赞 | 0 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 15 |
经验 | 0 |
最后登录 | 2024-11-3 |
在线时间 | 206 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 1463
- 在线时间
- 206 小时
- 注册时间
- 2021-8-19
- 帖子
- 43
- var Imported = Imported || {};
- Imported.Online_Login_Core = true;
- (function () {
- var Nasty = Nasty || {};
- //=============================================================================
- // Online Login Core
- // Version: 1.1.5 - Added Password Reset Logic
- // Version: 1.1.4 - Added event switches for when users login multiple times
- // Version: 1.1.3
- //=============================================================================
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @plugindesc Login window for Neldersons Online Core
- *<Online_Login_Core>
- * @author Nelderson and SirMcPotato/Vinxce
- *
- * @param Force Login on Startup
- * @desc Make the title screen into a login screen
- * @default true
- *
- * @param socket.io connection
- * @desc Automatically connects to socket once signed in.
- * @default true
- *
- * @param Switch on First Shutdown
- * @desc Original user that is logged in will have this switch flipped
- * @default 1
- *
- * @param Switch on Second Shutdown
- * @desc Second user that is logged in will have this switch flipped
- * @default 2
- *
- * @help
- * ============================================================================
- * Introduction and Instructions
- * ============================================================================
- * You can use the login window in two ways.
- *
- * 1. Set Force login on Startup parameter to true:
- * This will force the login screen on startup.
- *
- * 2. Set Force login on Startup parameter to false:
- * You can use this plugin command to pop up the
- * login window at any point in your game:
- *
- * Online_Login
- *
- * The socket.io connection parameter refers to if you
- * want to automatically upgrade to sockets after login.
- *
- */
- //=============================================================================
- Nasty.Parameters = $plugins.filter(function(p)
- { return p.description.contains('<Online_Login_Core>');})[0].parameters;
- var Nel_online_login_core_plugincomm_alias = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {
- Nel_online_login_core_plugincomm_alias.call(this, command, args);
- if (command.toUpperCase() === 'ONLINE_LOGIN') {
- if ($gameNetwork._token===0){
- SceneManager.goto(MMO_Scene_Title);
- }
- }
- };
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MMO_Scene_Title
- //
- // Title scene including login form.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function MMO_Scene_Title() {
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype = Object.create(Scene_Base.prototype);
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.constructor = MMO_Scene_Title;
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.initialize = function() {
- Scene_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this);
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.reBindInput = function() {
- Input.initialize();
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.create = function() {
- Scene_Base.prototype.create.call(this);
- this.createBackground();
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.start = function() {
- Scene_Base.prototype.start.call(this);
- SceneManager.clearStack();
- this.playTitleMusic();
- this.startFadeIn(this.fadeSpeed(), false);
- this.createLoginForm();
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.update = function() {
- Scene_Base.prototype.update.call(this);
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.isBusy = function() {
- return Scene_Base.prototype.isBusy.call(this);
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.terminate = function() {
- Scene_Base.prototype.terminate.call(this);
- SceneManager.snapForBackground();
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.createRegistrationForm = function() {
- $("#ErrorPrinter").html(
- '<div id="RegisterForm" class="panel panel-primary" style="width:'+(Graphics.boxWidth - (Graphics.boxWidth / 3))+'px">'+
- '<div class="panel-heading">注册账号</div>'+
- '<div class="panel-body">'+
- '<div id="loginErrBox"></div>'+
- '<div class="form-group">'+
- '<input type="text" id="regUsername" name="username" placeholder="输入用户名" class="form-control"/>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="form-group">'+
- '<input type="text" name="email" id="regEmail" placeholder="电子邮件地址 随便填" class="form-control"/>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="form-group">'+
- '<input type="password" name="password" id="regPassword" placeholder="输入密码" class="form-control"/>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<button id="btnSubmit"type="submit" class="btn btn-default">提交</button>'+
- '<button id ="btnCancel" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">取消</button>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>');
- var that = this;
- $(".form-control").keypress(function(e){
- if (e.which == 13) { //enter
- that.registerAttempt();
- }
- });
- $("#regUsername").tap(function(){$("#regUsername").focus();});
- $("#regEmail").tap(function(){$("#regEmail").focus();});
- $("#regPassword").tap(function(){$("#regPassword").focus();});
- $("#btnSubmit").bind("click touchstart",function(){that.registerAttempt();});
- $("#btnCancel").bind("click touchstart",function(){that.createLoginForm();});
- };
- // Testing purpose, need to be rewritten into something more modulable,
- // maybe using template file?
- // Can be wise to work on a set of sprite-based form inputs for
- // a better visual integration.
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.createLoginForm = function() {
- $("#ErrorPrinter").html(
- '<div id="LoginForm" class="panel panel-primary" style="width:'+(Graphics.boxWidth - (Graphics.boxWidth / 3))+'px">'+
- '<div class="panel-heading">登陆</div>'+
- '<div class="panel-body">'+
- '<div id="loginErrBox"></div>'+
- '<div class="input-group">'+
- '<span class="input-group-addon" id="username-addon"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></span>'+
- '<input type="text" class="form-control login-input" id="inputUsername" placeholder="用户名" aria-describedby="username-addon">'+
- '</div><br>'+
- '<div class="input-group">'+
- '<span class="input-group-addon" id="password-addon"><i class="fa fa-lock"></i></span>'+
- '<input type="password" class="form-control login-input" id="inputPassword" placeholder="密码" aria-describedby="password-addon">'+
- '</div><br>'+
- '<button id="btnConnect" class="btn btn-primary">登陆</button>'+
- '<button id="btnRegister" class="btn btn-default">注册</button>'+
- '<button id="btnForgotPassword" class="btn btn-link btn-sm">找回密码?</button>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>');
- //Bind commands
- var that = this;
- $(".login-input").keypress(function(e){
- if (e.which == 13) { //enter
- that.connectAttempt();
- }
- });
- $("#inputUsername").tap(function(){$("#inputUsername").focus();});
- $("#inputPassword").tap(function(){$("#inputPassword").focus();});
- $("#btnConnect").bind("click touchstart",function(){that.connectAttempt();});
- $("#btnRegister").bind("click touchstart",function(){that.createRegistrationForm();});
- $("#btnForgotPassword").bind("click touchstart",function(){that.createLostPasswordForm();});
- $("#inputUsername").focus();
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.createActivationForm = function() {
- $("#ErrorPrinter").html(
- '<div id="ActivationForm" class="panel panel-primary" style="width:'+(Graphics.boxWidth - (Graphics.boxWidth / 3))+'px">'+
- '<div class="panel-heading">Activation</div>'+
- '<div class="panel-body">'+
- '<div id="loginErrBox"></div>'+
- '<div class="input-group">'+
- '</div><br>'+
- '<button id="btnActLogin" class="btn btn-primary">Login</button>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>');
- //Bind commands
- var that = this;
- $(".login-input").keypress(function(e){
- if (e.which == 13) { //enter
- that.createLoginForm();
- }
- });
- $("#btnActLogin").bind("click touchstart",function(){that.createLoginForm();});
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.displayError = function(msg) {
- $("#loginErrBox").html('<div class="alert alert-danger fade in">'+msg+'</div>');
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.displayInfo = function(msg) {
- $("#loginErrBox").html('<div class="alert alert-info fade in">'+msg+'</div>');
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.displaySuccess = function(msg) {
- $("#loginErrBox").html('<div class="alert alert-success fade in">'+msg+'</div>');
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.createLostPasswordForm = function() {
- $("#ErrorPrinter").html(
- '<div id="LostPasswordFrom" class="panel panel-primary" style="width:'+(Graphics.boxWidth - (Graphics.boxWidth / 3))+'px">'+
- '<div class="panel-heading">忘记密码 输入电子邮件</div>'+
- '<div class="panel-body">'+
- '<div id="loginErrBox"></div>'+
- '<div class="form-group">'+
- '<input type="text" name="email" id="inputEmailLP" placeholder="电子邮件地址" class="form-control"/>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<button id="btnSubmitLP"type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">提交</button>'+
- '<button id ="btnCancelLP" type="button" class="btn btn-default">取消</button>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>');
- var that = this;
- $(".form-control").keypress(function(e){
- if (e.which == 13) { //enter
- that.lostPasswordRequest();
- }
- });
- $("#inputEmailLP").tap(function(){$("#inputEmailLP").focus();});
- $("#btnSubmitLP").bind("click touchstart",function(){that.lostPasswordRequest();});
- $("#btnCancelLP").bind("click touchstart",function(){that.createLoginForm();});
- $("#inputEmailLP").focus();
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.createResetPasswordForm = function() {
- $("#ErrorPrinter").html(
- '<div id="PasswordResetForm" class="panel panel-primary" style="width:'+(Graphics.boxWidth - (Graphics.boxWidth / 3))+'px">'+
- '<div class="panel-heading">Password Reset</div>'+
- '<div class="panel-body">'+
- '<div id="loginErrBox"></div>'+
- '<div class="form-group">'+
- '<input type="password" name="password" id="inputPasswordCP" placeholder="New Password" class="form-control"/>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="form-group">'+
- '<input type="password" name="password" id="inputPasswordConfirmCP" placeholder="Confirm Password" class="form-control"/>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<button id="btnChangeCP"type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Change</button>'+
- '<button id ="btnCancelCP" type="button" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</button>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>');
- var that = this;
- $(".form-control").keypress(function(e){
- if (e.which == 13) { //enter
- that.changePasswordRequest();
- }
- });
- $("#inputPasswordCP").tap(function(){$("#inputEmailLP").focus();});
- $("#inputPasswordConfirmCP").tap(function(){$("#inputEmailLP").focus();});
- $("#btnChangeCP").bind("click touchstart",function(){that.changePasswordRequest();});
- $("#btnCancelCP").bind("click touchstart",function(){that.createLoginForm();});
- $("#inputPasswordCP").focus();
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.changePasswordRequest = function(){
- var that = this;
- var pass1 = $("#inputPasswordCP").val();
- var pass2 = $("#inputPasswordConfirmCP").val();
- if (pass1.length === 0)
- return this.displayError("You must provide a new password!");
- if (pass2.length === 0)
- return this.displayError("You must confirm your password!");
- if (pass1!==pass2)
- return this.displayError("Passwords do not match!");
- this.displayInfo('Connecting <i class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner"></i>');
- shapwd = CryptoJS.SHA1(pass1+$gameNetwork._firstHash).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
- $.post($gameNetwork._serverURL+'/resetpassword', {
- password: shapwd,
- tempHash: $gameSystem._tempPasswordHash,
- tempName: $gameSystem._tempPasswordName
- }).done(function (data) {
- if (data.err) return that.displayError("Error : "+data.err);
- that.createLoginForm();
- that.displaySuccess("Password Changed Successfully");
- });
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.lostPasswordRequest = function(){
- var that = this;
- var email = $("#inputEmailLP").val();
- if (email.length === 0)
- return this.displayError("You must provide a username!");
- this.displayInfo('Connecting <i class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner"></i>');
- $.post($gameNetwork._serverURL+'/lostpassword', {
- email: email,
- }).done(function (data) {
- if (data.err) return that.displayError("Error : "+data.err);
- that.createLoginForm();
- that.displayInfo("Check email for temporary password");
- });
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.connectAttempt = function(){
- var that = this;
- var username = $("#inputUsername").val();
- var password = $("#inputPassword").val();
- if (username.length === 0)
- return this.displayError("You must provide a username!");
- if (password.length === 0)
- return this.displayError("You must provide a password!");
- shapwd = CryptoJS.SHA1(password+$gameNetwork._firstHash).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
- this.displayInfo('Connecting <i class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner"></i>');
- $.post($gameNetwork._serverURL+'/login', {
- username: username,
- password: shapwd
- }).done(function (data) {
- if (data.err)
- return that.displayError("Error : "+data.err);
- if (data.temp){
- //Make Password reset form
- $gameSystem._tempPasswordName = data.name;
- $gameSystem._tempPasswordHash = data.temp;
- that.createResetPasswordForm();
- }
- if (data.token) {
- $gameNetwork._token = data.token;
- var ioFlag = String(Nasty.Parameters['socket.io connection']);
- $("#ErrorPrinter").fadeOut({duration: 1000}).html("");
- if (ioFlag==='true'){
- $gameNetwork.connectSocket('main','/');
- $gameNetwork._socket.main.on('firstShutDown',function(data){
- $gameSwitches.setValue(Number(Nasty.Parameters['Switch on First Shutdown']),true);
- });
- $gameNetwork._socket.main.on('secondShutDown',function(data){
- $gameSwitches.setValue(Number(Nasty.Parameters['Switch on Second Shutdown']),true);
- });
- }
- $gameNetwork.connectSocketsAfterLogin();
- that.fadeOutAll();
- SceneManager.goto(Scene_Map);
- return that.displayInfo("Ok : "+data.msg);
- }
- });
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.registerAttempt = function(){
- var that = this;
- var username = $("#regUsername").val();
- var password = $("#regPassword").val();
- var email = $("#regEmail").val();
- if (username.length === 0) return this.displayError("You must provide a username!");
- if (password.length === 0) return this.displayError("You must provide a password!");
- if (email.length === 0) return this.displayError("You must provide a valid Email!");
- this.displayInfo('Connecting <i class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner"></i>');
- $.post($gameNetwork._serverURL + '/register', {
- username: username,
- password: password,
- email: email
- }).done(function (result) {
- var data = result.pageData;
- if (data.err)
- return that.displayError("Error : "+data.err);
- if (data.msg) {
- that.createActivationForm();
- that.displayInfo("Check your email for the activation link!");
- }
- });
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.createBackground = function() {
- var startupFlag = String(Nasty.Parameters['Force Login on Startup']);
- if (startupFlag==='true'){
- this._backSprite1 = new Sprite(ImageManager.loadTitle1($dataSystem.title1Name));
- this._backSprite2 = new Sprite(ImageManager.loadTitle2($dataSystem.title2Name));
- this.addChild(this._backSprite1);
- this.addChild(this._backSprite2);
- this.centerSprite(this._backSprite1);
- this.centerSprite(this._backSprite2);
- this.createForeground();
- }else{
- this._backgroundSprite = new Sprite();
- this._backgroundSprite.bitmap = SceneManager.backgroundBitmap();
- this.addChild(this._backgroundSprite);
- }
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.createForeground = function() {
- this._gameTitleSprite = new Sprite(new Bitmap(Graphics.width, Graphics.height));
- this.addChild(this._gameTitleSprite);
- if ($dataSystem.optDrawTitle) {
- this.drawGameTitle();
- }
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.drawGameTitle = function() {
- var x = 10;
- var y = Graphics.height / 2;
- var maxWidth = Graphics.width - x * 1;
- var text = $dataSystem.gameTitle;
- this._gameTitleSprite.bitmap.outlineColor = 'black';
- this._gameTitleSprite.bitmap.outlineWidth = 8;
- this._gameTitleSprite.bitmap.fontSize = 72;
- this._gameTitleSprite.bitmap.drawText(text, x, y, maxWidth, 48, 'center');
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.centerSprite = function(sprite) {
- sprite.x = Graphics.width / 2;
- sprite.y = Graphics.height / 2;
- sprite.anchor.x = 0.5;
- sprite.anchor.y = 0.5;
- };
- MMO_Scene_Title.prototype.playTitleMusic = function() {
- AudioManager.playBgm($dataSystem.titleBgm);
- AudioManager.stopBgs();
- AudioManager.stopMe();
- };
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Override of Scene_Boot.start, for calling our own Scene_Title!
- //
- var Nel__SceneBase_Boot_alias_MMO_Login = Scene_Boot.prototype.start;
- Scene_Boot.prototype.start = function() {
- var startupFlag = String(Nasty.Parameters['Force Login on Startup']);
- if (startupFlag==='false'){
- Nel__SceneBase_Boot_alias_MMO_Login.call(this);
- }
- else{
- Scene_Base.prototype.start.call(this);
- SoundManager.preloadImportantSounds();
- if (DataManager.isBattleTest()) {
- DataManager.setupBattleTest();
- SceneManager.goto(Scene_Battle);
- } else if (DataManager.isEventTest()) {
- DataManager.setupEventTest();
- SceneManager.goto(Scene_Map);
- } else {
- this.checkPlayerLocation();
- DataManager.setupNewGame();
- SceneManager.goto(MMO_Scene_Title);
- }
- this.updateDocumentTitle();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Overriding 'Input._onKeyDown' to pass 'event' as parameter
- // to 'Input._shouldPreventDefault'
- //
- Input._onKeyDown = function(event) {
- if (this._shouldPreventDefault(event)) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- if (event.keyCode === 144) { // Numlock
- this.clear();
- }
- var buttonName = this.keyMapper[event.keyCode];
- if (buttonName) {
- this._currentState[buttonName] = true;
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Overriding Input._shouldPreventDefault to allow the use of the 'backspace key'
- // in input forms.
- //
- Input._shouldPreventDefault = function(e) {
- switch (e.keyCode) {
- case 8: // backspace
- if ($(e.target).is("input, textarea"))
- break;
- case 33: // pageup
- case 34: // pagedown
- case 37: // left arrow
- case 38: // up arrow
- case 39: // right arrow
- case 40: // down arrow
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- })();
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