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- #==============================================================================
- # ■ 完整鼠标系统(四方向)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 使用时务必配合专用寻路算法
- # By whbm
- #==============================================================================
- #下面做一下介绍与使用说明:
- # 在屏幕上单击鼠标的时候,会自动进行寻路,这里为了速度更快并且为了进行迷
- #宫时的难度寻路被限定在当时的屏幕内部。(否则玩家直接点到终点,呵呵....知道
- #后果了吧)
- # 在角色移动过程中再次单击鼠标(即双击)并在单击第二次鼠标的时候不松手,
- #角色将会跟随鼠标方向移动。(这个应该好理解,不用多说吧)当角色贴着欲被启动
- #的事件的时候,单击NPC即可启动事件。若未贴着,将会产生自动寻路到NPC附近的某
- #点,那时在单击NPC即可。
- # 当鼠标停在某些事件上时候会发现有不同的图标,设置方法为:宝箱事件请在事
- #件的执行内容中添加 注释,注释内容为 Item 注意大小写。NPC事件请在事件的执行
- #内容中添加 注释注释内容为 NPC 注意大小写。若不箱改变某事件的图标,则不要写
- #那两个注释。
- # 当把脚本转到您工程的时候千万别忘了那个寻路用的脚本。
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Event
- attr_accessor :flag
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game_Map
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 处理地图的类。包含卷动以及可以通行的判断功能。
- # 本类的实例请参考 $game_map 。
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Map
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 检查鼠标处是否有自定义的事件并返回类型
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def check_event_custom(mouse_x, mouse_y)
- for event in $game_map.events.values #循环所有事件检查
- event_width = RPG::Cache.character(event.character_name,event.character_hue).width / 4
- event_height = RPG::Cache.character(event.character_name,event.character_hue).height / 4
- if mouse_x > event.screen_x - event_width / 2 and mouse_x < event.screen_x + event_width / 2 and mouse_y + 32 > event.screen_y + 32 - event_height and mouse_y + 32 < event.screen_y + 32
- if event.list != nil
- for i in 0...event.list.size
- if event.list[i].parameters[0] == "Item" #类型判断
- event.flag = 1
- elsif event.list[i].parameters[0] == "Npc" #类型判断
- event.flag = 2
- else
- event.flag = 0 if $game_player.get_mouse_sta != 2 #无标志
- end
- return event.flag #返回事件类型标志
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return 0 if $game_player.get_mouse_sta != 2 #如果不是在跟随鼠标状态,则返回无标志
- return $mouse_icon_id #使鼠标图不变化
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 检查鼠标处是否有事件可以开启
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def check_event_custom_start(mouse_x, mouse_y)
- for event in $game_map.events.values #循环所有事件检查
- #事件角色图片宽度、高度
- event_width = RPG::Cache.character(event.character_name,event.character_hue).width/4
- event_height = RPG::Cache.character(event.character_name,event.character_hue).height/4
- #判断是否鼠标在事件上
- if mouse_x > event.screen_x - event_width / 2 and mouse_x < event.screen_x + event_width / 2 and mouse_y + 32 > event.screen_y + 32 - event_height and mouse_y + 32 < event.screen_y + 32
- way_x = $game_player.x - event.x
- way_y = $game_player.y - event.y
- if ([1, -1].include?($game_player.x-event.x) and $game_player.y-event.y == 0) or ([1, -1].include?($game_player.y-event.y) and $game_player.x-event.x == 0)
- for i in 0...event.list.size
- if ["Item","Npc"].include?(event.list[i].parameters[0]) #当事件属于自定义事件
- #判断主角朝向
- if way_x == -1
- p_direction = 6 if way_y == 0
- elsif way_x == 0
- p_direction = 2 if way_y == -1
- p_direction = 8 if way_y == 1
- else
- p_direction = 4 if way_y == 0
- end
- event.start #开启事件
- return 1, p_direction #返回即将开启事件以及角色朝向
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return 0, 5 #返回不会开启事件以及角色朝向不变
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 检查鼠标处是否存在自定义事件 for 寻路
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def check_event_custom_exist(mouse_x, mouse_y)
- for event in $game_map.events.values #循环所有事件检查
- #事件角色图片宽度、高度
- event_width = RPG::Cache.character(event.character_name,event.character_hue).width/4
- event_height = RPG::Cache.character(event.character_name,event.character_hue).height/4
- if mouse_x > event.screen_x - event_width / 2 and mouse_x < event.screen_x + event_width / 2 and mouse_y + 32 > event.screen_y + 32 - event_height and mouse_y + 32 < event.screen_y + 32
- for i in 0...event.list.size
- return 1, event if ["Item", "Npc"].include?(event.list[i].parameters[0]) #返回存在自定义事件以及事件体
- end
- end
- end
- return 0, event #返回不存在自定义事件,以及事件体
- end
- end
- #=================以下两个用来调整战斗时的手感问题,可以自己试试。
- $敌人选框扩大 = 20
- $角色选框扩大 = 30
- #==============================================================================
- # ● API调用
- #==============================================================================
- $ShowCursor = Win32API.new("user32", "ShowCursor", 'i', 'l')
- $GetCursorPos = Win32API.new("user32", "GetCursorPos", 'p', 'i')
- $ScreenToClient = Win32API.new("user32", "ScreenToClient", 'ip', 'i')
- $GetActiveWindow = Win32API.new("user32", "GetActiveWindow", nil, 'l')
- $Window_HWND = $GetActiveWindow.call
- $GetKeyState = Win32API.new("user32", "GetKeyState", 'i', 'i')
- module Mouse
- LEFT = 0x01
- RIGHT = 0x02
- def self.init(sprite = nil)
- $ShowCursor.call(0)
- @show_cursor = false
- @mouse_ani_viewport = Viewport.new(0,0,640,480)
- @mouse_ani_viewport.z = 9
- @mouse_ani = RPG::Sprite.new(@mouse_ani_viewport)
- @mouse_ani.z = 9
- @mouse_sprite = Sprite.new
- @mouse_sprite.z = 99999
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/M.png')
- $data_animations = load_data("Data/Animations.rxdata")
- @mouse_wait_count = $data_animations[1].frame_max * 2
- @mouse_wait = 0
- @b = 1
- @left_press = false
- @right_press = false
- @left_trigger = false
- @right_trigger = false
- @left_repeat = false
- @right_repeat = false
- @click_lock = false
- update
- end
- def self.exit
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap.dispose
- @mouse_sprite.dispose
- @mouse_ani.dispose
- @show_cursor = true
- $ShowCursor.call(1)
- end
- def self.mouse_debug
- return @mouse_debug.bitmap
- end
- def self.set_ani(x, y)
- @ani_x = x
- @ani_y = y
- x -= $game_map.display_x / 4
- y -= $game_map.display_y / 4
- @mouse_ani.x, @mouse_ani.y = x, y
- @mouse_ani.animation($data_animations[1],true)
- @mouse_wait = @mouse_wait_count
- end
- def self.update_ani
- if @mouse_wait > 0
- x = @ani_x
- y = @ani_y
- x -= $game_map.display_x / 4
- y -= $game_map.display_y / 4
- @mouse_ani.x, @mouse_ani.y = x, y
- @mouse_ani.update
- @mouse_wait -= 1
- end
- end
- def self.update
- left_down = $GetKeyState.call(0x01)
- right_down = $GetKeyState.call(0x02)
- if Graphics.frame_count * 3 / Graphics.frame_rate != @total_sec
- @total_sec = Graphics.frame_count * 3 / Graphics.frame_rate
- @a = !@a
- end
- if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) == false
- $mouse_icon_id = 0
- end
- if $mouse_icon_id != $mouse_icon_id_last
- case $mouse_icon_id
- when 1
- if @a
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/I')
- else
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/I2')
- end
- when 2
- if @a
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/N')
- else
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/N2')
- end
- when 11
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/M2')
- when 12
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/M2')
- when 13
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/M2')
- when 14
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/M2')
- when 16
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/M2')
- when 17
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/M2')
- when 18
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/M2')
- when 19
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/M2')
- when 0
- @mouse_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Menu/Mouse/M')
- end
- $mouse_icon_id_last = $mouse_icon_id
- end
- @click_lock = false
- mouse_x, mouse_y = self.get_mouse_pos
- if @mouse_sprite != nil
- @mouse_sprite.x = mouse_x
- @mouse_sprite.y = mouse_y
- end
- if left_down[7] == 1
- @left_repeat = (not @left_repeat)
- @left_trigger = (not @left_press)
- @left_press = true
- else
- @left_press = false
- @left_trigger = false
- @left_repeat = false
- end
- if right_down[7] == 1
- @right_repeat = (not @right_repeat)
- @right_trigger = (not @right_press)
- @right_press = true
- else
- @right_press = false
- @right_trigger = false
- @right_repeat = false
- end
- end
- def self.get_mouse_pos
- point_var = [0, 0].pack('ll')
- if $GetCursorPos.call(point_var) != 0
- if $ScreenToClient.call($Window_HWND, point_var) != 0
- x, y = point_var.unpack('ll')
- if (x < 0) or (x > 10000) then x = 0 end
- if (y < 0) or (y > 10000) then y = 0 end
- if x > 640 then x = 640 end
- if y > 480 then y = 480 end
- return x, y
- else
- return 0, 0
- end
- else
- return 0, 0
- end
- end
- def self.press?(mouse_code)
- if mouse_code == LEFT
- if @click_lock
- return false
- else
- return @left_press
- end
- elsif mouse_code == RIGHT
- return @right_press
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- def self.trigger?(mouse_code)
- if mouse_code == LEFT
- if @click_lock
- return false
- else
- return @left_trigger
- end
- elsif mouse_code == RIGHT
- return @right_trigger
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- def self.repeat?(mouse_code)
- if mouse_code == LEFT
- if @click_lock
- return false
- else
- return @left_repeat
- end
- elsif mouse_code == RIGHT
- return @right_repeat
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- def self.click_lock?
- return @click_lock
- end
- def self.click_lock
- @click_lock = true
- end
- def self.click_unlock
- @click_lock = false
- end
- end
- module Input
- if @self_update == nil
- @self_update = method('update')
- @self_press = method('press?')
- @self_trigger = method('trigger?')
- @self_repeat = method('repeat?')
- end
- def self.update
- @self_update.call
- Mouse.update
- end
- def self.press?(key_code)
- if @self_press.call(key_code)
- return true
- end
- if key_code == C
- return Mouse.press?(Mouse::LEFT)
- elsif key_code == B
- return Mouse.press?(Mouse::RIGHT)
- else
- return @self_press.call(key_code)
- end
- end
- def self.trigger?(key_code)
- if @self_trigger.call(key_code)
- return true
- end
- if key_code == C
- return Mouse.trigger?(Mouse::LEFT)
- elsif key_code == B
- return Mouse.trigger?(Mouse::RIGHT)
- else
- return @self_trigger.call(key_code)
- end
- end
- def self.repeat?(key_code)
- if @self_repeat.call(key_code)
- return true
- end
- if key_code == C
- return Mouse.repeat?(Mouse::LEFT)
- elsif key_code == B
- return Mouse.repeat?(Mouse::RIGHT)
- else
- return @self_repeat.call(key_code)
- end
- end
- end
- class Window_Selectable
- if @self_alias == nil
- alias self_update update
- @self_alias = true
- end
- def update
- self_update
- if self.active and @item_max > 0
- index_var = @index
- tp_index = @index
- mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos
- mouse_not_in_rect = true
- for i in 0...@item_max
- @index = i
- update_cursor_rect
- top_x = self.cursor_rect.x + self.x + 16
- top_y = self.cursor_rect.y + self.y + 16
- bottom_x = top_x + self.cursor_rect.width
- bottom_y = top_y + self.cursor_rect.height
- if (mouse_x > top_x) and (mouse_y > top_y) and
- (mouse_x < bottom_x) and (mouse_y < bottom_y)
- mouse_not_in_rect = false
- if tp_index != @index
- tp_index = @index
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se)
- end
- break
- end
- end
- if mouse_not_in_rect
- @index = index_var
- update_cursor_rect
- Mouse.click_lock
- else
- Mouse.click_unlock
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class Window_NameInput
- if @self_alias == nil
- alias self_update update
- @self_alias = true
- end
- def update
- self_update
- if self.active
- index_var = @index
- mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos
- mouse_not_in_rect = true
- for i in (0...CHARACTER_TABLE.size).to_a.push(180)
- @index = i
- update_cursor_rect
- top_x = self.cursor_rect.x + self.x + 16
- top_y = self.cursor_rect.y + self.y + 16
- bottom_x = top_x + self.cursor_rect.width
- bottom_y = top_y + self.cursor_rect.height
- if (mouse_x > top_x) and (mouse_y > top_y) and
- (mouse_x < bottom_x) and (mouse_y < bottom_y)
- mouse_not_in_rect = false
- break
- end
- end
- if mouse_not_in_rect
- @index = index_var
- update_cursor_rect
- Mouse.click_lock
- else
- Mouse.click_unlock
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class Window_InputNumber
- if @self_alias == nil
- alias self_update update
- @self_alias = true
- end
- def update
- self_update
- mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos
- if self.active and @digits_max > 0
- index_var = @index
- mouse_not_in_rect = true
- for i in 0...@digits_max
- @index = i
- update_cursor_rect
- top_x = self.cursor_rect.x + self.x + 16
- bottom_x = top_x + self.cursor_rect.width
- if (mouse_x > top_x) and (mouse_x < bottom_x)
- mouse_not_in_rect = false
- break
- end
- end
- if mouse_not_in_rect
- @index = index_var
- update_cursor_rect
- Mouse.click_lock
- else
- Mouse.click_unlock
- end
- end
- if @last_mouse_y == nil
- @last_mouse_y = mouse_y
- end
- check_pos = (@last_mouse_y - mouse_y).abs
- if check_pos > 10
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se)
- place = 10 ** (@digits_max - 1 - @index)
- n = @number / place % 10
- @number -= n * place
- n = (n + 1) % 10 if mouse_y < @last_mouse_y
- n = (n + 9) % 10 if mouse_y > @last_mouse_y
- @number += n * place
- refresh
- @last_mouse_y = mouse_y
- end
- end
- end
- class Scene_File
- if @self_alias == nil
- alias self_update update
- @self_alias = true
- end
- def update
- mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos
- Mouse.click_lock
- idx = 0
- for i in @savefile_windows
- top_x = i.x + 16
- top_y = i.y + 16
- bottom_x = top_x + i.width
- bottom_y = top_y + i.height
- if (mouse_x > top_x) and (mouse_y > top_y) and
- (mouse_x < bottom_x) and (mouse_y < bottom_y)
- i.selected = true
- if @file_index != idx
- @file_index = idx
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se)
- end
- Mouse.click_unlock
- else
- i.selected = false
- end
- idx += 1
- end
- self_update
- end
- end
- class Arrow_Enemy
- if @self_alias == nil
- alias self_update update
- @self_alias = true
- end
- def update
- mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos
- idx = 0
- for i in $game_troop.enemies do
- if i.exist?
- top_x = i.screen_x - self.ox
- top_y = i.screen_y - self.oy
- bottom_x = top_x + self.src_rect.width
- bottom_y = top_y + self.src_rect.height
- if (mouse_x > top_x - $敌人选框扩大) and (mouse_y > top_y - $敌人选框扩大) and
- (mouse_x < bottom_x + $敌人选框扩大) and (mouse_y < bottom_y + $敌人选框扩大)
- if @index != idx
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se)
- @index = idx
- end
- end
- end
- idx += 1
- end
- self_update
- end
- end
- class Arrow_Actor
- if @self_alias == nil
- alias self_update update
- @self_alias = true
- end
- def update
- mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos
- idx = 0
- for i in $game_party.actors do
- if i.exist?
- top_x = i.screen_x - self.ox
- top_y = i.screen_y - self.oy
- bottom_x = top_x + self.src_rect.width
- bottom_y = top_y + self.src_rect.height
- if (mouse_x > top_x - $角色选框扩大) and (mouse_y > top_y - $角色选框扩大) and
- (mouse_x < bottom_x + $角色选框扩大) and (mouse_y < bottom_y + $角色选框扩大)
- if @index != idx
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se)
- @index = idx
- end
- end
- end
- idx += 1
- end
- self_update
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game_Player
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 处理主角的类。事件启动的判定、以及地图的滚动等功能。
- # 本类的实例请参考 $game_player。
- # 鼠标控制角色的主程序
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Player
- if @self_alias == nil
- alias self_update update
- @self_alias = true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 得到鼠标的状态
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_mouse_sta
- return @mouse_sta
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 完整鼠标系统
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos
- @mtp_x = mouse_x
- @mtp_y = mouse_y
- unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? and @mouse_sta == 2 #鼠标状态不为跟随状态
- #得到鼠标图标方向
- $mouse_icon_id = $game_map.check_event_custom(mouse_x,mouse_y) if not [11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19].include?($mouse_icon_id)
- else
- #令鼠标图标为正常
- $mouse_icon_id = 0 if @mouse_sta != 2
- end
- #单击鼠标时进行判断寻路或跟随
- if Mouse.trigger?(Mouse::LEFT) #当点击鼠标时
- unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or @move_route_forcing or $game_temp.message_window_showing
- unless mouse_x > 500 and mouse_x < 560 and mouse_y > 0 and mouse_y < 60
- unless mouse_x > 355 and mouse_x < 640 and mouse_y > 429 and mouse_y < 480#各种无效情况的排除
- #初始化
- @mouse_sta = 1
- p_direction = 5
- #检查鼠标处能否开启事件
- event_start,p_direction = $game_map.check_event_custom_start(mouse_x, mouse_y)
- #若在移动中再次点击鼠标左键(即双击左键),则改鼠标状态为跟随状态
- @mouse_sta = 2 if @paths_id != nil and @paths_id != @paths.size
- if @mouse_sta != 2
- #鼠标状态不为跟随状态则取数据并初始化路径
- trg_x = (mouse_x + $game_map.display_x / 4) / 32
- trg_y = (mouse_y + $game_map.display_y / 4) / 32
- @paths = []
- @paths_id = 0
- if event_start == 0 #若不能开启事件
- if trg_x != $game_player.x or trg_y != $game_player.y #若目标不为自身则开始寻路
- find_path = Find_Path.new
- @paths = find_path.find_player_short_path(trg_x, trg_y, @mtp_x, @mtp_y)
- end
- else #若能开启事件则改变角色朝向
- @direction = p_direction
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #开始移动
- if @mouse_sta != nil and @mouse_sta == 1 #若鼠标状态为寻路状态
- unless moving? or $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
- @move_route_forcing or $game_temp.message_window_showing #排除无效情况
- if @paths_id != nil and @paths != nil and @paths_id <= @paths.size #若没有完成路径
- case @paths[@paths_id] #判断路径
- when 6
- @last_move_x = true
- move_right
- @paths_id += 1
- @direction = 6
- when 4
- @last_move_x = true
- move_left
- @paths_id += 1
- @direction = 4
- when 2
- @last_move_x = false
- move_down
- @direction = 2
- @paths_id += 1
- when 8
- @last_move_x = false
- move_up
- @direction = 8
- @paths_id += 1
- end
- end
- end
- elsif @paths != nil and @mouse_sta == 2 #当鼠标状态为跟随,且在移动中
- if Mouse.press?(Mouse::LEFT) #持续按住鼠标
- unless moving? or $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
- @move_route_forcing or $game_temp.message_window_showing #排除无效情况
- #跟随方向判断并跟随
- if @mtp_x > self.screen_x
- if @mtp_y - self.screen_y > - ( @mtp_x - self.screen_x ) and
- @mtp_y - self.screen_y < @mtp_x - self.screen_x
- move_right
- $mouse_icon_id = 16
- @direction = 6
- end
- if @mtp_y - self.screen_y > @mtp_x - self.screen_x
- move_down
- $mouse_icon_id = 12
- @direction = 2
- end
- if @mtp_y - self.screen_y < - ( @mtp_x - self.screen_x )
- move_up
- $mouse_icon_id = 18
- @direction = 8
- end
- end
- if @mtp_x < self.screen_x
- if @mtp_y - self.screen_y > - ( self.screen_x - @mtp_x ) and
- @mtp_y - self.screen_y < self.screen_x - @mtp_x
- move_left
- $mouse_icon_id = 14
- @direction = 4
- end
- if @mtp_y - self.screen_y > self.screen_x - @mtp_x
- move_down
- $mouse_icon_id = 12
- @direction = 2
- end
- if @mtp_y - self.screen_y < - ( self.screen_x - @mtp_x )
- move_up
- $mouse_icon_id = 18
- @direction = 8
- end
- end
- end
- else #没状态的情况
- $mouse_icon_id = 0
- @mouse_sta = 0
- @paths_id = @paths.size #终止寻路移动
- end
- end
- self_update
- end
- end
- Mouse.init
- END { Mouse.exit }
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