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Ninja Slayer Theme Song

已有 398 次阅读2015-10-12 20:54 |个人分类:动漫| NinjaSlayer

Back in black 

Get back on track.It coulb be a payback.
you bettet break out before you blackout.
Back in black time to dust yourself off.
Back in black time to dust yourself off.
I gotta get paid Thats the way it is.
Look inside you and see what your soul is.
Back in black time to dust yourself off.
Back in black time to dust yourself off.
No matter how hard I try I can't .
I see skies and i want you to paint it .
Back in black time to dust yourself off.
You wom't feel safe until I get away .
Everying melts the sunset slowly .
Everying melts the sunset slowly .
Everying melts the sunset slowly .
All alone .
I walk away like every day somewhere out there .
In my brain,I'm searching for the reason why I lose my mind . 
In my brain,I'm searching for the reason why I lose my mind . 
Take you right back where you started .
I don't wanna miss any more perfect chances .
Walk on by.You gotta pick your face up .
Nobody's perfect but you are so close .
The sun is always going to rise up .
No matter who you are No matter what you do .
Back in black time to dust yourself off.
Back in black time to dust yourself off.
No matter how hard I try I can't .
I see skies and i want you to paint it .
Back in black time to dust yourself off.
You wom't feel safe until I get away .
Everying melts the sunset slowly .
Everying melts the sunset slowly .
Everying melts the sunset slowly .
All alone .
I walk away like every day somewhere out there .
In my brain,
I'm searching for the reason why I lose my mind .



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