赞 | 273 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 157 |
经验 | 515 |
最后登录 | 2024-7-16 |
在线时间 | 2098 小时 |
- 梦石
- 1
- 星屑
- 14657
- 在线时间
- 2098 小时
- 注册时间
- 2017-9-28
- 帖子
- 662
- #==============================================================================
- # +++ MOG - 图片效果 (v1.0) +++
- #==============================================================================
- # By Moghunter
- # https://atelierrgss.wordpress.com/
- #==============================================================================
- # 本脚本添加了一些图片的表现效果,其复杂而高效。同时还可以设定图片的位置是相对
- # 画面还是事件的。
- #==============================================================================
- # 效果类型
- #==============================================================================
- # 0 - 震动 A
- # 1 - 震动 B
- # 2 - 呼吸
- # 3 - 循环放大缩小
- # 4 - 循环淡入淡出
- # 5 - 滚动(朝两个方向)
- # 6 - 波动
- # 7 - 一帧帧播放的,类似GIF的动画效果(下面有解释)
- #
- # 你可以对一张图片同时使用多个甚至全部效果.
- #
- #==============================================================================
- # 使用方法
- #==============================================================================
- # 在事件中使用脚本:
- #
- # picture_effect(图片ID,效果类型,强度,速度)
- #
- # 图片ID = 应用效果的图片的ID
- # 效果类型 = 效果的类型(0 到 7)
- # 强度 = 效果的强度
- # SPEED = 效果的速度
- #
- # 例子:
- #
- # picture_effect(1,5,10,50)
- #
- #==============================================================================
- # 按帧播放的效果. (效果类型7)
- #==============================================================================
- # 需要以此规律命名播放的图片。
- #
- # Picture_Name.png
- # Picture_Name0.png
- # Picture_Name1.png
- # Picture_Name2.png
- # Picture_Name3.png
- # Picture_Name4.png
- # ...
- #
- #==============================================================================
- # 图片特殊位置
- #==============================================================================
- # 设置图片特殊位置的脚本:
- #
- # picture_position(图片ID, 目标ID)
- #
- # 其中目标ID有以下选择:
- #
- # 0 = 普通位置
- # 1..999 = 事件处 (ID).
- # -1 = 玩家处.
- # -2 = 固定.
- #
- #==============================================================================
- # 消除图片
- #==============================================================================
- # 你可以通过事件指令"消除图片"或以下脚本来消除图片:
- #
- # picture_effects_clear(图片ID)
- #
- #==============================================================================
- # 设置图片的默认Z坐标.
- # 在游戏过程中也可以使用脚本"set_picture_z(数值)"来改变图片的Z坐标
- end
- $imported = {} if $imported.nil?
- $imported[:mog_picture_effects] = true
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game Picture
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Picture
- attr_accessor :effect_ex
- attr_accessor :anime_frames
- attr_accessor :position
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Init Basic
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias mog_picture_ex_init_basic init_basic
- def init_basic
- init_effect_ex
- mog_picture_ex_init_basic
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Erase
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias mog_picture_ex_erase erase
- def erase
- init_effect_ex
- mog_picture_ex_erase
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Init Effect EX
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def init_effect_ex
- @effect_ex = [] ; @anime_frames = [] ; @position = [0,nil,0,0]
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game System
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_System
- attr_accessor :picture_screen_z
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Initialize
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias mog_picture_ex_initialize initialize
- def initialize
- mog_picture_ex_initialize
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game Interpreter
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Interpreter
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Set Pictures
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_pictures
- return $game_troop.screen.pictures if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
- return $game_map.screen.pictures if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Map)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Picture Effect
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def picture_effect(id,type, power = nil,speed = nil,misc = nil)
- pictures = set_pictures
- return if pictures.nil?
- power = set_standard_power(type) if power == nil
- power = 1 if type == 4 and power < 1
- speed = set_standard_speed(type) if speed == nil
- pictures[id].effect_ex[0] = nil if type == 1
- pictures[id].effect_ex[1] = nil if type == 0
- pictures[id].effect_ex[type] = [power,speed,0]
- pictures[id].effect_ex[type] = [0,0,0,power * 0.00005,speed, 0,0] if [2,3].include?(type)
- pictures[id].effect_ex[type] = [255,0,0,255 / power, power,speed,0] if type == 4
- pictures[id].effect_ex[type] = [0,0,power,speed,0] if type == 5
- pictures[id].effect_ex[type] = [true,power * 10,speed * 100] if type == 6
- pictures[id].anime_frames = [true,[],power,0,0,speed,0] if type == 7
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Set Standard Power
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_standard_power(type)
- return 6 if type == 2
- return 30 if type == 3
- return 120 if type == 4
- return 10
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Set Standard Speed
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_standard_speed(type)
- return 3 if [0,1].include?(type)
- return 0 if [2,3,4].include?(type)
- return 2 if type == 5
- return 0 if type == 7
- return 10
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Picture Position
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def picture_position(id,target_id)
- pictures = set_pictures
- return if pictures.nil?
- pictures[id].position = [0,nil,0,0] if [-2,0].include?(pictures[id].position[0])
- pictures[id].effect_ex.clear
- target = 0 ; target = $game_player if target_id == -1
- if target_id > 0
- $game_map.events.values.each do |e| target = e if e.id == target_id end
- end
- pictures[id].position[0] = target_id
- pictures[id].position[1] = target
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Set Picture Z
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_picture_z(value)
- $game_system.picture_screen_z = value
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Picture Effects Clear
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def picture_effects_clear(id)
- pictures = set_pictures
- return if pictures.nil?
- pictures[id].effect_ex.clear ; pictures[id].anime_frames.clear
- pictures[id].position = [0,nil,0,0]
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game Map
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Map
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Setup
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias mog_picture_ex_setup setup
- def setup(map_id)
- mog_picture_ex_setup(map_id)
- clear_picture_position rescue nil
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Clear Picture Position
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def clear_picture_position
- pictures = $game_troop.screen.pictures if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
- pictures = $game_map.screen.pictures if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Map)
- return if pictures == nil
- pictures.each {|p|
- p.position = [-1000,nil,0,0] if p.position[0] > 0 or p.position[1] == nil}
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Sprite Picture
- #==============================================================================
- class Sprite_Picture < Sprite
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Dispose
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias mog_picture_ex_dispose dispose
- def dispose
- mog_picture_ex_dispose
- @picture.effect_ex[6][0] = true if @picture.effect_ex[6]
- @picture.anime_frames[0] = true if @picture.effect_ex[7]
- dispose_pic_frames if [email protected]_ex[7]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Dispose Pic Frames
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dispose_pic_frames
- return if @pic_frames.nil?
- @pic_frames.each {|picture| picture.dispose } ; @pic_frames = nil
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Update Bitmap
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias mog_picture_ex_update_bitmap update_bitmap
- def update_bitmap
- refresh_effect_ex if @old_name_ex != @picture.name
- if [email protected]_frames.empty? and self.bitmap
- update_picture_animation ; return
- end
- mog_picture_ex_update_bitmap
- create_picture_animation if can_create_frame_picture?
- set_wave_effect if can_set_wave_effect?
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Refresh effect EX
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh_effect_ex
- (self.wave_amp = 0 ; self.wave_length = 1 ; self.wave_speed = 0) if [email protected]_ex[6]
- @old_name_ex = @picture.name
- create_picture_animation if @picture.effect_ex[7]
- set_wave_effect if can_set_wave_effect?
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Can Create Frame Picture
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def can_create_frame_picture?
- return false if [email protected]_frames[0]
- return false if !self.bitmap
- return true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Update Picture Animation
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_picture_animation
- return if @pic_frames == nil
- if @picture.anime_frames[6] > 0 ; @picture.anime_frames[6] -= 1 ; return
- end
- @picture.anime_frames[4] += 1
- return if @picture.anime_frames[4] < @picture.anime_frames[2]
- self.bitmap = @pic_frames[@picture.anime_frames[3]]
- @picture.anime_frames[4] = 0 ; @picture.anime_frames[3] += 1
- if @picture.anime_frames[3] >= @pic_frames.size
- @picture.anime_frames[3] = 0 ; @picture.anime_frames[6] = @picture.anime_frames[5]
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Create Picture Animation
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_picture_animation
- dispose_pic_frames ; @pic_frames = [] ; @picture.anime_frames[0] = false
- for index in 0...999
- @pic_frames.push(Cache.picture(@picture.name + index.to_s)) rescue nil
- break if @pic_frames[index] == nil
- end
- if @pic_frames.size <= 1
- dispose_pic_frames ; @pic_frames = nil ; @picture.anime_frames.clear
- @picture.effect_ex[7] = nil ; return
- end
- self.bitmap = @pic_frames[@picture.anime_frames[3]]
- update_picture_animation
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Update Position
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_position
- self.z = @picture.number + $game_system.picture_screen_z
- if @picture.effect_ex[0] ; update_shake_effect(0) ; return ; end
- if @picture.effect_ex[1] ; update_shake_effect(1) ; return ; end
- self.x = pos_x ; self.y = pos_y ; set_oxy_correction
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Pos X
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def pos_x
- return @picture.x
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Pos Y
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def pos_y
- return @picture.y
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Set Oxy Correction
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_oxy_correction
- return if @picture.position[0] == -2
- self.x += self.ox if @picture.effect_ex[3] or @picture.effect_ex[5]
- self.y += self.oy if @picture.effect_ex[2] or @picture.effect_ex[3] or @picture.effect_ex[5]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Update Position
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_shake_effect(type)
- @picture.effect_ex[type][2] += 1
- return if @picture.effect_ex[type][2] < @picture.effect_ex[type][1]
- @picture.effect_ex[type][2] = 0
- self.x = pos_x + shake_effect(type)
- self.y = @picture.effect_ex[1] ? pos_y + shake_effect(type) : pos_y
- set_oxy_correction
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Shake Effect
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def shake_effect(type)
- -(@picture.effect_ex[type][0] / 2) + rand(@picture.effect_ex[type][0])
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Update Other
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_other
- if @picture.effect_ex[4] ; update_opacity_ex
- else ; self.opacity = @picture.opacity
- end
- self.blend_type = @picture.blend_type
- if @picture.effect_ex[5] ; update_angle_ex
- else ; self.angle = @picture.angle
- end
- self.tone.set(@picture.tone)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Update Angle EX
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_angle_ex
- @picture.effect_ex[5][4] += 1
- return if @picture.effect_ex[5][4] < @picture.effect_ex[5][3]
- @picture.effect_ex[5][4] = 0 ; @picture.effect_ex[5][1] += 1
- case @picture.effect_ex[5][1]
- when [email protected]_ex[5][2]
- @picture.effect_ex[5][0] += 1
- when @picture.effect_ex[5][2]..(@picture.effect_ex[5][2] * 3)
- @picture.effect_ex[5][0] -= 1
- when (@picture.effect_ex[5][2] * 3)..(-1 + @picture.effect_ex[5][2] * 4)
- @picture.effect_ex[5][0] += 1
- else ; @picture.effect_ex[5][0] = 0 ; @picture.effect_ex[5][1] = 0
- end
- self.angle = @picture.angle + @picture.effect_ex[5][0]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Update Opacity EX
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_opacity_ex
- @picture.effect_ex[4][6] += 1
- return if @picture.effect_ex[4][6] < @picture.effect_ex[4][5]
- @picture.effect_ex[4][6] = 0 ; @picture.effect_ex[4][2] += 1
- case @picture.effect_ex[4][2]
- when [email protected]_ex[4][4]
- @picture.effect_ex[4][0] -= @picture.effect_ex[4][3]
- when @picture.effect_ex[4][4]..(-1 + @picture.effect_ex[4][4] * 2)
- @picture.effect_ex[4][0] += @picture.effect_ex[4][3]
- else
- @picture.effect_ex[4][0] = 255 ; @picture.effect_ex[4][2] = 0
- end
- self.opacity = @picture.effect_ex[4][0]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Update Origin
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_origin
- return if !self.bitmap
- if force_center_oxy?
- self.ox = @picture.effect_ex[2] ? n_ox : (bitmap.width / 2) + n_ox
- self.oy = (bitmap.height / 2) + n_oy
- if @picture.position[0] > 0 or @picture.position[0] == -1
- execute_move(0,@picture.position[2],[email protected][1].screen_x) rescue nil
- execute_move(1,@picture.position[3],[email protected][1].screen_y) rescue nil
- end
- return
- end
- if @picture.effect_ex[2] ; self.oy = (bitmap.height + n_oy) ; return ; end
- if @picture.origin == 0
- self.ox = n_ox ; self.oy = n_oy
- else
- self.ox = (bitmap.width / 2) + n_ox
- self.oy = (bitmap.height / 2) + n_oy
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Force Center Oxy
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def force_center_oxy?
- return false if @picture.position.empty?
- return true if @picture.position[0] == -1
- return true if @picture.position[0] > 0
- return true if @picture.effect_ex[3]
- return true if @picture.effect_ex[5]
- return false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● N Ox
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def n_ox
- return @picture.position[2] if @picture.position[0] > 0 and @picture.position[2]
- return @picture.position[2] if @picture.position[0] == -1 and @picture.position[2]
- return $game_map.display_x * 32 if @picture.position[0] == -2
- return 1000 if @picture.position[0] == -1000
- return 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● N Oy
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def n_oy
- return @picture.position[3] if @picture.position[0] > 0 and @picture.position[3]
- return @picture.position[3] if @picture.position[0] == -1 and @picture.position[3]
- return $game_map.display_y * 32 if @picture.position[0] == -2
- return 1000 if @picture.position[0] == -1000
- return 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Execute Move
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def execute_move(type,cp,np)
- sp = 5 + ((cp - np).abs / 5)
- if cp > np ; cp -= sp ; cp = np if cp < np
- elsif cp < np ; cp += sp ; cp = np if cp > np
- end
- @picture.position[2] = cp if type == 0
- @picture.position[3] = cp if type == 1
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Update Zoom
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias mog_picture_ex_update_zoom update_zoom
- def update_zoom
- if @picture.effect_ex[2] ; update_breath_effect ; return ; end
- if @picture.effect_ex[3] ; update_auto_zoom_effect ; return ; end
- mog_picture_ex_update_zoom
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Update Breath Effect
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_breath_effect
- self.zoom_x = @picture.zoom_x / 100.0
- self.zoom_y = @picture.zoom_y / 101.0 + auto_zoom(2)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Update Auto Zoom Effect
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_auto_zoom_effect
- self.zoom_x = @picture.zoom_x / 100.0 + auto_zoom(3)
- self.zoom_y = @picture.zoom_y / 100.0 + auto_zoom(3)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Auto Zoom
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def auto_zoom(type)
- if @picture.effect_ex[type][6] == 0
- @picture.effect_ex[type][6] = 1
- @picture.effect_ex[type][0] = rand(50)
- end
- if @picture.effect_ex[type][5] < @picture.effect_ex[type][4]
- @picture.effect_ex[type][5] += 1
- return @picture.effect_ex[type][1]
- end
- @picture.effect_ex[type][5] = 0
- @picture.effect_ex[type][2] -= 1
- return @picture.effect_ex[type][1] if @picture.effect_ex[type][2] > 0
- @picture.effect_ex[type][2] = 2 ; @picture.effect_ex[type][0] += 1
- case @picture.effect_ex[type][0]
- when 0..25 ; @picture.effect_ex[type][1] += @picture.effect_ex[type][3]
- when 26..60 ; @picture.effect_ex[type][1] -= @picture.effect_ex[type][3]
- else ; @picture.effect_ex[type][0] = 0 ; @picture.effect_ex[type][1] = 0
- end
- @picture.effect_ex[type][1] = 0 if @picture.effect_ex[type][1] < 0
- @picture.effect_ex[type][1] = 0.25 if @picture.effect_ex[type][1] > 0.25 if type == 2
- return @picture.effect_ex[type][1]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Can Set Wave Effect?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def can_set_wave_effect?
- return false if [email protected]_ex[6]
- return false if [email protected]_ex[6][0]
- return false if !self.bitmap
- return true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Set Wave Effect
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_wave_effect
- @picture.effect_ex[6][0] = false
- self.wave_amp = @picture.effect_ex[6][1]
- self.wave_length = self.bitmap.width
- self.wave_speed = @picture.effect_ex[6][2]
- end
- end
这里有demo可以参考:https://rpg.blue/thread-404769-1-1.html |