赞 | 5 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 2 |
积分 | 6 |
经验 | 22439 |
最后登录 | 2024-4-21 |
在线时间 | 374 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 597
- 在线时间
- 374 小时
- 注册时间
- 2011-10-11
- 帖子
- 311
用这个吧- # rgss-lib
- =begin
- DQシステムスクリプト Train_Actor
- Author:: yf30 at users.sourceforge.jp (http://sourceforge.jp/users/yf30/)
- Date:: 2009/02/26
- Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2004-2009 rgss-lib
- URL:: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/rgss-lib/
- # modified by 熊的选民 chosen of bear
- =end
- # dq
- # train_actor
- # Config.rb
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Train_Actor::Config
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # マップ上でアクターを隊列移動させる
- #==============================================================================
- module Train_Actor
- # ●透明状態用スイッチ設定
- # true だとスイッチ制御を行う
- # ●透明状態用スイッチ番号
- # TRANSPARENT_SWITCH が true で、この番号のスイッチがONだと透明になる
- # ●アクターの最大数
- # 将来的に多人数パーティが出来るようになったら…
- # 死亡時のキャラクターグラフィック名
- # 定数
- UP_LEFT = 7
- UP_RIGHT = 9
- JUMP = 5
- STOP = 0
- end
- # rgss
- # Game_Event_Module.rb
- # Game_Event_Module
- # マップ上でアクターを隊列移動させる
- # Author:: fukuyama
- # Date:: 2006/03/05
- # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2005 fukuyama
- module Train_Actor
- module Game_Event_Module
- # 通行可能判定
- # x:: X 座標
- # y:: Y 座標
- # d:: 方向 (0,2,4,6,8) ※ 0 = 全方向通行不可の場合を判定 (ジャンプ用)
- # return:: 通行不可 false 可能 true
- def passable?(x, y, d)
- result = super(x, y, d)
- return result if @through
- if result
- # 新しい座標を求める
- new_x = x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0)
- new_y = y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0)
- # トレインアクターのループ
- for actor in $game_party.characters
- # 表示されている場合
- if (not actor.character_name.empty?) and (not actor.transparent)
- # アクターの座標が移動先と一致した場合
- if actor.x == new_x and actor.y == new_y
- # 自分がイベントの場合
- if self != $game_player
- # 通行不可
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return result
- end
- end
- end
- class Game_Event
- include Train_Actor::Game_Event_Module
- end
- # Game_Party_Module.rb
- # Train_Actor::Game_Party_Module
- # Game_Party用隊列歩行モジュール
- # Author:: fukuyama
- # Date:: 2007/12/31
- # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2005-2007 rgss-lib
- module Train_Actor
- module Game_Party_Module
- attr_reader :characters
- def dead_actor_include?
- for actor in actors
- if actor.dead?
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- def get_active_party_order
- if not dead_actor_include?
- return actors
- end
- alive_actors = []
- dead_actors = []
- for actor in actors
- if actor.dead?
- dead_actors.push actor
- else
- alive_actors.push actor
- end
- end
- return alive_actors + dead_actors
- end
- def setup_actor_character_sprites
- if @characters.nil?
- @characters = []
- for i in 1 ... TRAIN_ACTOR_SIZE_MAX
- @characters.push(Game_Party_Actor.new(i - 1))
- end
- end
- if @characters.size < TRAIN_ACTOR_SIZE_MAX
- for i in @characters.size + 1 ... TRAIN_ACTOR_SIZE_MAX
- @characters.push(Game_Party_Actor.new(i - 1))
- end
- end
- setup_actors = get_active_party_order
- for i in 1 .. @characters.size
- @characters[i - 1].setup(setup_actors[i])
- end
- if $scene.class.method_defined?('setup_actor_character_sprites')
- $scene.setup_actor_character_sprites
- end
- end
- def transparent_switch
- unless $game_player.transparent
- return $game_switches[TRANSPARENT_SWITCHES_INDEX]
- end
- end
- return $game_player.transparent
- end
- def update_party_actors
- setup_actor_character_sprites
- transparent = transparent_switch
- for character in @characters
- character.transparent = transparent
- character.update
- end
- end
- #cob
- def moveto_party_actors(x, y)
- setup_actor_character_sprites
- @move_list = []
- move_list_setup
- follow = true
- for character in @characters
- character.stop_anime_when_transferring
- if follow
- if $game_player.passable?(x, y, 10 - $game_player.direction)
- case $game_player.direction
- when 2
- y -= 1
- add_move_list(Input::DOWN)
- when 4
- x += 1
- add_move_list(Input::LEFT)
- when 6
- x -= 1
- add_move_list(Input::RIGHT)
- when 8
- y += 1
- add_move_list(Input::UP)
- end
- else
- follow = false
- end
- end
- character.direction = $game_player.direction
- character.moveto(x, y)
- end
- if $game_temp.player_close_door
- if $game_party.actors.size > 1
- @characters[$game_party.actors.size - 2].direction = 10 - $game_player.direction
- $game_player.direction_fix = true
- else
- $game_player.direction = 10 - $game_player.direction
- end
- $game_temp.player_close_door = false
- end
- end
- def move_party_actors
- if @move_list == nil
- @move_list = []
- move_list_setup
- end
- @move_list.each_index do |i|
- if not @characters[i].nil?
- @characters[i].add_move_list_element(@move_list[i])
- end
- end
- end
- #cob
- def turn_left_party_actors
- for character in @characters
- character.turn_left
- end
- end
- #cob
- def initialize_location
- for character in @characters
- character.moveto($game_player.x, $game_player.y)
- end
- end
- class Move_List_Element
- def initialize(type,args)
- @type = type
- @args = args
- end
- def type() return @type end
- def args() return @args end
- end
- def move_list_setup
- for i in 0 .. TRAIN_ACTOR_SIZE_MAX
- @move_list[i] = nil
- end
- end
- def add_move_list(type,*args)
- @move_list.unshift(Move_List_Element.new(type,args)).pop
- end
- def move_down_party_actors(turn_enabled = true)
- move_party_actors
- add_move_list(Input::DOWN,turn_enabled)
- end
- def move_left_party_actors(turn_enabled = true)
- move_party_actors
- add_move_list(Input::LEFT,turn_enabled)
- end
- def move_right_party_actors(turn_enabled = true)
- move_party_actors
- add_move_list(Input::RIGHT,turn_enabled)
- end
- def move_up_party_actors(turn_enabled = true)
- move_party_actors
- add_move_list(Input::UP,turn_enabled)
- end
- def move_lower_left_party_actors
- move_party_actors
- add_move_list(DOWN_LEFT)
- end
- def move_lower_right_party_actors
- move_party_actors
- add_move_list(DOWN_RIGHT)
- end
- def move_upper_left_party_actors
- move_party_actors
- add_move_list(UP_LEFT)
- end
- def move_upper_right_party_actors
- move_party_actors
- add_move_list(UP_RIGHT)
- end
- def jump_party_actors(x_plus, y_plus)
- move_party_actors
- add_move_list(JUMP,x_plus, y_plus)
- move_stop_party_actors
- end
- def move_stop_party_actors
- actors.each do |a|
- move_party_actors
- add_move_list(STOP)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class Game_Party
- include Train_Actor::Game_Party_Module
- # アクターを加える
- # actor_id:: アクター ID
- def add_actor(actor_id)
- # アクターを取得
- actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
- # パーティ人数が 4 人未満で、このアクターがパーティにいない場合
- if @actors.size < Train_Actor::TRAIN_ACTOR_SIZE_MAX and not @actors.include?(actor)
- # アクターを追加
- @actors.push(actor)
- # プレイヤーをリフレッシュ
- $game_player.refresh
- end
- end
- end
- # Game_Player_Module.rb
- # Train_Actor::Game_Player_Module
- # Game_Player用隊列歩行モジュール
- # Author:: fukuyama
- # Date:: 2007/12/31
- # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2005-2007 rgss-lib
- module Train_Actor
- module Game_Player_Module
- attr_reader :move_speed
- attr_reader :step_anime
- def update_party_actors
- if $game_party.actors.empty?
- return
- end
- $game_party.update_party_actors
- actor = $game_party.actors[0]
- if not actor.dead?
- if not @prev_dead.nil?
- @character_name = actor.character_name
- @character_hue = actor.character_hue
- @prev_dead = nil
- end
- return
- end
- @prev_dead = true
- $game_party.actors.each do |actor|
- if not actor.dead?
- @character_name = actor.character_name
- @character_hue = actor.character_hue
- break
- end
- end
- end
- def update
- update_party_actors
- super
- end
- #cob
- def moveto(x, y)
- old_x = @x
- old_y = @y
- super(x, y) #before move party or xy may be unpassable by player
- if $game_temp.move_party
- $game_party.moveto_party_actors(x, y)
- stop_anime_when_transferring
- else
- for event in $game_party.characters
- event.moveto(event.x + x - old_x, event.y + y - old_y)
- end
- $game_temp.move_party = true
- end
- end
- #cob
- def turn_toward_player
- @direction_fix = true
- for event in $game_party.characters
- event.turn_toward_player
- end
- end
- def move_down(turn_enabled = true)
- if passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN)
- $game_party.move_down_party_actors(turn_enabled)
- end
- super(turn_enabled)
- end
- def move_left(turn_enabled = true)
- if passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT)
- $game_party.move_left_party_actors(turn_enabled)
- end
- super(turn_enabled)
- end
- def move_right(turn_enabled = true)
- if passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT)
- $game_party.move_right_party_actors(turn_enabled)
- end
- super(turn_enabled)
- end
- def move_up(turn_enabled = true)
- if passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP)
- $game_party.move_up_party_actors(turn_enabled)
- end
- super(turn_enabled)
- end
- def move_lower_left
- # 下→左、左→下 のどちらかのコースが通行可能な場合
- if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) and passable?(@x, @y + 1, Input::LEFT)) or
- (passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) and passable?(@x - 1, @y, Input::DOWN))
- $game_party.move_lower_left_party_actors
- end
- super
- end
- def move_lower_right
- # 下→右、右→下 のどちらかのコースが通行可能な場合
- if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN) and passable?(@x, @y + 1, Input::RIGHT)) or
- (passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) and passable?(@x + 1, @y, Input::DOWN))
- $game_party.move_lower_right_party_actors
- end
- super
- end
- def move_upper_left
- # 上→左、左→上 のどちらかのコースが通行可能な場合
- if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) and passable?(@x, @y - 1, Input::LEFT)) or
- (passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT) and passable?(@x - 1, @y, Input::UP))
- $game_party.move_upper_left_party_actors
- end
- super
- end
- def move_upper_right
- # 上→右、右→上 のどちらかのコースが通行可能な場合
- if (passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP) and passable?(@x, @y - 1, Input::RIGHT)) or
- (passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT) and passable?(@x + 1, @y, Input::UP))
- $game_party.move_upper_right_party_actors
- end
- super
- end
- def jump(x_plus, y_plus)
- # 新しい座標を計算
- new_x = @x + x_plus
- new_y = @y + y_plus
- # 加算値が (0,0) の場合か、ジャンプ先が通行可能な場合
- if (x_plus == 0 and y_plus == 0) or passable?(new_x, new_y, 0)
- $game_party.jump_party_actors(x_plus, y_plus)
- end
- super(x_plus, y_plus)
- end
- end
- end
- class Game_Player
- include Train_Actor::Game_Player_Module
- end
- # Scene_Map_Module.rb
- # Train_Actor::Scene_Map_Module
- # Scene_Map用隊列歩行モジュール
- # Author:: fukuyama
- # Date:: 2007/12/31
- # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2005-2007 rgss-lib
- module Train_Actor
- module Scene_Map_Module
- def setup_actor_character_sprites
- @spriteset.setup_actor_character_sprites
- end
- end
- end
- class Scene_Map
- include Train_Actor::Scene_Map_Module
- end
- # Spriteset_Map_Module.rb
- # Train_Actor::Spriteset_Map_Module
- # Spriteset_Map用隊列歩行モジュール
- # Author:: fukuyama
- # Date:: 2007/12/31
- # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2005-2007 rgss-lib
- module Train_Actor
- module Spriteset_Map_Module
- def setup_actor_character_sprites?
- return @setup_actor_character_sprites_flag != nil
- end
- def setup_actor_character_sprites
- return unless $game_party.characters
- if not setup_actor_character_sprites?
- for character in $game_party.characters.reverse
- @character_sprites.unshift(Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, character))
- end
- @setup_actor_character_sprites_flag = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class Spriteset_Map
- include Train_Actor::Spriteset_Map_Module
- end
- # Game_Party_Actor.rb
- # Train_Actor::Game_Party_Actor
- # マップ上のパーティ用キャラクター
- # Author:: fukuyama
- # Date:: 2007/12/31
- # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2005-2007 rgss-lib
- module Train_Actor
- class Game_Party_Actor < Game_Character
- def initialize(character_index)
- super()
- @character_index = character_index
- @character_wait = 0
- @through = true
- # 不透明度と合成方法を初期化
- @opacity = 255
- @blend_type = 0
- @move_list = []
- end
- def setup(actor)
- # キャラクターのファイル名と色相を設定
- if actor.nil?
- @character_name = ""
- @character_hue = 0
- elsif not actor.dead? # 死んでる場合とりあえず、消しとこ…
- @character_name = actor.character_name
- @character_hue = actor.character_hue
- else
- @character_name = DEAD_CHARACTER_NAME
- @character_hue = 0
- end
- end
- def update
- @move_speed = $game_player.move_speed
- @step_anime = $game_player.step_anime
- @opacity = $game_player.opacity
- @blend_type = $game_player.blend_type
- @direction_fix = $game_player.direction_fix
- #if @direction_fix
- # @direction = $game_player.direction
- #end
- update_move_list()
- super
- end
- def screen_z(height = 0)
- if $game_player.screen_z(height) == 999
- return 998
- end
- if $game_player.x == @x and $game_player.y == @y
- super(height) - 1
- else
- super(height)
- end
- end
- def add_move_list_element(element)
- @move_list.push(element)
- if @move_list.size == 1
- update_move_list()
- end
- end
- def move_list_size
- return @move_list.size
- end
- def update_move_list()
- return if moving?
- if @move_list.empty?
- @direction = $game_player.direction unless @direction_fix
- return
- end
- if @move_list[0].type == STOP
- if @character_index != 0
- character = $game_party.characters[@character_index - 1]
- if character.x == @x and character.y == @y and character.direction == @direction
- @character_wait = 128 / (2 ** @move_speed) + 1
- while character.move_list_size < @move_list.size and @move_list[0].type == STOP
- @move_list.shift
- end
- end
- end
- else
- @character_wait = 0
- end
- if @character_wait > 0
- @character_wait -= 1
- return
- end
- element = @move_list.shift
- while element.type == STOP
- element = @move_list.shift
- end
- case element.type
- when Input::DOWN
- move_down(element.args[0])
- when Input::LEFT
- move_left(element.args[0])
- when Input::RIGHT
- move_right(element.args[0])
- when Input::UP
- move_up(element.args[0])
- when DOWN_LEFT
- move_lower_left
- move_lower_right
- when UP_LEFT
- move_upper_left
- when UP_RIGHT
- move_upper_right
- when JUMP
- jump(element.args[0],element.args[1])
- end
- end
- def moveto( x, y )
- @move_list.clear
- super(x, y)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 下に移動
- # turn_enabled : その場での向き変更を許可するフラグ
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_down(turn_enabled = true)
- # 下を向く
- if turn_enabled
- turn_down
- end
- # 通行可能な場合
- if passable?(@x, @y, Input::DOWN)
- # 下を向く
- turn_down
- # 座標を更新
- @y = (@y + 1 + $game_map.height) % ($game_map.height)
- @real_y = (@y - 1) * 128
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 左に移動
- # turn_enabled : その場での向き変更を許可するフラグ
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_left(turn_enabled = true)
- # 左を向く
- if turn_enabled
- turn_left
- end
- # 通行可能な場合
- if passable?(@x, @y, Input::LEFT)
- # 左を向く
- turn_left
- # 座標を更新
- @x = (@x - 1 + $game_map.width) % ($game_map.width)
- @real_x = (@x + 1) * 128
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 右に移動
- # turn_enabled : その場での向き変更を許可するフラグ
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_right(turn_enabled = true)
- # 右を向く
- if turn_enabled
- turn_right
- end
- # 通行可能な場合
- if passable?(@x, @y, Input::RIGHT)
- # 右を向く
- turn_right
- # 座標を更新
- @x = (@x + 1 + $game_map.width) % ($game_map.width)
- @real_x = (@x - 1) * 128
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 上に移動
- # turn_enabled : その場での向き変更を許可するフラグ
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def move_up(turn_enabled = true)
- # 上を向く
- if turn_enabled
- turn_up
- end
- # 通行可能な場合
- if passable?(@x, @y, Input::UP)
- # 上を向く
- turn_up
- # 座標を更新
- @y = (@y - 1 + $game_map.height) % ($game_map.height)
- @real_y = (@y + 1) * 128
- end
- end
- end
- end
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