赞 | 35 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 34 |
经验 | 0 |
最后登录 | 2024-10-21 |
在线时间 | 277 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 3378
- 在线时间
- 277 小时
- 注册时间
- 2019-4-23
- 帖子
- 202
- //=============================================================================
- // Alistair Plugins - Mana Shield
- // AP_ManaShield.js
- //=============================================================================
- var Imported = Imported || {};
- Imported.AP_ManaShield = true;
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @plugindesc v1.081 Allows you to create Mana Shield Weapons/Armours/States
- * @author Alistair Plugins
- *
- * @param Allow Healing
- * @desc In some cases, a mana shield may reduce the damage too much and thus heal the user. Default: false
- * @default false
- *
- * @param Cap Notetag Values
- * @desc Some Notetags may return strange behaviour if they use Numbers greater than 100. Cap Values at 100? Default: true
- * @default true
- *
- * @param Show MP Popups
- * @desc This will show MP Popups. Default: true
- * @default true
- *
- * @param Default MP Ratio
- * @desc Each point of MP absorbs x Points of Damage. Default: 1
- * @default 1
- *
- * @param Default TP Ratio
- * @desc Each point of TP absorbs x Points of Damage. Default: 1
- * @default 1
- *
- * @help
- * ============================================================================
- * Alistair Plugins - Mana Shield
- * ============================================================================
- *
- * Here is my remake of my Mana Shield script.
- * Mana Shields are pretty common these days since they allow squishy battlers
- * like Mages or Priests to become somewhat tanky since they have so much Mana
- * to use as a second HP bar.
- * This Plugin will allow Weapons, Armours and States to act as Mana Shields.
- *
- * Place this below all of Yanfly's Battle Scripts or it WON'T work.
- * ============================================================================
- * Notetags
- * ============================================================================
- * These only work for: Weapons, Armours, States
- *
- * <ms_absorb:x>
- * Will reduce incoming damage by x%.
- * Example: <ms_absorb:20>. 100 Damage will be reduced by 20% => 80 Damage.
- *
- * <ms_reduce:x>
- * Will reduce incoming damage by x.
- * Example: <ms_reduce:30>. 160 Damage will be reduced by 30 => 130 Damage.
- *
- * <ms_split_x:y>
- * Will split incoming damage between HP and x (x being either MP or TP) by y%.
- * Example: <ms_split_MP:50>. 140 Damage will be split to 70 HP Damage and 70 MP
- * Damage.
- *
- * <ms_replenish_x:y>
- * Will replenish x (x being either HP, MP or TP) by y% of the damage.
- * Example: <ms_replenish_TP:50>. 100 Damage will recover 50% TP.
- *
- * <ms_ignore:x>
- * Will ignore all incoming damage with a probability of x%.
- * Example: <ms_ignore:100>. Will certainly ignore any damage.
- *
- * <ms_dissolve_x:y>
- * Will delete the state with the Mana Shield property if the afflicted battler
- * has y or less x (x being either HP, MP or TP)
- * Example: <ms_dissolve_MP:0>. Will remove the Mana Shield State if the battler
- * has 0 MP (or less) left.
- *
- * <ms_TP_ratio:x>
- * 1 TP will drain x Points of Damage. If there's no Tag present, it will just
- * revert to what's set in the "Default TP Ratio" parameter.
- * Example: <ms_TP_ratio:5>. 1 TP will absorb 5 Points of Damage.
- *
- * <ms_MP_ratio:x>
- * 1 MP will drain x Points of Damage. If there's no Tag present, it will just
- * revert to what's set in the "Default MP Ratio" parameter.
- * Example: <ms_MP_ratio:2>. 1 MP will absorb 2 Points of Damage.
- *
- *
- * Please note: This is the exact way these notetags have to be written down.
- * No white spaces!
- * ============================================================================
- * Update History
- * ============================================================================
- * V1.081
- * - Fixed rounding error with Replenish
- *
- * V1.08
- * - Fixed missing MP Popups
- *
- * V1.07
- * - You may now use formulas instead of fixed numbers in notetags.
- *
- * V1.06
- * - Rewrote some parts of the Plugin to make it easier to combine it
- * with other Plugins of mine
- *
- * V1.05
- * - Fixed value rounding
- * - Compatibility with YEP_DamageCore
- *
- * V1.04
- * - Added the Default MP Ratio Parameter
- * - Added the Default TP Ratio Parameter
- * - Added Notetags to change the MP/TP Ratio
- * - Recovery Rate (rec) will now be considered when using Replenish HP
- * - Recovery Rate (rec) will now be considered when using Replenish MP
- * - TP Charge Rate (tcr) will now be considered when using Replenish TP
- * - If an ignore tag applies in battle, TP damage will now be ignored as well
- *
- * V1.03
- * - Added the Cap Notetag Values Parameter
- * - Added the Hide MP Popups Parameter
- * - Fixed Parameter Handling
- * - You may now use split to split damage between HP and TP.
- * - You may now use the new notetag <ms_dissolve_x:y> to make a state disappear
- * if the battler afflicted with it has y x
- * (y being any number, x being HP, MP or TP) or less
- * - Fixed unneccessary MP Damage Popups
- *
- * V1.02
- * - Using Replenish will now show popups too
- * - Healing Skills are now unaffected by Mana Shields
- *
- * V1.01
- * - Fixed a bug that made multiple split notetags result in huge damage values
- * - The value entered for a split notetag will now determine how much percent
- * of the damage goes to MP instead of HP.
- * - Fixed the handling of negative numbers
- * - If an ignore tag applies in battle, MP damage will now be ignored as well
- *
- * V1.0
- * - First version
- */
- //=============================================================================
- (function() {
- var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('AP_ManaShield');
- var AllowHealing = String(parameters['Allow Healing']);
- var CapNotetagValues = String(parameters['Cap Notetag Values']);
- var ShowMPPopups = String(parameters['Show MP Popups']);
- var DefaultMPRatio = Number(parameters['Default MP Ratio']);
- var DefaultTPRatio = Number(parameters['Default TP Ratio']);
- // Default Function Overwritten
- Game_Action.prototype.makeDamageValue = function(target, critical) {
- var item = this.item();
- // Begin of Imported
- if (Imported.YEP_DamageCore) {
- var a = this.subject();
- var b = target;
- var user = this.subject();
- var s = $gameSwitches._data;
- var v = $gameVariables._data;
- var baseDamage = this.evalDamageFormula(target);
- var value = baseDamage;
- eval(Yanfly.DMG.DamageFlow);
- //
- } else {
- //
- var baseValue = this.evalDamageFormula(target);
- var value = baseValue * this.calcElementRate(target);
- if (this.isPhysical()) {
- value *= target.pdr;
- }
- if (this.isMagical()) {
- value *= target.mdr;
- }
- if (baseValue < 0) {
- value *= target.rec;
- }
- if (critical) {
- value = this.applyCritical(value);
- }
- value = this.applyVariance(value, item.damage.variance);
- value = this.applyGuard(value, target);
- };
- // End of Imported
- // Mana Shield
- value = this.makeManaShield(value, target, critical);
- return Math.round(value);
- };
- // New Function to provide better Compatibility
- Game_Action.prototype.makeManaShield = function(value, target, critical) {
- // var msRatio
- // Stores the rates of damage absorption for both MP[0] and TP[1]
- // Will revert to default unless the ratio has been altered by a notetag.
- var a = this.subject();
- var b = target;
- var s = $gameSwitches._data;
- var v = $gameVariables._data;
- var msRatio = [DefaultMPRatio, DefaultTPRatio];
- if (target.manaShield("ratio", a,b,s,v)[0] !== 0 || target.manaShield("ratio", a,b,s,v)[0] !== 0) {
- var msRatio = target.manaShield("ratio", a,b,s,v);
- };
- // var ms_mpDamage
- // Stores MP Damage done to the target by Mana Shields
- var ms_mpDamage = 0;
- // var ms_tpDamage
- // Stores TP Damage done to the target by Mana Shields
- var ms_tpDamage = 0;
- // Leave Healing Skills and MP Damage unaffected
- if (value > 0 && !this.isMpEffect()) {
- // msAbsorb
- var msAbsorb = Math.max(0, target.manaShield("absorb", a,b,s,v));
- value = value * (100 - msAbsorb) / 100;
- // msReduce
- var msReduce = Math.max(0, target.manaShield("reduce", a,b,s,v));
- value = value - msReduce;
- if (eval(AllowHealing) === false) {
- value = Math.max(value, 0);
- };
- // msSplit
- var msSplit = target.manaShield("split", a,b,s,v);
- msSplit[0] = Math.max(0, msSplit[0]);
- if (msSplit[1]) {
- switch (msSplit[2]) {
- case 1:
- var ms_mpDamage = value * msSplit[0] / 100;
- ms_mpDamage = parseInt(ms_mpDamage / msRatio[0])
- value = value * (100 - msSplit[0]) / 100;
- if (target.mp < ms_mpDamage) {
- value = value + (ms_mpDamage - target.mp);
- ms_mpDamage = target.mp;
- };
- break;
- case 2:
- var ms_tpDamage = value * msSplit[0] / 100;
- ms_tpDamage = parseInt(ms_tpDamage / msRatio[1])
- value = value * (100 - msSplit[0]) / 100;
- if (target.tp < ms_tpDamage) {
- value = value + (ms_tpDamage - target.tp);
- ms_tpDamage = target.tp;
- };
- // target.setTp(Math.round(target.tp - ms_tpDamage));
- break;
- default:
- return value;
- };
- };
- // msReplenish
- var msReplenish = target.manaShield("replenish", a,b,s,v);
- msReplenish[1] = Math.max(0, msReplenish[1]);
- var msHeal = Math.floor(value * msReplenish[1] / 100);
- switch (msReplenish[0]) {
- case 0:
- value = value - (msHeal * target.rec);
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- msHeal = msHeal * target.tcr;
- target.setTp(Math.round(target.tp + msHeal));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- };
- // msIgnore
- var msIgnore = target.manaShield("ignore", a,b,s,v) / 100;
- msIgnore = Math.max(0, msIgnore);
- if (msIgnore > Math.random()) {
- value = 0;
- var ms_mpDamage = 0;
- var ms_tpDamage = 0;
- };
- ms_mpDamage = parseInt(ms_mpDamage);
- // MP Regeneration and Popups are managed down here
- if (msReplenish[0] === 1 && eval(ShowMPPopups)) {
- target._result.mpDamage = ms_mpDamage - msHeal;
- };
- if (msReplenish[0] === 2) {
- target._result.tpDamage = -msHeal
- };
- if (msReplenish[0] !== 1 && eval(ShowMPPopups)) {
- target._result.mpDamage = ms_mpDamage;
- };
- if (msReplenish[0] === 1) {
- target.setMp(Math.round(target.mp - ms_mpDamage + (msHeal * target.rec)));
- } else {
- target.setMp(Math.round(target.mp - ms_mpDamage));
- };
- target.setTp(Math.round(target.tp - ms_tpDamage));
- value = Math.round(value);
- // Erase a State
- var msDissolve = target.manaShield("dissolve", a,b,s,v);
- if (msDissolve[0] !== 0) {
- switch (msDissolve[1]) {
- case 1:
- if ((target.hp - value) <= msDissolve[2]) {
- target.removeState(msDissolve[0]);
- };
- break;
- case 2:
- if (target.mp <= msDissolve[2]) {
- target.removeState(msDissolve[0]);
- };
- break;
- case 3:
- if (target.tp <= msDissolve[2]) {
- target.removeState(msDissolve[0]);
- };
- break;
- default:
- return value;
- };
- };
- };
- return value;
- };
- // Default Function Overwritten
- Game_Battler.prototype.gainMp = function(value) {
- if (eval(ShowMPPopups)) {
- this._result.mpDamage = -value;
- };
- this.setMp(this.mp + value);
- };
- // New function Game_BattlerBase.prototype.manaShield(arg)
- // arg determines which Mana Shield property will be returned.
- // arg accepts strings.
- Game_BattlerBase.prototype.manaShield = function(arg, a, b, s, v) {
- var a = a;
- var b = b;
- var s = s;
- var v = v;
- var arg = arg;
- var msAbsorb = 0;
- var msReduce = 0;
- var msSplit = [0, false, 0];
- var msReplenish = [0, 0];
- var msIgnore = 0;
- var msDissolve = [0, 0, 0];
- var msRatio = [0, 0];
- if (this.isActor()) {
- var equip = this.equips()
- for (var i = 0; i < equip.length; i++) {
- var item = equip[i]
- if (item && item.meta.ms_absorb !== undefined) {
- msAbsorb += eval(item.meta.ms_absorb);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_reduce !== undefined) {
- msReduce += eval(item.meta.ms_reduce);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_split_MP !== undefined) {
- msSplit[0] += Number(eval(item.meta.ms_split_MP));
- msSplit[1] = true;
- msSplit[2] = 1;
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_split_TP !== undefined) {
- msSplit[0] += Number(eval(item.meta.ms_split_TP));
- msSplit[1] = true;
- msSplit[2] = 2;
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_replenish_HP !== undefined) {
- msReplenish[0] = 0;
- msReplenish[1] = eval(item.meta.ms_replenish_HP);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_replenish_MP !== undefined) {
- msReplenish[0] = 1;
- msReplenish[1] = eval(item.meta.ms_replenish_MP);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_replenish_TP !== undefined) {
- msReplenish[0] = 2;
- msReplenish[1] = eval(item.meta.ms_replenish_TP);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_ignore !== undefined) {
- msIgnore += eval(item.meta.ms_ignore);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_MP_ratio !== undefined) {
- msRatio[0] += parseInt(item.meta.ms_MP_ratio);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_TP_ratio !== undefined) {
- msRatio[1] += parseInt(item.meta.ms_TP_ratio);
- };
- };
- };
- var state = this.states()
- for (var i = 0; i < state.length; i++) {
- var item = state[i]
- if (item && item.meta.ms_absorb !== undefined) {
- msAbsorb += eval(item.meta.ms_absorb);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_reduce !== undefined) {
- msReduce += eval(item.meta.ms_reduce);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_split_MP !== undefined) {
- msSplit[0] += Number(eval(item.meta.ms_split_MP));
- msSplit[1] = true;
- msSplit[2] = 1;
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_split_TP !== undefined) {
- msSplit[0] += Number(eval(item.meta.ms_split_TP));
- msSplit[1] = true;
- msSplit[2] = 2;
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_replenish_HP !== undefined) {
- msReplenish[0] = 0;
- msReplenish[1] = eval(item.meta.ms_replenish_HP);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_replenish_MP !== undefined) {
- msReplenish[0] = 1;
- msReplenish[1] = eval(item.meta.ms_replenish_MP);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_replenish_TP !== undefined) {
- msReplenish[0] = 2;
- msReplenish[1] = eval(item.meta.ms_replenish_TP);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_ignore !== undefined) {
- msIgnore += eval(item.meta.ms_ignore);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_dissolve_HP !== undefined) {
- msDissolve = [item.id, 1, eval(item.meta.ms_dissolve_HP)];
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_dissolve_MP !== undefined) {
- msDissolve = [item.id, 2, eval(item.meta.ms_dissolve_MP)];
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_dissolve_TP !== undefined) {
- msDissolve = [item.id, 3, eval(item.meta.ms_dissolve_TP)];
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_MP_ratio !== undefined) {
- msRatio[0] += parseInt(item.meta.ms_MP_ratio);
- };
- if (item && item.meta.ms_TP_ratio !== undefined) {
- msRatio[1] += parseInt(item.meta.ms_TP_ratio);
- };
- };
- if (eval(CapNotetagValues)) {
- msAbsorb = Math.min(100, msAbsorb);
- msSplit[0] = Math.min(100, msSplit[0]);
- msReplenish[1] = Math.min(100, msReplenish[1]);
- msIgnore = Math.min(100, msIgnore);
- };
- switch (arg) {
- // Mana Shield Propertys
- case "absorb": return msAbsorb;
- case "reduce": return msReduce;
- case "split" : return msSplit ;
- case "replenish": return msReplenish;
- case "ignore": return msIgnore;
- // Dissolve Property
- case 'dissolve':
- msDissolve[2] = parseInt(msDissolve[2]);
- return msDissolve;
- // Ratio Property
- case 'ratio': return msRatio;
- // Default
- default: return 0
- };
- };
- })();
- //=============================================================================
- // End of Plugin
- //=============================================================================
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