# Run Common Event On Continue
# Author: DiamondandPlatinum3
# Description:
# This script allows you to run a common event when the player loads a
# save game.
# Instructions:
# ~ Modify Editable Region to your liking.
# ** Scene_Load
# This class performs load screen processing.
class Scene_Load < Scene_File
# -=
# Editable Region //// ==
# =-
# The Event ID of the Common Event that will be used when the player
# loads a saved game
# Load the save file with the Screen Faded Out?
# This will allow you to set things up with the common event without
# interupting the visuals on the screen.
# Note: If true, you will need to use the "screen fadein" event when you are
# finished with the common event.
ContinueScreenFadeout = false
# \/
# End of Editable Region /\
# \/
# * Processing When Load Is Successful
alias dp3_sceneload_onloadsuccess_09qd8uj on_load_success
def on_load_success
# Run Common Event
# Call Original Method
# Fadeout Screen
$game_map.screen.start_fadeout(1) if ContinueScreenFadeout