赞 | 186 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 115 |
经验 | 829 |
最后登录 | 2025-1-2 |
在线时间 | 615 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 11461
- 在线时间
- 615 小时
- 注册时间
- 2016-8-25
- 帖子
- 1402
- //=============================================================================
- // Change Tile Size
- // by Shaz
- // Last Update: 2015.10.21
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @plugindesc Allows maps based on a grid size other than 48x48
- * @author Shaz
- *
- * @param Tile Size
- * @desc Size of tiles (pixels)
- * @default 48
- *
- * @param Tileset Image Folder
- * @desc Folder where the in-game tilesets are kept
- * @default img/tilesets/
- *
- * @param Parallax Image Folder
- * @desc Folder where the in-game parallaxes are kept
- * @default img/parallaxes/[i][/i]
- *
- * @help This plugin does not provide plugin commands.
- *
- * To use the map editor with tiles of a size other than 48x48 in your project,
- * have two folders for tileset images. The folder named in the plugin
- * parameters is for original, high-quality, final-sized tiles. The
- * original folder, img/tilesets/ can contain a duplicate copy of each
- * tileset, shrunk or enlarged to 48x48 pixels per tile. Quality in the
- * editor may be poorer, but the original tiles will be used in the game.
- * The img/tilesets folder can be cleared prior to distribution.
- *
- * The same applies to the img/parallaxes folder if using a parallax map
- * with a grid size other than 48x48.
- *
- */
- (function() {
- var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('ChangeTileSize');
- var tileSize = parseInt(parameters['Tile Size'] || 48);
- var tilesetsFolder = String(parameters['Tileset Image Folder'] || 'img/tilesets/');
- var parallaxesFolder = String(parameters['Parallax Image Folder'] || 'img/parallaxes/');
- ImageManager.loadTileset = function(filename, hue) {
- return this.loadBitmap(tilesetsFolder, filename, hue, false);
- };
- ImageManager.loadParallax = function(filename, hue) {
- return this.loadBitmap(parallaxesFolder, filename, hue, true);
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.tileWidth = function() {
- return tileSize;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.tileHeight = function() {
- return tileSize;
- };
- Game_Vehicle.prototype.maxAltitude = function() {
- return tileSize;
- };
- })();
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