这脚本还真是……a1a2a3a4什么的用数组不好么…… 确实不行的话,在每次执行公共事件之前都重建事件解释器如何? 像这样……
谢谢ONEWateR ,问题解决了。 本来还打包了个范例工程。现在根本没必要发了。 第14楼被楼主设置为正确答案,ONEWateR获得了200分热情分+100分有爱分。 |
def update 加上 $game_system.map_interpreter.update 话说脚本真的很长很长~ - -~ 测试不能~ 祝你成功~ >< |
你可以做个范例测试嘛 干嘛直接原工程 那么长,直接把你的重点写个测试工程,然后再问 |
好长的脚本 ,膜拜 |
奶油,太长的脚本代码框框不住,你还是把框去掉吧……该死的DZ TAT |
本帖最后由 奶油Da蛋糕 于 2009-8-28 13:36 编辑 看上去很长,其实就是精灵占了地方,大家可以无视。 class Scene_Xiulian def main $xiulian = true @xl = Window_Xiulian.new @hd = Window_Head2.new @Map = Window_Xiulian_Map.new @Day = Window_Xiulian_Day.new @mes = Window_Message.new @Xl = Window_Xl.new @Xl2 = Window_Xl2.new @interpreter = Interpreter.new(0, true) Graphics.transition @menu = Sprite.new @menu.y = 390 @menu.x = 170 @menu.z = 151 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @map = Sprite.new @map.y = 139 @map.x = 128 @map.z = 101 @map.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Room_卧室") @shijian = Sprite.new @shijian.y = 139-8#-24-12+64 @shijian.x = 128+64 @shijian.z = 151 @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") @texthead = Sprite.new @texthead.y = 139-8#-24-12+64 @texthead.x = 128+64 @texthead.z = 151 @texthead.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") @a1 = Sprite.new @a1.y = 390-41 @a1.x = 170 @a1.z = 10 @a1.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/打杂") @a2 = Sprite.new @a2.y = 390-41 @a2.x = 170+77*1 @a2.z = 10 @a2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/基本功") @a3 = Sprite.new @a3.y = 390-41 @a3.x = 170+77*2 @a3.z = 10 @a3.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/招式") @a4 = Sprite.new @a4.y = 390-41 @a4.x = 170+77*3 @a4.z = 10 @a4.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/闲逛") @a5 = Sprite.new @a5.y = 390-41 @a5.x = 170+77*4 @a5.z = 10 @a5.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/休息") @a6 = Sprite.new @a6.y = 390-41 @a6.x = 170+77*5 @a6.z = 10 @a6.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/系统") @b1 = Sprite.new @b1.y = 390-41 @b1.x = 170 @b1.z = 10 @b1.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/打扫") @b2 = Sprite.new @b2.y = 390-41 @b2.x = 170+77*1 @b2.z = 10 @b2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水") @b3 = Sprite.new @b3.y = 390-41 @b3.x = 170+77*2 @b3.z = 10 @b3.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/洗衣") @b4 = Sprite.new @b4.y = 390-41 @b4.x = 170+77*3 @b4.z = 10 @b4.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/泡茶") @b5 = Sprite.new @b5.y = 390-41 @b5.x = 170+77*4 @b5.z = 10 @b5.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/下厨") @b6 = Sprite.new @b6.y = 390-41 @b6.x = 170+77*5 @b6.z = 10 @b6.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/上一页") @c1 = Sprite.new @c1.y = 390-41 @c1.x = 170 @c1.z = 10 @c1.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质") @c2 = Sprite.new @c2.y = 390-41 @c2.x = 170+77*1 @c2.z = 10 @c2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/力量") @c3 = Sprite.new @c3.y = 390-41 @c3.x = 170+77*2 @c3.z = 10 @c3.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力") @c4 = Sprite.new @c4.y = 390-41 @c4.x = 170+77*3 @c4.z = 10 @c4.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力") @c5 = Sprite.new @c5.y = 390-41 @c5.x = 170+77*4 @c5.z = 10 @c5.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/敏捷") @d1 = Sprite.new @d1.y = 390-41 @d1.x = 170 @d1.z = 10 @d2 = Sprite.new @d2.y = 390-41 @d2.x = 170+77*1 @d2.z = 10 @d3 = Sprite.new @d3.y = 390-41 @d3.x = 170+77*2 @d3.z = 10 @d4 = Sprite.new @d4.y = 390-41 @d4.x = 170+77*3 @d4.z = 10 @d5 = Sprite.new @d5.y = 390-41 @d5.x = 170+77*4 @d5.z = 10 case $menpai when 0 @d1.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/逍遥谷-d1") @d2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/逍遥谷-d2") @d3.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/逍遥谷-d3") @d4.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/逍遥谷-d4") @d5.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/逍遥谷-d5") end @e1 = Sprite.new @e1.y = 390-41 @e1.x = 170 @e1.z = 10 @e1.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/本门") @e2 = Sprite.new @e2.y = 390-41 @e2.x = 170+77*1 @e2.z = 10 @e2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/城镇") @e3 = Sprite.new @e3.y = 390-41 @e3.x = 170+77*2 @e3.z = 10 @e3.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/森林") @e4 = Sprite.new @e4.y = 390-41 @e4.x = 170+77*3 @e4.z = 10 @e4.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/酒馆") @e5 = Sprite.new @e5.y = 390-41 @e5.x = 170+77*4 @e5.z = 10 @e5.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/赌场") @f1 = Sprite.new @f1.y = 390-41 @f1.x = 170 @f1.z = 10 @f2 = Sprite.new @f2.y = 390-41 @f2.x = 170+77*1 @f2.z = 10 @f3 = Sprite.new @f3.y = 390-41 @f3.x = 170+77*2 @f3.z = 10 case $menpai when 0 @f1.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/逍遥谷-f1") @f2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/逍遥谷-f2") @f3.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/逍遥谷-f3") end @g1 = Sprite.new @g1.y = 390-41 @g1.x = 170 @g1.z = 10 @g1.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/g1") @g2 = Sprite.new @g2.y = 390-41 @g2.x = 170+77*1 @g2.z = 10 @g2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/g2") @g3 = Sprite.new @g3.y = 390-41 @g3.x = 170+77*2 @g3.z = 10 @g3.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/g3") @g4 = Sprite.new @g4.y = 390-41 @g4.x = 170+77*3 @g4.z = 10 @g4.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/g4") @g5 = Sprite.new @g5.y = 390-41 @g5.x = 170+77*4 @g5.z = 10 @g5.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/g5") @m1 = Sprite.new @m1.y = 210+23*0 @m1.x = 170+77*3 @m1.z = 10 @m1.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/物品") @m2 = Sprite.new @m2.y = 210+23*1 @m2.x = 170+77*3 @m2.z = 10 @m2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/技能") @m3 = Sprite.new @m3.y = 210+23*2 @m3.x = 170+77*3 @m3.z = 10 @m3.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/装备") @m4 = Sprite.new @m4.y = 210+23*3 @m4.x = 170+77*3 @m4.z = 10 @m4.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/加点") @m5 = Sprite.new @m5.y = 210+23*4 @m5.x = 170+77*3 @m5.z = 10 @m5.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/宠物") @m6 = Sprite.new @m6.y = 210+23*5 @m6.x = 170+77*3 @m6.z = 10 @m6.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/生产技能") @m7 = Sprite.new @m7.y = 210+23*6 @m7.x = 170+77*3 @m7.z = 10 @m7.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/声望") @head = Sprite.new @head.y = 18 @head.x = 367 @head.z = 151 @head.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/touxiang.png") @tili = Sprite.new @tili.y = 18+16 @tili.x = 367+112 @tili.z = 150 @tili.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/tili.png") @huoli = Sprite.new @huoli.y = 18+60 @huoli.x = 367+112 @huoli.z = 150 @huoli.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/huoli.png") @head2 = Sprite.new @head2.y = 25 @head2.x = 390 @head2.z = 152 if $game_variables[14] == 0 @head2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Battlers/泪无痕_f") elsif $game_variables[14] == 1 @head2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Battlers/凌波燕_f") else @head2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Battlers/泪无痕_f") end $xl = 0 loop do Graphics.update Input.update update juqing if $scene != self break end end Graphics.freeze @xl.dispose @Xl.dispose @Xl2.dispose @hd.dispose @Map.dispose @Day.dispose @mes.dispose @menu.bitmap.dispose @menu.dispose @map.bitmap.dispose @map.dispose @shijian.bitmap.dispose @shijian.dispose @texthead.bitmap.dispose @texthead.dispose @a1.bitmap.dispose @a1.dispose @a2.bitmap.dispose @a2.dispose @a3.bitmap.dispose @a3.dispose @a4.bitmap.dispose @a4.dispose @a5.bitmap.dispose @a5.dispose @a6.bitmap.dispose @a6.dispose @b1.bitmap.dispose @b1.dispose @b2.bitmap.dispose @b2.dispose @b3.bitmap.dispose @b3.dispose @b4.bitmap.dispose @b4.dispose @b5.bitmap.dispose @b5.dispose @b6.bitmap.dispose @b6.dispose @c1.bitmap.dispose @c1.dispose @c2.bitmap.dispose @c2.dispose @c3.bitmap.dispose @c3.dispose @c4.bitmap.dispose @c4.dispose @c5.bitmap.dispose @c5.dispose @d1.bitmap.dispose @d1.dispose @d2.bitmap.dispose @d2.dispose @d3.bitmap.dispose @d3.dispose @d4.bitmap.dispose @d4.dispose @d5.bitmap.dispose @d5.dispose @e1.bitmap.dispose @e1.dispose @e2.bitmap.dispose @e2.dispose @e3.bitmap.dispose @e3.dispose @e4.bitmap.dispose @e4.dispose @e5.bitmap.dispose @e5.dispose @f1.bitmap.dispose @f1.dispose @f2.bitmap.dispose @f2.dispose @f3.bitmap.dispose @f3.dispose @g1.bitmap.dispose @g1.dispose @g2.bitmap.dispose @g2.dispose @g3.bitmap.dispose @g3.dispose @g4.bitmap.dispose @g4.dispose @g5.bitmap.dispose @g5.dispose @m1.bitmap.dispose @m1.dispose @m2.bitmap.dispose @m2.dispose @m3.bitmap.dispose @m3.dispose @m4.bitmap.dispose @m4.dispose @m5.bitmap.dispose @m5.dispose @m6.bitmap.dispose @m6.dispose @m7.bitmap.dispose @m7.dispose @head2.bitmap.dispose @head2.dispose @head.bitmap.dispose @head.dispose @tili.bitmap.dispose @tili.dispose @huoli.bitmap.dispose @huoli.dispose end def update juqing case $th when 0 @texthead.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") when 1 @texthead.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/师傅");@texthead.x = 100;@texthead.y = 60 when 2 @texthead.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/云无心");@texthead.x = 100;@texthead.y = 10 when 3 @texthead.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/千幻碟");@texthead.x = 180;@texthead.y = 70 when 4 @texthead.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/逍遥侠头像") if $game_variables[14] == 0 @texthead.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/凌波燕") if $game_variables[14] == 1 end @interpreter.update $game_variables[20] = $game_variables[22] if $game_variables[20] >= $game_variables[22] $game_variables[20] = 0 if $game_variables[20] <= 0 $game_variables[21] = $game_variables[23] if $game_variables[21] >= $game_variables[23] $game_variables[21] = 0 if $game_variables[21] <= 0 xiuxi if $game_variables[20]==0 or $game_variables[21] ==0 and $xiuxi != true @tili.src_rect.width = 132 * ($game_variables[20]*1.00000/$game_variables[22]*1.00000) @huoli.src_rect.width = 132 * ($game_variables[21]*1.00000/$game_variables[23]*1.00000) @mes.update if @text != true and $sj_xl != true case $xl when 0 mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos if mouse_x > (170) and mouse_x < (170+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @a1.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and $xiuxi != true $xl = 1 @a1.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/daza_menu") end else @a1.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77) and mouse_x < (170+77+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @a2.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and $xiuxi != true $xl = 2 @a2.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/jibengong_menu") end else @a2.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*2) and mouse_x < (170+77*2+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @a3.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and $xiuxi != true if $zhaos == true $xl = 3 @Xl2.update @a3.z = 10 case $menpai when 0 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/逍遥谷d_menu") end else $game_temp.message_text = "您还没有任何招式!" @text = true end end else @a3.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @a4.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and $xiuxi != true $xl = 4 @a4.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/xianguang_menu") end else @a4.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*4) and mouse_x < (170+77*4+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @a5.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) if $xiuxi != true $game_variables[20] += $game_variables[22]*0.35000 $game_variables[21] += $game_variables[23]*0.35000 else $game_variables[20] += $game_variables[22]*0.20000 $game_variables[21] += $game_variables[23]*0.20000 $xiuxihuihe += 1 $xiuxi = false if $xiuxihuihe == 3 end $game_temp.message_text = "您休息了一天,\\C[2]体力\\C[0]和\\C[2]活力\\C[0]都得到了恢复!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @a5.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*5) and mouse_x < (170+77*5+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @a6.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $xl = 6 @a6.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/xitong_menu") end else @a6.z = 10 end when 1 daza when 2 jibengong when 3 skill when 4 xianguang when 5 benmen when 6 xitong end else if Input.trigger?(Input::C) @texthead.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") @text = false end end end def daza mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos if mouse_x > (170) and mouse_x < (170+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @b1.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地3") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地4") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地3") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地4") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地3") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/扫地4") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @b1.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") i = rand(5) $game_variables[34] += i i += 18 $game_variables[20] -= i $game_variables[35] += i $game_temp.message_text = "经过\\C[2]打扫\\C[0],您的\\C[2]体力\\C[0]下降了! \\C[2]\\N[10]\\C[0]的好感度有所提升! \\C[2]学习度\\C[0]有所提升!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @b1.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77) and mouse_x < (170+77+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @b2.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水3") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水4") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水3") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水4") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水3") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/挑水4") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @b2.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") i = rand(5) $game_variables[36] += i i += 18 $game_variables[20] -= i $game_variables[35] += i $game_temp.message_text = "经过\\C[2]挑水\\C[0],您的\\C[2]体力\\C[0]下降了! \\C[2]\\N[11]\\C[0]的好感度有所提升! \\C[2]学习度\\C[0]有所提升!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @b2.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*2) and mouse_x < (170+77*2+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @b3.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/洗衣1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/洗衣2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/洗衣3") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/洗衣1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/洗衣2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/洗衣3") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/洗衣1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/洗衣2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/洗衣3") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @b3.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") i = rand(5) $game_variables[17] += i i += 18 $game_variables[21] -= i $game_variables[35] += i $game_temp.message_text = "经过\\C[2]洗衣\\C[0],您的\\C[2]活力\\C[0]下降了! \\C[2]\\N[12]\\C[0]的好感度有所提升! \\C[2]学习度\\C[0]有所提升!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @b3.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @b4.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/泡茶1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/泡茶2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/泡茶3") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/泡茶1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/泡茶2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/泡茶3") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/泡茶1") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/泡茶2") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/泡茶3") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @b4.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") i = rand(5) $game_variables[34] += i $game_variables[38] += i i += 18 $game_variables[21] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "经过\\C[2]泡茶\\C[0],您的\\C[2]活力\\C[0]下降了! \\C[2]\\N[10]\\C[0]的好感度有所提升! \\C[2]茶道\\C[0]技能有所提升!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @b4.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*4) and mouse_x < (170+77*4+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @b5.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/烹饪 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/烹饪 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/烹饪 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/烹饪 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/烹饪 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/烹饪 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/烹饪 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/烹饪 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/烹饪 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/烹饪 (4)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @b5.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") i = rand(5) $game_variables[17] += (i/2).to_i $game_variables[34] += (i/2).to_i $game_variables[36] += (i/2).to_i $game_variables[37] += i i += 18 $game_variables[21] -= (i/2).to_i $game_variables[20] -= (i/2).to_i $game_temp.message_text = "经过\\C[2]下厨\\C[0],您的\\C[2]体力\\C[0]、\\C[2]活力\\C[0]都下降了! \\C[2]\\N[10]\\C[0]、\\C[2]\\N[11]\\C[0]、\\C[2]\\N[12]\\C[0]的好感度有所提升! \\C[2]烹饪\\C[0]技能有所提升!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @b5.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*5) and mouse_x < (170+77*5+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @b6.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $xl = 0 @b6.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") end else @b6.z = 10 end end def jibengong mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos if mouse_x > (170) and mouse_x < (170+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @c1.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (21)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (7)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (8)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (9)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (10)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (11)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (12)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (13)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (14)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (15)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (16)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (17)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (18)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (19)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/体质 (20)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @c1.z = 10 i = rand(5)+18 $game_party.actors[0].maxhp+=4 $game_party.actors[0].hp+=4 $game_variables[20] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "修行\\C[2]体质\\C[0],您的\\C[2]体力\\C[0]下降了! 您的\\C[2]气血上限\\C[0]上升了\\C[2]4\\C[0]!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @c1.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77) and mouse_x < (170+77+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @c2.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/力量 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/力量 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/力量 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/力量 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/力量 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/力量 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/力量 (7)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/力量 (8)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/力量 (9)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @c2.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") i = rand(5)+18 $game_party.actors[0].maxsp += 4 $game_party.actors[0].sp+=4 $game_party.actors[0].str += 0.4 $game_variables[20] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "修行\\C[2]力量\\C[0],您的\\C[2]体力\\C[0]下降了! 您的\\C[2]力量\\C[0]上升了\\C[2]0.4\\C[0]!\\C[2]魔法上限\\C[0]上升了\\C[2]4\\C[0]!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @c2.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*2) and mouse_x < (170+77*2+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @c3.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (7)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (8)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (9)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (10)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (11)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (12)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (13)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (14)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (15)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (16)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (17)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魔力 (18)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @c3.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") i = rand(5)+18 $game_party.actors[0].maxsp += 4 $game_party.actors[0].sp+=4 $game_party.actors[0].int += 0.4 $game_variables[21] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "修行\\C[2]魔力\\C[0],您的\\C[2]活力\\C[0]下降了! 您的\\C[2]魔力\\C[0]上升了\\C[2]0.4\\C[0]!\\C[2]魔法上限\\C[0]上升了\\C[2]4\\C[0]!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @c3.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @c4.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (13)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (7)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (8)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (9)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (10)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (11)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/魅力 (12)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @c4.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") i = rand(5)+18 $game_party.actors[0].dex += 0.3 $game_variables[21] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "修行\\C[2]魅力\\C[0],您的\\C[2]活力\\C[0]下降了! 您的\\C[2]防御\\C[0]上升了\\C[2]0.3\\C[0]!\\C[2]灵巧\\C[0]上升了\\C[2]0.3\\C[0]!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @c4.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*4) and mouse_x < (170+77*4+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @c5.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/敏捷 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/敏捷 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/敏捷 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/敏捷 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/敏捷 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/敏捷 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/敏捷 (7)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @c5.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") i = rand(5)+18 $game_party.actors[0].agi += 0.4 $game_variables[21] -= (i/2).to_i $game_variables[20] -= (i/2).to_i $game_temp.message_text = "修行\\C[2]敏捷\\C[0],您的\\C[2]体力\\C[0]和\\C[2]活力\\C[0]都下降了! 您的\\C[2]速度\\C[0]上升了\\C[2]0.4\\C[0]!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @c5.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*5) and mouse_x < (170+77*5+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @b6.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $xl = 0 @b6.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") end else @b6.z = 10 end end def skill mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos if mouse_x > (170) and mouse_x < (170+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @d1.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练剑 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练剑 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练剑 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练剑 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练剑 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练剑 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练剑 (7)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练剑 (8)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练剑 (9)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 $mp_skill1 += 1 @Xl2.update @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @d1.z = 10 i = rand(5)+18 $game_variables[20] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "修行\\C[2]技能\\C[0],您的\\C[2]体力\\C[0]下降了! 技能\\C[2]熟练度\\C[0]增加了\\C[2]1\\C[0]!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @d1.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77) and mouse_x < (170+77+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @d2.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/喷火 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/喷火 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/喷火 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/喷火 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/喷火 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/喷火 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/喷火 (7)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/喷火 (8)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/喷火 (9)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/喷火 (10)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/喷火 (11)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 $mp_skill2 += 1 @Xl2.update @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @d2.z = 10 i = rand(5)+18 $game_variables[20] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "修行\\C[2]技能\\C[0],您的\\C[2]体力\\C[0]下降了! 技能\\C[2]熟练度\\C[0]增加了\\C[2]1\\C[0]!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @d2.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*2) and mouse_x < (170+77*2+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @d3.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练拳 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练拳 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练拳 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练拳 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练拳 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练拳 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练拳 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练拳 (4)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 $mp_skill3 += 1 @Xl2.update @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @d3.z = 10 i = rand(5)+18 $game_variables[20] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "修行\\C[2]技能\\C[0],您的\\C[2]体力\\C[0]下降了! 技能\\C[2]熟练度\\C[0]增加了\\C[2]1\\C[0]!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @d3.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @d4.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练刀 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练刀 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练刀 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练刀 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练刀 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练刀 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练刀 (7)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 $mp_skill4 += 1 @Xl2.update @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @d4.z = 10 i = rand(5)+18 $game_variables[20] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "修行\\C[2]技能\\C[0],您的\\C[2]体力\\C[0]下降了! 技能\\C[2]熟练度\\C[0]增加了\\C[2]1\\C[0]!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @d4.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*4) and mouse_x < (170+77*4+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @d5.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练腿 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练腿 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练腿 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练腿 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练腿 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练腿 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/练腿 (7)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 $mp_skill5 += 1 @Xl2.update @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @d5.z = 10 i = rand(5)+18 $game_variables[20] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "修行\\C[2]技能\\C[0],您的\\C[2]体力\\C[0]下降了! 技能\\C[2]熟练度\\C[0]增加了\\C[2]1\\C[0]!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @d5.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*5) and mouse_x < (170+77*5+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @b6.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $xl = 0 @b6.z = 10 @Xl2.update @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") end else @b6.z = 10 end end def xianguang mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos if mouse_x > (170) and mouse_x < (170+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @e1.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $xl = 5 @e1.z = 10 case $menpai when 0 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/逍遥谷f_Menu") end end else @e1.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77) and mouse_x < (170+77+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @e2.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @e2.z = 10 i = rand(5) i+=18 $game_variables[21] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "前往\\C[2]城镇\\C[0],您的\\C[2]活力\\C[0]下降了!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @e2.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*2) and mouse_x < (170+77*2+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @e3.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @e3.z = 10 i = rand(5) i+=18 $game_variables[21] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "前往\\C[2]森林\\C[0],您的\\C[2]活力\\C[0]下降了!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @e3.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @e4.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @e4.z = 10 i = rand(5) i+=18 $game_variables[21] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "前往\\C[2]酒馆\\C[0],您的\\C[2]活力\\C[0]下降了!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @e4.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*4) and mouse_x < (170+77*4+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @e5.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @e5.z = 10 i = rand(5) i+=18 $game_variables[21] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "前往\\C[2]赌场\\C[0],您的\\C[2]活力\\C[0]下降了!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @e5.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*5) and mouse_x < (170+77*5+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @b6.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $xl = 0 @b6.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") end else @b6.z = 10 end end def benmen mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos if mouse_x > (170) and mouse_x < (170+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @f1.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @f1.z = 10 i = rand(5) i+=18 $game_variables[21] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "拜访\\C[2]师傅\\C[0],您的\\C[2]活力\\C[0]下降了!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @f1.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77) and mouse_x < (170+77+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @f2.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @f2.z = 10 i = rand(5) i+=18 $game_variables[21] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "拜访\\C[2]师兄\\C[0],您的\\C[2]活力\\C[0]下降了!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @f2.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*2) and mouse_x < (170+77*2+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @f3.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (1)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (2)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (3)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (4)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (5)") Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/走路 (6)") Graphics.transition @shijian.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/system/puke/k") $xl = 0 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") @f3.z = 10 i = rand(5) i+=18 $game_variables[21] -= i $game_temp.message_text = "拜访\\C[2]师妹\\C[0],您的\\C[2]活力\\C[0]下降了!" @text = true $game_variables[33] += 1 juqing @xl.update end else @f3.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*5) and mouse_x < (170+77*5+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @b6.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $xl = 4 @b6.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/xianguang_Menu") end else @b6.z = 10 end end def xitong mouse_x, mouse_y = Mouse.get_mouse_pos if mouse_x > (170) and mouse_x < (170+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @g1.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $scene = Scene_Status.new end else @g1.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77) and mouse_x < (170+77+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @g2.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $scene = Scene_frd.new end else @g2.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*2) and mouse_x < (170+77*2+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @g3.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $scene = Scene_Loadsave.new end else @g3.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @g4.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) if $xlmenu @m1.z = 10 @m2.z = 10 @m3.z = 10 @m4.z = 10 @m5.z = 10 @m6.z = 10 @m7.z = 10 $xlmenu = false else @m1.z = 151 @m2.z = 151 @m3.z = 151 @m4.z = 151 @m5.z = 151 @m6.z = 151 @m7.z = 151 $xlmenu = true end end else @g4.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*4) and mouse_x < (170+77*4+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @g5.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $scene = Scene_Exit.new end else @g5.z = 10 end if mouse_x > (170+77*5) and mouse_x < (170+77*5+68) and mouse_y > (390) and mouse_y < (390+73) @b6.z = 152 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $xl = 0 @b6.z = 10 @menu.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/Menu") if $xlmenu @m1.z = 10 @m2.z = 10 @m3.z = 10 @m4.z = 10 @m5.z = 10 @m6.z = 10 @m7.z = 10 $xlmenu = false end end else @b6.z = 10 end if $xlmenu if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+69) and mouse_y > (210+23*0) and mouse_y < (210+23*0+22) @m1.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/物品_x") if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $scene = Scene_Item.new end else @m1.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/物品") end #end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+69) and mouse_y > (210+23*1) and mouse_y < (210+23*1+22) @m2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/技能_x") if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $scene = Scene_Skill.new end else @m2.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/技能") end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+69) and mouse_y > (210+23*2) and mouse_y < (210+23*2+22) @m3.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/装备_x") if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $scene = Scene_Skill.new end else @m3.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/装备") end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+69) and mouse_y > (210+23*3) and mouse_y < (210+23*3+22) @m4.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/加点_x") if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $scene = Scene_Lvup.new end else @m4.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/加点") end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+69) and mouse_y > (210+23*4) and mouse_y < (210+23*4+22) @m5.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/宠物_x") if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $scene = Scene_Baby.new end else @m5.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/宠物") end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+69) and mouse_y > (210+23*5) and mouse_y < (210+23*5+22) @m6.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/生产技能_x") if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $scene = Scene_sjn.new end else @m6.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/生产技能") end if mouse_x > (170+77*3) and mouse_x < (170+77*3+69) and mouse_y > (210+23*6) and mouse_y < (210+23*6+22) @m7.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/声望_x") if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $scene = Scene_atb.new end else @m7.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Pictures/声望") end end end def xiuxi $game_temp.message_text = "您的体力或活力不足,您需要\\C[2]休息\\c[0]。 三天内禁止执行休息以外的任何指令。" @text = true $xiuxi = true $xiuxihuihe = 0 end def juqing case $game_variables[33] when 0 if @a != true $game_temp.common_event_id = 23 @a = true end when 3 if @b != true p "这里的版主真不热心,群里的人更是冷漠,无趣的6R,可怜的我" $game_temp.common_event_id = 24 @b = true end end#$game_variables[33] end#def juqing end 发代码的话,大家可能看不到。就这样将就看吧。 再总结一下: 公共事件只能执行一次,不是不能执行,也不是只能执行第一天的。如果到了第三天后重新打开这个scene,第三天的也可以执行了。 |
我甚至在main里面的loop do里都加上了juqing ~ 其实和放在def update 是一样的吧~ - - 建议楼主将整段scene脚本发上来,方便大家解决~ 恩恩~ |
还真被说中了? 莫非只能执行一次公共事件? 加了个p "a"的话 到了第三天真的弹出了a 但是没执行公共事件。 但是第一天的公共事件却可以执行。 公共事件只能执行第一次??? |
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GMT+8, 2025-1-25 16:59
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