赞 | 0 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 5 |
经验 | 0 |
最后登录 | 2024-12-31 |
在线时间 | 75 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 497
- 在线时间
- 75 小时
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存物品是,选择最大数量后存进去只相当于存了一个,可以重复操作卡装备刷,该怎么修复- # =============================================================================
- # TheoAllen - 仓库系统
- # Version : 1.2
- # Contact : www.rpgmakerid.com (or) http://theolized.blogspot.com
- # (This script is translated by AbsoluteIce)
- # =============================================================================
- ($imported ||= {})[:Theo_ChestSystem] = true
- # =============================================================================
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 2013.08.19 - Compatibility Patch with Limited Inventory
- # 2013.06.28 - Add custom chest name
- # 2013.06.01 - Adjust control and GUI
- # 2013.05.24 - Finished script
- # 2013.05.23 - Started Script
- # =============================================================================
- =begin
- 介绍 :
- 本脚本可以设定一个仓库,允许玩家存放或取出物品.
- 使用方法 :
- 本脚本放在插件脚本之下,main之上
- 在使用脚本打开仓库前,使用以下事件注释:
- <item: id, 数量>
- <weapon: id, 数量>
- <armor: id, 数量>
- 解释 :
- id >> 物品/武器/护甲id
- 数量 >> 数量多少
- 使用以上注释后, 使用脚本 :
- open_chest
- 对于自定义名称的仓库, 则可以 :
- open_chest("小仓库")
- open_chest("Eric的宝箱")
- 注意 : 所有事件中的所有注释都会读取一次,请确保在使用脚本之前使用了注释。
- 使用规定 :
- 属名脚本作者, TheoAllen. 你可以自由编辑此脚本,只要你不声明你是脚本的原作者
- 如果你想用此脚本于商业游戏,请和我共享收益.别忘了给我一份免费的游戏拷贝.
- =end
- # =============================================================================
- # 设定 :
- # =============================================================================
- module THEO
- module CHEST
- # =========================================================================
- # Vocabs
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AMOUNT_VOCAB = "数量 :" # 数量.
- ALL_VOCAB = "全部" # 全部类别.
- INV_VOCAB = "背包" # 背包.
- ST_VOCAB = "库存" # 库存.
- # =========================================================================
- # =========================================================================
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 全部取出的按钮. 如果你设定为 :CTRL, 则在玩家按下CTRL和确定键 (z)后会取出
- # 全部物品
- # =========================================================================
- # =========================================================================
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 显示窗口数量的最小值.
- # =========================================================================
- end
- end
- # =============================================================================
- # 设定结束 (除非清除你在干什么,否则以下内容勿动)
- # =============================================================================
- module THEO
- module CHEST
- module REGEXP
- ITEM_REGEX = /<(?:ITEM|item):[ ]*[ ]*(\d+\s*,\s*\d*)>/i
- WEAPON_REGEX = /<(?:WEAPON|weapon):[ ]*[ ]*(\d+\s*,\s*\d*)>/i
- ARMOR_REGEX = /<(?:ARMOR|armor):[ ]*[ ]*(\d+\s*,\s*\d*)>/i
- end
- end
- end
- class Scene_Chest < Scene_MenuBase
- include THEO::CHEST
- def initialize(key,st_vocab)
- $game_party.init_chest_cursors
- @last_active = :stash
- @key = key
- @st_vocab = st_vocab
- end
- def start
- super
- create_header_windows
- create_footer_window
- create_main_windows
- create_amount_window
- prepare
- end
- def create_header_windows
- create_help_window
- create_category_window
- end
- def create_main_windows
- create_inventory_window
- create_stash_window
- end
- def create_help_window
- @help = Window_Help.new
- @help.viewport = @viewport
- end
- def create_category_window
- @category = Window_ChestCategory.new
- @category.viewport = @viewport
- @category.y = @help.height
- @category.set_handler(:ok, method(:on_category_ok))
- @category.set_handler(:cancel, method(:return_scene))
- end
- def create_footer_window
- create_inv_footer
- create_st_footer
- end
- def create_inv_footer
- if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory]
- x = 0
- y = Graphics.height - 48
- w = Graphics.width/2
- @inv_footer = Window_ChestFreeSlot.new(x,y,w)
- @inv_footer.viewport = @viewport
- else
- @inv_footer = Window_ChestFooter.new(INV_VOCAB,$game_party,0)
- @inv_footer.viewport = @viewport
- end
- end
- def create_st_footer
- @st_footer = Window_ChestFooter.new(@st_vocab,$game_chests[@key],1)
- @st_footer.viewport = @viewport
- end
- def create_inventory_window
- x = 0
- y = @help.height + @category.height
- w = Graphics.width/2
- h = Graphics.height - y - @inv_footer.height
- @inventory = Window_Inventory.new(x,y,w,h)
- @inventory.viewport = @viewport
- @inventory.set_handler(:ok, method(:item_inventory_ok))
- @inventory.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_inventory_cancel))
- @inventory.help_window = @help
- @category.item_window = @inventory
- end
- def create_stash_window
- x = Graphics.width / 2
- y = @inventory.y
- w = x
- h = @inventory.height
- @stash = Window_Stash.new(x,y,w,h,@key)
- @stash.viewport = @viewport
- @stash.set_handler(:ok, method(:item_stash_ok))
- @stash.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_stash_cancel))
- @stash.help_window = @help
- @category.stash_window = @stash
- end
- def create_amount_window
- @amount = Window_ChestAmount.new
- @amount.viewport = @viewport
- @amount.inv_window = @inv_footer if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory]
- end
- # for future plan ~
- def refresh_all_footers
- @inv_footer.refresh
- @st_footer.refresh
- end
- def prepare
- unselect_all
- @category.show
- @category.activate
- @item_phase = false
- deactivate_item_windows
- hide_amount
- end
- def deactivate_item_windows
- @inventory.deactivate
- @stash.deactivate
- end
- def on_category_ok
- @category.deactivate
- activate_itemlist
- @item_phase = true
- end
- def item_inventory_ok
- unless @inventory.item
- @inventory.activate
- return
- end
- if @inventory.item_number < SHOW_AMOUNT_MIN
- store_items(1)
- @inventory.activate
- refresh_itemlist
- else
- @last_active = :inventory
- input_amount(@inventory)
- end
- end
- def item_stash_ok
- unless @stash.item
- @stash.activate
- return
- end
- if @stash.item_number < SHOW_AMOUNT_MIN
- gain_items(1)
- @stash.activate
- refresh_itemlist
- else
- @last_active = :stash
- input_amount(@stash)
- end
- end
- def on_stash_cancel
- @last_active = :stash
- memorize_st
- prepare
- end
- def on_inventory_cancel
- @last_active = :inventory
- memorize_inv
- prepare
- end
- def input_amount(window)
- memorize_all
- if window.equal?(@stash)
- @inventory.unselect
- else
- @stash.unselect
- end
- @amount.open
- @amount.item_window = window
- deactivate_item_windows
- end
- def hide_amount
- Sound.play_cancel
- @amount.close
- @amount.reset_amount
- end
- def update
- super
- @amount.mode = @last_active
- @inv_footer.mode = @last_active if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory]
- select_item_phase if @item_phase
- input_amount_phase if @amount.open?
- end
- def select_item_phase
- gain_all_items if trigger_gain_all_item?
- switch_window if Input.repeat?(:RIGHT) || Input.repeat?(:LEFT)
- end
- def input_amount_phase
- activate_itemlist if Input.trigger?(:B)
- if @amount.item_window.equal?(@stash) && Input.trigger?(:C)
- gain_items(@amount.amount)
- elsif @amount.item_window.equal?(@inventory) && Input.trigger?(:C)
- store_items(@amount.amount)
- end
- end
- def switch_window
- if @inventory.active
- switch_stash
- elsif @stash.active
- switch_inventory
- end
- end
- def switch_inventory
- memorize_st
- @stash.deactivate
- @stash.unselect
- @inventory.activate
- inv_select
- end
- def switch_stash
- @stash.activate
- st_select
- memorize_inv
- @inventory.deactivate
- @inventory.unselect
- end
- def gain_all_items
- if @stash.active
- @stash.data.each do |item|
- gain_items(@stash.item_number(item),item)
- end
- @stash.select(0)
- else
- @inventory.data.each do |item|
- store_items(@inventory.item_number(item),item)
- end
- @inventory.select(0)
- end
- refresh_itemlist
- refresh_all_footers
- end
- def trigger_gain_all_item?
- Input.press?(THEO::CHEST::TRIGGER_GAIN_ALL) && Input.trigger?(:C)
- end
- def gain_items(amount, item = @stash.item)
- if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory]
- amount = [[amount,0].max,$game_party.inv_max_item(item)].min
- end
- $game_party.gain_item(item,amount)
- $game_chests[@key].lose_item(item,amount)
- on_amount_confirm if @amount.open?
- end
- def store_items(amount, item = @inventory.item)
- $game_chests[@key].gain_item(item,amount)
- $game_party.lose_item(item,amount)
- on_amount_confirm if @amount.open?
- end
- def refresh_itemlist
- @stash.refresh
- @inventory.refresh
- end
- def on_amount_confirm
- Sound.play_ok
- refresh_itemlist
- unselect_all
- activate_itemlist
- end
- def activate_itemlist
- hide_amount
- case @last_active
- when :stash
- activate_stash
- when :inventory
- activate_inventory
- end
- @item_phase = true
- end
- def activate_inventory
- @inventory.activate
- @stash.unselect
- inv_select
- end
- def activate_stash
- @stash.activate
- @inventory.unselect
- st_select
- end
- def memorize_inv
- $game_party.last_inv = @inventory.index
- end
- def memorize_st
- $game_party.last_st = @stash.index
- end
- def inv_select
- @inventory.index = [[$game_party.last_inv,@inventory.item_max-1].min,0].max
- end
- def st_select
- @stash.index = [[$game_party.last_st,@stash.item_max-1].min,0].max
- end
- def unselect_all
- @inventory.unselect
- @stash.unselect
- end
- def memorize_all
- memorize_inv
- memorize_st
- end
- end
- if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory]
- class Window_ChestFreeSlot < Window_FreeSlot
- attr_accessor :item
- attr_accessor :mode
- def initialize(x,y,w)
- @add_number = 0
- @mode = :stash
- super(x,y,w)
- end
- def add_number=(number)
- temp = @add_number
- @add_number = number
- refresh if temp != number
- end
- def draw_inv_slot(x,y,width = contents.width,align = 2)
- item_size = @item.nil? ? 0 : @item.inv_size
- item_size = -item_size if @mode == :inventory
- txt = sprintf("%d/%d",$game_party.total_inv_size + @add_number *
- item_size, $game_party.inv_max)
- color = Theo::LimInv::NearMaxed_Color
- near_max = ($game_party.total_inv_size + @add_number * item_size).to_f /
- $game_party.inv_max >= (100 - Theo::LimInv::NearMaxed_Percent)/100.0
- if near_max
- change_color(text_color(color))
- else
- change_color(normal_color)
- end
- draw_text(x,y,width,line_height,txt,align)
- change_color(normal_color)
- end
- end
- end
- class Window_ChestCategory < Window_ItemCategory
- attr_reader :stash_window
- def col_max
- return 1
- end
- def update
- super
- @stash_window.category = current_symbol if @stash_window
- end
- def make_command_list
- add_command("普通道具", :item)
- add_command("恢复道具", :kapad)
- add_command("战斗道具", :battleitem)
- add_command("人类装备", :weapon)
- add_command("战车装备", :armor)
- add_command("特殊物品", :key_item)
- end
- def stash_window=(stash_window)
- @stash_window = stash_window
- update
- end
- end
- class Window_Inventory < Window_ItemList
- attr_reader :data
- def col_max
- return 1
- end
- def current_item_enabled?
- return true
- end
- def include?(item)
- case @category
- when :item
- if item != nil
- /物品种类\[(\d+)\]/ =~ item.note
- if $1 == nil
- item.is_a?(RPG::Item) && !item.key_item?
- end
- end
- when :weapon
- if item != nil
- /物品种类\[(\d+)\]/ =~ item.note
- if $1.to_i == 4
- return
- end
- item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) or item.is_a?(RPG::Armor)
- end
- when :kapad
- if item != nil
- /物品种类\[(\d+)\]/ =~ item.note
- if $1 == nil
- return
- end
- item.is_a?(RPG::Item) && $1.to_i == 1
- end
- when :battleitem
- if item != nil
- /物品种类\[(\d+)\]/ =~ item.note
- if $1 == nil
- return
- end
- item.is_a?(RPG::Item) && $1.to_i == 2
- end
- when :armor
- if item != nil
- /物品种类\[(\d+)\]/ =~ item.note
- if $1 == nil
- return
- end
- (item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) && $1.to_i == 4) or (item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) && $1.to_i == 4)
- end
- when :key_item
- item.is_a?(RPG::Item) && item.key_item?
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def draw_item(index)
- item = @data[index]
- if item
- rect = item_rect(index)
- rect.width -= 4
- draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, true,contents.width)
- draw_item_number(rect, item)
- end
- end
- def item_number(item = @data[index])
- $game_party.item_number(item)
- end
- def process_ok
- return if Input.press?(THEO::CHEST::TRIGGER_GAIN_ALL)
- super
- end
- end
- class Window_Stash < Window_ItemList
- attr_reader :data
- def initialize(x, y, width, height, key)
- @key = key
- super(x,y,width,height)
- @category = :none
- @data = []
- end
- def col_max
- return 1
- end
- def current_item_enabled?
- enable?(item)
- end
- def enable?(item)
- return true unless $imported[:Theo_LimInventory]
- return $game_party.inv_max_item(item) > 0
- end
- def include?(item)
- case @category
- when :item
- item.is_a?(RPG::Item) && !item.key_item?
- when :weapon
- item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon)
- when :armor
- item.is_a?(RPG::Armor)
- when :all
- item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) || item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) || item.is_a?(RPG::Item)
- when :key_item
- item.is_a?(RPG::Item) && item.key_item?
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def make_item_list
- @data = $game_chests[@key].all_items.select {|item| include?(item) }
- @data.push(nil) if include?(nil)
- end
- def draw_item(index)
- item = @data[index]
- if item
- rect = item_rect(index)
- rect.width -= 4
- draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, enable?(item),contents.width)
- draw_item_number(rect, item)
- end
- end
- def draw_item_number(rect, item)
- draw_text(rect, sprintf(":%2d", $game_chests[@key].item_number(item)), 2)
- end
- def item_number(item = @data[index])
- $game_chests[@key].item_number(item)
- end
- def process_ok
- return if Input.press?(THEO::CHEST::TRIGGER_GAIN_ALL)
- super
- end
- end
- class Window_ChestAmount < Window_Base
- attr_accessor :item_window
- attr_accessor :mode
- attr_reader :amount
- def initialize
- super(0,0,window_width,window_height)
- self.openness = 0
- @mode = :stash
- reset_amount
- update_position
- refresh
- end
- def inv_window=(window)
- @inv_window = window
- end
- def reset_amount
- @amount = 0
- refresh
- end
- def open
- super
- reset_amount
- end
- def update_position
- self.x = (Graphics.width / 2) - (self.width / 2)
- self.y = (Graphics.height / 2) - (self.height / 2)
- end
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- draw_text(0,0,contents.width,24,THEO::CHEST::AMOUNT_VOCAB,)
- draw_text(0,0,contents.width,24,@amount,2)
- end
- def window_width
- return 200
- end
- def window_height
- return 24+24
- end
- def update
- super
- if @inv_window
- @inv_window.add_number = @amount
- @inv_window.item = @item_window.item if @item_window
- end
- if open?
- increment if Input.repeat?(:RIGHT)
- decrement if Input.repeat?(:LEFT)
- ten_increment if Input.repeat?(:UP)
- ten_decrement if Input.repeat?(:DOWN)
- end
- end
- def increment
- change_amount(1)
- end
- def decrement
- change_amount(-1)
- end
- def ten_increment
- change_amount(10)
- end
- def ten_decrement
- change_amount(-10)
- end
- def change_amount(modifier)
- @amount = [[@amount+modifier,0].max,max_amount].min
- refresh
- end
- def show
- super
- reset_amount
- end
- def max_amount
- if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory]
- if @mode == :inventory
- @item_window.item_number rescue 0
- elsif @mode == :stash
- [@item_window.item_number,$game_party.inv_max_item(@item_window.item)].min
- end
- else
- @item_window.item_number rescue 0
- end
- end
- end
- class Window_ChestFooter < Window_Base
- include THEO::CHEST
- def initialize(vocab,object,x)
- w = Graphics.width/2
- h = fitting_height(1)
- y = Graphics.height - h
- x = (Graphics.width/2) * x
- @vocab = vocab
- super(x,y,w,h)
- @object = object
- refresh
- end
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- cx = text_size(@vocab).width
- draw_text(0,0,contents.width,line_height,@vocab,1)
- end
- end
- module DataManager
- class << self
- alias pre_create_chest create_game_objects
- alias pre_chest_save_contents make_save_contents
- alias pre_extract_chests extract_save_contents
- end
- def self.create_game_objects
- pre_create_chest
- create_chest_object
- end
- def self.create_chest_object
- $game_chests = Game_Chest.new
- end
- def self.make_save_contents
- contents = pre_chest_save_contents
- contents[:chest] = $game_chests
- contents
- end
- def extract_save_contents(contents)
- pre_extract_chests(contents)
- $game_chests = contents[:chest]
- end
- end
- class Game_Chest
- def initialize
- @data = {}
- @explored = {}
- end
- def[](key)
- (@data[key] ||= Game_Stash.new)
- end
- def explored
- @explored
- end
- end
- class Game_Stash
- attr_accessor :items_stash
- attr_accessor :weapons_stash
- attr_accessor :armors_stash
- def initialize
- @items_stash = {}
- @weapons_stash = {}
- @armors_stash = {}
- end
- def refresh
- evaluate(@items_stash)
- evaluate(@weapons_stash)
- evaluate(@armors_stash)
- end
- def evaluate(stash)
- stash.keys.each do |key|
- stash.delete(key) if stash[key] <= 0
- end
- end
- def items
- @items_stash.keys.collect {|id| $data_items[id] }
- end
- def weapons
- @weapons_stash.keys.collect {|id| $data_weapons[id] }
- end
- def armors
- @armors_stash.keys.collect {|id| $data_armors[id] }
- end
- def all_items
- items + weapons + armors
- end
- def item_number(item)
- if item.is_a?(RPG::Item)
- return @items_stash[item.id] ||= 0
- elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon)
- return @weapons_stash[item.id] ||= 0
- elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Armor)
- return @armors_stash[item.id] ||= 0
- end
- refresh
- end
- def gain_item(item, amount)
- return unless item
- stash = pick_stash(item)
- stash[item.id] = 0 if stash[item.id].nil?
- stash[item.id] += amount
- refresh
- end
- def lose_item(item,amount)
- gain_item(item,-amount)
- end
- def pick_stash(item)
- if item.is_a?(RPG::Item)
- return @items_stash
- elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon)
- return @weapons_stash
- elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Armor)
- return @armors_stash
- end
- end
- end
- class Game_Party
- attr_accessor :last_inv
- attr_accessor :last_st
- alias pre_chest_init initialize
- def initialize
- pre_chest_init
- init_chest_cursors
- end
- def init_chest_cursors
- @last_inv = 0
- @last_st = 0
- end
- end
- class Game_Interpreter
- def open_chest(st_vocab = THEO::CHEST::ST_VOCAB,key = [@map_id,@event_id])
- if st_vocab.is_a?(Numeric)
- key = st_vocab
- st_vocab = THEO::CHEST::ST_VOCAB
- end
- SceneManager.call_chest(key,st_vocab)
- end
- alias pre_chest_command_108 command_108
- def command_108
- pre_chest_command_108
- read_chest_comments
- end
- def read_chest_comments
- map = @map_id
- event = @event_id
- key = [map,event]
- return if $game_chests.explored[key]
- @comments.each do |comment|
- case comment
- x = $1.scan(/\d+/)
- $game_chests[key].items_stash[x[0].to_i] = x[1].to_i
- x = $1.scan(/\d+/)
- $game_chests[key].weapons_stash[x[0].to_i] = x[1].to_i
- x = $1.scan(/\d+/)
- $game_chests[key].armors_stash[x[0].to_i] = x[1].to_i
- end
- end
- $game_chests.explored[key] = next_event_code != 108
- end
- end
- module SceneManager
- def self.call_chest(key,st_vocab = THEO::CHEST::ST_VOCAB)
- @stack.push(@scene)
- @scene = Scene_Chest.new(key,st_vocab)
- end
- end