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[已经解决] 关于日期的问题



67 小时
发表于 2013-7-21 18:02:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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381 小时
发表于 2013-7-21 18:09:17 | 只看该作者
  1. #Advanced Game Time + Night/Day v1.4.2
  2. #----------#
  3. #Features: Provides a series of functions to set and recall current game time
  4. #          as well customizable tints based on current game time to give the
  5. #          appearance of night and day in an advanced and customizable way.
  6. #
  7. #Usage:   Script calls:
  8. #           GameTime.sec?                      #current second
  9. #           GameTime.min?                      #current minute
  10. #           GameTime.hour?                     #current hour
  11. #           GameTime.hour_nom?                 #current hour (12-hour)
  12. #           GameTime.day?                      #current day of month
  13. #           GameTime.day_week?                 #current day of the week
  14. #           GameTime.day_year?                 #current day of the year
  15. #           GameTime.month?                    #current month
  16. #           GameTime.year?                     #current year
  17. #           GameTime.year_post("set")          #changes the year post to set
  18. #           GameTime.pause_tint(true/false)    #pauses/unpauses tint
  19. #           GameTime.notime(true/false)        #stops time based on true/false
  20. #           GameTime.change(s,m,h,d,dw,mn,y)      #manually set the time
  21. #                                    seconds,minutes,hours,days,weekday,months,years
  22. #                                              any can be nil to not be changed
  23. #           GameTime.set("handle",n)           #increases a certain time portion
  24. #                                             valid arguments are:
  25. #                                               addsec,addmin,addhour,addday
  26. #                                               addmonth,addyear
  27. #                                             and:
  28. #                                               remsec,remmin,remhour,remday
  29. #                                               remmonth,remyear
  30. #           GameTime.clock?(true/false)        #hides/shows the clock
  31. #           GameTime.save_time                 #saves the current time
  32. #           GameTime.load_time                 #loads the saved time
  33. #
  34. #         Message Codes:
  35. #           GTSEC    #Inputs the current second
  36. #           GTMIN    #Inputs the current minute
  37. #           GTHOUR   #Inputs the current hour
  38. #           GTDAYN   #Inputs the day of the month
  39. #           GTDAYF   #Inputs the day of the week (full)
  40. #           GTDAYA   #Inputs the day of the week (abbreviated)
  41. #           GTMONN   #Inputs the month of the year
  42. #           GTMONF   #Inputs the name of the month (full)
  43. #           GTMONA   #Inputs the name of the month (abbreviated)
  44. #           GTYEAR   #Inputs the current year
  45. #
  46. #         Map Note Tags: (These go in the note box of Map Properties)
  47. #           Notint   #These maps will not tint!
  48. #           Notime   #Stops time from moving in that map
  49. #        
  50. #Customization: Set below, in comments.
  51. #
  52. #Examples: GameTime.pause_tint = false
  53. #          GameTime.change(nil,30,4,1,1,1,2012)
  54. #          GameTime.set("addyear",5)
  55. #          GameTime.clock?(true)
  56. #
  57. #----------#
  58. #-- Script by: V.M of D.T
  59. #
  60. #- Questions or comments can be:
  61. #    posted on the thread for the script
  62. #    given by email: [email protected]
  63. #    provided on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DaimoniousTailsGames
  64. #    posed on site: daimonioustails.wordpress.com
  65. #
  66. #--- Free to use in any non-commercial project with credit given
  67. #-- License required for commercial project use


  69. #What time a new game starts at: [sec, min, hour, day, month, year]
  70. START_TIME = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
  71. #Wether or not to set time to PC (Real) Time
  72. USE_REAL_TIME = false
  73. #Time does not increase while the message window is visible:
  74. NOTIMEMESSAGE = false
  75. #Time does not increase unless you are on the map
  76. PAUSE_IN_MENUS = true
  77. #Time does not increase if you are in battle
  78. NOBATTLETIME = false
  79. #Clock is shown
  80. USECLOCK = true
  81. #Set to true to have the clock show up in the menu!
  82. USECLOCK_MENU = true
  83. #Set the format for the clock both in and out of menu
  84. #1. hh:mm am/pm
  85. #2. Sun dd hh:mm am/pm
  86. #3. hh:mm        (24 hour clock)
  87. #4. Sun dd hh:mm (24 hour clock)
  88. #5. Custom clock, see below
  89. CLOCK_FORMAT = 5
  91. #Clock window background opacity
  92. CLOCK_BACK = 255
  93. #Button to be used to toggle the clock
  95. #X and Y position of clock
  96. CLOCK_X = 0
  97. CLOCK_Y = 0
  98. #Finetune the width of the clock window here:
  99. CLOCK_WIDTH = 175
  100. #Whether or not those little dots on the clock blink
  101. USE_BLINK = true
  102. #The speed at which they blink
  103. BLINK_SPEED = 120
  104. #Here is where you would insert the array of commands for the custom clock:
  105. CUSTOM_CLOCK = ["weekshort"," ","day"," ","year","yearp"]
  106. CUSTOM_CLOCK2 = ["hour12","blinky","min"," ","meri"]
  107. #Available commands for CUSTOM_CLOCK:
  108. # "sec" - seconds         "min" - minutes
  109. # "hour" - hour (24)      "hour12" - hour (12)
  110. # "meri" - AM/PM          "day" - day of the month
  111. # "weekshort" - day of the week abbr
  112. # "weeklong" - day of the week long
  113. # "month" - month         "monthshort" - month name abbr
  114. # "monthlong" - month name
  115. # "year" - year           "yearp" - year post
  116. # "blinky" - those blinky dots

  117. #Using KHAS lighting effects script? Turn this on to use that tint
  118. USE_KHAS = false
  119. #Using Victor Engine Light effects? Turn this on to use that tint
  120. USE_VICTOR = false
  121. #Variables that count down each gametime second/minute

  123. #Use Tint in the Battles
  124. BATTLE_TINT = false

  125. #Time it takes for a second (or minute) to pass, in frames by default
  126. #(Frame rate is 60 frames per second)
  128. #Variable ID containing the current speed of time!
  130. #Whether to use seconds or not
  131. NOSECONDS = true
  132. #Number of seconds in a minute
  133. SECONDSINMIN = 60
  134. #Number of minutes in an hour
  136. #Number of hours in a day
  137. HOURSINDAY = 24
  138. #Names of the days (As little or as many days in the week as you want)
  139. DAYNAMES = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]
  140. #Day name abbreviations
  141. DAYNAMESABBR = ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"]
  142. #Number of days in each month (Also represents number of months in a year)
  143. MONTHS = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
  144. #Names of the months
  145. MONTHNAMES = ["January","February","March","April","May","June",
  146.               "July","August","September","October","November","December"]
  147. #Abrreviated names of the months
  148. MONTHNAMESABBR = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun",
  149.                   "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]
  150. #The default letters to be posted before the year in dates
  153. USE_PERIODS = true
  155. #Gradual tint effects! (The hardest part)
  156. #It may look daunting, and it is, but here is where you put the tint
  157. #to be shown at each hour (the actual tint is usually somewhere in between)
  158. #The number of Color.new objects here must equal the number of hours in a day
  159. #Starts from hour 0 (or 12am)
  160. #A color object is -> Color.new(r,g,b,a)
  161. # Where r is red,g is green,b is blue,and a is opacity and all are (0-255)
  162. TINTS = [Color.new(30,0,40,155),
  163.          Color.new(20,0,30,135),
  164.          Color.new(20,0,30,135),
  165.          Color.new(10,0,30,135),
  166.          Color.new(10,0,20,125),
  167.          Color.new(0,0,20,125),
  168.          Color.new(80,20,20,125),
  169.          Color.new(130,40,10,105),
  170.          Color.new(80,20,10,85),
  171.          Color.new(0,0,0,65),
  172.          Color.new(0,0,0,35),
  173.          Color.new(0,0,0,15),
  174.          Color.new(0,0,0,0),
  175.          Color.new(0,0,0,0),
  176.          Color.new(0,0,0,5),
  177.          Color.new(0,0,0,15),
  178.          Color.new(0,0,0,25),
  179.          Color.new(0,0,10,55),
  180.          Color.new(80,20,20,85),
  181.          Color.new(130,40,30,105),
  182.          Color.new(80,20,40,125),
  183.          Color.new(10,0,50,135),
  184.          Color.new(20,0,60,135),
  185.          Color.new(30,0,70,155)]

  187. PERIODS = [["Night",0,5],
  188.            ["Morning",6,11],
  189.            ["Afternoon",12,17],
  190.            ["Evening",18,23]]
  192. $gametimeclockvisible = true
  193. #_# END CUSTOMIZATION #_#
  195. module GameTime
  196.   def self.run
  197.     $game_time = Current_Time.new
  198.     $game_time_tint = Sprite_TimeTint.new
  199.   end
  200.   def self.update
  201.     return if $game_message.busy? and NOTIMEMESSAGE
  202.     if !SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) and PAUSE_IN_MENUS
  203.       return $game_time_tint.update if SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Title)
  204.       return $game_time_tint.update if SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_File)
  205.       return unless SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle) and !NOBATTLETIME
  206.     end
  207.     $game_time.update
  208.     $game_time_tint = Sprite_TimeTint.new if $game_time_tint.disposed?
  209.     update_tint
  210.   end
  211.   def self.update_tint
  212.     $game_time_tint.update unless @pause_tint
  213.   end
  214.   def self.sec?
  215.     return $game_time.sec
  216.   end
  217.   def self.min?
  218.     return $game_time.min
  219.   end
  220.   def self.hour?
  221.     return $game_time.hour
  222.   end
  223.   def self.hour_nom?
  224.     hour = $game_time.hour
  225.     hour -= 12 if hour > 11
  226.     hour = 12 if hour == 0
  227.     return hour
  228.   end
  229.   def self.day?
  230.     return $game_time.day if USE_REAL_TIME
  231.     return $game_time.day + 1
  232.   end
  233.   def self.day_week?
  234.     return $game_time.dayweek
  235.   end
  236.   def self.day_year?
  237.     month = month? - 1
  238.     day = day?
  239.     while month > 0
  240.       day += MONTHS[month]
  241.       month -= 1
  242.     end
  243.     day
  244.   end
  245.   def self.day_name
  246.     return DAYNAMES[$game_time.dayweek-1] if USE_REAL_TIME
  247.     return DAYNAMES[$game_time.dayweek]
  248.   end
  249.   def self.day_name_abbr
  250.     return DAYNAMESABBR[$game_time.dayweek-1] if USE_REAL_TIME
  251.     return DAYNAMESABBR[$game_time.dayweek]
  252.   end
  253.   def self.month_name_abbr
  254.     return MONTHNAMESABBR[$game_time.month-1] if USE_REAL_TIME
  255.     return MONTHNAMESABBR[$game_time.month]
  256.   end
  257.   def self.month?
  258.     return $game_time.month if USE_REAL_TIME
  259.     return $game_time.month + 1
  260.   end
  261.   def self.month_name
  262.     return MONTHNAMES[$game_time.month-1] if USE_REAL_TIME
  263.     return MONTHNAMES[$game_time.month]
  264.   end
  265.   def self.year?
  266.     return $game_time.year
  267.   end
  268.   def self.pause_tint(set)
  269.     @pause_tint = set
  270.   end
  271.   def self.change(s = nil,m = nil,h = nil,d = nil,dw = nil, mn = nil,y = nil)
  272.     $game_time.manual(s,m,h,d,dw,mn,y)
  273.   end
  274.   def self.set(handle,n)
  275.     $game_time.forward(handle,n)
  276.   end
  277.   def self.clock?(set)
  278.     SceneManager.scene.clock_visible?(set)
  279.   end
  280.   def self.year_post(set)
  281.     $game_time.year_post = set
  282.   end
  283.   def self.save_time
  284.     $saved_game_time = $game_time.dup
  285.   end
  286.   def self.load_time
  287.     $game_time = $saved_game_time.dup
  288.   end
  289.   def self.no_time_map
  290.     note = $game_map.map_note
  291.     /Notime/ =~ note
  292.     return false unless $~
  293.     return true
  294.   end
  295.   def self.notime(set)
  296.     $game_time.notime = set
  297.   end

  298.   class Current_Time
  300.     attr_reader     :sec
  301.     attr_reader     :min
  302.     attr_reader     :hour
  303.     attr_reader     :day
  304.     attr_reader     :dayweek
  305.     attr_reader     :month
  306.     attr_reader     :year
  307.     attr_accessor   :year_post
  308.     attr_accessor   :notime
  310.     def initialize
  311.       reset_all_values
  312.     end
  313.     def reset_all_values
  314.       @sec = START_TIME[0]
  315.       [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=25749]@min[/url] = START_TIME[1]
  316.       @hour = START_TIME[2]
  317.       [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=11519]@day[/url] = START_TIME[3]
  318.       @dayweek = 0
  319.       [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=26122]@Month[/url] = START_TIME[4]
  320.       @year = START_TIME[5]
  321.       @notime = false
  322.       @year_post = DEFAULT_YEAR_POST
  323.     end
  324.     def update
  325.       return realtime if USE_REAL_TIME
  326.       return if GameTime.no_time_map or @notime
  327.       $game_variables[TIMELAPSE_VARIABLE] = DEFAULT_TIMELAPSE if $game_variables[TIMELAPSE_VARIABLE] <= 0
  328.       return unless Graphics.frame_count % $game_variables[TIMELAPSE_VARIABLE] == 0
  329.       NOSECONDS ? addmin(1) : addsec(1)
  330.       update_timers
  331.     end
  332.     def update_timers
  333.       return unless TIMER_VARIABLES.size > 0
  334.       for i in TIMER_VARIABLES
  335.         $game_variables[i] -= 1 unless $game_variables[i] == 0
  336.       end
  337.     end
  338.     def realtime
  339.       @sec = Time.now.sec
  340.       @sec = 0 if @sec == 60
  341.       @min = Time.now.min
  342.       @hour = Time.now.hour
  343.       @day = Time.now.day
  344.       @dayweek = Time.now.wday
  345.       @month = Time.now.month
  346.       @year = Time.now.year
  347.       0
  348.     end
  349.     def addsec(s)
  350.       @sec += s
  351.       return unless @sec == SECONDSINMIN
  352.       @sec = 0
  353.       addmin(1)
  354.     end
  355.     def addmin(m)
  356.       @min += m
  357.       return unless @min == MINUTESINHOUR
  358.       @min = 0
  359.       addhour(1)
  360.     end
  361.     def addhour(h)
  362.       @hour += h
  363.       return unless @hour == HOURSINDAY
  364.       @hour = 0
  365.       addday(1)
  366.     end
  367.     def addday(d)
  368.       @day += d
  369.       @dayweek += d
  370.       @dayweek = 0 if @dayweek == DAYNAMES.size
  371.       return unless @day == MONTHS[@month]
  372.       @day = 0
  373.       addmonth(1)
  374.     end
  375.     def addmonth(mn)
  376.       @month += mn
  377.       return unless @month == MONTHS.size
  378.       @month = 0
  379.       addyear(1)
  380.     end
  381.     def addyear(y)
  382.       @year += y
  383.     end
  384.     def manual(s = nil,m = nil,h = nil,d = nil,dw = nil,mn = nil,y = nil)
  385.       @sec = s if !s.nil?
  386.       @sec = SECONDSINMIN - 1 if @sec >= SECONDSINMIN
  387.       @min = m if !m.nil?
  388.       @min = MINUTESINHOUR - 1 if @min >= MINUTESINHOUR
  389.       @hour = h if !h.nil?
  390.       @hour = HOURSINDAY - 1 if @hour >= HOURSINDAY
  391.       @day = d if !d.nil?
  392.       @day = MONTHS[@month] - 1 if @day >= MONTHS[@month]
  393.       @dayweek = dw if !dw.nil?
  394.       @dayweek = 0 if @dayweek >= DAYNAMES.size
  395.       @month = mn if !mn.nil?
  396.       @month = MONTHS.size - 1 if @month >= MONTHS.size
  397.       @year = y if !y.nil?
  398.     end
  399.     def forward(handle,n)
  400.       handle = handle.to_s + "(1)"
  401.       n.times do |s| eval(handle) end
  402.     end
  403.     def remsec(s)
  404.       @sec -= s
  405.       return unless @sec == -1
  406.       @sec = SECONDSINMIN
  407.       remmin(1)
  408.     end
  409.     def remmin(m)
  410.       @min -= m
  411.       return unless @min == -1
  412.       @min = MINUTESINHOUR
  413.       remhour(1)
  414.     end
  415.     def remhour(h)
  416.       @hour -= h
  417.       return unless @hour == -1
  418.       @hour = HOURSINDAY - 1
  419.       remday(1)
  420.     end
  421.     def remday(d)
  422.       @day -= d
  423.       @dayweek -= d
  424.       @dayweek = DAYNAMES.size - 1 if @dayweek == -1
  425.       return unless @day == -1
  426.       @day = MONTHS[@month] - 1
  427.       remmonth(1)
  428.     end
  429.     def remmonth(mn)
  430.       @month -= mn
  431.       return unless @month == -1
  432.       @month = MONTHS.size - 1
  433.       remyear(1)
  434.     end
  435.     def remyear(y)
  436.       @year -= y
  437.     end
  438.   end

  439.   class Sprite_TimeTint < Sprite_Base
  440.     def initialize(viewport = nil)
  441.       super(viewport)
  442.       self.z = 1
  443.       create_contents
  444.       update
  445.       @old_tint = [0,0,0,0]
  446.       @old_time = 0
  447.     end
  448.     def create_contents
  449.       self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Graphics.width,Graphics.height)
  450.       self.visible = false
  451.     end
  452.     def update
  453.       return use_default if SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle) and BATTLE_TINT
  454.       return use_khas if USE_KHAS
  455.       return use_victor if USE_VICTOR
  456.       return use_default
  457.     end
  458.     def use_default
  459.       return if self.disposed?
  460.       create_contents if self.bitmap.height != Graphics.height
  461.       create_contents if self.bitmap.width != Graphics.width
  462.       self.visible = SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)
  463.       self.visible = true if SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle) and BATTLE_TINT
  464.       self.visible = false if SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Title)
  465.       self.visible = false if no_tint
  466.       self.bitmap.clear if no_tint
  467.       return unless self.visible
  468.       min = $game_time.min
  469.       return if min == @old_time
  470.       @old_time = min
  471.       rgba = get_new_tint(min)
  472.       return if rgba == @old_tint
  473.       @old_tint = rgba
  474.       self.bitmap.clear
  475.       self.bitmap.fill_rect(0,0,Graphics.width,Graphics.height,Color.new(rgba[0],rgba[1],rgba[2],rgba[3]))
  476.     end
  477.     def use_khas      
  478.       begin
  479.       temp = $game_map.light_surface.opacity
  480.       rescue
  481.       return
  482.       end
  483.       self.visible = false
  484.       $game_map.effect_surface.change_color(1,0,0,0,0) if no_tint
  485.       return if no_tint
  486.       min = $game_time.min
  487.       return if min == @old_time
  488.       @old_time = min
  489.       rgba = get_new_tint(min)
  490.       return if rgba == @old_tint
  491.       @old_tint = rgba
  492.       $game_map.effect_surface.change_color(1,rgba[0],rgba[1],rgba[2],rgba[3])
  493.     end
  494.     def no_tint
  495.       return if $game_map.nil?
  496.       note = $game_map.map_note
  497.       /Notint/ =~ note
  498.       return false unless $~
  499.       return true
  500.     end
  501.     def use_victor
  502.       return if $game_map.nil?
  503.       self.visible = false
  504.       $game_map.screen.shade.change_color(0,0,0,0) if no_tint
  505.       $game_map.screen.shade.change_opacity(0) if no_tint
  506.       return if no_tint
  507.       $game_map.screen.shade.show if !$game_map.screen.shade.visible
  508.       min = $game_time.min
  509.       return if min == @old_time
  510.       @old_time = min
  511.       rgba = get_new_tint(min)
  512.       return if rgba == @old_tint
  513.       @old_tint = rgba
  514.       $game_map.screen.shade.change_color(rgba[0],rgba[1],rgba[2],0)
  515.       $game_map.screen.shade.change_opacity(rgba[3],0)
  516.     end
  517.     def get_new_tint(min)
  518.       ctint = TINTS[$game_time.hour]
  519.       ntint = TINTS[$game_time.hour + 1] unless $game_time.hour + 1 == HOURSINDAY
  520.       ntint = TINTS[0] if $game_time.hour + 1 == HOURSINDAY
  521.       r = ctint.red.to_f - ((ctint.red.to_f - ntint.red) * (min.to_f / MINUTESINHOUR))
  522.       g = ctint.green.to_f - ((ctint.green.to_f - ntint.green) * (min.to_f / MINUTESINHOUR))
  523.       b = ctint.blue.to_f - ((ctint.blue.to_f - ntint.blue) * (min.to_f / MINUTESINHOUR))
  524.       a = ctint.alpha.to_f - ((ctint.alpha.to_f - ntint.alpha) * (min.to_f / MINUTESINHOUR))
  525.       return [r,g,b,a]
  526.     end
  527.   end

  528.   class Window_GameClock < Window_Base
  529.     def initialize
  530.       super(CLOCK_X,CLOCK_Y,CLOCK_WIDTH,clock_height)
  531.       self.opacity = CLOCK_BACK unless SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Menu)
  532.       update
  533.       self.visible = $gametimeclockvisible unless SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Menu)
  534.     end
  535.     def clock_height
  536.       return 80 if !CUSTOM_CLOCK2.nil? and CLOCK_FORMAT == 5 and SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)
  537.       return 80 if !CUSTOM_CLOCK2.nil? and MENU_CLOCK_FORMAT == 5 and SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Menu)
  538.       return 56
  539.     end
  540.     def update
  541.       if NOSECONDS && @set_minute == $game_time.min
  542.         if Graphics.frame_count % BLINK_SPEED / 2 == 0 && USE_BLINK
  543.           return
  544.         end
  545.       end
  546.       contents.clear
  547.       @set_minute = $game_time.min if NOSECONDS
  548.       if SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)
  549.         v = CLOCK_FORMAT
  550.       else
  551.         v = MENU_CLOCK_FORMAT
  552.       end
  553.       string = normal_clock if v == 1
  554.       string = dated_clock if v == 2
  555.       string = military_clock if v == 3
  556.       string = dated_military_clock if v == 4
  557.       string = custom(CUSTOM_CLOCK) if v == 5
  558.       string2 = custom(CUSTOM_CLOCK2) if !CUSTOM_CLOCK2.nil? and v == 5
  559.       contents.draw_text(0,0,contents.width,24,string,1)
  560.       contents.draw_text(0,24,contents.width,24,string2,1) if !CUSTOM_CLOCK2.nil? and v == 5
  561.     end
  562.     def military_clock
  563.       hour = $game_time.hour
  564.       minute = $game_time.min
  565.       if hour < 10 then hour = " " + hour.to_s else hour.to_s end
  566.       if minute < 10 then minute = "0" + minute.to_s else minute.to_s end
  567.       string =  hour.to_s + blinky + minute.to_s
  568.       return string
  569.     end
  570.     def dated_military_clock
  571.       hour = $game_time.hour
  572.       minute = $game_time.min
  573.       dayweek = DAYNAMESABBR[$game_time.dayweek]
  574.       day = $game_time.day
  575.       day += 1 unless USE_REAL_TIME
  576.       if hour < 10 then hour = " " + hour.to_s else hour.to_s end
  577.       if minute < 10 then minute = "0" + minute.to_s else minute.to_s end
  578.       if day < 10 then day = " " + day.to_s end
  579.       string = dayweek.to_s + " " + day.to_s + " "
  580.       string += hour.to_s + blinky + minute.to_s
  581.       return string
  582.     end
  583.     def normal_clock
  584.       meri = "AM"
  585.       hour = $game_time.hour
  586.       minute = $game_time.min
  587.       if hour > 11 then meri = "PM" end
  588.       if hour == 0 then hour = 12; meri = "AM" end
  589.       if hour > 12 then hour -= 12 end
  590.       if hour < 10 then hour = " " + hour.to_s else hour.to_s end
  591.       if minute < 10 then minute = "0" + minute.to_s else minute.to_s end
  592.       string =  hour.to_s + blinky + minute.to_s + " " + meri
  593.       return string
  594.     end
  595.     def dated_clock
  596.       meri = "AM"
  597.       hour = $game_time.hour
  598.       minute = $game_time.min
  599.       dayweek = DAYNAMESABBR[$game_time.dayweek]
  600.       day = $game_time.day
  601.       day += 1 unless USE_REAL_TIME
  602.       if hour > 11 then meri = "PM" end
  603.       if hour == 0 then hour = 12; meri = "AM" end
  604.       if hour > 12 then hour -= 12 end
  605.       if hour < 10 then hour = " " + hour.to_s else hour.to_s end
  606.       if minute < 10 then minute = "0" + minute.to_s else minute.to_s end
  607.       if day < 10 then day = " " + day.to_s end
  608.       string = dayweek.to_s + " " + day.to_s + " "
  609.       string += hour.to_s + blinky + minute.to_s + " " + meri
  610.       return string
  611.     end
  612.     def blinky
  613.       return ":" unless USE_BLINK
  614.       return " " if Graphics.frame_count % BLINK_SPEED > (BLINK_SPEED / 2)
  615.       return ":"
  616.     end
  617.     def custom(array)
  618.       string = ""
  619.       for command in array
  620.         case command
  621.         when "sec"
  622.           sec = $game_time.sec
  623.           sec = "0" + sec.to_s if sec < 10
  624.           string += sec.to_s
  625.         when "min"
  626.           minute = $game_time.min
  627.           minute = "0" + minute.to_s if minute < 10
  628.           string += minute.to_s
  629.         when "hour"
  630.           hour = $game_time.hour
  631.           hour >= 12 ? meri = "PM" : meri = "AM"
  632.           hour = " " + hour.to_s if hour < 10
  633.           string += hour.to_s
  634.         when "hour12"
  635.           hour12 = $game_time.hour
  636.           hour12 -= 12 if hour12 > 12
  637.           hour12 = 12 if hour12 == 0
  638.           string += hour12.to_s
  639.         when "meri"
  640.           string += meri.to_s
  641.         when "weekshort"
  642.           dayweek = DAYNAMESABBR[$game_time.dayweek]
  643.           string += dayweek.to_s
  644.         when "weeklong"
  645.           dayweekn = DAYNAMES[$game_time.dayweek]
  646.           string += dayweekn.to_s
  647.         when "day"
  648.           day = $game_time.day
  649.           day += 1 unless USE_REAL_TIME
  650.           string += day.to_s
  651.         when "month"
  652.           month = $game_time.month
  653.           month += 1 unless USE_REAL_TIME
  654.           string += month.to_s
  655.         when "monthshort"
  656.           monthna = MONTHNAMESABBR[$game_time.month]
  657.           string += monthna.to_s
  658.         when "monthlong"
  659.           monthn = MONTHNAMES[$game_time.month]
  660.           string += monthn.to_s
  661.         when "year"
  662.           year = $game_time.year
  663.           string += year.to_s
  664.         when "yearp"
  665.           string += $game_time.year_post
  666.         when "blinky"
  667.           string += blinky
  668.         else
  669.           string += command.to_s
  670.         end
  671.       end
  672.       return string
  673.     end
  674.   end

  675. end

  676. GameTime.run

  677. class Window_Base < Window
  678.   alias real_time_convert_escape_characters convert_escape_characters
  679.   def convert_escape_characters(text)
  680.     result = real_time_convert_escape_characters(text)
  681.     result.gsub!(/GTSEC/) { GameTime.sec? }
  682.     result.gsub!(/GTMIN/) { GameTime.min? }
  683.     result.gsub!(/GTHOUR/) { GameTime.hour? }
  684.     result.gsub!(/GTDAYN/) { GameTime.day? }
  685.     result.gsub!(/GTDAYF/) { GameTime.day_name }
  686.     result.gsub!(/GTDAYA/) { GameTime.day_name_abbr }
  687.     result.gsub!(/GTMONF/) { GameTime.month? }
  688.     result.gsub!(/GTMONN/) { GameTime.month_name }
  689.     result.gsub!(/GTMONA/) { GameTime.month_name_abbr }
  690.     result.gsub!(/GTYEAR/) { GameTime.year? }
  691.     result
  692.   end
  693. end

  694. class Scene_Base
  695.   alias game_time_update update
  696.   def update
  697.     game_time_update
  698.     GameTime.update
  699.   end
  700. end

  701. class Scene_Map
  702.   alias game_time_post_transfer post_transfer
  703.   alias game_time_init create_all_windows
  704.   alias game_time_map_update update
  705.   alias game_time_start start
  706.   def start
  707.     game_time_start
  708.     GameTime.update_tint
  709.   end
  710.   def create_all_windows
  711.     game_time_init
  712.     @gametimeclock = GameTime::Window_GameClock.new if USECLOCK
  713.   end
  714.   def post_transfer
  715.     GameTime.update_tint
  716.     game_time_post_transfer
  717.   end
  718.   def update
  719.     game_time_map_update
  720.     return unless USECLOCK
  721.     @gametimeclock.update unless SceneManager.scene != self
  722.     if Input.trigger?(CLOCK_TOGGLE) and @gametimeclock.nil? == false
  723.       @gametimeclock.visible ? @gametimeclock.visible = false : @gametimeclock.visible = true
  724.       $gametimeclockvisible = @gametimeclock.visible
  725.     end
  726.   end
  727.   def clock_visible?(set)
  728.     @gametimeclock.visible = set
  729.   end
  730.   def update_encounter
  731.     if $game_player.encounter
  732.       $game_time_tint.use_default
  733.       SceneManager.call(Scene_Battle)
  734.     end
  735.   end
  736. end

  737. class Game_Map
  738.   def map_note
  739.     return @map.note unless @map.nil?
  740.   end
  741. end

  742. class Scene_Menu
  743.   alias gt_start start
  744.   alias gt_update update
  745.   def start
  746.     gt_start
  747.     @clock = GameTime::Window_GameClock.new if USECLOCK_MENU
  748.     return if @clock.nil?
  749.     @clock.x = 0
  750.     @clock.y = @gold_window.y - @clock.height
  751.     @clock.width = @gold_window.width
  752.     @clock.create_contents
  753.   end
  754.   def update
  755.     gt_update
  756.     @clock.update unless @clock.nil?
  757.     @clock.contents.clear if SceneManager.scene != self and [email protected]?
  758.   end
  759. end

  760. class Scene_Battle
  761.   def pre_terminate
  762.     super
  763.     Graphics.fadeout(30) if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Map)
  764.     Graphics.fadeout(60) if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Title)
  765.     $game_time_tint.update
  766.   end
  767. end

  768. module DataManager
  769.   class << self
  770.   alias gametime_msc make_save_contents
  771.   alias gametime_esc extract_save_contents
  772.   alias gametime_sng setup_new_game
  773.   end
  774.   def self.make_save_contents
  775.     contents = gametime_msc
  776.     contents[:gametime] = $game_time
  777.     contents
  778.   end
  779.   def self.extract_save_contents(contents)
  780.     gametime_esc(contents)
  781.     $game_time = contents[:gametime]
  782.   end
  783.   def self.setup_new_game
  784.     gametime_sng
  785.     $game_time = GameTime::Current_Time.new
  786.   end
  787. end
http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/in ... advanced-game-time/


参与人数 1星屑 +100 收起 理由
Sion + 100 感谢帮忙


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Lv5.捕梦者 (暗夜天使)


9389 小时


发表于 2013-7-21 18:36:42 | 只看该作者
http://rpg.blue/forum.php?mod=vi ... &fromuid=291206


参与人数 1星屑 +100 收起 理由
Sion + 100 感谢帮忙


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67 小时
 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-21 18:51:05 | 只看该作者
tyq4590 发表于 2013-7-21 18:09
可以用外站的这个游戏时间脚本,个性化设置很丰富,完全可以按照自己的需求去设置自己想要的时间/日期系统 ...

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610 小时
发表于 2014-3-13 09:09:52 | 只看该作者
324行哪里     @min = START_TIME[1]
      @hour = START_TIME[2]
      @day = START_TIME[3]
      @dayweek = 0
      @Month = START_TIME[4]



@后面大写改成小写,然后就像你现在发的这样就好了  发表于 2014-3-13 10:39
把全部url刪掉就是了,例如[url=home.php?mod=space&uid=25749]@min[/url] = START_TIME[1]改成@min = START_TIME[1]  发表于 2014-3-13 10:39
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