赞 | 0 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 1 |
经验 | 12551 |
最后登录 | 2017-2-23 |
在线时间 | 207 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 50
- 在线时间
- 207 小时
- 注册时间
- 2013-10-10
- 帖子
- 43
您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册会员
就是这个..用@stock[] = 可以给商店的物品数量定初始数量,,但不知道怎么更改数量,比如在某个事件后某个商店的1号物品剩余数量增加20个什么的..- =begin
- #===============================================================================
- Title: Shop Stock
- Author: Tsukihime
- Date: Feb 22, 2013
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Change log
- Feb 22, 2013
- - Initial release
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** 使用协议
- * 免费用于商业或非商业项目
- * 自由使用
- * 会有BUG修复,但没有兼容性补丁
- * 功能可能没有保证
- * Preserve this header
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** 必需
- -商店库存-基础 以下网址为外站Hime Works,请开在线代理浏览
- ([url]http://himeworks.wordpress.com/2013/02/22/shop-manager/[/url])
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** 说明
- 这个脚本添加了一个stock到每个商店
- 一旦一个商品的stock达到零,它将不能在商店继续售卖
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** 用法
- 在你的事件中,在商店处理命令的上面添加以下脚本
- @shop_stock[id] = 数值
- 名词解用
- id为商店处理中商品列表的id
- 第一项商品的id为1,依此类推
- 数值是该商品有多少存货在该商店
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** 作者的话
- 一个店的商品存货有多少全取决于stock
- stock < 0, 没有限制
- stock == 0, 没有库存
- stock > 0, 还有那么多库存
- #===============================================================================
- =end
- $imported = {} if $imported.nil?
- $imported["TH_ShopStock"] = true
- #===============================================================================
- # ** Configuration 配置
- #===============================================================================
- module TH
- module Shop_Stock
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # ** Rest of the Script
- #===============================================================================
- class Game_Interpreter
- alias :th_shop_stock_clear :clear
- def clear
- th_shop_stock_clear
- @shop_stock = []
- end
- alias :th_shop_stock_setup_good :setup_good
- def setup_good(good, id)
- th_shop_stock_setup_good(good, id)
- stock = @shop_stock[id]
- return unless stock
- good.stock = stock
- end
- end
- class Game_ShopGood
- attr_reader :stock
- alias :th_shop_stock_init :initialize
- def initialize(*args)
- th_shop_stock_init(*args)
- @stock = -1
- @unlimited = true
- end
- def stock=(amount)
- @stock = amount
- @unlimited = (amount < 0)
- end
- def unlimited?
- @unlimited
- end
- def increase_stock(amount)
- @stock += amount
- end
- def decrease_stock(amount)
- return if @unlimited
- @stock = [@stock - amount, 0].max
- end
- end
- class Game_Shop
- alias :th_shop_stock_include? :include?
- def include?(index)
- return false if stock(index) == 0
- th_shop_stock_include?(index)
- end
- def stock(index)
- @shop_goods[index].stock
- end
- end
- class Window_ShopBuy < Window_Selectable
- alias :th_shop_stock_include? :include?
- def include?(shopGood)
- return false if shopGood.stock == 0
- th_shop_stock_include?(shopGood)
- end
- alias :th_shop_stock_draw_item :draw_item
- def draw_item(index)
- th_shop_stock_draw_item(index)
- rect = item_rect(index)
- item = @data[index]
- shopGood = @goods[item]
- draw_text(rect, sprintf(" 余:%d", shopGood.stock), 1) unless shopGood.unlimited?
- end
- alias :th_shop_stock_process_ok :process_ok
- def process_ok
- unless @data[index]
- Sound.play_buzzer
- return
- end
- th_shop_stock_process_ok
- end
- end
- class Scene_Shop < Scene_MenuBase
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Get amount you could buy, compared to the amount in-stock
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias :th_shop_stock_max_buy :max_buy
- def max_buy
- party_max = th_shop_stock_max_buy
- @selected_good.unlimited? ? party_max : [party_max, @selected_good.stock].min
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Decrease the amount of stock of the selected good
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias :th_shop_stock_do_buy :do_buy
- def do_buy(number)
- th_shop_stock_do_buy(number)
- @selected_good.decrease_stock(number)
- end
- end
复制代码- =begin
- #===============================================================================
- Title: Shop Manager
- Author: Tsukihime
- Date: Mar 29, 2013
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Change log
- 1.5 Mar 29
- - added simple shop refreshing on page change. Will need a better solution
- since this does not track the state of a shop on a different page
- 1.4 Mar 13
- - fixed bug where common event shops were not handled appropriately when
- called through effects
- 1.3 Mar 1
- - Game_ShopGood now determines whether it should be included or enabled
- - Two shop options implemented: hidden, disabled
- 1.2 Feb 25
- - fixed issue where common event shops were not handled correctly
- - exposed Shop Good variables as readers
- 1.1
- - ShopManager handles shop scene changing depending on the type of shop
- - added handling for different "types" of shops
- - all goods in a shop can be accessed via shop.shop_goods
- - reference to shop added to shop scene
- - added support for adding and removing goods from a shop
- 1.0 Feb 22, 2013
- - Initial Release
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Terms of Use
- * Free to use in commercial/non-commercial projects
- * No real support. The script is provided as-is
- * Will do bug fixes, but no compatibility patches
- * Features may be requested but no guarantees, especially if it is non-trivial
- * Credits to Tsukihime in your project
- * Preserve this header
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Description
- This script serves as a base for all shop-related scripts.
- This script provides functionality for remember a shop's "state".
- Each shop is uniquely identified by a shop ID, and if you visit the same
- shop repeatedly, you should see the same settings.
- For example, if a shop holds 10 potions, and you bought 5, then you can
- expect that the next time you visit the shop, it will only have 5 potions
- remaining.
- Of course, you will need extra plugins to have that kind of functionality.
- Several new classes have been defined for working with shops, and in
- particular, shop goods.
- In summary:
- -more control over your shops
- -simple API for developers to write shop-related scripts
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Usage
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Developers
- Here are some specifications that I have written.
- Have a look through each class to see what is available for use.
- If you have any suggestions that will improve the base script (ie: this),
- I will consider adding them.
- -- Shop Manager --
- This module serves are the interface for all shop-related queries. It handles
- how shops are stored for you so that it is easy to properly obtain a reference
- to a shop.
- You should use the Shop Manager whenever possible.
- -- Game Shop --
- This script treats a shop as a concrete object. A shop is created the first
- time it is accessed, and will be stored with the game for the remainder of
- the game.
- A very basic shop is provided, which manages what items are available for sale.
- All shops are stored in a global Game_Shops hash in $game_shops
- -- Shop Type --
- On top of the basic Game_Shop class, you can define your own shops and
- associate them with custom scenes specific to those shops.
- The Shop Manager only requires you to be consistent with your shop name.
- For example, if your shop type is "CraftShop", then you must define a
- Game_CraftShop - the shop object that the shop will be instantiated with
- Scene_CraftShop - the scene that will be called when visiting a CraftShop
- Users will set a @shop_type attribute in Game_Interpreter to determine
- what type of shop should be created
- -- Managing shops --
- This script assumes shops are only called through events or common events.
- Troop events are not supported.
- A shop is identified by a map ID and an event ID.
- Shops that are called via common events will have a map ID of 0.
- In order to determine whether a normal event or a common event called the
- shop, the "depth" of the interpreter is used.
- When depth = 0, then it is a normal event
- When depth > 0, then it is a common event
- The shop processing should be handled appropriately depending on the depth
- This script assumes that an event is triggered through "normal" interaction;
- that is, you can only interact with events within a map. Any events that should
- be treated as the same event should be done as a common event call.
- --- Shop Goods ---
- Rather than storing all goods as a simple array of values, this script
- provides a Game_ShopGood class. You can use this to store any additional
- information that you want.
- All shop related scenes and windows MUST provide support for handling shop
- goods. While backwards compatibility is provided for the default scripts,
- additional methods have been defined to allow you to retrieve the currently
- selected shop good.
- --- Shop Options ---
- Since there isn't actually a way to setup individual shop goods, external
- approaches must be used. There is not much specification here yet, so it
- is up to you how you wish to populate your ShopGood objects. I have provided
- a "setup_goods" method in Game_Interpreter that you can alias.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Compatibility
- This script changes the following from the default scripts
- DataManager
- aliased - create_game_objects
- aliased - make_save_contents
- aliased - extract_save_contents
- Game_Interpreter
- replaced - command_302
- Window_ShopBuy
- replaced - prepare
- Scene_Shop
- replaced - make_item_list
- #===============================================================================
- =end
- $imported = {} if $imported.nil?
- $imported["TH_ShopManager"] = 1.5
- #===============================================================================
- # ** Rest of the Script
- #===============================================================================
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 作为商店和其他对象之间的界面的主力店经理
- # ShopManager 的主要作用是本质上是管理店里的任何在游戏中存在的对象
- # 尤其是,它提供了所有的方法
- # 创建、 检索和删除商店。
- # 所有的商店都存储在 全局变量$game_shops 的 Game_Shops哈希表
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- module ShopManager
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 返回一个引用到一个特定的商店
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.get_shop(map_id, event_id)
- return $game_shops[map_id, event_id]
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 表明一家店需要刷新
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.refresh_shop(map_id, event_id)
- shop = get_shop(map_id, event_id)
- shop.need_refresh = true if shop
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 设置商店,如果第一次访问
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.setup_shop(map_id, event_id, goods, purchase_only, shop_type)
- shop = get_shop(map_id, event_id)
- return shop if shop && !shop.need_refresh
- shop = shop_class(shop_type).new(goods, purchase_only)
- $game_shops[map_id, event_id] = shop
- return shop
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 返回给定商店类型的适当店类
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.shop_class(shop_type)
- shop_type = "Game_" + shop_type.to_s
- return Object.const_get(shop_type.to_sym)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 返回与这家商店关联的场景
- # TO DO
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.shop_scene(shop)
- shop_scene = "Scene_" + shop.class.name.gsub("Game_", "")
- return Object.const_get(shop_scene.to_sym)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 在适当的舞台上调用 SceneManager.call
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.call_scene(shop)
- SceneManager.call(shop_scene(shop))
- SceneManager.scene.prepare(shop)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 在适当的舞台上调用 SceneManager.goto
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.goto_scene(shop)
- SceneManager.goto(shop_scene(shop))
- SceneManager.scene.prepare(shop)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Returns a good ID, given a shop and an item. If the item is already in
- # the shop, it will return that good's ID. Otherwise, it will return a new ID
- # 给定一个商店和一个项目的情况下返回一个好的 ID。如果该项目已在
- # 店里,它将返回货物的 id。否则,它将返回一个新的 ID
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.get_good_id(shop, item)
- good = shop.shop_goods.detect {|good| good.item == item}
- return good.nil? ? shop.shop_goods.size + 1 : good.id
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Returns a good, given a shop and an item. If the shop already has that good
- # just return it. Otherwise, make a new good. If the price is negative, then
- # the price is the default price. Otherwise, it is the specified price.
- # 给定一个商店和一个项目的情况下返回一个货物。如果店里已经有货物
- # 只返回它。否则,造就了一个新的货物。如果价格是消极的那么
- # 价格是默认价格。否则,它是指定的价格。
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.get_good(shop, item, price=-1)
- good = shop.shop_goods.detect {|good| good.item == item}
- return good if good
- good_id = shop.shop_goods.size + 1
- type = item_type(item)
- if price < 0
- price_type = price = 0
- else
- price_type = 1
- end
- return Game_ShopGood.new(good_id, type, item.id, price_type, price)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 返回的项的类型。
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.item_type(item)
- return 0 if item.is_a?(RPG::Item)
- return 1 if item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon)
- return 2 if item.is_a?(RPG::Armor)
- return -1
- end
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Shops are stored in a global variable `$game_shops`. This is dumped and
- # loaded appropriately.
- # 商店都存储在全局变量 '$game_shops'。这是适当的倾倒和加载
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- module DataManager
- class << self
- alias :th_shop_manager_create_game_objects :create_game_objects
- alias :th_shop_manager_make_save_contents :make_save_contents
- alias :th_shop_manager_extract_save_contents :extract_save_contents
- end
- def self.create_game_objects
- th_shop_manager_create_game_objects
- $game_shops = Game_Shops.new
- end
- def self.make_save_contents
- contents = th_shop_manager_make_save_contents
- contents[:shops] = $game_shops
- contents
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Load shop data 商店数据加载
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.extract_save_contents(contents)
- th_shop_manager_extract_save_contents(contents)
- $game_shops = contents[:shops]
- end
- end
- class Game_Temp
- # even if we're not actually calling a shop, it shouldn't affect anything
- # because we are always setting this at each common event call by an event
- attr_accessor :shop_common_event_id
- alias :th_shop_manager_reserve_common_event :reserve_common_event
- def reserve_common_event(common_event_id)
- th_shop_manager_reserve_common_event(common_event_id)
- @shop_common_event_id = common_event_id
- end
- end
- class Game_Event < Game_Character
- alias :th_shop_manager_setup_page :setup_page
- def setup_page(page)
- th_shop_manager_setup_page(page)
- ShopManager.refresh_shop(@map_id, @id)
- end
- end
- class Game_Interpreter
- alias :th_shop_manager_clear :clear
- def clear
- th_shop_manager_clear
- clear_shop_options
- @shop_type = nil
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def clear_shop_options
- @shop_options = {}
- @shop_options[:hidden] = {}
- @shop_options[:disabled] = {}
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New. We are in a common event only if the shop common event ID is set.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def shop_map_id
- $game_temp.shop_common_event_id ? 0 : @map_id
- end
- def shop_event_id
- $game_temp.shop_common_event_id ? $game_temp.shop_common_event_id : @event_id
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set the shop's common event ID
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias :th_shop_manager_command_117 :command_117
- def command_117
- $game_temp.shop_common_event_id = @params[0]
- th_shop_manager_command_117
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Replaced. A shop is setup only once, and is retrieved whenever it is
- # called in the future. This assumes the shop is invoked through "normal"
- # event interactions.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def command_302
- return if $game_party.in_battle
- shop_type = @shop_type || :Shop
- good_id = 1
- goods = []
- # setup goods
- good = make_good(@params[0..-1], good_id) # last param is for the shop
- goods.push(good)
- good_id +=1
- while next_event_code == 605
- @index += 1
- good = make_good(@list[@index].parameters, good_id)
- goods.push(good)
- good_id +=1
- end
- # Setup shop if needed
- shop = ShopManager.setup_shop(shop_map_id, shop_event_id, goods, @params[4], shop_type)
- # prepare the shop with a reference to the actual shop
- ShopManager.call_scene(shop)
- Fiber.yield
- # clear out the shop common event ID.
- $game_temp.shop_common_event_id = nil
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New. This is where the goods are setup.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_good(goods_array, good_id)
- item_type, item_id, price_type, price = goods_array
- good = Game_ShopGood.new(good_id, item_type, item_id, price_type, price)
- # additional setup
- setup_good(good, good_id)
- return good
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New. You can do more things with your good here
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def setup_good(good, good_id)
- setup_hidden_option(good, good_id)
- setup_disabled_option(good, good_id)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New. Shop options
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def hide_good(good_id, condition)
- @shop_options[:hidden][good_id] = condition
- end
- def disable_good(good_id, condition)
- @shop_options[:disabled][good_id] = condition
- end
- def setup_hidden_option(good, good_id)
- return unless @shop_options[:hidden][good_id]
- good.hidden_condition = @shop_options[:hidden][good_id]
- end
- def setup_disabled_option(good, good_id)
- return unless @shop_options[:disabled][good_id]
- good.disable_condition = @shop_options[:disabled][good_id]
- end
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # A shop good.
- # This is a wrapper around a raw item (RPG::Item, RPG::Weapon, etc).
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Game_ShopGood
- attr_reader :id # ID of this good
- attr_reader :item_type
- attr_reader :item_id
- attr_reader :price_type
- attr_accessor :hidden_condition
- attr_accessor :disable_condition
- def initialize(id, item_type, item_id, price_type, price)
- @id = id
- @item_type = item_type
- @item_id = item_id
- @price_type = price_type
- @price = price
- @hidden_condition = ""
- @disable_condition = ""
- end
- def include?
- return false if eval(@hidden_condition)
- return true
- end
- def enable?
- return false if eval(@disable_condition)
- return true
- end
- def item
- return $data_items[@item_id] if @item_type == 0
- return $data_weapons[@item_id] if @item_type == 1
- return $data_armors[@item_id] if @item_type == 2
- end
- def price
- return item.price if @price_type == 0
- return @price
- end
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # A shop object. Stores information about the shop such as its inventory
- # and other shop-related data
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Game_Shop
- attr_reader :purchase_only
- attr_reader :shop_goods # all goods that this shop has.
- attr_accessor :need_refresh # shop needs to be refreshed
- def initialize(goods, purchase_only=false)
- @shop_goods = goods
- @purchase_only = purchase_only
- @need_refresh = false
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Returns true if the goods should be included
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def include?(index)
- true
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Return a set of goods for sale
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def goods
- @shop_goods
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Add a new good to the shop
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_good(good)
- @shop_goods.push(good) unless @shop_goods.include?(good)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Remove the specified good from the shop
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def remove_good(good_id)
- @shop_goods.delete_at(good_id - 1)
- end
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 包含在游戏中的所有商店的包装。
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Game_Shops
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Initializes a hash of game shops. Each key is a map ID, pointing to another
- # hash whose keys are event ID's and values are Game_Shop objects.
- # 初始化游戏商店的哈希。每个键是一个地图 ID 指向另一个哈希,那个
- # 哈希的键是事件 ID 值是 Game_Shop 对象。
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- @data = {}
- end
- def [](i, j)
- @data[i] ||= {}
- @data[i][j]
- end
- def []=(i, j, shop)
- @data[i] ||= {}
- @data[i][j] = shop
- end
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The shop scene now works with the Shop and ShopGood objects
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Scene_Shop < Scene_MenuBase
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Replaced. The scene now takes a Game_Shop object
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def prepare(shop)
- @shop = shop
- @goods = shop.goods
- @purchase_only = shop.purchase_only
- end
- alias :th_shop_manager_on_buy_ok :on_buy_ok
- def on_buy_ok
- @selected_good = @buy_window.current_good
- th_shop_manager_on_buy_ok
- end
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # @shop_goods is now an array of Game_ShopGoods
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Window_ShopBuy < Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New. Returns true if the good should be included in the shop inventory
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def include?(shopGood)
- shopGood.include?
- end
- alias :th_shop_manager_enable? :enable?
- def enable?(item)
- return false unless @goods[item].enable?
- th_shop_manager_enable?(item)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New. Get the currently selected good
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def current_good
- @goods[item]
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Replaced. ShopGood takes care of most information. The data still contains
- # a list of RPG items for now since I don't want to change them to goods yet
- # A separate list of goods for sale is used for 1-1 correspondence
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_item_list
- @data = []
- @goods = {}
- @price = {}
- @shop_goods.each do |shopGood|
- next unless include?(shopGood)
- item = shopGood.item
- @data.push(item)
- @goods[item] = shopGood
- @price[item] = shopGood.price
- end
- end
- end
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