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本帖最后由 thyzqwy 于 2018-5-16 23:35 编辑
使用了Recipe Crafting插件,里边的说明只有合成的配方写法,请问分解配方怎么写?
/ Recipe Crafting MV Version 1.3g
* @plugindesc 合成系统
* @author Vlue (with additions from DragonPC and MuteDay)
* @param Categories
* @desc 分类的名称 例子: "宝石","道具"
* @default "Alchemy","Blacksmith","Tailor","Dismantle"
* @param Dismantle Category
* @desc 分解对象的类别名称(与分类相同)
* @default Dismantle
* @param User Definable Max Level
* @desc 定义在制作界面中可达到的最大级别(默认 - 99)
* @default 99
* @param Category Icons
* @desc 用于制作分类的图标
* @default 219,223,225,242
* @param Player Level Icon
* @desc 玩家级别(如果适用)在制作菜单中显示的图标
* @default 82
* @param Crafting XP Formula
* @desc 每级需要的经验值
* @default 100 * lvl
* @param Dismantling Base Rate
* @desc 默认分解成功率(每件材料)
* @default 80
* @param Dismantling Base Return
* @desc 退回的材料退回率
* @default 50
* @param Craft Multiple
* @desc 允许一次制作多个物品
* @default true
* @param Menu Craft Options
* @desc 是否允许从菜单制作(关,视图,工艺)
* @default craft
* @param Display Parameters
* @desc 从配方窗口中包含/排除各种细节
* @default gold:true, chance:true, plevel:true, clevel:true, exp:true
* @param Main Menu String
* @desc 在主菜单显示的名字
* @default Crafting
* @param Required Level Text
* @desc 更改所需级别文本。
* @default Required level:
* @param Required Material Text
* @desc 更改所需材料文本。
* @default Required materials:
* @param Returned Material Text
* @desc 更改返回的材料文本。
* @default Returned materials:
* @param Reverse Recipe Prefix
* @desc 添加到食谱名称的字符串(默认 - 拆分)
* @default Dismantle
* @param Success Rate Text
* @desc 更改成功率文本。 (默认 - 成功率:)
* @default Success rate:
* @param Exp Gained Text
* @desc 手工制作获得文字。 (默认 - 手工制作)
* @default Crafting Exp Gained:
* @param Crafting Cost Text
* @desc 更改制作成本的文字
* @default Crafting costs:
* @param Crafting Text
* @desc Change Crafting Text. (default - Craft)
* @default Craft
* @param Crafted Text
* @desc Change Crafted Text. (default - Crafted!)
* @default Crafted!
* @param Crafting Failed
* @desc 制作失败时显示的文字
* @default Crafting failed!
* @param Dismantle Text
* @desc Change Dismantle Text. (default - Dismantle)
* @default Dismantle
* @param Dismantled Text
* @desc Change Dismantling Text. (default - obtained!)
* @default obtained!
* @param Dismantle Fail
* @desc 分解失败时显示的文字
* @default No items obtained!
* @param Max Level Test
* @desc 在达到最高等级时显示的文字
* @default MAX LEVEL
* @param Success 0-20 Color
* @desc 更改百分比的颜色
* @default 18
* @param Success 20-40 Color
* @desc 更改百分比的颜色
* @default 20
* @param Success 40-60 Color
* @desc 更改百分比的颜色
* @default 21
* @param Success 60-80 Color
* @desc 更改百分比的颜色
* @default 17
* @param Success 80-100 Color
* @desc 更改百分比的颜色
* @default 29
* @param Crafting Succeded Sound
* @desc 更改制作成功声音(区分大小写)
* @default Item3
* @param Success Sound Volume
* @desc 改变制作成功的音量。
* @default 90
* @param Crafting Failed Sound
* @desc 更改制作失败的声音(区分大小写)
* @default Buzzer2
* @param Fail Sound Volume
* @desc 改变制作失败的音量
* @default 90
* @help Recipe Crafting MV v1.3g!
* Find all of my work here: http://daimonioustails.weebly.com/
* 插件命令:
* crafting call categoryName (Example: crafting call Alchemy)
* crafting learn recipeID (Example: crafting learn 1)
* crafting forget recipeID
* Item Tags:
* <learn recipe #> (当该项目在库存中时,该配方是已知的)
* Script Calls:
* $gameParty.recipeKnown(recipeId) (检查某个分类是否知道)
* $gameParty.getCraftLevel(craftingName) (返回特定工艺的当前级别)
* $gameParty.gainCraftingExp(craftingName, value) (将exp添加到特定类别)
* Recipe Setup
* Recipes are to be created in a text file named Recipes.txt and placed in the
* /data folder of your project. If you notice there's no recipes you might have
* it in the wrong spot or not named right!
* <recipe#>
* name:覆盖合成物品的名字
* result:{type:"物品种类", id:物品id, amount:合成数量}
* <materials> (itemtype是“item”,“weapon”,“armor”之一)
* {type:"物品种类", id:物品id, amount:需要材料的数量, cons:consumed?, rate:0-100, bonus:true/false}
* { + 你需要的多少 }
* <materials>
* category:工艺类别
* goldCost:需要金钱 (数字)
* success:成功率 (数字, 0 = 0%, 100 = 100%)
* successGain:成功率每个级别的差异变化 (数字, %)
* level:需要的等级 (数字)
* xp:制作后得到的经验值 (数字)
* xpDeprac:每级差异损失 (数字)
* craftLevel:制作层次要求 (数字)
* pxp:玩家获得的成就 (数字)
* reverse:是否反向食谱 (数字 i.e. true)
* craftMultiple:允许多工艺品 (数字 i.e. true)
* known:是否从开始知道食谱 (数字 i.e. true)
* returnRate:材料分解后的比例 (数字, 0 = 0%, 100 = 100%)
* <recipe#>
* Everything from goldCost to craftMultiple is optional (will be set to default 0-1 values)
* Reverse recipes switch the result and materials value (costing results and returning materials)
* In reverse recipes the chance of receiveing a material is it's rate value.
* Bonus materials are materials that are obtained from dismantling (they are not included in crafting).
* Simplest recipe (example):
* <recipe1>
* recipe:{type:"armor", id:3, amount:1}
* <materials>
* {type:"armor", id:1, amount:3, cons:false}
* <materials>
* category:Blacksmith
* <recipe1>
* Full Recipe (example):
* <recipe1>
* result:{type:"armor", id:3, amount:1}
* <materials>
* {type:"weapon", id:3, amount:3, cons:false}
* {type:"armor", id:2, amount:3, cons:false}
* <materials>
* goldCost:0
* success:80
* successGain:2
* level:1
* category:Alchemy
* xp:10
* xpDeprac:2
* craftLevel:1
* pxp:5
* craftMultiple:true
* known:true
* <recipe1>
*/ |