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代码: @index- #==============================================================================
- # XS - Message
- # Author: Nicke
- # Created: 08/11/2012
- # Edited: 19/11/2012
- # Version: 1.0b
- #==============================================================================
- # Instructions
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
- # to an open slot below ? Materials but above ? Main. Remember to save.
- #==============================================================================
- # Requires: XS - Core Script.
- #==============================================================================
- # A message system based on using variables ingame.
- # If the variable has the value 0 the default value will take place.
- # To setup a simple message dialog do as you would normally do when adding
- # text in events but before it set the variables you want to change.
- #
- # When changing width and height you should know that height is visible
- # line numbers which means the numbers 1 to 4 is prefered to use.
- #
- # Example:
- # You could set the width to 544 and height to 4 which is pretty much how
- # the default message window looks like.
- #
- # This script also support sound effect to be played each time a character is
- # processed. Can be tweaked in the settings.
- #
- # When setting variables for bold, shadow, namebox and skin etc. Remember to use
- # the script area in the variable.
- #
- # If I wanted to enable bold and setting a custom skin I would do this:
- # Set the value "true" in the script section for variable 41.
- # Set the value "Window" in the script section for variable 44.
- #
- # Note: When changing the message window skin you must use this method after
- # setting the variable in order to properly update to the new skin:
- # SceneManager.scene.set_message_skin
- #
- # Example:
- # So after setting variable 44 (default one) to "Window3" call that method.
- #
- # *** Only for RPG Maker VX Ace. ***
- #==============================================================================
- ($imported ||= {})["XAIL-MESSAGE-SYSTEM"] = true
- module XAIL
- module MSG
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # * Settings
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # Set the window variables.
- # WINDOW_VAR = [width, height, padding, x, y, delay,
- # font_name, font_size, font_color, outline, bold, shadow, namebox, skin]
- WINDOW_VAR = [31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44]
- # Set the window open/close animation in frames.
- # WINDOW_ANIMATE = [openness, closeness]
- WINDOW_ANIMATE = [15, 15]
- # Name box options.
- # NAME = [font, size, color, bold, shadow]
- NAME = [["Verdana", "Anklada�"], 14, Color.new(255,225,235,225), true, true]
- # Set the sound for when the characters are processing.
- # The sound effect will be played each time the occurence is met.
- # From the default it will happen every odd processed character.
- # Can be set to nil to disable.
- # SE = [occurence, name, vol, pitch]
- SE = [2, "Decision1", 60, 150]
- # Set the animation options for face window.
- # For type only :fade exists at the moment.
- # ANIM_FACE = [enabled, type, animation_speed_in, animation_speed_out]
- ANIM_FACE = [true, :fade, 12, 8]
- # Set the animation options for name window.
- # For type only :fade exists at the moment.
- # ANIM_NAME = [animation_speed_in, animation_speed_out]
- ANIM_NAME = [true, :fade, 12, 8]
- end
- end
- # *** Don't edit below unless you know what you are doing. ***
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Error Handler
- #==============================================================================#
- unless $imported["XAIL-XS-CORE"]
- # // Error handler when XS - Core is not installed.
- msg = "The script %s requires the latest version of XS - Core in order to function properly."
- name = "XS - Message"
- msgbox(sprintf(msg, name))
- exit
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Window_Base
- #==============================================================================#
- class Window_Base < Window
- alias xail_msg_winbase_upd_open update_open
- def update_open(*args, &block)
- # // Method to update openness
- # This should only occur when $game_message is visible.
- if $game_message.visible
- self.openness += XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_ANIMATE[0]
- self.opacity = self.openness unless self.opacity == 0
- self.back_opacity = self.openness unless self.opacity == 0
- @opening = false if open?
- else
- xail_msg_winbase_upd_open(*args, &block)
- end
- end
- alias xail_msg_winbase_upd_close update_close
- def update_close(*args, &block)
- # // Method override to update closeness.
- # This should only occur when $game_message is visible.
- if $game_message.visible
- self.openness -= XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_ANIMATE[1]
- self.opacity = self.openness unless self.opacity == 0
- self.back_opacity = self.openness unless self.opacity == 0
- @closing = false if close?
- else
- xail_msg_winbase_upd_close(*args, &block)
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Window_Message_Face
- #==============================================================================#
- class Window_Message_Face < Window_Base
- def initialize(x, y, width, height)
- # // Method to initialize.
- super(x, y, width, height)
- skin = $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13]] == 0 ? "Window" : $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13]]
- self.windowskin = Cache.system(skin)
- refresh
- end
- def refresh
- # // Method to refresh.
- contents.clear
- r = Rect.new(0, 0, width, height)
- r2 = Rect.new(2, 2, width-28, height-28)
- contents.fill_rect(r, Color.new(75,125,135,245))
- contents.gradient_fill_rect(r2, Color.new(125,125,125,255), Color.new(0,0,0,255), false)
- draw_face($game_message.face_name, $game_message.face_index, 4, 4)
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Window_Message_Name
- #==============================================================================#
- class Window_Message_Name < Window_Base
- def initialize(name, x, y, width, height)
- # // Method to initialize.
- super(x, y, width, height)
- skin = $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13]] == 0 ? "Window" : $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13]]
- self.windowskin = Cache.system(skin)
- @name = name
- refresh
- end
- def standard_padding
- # // Method to set standard padding
- return 4
- end
- def name=(name)
- # // Method to refresh and set name.
- return if @name == name
- @name = name
- refresh
- end
- def refresh
- # // Method to refresh.
- contents.clear
- draw_font_text(@name, 0, 0, contents_width, 1, XAIL::MSG::NAME[0], XAIL::MSG::NAME[1], XAIL::MSG::NAME[2])
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Window_Message
- #==============================================================================#
- class Window_Message < Window_Base
- def initialize
- # // Method override initialize for window message.
- super(0, 0, window_width, window_height)
- self.z = 200
- self.openness = 0
- create_all_windows
- create_back_bitmap
- create_back_sprite
- clear_instance_variables
- set_window_skins
- end
- def set_window_skins
- # // Method to set window skins.
- @gold_window.windowskin = Cache.system(get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13], :skin))
- @choice_window.windowskin = Cache.system(get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13], :skin))
- @number_window.windowskin = Cache.system(get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13], :skin))
- @item_window.windowskin = Cache.system(get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13], :skin))
- end
- #~ alias xail_msg_winmsg_create_all_windows create_all_windows
- #~ def create_all_windows(*args, &block)
- #~ # // Method to create all windows.
- #~ xail_msg_winmsg_create_all_windows(*args, &block)
- #~ @choice_window = Window_ChoiceList.new(self)
- #~ @number_window = Window_NumberInput.new(self)
- #~ @item_window = Window_KeyItem.new(self)
- #~ @choice_window.windowskin
- #~ end
- def window_width
- # // Method override to return width.
- get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[0], :width)
- end
- def window_height
- # // Method override to return height.
- fitting_height(get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[1], :height))
- end
- def standard_padding
- # // Method to return the padding.
- get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[2], :padding)
- end
- def window_x
- # // Method to return x value of window.
- get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[3], :win_x)
- end
- def window_y
- # // Method to return y value of window.
- get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[4], :win_y)
- end
- def get_var(var, type)
- # // Method to return variable value if conditions met.
- unless var.nil? or $game_variables[var] == 0
- return $game_variables[var]
- else
- case type
- when :width ; return Graphics.width
- when :height ; return visible_line_number
- when :padding ; return 12
- when :win_x ; return 0
- when :win_y ; return 0
- when :wait ; return 0
- when :font_name ; return Font.default_name
- when :font_size ; return Font.default_size
- when :font_color ; return Font.default_color
- when :font_out_color ; return Font.default_out_color
- when :font_bold ; return Font.default_bold
- when :font_shadow ; return Font.default_shadow
- when :name ; return ""
- when :skin ; return "Window"
- end
- end
- end
- alias xail_msg_winmsg_upd_placement update_placement
- def update_placement(*args, &block)
- # // Method to update placement.
- xail_msg_winmsg_upd_placement(*args, &block)
- self.width = window_width
- self.height = window_height
- self.x = window_x
- self.y = window_y
- create_contents
- end
- def fiber_main
- # // Method override for fiber main.
- $game_message.visible = true
- update_background
- update_placement
- loop do
- process_all_text if $game_message.has_text?
- process_input
- $game_message.clear
- @gold_window.close
- dispose_face
- dispose_name
- Fiber.yield
- break unless text_continue?
- end
- close_and_wait
- $game_message.visible = false
- @fiber = nil
- end
- def draw_message_face
- # // Method to draw face window.
- unless $game_message.face_name.empty?
- x = window_x - 44
- @face_window = Window_Message_Face.new(x, window_y, 128, 128)
- @face_window.z = 201
- @face_window.opacity = 0
- case XAIL::MSG::ANIM_FACE[1]
- when :fade
- @face_window.contents_opacity = 0
- fade(XAIL::MSG::ANIM_FACE[2], @face_window, :in)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def draw_message_name
- # // Method to draw name window.
- name = get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[12], :name)
- unless name == ""
- w = text_size(name).width + 24
- x = window_x + 16
- @name_window = Window_Message_Name.new(name, x, window_y - 31, w, 34)
- @name_window.z = 199
- case XAIL::MSG::ANIM_NAME[1]
- when :fade
- @name_window.opacity = @name_window.contents_opacity = 0
- fade(XAIL::MSG::ANIM_NAME[2], @name_window, :in, true, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- alias xail_msg_winmsg_process_normal_character process_normal_character
- def process_normal_character(c, pos)
- # // Method to set a wait time for each processed character.
- # This will also play a SE based on if the pos is a odd number.
- xail_msg_winmsg_process_normal_character(c, pos)
- wait(get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[5], :wait))
- if (pos[:x] % XAIL::MSG::SE[0] > 0)
- Sound.play(XAIL::MSG::SE[1], XAIL::MSG::SE[2], XAIL::MSG::SE[3]) unless XAIL::MSG::SE.nil?
- end
- end
- alias xail_msg_winmsg_open_and_wait open_and_wait
- def open_and_wait(*args, &block)
- # // Method for open and wait.
- xail_msg_winmsg_open_and_wait(*args, &block)
- draw_message_face ; draw_message_name
- end
- def new_page(text, pos)
- # // Method override for new page.
- contents.clear
- contents.font.name = get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[6], :font_name)
- contents.font.size = get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[7], :font_size)
- contents.font.color = get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[8], :font_color)
- contents.font.out_color = get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[9], :font_out_color)
- contents.font.bold = eval(get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[10], :font_bold)) unless $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[10]] == 0
- contents.font.shadow = eval(get_var(XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[11], :font_shadow)) unless $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[11]] == 0
- pos[:x] = new_line_x
- pos[:y] = 0
- pos[:new_x] = new_line_x
- pos[:height] = calc_line_height(text)
- clear_flags
- end
- def new_line_x
- # // Method for new line x pos.
- $game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : @face_window.width / 2 + 4
- end
- def input_choice
- # // Method to start the input choice.
- @choice_window.start
- skin = $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13]] == 0 ? "Window" : $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13]]
- @choice_window.windowskin = Cache.system(skin)
- @choice_window.opacity = 255
- Fiber.yield while @choice_window.active
- end
- def input_number
- # // Method to start the input number.
- @number_window.start
- skin = $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13]] == 0 ? "Window" : $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13]]
- @number_window.windowskin = Cache.system(skin)
- @number_window.opacity = 255
- Fiber.yield while @number_window.active
- end
- def fade(max, window, type, con_op = true, op = false)
- # // Method to fade in/out the windows opacity and/or contents_opacity.
- return if window.is_a?(Array)
- case type
- when :in
- for i in 1..max
- Graphics.update
- window.contents_opacity = i * (255 / max) if con_op
- window.opacity = i * (255 / max) if op
- end
- when :out
- for i in 1..max
- Graphics.update
- window.contents_opacity = 255 - i * (255 / max) if con_op
- window.opacity = 255 - i * (255 / max) if op
- end
- end
- end
- def dispose_face
- # // Method to dispose face window.
- unless @face_window.nil? or @face_window.is_a?(Array)
- case XAIL::MSG::ANIM_FACE[1]
- when :fade
- fade(XAIL::MSG::ANIM_FACE[3], @face_window, :out)
- end
- end
- @face_window = nil, @face_window.dispose
- end
- end
- def dispose_name
- # // Method to dispose name window.
- unless @name_window.nil? or @name_window.is_a?(Array)
- case XAIL::MSG::ANIM_NAME[1]
- when :fade
- fade(XAIL::MSG::ANIM_NAME[3], @name_window, :out)
- end
- end
- @name_window = nil, @name_window.dispose
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================#
- # ** Scene_Map
- #==============================================================================#
- class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
- def set_message_skin
- # // Method to set message window skin.
- skin = $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13]] == 0 ? "Window" : $game_variables[XAIL::MSG::WINDOW_VAR[13]]
- @message_window.windowskin = Cache.system(skin)
- end
- end # END OF FILE
- #=*==========================================================================*=#
- # ** END OF FILE
- #=*==========================================================================*=#
复制代码 所需BASE
#============================================================================== # XaiL System - Core # Author: Nicke # Created: 07/01/2012 # Edited: 08/10/2013 # Version: 2.1f #============================================================================== # Instructions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script # to an open slot below ? Materials but above ? Main. Remember to save. # # Core script for XaiL System. # Caution! This needs to be located before any other XS scripts. # # *** Only for RPG Maker VX Ace. *** #============================================================================== ($imported ||= {})["XAIL-XS-CORE"] = true module Colors #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # * Colors #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# White = Color.new(255,255,255) LightRed = Color.new(255,150,150) LightGreen = Color.new(150,255,150) LightBlue = Color.new(150,150,255) DarkYellow = Color.new(225,225,20) Alpha = Color.new(0,0,0,128) AlphaMenu = 100 end module XAIL module CORE #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # * Settings #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Graphics.resize_screen(width, height ) Graphics.resize_screen(544,416) # FONT DEFAULTS: Font.default_name = ["VL Gothic"] Font.default_size = 20 Font.default_bold = false Font.default_italic = false Font.default_shadow = true Font.default_outline = true Font.default_color = Colors::White Font.default_out_color = Colors::Alpha # USE_TONE = true/false: # Window tone for all windows ingame. Default: true. USE_TONE = false # SAVE SAVE_MAX = 20 # Default 16. SAVE_FILE_VIS = 4 # Default 4. # JAPANESE = true/false JAPANESE = false end end # *** Don't edit below unless you know what you are doing. *** #==============================================================================# # ** Game_System #==============================================================================# class Game_System # // Method to determine japanese game. def japanese? ; return XAIL::CORE::JAPANESE ; end end #==============================================================================# # ** String #==============================================================================# class String def to_class(parent = Kernel) # // Method to convert string to class. chain = self.split "::" klass = parent.const_get chain.shift return chain.size < 1 ? (klass.is_a?(Class) ? klass : nil) : chain.join("::").to_class(klass) rescue nil end def cap_words # // Method to capitalize every word. self.split(' ').map {|w| w.capitalize }.join(' ') end def slice_char(char) # // Method to slice char. self.split(char).map {|w| w.sub(char, " ") }.join(" ") end end #==============================================================================# # ** Vocab #==============================================================================# class << Vocab def xparam(id) # // Method to return xparam name. case id when 0 ; "Hit Chance" when 1 ; "Evasion" when 2 ; "Critical Chance" when 3 ; "Critical Evasion" when 4 ; "Magic Evasion" when 5 ; "Magic Reflection" when 6 ; "Counter Attack" when 7 ; "HP Regeneration" when 8 ; "MP Regeneration" when 9 ; "TP Regeneration" end end end #============================================================================== # ** Sound #============================================================================== class << Sound def play(name, volume, pitch, type = :se) # // Method to play a sound. If specified name isn't valid throw an error. case type when :se ; RPG::SE.new(name, volume, pitch).play rescue valid?(name) when :me ; RPG::ME.new(name, volume, pitch).play rescue valid?(name) when :bgm ; RPG::BGM.new(name, volume, pitch).play rescue valid?(name) when :bgs ; RPG::BGS.new(name, volume, pitch).play rescue valid?(name) end end def valid?(name) # // Method to raise error if specified sound name is invalid. msgbox("Error. Unable to find sound file: " + name) exit end end #============================================================================== # ** DataManager #============================================================================== class << DataManager def savefile_max # // Method override, save file max. return XAIL::CORE::SAVE_MAX end end #============================================================================== # ** SceneManager #============================================================================== class << SceneManager def call_ext(scene_class, args = nil) # // Method to call a scene with arguments. @stack.push(@scene) @scene = scene_class.new(args) end end #============================================================================== # ** Scene_File #============================================================================== class Scene_File < Scene_MenuBase def visible_max # // Method override, visible_max for save files. return XAIL::CORE::SAVE_FILE_VIS end end #============================================================================== # ** Window_Base #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Importing font fix that will remove weird characters. # Adding new methods such as new gauge, actor param, font text, icon drawing, # big icon drawing and a line with a shadow. #============================================================================== class Window_Base < Window # // Importing Custom font fix. (Credit Lone Wolf). alias :process_normal_character_vxa :process_normal_character def process_normal_character(c, pos) return unless c >= ' ' process_normal_character_vxa(c, pos) end unless method_defined? :process_normal_character def draw_text_ex_no_reset(x, y, text) # // Method to draw ex text without resetting the font. text = convert_escape_characters(text) pos = {:x => x, :y => y, :new_x => x, :height => calc_line_height(text)} process_character(text.slice!(0, 1), text, pos) until text.empty? end alias xail_core_winbase_upt_tone update_tone def update_tone(*args, &block) # // Method to change tone of the window. return unless XAIL::CORE::USE_TONE xail_core_winbase_upt_tone(*args, &block) end def draw_gauge_ex(x, y, width, height, rate, color1, color2) # // Method to draw a gauge. fill_w = (width * rate).to_i gauge_y = y + line_height - 8 contents.fill_rect(x, gauge_y, width + 1, height + 1, Color.new(255,255,255,64)) contents.fill_rect(x, gauge_y, width, height, Color.new(0,0,0,100)) contents.gradient_fill_rect(x, gauge_y, fill_w, height, color1, color2) end def draw_actor_param_gauge(actor, x, y, width, param_id, font, size, bar_color1, bar_color2, txt_color1, txt_color2) # // Method to draw actor parameters with a gauge. case param_id when 2 ; param_rate = actor.param(2) / actor.param_max(2).to_f when 3 ; param_rate = actor.param(3) / actor.param_max(3).to_f when 4 ; param_rate = actor.param(4) / actor.param_max(4).to_f when 5 ; param_rate = actor.param(5) / actor.param_max(5).to_f when 6 ; param_rate = actor.param(6) / actor.param_max(6).to_f when 7 ; param_rate = actor.param(7) / actor.param_max(7).to_f end contents.font.name = font contents.font.size = size contents.font.bold = true contents.font.shadow = false draw_gauge_ex(x, y - 14, width, 20, param_rate, bar_color1, bar_color2) contents.font.color = txt_color1 draw_text(x + 10, y, 120, line_height, Vocab::param(param_id)) contents.font.color = txt_color2 draw_text(x + width - 38, y, 36, line_height, actor.param(param_id), 2) reset_font_settings end def draw_actor_xparam_gauge(actor, x, y, width, xparam_id, font, size, bar_color1, bar_color2, txt_color1, txt_color2) # // Method to draw actor xparameters with a gauge. case xparam_id when 0 xparam_rate = actor.xparam(0) / 100.to_f xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(0) when 1 xparam_rate = actor.xparam(1) / 100.to_f xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(1) when 2 xparam_rate = actor.xparam(2) / 100.to_f xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(2) when 3 xparam_rate = actor.xparam(3) / 100.to_f xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(3) when 4 xparam_rate = actor.xparam(4) / 100.to_f xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(4) when 5 xparam_rate = actor.xparam(5) / 100.to_f xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(5) when 6 xparam_rate = actor.xparam(6) / 100.to_f xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(6) when 7 xparam_rate = actor.xparam(7) / 100.to_f xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(7) when 8 xparam_rate = actor.xparam(8) / 100.to_f xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(8) when 9 xparam_rate = actor.xparam(9) / 100.to_f xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(9) end contents.font.name = font contents.font.size = size contents.font.bold = true contents.font.shadow = false draw_gauge_ex(x, y - 14, width, 20, xparam_rate, bar_color1, bar_color2) contents.font.color = txt_color1 draw_text(x + 10, y, 120, line_height, xparam_name) contents.font.color = txt_color2 draw_text(x + width - 38, y, 36, line_height, "#{actor.xparam(xparam_id)}%", 2) reset_font_settings end def draw_line_ex(x, y, color, shadow) # // Method to draw a horizontal line with a shadow. line_y = y + line_height / 2 - 1 contents.fill_rect(x, line_y, contents_width, 2, color) line_y += 1 contents.fill_rect(x, line_y, contents_width, 2, shadow) end def draw_box(x, y, width, height, color, shadow) # // Method to draw a box with shadow. contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color) x += 1 y += 1 contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, height, shadow) end def draw_vertical_line_ex(x, y, color, shadow) # // Method to draw a vertical line with a shadow. line_x = x + line_height / 2 - 1 contents.fill_rect(line_x, y, 2, contents_height, color) line_x += 1 contents.fill_rect(line_x, y, 2, contents_height, shadow) end def draw_icons(icons, alignment, x = 0, y = 0, offset_icon = []) # // Method to draw icons in a horizonal or vertical alignment. icons.each {|icon| next if icon.nil? # // If included in offset do extra spacing. offset_icon.each {|offset| if icon == offset y += line_height * 1 if alignment == :vertical x += line_height * 1 if alignment == :horizontal end } draw_icon(icon.nil? ? nil : icon, x.nil? ? 0 : x, y.nil? ? 0 : y) rescue nil y += line_height if alignment == :vertical x += line_height if alignment == :horizontal } end def draw_big_icon(icon, x, y, width, height, opacity = 255) # // Method to draw a big icon. bitmap = Cache.system("Iconset") rect = Rect.new(icon % 16 * 24, icon / 16 * 24, 24, 24) rect2 = Rect.new(x, y, width, height) contents.stretch_blt(rect2, bitmap, rect, opacity) end def draw_font_text(text, x, y, width, alignment, font, size, color, bold = true, shadow = true) # // Method to draw font text. contents.font.name = font contents.font.size = size contents.font.color = color contents.font.bold = bold contents.font.shadow = shadow contents.font.out_color = Color.new(0,0,0,255) draw_text(x, y, width, calc_line_height(text), text, alignment) reset_font_settings end def draw_font_text_ex(text, x, y, font, size, color, bold = true, shadow = true) # // Method to draw font text ex. contents.font.name = font contents.font.size = size contents.font.color = color contents.font.bold = bold contents.font.shadow = shadow contents.font.out_color = Color.new(0,0,0,255) text = convert_escape_characters(text) pos = {:x => x, :y => y, :new_x => x, :height => calc_line_height(text)} process_character(text.slice!(0, 1), text, pos) until text.empty? reset_font_settings end end #==============================================================================# # ** Window_Selectable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Adding support for pageleft and pageright for window selectable. #==============================================================================# class Window_Selectable < Window_Base def cursor_pageright ; end def cursor_pageleft ; end alias xail_core_winselect_process_cursor_move process_cursor_move def process_cursor_move(*args, &block) # // Method to process cursor movement. xail_core_winselect_process_cursor_move(*args, &block) cursor_pageright if !handle?(:pageright) && Input.trigger?(:RIGHT) cursor_pageright if !handle?(:pageleft) && Input.trigger?(:LEFT) end alias xail_core_winselect_process_handling process_handling def process_handling(*args, &block) # // Method to process handling. xail_core_winselect_process_handling(*args, &block) return process_pageright if handle?(:pageright) && Input.trigger?(:RIGHT) return process_pageleft if handle?(:pageleft) && Input.trigger?(:LEFT) end def process_pageright # // Method to process page right. Sound.play_cursor Input.update deactivate call_handler(:pageright) end def process_pageleft # // Method to process page left. Sound.play_cursor Input.update deactivate call_handler(:pageleft) end end #==============================================================================# # ** Window_Icon #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New Window :: Window_Icon - A window for drawing icon(s). #==============================================================================# class Window_Icon < Window_Base attr_accessor :enabled attr_accessor :alignment def initialize(x, y, window_width, hsize) # // Method to initialize the icon window. super(0, 0, window_width, window_height(hsize)) @icons = [] @index = 0 @enabled = true @alignment = 0 refresh end def window_height(hsize) # // Method to return the height. fitting_height(hsize) end def refresh # // Method to refresh the icon window. contents.clear end def draw_cmd_icons(icons, index) # // Draw all of the icons. return if !@enabled count = 0 for i in icons align = 0 x = 110 next if i[index].nil? case @alignment when 1, 2 ; align = -110 end draw_icon(i[index], x + align, 24 * count) count += 1 break if (24 * count > height - 24) end end end #============================================================================== # ** Game_Party #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Adding check item method to return a item based on the type. #============================================================================== class Game_Party < Game_Unit def check_item?(item, type) # // Method to return a item based on the type. case type when :items ; $data_items[item] when :weapons ; $data_weapons[item] when :armors ; $data_armors[item] when :gold ; item when :exp ; item end end end #============================================================================== # ** Game_Event #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Adding methods to check for comments on events. #============================================================================== class Game_Event < Game_Character def comment?(comment) # // Method to check if comment is included in event. unless empty? or @list.nil? for evt in @list if evt.code == 108 or evt.code == 408 if evt.parameters[0].include?(comment) return true end end end end return false end def comment_int?(comment) # // Method to check for a integer in event. unless empty? or @list.nil? for evt in @list if evt.code == 108 or evt.code == 408 if evt.parameters[0] =~ /<#{comment}:[ ]?(\d*)>?/ return ($1.to_i > 0 ? $1.to_i : 0) end end end end end def comment_string?(comment) # // Method to check for a string in event. unless empty? or @list.nil? for evt in @list if evt.code == 108 or evt.code == 408 if evt.parameters[0] =~ /<#{comment}:[ ]?(\w*)>?/ return $1.to_s end end end end end end # END OF FILE #=*==========================================================================*=# # ** END OF FILE #=*==========================================================================*=#
# XaiL System - Core
# Author: Nicke
# Created: 07/01/2012
# Edited: 08/10/2013
# Version: 2.1f
# Instructions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
# to an open slot below ? Materials but above ? Main. Remember to save.
# Core script for XaiL System.
# Caution! This needs to be located before any other XS scripts.
# *** Only for RPG Maker VX Ace. ***
($imported ||= {})["XAIL-XS-CORE"] = true
module Colors
# * Colors
White = Color.new(255,255,255)
LightRed = Color.new(255,150,150)
LightGreen = Color.new(150,255,150)
LightBlue = Color.new(150,150,255)
DarkYellow = Color.new(225,225,20)
Alpha = Color.new(0,0,0,128)
AlphaMenu = 100
module XAIL
module CORE
# * Settings
# Graphics.resize_screen(width, height )
Font.default_name = ["VL Gothic"]
Font.default_size = 20
Font.default_bold = false
Font.default_italic = false
Font.default_shadow = true
Font.default_outline = true
Font.default_color = Colors::White
Font.default_out_color = Colors::Alpha
# USE_TONE = true/false:
# Window tone for all windows ingame. Default: true.
USE_TONE = false
SAVE_MAX = 20 # Default 16.
SAVE_FILE_VIS = 4 # Default 4.
# JAPANESE = true/false
JAPANESE = false
# *** Don't edit below unless you know what you are doing. ***
# ** Game_System
class Game_System
# // Method to determine japanese game.
def japanese? ; return XAIL::CORE::JAPANESE ; end
# ** String
class String
def to_class(parent = Kernel)
# // Method to convert string to class.
chain = self.split "::"
klass = parent.const_get chain.shift
return chain.size < 1 ? (klass.is_a?(Class) ? klass : nil) : chain.join("::").to_class(klass)
def cap_words
# // Method to capitalize every word.
self.split(' ').map {|w| w.capitalize }.join(' ')
def slice_char(char)
# // Method to slice char.
self.split(char).map {|w| w.sub(char, " ") }.join(" ")
# ** Vocab
class << Vocab
def xparam(id)
# // Method to return xparam name.
case id
when 0 ; "Hit Chance"
when 1 ; "Evasion"
when 2 ; "Critical Chance"
when 3 ; "Critical Evasion"
when 4 ; "Magic Evasion"
when 5 ; "Magic Reflection"
when 6 ; "Counter Attack"
when 7 ; "HP Regeneration"
when 8 ; "MP Regeneration"
when 9 ; "TP Regeneration"
# ** Sound
class << Sound
def play(name, volume, pitch, type = :se)
# // Method to play a sound. If specified name isn't valid throw an error.
case type
when :se ; RPG::SE.new(name, volume, pitch).play rescue valid?(name)
when :me ; RPG::ME.new(name, volume, pitch).play rescue valid?(name)
when :bgm ; RPG::BGM.new(name, volume, pitch).play rescue valid?(name)
when :bgs ; RPG::BGS.new(name, volume, pitch).play rescue valid?(name)
def valid?(name)
# // Method to raise error if specified sound name is invalid.
msgbox("Error. Unable to find sound file: " + name)
# ** DataManager
class << DataManager
def savefile_max
# // Method override, save file max.
# ** SceneManager
class << SceneManager
def call_ext(scene_class, args = nil)
# // Method to call a scene with arguments.
@scene = scene_class.new(args)
# ** Scene_File
class Scene_File < Scene_MenuBase
def visible_max
# // Method override, visible_max for save files.
# ** Window_Base
# Importing font fix that will remove weird characters.
# Adding new methods such as new gauge, actor param, font text, icon drawing,
# big icon drawing and a line with a shadow.
class Window_Base < Window
# // Importing Custom font fix. (Credit Lone Wolf).
alias :process_normal_character_vxa :process_normal_character
def process_normal_character(c, pos)
return unless c >= ' '
process_normal_character_vxa(c, pos)
end unless method_defined? :process_normal_character
def draw_text_ex_no_reset(x, y, text)
# // Method to draw ex text without resetting the font.
text = convert_escape_characters(text)
pos = {:x => x, :y => y, :new_x => x, :height => calc_line_height(text)}
process_character(text.slice!(0, 1), text, pos) until text.empty?
alias xail_core_winbase_upt_tone update_tone
def update_tone(*args, &block)
# // Method to change tone of the window.
return unless XAIL::CORE::USE_TONE
xail_core_winbase_upt_tone(*args, &block)
def draw_gauge_ex(x, y, width, height, rate, color1, color2)
# // Method to draw a gauge.
fill_w = (width * rate).to_i
gauge_y = y + line_height - 8
contents.fill_rect(x, gauge_y, width + 1, height + 1, Color.new(255,255,255,64))
contents.fill_rect(x, gauge_y, width, height, Color.new(0,0,0,100))
contents.gradient_fill_rect(x, gauge_y, fill_w, height, color1, color2)
def draw_actor_param_gauge(actor, x, y, width, param_id, font, size, bar_color1, bar_color2, txt_color1, txt_color2)
# // Method to draw actor parameters with a gauge.
case param_id
when 2 ; param_rate = actor.param(2) / actor.param_max(2).to_f
when 3 ; param_rate = actor.param(3) / actor.param_max(3).to_f
when 4 ; param_rate = actor.param(4) / actor.param_max(4).to_f
when 5 ; param_rate = actor.param(5) / actor.param_max(5).to_f
when 6 ; param_rate = actor.param(6) / actor.param_max(6).to_f
when 7 ; param_rate = actor.param(7) / actor.param_max(7).to_f
contents.font.name = font
contents.font.size = size
contents.font.bold = true
contents.font.shadow = false
draw_gauge_ex(x, y - 14, width, 20, param_rate, bar_color1, bar_color2)
contents.font.color = txt_color1
draw_text(x + 10, y, 120, line_height, Vocab::param(param_id))
contents.font.color = txt_color2
draw_text(x + width - 38, y, 36, line_height, actor.param(param_id), 2)
def draw_actor_xparam_gauge(actor, x, y, width, xparam_id, font, size, bar_color1, bar_color2, txt_color1, txt_color2)
# // Method to draw actor xparameters with a gauge.
case xparam_id
when 0
xparam_rate = actor.xparam(0) / 100.to_f
xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(0)
when 1
xparam_rate = actor.xparam(1) / 100.to_f
xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(1)
when 2
xparam_rate = actor.xparam(2) / 100.to_f
xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(2)
when 3
xparam_rate = actor.xparam(3) / 100.to_f
xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(3)
when 4
xparam_rate = actor.xparam(4) / 100.to_f
xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(4)
when 5
xparam_rate = actor.xparam(5) / 100.to_f
xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(5)
when 6
xparam_rate = actor.xparam(6) / 100.to_f
xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(6)
when 7
xparam_rate = actor.xparam(7) / 100.to_f
xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(7)
when 8
xparam_rate = actor.xparam(8) / 100.to_f
xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(8)
when 9
xparam_rate = actor.xparam(9) / 100.to_f
xparam_name = Vocab.xparam(9)
contents.font.name = font
contents.font.size = size
contents.font.bold = true
contents.font.shadow = false
draw_gauge_ex(x, y - 14, width, 20, xparam_rate, bar_color1, bar_color2)
contents.font.color = txt_color1
draw_text(x + 10, y, 120, line_height, xparam_name)
contents.font.color = txt_color2
draw_text(x + width - 38, y, 36, line_height, "#{actor.xparam(xparam_id)}%", 2)
def draw_line_ex(x, y, color, shadow)
# // Method to draw a horizontal line with a shadow.
line_y = y + line_height / 2 - 1
contents.fill_rect(x, line_y, contents_width, 2, color)
line_y += 1
contents.fill_rect(x, line_y, contents_width, 2, shadow)
def draw_box(x, y, width, height, color, shadow)
# // Method to draw a box with shadow.
contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color)
x += 1
y += 1
contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, height, shadow)
def draw_vertical_line_ex(x, y, color, shadow)
# // Method to draw a vertical line with a shadow.
line_x = x + line_height / 2 - 1
contents.fill_rect(line_x, y, 2, contents_height, color)
line_x += 1
contents.fill_rect(line_x, y, 2, contents_height, shadow)
def draw_icons(icons, alignment, x = 0, y = 0, offset_icon = [])
# // Method to draw icons in a horizonal or vertical alignment.
icons.each {|icon|
next if icon.nil?
# // If included in offset do extra spacing.
offset_icon.each {|offset|
if icon == offset
y += line_height * 1 if alignment == :vertical
x += line_height * 1 if alignment == :horizontal
draw_icon(icon.nil? ? nil : icon, x.nil? ? 0 : x, y.nil? ? 0 : y) rescue nil
y += line_height if alignment == :vertical
x += line_height if alignment == :horizontal
def draw_big_icon(icon, x, y, width, height, opacity = 255)
# // Method to draw a big icon.
bitmap = Cache.system("Iconset")
rect = Rect.new(icon % 16 * 24, icon / 16 * 24, 24, 24)
rect2 = Rect.new(x, y, width, height)
contents.stretch_blt(rect2, bitmap, rect, opacity)
def draw_font_text(text, x, y, width, alignment, font, size, color, bold = true, shadow = true)
# // Method to draw font text.
contents.font.name = font
contents.font.size = size
contents.font.color = color
contents.font.bold = bold
contents.font.shadow = shadow
contents.font.out_color = Color.new(0,0,0,255)
draw_text(x, y, width, calc_line_height(text), text, alignment)
def draw_font_text_ex(text, x, y, font, size, color, bold = true, shadow = true)
# // Method to draw font text ex.
contents.font.name = font
contents.font.size = size
contents.font.color = color
contents.font.bold = bold
contents.font.shadow = shadow
contents.font.out_color = Color.new(0,0,0,255)
text = convert_escape_characters(text)
pos = {:x => x, :y => y, :new_x => x, :height => calc_line_height(text)}
process_character(text.slice!(0, 1), text, pos) until text.empty?
# ** Window_Selectable
# Adding support for pageleft and pageright for window selectable.
class Window_Selectable < Window_Base
def cursor_pageright ; end
def cursor_pageleft ; end
alias xail_core_winselect_process_cursor_move process_cursor_move
def process_cursor_move(*args, &block)
# // Method to process cursor movement.
xail_core_winselect_process_cursor_move(*args, &block)
cursor_pageright if !handle?(:pageright) && Input.trigger?(:RIGHT)
cursor_pageright if !handle?(:pageleft) && Input.trigger?(:LEFT)
alias xail_core_winselect_process_handling process_handling
def process_handling(*args, &block)
# // Method to process handling.
xail_core_winselect_process_handling(*args, &block)
return process_pageright if handle?(:pageright) && Input.trigger?(:RIGHT)
return process_pageleft if handle?(:pageleft) && Input.trigger?(:LEFT)
def process_pageright
# // Method to process page right.
def process_pageleft
# // Method to process page left.
# ** Window_Icon
# New Window :: Window_Icon - A window for drawing icon(s).
class Window_Icon < Window_Base
attr_accessor :enabled
attr_accessor :alignment
def initialize(x, y, window_width, hsize)
# // Method to initialize the icon window.
super(0, 0, window_width, window_height(hsize))
@icons = []
@index = 0
@enabled = true
@alignment = 0
def window_height(hsize)
# // Method to return the height.
def refresh
# // Method to refresh the icon window.
def draw_cmd_icons(icons, index)
# // Draw all of the icons.
return if !@enabled
count = 0
for i in icons
align = 0
x = 110
next if i[index].nil?
case @alignment
when 1, 2 ; align = -110
draw_icon(i[index], x + align, 24 * count)
count += 1
break if (24 * count > height - 24)
# ** Game_Party
# Adding check item method to return a item based on the type.
class Game_Party < Game_Unit
def check_item?(item, type)
# // Method to return a item based on the type.
case type
when :items ; $data_items[item]
when :weapons ; $data_weapons[item]
when :armors ; $data_armors[item]
when :gold ; item
when :exp ; item
# ** Game_Event
# Adding methods to check for comments on events.
class Game_Event < Game_Character
def comment?(comment)
# // Method to check if comment is included in event.
unless empty? or @list.nil?
for evt in @list
if evt.code == 108 or evt.code == 408
if evt.parameters[0].include?(comment)
return true
return false
def comment_int?(comment)
# // Method to check for a integer in event.
unless empty? or @list.nil?
for evt in @list
if evt.code == 108 or evt.code == 408
if evt.parameters[0] =~ /<#{comment}:[ ]?(\d*)>?/
return ($1.to_i > 0 ? $1.to_i : 0)
def comment_string?(comment)
# // Method to check for a string in event.
unless empty? or @list.nil?
for evt in @list
if evt.code == 108 or evt.code == 408
if evt.parameters[0] =~ /<#{comment}:[ ]?(\w*)>?/
return $1.to_s