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在外站找到了一个简单的怪物图鉴!!很简单的东西有没有人要啊!- #===============================================================
- # ● [VX] ◦ Monster Book II ◦ □
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- # ◦ by Woratana [[email protected]]
- # ◦ Thaiware RPG Maker Community
- # ◦ Released on: 02/01/2009
- # ◦ Version: 2.0
- # ◦ Special Thanks: Momomo~ for interface from Monster Book XP version
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- # - Built-in snippet to add 'Monster Book' in the menu's command
- # - Show enemies' data in Monster Book after player fight with them
- # - All the texts are editable in setup part
- # - Call script to clear/complete Monster Book's data
- # - Call script to show/hide monster's data in Monster Book
- # - Compare monster's status with the highest level actors in party
- # - Turn ON switch to stop adding data into Monster Book temporarily
- # - Choose the monsters you don't want to show their name and data
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- # ** HOW TO USE
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Call Scene Monster Book by call script:
- # $scene = Scene_MonsterBook.new
- # * Complete all enemies' information by call script:
- # $game_system.set_monbook_complete
- # * Clear all enemies' information by call script:
- # $game_system.reset_monbook
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Show enemy's information by call script:
- # $game_system.monbook[enemy_id] = true
- # * Hide enemy's information by call script:
- # $game_system.monbook[enemy_id] = false
- # ^ Change 'enemy_id' to ID of enemy you want
- # ** e.g. $game_system.monbook[10] = true
- #===============================================================
- module Wora_Monbook
- #===============================================================
- # ** [Setup Part] - Config script in this part
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- SHOW_IN_MENU = true # Show Monster Book in Menu Command? (true / false)
- MENU_COMMAND = 'MonsterBook' # Menu command name for Monster Book
- MENU_INDEX = 4 # Index of menu command you want to insert monster book
- TEXT_TITLE = 'Monster Book'
- # Monster Book Title (Show at top left of the screen)
- TEXT_FOUND = 'Found: '
- # Text before number of how many monster are found
- TEXT_COMPLETED = 'Completed: '
- # Text before percentage of how many monster are found
- TEXT_DOT = '.'
- # Text show after enemy's ID (e.g. '.' will make '2.' and ')' will make '2)' )
- # Use Compare Status System? It will compare enemy's status with highest level
- # actor in party. Show GREEN number if enemy has lower status.
- # Show RED-GRAY number if enemy has higher status. (true / false)
- # If this switch ID turn ON, any monster the player fight with won't be added
- # into Monster Book.
- # List of IDs of monster you don't want to show name and data on Monster Book
- # e.g. [1, 3, 5] will make monster ID 1, 3, and 5 show no data in Monster Book
- #===============================================================
- end
- #===============================================================
- # ** [Alias] Game_System
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- class Game_System
- attr_accessor :monbook
- alias :wora_monbook_gamsys_ini :initialize
- def initialize
- wora_monbook_gamsys_ini
- create_monbook
- end
- def create_monbook
- @monbook ||= Array.new($data_enemies.size) {false}
- end
- def set_monbook_complete
- @monbook = Array.new($data_enemies.size) {true}
- @monbook[0] = false
- end
- def reset_monbook
- @monbook = Array.new($data_enemies.size) {false}
- end
- end
- #===============================================================
- # ** [Alias] Game_Troop
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- class Game_Troop < Game_Unit
- alias :wora_monbook_gamtroop_setup :setup
- def setup(*args)
- wora_monbook_gamtroop_setup(*args)
- $game_system.create_monbook
- unless $game_switches[Wora_Monbook::NO_RECORD_SWITCH]
- @enemies.each {|e| $game_system.monbook[e.enemy_id] = true }
- end
- end
- end
- #===============================================================
- # ** Window_MonsterBHelp
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- class Window_MonsterBHelp < Window_Base
- include Wora_Monbook
- def initialize
- super(0, 0, 544, WLH + 32)
- # Write Monster Book Title
- contents.font.color = system_color
- contents.draw_text(0, 0, contents.width, WLH, TEXT_TITLE)
- # Calculate found monster & complete percentage
- found_count = 0
- $game_system.monbook.each {|e| found_count += 1 if e }
- percent_count = (found_count * 100) / ($data_enemies.size - 1)
- # Collect & Store Text in variables
- found_text = found_count.to_s + '/' + ($data_enemies.size - 1).to_s
- percent_text = percent_count.to_s + '%'
- mid_text = ' | '
- right_text = TEXT_FOUND + found_text + mid_text + TEXT_COMPLETED +
- percent_text
- # Calculate Text Width
- found_t_width = contents.text_size(TEXT_FOUND).width
- found_width = contents.text_size(found_text).width
- percent_t_width = contents.text_size(TEXT_COMPLETED).width
- mid_width = contents.text_size(mid_text).width
- right_width = contents.text_size(right_text).width
- # Write Monster Found & Complete Percentage
- contents.font.color = normal_color
- contents.draw_text(contents.width - right_width, 0, contents.width, WLH,
- contents.draw_text(contents.width - right_width + found_t_width +
- found_width, 0, contents.width, WLH, mid_text + TEXT_COMPLETED)
- contents.font.color = crisis_color
- contents.draw_text(contents.width - right_width + found_t_width, 0,
- contents.width, WLH, found_text)
- contents.draw_text(contents.width - right_width + found_t_width +
- found_width + mid_width + percent_t_width, 0, contents.width, WLH,
- percent_text)
- end
- end
- #===============================================================
- # ** Window_MonsterBDetail
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- class Window_MonsterBDetail < Window_Base
- def initialize(window_temp)
- super(window_temp.x, window_temp.y, window_temp.width, window_temp.height)
- self.opacity = 0
- @win_image = Window_Base.new(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)
- self.z = @win_image.z + 1
- @last_enemy = 0
- end
- def visible=(bool)
- super
- @win_image.visible = bool
- end
- def dispose
- @win_image.dispose
- super
- end
- def write_detail(enemy_id)
- return if @last_enemy == enemy_id
- contents.clear
- @win_image.contents.clear
- @last_enemy = enemy_id
- data = $data_enemies[enemy_id]
- # Draw Enemy Graphic
- bitmap = Cache.battler(data.battler_name, data.battler_hue)
- bw = bitmap.width < 160 ? (160 - bitmap.width) / 2 : 0
- bh = contents.height - bitmap.height
- @win_image.contents.blt(bw, bh, bitmap, bitmap.rect)
- bitmap.dispose
- # Write Name
- contents.font.color = normal_color
- contents.draw_text(0, 0, contents.width, WLH,
- data.id.to_s + Wora_Monbook::TEXT_DOT + ' ' + data.name)
- # Write Enemy Status
- hpx = 120
- draw_enemy_stat(data, contents.width - (hpx * 2) - 32, 0, hpx, 'hp')
- draw_enemy_stat(data, contents.width - hpx, 0, hpx, 'mp')
- draw_enemy_stat(data, contents.width - (hpx * 2) - 32, WLH * 2, hpx, 'atk')
- draw_enemy_stat(data, contents.width - hpx, WLH * 2, hpx, 'def')
- draw_enemy_stat(data, contents.width - (hpx * 2) - 32, WLH * 3, hpx, 'spi')
- draw_enemy_stat(data, contents.width - hpx, WLH * 3, hpx, 'agi')
- draw_enemy_stat(data, contents.width - (hpx * 2) - 32, WLH * 4, hpx, 'hit')
- draw_enemy_stat(data, contents.width - hpx, WLH * 4, hpx, 'eva')
- draw_enemy_stat(data, contents.width - (hpx * 2) - 32, WLH * 6, hpx, 'exp')
- draw_enemy_stat(data, contents.width - hpx, WLH * 6, hpx, 'gold')
- rect = Rect.new(contents.width - (hpx * 2) - 8, (WLH * 8) - 8, 216,
- (WLH * 4) + 16)
- contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0,0,0,140))
- lsize = 2 # Line Size
- lcolor = Color.new(255,255,255,160) # Line Color
- contents.fill_rect(rect.x, rect.y, lsize, rect.height, lcolor)
- contents.fill_rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, lsize, lcolor)
- contents.fill_rect(rect.x + rect.width - lsize, rect.y, lsize,
- rect.height, lcolor)
- contents.fill_rect(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height - lsize, rect.width,
- lsize, lcolor)
- contents.font.color = system_color
- contents.draw_text(contents.width - (hpx * 2), WLH * 8, 200, WLH,
- 'Drop Item 1')
- draw_enemy_drop(data, 1, contents.width - (hpx * 2), WLH * 9)
- contents.font.color = system_color
- contents.draw_text(contents.width - (hpx * 2), WLH * 10, 200, WLH,
- 'Drop Item 2')
- draw_enemy_drop(data, 2, contents.width - (hpx * 2), WLH * 11)
- end
- def draw_enemy_stat(actor, x, y, width, stat)
- color1 = system_color
- color2 = normal_color
- slash = false
- # Find highest level actor
- if Wora_Monbook::COMPARE_STATUS
- hactor = ($game_party.members.sort {|a,b| a.level <=> b.level })
- hactor = hactor[hactor.size - 1]
- end
- case stat
- when 'hp'
- vocab = Vocab::hp
- number = actor.maxhp
- hnumber = hactor.maxhp if Wora_Monbook::COMPARE_STATUS
- slash = true
- when 'mp'
- vocab = Vocab::mp
- number = actor.maxmp
- hnumber = hactor.maxmp if Wora_Monbook::COMPARE_STATUS
- slash = true
- when 'atk'
- vocab = Vocab::atk
- number = actor.atk
- hnumber = hactor.atk if Wora_Monbook::COMPARE_STATUS
- when 'def'
- vocab = Vocab::def
- number = actor.def
- hnumber = hactor.def if Wora_Monbook::COMPARE_STATUS
- when 'spi'
- vocab = Vocab::spi
- number = actor.spi
- hnumber = hactor.spi if Wora_Monbook::COMPARE_STATUS
- when 'agi'
- vocab = Vocab::agi
- number = actor.agi
- hnumber = hactor.agi if Wora_Monbook::COMPARE_STATUS
- when 'hit'
- vocab = 'HIT'
- number = actor.hit
- hnumber = hactor.hit if Wora_Monbook::COMPARE_STATUS
- when 'eva'
- vocab = 'EVA'
- number = actor.eva
- hnumber = hactor.eva if Wora_Monbook::COMPARE_STATUS
- when 'exp'
- vocab = 'EXP'
- number = actor.exp
- color2 = crisis_color
- when 'gold'
- vocab = 'Gold'
- number = actor.gold
- color2 = crisis_color
- end
- if Wora_Monbook::COMPARE_STATUS and !hnumber.nil?
- if hnumber > number # Higher
- color2 = power_up_color
- elsif hnumber < number # Less
- color2 = power_down_color
- elsif hnumber == number # Equal
- color2 = normal_color
- end
- end
- contents.font.color = color1
- contents.draw_text(x, y, 50, WLH, vocab)
- xr = x + width
- contents.font.color = color2
- if slash
- contents.draw_text(xr - 95, y, 40, WLH, number, 2)
- contents.draw_text(xr - 55, y, 11, WLH, '/', 2)
- end
- w_ava = slash ? 40 : 80
- contents.draw_text(xr - w_ava, y, w_ava, WLH, number, 2)
- end
- def draw_enemy_drop(actor, drop_id, x, y)
- drop = eval('actor.drop_item' + drop_id.to_s)
- if drop.kind.zero?
- contents.font.color = normal_color
- contents.draw_text(x, y, 200, WLH, " ---------")
- else
- case drop.kind
- when 1; item = $data_items[drop.item_id]
- when 2; item = $data_weapons[drop.weapon_id]
- when 3; item = $data_armors[drop.armor_id]
- end
- draw_item_name(item, x, y)
- end
- end
- end
- #===============================================================
- # ** Scene_MonsterBook
- #--------------------------------------------------------------
- class Scene_MonsterBook < Scene_Base
- def initialize(from_menu = false)
- @from_menu = from_menu
- end
- def start
- super
- create_menu_background
- $game_system.create_monbook
- @window_help = Window_MonsterBHelp.new
- # Create Monster List
- monlist = []
- $game_system.monbook.each_index do |i|
- next if i == 0 # The first index in $data_enemies is blank
- # If player found the monster
- if $game_system.monbook[i] and
- !Wora_Monbook::NO_DATA_MONSTER.include?(i)
- montext = i.to_s + Wora_Monbook::TEXT_DOT + ' ' + $data_enemies[i].name
- else # If player haven't found
- montext = i.to_s + Wora_Monbook::TEXT_DOT
- end
- monlist << montext
- end
- @window_monlist = Window_Command.new(544, monlist, 2)
- @window_monlist.y = @window_help.height
- @window_monlist.height = Graphics.height - @window_help.height
- @window_monlist.active = true
- @window_mondetail = Window_MonsterBDetail.new(@window_monlist)
- @window_mondetail.visible = false
- end
- def update
- super
- if @window_monlist.active
- @window_monlist.update
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- # View monster's detail if found monster
- if $game_system.monbook[@window_monlist.index + 1] and
- !Wora_Monbook::NO_DATA_MONSTER.include?(@window_monlist.index + 1)
- Sound.play_decision
- @window_monlist.active = false
- @window_monlist.visible = false
- @window_mondetail.active = true
- @window_mondetail.visible = true
- @window_mondetail.write_detail(@window_monlist.index + 1)
- else
- Sound.play_cancel
- end
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- Sound.play_cancel
- # Return
- $scene = @from_menu ? Scene_Menu.new(Wora_Monbook::MENU_INDEX) :
- Scene_Map.new
- end
- elsif @window_mondetail.active
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- Sound.play_cancel
- @window_monlist.active = true
- @window_monlist.visible = true
- @window_mondetail.active = false
- @window_mondetail.visible = false
- end
- end
- end
- def terminate
- super
- dispose_menu_background
- @window_help.dispose
- @window_monlist.dispose
- @window_mondetail.dispose
- end
- end
- #=============================================================
- # * Window_Command Insert Tool
- #=============================================================
- class Window_Command < Window_Selectable
- unless method_defined? :wora_cominstool_wincom_ini
- alias wora_cominstool_wincom_ini initialize
- alias wora_cominstool_wincom_drawitem draw_item
- end
- #------------------------------------
- # * [Alias] Initialize
- #------------------------------------
- def initialize(*args)
- @disabled_commands = [] # Array to keep track of disabled commands
- wora_cominstool_wincom_ini(*args)
- end
- #------------------------------------
- # * [Alias] Draw_Item
- #------------------------------------
- def draw_item(*args)
- wora_cominstool_wincom_drawitem(*args)
- # Set array's index to 1 if command is disabled
- @disabled_commands[args[0]] = args[1].nil? || args[1] ? nil : true
- end
- #------------------------------------
- # * Insert Command
- #------------------------------------
- def ins_command(index, text)
- @commands.insert(index, text) # Insert new commands
- @disabled_commands.insert(index, nil)
- # Set new height for window
- old_disabled_commands = @disabled_commands.dup
- self.height = (@commands.size + @column_max - 1) / @column_max * WLH + 32
- @item_max = @commands.size # Update @item_max to make refresh works correctly
- create_contents # Create new content because window's size changed
- refresh # Redraw window's contents
- old_disabled_commands.each_index do |i|
- if !old_disabled_commands[i].nil?
- draw_item(i, false) # Draw commands that disabled before
- end
- end
- end
- #------------------------------------
- # * Add Command
- #------------------------------------
- def add_command(text)
- ins_command(@commands.size, text) # Add new command to new index
- end
- end
- #=============================================================
- # * Add command linked to Monster Book in Menu
- #=============================================================
- if Wora_Monbook::SHOW_IN_MENU
- class Scene_Menu < Scene_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Sort New Command(s)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def wsort_newcommand
- @wsorted_command ||= [] # Array to collect sorted commands
- wnewcommand = @wnewcommand - @wsorted_command # Remove sorted commands
- wnewcommand.sort.each {|i| @menu_index += 1 if @menu_index >= i }
- @command_window.index = @menu_index # Set window's index to new index
- @wsorted_command = @wsorted_command + @wnewcommand # Add sorted commands
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * [Alias] Create Command Window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias wora_menucomorg_scemenu_crecomwin create_command_window
- def create_command_window(*args)
- wora_menucomorg_scemenu_crecomwin(*args)
- # Insert new command
- @command_window.ins_command(Wora_Monbook::MENU_INDEX,
- Wora_Monbook::MENU_COMMAND)
- # Set index to correct one if @menu_index is after/equal to new command
- @wnewcommand ||= []
- @wnewcommand << Wora_Monbook::MENU_INDEX
- wsort_newcommand
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * [Alias] Update Command Selection
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias wora_menucomorg_scemenu_updcomsel update_command_selection
- def update_command_selection(*args)
- @menucomorpg_change = false
- # If player choose new command
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and @command_window.index ==
- Wora_Monbook::MENU_INDEX
- Sound.play_decision
- $scene = Scene_MonsterBook.new(true)
- else # If player choose index after new command
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and @command_window.index >
- Wora_Monbook::MENU_INDEX
- @command_window.index -= 1 # Decrease index to make old update works
- @menucomorpg_change = true
- end
- wora_menucomorg_scemenu_updcomsel(*args)
- end
- @command_window.index += 1 if @menucomorpg_change # Increase index back
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * [Alias] Update Actor Selection
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias wora_menucomorg_scemenu_updactsel update_actor_selection
- def update_actor_selection(*args)
- @menucomorpg_change = false
- # If player choose index after new command
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and @command_window.index >
- Wora_Monbook::MENU_INDEX
- @command_window.index -= 1 # Decrease index to make old update works
- @menucomorpg_change = true
- end
- wora_menucomorg_scemenu_updactsel(*args)
- @command_window.index += 1 if @menucomorpg_change # Increase index back
- end
- end
- end
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