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[已经解决] 敵人破限腳本問題



54 小时
发表于 2013-9-10 23:51:24 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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RUBY 代码复制
  1. #==============================================================================
  2. # ■ RGSS3 限界突破&限界変動特徴 Ver1.02 by 星潟
  3. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. # このスクリプトを導入することで各基本能力値の限界を変更できます。
  5. # また、その限界値を増減させる特徴を作成できます。
  6. #
  7. # 設定例
  8. #
  9. # <限界変動:0,15000>
  10. #
  11. # このキャラクターの最大HPのシステム上の限界値は+15000されます。
  12. #
  13. # <限界変動:1,3000>
  14. #
  15. # このキャラクターの最大MPのシステム上の限界値は+3000されます。
  16. #
  17. # <限界変動:2,2000>
  18. #
  19. # このキャラクターの攻撃力のシステム上の限界値は+2000されます。
  20. #
  21. # <限界変動:3,1000>
  22. #
  23. # このキャラクターの防御力のシステム上の限界値は+1000されます。
  24. #
  25. # <限界変動:4,-50>
  26. #
  27. # このキャラクターの魔法力のシステム上の限界値は-50されます。
  28. #
  29. # <限界変動:5,-150>
  30. #
  31. # このキャラクターの魔法防御のシステム上の限界値は-150されます。
  32. #
  33. # <限界変動:6,-25>
  34. #
  35. # このキャラクターの敏捷性のシステム上の限界値は-25されます。
  36. #
  37. # <限界変動:7,-500>
  38. #
  39. # このキャラクターの運のシステム上の限界値は-500されます。
  40. #
  41. # Ver1.01 味方と敵の限界が区別されていなかった不具合を修正。
  42. # Ver1.02 1特徴で複数の限界変動効果を読み込んでいなかった不具合を修正。
  43. #==============================================================================
  44. module LB
  46.   WORD  = "限界変動"
  48.   #アクター
  50.   #最大HP
  52.   A_MHP = 999999
  54.   #最大MP
  56.   A_MMP = 99999
  58.   #攻撃力
  60.   A_ATK = 9999
  62.   #防御力
  64.   A_DEF = 9999
  66.   #魔法力
  68.   A_MAT = 9999
  70.   #魔法防御力
  72.   A_MDF = 9999
  74.   #敏捷性
  76.   A_AGI = 9999
  78.   #運
  80.   A_LUK = 9999
  82.   #エネミー
  84.   #最大HP
  86.   E_MHP = 9999999
  88.   #最大MP
  90.   E_MMP = 99999
  92.   #攻撃力
  94.   E_ATK = 9999
  96.   #防御力
  98.   E_DEF = 9999
  100.   #魔法力
  102.   E_MAT = 9999
  104.   #魔法防御力
  106.   E_MDF = 9999
  108.   #敏捷性
  110.   E_AGI = 9999
  112.   #運
  114.   E_LUK = 9999
  116. end
  117. class Game_BattlerBase
  118.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119.   # ● 限界突破追加値の取得
  120.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121.   def limit_param(param_id)
  122.     data = 0
  123.     #行別に処理を取得
  124.     feature_objects.each do |f|
  125.       f.note.each_line do |l|
  126.         memo = l.scan(/<#{LB::WORD}[::](\S+),(\S+)>/).flatten
  127.         data += memo[1].to_i if memo != nil and !memo.empty? && memo[0].to_i == param_id
  128.       end
  129.     end
  130.     return data
  131.   end
  132. end
  133. class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  134.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  135.   # ● 通常能力値の最大値取得
  136.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137.   def param_max(param_id)
  138.     #パラメータID別に値を取得
  139.     case param_id
  140.     when 0;return LB::A_MHP + limit_param(param_id)
  141.     when 1;return LB::A_MMP + limit_param(param_id)
  142.     when 2;return LB::A_ATK + limit_param(param_id)
  143.     when 3;return LB::A_DEF + limit_param(param_id)
  144.     when 4;return LB::A_MAT + limit_param(param_id)
  145.     when 5;return LB::A_MDF + limit_param(param_id)
  146.     when 6;return LB::A_AGI + limit_param(param_id)
  147.     when 7;return LB::A_LUK + limit_param(param_id)
  148.     end
  149.     return super
  150.   end
  151. end
  152. class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
  153.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154.   # ● 通常能力値の最大値取得
  155.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156.   def param_max(param_id)
  157.     #パラメータID別に値を取得
  158.     case param_id
  159.     when 0;return LB::E_MHP + limit_param(param_id)
  160.     when 1;return LB::E_MMP + limit_param(param_id)
  161.     when 2;return LB::E_ATK + limit_param(param_id)
  162.     when 3;return LB::E_DEF + limit_param(param_id)
  163.     when 4;return LB::E_MAT + limit_param(param_id)
  164.     when 5;return LB::E_MDF + limit_param(param_id)
  165.     when 6;return LB::E_AGI + limit_param(param_id)
  166.     when 7;return LB::E_LUK + limit_param(param_id)
  167.     end
  168.     return super
  169.   end
  170. end

來更改上限吧? 可是無效


这个只是设置属性上限,并不是设置属性的值!  发表于 2013-9-11 05:48


54 小时
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-14 08:14:37 | 只看该作者



其它的就没有了,在技术发布区有人用过改默认脚本实现破限.吐槽下站内搜索,基本上只有50%解决问题的可能  发表于 2013-9-14 12:17
搜到了曾经的破限问题,经过测试不会出错的.http://bbs.cgyouxi.com/thread-248022-1-1.html  发表于 2013-9-14 12:14
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使用道具 举报


487 小时
发表于 2013-9-11 22:03:04 | 只看该作者
<MHP: >自定义生命上限
<MMP: >自定义魔法上限
<ATK: >自定义物理攻击上限
<DEF: >自定义物理防御上限
<MAT: >自定义魔法攻击上限
<MDF: >自定义魔法防御上限
<AGI: >自定义敏捷值上限
<LUK: >自定义幸运值上限
  1. # ▼ Yanfly Engine Ace - Adjust Limits v1.00
  2. # -- Last Updated: 2011.12.03
  3. # -- Level: Normal
  4. # -- Requires: n/a
  5. #
  6. #==============================================================================

  7. $imported = {} if $imported.nil?
  8. $imported["YEA-AdjustLimits"] = true

  9. #==============================================================================
  10. # ▼ Updates
  11. # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  12. # 2011.12.03 - Finished Script.
  13. # 2011.12.02 - Started Script.
  14. #
  15. #==============================================================================
  16. # ▼ Introduction
  17. # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  18. # There exists some limitations in RPG Maker VX Ace that not everybody's fond
  19. # of. With this script, you can easily adjust the limits of each limitation.
  20. # Here's the list of various limits that can be changed:
  21. #
  22. # - Gold Max  - Have more than 99,999,999 gold.
  23. # - Item Max  - Have more than 99 items. Customizable per item, too.
  24. # - Level Max - Exceed 99 levels. Parameters are automatically calculated based
  25. #               on the level 99 and level 98 stats in the class parameters.
  26. # - Stat Max  - Stats can exceed 999. Does not adjust for current formulas.
  27. #
  28. #==============================================================================
  29. # ▼ Instructions
  30. # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  31. # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
  32. # to an open slot below ▼ Materials/素材 but above ▼ Main. Remember to save.
  33. #
  34. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. # 角色备注栏 - These notetags go in the actors notebox in the database.
  36. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. # <initial level: x>   设置角色的初始等级,可超过99.

  38. # <max level: x>       设置角色的最高等级,可超过99.

  39. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. # 职业备注栏 - These notetags go in the class notebox in the database.
  41. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. # <learn at level: x>  在职业的技能备注栏里设置,等级可超过99.

  43. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. # 物品备注栏 - These notetags go in the items notebox in the database.
  45. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. # <max limit: x>       设置该物品的可持有上限,比如50.

  47. # <price: x>           设置物品的价格,可打破数据库限制的999999。

  48. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. # 武器备注栏 - These notetags go in the weapons notebox in the database.
  50. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. # <max limit: x>       设置该物品的可持有上限,比如50.

  52. # <price: x>           设置物品的价格,可打破数据库限制的999999。

  53. # <stat: +x>           设置武器的能力值变化量,例:<ATK: +500>
  54. # <stat: -x>

  55. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. # 防具备注栏 - These notetags go in the armours notebox in the database.
  57. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. # <max limit: x>       同上
  59. #
  60. # <price: x>

  61. # <stat: +x>
  62. # <stat: -x>
  63. #
  64. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. # 敌人备注栏 - These notetags go in the enemy notebox in the database.
  66. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. # <stat: x>            设置敌人属性值,可破限。例:<EXP: 6666666>

  69. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. # 脚本呼出语句 - These commands are used with script calls.
  71. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. # gain_gold(x)         设置增减金币,可破限。
  73. # lose_gold(x)
  74. #
  75. # gain_item(x, y)      设置增减X物品Y数目,可破限。
  76. # lose_item(x, y)
  77. # gain_weapon(x, y)
  78. # lose_weapon(x, y)
  79. # gain_armour(x, y)
  80. # lose_armour(x, y)

  81. #==============================================================================
  82. # ▼ Compatibility
  83. # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  84. # This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that
  85. # it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting.
  86. #
  87. #==============================================================================

  88. module YEA
  89.   module LIMIT

  90.     #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  91.     # - Gold Settings -
  92.     #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  93.     # Adjust gold settings here. You can change the maximum amount of gold to
  94.     # whatever you want. In addition to that, you can also adjust whether or
  95.     # not you wish for your gold display to show an icon instead, (and change
  96.     # the font size if needed). If there's too much gold that's to be displayed
  97.     # then you can change the text shown in place of that.
  98.     #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  99.     GOLD_MAX  = 999999999999999  # Maximum gold.
  100.     GOLD_ICON = 0                # Icon used for gold. Use 0 for text currency.
  101.     GOLD_FONT = 19               # Font size used to display gold.
  102.     TOO_MUCH_GOLD = "A lotta gold!"   # Text used when gold cannot fit.

  103.     #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  104.     # - Item Settings -
  105.     #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  106.     # Adjust item settings here. You can change the maximum number of items
  107.     # held from 99 to whatever you want. In addition to that, change the prefix
  108.     # used for items when shown in the item display menu (and the font size if
  109.     # needed). Items can have individual maximums through usage of the
  110.     # <max limit: x> notetag.
  111.     #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  112.     ITEM_MAX  = 99999    # The default maximum number of items held each.
  113.     ITEM_FONT = 17       # Font size used to display item quantity.
  114.     SHOP_FONT = 14       # Font size used for shop item costs.
  115.     ITEM_PREFIX = "×%s" # Prefix used for item quantity in item lists.

  116.     #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  117.     # - Parameter Settings -
  118.     #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  119.     # Adjust the limits for each of the various stats (for MaxHP, MaxMP, ATK,
  120.     # DEF, MAT, and more). Adjust them as you see fit.
  121.     #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  122.     LEVEL_MAX = 9999     # Sets max level to x for those with 99 level limit.
  123.     MAXHP_MAX = 99999999 # Sets MaxHP to something higher than 9999.
  124.     MAXMP_MAX = 99999999 # Sets MaxMP to something higher than 9999.
  125.     PARAM_MAX = 99999999 # Sets stat max for something higher than 999.
  126.     EQUIP_FONT = 22      # Changes the default equip window font size.

  127.   end # LIMIT
  128. end # YEA

  129. #==============================================================================
  130. # ▼ Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing
  131. # computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or
  132. # halitosis so edit at your own risk.
  133. #==============================================================================

  134. module YEA
  135.   module REGEXP
  136.   module ACTOR

  137.     MAX_LEVEL = /<(?:MAX_LEVEL|max level):[ ](\d+)>/i
  138.     INI_LEVEL = /<(?:INITIAL_LEVEL|initial level):[ ](\d+)>/i

  139.   end # ACTOR
  140.   module CLASS

  141.     LEARN_AT_LV = /<(?:LEARN_AT_LEVEL|learn at level):[ ](\d+)>/i

  142.   end # CLASS
  143.   module BASEITEM

  144.     PRICE     = /<(?:GOLD|price|COST):[ ](\d+)>/i
  145.     MAX_LIMIT = /<(?:MAX_LIMIT|max limit):[ ](\d+)>/i
  146.     STAT_SET  = /<(.*):[ ]*([\+\-]\d+)>/i

  147.   end # BASEITEM
  148.   module ENEMY

  149.     STAT_SET  = /<(.*):[ ]*(\d+)>/i

  150.   end # ENEMY
  151.   end # REGEXP
  152. end # YEA

  153. #==============================================================================
  154. # ■ Icon
  155. #==============================================================================

  156. module Icon

  157.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158.   # self.gold
  159.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160.   def self.gold; return YEA::LIMIT::GOLD_ICON; end

  161. end # Icon

  162. #==============================================================================
  163. # ■ Numeric
  164. #==============================================================================

  165. class Numeric

  166.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167.   # new method: group_digits
  168.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  169.   unless $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"]
  170.   def group; return self.to_s; end
  171.   end # $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"]

  172. end # Numeric

  173. #==============================================================================
  174. # ■ DataManager
  175. #==============================================================================

  176. module DataManager

  177.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178.   # alias method: load_database
  179.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  180.   class <<self; alias load_database_al load_database; end
  181.   def self.load_database
  182.     load_database_al
  183.     load_notetags_al
  184.   end

  185.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  186.   # new method: load_notetags_al
  187.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  188.   def self.load_notetags_al
  189.     groups = [$data_actors, $data_items, $data_weapons, $data_armors,
  190.       $data_enemies, $data_classes]
  191.     for group in groups
  192.       for obj in group
  193.         next if obj.nil?
  194.         obj.load_notetags_al
  195.       end
  196.     end
  197.   end
  199. end # DataManager

  200. #==============================================================================
  201. # ■ RPG::Actor
  202. #==============================================================================

  203. class RPG::Actor < RPG::BaseItem

  204.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  205.   # common cache: load_notetags_al
  206.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  207.   def load_notetags_al
  208.     @max_level = YEA::LIMIT::LEVEL_MAX if @max_level == 99
  209.     #---
  210.     self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
  211.       case line
  212.       #---
  213.       when YEA::REGEXP::ACTOR::MAX_LEVEL
  214.         @max_level = [[$1.to_i, 1].max, YEA::LIMIT::LEVEL_MAX].min
  215.         @ini_level = [@ini_level, @max_level].min
  216.       when YEA::REGEXP::ACTOR::INI_LEVEL
  217.         @ini_level = [[$1.to_i, 1].max, @max_level].min
  218.       #---
  219.       end
  220.     } # self.note.split
  221.     #---
  222.   end

  223. end # RPG::Actor

  224. #==============================================================================
  225. # ■ RPG::Class
  226. #==============================================================================

  227. class RPG::Class < RPG::BaseItem

  228.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  229.   # new method: above_lv99_params
  230.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  231.   def above_lv99_params(param_id, level)
  232.     return @params[param_id, level] if level <= 99
  233.     n = @params[param_id, 99]
  234.     multiplier = [level - 99, 1].max
  235.     change = (@params[param_id, 99] - @params[param_id, 98]) + 1
  236.     n += change * multiplier
  237.     return n
  238.   end

  239.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  240.   # new method: load_notetags_al
  241.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  242.   def load_notetags_al
  243.     for item in @learnings; item.load_notetags_al; end
  244.   end
  246. end # RPG::Class

  247. #==============================================================================
  248. # ■ RPG::Class::Learning
  249. #==============================================================================

  250. class RPG::Class::Learning

  251.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252.   # common cache: load_notetags_al
  253.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  254.   def load_notetags_al
  255.     #---
  256.     self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
  257.       case line
  258.       #---
  259.       when YEA::REGEXP::CLASS::LEARN_AT_LV
  260.         [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=22147]@level[/url] = [[$1.to_i, 1].max, YEA::LIMIT::LEVEL_MAX].min
  261.       #---
  262.       end
  263.     } # self.note.split
  264.     #---
  265.   end

  266. end # RPG::Class::Learning

  267. #==============================================================================
  268. # ■ RPG::BaseItem
  269. #==============================================================================

  270. class RPG::BaseItem

  271.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  272.   # public instance variables
  273.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  274.   attr_accessor :max_limit

  275.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276.   # common cache: load_notetags_al
  277.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278.   def load_notetags_al
  279.     @max_limit = YEA::LIMIT::ITEM_MAX
  280.     #---
  281.     self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
  282.       case line
  283.       #---
  284.       when YEA::REGEXP::BASEITEM::PRICE
  285.         @price = [$1.to_i, YEA::LIMIT::GOLD_MAX].min
  286.       when YEA::REGEXP::BASEITEM::MAX_LIMIT
  287.         @max_limit = [$1.to_i, 1].max
  288.       when YEA::REGEXP::BASEITEM::STAT_SET
  289.         case $1.upcase
  290.         when "HP", "MAXHP", "MHP"
  291.           @params[0] = $2.to_i
  292.         when "MP", "MAXMP", "MMP", "SP", "MAXSP", "MSP"
  293.           @params[1] = $2.to_i
  294.         when "ATK"
  295.           @params[2] = $2.to_i
  296.         when "DEF"
  297.           @params[3] = $2.to_i
  298.         when "MAT", "INT", "SPI"
  299.           @params[4] = $2.to_i
  300.         when "MDF", "RES"
  301.           @params[5] = $2.to_i
  302.         when "AGI", "SPD"
  303.           @params[6] = $2.to_i
  304.         when "LUK", "LUCK"
  305.           @params[7] = $2.to_i
  306.         end
  307.       #---
  308.       end
  309.     } # self.note.split
  310.     #---
  311.   end

  312.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  313.   # new method: max_limit
  314.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  315.   def max_limit; return @max_limit; end

  316. end # RPG::BaseItem

  317. #==============================================================================
  318. # ■ RPG::Enemy
  319. #==============================================================================

  320. class RPG::Enemy < RPG::BaseItem

  321.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322.   # common cache: load_notetags_al
  323.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  324.   def load_notetags_al
  325.     #---
  326.     self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
  327.       case line
  328.       #---
  329.       when YEA::REGEXP::ENEMY::STAT_SET
  330.         case $1.upcase
  331.         when "HP", "MAXHP", "MHP"
  332.           @params[0] = $2.to_i
  333.         when "MP", "MAXMP", "MMP", "SP", "MAXSP", "MSP"
  334.           @params[1] = $2.to_i
  335.         when "ATK"
  336.           @params[2] = $2.to_i
  337.         when "DEF"
  338.           @params[3] = $2.to_i
  339.         when "MAT", "INT", "SPI"
  340.           @params[4] = $2.to_i
  341.         when "MDF", "RES"
  342.           @params[5] = $2.to_i
  343.         when "AGI", "SPD"
  344.           @params[6] = $2.to_i
  345.         when "LUK", "LUCK"
  346.           @params[7] = $2.to_i
  347.         when "EXP", "XP"
  348.           [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=13302]@exp[/url] = $2.to_i
  349.         when "GOLD", "GP"
  350.           [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=236945]@gold[/url] = $2.to_i
  351.         end
  352.       #---
  353.       end
  354.     } # self.note.split
  355.     #---
  356.   end

  357. end # RPG::Enemy

  358. #==============================================================================
  359. # ■ Game_BattlerBase
  360. #==============================================================================

  361. class Game_BattlerBase

  362.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363.   # overwrite method: param_max
  364.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  365.   def param_max(param_id)
  366.     return YEA::LIMIT::MAXHP_MAX if param_id == 0
  367.     return YEA::LIMIT::MAXMP_MAX if param_id == 1
  368.     return YEA::LIMIT::PARAM_MAX
  369.   end

  370. end # Game_BattlerBase

  371. #==============================================================================
  372. # ■ Game_Actor
  373. #==============================================================================

  374. class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

  375.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  376.   # overwrite method: param_max
  377.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  378.   def param_max(param_id)
  379.     return super
  380.   end

  381.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  382.   # overwrite method: param_base
  383.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  384.   def param_base(param_id)
  385.     return self.class.params[param_id, @level] if @level <= 99
  386.     return self.class.above_lv99_params(param_id, @level)
  387.   end

  388.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  389.   # new method: check_levels
  390.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  391.   def check_levels
  392.     last_level = @level
  393.     @level = [[@level, max_level].min, 1].max
  394.     return if @level == last_level
  395.     change_exp(exp_for_level(@level), false)
  396.   end

  397. end # Game_Actor

  398. #==============================================================================
  399. # ■ Game_Party
  400. #==============================================================================

  401. class Game_Party < Game_Unit

  402.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  403.   # overwrite method: max_gold
  404.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405.   def max_gold; return YEA::LIMIT::GOLD_MAX; end

  406.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  407.   # overwrite method: max_item_number
  408.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  409.   def max_item_number(item); return item.max_limit; end

  410. end # Game_Party

  411. #==============================================================================
  412. # ■ Game_Interpreter
  413. #==============================================================================

  414. class Game_Interpreter

  415.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  416.   # new method: gain_gold
  417.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  418.   def gain_gold(value); $game_party.gain_gold(value); end

  419.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  420.   # new method: lose_gold
  421.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  422.   def lose_gold(value); $game_party.lose_gold(value); end

  423.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  424.   # new method: gain_item
  425.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  426.   def gain_item(id, amount)
  427.     return if $data_items[id].nil?
  428.     $game_party.gain_item($data_items[id], amount)
  429.   end

  430.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  431.   # new method: lose_item
  432.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  433.   def lose_item(id, amount)
  434.     return if $data_items[id].nil?
  435.     $game_party.lose_item($data_items[id], amount)
  436.   end

  437.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  438.   # new method: gain_weapon
  439.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  440.   def gain_weapon(id, amount)
  441.     return if $data_weapons[id].nil?
  442.     $game_party.gain_item($data_weapons[id], amount)
  443.   end

  444.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  445.   # new method: lose_weapon
  446.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  447.   def lose_weapon(id, amount)
  448.     return if $data_weapons[id].nil?
  449.     $game_party.lose_item($data_weapons[id], amount)
  450.   end

  451.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  452.   # new method: gain_armour
  453.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  454.   def gain_armour(id, amount)
  455.     return if $data_armors[id].nil?
  456.     $game_party.gain_item($data_armors[id], amount)
  457.   end

  458.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  459.   # new method: lose_armour
  460.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  461.   def lose_armour(id, amount)
  462.     return if $data_armors[id].nil?
  463.     $game_party.lose_item($data_armors[id], amount)
  464.   end

  465.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  466.   # new method: gain_armor
  467.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  468.   def gain_armor(id, amount)
  469.     return if $data_armors[id].nil?
  470.     $game_party.gain_item($data_armors[id], amount)
  471.   end

  472.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  473.   # new method: lose_armor
  474.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  475.   def lose_armor(id, amount)
  476.     return if $data_armors[id].nil?
  477.     $game_party.lose_item($data_armors[id], amount)
  478.   end

  479. end # Game_Interpreter

  480. #==============================================================================
  481. # ■ Window_Base
  482. #==============================================================================

  483. class Window_Base < Window

  484.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  485.   # overwrite method: draw_actor_level
  486.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  487.   def draw_actor_level(actor, dx, dy)
  488.     dw = text_size(Vocab::level_a + YEA::LIMIT::LEVEL_MAX.to_s).width
  489.     change_color(system_color)
  490.     draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, Vocab::level_a)
  491.     change_color(normal_color)
  492.     cx = text_size(Vocab::level_a).width
  493.     draw_text(dx + cx, dy, dw, line_height, actor.level.group, 2)
  494.   end

  495.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  496.   # overwrite method: draw_actor_param
  497.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  498.   def draw_actor_param(actor, dx, dy, param_id)
  499.     change_color(system_color)
  500.     draw_text(dx, dy, 120, line_height, Vocab::param(param_id))
  501.     change_color(normal_color)
  502.     draw_text(dx, dy, 156, line_height, actor.param(param_id).group, 2)
  503.   end

  504.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  505.   # draw_currency_value
  506.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  507.   def draw_currency_value(value, unit, dx, dy, dw)
  508.     contents.font.size = YEA::LIMIT::GOLD_FONT
  509.     cx = gold_icon?(unit) ? 24 : text_size(unit).width
  510.     change_color(normal_color)
  511.     text = value.group
  512.     text = YEA::LIMIT::TOO_MUCH_GOLD if contents.text_size(text).width > dw-cx
  513.     draw_text(dx, dy, dw - cx - 2, line_height, text, 2)
  514.     change_color(system_color)
  515.     draw_icon(Icon.gold, dx+dw-24, dy) if gold_icon?(unit)
  516.     draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, unit, 2) unless gold_icon?(unit)
  517.     reset_font_settings
  518.   end

  519.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  520.   # new method: gold_icon?
  521.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  522.   def gold_icon?(unit)
  523.     return false if unit != Vocab.currency_unit
  524.     return YEA::LIMIT::GOLD_ICON > 0
  525.   end

  526. end # Window_Base

  527. #==============================================================================
  528. # ■ Window_ItemList
  529. #==============================================================================

  530. class Window_ItemList < Window_Selectable

  531.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  532.   # overwrite method: draw_item_number
  533.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  534.   def draw_item_number(rect, item)
  535.     contents.font.size = YEA::LIMIT::ITEM_FONT
  536.     quantity = $game_party.item_number(item).group
  537.     text = sprintf(YEA::LIMIT::ITEM_PREFIX, quantity)
  538.     draw_text(rect, text, 2)
  539.     reset_font_settings
  540.   end

  541. end # Window_ItemList

  542. #==============================================================================
  543. # ■ Window_EquipStatus
  544. #==============================================================================

  545. class Window_EquipStatus < Window_Base

  546.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  547.   # overwrite method: draw_item
  548.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  549.   def draw_item(dx, dy, param_id)
  550.     draw_param_name(dx + 4, dy, param_id)
  551.     draw_current_param(dx + 64, dy, param_id) if @actor
  552.     draw_right_arrow(dx + 110, dy)
  553.     draw_new_param(dx + 132, dy, param_id) if @temp_actor
  554.     reset_font_settings
  555.   end

  556.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  557.   # overwrite method: draw_param_name
  558.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  559.   def draw_param_name(dx, dy, param_id)
  560.     contents.font.size = YEA::LIMIT::EQUIP_FONT
  561.     change_color(system_color)
  562.     draw_text(dx, dy, contents.width, line_height, Vocab::param(param_id))
  563.   end

  564.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  565.   # overwrite method: draw_current_param
  566.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  567.   def draw_current_param(dx, dy, param_id)
  568.     change_color(normal_color)
  569.     draw_text(0, dy, dx+48, line_height, @actor.param(param_id).group, 2)
  570.     reset_font_settings
  571.   end

  572.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  573.   # overwrite method: draw_new_param
  574.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  575.   def draw_new_param(dx, dy, param_id)
  576.     contents.font.size = YEA::LIMIT::EQUIP_FONT
  577.     new_value = @temp_actor.param(param_id)
  578.     change_color(param_change_color(new_value - @actor.param(param_id)))
  579.     draw_text(0, dy, contents.width-4, line_height, new_value.group, 2)
  580.     reset_font_settings
  581.   end

  582. end # Window_EquipStatus

  583. #==============================================================================
  584. # ■ Window_ShopBuy
  585. #==============================================================================

  586. class Window_ShopBuy < Window_Selectable

  587.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  588.   # overwrite method: draw_item
  589.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  590.   def draw_item(index)
  591.     item = @data[index]
  592.     rect = item_rect(index)
  593.     draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, enable?(item))
  594.     rect.width -= 4
  595.     contents.font.size = YEA::LIMIT::SHOP_FONT
  596.     draw_text(rect, price(item).group, 2)
  597.     reset_font_settings
  598.   end

  599. end # Window_ShopBuy

  600. #==============================================================================
  601. # ■ Scene_Load
  602. #==============================================================================

  603. class Scene_Load < Scene_File

  604.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  605.   # alias method: on_load_success
  606.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  607.   alias on_load_success_al on_load_success
  608.   def on_load_success
  609.     on_load_success_al
  610.     perform_level_check
  611.   end

  612.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  613.   # new method: perform_level_check
  614.   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  615.   def perform_level_check
  616.     for i in 1..$data_actors.size
  617.       next if $game_actors[i].nil?
  618.       $game_actors[i].check_levels
  619.     end
  620.   end
  622. end # Scene_Load

  623. #==============================================================================
  624. #
  625. # ▼ End of File
  626. #
  627. #==============================================================================


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