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- #===============================================================================
- # Enemy AI : Targeting Priority Manipulator
- # by Shad3Light
- #
- # 2014/03/20
- # Link: http://shad3light.blogspot.com/2014/03/enemy-ai-targeting-priority-manipulator.html
- #===============================================================================
- =begin
- ================================================================================
- Description
- The default VX Ace's enemy targeting behavior just pick a random target for
- any actions.
- This script adds some AI targeting priority. With this script, the enemies
- become able to pick a target based on the action specific priority.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- History
- v1.0 (2014/03/20)
- Initial release
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Terms of Use
- - You are free to use this script for non-commercial projects.
- - For commercial projects, at least contact me first.
- - This script is provided as-is. Don't expect me to give support.
- - Reported bug will be fixed, but no guarantee on requested features.
- - No guarantee either for compatibility fixes.
- - Give credit to Shad3Light (me), and do not delete this header.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation
- Put this script below Бе Materials and above Бе Main Process.
- If there are scripts that overwrite the aliased methods below,
- put this script below said script.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Usage
- In an enemy notebox, you can add some tags.
- <target [action_id] [shortcut]>
- where [action_id] corresponds to the enemy's action list, and [shortcut]
- corresponds to one of the implemented targeting priority method.
- Example:
- <target 1 high_hp>
- This will make the enemy target the battlers with the highest HP value when
- using action number 1 (by default Attack).
- <target 2 low_hp_rate>
- This will make the enemy target the battler with the lowest HP percentage when
- using action number 2. If the action no. 2 is set to Heal, the enemy will
- proceed to heal its ally with the lowest percentage of health.
- Available targeting shortcut is as follows:
- low_hp
- high_hp
- low_hp_rate
- high_hp_rate
- low_mp
- high_mp
- low_mp_rate
- high_mp_rate
- low_tp
- high_tp
- low_tp_rate
- high_tp_rate
- self
- not_self
- If you want to make your own targeting condition, use
- <target eval [action_id]>
- [eval]
- </target eval>
- where [eval] is a ruby expression that takes returns -1, 0, or 1.
- In the eval, a and b denotes the battlers that would be sorted.
- For example, to make the enemy prioritize Eric when doing its ultimate skill,
- the tag will be
- <target eval 8>
- if a.name == "Eric"
- -1
- elsif b.name == "Eric"
- 1
- else
- a.hp <=> b.hp
- end
- </target eval>
- Do note that target selection is done at the start of the turn, like actors.
- The enemy will not suddenly change target mid-turn, for example if its target
- had already healed.
- Also, TGR have no effect on acquiring target.
- ================================================================================
- =end
- if $imported && $imported[:SHD_TargetingManipulator]
- msgbox "Warning: Targeting Priority Manipulator script is imported twice."
- else
- $imported = {} if $imported.nil?
- $imported[:SHD_TargetingManipulator] = true
- #===============================================================================
- # Configuration Module
- #
- # None.
- #
- # Configuration Module End
- #===============================================================================
- #===============================================================================
- # Code Start
- # Configuration ends here. Edit what's below at your own risk.
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Aliased methods:
- # DataManager
- # self.load_database
- # Game_Action
- # set_enemy_action
- #
- # New methods:
- # DataManager
- # self.load_notetags_adv_ai_target
- # RPG::Enemy
- # load_notetags_adv_ai_target
- # RPG::Enemy::Action
- # targeting_shortcut (attr_reader)
- # targeting_shortcut=
- # targeting_eval (attr_reader)
- # targeting_eval=
- # use_adv_targeting?
- # Game_Action
- # set_ai_target
- # set_ai_opponent_target
- # set_ai_friend_target
- # ai_sorting
- # ai_sorting_extension
- #===============================================================================
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Module SHD
- # Mainly contains Regular Expressions.
- #
- module SHD
- module REGEXP
- ENEMY_TARG_EVAL = /<targ(?:et){,1}?[-_ ]?eval[: ]+(\d+)[ ]*>(.*?)<\/targ(:?et){,1}?[-_ ]?eval>/im
- ENEMY_TARG_SHORTCUT = /<targ(?:et){,1}?[: ]+(\d+)[, ]+(\w+)>/i
- end
- end
- #
- # End Module SHD
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Module DataManager
- # Adding methods for reading enemy notetags.
- #
- module DataManager
- class <<self
- alias :load_database_adv_ai_target :load_database
- end
- def self.load_database
- load_database_adv_ai_target
- load_notetags_adv_ai_target
- end
- def self.load_notetags_adv_ai_target
- $data_enemies.each do |o|
- next if o.nil?
- o.load_notetags_adv_ai_target
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # End Module DataManager
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Class RPG::Enemy
- #
- class RPG::Enemy < RPG::BaseItem
- def load_notetags_adv_ai_target
- self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
- action_id = $1.to_i - 1
- if @actions[action_id]
- @actions[action_id].targeting_shortcut = $2.downcase.to_sym
- end
- end
- }
- self.note.scan(SHD::REGEXP::ENEMY_TARG_EVAL).each { |match|
- action_id = match[0].to_i - 1
- if @actions[action_id]
- @actions[action_id].targeting_eval = match[1]
- end
- }
- end
- end
- #
- # End Class RPG::Enemy
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Class RPG::Enemy::Action
- #
- class RPG::Enemy::Action
- attr_reader :targeting_shortcut
- attr_reader :targeting_eval
- def use_adv_targeting?
- @use_adv_targeting
- end
- def targeting_shortcut=(symbol)
- @targeting_shortcut = symbol
- @use_adv_targeting = true
- end
- def targeting_eval=(string)
- @targeting_shortcut = :eval
- @targeting_eval = string
- @use_adv_targeting = true
- end
- end
- #
- # End Class RPG::Enemy::Action
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Class Game_Action
- #
- class Game_Action
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Alias Method: set_enemy_action
- #
- alias :set_enemy_action_ai_prio :set_enemy_action
- def set_enemy_action(action)
- set_enemy_action_ai_prio(action)
- set_ai_target(action) if action
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New Method: set_ai_target
- #
- def set_ai_target(action)
- return unless action.use_adv_targeting?
- if item.for_opponent?
- set_ai_opponent_target(action)
- elsif item.for_friend?
- set_ai_friend_target(action)
- end
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New Method: set_ai_opponent_target
- #
- def set_ai_opponent_target(action)
- candidates = opponents_unit.alive_members
- candidates.sort! { |a, b| ai_sorting(a, b, action) }
- @target_index = candidates[0].index
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New Method: set_ai_friend_target
- #
- def set_ai_friend_target(action)
- if item.for_dead_friend?
- candidates = friends_unit.dead_members
- else
- candidates = friends_unit.alive_members
- end
- candidates.sort! { |a, b| ai_sorting(a, b, action) }
- @target_index = candidates[0].index
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New Method: ai_sorting
- #
- def ai_sorting(a, b, action)
- case action.targeting_shortcut
- when :low_hp
- return a.hp <=> b.hp
- when :high_hp
- return b.hp <=> a.hp
- when :low_hp_rate
- return a.hp_rate <=> b.hp_rate
- when :high_hp_rate
- return b.hp_rate <=> a.hp_rate
- when :low_mp
- return a.mp <=> b.mp
- when :high_mp
- return b.mp <=> a.mp
- when :low_mp_rate
- return a.mp_rate <=> b.mp_rate
- when :high_mp_rate
- return b.mp_rate <=> a.mp_rate
- when :low_tp
- return a.tp <=> b.tp
- when :high_tp
- return b.tp <=> a.tp
- when :low_tp_rate
- return a.tp_rate <=> b.tp_rate
- when :high_tp_rate
- return b.tp_rate <=> a.tp_rate
- when :self
- return a == subject ? -1 : rand(2)
- when :not_self
- return a != subject ? rand(2) - 1 : 1
- when :eval
- return eval(action.targeting_eval)
- else
- return ai_sorting_extension(a, b, action)
- end
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # New Method: ai_sorting_extension
- # To be aliased by script extensions.
- #
- def ai_sorting_extension(a, b, action)
- return 0
- end
- end
- #
- # End Class Game_Action
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end #if $imported
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