// STV_BeastBook.js
* @plugindesc v2.5 - STV_BeastBook
* || This will add an Beast Register to your Game
* @author SkottyTV (base idea from Yoji Ojima) & 9527(奖励获取功能添加)
* @param ----- Window -----
* @param Show Window
* @desc Show or Hide Window Skin
* TRUE = show window / FALSE = hide window
* @default TRUE
* @param Background Picture
* @desc The Background Picture in img/pictures/
* (leave empty for no Background Picture)
* @default
* @param Show Background Enemy
* @desc Show a Picture of the Enemy in the Background
* (TRUE = show // FALSE = hide)
* @default TRUE
* @param Show Battle Back
* @desc Shows Picture of first kill/encounter place
* (TRUE = show // FALSE = hide)
* @default TRUE
* @param Default Battle Back
* @desc The Default Battle Back Picture
* (if beasts added with plugin commands) !(Use "/")
* @default img/parallaxes/BlueSky.png
* @param Battle Back Index
* @desc The Z Position of the Battle Back
* (0 = behind Windowskin // 1 = over Windowskin)
* @default 0
* @param ----- ASV -----
* @param ASV Animation Speed
* @desc The Animation Speed of ASV-Battler
* (the higher the number the slower the animation)
* @default 10
* @param ASV Animated Pattern
* @desc The ASV-Pattern you want to display
* (default 0 = The topleft 3 Pictures)
* @default 0
* @param ----- Functions -----
* @param Max Beasts
* @desc Number of Beasts used. (first X in Database)
* (leave empty to use all beasts)
* @default
* @param Fill Behavior
* @desc How the Book will get filled
* 1 = Encounter / 2 = Kill / 3 = None (only commands)
* @default 2
* @param ID in front of Name
* @desc Show the ID in front of the Name
* TRUE = "4 - Monster" / FALSE = "Monster"
* @default TRUE
* @param ID in front of Unknown Enemy
* @desc Show the ID in front of the Name
* TRUE = "4 - ???" / FALSE = "???"
* @default TRUE
* @param Animate Enemy
* @desc Choose if you want an animated Enemy
* TRUE = animated / FALSE = static
* @default TRUE
* @param Backbar Opacity
* @desc Set the Backbar opacity
* 255 = Full Visible / 0 = Invisible
* @default 130
* @param Count Discovered Variable
* @desc Save number of discovered Enemies in Variable
* @default 0
* @param Book Full Switch
* @desc Switch set ON when beast book is full
* @default 0
* @param Exp Icon
* @desc Set the Exp Icon
* @default 189
* @param Gold Icon
* @desc Set the Gold Icon
* @default 314
* @param ----- Text -----
* @param Unknown Info
* @desc How "Unknown Info" Text appears
* @default ???
* @param None Data
* @desc How "None Data" Text appears
* @default none
* @param Drops Text
* @desc Headline of Enemy Item Drops
* @default Items:
* @param Skills Text
* @desc Headline of Enemy Skills
* @default Skills:
* @param Weakness Text
* @desc Headline of Weakness Window
* @default Weakness
* @param Kill Counter Text
* @desc Headline of Kill Counter
* @default Kills:
* @param ----- Colors -----
* @param Drops Success Color
* @desc The Default Color for Item Drops Success Rate
* @default 6
* @param Skills Color
* @desc The Default Color for Skills
* @default 3
* @param Unknown Color
* @desc The Default Color for "Unknown"
* @default 7
* @param ----- Switches -----
* @param Info Window Switch
* @desc Choose a Switch to show the Info Window
* (leave empty or "0" to show the window permanently)
* @default 0
* @param Weakness Window Switch
* @desc Choose a Switch to show the Weakness Window
* (leave empty or "0" to show the window permanently)
* @default 0
* @param Parameter Window Switch
* @desc Choose a Switch to show the Parameter Window
* (leave empty or "0" to show the window permanently)
* @default 0
* @param Show Items Switch
* @desc The Switch for showing Items
* (leave empty or "0" to show the Items permanently)
* @default 0
* @param Show Skills Switch
* @desc The Switch for showing Skills
* (leave empty or "0" to show the Skills permanently)
* @default 0
* @param Show EXP Switch
* @desc The Switch for showing EXP
* (leave empty or "0" to show the EXP permanently)
* @default 0
* @param Show Gold Switch
* @desc The Switch for showing Gold
* (leave empty or "0" to show the Gold permanently)
* @default 0
* @param Show Kill Counter Switch
* @desc The Switch for showing Kill Counter
* (leave empty or "0" to show the Kill Counter permanently)
* @default 0
* @param ----- Kill Counter -----
* @param Max Kills Value
* @desc The default value for kills needed
* (get overwritten by plugin command "BeastBook maxkills")
* @default 25
* @param Kills Achievment Start Switch
* @desc Number of the switch to start with achievments
* (Example: 500 = Enemy Id 17 will set Switch 517)
* @default 0
* @param Kills Bar Color 1
* @desc The first Color for the Kill Counter Bar
* @default 6
* @param Kills Bar Color 2
* @desc The second Color for the Kill Counter Bar
* @default 17
* @help
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* ----------------------------- Terms of Usage: ------------------------------
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Feel free to use this Plugin in 1. Non-Commercial Games, 2. Commercial Games
* However it would be nice to give proper Credits to "SkottyTV".
* Please also give proper Credits to Yoji Ojima for the base idea.
* Have Fun And Enjoy! :)
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* --------------------------------- Updates:----------------------------------
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Update v2.5
* - Added "Max Beasts" option.
* - Added Plugincommand "BeastBook hide X" and "BeastBook show X".
* Update v2.4a
* - Bug fixes
* Update v2.4
* - Added support funtion for YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies
* - Code clean / Bug fixes
* Update v2.3
* - Added the possibility to print Icons in front of the Weaknesses
* - Option to show the BattleBackground where the Beast was killed/encountered
* Update v2.2h
* - Option to show the ID in front of Unknown Beast -> "1 - ???"
* - Added possibility to change the Beast Pic with <BeastBookPic:Path>
* - Added option to change "unknown" color.
* - Maxkills can now be set in the Enemy note box!
* - IMPORTANT: Fixed Bug where savegames not contain BeastBook data !!!
* Update v2.1a
* - bug fixes
* Update v2.1
* - Added functions: completekills, completeitems
* - bug fixes
* Update v2.0
* - Option to hide skills inside the Book
* - Added a Kill Counter Function including Achievment Switches
* - Drop Items show only if discovered
* - Drop Items now show their success Rate
* - Better Beast Animation
* - Background Picture possible
* - Visual improvements!
使用方法: 在打开图鉴插件指令下面创建脚本指令 dhjl.apply(this);
for(var i = 1;i<$gameParty.members().length;i++){
$gameActors.actor(i).gainExp(100); //为所有队伍成员获得100点经验值
$gameParty.gainItem($dataItems[5], 1, true); //获取5号物品
$gameParty.gainItem($dataWeapons[5], 1, true); //获取5号武器
$gameParty.gainItem($dataArmors[5], 1, true); //获取5号防具
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* -------------------------------- Commands: ---------------------------------
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Plugin Command:
* BeastBook open # Open the beast book screen
* BeastBook hide 6 # Hide Beast 6 in book.
* BeastBook show 6 # Show Beast 6 in book.
* BeastBook add 3 # Add enemy #3 to the beast book
* BeastBook addvar 10 # Add enemy (ID) that is in variable 10
* BeastBook addkill 6 2 # Add 2 kills for enemyID 6
* BeastBook addkill 6 -4 # Removes 4 kills from enemyID 6
* BeastBook maxkills 3 50 # Set max kills for enemyID 3 to 50 kills
* BeastBook remove 16 # Remove enemy #16 from the beast book
* BeastBook complete # Complete the whole Book
* BeastBook completeenemies # Complete all Enemies
* BeastBook completeitems # Complete all Drops
* BeastBook completekills # Complete all Kills
* BeastBook clear # Clear the beast book
* BeastBook clearitems # Clear all items
* Enemy Note:
* <desc1:The mighty Clown> # Description text in the beast book, line 1
* <desc2:This is Line 2> # Description text in the beast book, line 2
* <desc3:Some Info here?> # Description text in the beast book, line 3
* <desc4:Even more Info!> # Description text in the beast book, line 4
* <BeastBook:hide> # This Enemy will not appear in the beast book
* <BeastBookPic:PATH> # Changes the Pic of an Enemy to "PATH"
* Example: <BeastBookPic:img/enemies/Slime>
* Don´t type ".png" !
* <BeastBookMaxKills:5> # Set the MaxKills of the Enemy to 5.
* Skill Note:
* <BeastBook:hide> # This Skill will not appear in the beast book
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* --------------------- Examples / Tutorials / Help: -------------------------
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* ------------------------Investigate Skill Tutorial:--------------------------
* (!!! You will NEED YanFly´s Battle Engine Core and ActSeqPack1 !!!)
* - First set the "Fill Behavior" option of this plugin to "3" (None).
* - Now create a skill which calls a common event "X" and have the following
* in its notebox:
* <Target Action>
* Change Variable Y = target._enemyId
* </Target Action>
* - Now in the common event "X" call a Plugin-Line and write:
* BeastBook addvar Y
* - Done!
* ("X" and "Y" is a number you choose)
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------ Weakness Icons Tutorial:----------------------------
* You are able to use icons for the beast weaknesses.
* Got to: RPG Maker MV Editor -> Database -> Types
* On the Elements tab rename an element like this:
* 01. Physical -> \i[76]Physical //This will print Icon 76 in front
* 01. Fire -> \i[64]Fire //This will print Icon 64 in front
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* -------------------------- Animated Side View: ------------------------------
* With Yanfly´s "YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies" Plugin you are able
* to set an animated Battler grafic by typing "<Sideview Battler: filename>"
* into an enemies notebox.
* The STV_BeastBook will show this animated battler if it is used.
* With the Plugin Parameter "ASV Animated Pattern" you can decide which Pattern
* you want the Book to show.
* A default ASV Battler file looks like this: ( [] <- a pic of the enemy)
* [][][][][][][][][]
* [][][][][][][][][]
* [][][][][][][][][]
* [][][][][][][][][]
* [][][][][][][][][]
* [][][][][][][][][]
* So if you set the "ASV Animated Pattern" to 3 the animation will be:
* [][][][][][][][][]
* [][][][][][][][][]
* [][][][][][][][][]
* [x][x][x][][][][][][]
* [][][][][][][][][]
* [][][][][][][][][]
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STV_BeastBook Parameters
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var stv_BeastBook_parameters = PluginManager.parameters('STV_BeastBook');
//----- Window -----
var stv_BeastBook_showWindow = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Show Window'] || 'TRUE');
var stv_BeastBook_bgPicture = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Background Picture'] || '');
var stv_BeastBook_showBgBeast = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Show Background Enemy'] || 'TRUE');
var stv_BeastBook_showBattleBack = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Show Battle Back'] || 'TRUE');
var stv_BeastBook_defaultBattleBack = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Default Battle Back'] || 'img/parallaxes/BlueSky.png');
var stv_BeastBook_battleBackIndex = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Battle Back Index'] || 0);
//--- Animated Side View ---
var stv_BeastBook_asvSpeed = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['ASV Animation Speed'] || 10);
var stv_BeastBook_asvPattern = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['ASV Animated Pattern'] || 0);
//----- Functions -----
var stv_BeastBook_fillBehavior = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Fill Behavior'] || '2');
var stv_BeastBook_showID = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['ID in front of Name'] || 'TRUE');
var stv_BeastBook_showIDunknown = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['ID in front of Unknown Enemy'] || 'TRUE');
var stv_BeastBook_animateBeast = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Animate Enemy'] || 'TRUE');
var stv_BeastBook_bbOpacity = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Backbar Opacity'] || 130);
var stv_BeastBook_expIcon = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Exp Icon'] || 189);
var stv_BeastBook_goldIcon = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Gold Icon'] || 314);
var stv_BeastBook_countDiscovered = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Count Discovered Variable'] || 0);
var stv_BeastBook_bookFullSwitch = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Book Full Switch'] || 0);
var stv_BeastBook_maxBeasts = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Max Beasts']);
//----- Text -----
var stv_BeastBook_unknownData = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Unknown Info'] || '???');
var stv_BeastBook_noData = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['None Data'] || 'none');
var stv_BeastBook_dropsText = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Drops Text'] || 'Items:');
var stv_BeastBook_skillsText = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Skills Text'] || 'Skills:');
var stv_BeastBook_weaknessText = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Weakness Text'] || 'Weakness');
var stv_BeastBook_killsText = String(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Kill Counter Text'] || 'Kills:');
//----- Colors -----
var stv_BeastBook_unknownColor = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Unknown Color'] || 7);
var stv_BeastBook_skillsColor = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Skills Color'] || 3);
var stv_BeastBook_dropsSuccessColor = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Drops Success Color'] || 6);
//----- Switches -----
var stv_BeastBook_statusSwitch = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Info Window Switch'] || 0);
var stv_BeastBook_elementsSwitch = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Weakness Window Switch'] || 0);
var stv_BeastBook_parameterSwitch = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Parameter Window Switch'] || 0);
var stv_BeastBook_showItemsSwitch = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Show Items Switch'] || 0);
var stv_BeastBook_showSkillsSwitch = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Show Skills Switch'] || 0);
var stv_BeastBook_showExpSwitch = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Show EXP Switch'] || 0);
var stv_BeastBook_showGoldSwitch = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Show Gold Switch'] || 0);
var stv_BeastBook_showKillCounterSwitch = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Show Kill Counter Switch'] || 0);
//----- Kill Counter -----
var stv_BeastBook_maxKills = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Max Kills Value'] || 25);
var stv_BeastBook_killsCountColor1 = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Kills Bar Color 1'] || 6);
var stv_BeastBook_killsCountColor2 = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Kills Bar Color 2'] || 17);
var stv_BeastBook_killAchievmentSwitch = Number(stv_BeastBook_parameters['Kills Achievment Start Switch'] || 0);
//----- GLOBAL -----
var stv_BeastBook_padding = 5;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scene BeastBook create
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scene_BeastBook = function() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Scene_BeastBook.prototype = Object.create(Scene_MenuBase.prototype);
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.constructor = Scene_BeastBook;
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.initialize = function() {
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.createBackground = function() {
this._backgroundSprite = new Sprite();
this._backgroundSprite.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
this._backgroundSprite.bitmap = SceneManager.backgroundBitmap();
if (stv_BeastBook_bgPicture){
this._foregroundSprite = new Sprite();
this._foregroundSprite.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
this._foregroundSprite.bitmap = ImageManager.loadPicture(stv_BeastBook_bgPicture);
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.create = function() {
if ($gameSwitches.value(stv_BeastBook_statusSwitch) || !stv_BeastBook_statusSwitch) this.createStatusWindow();
if ($gameSwitches.value(stv_BeastBook_elementsSwitch) || !stv_BeastBook_elementsSwitch) this.createElementsWindow();
if ($gameSwitches.value(stv_BeastBook_parameterSwitch) || !stv_BeastBook_parameterSwitch) this.createParametersWindow();
if(stv_BeastBook_showWindow != "TRUE"){
this._selectionWindow.opacity = 0;
this._infoWindow.opacity = 0;
this._elementsWindow.opacity = 0;
this._parametersWindow.opacity = 0;
this._descriptionWindow.opacity = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create Window Positions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.createWindowPositions = function() {
var maxWidth = Graphics.boxWidth,
maxHeight = Graphics.boxHeight;
var sX = 0,
sY = 0,
sW = (maxWidth/3),
sH = (maxHeight/3)*2;
this._selectionWindow = new Window_BeastBook_Selection(sX, sY, sW, sH);
var eX = sX,
eY = sH,
eW = sW,
eH = (maxHeight/3);
this._elementsWindow = new Window_BeastBook_Elements(eX, eY, eW, eH);
var iX = sW,
iY = sY,
iW = maxWidth - sW,
iH = sH;
this._infoWindow = new Window_BeastBook_Info(iX, iY, iW, iH);
var pX = sW,
pY = eY,
pW = iW,
pH = eH;
this._parametersWindow = new Window_BeastBook_Parameters(pX, pY, pW, pH);
var dX = pX,
dY = pY,
dW = pW,
dH = pH;
this._descriptionWindow = new Window_BeastBook_Description(dX, dY, dW, dH);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup Index Window
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.createSelectionWindow = function() {
this._selectionWindow.setHandler('ok', this.onEnemySelect.bind(this));
this._selectionWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.popScene.bind(this));
this._selectionWindow.setBeastDataWindows(this._infoWindow, this._parametersWindow, this._elementsWindow, this._descriptionWindow);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup Info Window
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.createStatusWindow = function() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup Elements Window
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.createElementsWindow = function() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup Parameters Window
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.createParametersWindow = function() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup Description Window
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.createDescriptionWindow = function() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup Enemy Select
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.onEnemySelect = function() {
if(this._descriptionWindow.visible) {
} else {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Refresh Windows
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scene_BeastBook.prototype.renewWindows = function() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fill Selection Window
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Window_BeastBook_Selection() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_BeastBook_Selection.prototype = Object.create(Window_Selectable.prototype);
Window_BeastBook_Selection.prototype.constructor = Window_BeastBook_Selection;
Window_BeastBook_Selection.lastTopRow = 0;
Window_BeastBook_Selection.lastIndex = 0;
Window_BeastBook_Selection.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, width, height) {
Window_Selectable.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height);
Window_BeastBook_Selection.prototype.maxCols = function() {
return 1;
Window_BeastBook_Selection.prototype.maxItems = function() {
return this._list ? this._list.length : 0;
Window_BeastBook_Selection.prototype.setBeastDataWindows = function(window1, window2, window3, window4) {
this._infoWindow = window1;
this._parametersWindow = window2;
this._elementsWindow = window3;
this._descriptionWindow = window4;
Window_BeastBook_Selection.prototype.update = function() {
Window_BeastBook_Selection.prototype.updateStatus = function() {
var beast = this._list[this.index()];
if (this._infoWindow) {
if (this._parametersWindow) {
if (this._elementsWindow) {
if (this._descriptionWindow) {
Window_BeastBook_Selection.prototype.refresh = function() {
this._list = [];
for (var i = 1; i < $beastBook.beasts.length; i++) {
var beast = $dataEnemies[i];
if (beast.name && $beastBook.beasts[i].show) {
Window_BeastBook_Selection.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
var beast= this._list[index],
rect = this.itemRectForText(index),
id = index + 1,
if ($beastBook.isRevealed(beast.id)) {
if (stv_BeastBook_showID == "TRUE") {
name = id + " - " + beast.name;
} else {
name = beast.name;
} else {
if (stv_BeastBook_showIDunknown == "TRUE") {
name = id + " - " + stv_BeastBook_unknownData;
} else {
name = stv_BeastBook_unknownData;
this.drawText(name, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fill Description Window
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Window_BeastBook_Description() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_BeastBook_Description.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
Window_BeastBook_Description.prototype.constructor = Window_BeastBook_Description;
Window_BeastBook_Description.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, width, height) {
Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height);
Window_BeastBook_Description.prototype.setBeast= function(beast) {
this._beast = beast;
Window_BeastBook_Description.prototype.update = function() {
Window_BeastBook_Description.prototype.createDescription = function() {
var beast = $dataEnemies[this._beast.id];
var y = this.lineHeight();
if ($beastBook.isRevealed(this._beast.id)) {
this.drawTextEx(beast.meta.desc1, (this.contents.width/2) - (this.textWidth(beast.meta.desc1)/2), 0);
this.drawTextEx(beast.meta.desc2, (this.contents.width/2) - (this.textWidth(beast.meta.desc2)/2), y*1);
this.drawTextEx(beast.meta.desc3, (this.contents.width/2) - (this.textWidth(beast.meta.desc3)/2), y*2);
this.drawTextEx(beast.meta.desc4, (this.contents.width/2) - (this.textWidth(beast.meta.desc4)/2), y*3);
} else {
this.drawText(stv_BeastBook_unknownData, (this.contents.width/2) - (this.textWidth(stv_BeastBook_unknownData)/2), 0);
Window_BeastBook_Description.prototype.refresh = function() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fill Info Window
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Window_BeastBook_Info() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.constructor = Window_BeastBook_Info;
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, width, height) {
Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height);
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.setBattleBackSprites = function() {
this._battleBack2 = new Sprite();
this._battleBack2.anchor.x = 0;
this._battleBack2.anchor.y = 0;
this._battleBack2.x = 0;
this._battleBack2.y = 0;
this.addChildAt(this._battleBack2, stv_BeastBook_battleBackIndex);
this._battleBack1 = new Sprite();
this._battleBack1.anchor.x = 0;
this._battleBack1.anchor.y = 0;
this._battleBack1.x = 0;
this._battleBack1.y = 0;
this.addChildAt(this._battleBack1, stv_BeastBook_battleBackIndex);
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.setBeastSprites = function() {
this._beastSprite = new Sprite();
this._beastSprite.anchor.x = 0.5;
this._beastSprite.anchor.y = 0.5;
this._beastSprite.x = this.width/2;
this._beastSprite.y = this.height/2;
this._beastSprite.scale.x = 0.8;
this._beastSprite.scale.y = 0.8;
this._beastBackSprite = new Sprite();
this._beastBackSprite.anchor.x = 0.5;
this._beastBackSprite.anchor.y = 0.5;
this._beastBackSprite.x = this.width/1.1;
this._beastBackSprite.y = this.height/1.2;
this._beastBackSprite.scale.x = 2.0;
this._beastBackSprite.scale.y = 2.0;
this._beastBackSprite.opacity = 50;
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.setBeast= function(beast) {
this._beast = beast;
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.update = function() {
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.contentDrawItems = function() {
var y = this.lineHeight();
var maxLength = ((this.contents.width/2) - stv_BeastBook_padding*2 - this.textWidth("100%"));
this.contents.fillRect(0, y-5, (this.contents.width/2) - stv_BeastBook_padding, 1, this.normalColor());
this.drawText(stv_BeastBook_dropsText, 0, 0);
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
var di = this._beast.dropItems[j];
if (di.kind > 0) {
if ($beastBook.beasts[this._beast.id] && $beastBook.beasts[this._beast.id].discoveredItems[j]) {
var item = Game_Enemy.prototype.itemObject(di.kind, di.dataId);
var successRate = Math.round((1/this._beast.dropItems[j].denominator)*100);
this.drawText(successRate + "%", 0, y);
this.drawItemName(item, this.textWidth("100%") + stv_BeastBook_padding, y, maxLength);
} else {
this.drawText(stv_BeastBook_unknownData, 0, y, maxLength);
y += this.lineHeight();
if (!this._beast.dropItems[0].kind && !this._beast.dropItems[1].kind && !this._beast.dropItems[2].kind) {
this.drawText(stv_BeastBook_noData, 0, y);
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.contentDrawAbilities = function() {
y = this.lineHeight();
var maxLength = ((this.contents.width/2) - stv_BeastBook_padding*2 - 32);
this.contents.fillRect((this.contents.width/2) + stv_BeastBook_padding, y-5, (this.contents.width/2) - stv_BeastBook_padding, 1, this.normalColor());
this.drawText(stv_BeastBook_skillsText, this.contents.width-this.textWidth(stv_BeastBook_skillsText), 0);
for (var j = 0; j < this._beast.actions.length; j++) {
var ai = this._beast.actions[j];
if (ai.skillId > 0) {
var skill = $dataSkills[ai.skillId];
if (skill.meta.BeastBook !== "hide") {
this.drawSkillName(skill, this.contents.width - this.textWidth(skill.name) - 36, y, maxLength);
y += this.lineHeight();
if (this._beast.actions.length <= 0) {
this.drawText(stv_BeastBook_noData, this.contents.width-this.textWidth(stv_BeastBook_noData), y);
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.contentDrawExp = function() {
y = this.lineHeight();
this.contents.paintOpacity = stv_BeastBook_bbOpacity;
this.contents.fillRect(0, (this.contents.height - y*2) - stv_BeastBook_padding, this.contents.width, y, this.gaugeBackColor());
this.contents.paintOpacity = 255;
this.drawIcon(stv_BeastBook_expIcon, this.contents.width - 32, this.contents.height - y*2 + 2 - stv_BeastBook_padding);
this.drawText(TextManager.exp + ":", 0, this.contents.height - y*2 - stv_BeastBook_padding);
this.drawText(this._beast.exp, this.contents.width - 32 - this.textWidth(this._beast.exp) - stv_BeastBook_padding, this.contents.height - y*2 - stv_BeastBook_padding);
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.contentDrawGold = function() {
y = this.lineHeight();
this.contents.paintOpacity = stv_BeastBook_bbOpacity;
this.contents.fillRect(0, this.contents.height - y, this.contents.width, y, this.gaugeBackColor());
this.contents.paintOpacity = 255;
this.drawIcon(stv_BeastBook_goldIcon, this.contents.width - 32, this.contents.height - y + 2);
this.drawText(TextManager.currencyUnit + ":", 0, this.contents.height - y);
this.drawText(this._beast.gold, this.contents.width - 32 - this.textWidth(this._beast.gold) - stv_BeastBook_padding, this.contents.height - y);
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.contentDrawBattleBack = function() {
var beast = this._beast;
var pic1 = $beastBook.beasts[beast.id]._battleBack1;
var pic2 = $beastBook.beasts[beast.id]._battleBack2;
var bitmap1 = ImageManager.loadNormalBitmap(pic1, 0 || 0);
var bitmap2 = ImageManager.loadNormalBitmap(pic2, 0 || 0);
this._battleBack1.bitmap = bitmap1;
this._battleBack2.bitmap = bitmap2;
this._battleBack1.scale.x = this.width/this._battleBack1.bitmap.width;
this._battleBack1.scale.y = this.height/this._battleBack1.bitmap.height;
this._battleBack2.scale.x = this.width/this._battleBack2.bitmap.width;
this._battleBack2.scale.y = this.height/this._battleBack2.bitmap.height;
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.aSVMotion = function(speed, max) {
var thisSpeed = speed;
if (!this._counter) this._counter = 0;
if (!this._pattern) this._pattern = 0;
if (!this._switch) this._switch = false;
if (this._counter < thisSpeed) {
this._counter += 1;
} else {
this._counter = 0;
if (!this._switch) this._pattern = (this._pattern + 1) % (max+1);
if (this._switch) this._pattern = (this._pattern - 1) % (max+1);
if (this._pattern == max & !this._switch) this._switch = !this._switch;
if (this._pattern === 0 & this._switch) this._switch = !this._switch;
return this._pattern;
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.staticMotion = function() {
var bitmapHeight = this._beastSprite.bitmap.height;
var contentsHeight = this.contents.height;
var scalex = (Math.cos(Graphics.frameCount*0.03))/16;
var scaley = ((Math.cos(Graphics.frameCount*0.03))/8);
this._beastSprite.scale.x = (scalex*scalex)+0.8;
this._beastSprite.scale.y = (scaley*scaley)+0.8;
this._beastSprite.anchor.y = (scaley*scaley)+0.4;
if (bitmapHeight > contentsHeight) {
this._beastSprite.scale.x = ((scalex*scalex)+0.9)-0.3;
this._beastSprite.scale.y = ((scaley*scaley)+0.9)-0.3;
this._beastSprite.anchor.y = ((scaley*scaley)+0.4);
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.contentDrawBeast = function() {
var beast = this._beast,
note = beast.note;
if (beast.meta.BeastBookPic) {
this._bitmap = ImageManager.loadNormalBitmap(beast.meta.BeastBookPic + ".png", 0 || 0);
} else {
if (note.match(/<(?:SIDEVIEW BATTLER):[ ](.*)>/i)) {
this._bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvActor(String(RegExp.$1), 0);
} else {
if ($gameSystem.isSideView()) {this._bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvEnemy($dataEnemies[beast.id].battlerName, beast.battlerHue);}
else {this._bitmap = ImageManager.loadEnemy($dataEnemies[beast.id].battlerName, beast.battlerHue);}
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.drawBeastASV = function() {
this._beastSprite.bitmap = this._bitmap;
this._beastBackSprite.bitmap = this._bitmap;
var bitmap = this._beastSprite.bitmap;
if (bitmap) {
var bw = bitmap.width / 9;
var bh = bitmap.height / 6;
var cx = Math.floor(stv_BeastBook_asvPattern / 6) * 3 + this.aSVMotion(stv_BeastBook_asvSpeed, 2);
var cy = stv_BeastBook_asvPattern % 6;
this._beastSprite.setFrame(cx * bw, cy * bh, bw, bh);
this._beastBackSprite.setFrame(0, 0, bw, bh);
if (stv_BeastBook_showBgBeast == "TRUE") this._beastBackSprite.bitmap = bitmap;
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.drawBeastStatic = function() {
this._beastSprite.bitmap = this._bitmap;
if (stv_BeastBook_showBgBeast == "TRUE") this._beastBackSprite.bitmap = this._bitmap;
if (stv_BeastBook_animateBeast == "TRUE") this.staticMotion();
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.contentDrawKillCounter = function() {
var beast = this._beast.id;
var gaugeWidth = 200;
var gaugeXpos = (this.contents.width - gaugeWidth);
var gaugeYpos = (this.contents.height - (this.lineHeight() * 3) - stv_BeastBook_padding*2);
var actualkillsCount = $beastBook.beasts[beast].kills;
var maxKillsCount = $beastBook.beasts[beast].maxKills;
var killsCountText = actualkillsCount + " / " + maxKillsCount;
this.drawGauge(gaugeXpos, gaugeYpos - stv_BeastBook_padding, gaugeWidth, actualkillsCount / maxKillsCount, this.textColor(stv_BeastBook_killsCountColor1), this.textColor(stv_BeastBook_killsCountColor2));
this.drawText(stv_BeastBook_killsText, gaugeXpos - this.textWidth(stv_BeastBook_killsText) - stv_BeastBook_padding, gaugeYpos);
this.drawText(killsCountText, this.contents.width - this.textWidth(killsCountText), gaugeYpos);
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.deleteBitmaps = function() {
this._beastSprite.bitmap = null;
this._beastBackSprite.bitmap = null;
this._battleBack1.bitmap = null;
this._battleBack2.bitmap = null;
Window_BeastBook_Info.prototype.refresh = function() {
if ($beastBook.isRevealed(this._beast.id)) {
if (stv_BeastBook_showBattleBack == "TRUE") this.contentDrawBattleBack();
if ($gameSwitches.value(stv_BeastBook_showItemsSwitch) || !stv_BeastBook_showItemsSwitch) this.contentDrawItems();
if ($gameSwitches.value(stv_BeastBook_showSkillsSwitch) || !stv_BeastBook_showSkillsSwitch) this.contentDrawAbilities();
if ($gameSwitches.value(stv_BeastBook_showKillCounterSwitch) || !stv_BeastBook_showKillCounterSwitch) this.contentDrawKillCounter();
if ($gameSwitches.value(stv_BeastBook_showExpSwitch) || !stv_BeastBook_showExpSwitch) this.contentDrawExp();
if ($gameSwitches.value(stv_BeastBook_showGoldSwitch) || !stv_BeastBook_showGoldSwitch) this.contentDrawGold();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fill Elements Window
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Window_BeastBook_Elements() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_BeastBook_Elements.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
Window_BeastBook_Elements.prototype.constructor = Window_BeastBook_Elements;
Window_BeastBook_Elements.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, width, height) {
Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height);
Window_BeastBook_Elements.prototype.setBeast= function(beast) {
this._beast = beast;
Window_BeastBook_Elements.prototype.contentDrawResistance = function() {
var ii = 1;
var counter = 0;
var y = this.lineHeight()-stv_BeastBook_padding;
for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
if (i < this._beast.traits.length) {
if (this._beast.traits[i].code === 11) {
counter += 1;
this.drawTextEx($dataSystem.elements[this._beast.traits[i].dataId], 0, y*ii);
if (this._beast.traits[i].value*100 > 100) {
else if (this._beast.traits[i].value*100 < 100) {
} else {
this.drawText((Math.round(this._beast.traits[i].value*100)) + "%", (Graphics.boxWidth/3) - 110, y*ii, 70, 'right');
ii += 1;
if (counter <= 0) {
this.drawText(stv_BeastBook_noData, (this.contents.width/2) - (this.textWidth(stv_BeastBook_noData)/2), y);
Window_BeastBook_Elements.prototype.refresh = function() {
this.drawText(stv_BeastBook_weaknessText, (this.contents.width/2) - (this.textWidth(stv_BeastBook_weaknessText)/2),0);
if ($beastBook.isRevealed(this._beast.id)) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fill Parameters Window
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Window_BeastBook_Parameters() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_BeastBook_Parameters.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
Window_BeastBook_Parameters.prototype.constructor = Window_BeastBook_Parameters;
Window_BeastBook_Parameters.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, width, height) {
Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height);
Window_BeastBook_Parameters.prototype.setBeast= function(beast) {
this._beast = beast;
Window_BeastBook_Parameters.prototype.contentDrawLeftParameters = function() {
var y = 0;
var leftEdgePos = (this.contents.width/2) - stv_BeastBook_padding;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this.contents.paintOpacity = stv_BeastBook_bbOpacity;
this.contents.fillRect(0, y, leftEdgePos, this.lineHeight(), this.gaugeBackColor());
this.contents.paintOpacity = 255;
this.drawText(TextManager.param(i), stv_BeastBook_padding, y, 160);
this.drawText(this._beast.params[i], leftEdgePos - stv_BeastBook_padding - this.textWidth(this._beast.params[i]), y, 60);
y += this.lineHeight() + stv_BeastBook_padding;
Window_BeastBook_Parameters.prototype.contentDrawRightParameters = function() {
var y = 0;
var rightEdgePos = (this.contents.width/2) + stv_BeastBook_padding;
var leftEdgePos = (this.contents.width/2) - stv_BeastBook_padding;
for (var j = 4; j < 8; j++) {
this.contents.paintOpacity = stv_BeastBook_bbOpacity;
this.contents.fillRect(rightEdgePos, y, leftEdgePos, this.lineHeight(), this.gaugeBackColor());
this.contents.paintOpacity = 255;
this.drawText(TextManager.param(j), rightEdgePos + stv_BeastBook_padding, y, 160);
this.drawText(this._beast.params[j], this.contents.width - stv_BeastBook_padding - this.textWidth(this._beast.params[j]), y, 60);
y += this.lineHeight() + stv_BeastBook_padding;
Window_BeastBook_Parameters.prototype.refresh = function() {
if ($beastBook.isRevealed(this._beast.id)) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alias methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STV_BeastBook_PluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
STV_BeastBook_Create = DataManager.createGameObjects;
STV_BeastBook_Save = DataManager.makeSaveContents;
STV_BeastBook_Load = DataManager.extractSaveContents;
STV_BeastBook_BattleBack = Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createBattleback;
STV_BeastBook_DropItems = Game_Enemy.prototype.makeDropItems;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DataManager
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var $beastBook = null;
DataManager.makeSaveContents = function() {
contents = STV_BeastBook_Save.call(this);
contents.enemybook = $beastBook;
return contents;
DataManager.extractSaveContents = function(contents) {
STV_BeastBook_Load.call(this, contents);
$beastBook = contents.enemybook;
DataManager.createGameObjects = function() {
$beastBook = new Beast_Book();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get EnemyTroop Info
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Game_Troop.prototype.updateInterpreter = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < $gameTroop.members().length; i++) {
var stv_beastID = $gameTroop.members()[i]._enemyId;
var stv_beastIsAlive = $gameTroop.members()[i].isAlive();
switch (stv_BeastBook_fillBehavior) {
case '1':
case '2':
if (!stv_beastIsAlive){
case '3':
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get BattleBack Info
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createBattleback = function() {
$beastBook.battleBack1 = this._back1Sprite.bitmap._url;
$beastBook.battleBack2 = this._back2Sprite.bitmap._url;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Item Discover // Kill Counter
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Game_Enemy.prototype.makeDropItems = function() {
var rewards = STV_BeastBook_DropItems.call(this);
var beastId = this._enemyId;
var list = $beastBook.beasts[beastId];
if(list.kills < list.maxKills) list.kills += 1;
rewards.forEach(function(item) {
$beastBook.discoverItem(beastId, item);
return rewards;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Beast_Book
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Beast_Book() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Beast_Book.prototype.initialize = function() {
// Set BattleBacks
Beast_Book.prototype.setBattleBacks = function(beastId) {
$beastBook.beasts[beastId]._battleBack1 = $beastBook.battleBack1;
$beastBook.beasts[beastId]._battleBack2 = $beastBook.battleBack2;
// Clear Book
Beast_Book.prototype.clear = function() {
this.beasts = [0];
var maxBeasts = $dataEnemies.length;
if (stv_BeastBook_maxBeasts && stv_BeastBook_maxBeasts < maxBeasts) maxBeasts = stv_BeastBook_maxBeasts + 1;
for (var i = 1; i < maxBeasts; ++i) {
var enemy = $dataEnemies[i];
if (!this.beasts[i]) this.beasts[i] = {};
if (!this.beasts[i].show) {
this.beasts[i].show = true;
if (enemy.meta.BeastBook == 'hide') this.beasts[i].show = false;
if (!this.beasts[i].discovered) this.beasts[i].discovered = false;
if (!this.beasts[i].discoveredItems) this.beasts[i].discoveredItems = [false,false,false];
if (!this.beasts[i].kills) this.beasts[i].kills = 0;
if (!this.beasts[i]._battleBack1) this.beasts[i]._battleBack1 = stv_BeastBook_defaultBattleBack;
if (!this.beasts[i]._battleBack2) this.beasts[i]._battleBack2 = stv_BeastBook_defaultBattleBack;
if (!this.beasts[i].maxKills) {
if (!enemy.meta.BeastBookMaxKills) {
this.beasts[i].maxKills = stv_BeastBook_maxKills;
} else {
this.beasts[i].maxKills = enemy.meta.BeastBookMaxKills;
// Complete All
Beast_Book.prototype.complete = function() {
// Complete Enemies
Beast_Book.prototype.completeBeasts = function() {
for (var i = 1; i < this.beasts.length; i++) {
this.beasts[i].discovered = true;
// Complete Items
Beast_Book.prototype.completeItems = function() {
for (var i = 1; i < this.beasts.length; i++) {
this.beasts[i].discoveredItems = [true,true,true];
// Complete Kills
Beast_Book.prototype.completeKills = function() {
for (var i = 1; i < this.beasts.length; i++) {
this.beasts[i].kills = this.beasts[i].maxKills;
// Clear Items
Beast_Book.prototype.clearItems = function() {
for (var i = 1; i < this.beasts.length; i++) {
this.beasts[i].discoveredItems = [false,false,false];
// Hide Beast
Beast_Book.prototype.hideBeast = function(beastId) {
if (!this.beasts) this.clear();
if (this.beasts[beastId]) this.beasts[beastId].show = false;
// Show Beast
Beast_Book.prototype.showBeast = function(beastId) {
if (!this.beasts) this.clear();
if (this.beasts[beastId]) this.beasts[beastId].show = true;
// Add Beast
Beast_Book.prototype.addBeast = function(beastId) {
if (!this.beasts) this.clear();
this.beasts[beastId].discovered = true;
// Remove Beast
Beast_Book.prototype.removeBeast = function(beastId) {
if (this.beasts) {
this.beasts[beastId].discovered = false;
// Check if Enemy is revealed
Beast_Book.prototype.isRevealed = function(beast) {
if (this.beasts && beast) {
return this.beasts[beast].discovered;
} else {
return false;
// Add Kill
Beast_Book.prototype.addKill = function(beastId, value) {
if (this.beasts[beastId]) {
this.beasts[beastId].kills += value;
// Set Max Kills
Beast_Book.prototype.setMaxKills = function(beastId, value) {
if (this.beasts[beastId]) {
this.beasts[beastId].maxKills = value;
// Check Kill Achievment
Beast_Book.prototype.killAchievmentCheck = function(beastID) {
var beast = this.beasts[beastID];
if(beast.kills == beast.maxKills) {
var achievmentSwitch = stv_BeastBook_killAchievmentSwitch + beastID;
if (stv_BeastBook_killAchievmentSwitch) $gameSwitches.setValue(achievmentSwitch, true);
// Get Revealed Beasts
Beast_Book.prototype.getRevealed = function() {
var discoveredLength = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < this.beasts.length; i++) {
if(this.beasts[i].discovered) discoveredLength += 1;
$gameVariables.setValue(stv_BeastBook_countDiscovered, discoveredLength);
if(discoveredLength >= ($dataEnemies.length-1)) $gameSwitches.setValue(stv_BeastBook_bookFullSwitch, true);
// Discover Item
Beast_Book.prototype.discoverItem = function(E_Id, item) {
var itemKind;
if (DataManager.isItem(item)) itemKind = 1;
if (DataManager.isWeapon(item)) itemKind = 2;
if (DataManager.isArmor(item)) itemKind = 3;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if ($dataEnemies[E_Id].dropItems[i].kind == itemKind && $dataEnemies[E_Id].dropItems[i].dataId == item.id) {
var items = this.beasts[E_Id].discoveredItems;
items[i] = true;
function dhjl() {
var b = $beastBook.beasts.length;
for(var i = 1;i<b;i++){
if($beastBook.beasts[i].maxKills <=$beastBook.beasts[i].kills){
if(i == 1){
if($gameSwitches.value(10) == false){
for(var i = 1;i<$gameParty.members().length;i++){
}else if(i == 2){
if($gameSwitches.value(11) == false){
$gameParty.gainItem($dataItems[1], 1, true); //获取1号物品
}else if(i == 3){
}else if(i == 4){
}else if(i == 5){
}else if(i == 6){
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Draw Skill Name Function
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Window_Base.prototype.drawSkillName = function(skill, x, y, width) {
if (skill) {
if (this.textWidth(skill.name) > width) {
this.drawText(skill.name, x + this.textWidth(skill.name) - width, y, width);
} else{
this.drawText(skill.name, x, y, width);
this.drawIcon(skill.iconIndex, x + this.textWidth(skill.name) + 4, y + 2);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Plugin Commands
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {
STV_BeastBook_PluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
if (command === 'BeastBook') {
switch (args[0]) {
case 'open':
case 'hide':
case 'show':
case 'add':
case 'addvar':
case 'addkill':
$beastBook.addKill(Number(args[1]), Number(args[2]));
case 'maxkills':
$beastBook.setMaxKills(Number(args[1]), Number(args[2]));
case 'remove':
case 'clear':
case 'complete':
case 'completebeasts':
case 'completeitems':
case 'completekills':
case 'clearitems':