- height = Graphics.height - @tp_info.height
- @tp_image_window = Window_tpImage.new(0, 0, width, height)
- @tp_image_window.windowskin = Cache.system(XAIL::TELEPORT::SKIN) unless XAIL::TELEPORT::SKIN.nil?
- @tp_image_window.x = @command_window.width
- @tp_image_window.y = @tp_info.height
- end
- def create_tp_message_window
- # // Method to create the message window.
- @message_window = Window_Message.new
- end
- def command_ok_dialog
- # // Method to open ok dialog.
- create_ok__window
- end
- def command_cancel_dialog
- # // Method to close ok dialog.
- @ok_window.close
- @command_window.active = true
- end
- def command_teleport
- # // Method to teleport the player.
- teleport_player(@command_window.index)
- end
- def command_map
- # // command_map (Don't remove)
- create_tp_message_window
- $game_message.texts << XAIL::TELEPORT::TEXT_NO_TELEPORTS
- SceneManager.call(Scene_Map)
- end
- def teleport_player(index)
- # // Method for teleporting the player to the spawn event. (if exists)
- $game_map.setup(@tp_list[index][2])
- $game_player.moveto(@tp_list[index][3][0], @tp_list[index][3][1])
- fadeout_scene
- $game_map.autoplay
- $game_map.refresh
- $game_player.animation_id = XAIL::TELEPORT::ANIM_ID unless XAIL::TELEPORT::ANIM_ID.nil?
- $game_switches[213] = true
- SceneManager.call(Scene_Map)
- end
- def fadeout_scene
- # // Method to fade out the scene.
- RPG::BGM.fade(time)
- RPG::BGS.fade(time)
- RPG::ME.fade(time)
- Graphics.fadeout(XAIL::TELEPORT::ANIM_SCENE_FADE * Graphics.frame_rate / 1000)
- RPG::BGM.stop
- RPG::BGS.stop
- RPG::ME.stop
- end
- def draw_tp_image(index)
- # // Draw teleport image.
- image = @tp_list[index][4]
- enabled = @tp_list[index][6]
- @tp_image_window.draw_tp_map(0, 0, image, enabled)
- end
- def draw_tp_info(index)
- # // Draw teleport details.
- title = @tp_list[index][0]
- info = @tp_list[index][5]
- enabled = @tp_list[index][6]
- text = "#{title}\n#{info}" unless @tp_list[index][5].nil?
- @tp_info.set_text(text, enabled)
- end
- alias update_new_index_check update
- def update(*args, &block)
- # // Method for updating the scene.
- old_index = @command_window.index
- update_new_index_check(*args, &block)
- on_index_change(@command_window.index) if old_index != @command_window.index
- end
- def on_index_change(index)
- # // If index changes redraw the image and info.
- draw_tp_image(index)
- draw_tp_info(index)
- end
- end # END OF FILE
- #=*==========================================================================*=#
- # ** END OF FILE
- #=*==========================================================================*=#
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