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已有 546 次阅读2012-9-2 20:18

Sentimentality may be defined as emotion in excess of the occasion, whether as an overresponse on the part of the reader whose emotions are on hair trigger, or as an effect deliberately worked up by the poet who is willing to use illegitimate means.(Of course the poet need not be cold-blooded in his attempt: he may have taken in himself as well as any unwary reader. The author of “Somebody’s Darling” probably emoted as powerfully as any of her readers.) We usually restrict the term sentimentality to an overexpression of the more tender emotions, but any emotion is subject to disproportionate emphasis. Jingoistic patriotism, for example, can be whipped up by the unscrupulous rhetorician pretending to be a true poet.(Understanding Poerty, 外研社2004.11p.125)

感伤癖是指超出情境的感情,这可能是指情绪激动的读者做出的过度回应,也可能是指诗人用不合逻辑的方式随意地制造出某种效果。(当然这并不是说诗人是在无动于衷的情形下这么做的:他可能和他天真的读者一样被感动了。Somebody’s Darling的作者受到的触动可能和她的读者一样强烈。)我们通常把“感伤癖”这个表述限定于较为柔软的感情,不过它也意指一切被不合比例地强调了的感情。譬如,沙文主义的爱国主义就常常被无耻的修辞家煽动,他们都假装自己是真正的诗人。

John Keats said that we resent a poem that has a special design on us. The disciplined reader probably resents most of all such a poem when the design is clearly to work upon our sympathies, especially our more tender sympathies, and when the poet is willing to make use of any device, however mawkish, insistent, or illegitimate, to effect this end. ...

There is nothing wrong, it should be emphasized, about emotional response as such. We want to feel deeply: this is one of the reasons why we read literature. But we want the claim on our sympathies to be a just claim, and we want our own emotional response to be “earned” by the poem. We resent being made the dupe of cheap and specious appeals to our response, like the canned laughter on a TV comedy show. The sentimental poem is irritating just here: we are asked to make full payment on a bogus check, to respond deeply to a piece of glib rhetoric—which is a very different thing from a full-bodied imaginative experience that provides adequate motivation for the response for which it asks.





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