@help Add a screen that allows you to view the terms that appear in the game.
* Images and text descriptions describing the terms are displayed in the window.
* How to use
* 1. Register items to be treated as terms from the database.
* 2. Set the parameter "GlossaryInfo".
* Terms can be browsed by acquiring the target item, and there is
* also a function to register automatically
* when the same word appears in the command of displaying sentences.
* (It is also possible to specify a specific term outside the scope
* of automatic registration)
* You can switch from menu scene and plugin command to
* glossary scene.
* How to register data
* 1. Register new data in item database and
* set "item type" to "hidden item A" or "hidden item B"
* 2. Set note param
* <SGDescription:xxx> // Description of Glossary *1
* <SGCategory:xxx> // Category of Glossary
* <SGManual> // Exclude terms from automatic registration
* <SGPicture:filename> // Filename of the term picture
* <SGEnemy:1> // Enemy instead of the picture
* <SGPicturePosition:text> // Picture position
* top, bottom, text
* <SGTextPosition:100> // Text position
* <SGPicturePriority:top> // Picture priority
* top, bottom
* <SGPictureScale:0.5> // Picture scale
* <SGPictureAlign:right> // Picture align
* left, center, right
* <SGNoCollect> // Glossary No Collect
* <SGTextColorChange:1,10> // If switch[1] ON. Change color[10]
* *1 Escape Characters
* \COMMON[1] // It is replaced by aaa(<CommonDescription:aaa>)
* \mhp[3] // Enemy Max HP(Zero padding 3)
* \mmp[3] // Max MP
* \atk[3] // Atk
* \def[3] // Def
* \mag[3] // Mag
* \mdf[3] // Mdf
* \agi[3] // Agi
* \luk[3] // Luk
* \exp[3] // Exp
* \money[3] // Gold
* \drop[1] // Drop item 1
* \DATA[prop] // 対象データのプロパティ「prop」に置き換えられます。(下記参照)
* \DATA[description] // 対象データの説明
* \DATA[price] // 対象データの価格
* you can use multiple pages with one term.
* The pages are switched with the direction keys.
* <SGDescription2:xxx>
* <SGPicture2:filename>
* <SGPicturePosition2:text>
* The same is true for the third and subsequent pages, up to 99 pages can be specified.
* Do not attach "1" to the first page when displaying multiple pages.
* NG:<SGDescription1:xxx>
* The following tags are required when displaying terms in different type of dictionary.
* <SGType:2> // Type of Glossary
* Plugin Command
* All terms registered in the database will be in acquisition state.
* Call the glossary screen.
* If the type is omitted, it will be automatically set to "1".
* Call up the glossary screen with reselecting the last selected item.
* GLOSSARY_ITEM_CHANGE_CATEGORY [Item id] [new category]
* Change the category of the item with the specified ID to another one.
* Only items can be changed. Weapons and armors can not be changed.
* Change prohibition of items with the specified ID.
* (ON: Possible OFF: Prohibited)
* Only items can be changed. Weapons and armors can not be changed.