本帖最后由 wabcmcc 于 2019-10-31 17:04 编辑 参考作者示範工程http://www.mediafire.com/file/ofc878ov4xq2wr8/Simple_Crops_and_Tools_MV.zip 收成用變量收穫物品,由你(用變量決定收穫物品), 0 代表沒有收成. 或者改為種植樹林.建造圍欄.塔防.....(不能收成) |
<seed:imgId,charId,pId,growTime,itemId> <seed:0,2,2,10,6>(2、3项数字是否为图像显示相关得?不太懂操作原理…) EXPLANATION: seed = the keyword required. Don't change this. imgId = the number that will select which crop charset字符集 to use. charId = the id of the character in the charset (1-8) pId = the plant id to select which plant in the character to use (1-2) growTime = the amount of seconds passed until plant is able to be harvested itemId = the item obtained when plant is harvested. Make this 0 if the plant cannot be harvested at all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ◆注释:Store item name in game variable #2 (will be 0 if no item) ◆脚本:Galv.CROPS.harvest(this._eventId,2); ◆如果:var 2 - Item Id = 0 ◆注释:If item name is 0, let's make it unable to be harvested. ◆文本:无, 窗口, 底部 : :You can't harvest that. ◆(这段是说所选物品=0了,不能收获?0种子,但是田里有作物就能收啊,难道我理解错了?) |
用事件作種植作物比較煩瑣. 用Galv_SimpleCrops 一個簡單的農作/種植作物插件。 https://www.mediafire.com/file/v94ei04v0r86tbh/Simple%20Crops%20MV%20v.1.4%20%28PLUGIN%29.zip |
种植类的功能靠事件比较繁琐且容易出问题,建议还是使用插件吧 galv大佬的种植插件 |
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