赞 | 2 |
VIP | 33 |
好人卡 | 2 |
积分 | 14 |
经验 | 34317 |
最后登录 | 2024-11-5 |
在线时间 | 1705 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 1433
- 在线时间
- 1705 小时
- 注册时间
- 2011-8-17
- 帖子
- 818
您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册会员
研究了半天没一点反应,只知道事件添加注释<Sensor: x>之类的(x改成数字),然后靠近一定距离就会打开独立开关(默认是D),然而没一点反应...
// Sensor SelfSwitch
// Sensor SelfSwitch.js
// Version: 3.3.3
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.LSensor = true;
var Lyson = Lyson || {};
Lyson.Sensor = Lyson.Sensor || {};
LS = Lyson.Sensor;
* @author Lyson
* @plugindesc Allows events to flip a self switch when a
* player is in range.
* <Sensor SelfSwitch>
* @param Event Self Switch
* @desc The self switch for event tags.
* A, B, C, or D
* @default D
* @param Comment Self Switch
* @desc The self switch for comment tags.
* A, B, C, or D
* @default D
* @param Blackout Region
* @desc The region number that will stop the selfswitch.
* Number between 1 and 255
* @default
* @param Blackout Variable
* @desc Set Blackout Region to be the a variable number.
* NO - false, YES - true
* @default false
* @param Blackout Switch
* @desc Set Blackout Region to trigger by a switch (set below).
* NO - false, YES - true
* @default false
* @param Blackout Switch Number
* @desc Set the number of the switch to trigger the Blackout Region.
* This will not be used unless Blackout Switch is set to YES.
* @default
* @help
* =============================================================================
* What does it do?
* =============================================================================
* This plugin activates a self switch when a player is in a certain proximity
* of an event. It uses a notetag in the note of the event to set the proximity.
* =============================================================================
* Usage
* =============================================================================
* In the plugin parameters, set the self switch to be triggered on the event
* when a player enters the range. Options are A, B, C, and D. Default is D.
* Event tags provide 2 way functionality, they will turn off the switch when
* the player leaves the event tag sensor zone.
* Comment tags only provide 1 way switching, they will NOT turn off the Self
* Switch when the player leaves the comment tag sensor zone.
* The value of Blackout Region is the number of the region where you want the
* sensor to be ineffectual.
* When Blackout Variable is true, Blackout Region is the variable number whose
* value contains the desired region number, anything other than a number set
* to the variable will most likely cause errors.
* When Blackout Switch is true and the switch (set in Blackout Switch Number)
* is off, the region established for Blackout Region will not alter the
* funcitons of the sensor. When it is ON the established region will prevent
* triggering the self switch.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Notetags
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* These notetags go in the note box for the event or in a comment on an event
* page. All commas are optional.
* Placing an exclamation mark "!" in front of any number in the following tags
* will use the value of the variable with the ID of that number.
* Ex: <Sensor: !3> will use the value of variable 3.
* <Sensor: x>
* Where x is the number of tiles away that the selfswitch will be triggered.
* <SensorLV: x>
* This makes it so that the selfswitch will only be triggered in a straight
* line in the direction the event is facing.
* Where x is the number of tiles away that the selfswitch will be triggered.
* <SensorCV: x>
* This makes it so that the selfswitch will be triggered in a cone, the
* direction the event is looking.
* Where x is the number of tiles away the cone extends.
* <SensorRV: x, y>
* This makes it so that the selfswitch will only be triggered in a
* rectangular line in the direction the event is facing.
* Where x is the number of tiles to both sides of the event's looking
* direction, and y is the number of tiles away that the selfswitch will be
* triggered.
* <SensorCV: x L>
* <SensorRV: x y left>
* <SensorLV: x left up>
* Sensor direction can be set using d, l, r, u, down, left, right, up. This is
* not case sensitive. The direction set is in relation to the event the tag is
* on. x and/or y are defined as established in above tags. This works for any
* sensor type, except the basic sensor.
* You may put any combinations of directions in the tag. They may be separated
* by spaces, but this is not required
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Plugin Commands
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Change your sensors on the fly! Use Plugin Commands to alter any aspect of
* sensors on your event. You could even ADD or REMOVE sensors to/from an event.
* LSensor event property value
* LSensor page property value
* Okay, this is the Plugin command LSensor is required, as is either event or
* page. If you don't have at least one property and value after these, why are
* you using the plugin command??
* You can have any number of properties and values in the Plugin command, but
* only 1 event or page identifier.
* The event identifier is equivilant to using/modifying the event note tag.
* The page identifier is equivilant to using/modifying a comment tag.
* LSensor off
* LSensor event off
* LSensor page off
* On/Off commands turn all, event level, or comment level sensors on or off
* respectively
* Here is the list and limits of the properties:
* Id x
* Type b, cv, lv, rv, null
* Range x (any number)
* RangeVar x (any number)
* Width x (any number)
* WidthVar x (any number)
* Dir d, l, r, u, down, left, right, up
* ThisDir true
* Id x
* The Id of the event to be affected, this is not needed if the change is
* to happen on the current event. Do NOT include preceding 0's.
* Type b, cv, lv, rv, null
* These are basic, coneview, lineview, rectangleview, the shorthand MUST be
* used. Width/WidthVar will be ignored on b, cv, and lv types. The command
* null will prevent the sensor from working.
* Range x (any number)
* Know that if you set this and then RangeVar, Range will be overwritten.
* RangeVar x (any number)
* This is the variable number whose value will be used for the sensor Range.
* Width x (any number)
* Know that if you set this and then WidthVar, Width will be overwritten.
* WidthVar x (any number)
* This is the variable number whose value will be used for the sensor Width.
* Dir d, l, r, u, down, left, right, up
* Shorthand or full word can be used with Dir. This will set the direction
* that the sensor will use. Multiple directions can be used, a space is
* required between each direction.
* ThisDir true
* This will set the sensor to use the direction of the event itself.
* Do NOT use both this and the Dir commands. This coudl easily lead to
* errors.
* ## A note about page sensor changes. The changes will only occur for the
* current page, and will not persist through page changes, even if the page
* that was changed comes back up. The plugin will use the original tag, if
* there was one, to make a sensor on page changes.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Special Thanks to Gilles, Estriole and YOU!
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* =============================================================================
// Make the plugin name independent.
Lyson.Parameters = $plugins.filter(function (plugin) { return plugin.description.indexOf('<Sensor SelfSwitch>') != -1; })[0].parameters;
Lyson.Param = Lyson.Param || {};
// Plugin Parameters
Lyson.Param.SelfSwitch = String(Lyson.Parameters['Event Self Switch']);
Lyson.Param.CommentSwitch = String(Lyson.Parameters['Comment Self Switch']);
Lyson.Param.RegionBlock = Number(Lyson.Parameters['Blackout Region']);
Lyson.Param.blockVariable = String(Lyson.Parameters['Blackout Variable']);
Lyson.Param.blockSwitch = String(Lyson.Parameters['Blackout Switch']);
Lyson.Param.blockSwitchNum = Number(Lyson.Parameters['Blackout Switch Number']);
// Event Container to keep sensors persistent
LS.events = LS.events || {};
// Global Variables for switching sensors off and on
LS.Sensors = true;
LS.EventSensors = true;
LS.PageSensors = true;
// Scene_Map alias to inject sensor building
LS.Scene_Map_start = Scene_Map.prototype.start;
Scene_Map.prototype.start = function () {
if (!LS.events[$gameMap._mapId]) {
LS.events[$gameMap._mapId] = LS.events[$gameMap._mapId] || {};
$gameMap.events().forEach(function (event) {
} else {
$gameMap.events().forEach(function (event) {
// Plugin Command
LS.Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) {
if (command.toLowerCase() === 'lsensor') {
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
try {
if (args[0].toLowerCase() === 'event') { LS.eventCommand.call(this, args); };
if (args[0].toLowerCase() === 'page') { LS.pageCommand.call(this, args); };
if (args[0].toLowerCase() === 'off') { LS.Sensors = false; };
if (args[0].toLowerCase() === 'on') { LS.Sensors = true; };
catch (e) { //Stop game processing and throw error if the plugin command is incorrect.
var event = $gameMap._events[this._eventId];
console.error("Error reading Plugin Command for Sensor Selfswitch.\nPlease check Plugin Command on Event: " + event.event().name + ", EventID: " + this._eventId);
Graphics.printError("Event Sensor Plugin Command Invalid", "EventID: " + this.event().id + ", EventName: " + event.name);
LS.Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
// Handle Plugin Command for events.
LS.eventCommand = function (args) {
if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'off') { LS.EventSensors = false; };
if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'on') { LS.EventSensors = true; };
var obj;
var i;
if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'id') {
obj = $gameMap._events[parseInt(args[2])].event();
i = 3;
} else {
obj = $gameMap._events[this._eventId].event();
i = 1;
for (; i < args.length; i += 2) {
var value = i + 1;
switch (args.toLowerCase()) {
case 'type':
LS.setType(obj, args[value]);
console.log("I Ran");
case 'range':
LS.setRangeVar(obj, null)
LS.setRange(obj, parseInt(args[value]));
case 'rangevar':
LS.setRangeVar(obj, parseInt(args[value]));
case 'width':
LS.setWidthVar(obj, null);
LS.setWidth(obj, parseInt(args[value]));
case 'widthvar':
LS.setWidthVar(obj, parseInt(args[value]));
case 'dir':
var dirs = [];
var filter = /([dlru])?(?:own|eft|p|ight)*/i
for (var d = i + 1; d < args.length; d++) {
if (args[d].match(filter)[1]) {
i = d - 1;
} else {
LS.setThisDir(obj, false);
LS.setDir(obj, dirs);
case 'thisdir':
LS.setThisDir(obj, !!args[value]);
if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'id') {
} else {
// Handle Plugin Command for pages.
LS.pageCommand = function (args) {
if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'off') { LS.PageSensors = false; };
if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'on') { LS.PageSensors = true; };
var obj;
var i;
if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'id') {
obj = $gameMap._events[parseInt(args[2])].page();
i = 3;
} else {
obj = $gameMap._events[this._eventId].page();
i = 1;
for (; i < args.length; i += 2) {
console.log(args + " " + args[i + 1])
var value = i + 1;
switch (args.toLowerCase()) {
case 'type':
LS.setType(obj, args[value]);
case 'range':
LS.setRangeVar(obj, null)
LS.setRange(obj, parseInt(args[value]));
case 'rangevar':
LS.setRangeVar(obj, parseInt(args[value]));
case 'width':
LS.setWidthVar(obj, null);
LS.setWidth(obj, parseInt(args[value]));
case 'widthvar':
LS.setWidthVar(obj, parseInt(args[value]));
case 'dir':
var dirs = [];
var filter = /([dlru])?(?:own|eft|p|ight)*/i
for (var d = i + 1; d < args.length; d++) {
if (args[d].match(filter)[1]) {
i = d - 1;
} else {
LS.setThisDir(obj, false);
LS.setDir(obj, args[value]);
case 'thisdir':
LS.setThisDir(obj, !!args[value]);
if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'id') {
} else {
// Clears the sensor values for a page so that they wont carry over if there is nothing overwriting them.
LS.Game_Event_clearPageSettings = Game_Event.prototype.clearPageSettings;
Game_Event.prototype.clearPageSettings = function () {
var page = this.page();
this._sensorType = null;
this._sensorDirection = null;
this._sensorThisDir = null;
this._sensorRange = 0;
this._sensorRangeVar = -1;
this._sensorWidth = 0;
this._sensorWidthVar = -1;
// Alias Game_Event.prototype.setupPageSettings to check tags, and apply properties.
LS.Game_Event_setupPageSettings = Game_Event.prototype.setupPageSettings;
Game_Event.prototype.setupPageSettings = function () {
if (!this.page()) { return LS.Game_Event_setupPageSettings.call(this); };
LS.processSensorTags.call(this, true);
//Alias Game_Event.prototype.update to add sensor checking.
LS.Game_Event_update = Game_Event.prototype.update;
Game_Event.prototype.update = function () {
if (LS.Sensors) { this.updateSensor(); };
// Update function to check sensor zones.
Game_Event.prototype.updateSensor = function () {
if (this._erased) return;
if (!this.page()) return;
if (!this.event()._sensorType && !this.page()._sensorType) return;
if (this.event()._sensorRange <= 0 && this.page()._sensorRange <= 0) return;
// Sensor Property gets
LS.getType = function (obj) {
return obj._sensorType;
LS.getRange = function (obj) {
return obj._sensorRange;
LS.getWidth = function (obj) {
return obj._sensorWidth;
LS.getRangeVar = function (obj) {
return obj._sensorRangeVar;
LS.getWidthVar = function (obj) {
return obj._sensorWidthVar;
LS.getDir = function (obj) {
LS.setDir.call(this, obj);
return obj._sensorDirection;
LS.getThisDir = function (obj) {
return obj._sensorThisDir;
// Sensor Property sets
LS.setType = function (obj, args) {
if (typeof args === 'undefined') { args = 'b' };
obj._sensorType = args;
LS.setRange = function (obj, args) {
if (typeof args === 'undefined') { args = obj._sensorRange; }
if (obj._sensorRangeVar) { obj._sensorRange = $gameVariables.value(LS.getRangeVar(obj)); } else { obj._sensorRange = args; };
LS.setWidth = function (obj, args) {
if (typeof args === 'undefined') args = obj._sensorWidth;
if (obj._sensorWidthVar) { obj._sensorWidth = $gameVariables.value(LS.getWidthVar(obj)); } else { obj._sensorWidth = args; };
LS.setRangeVar = function (obj, args) {
obj._sensorRangeVar = args;
LS.setWidthVar = function (obj, args) {
obj._sensorWidthVar = args;
LS.setDir = function (obj, args) {
if (typeof args === 'undefined') { obj._sensorDirection = obj._sensorDirection } else { obj._sensorDirection = LS.makeDir(args); };
if (LS.getThisDir(obj)) { obj._sensorDirection = this.direction(); };
LS.setThisDir = function (obj, args) {
obj._sensorThisDir = args;
// Define RegEx to be matched, sort whether its an event's note or event page's comment being checked.
LS.processSensorTags = function (pageChange) {
if (!$dataMap) return;
if (!LS.events[this._mapId]) return;
var tag = /<(?:SENSOR)(LV||CV||RV)?:\s(!?)(\d+)(?:(?:,?\s)(!?)(\d+))?(?:(?:,?\s)([dlru])?(?:own|eft|p|ight)*\s?([dlru])?(?:own|eft|p|ight)*\s?([dlru])?(?:own|eft|p|ight)*\s?([dlru])?(?:own|eft|p|ight)*)>/i;
// Prevent changing the event properties every page change
if (!pageChange) { LS.processEventTag.call(this, tag); };
LS.processCommentTag.call(this, tag);
// Save event sensor
LS.saveSensorProperties = function () {
var map = $gameMap._mapId;
var ev = this._eventId;
var obj;
if (this.event()._sensorType || this.page()._sensorType) {
obj = this.event();
var newEvent = {
type: LS.getType(obj),
range: LS.getRange(obj),
width: LS.getWidth(obj),
rangeVar: LS.getRangeVar(obj),
widthVar: LS.getWidthVar(obj),
dir: LS.getDir.call(this, obj),
thisDir: LS.getThisDir(obj)
if (LS.events[map][ev] === newEvent) { return; };
LS.events[$gameMap._mapId][this._eventId] = newEvent;
if (!this.page()) return;
if (this.page()._sensorType) {
obj = this.page();
var newEvent = {
index: this._pageIndex,
type: LS.getType(obj),
range: LS.getRange(obj),
width: LS.getWidth(obj),
rangeVar: LS.getRangeVar(obj),
widthVar: LS.getWidthVar(obj),
dir: LS.getDir.call(this, obj),
thisDir: LS.getThisDir(obj)
if (LS.events[map][ev].currentPage === newEvent) { return; };
LS.events[$gameMap._mapId][this._eventId].currentPage = newEvent;
// Recover event sensor
LS.recoverSensorEvents = function () {
if (!LS.events[$gameMap._mapId]) return;
var obj;
for (var ev in LS.events[$gameMap._mapId]) {
if (this._eventId == ev) {
sensor = LS.events[$gameMap._mapId][ev];
obj = this.event()
obj._sensorType = sensor.type;
obj._sensorRange = sensor.range;
obj._sensorWidth = sensor.width;
obj._sensorRangeVar = sensor.rangeVar;
obj._sensorWidthVar = sensor.widthVar;
obj._sensorDirection = sensor.dir;
obj._sensorThisDir = sensor.thisDir;
if (!sensor.currentPage) break;
obj = this.page()
if (this._pageIndex == sensor.currentPage.index) {
obj._sensorType = sensor.currentPage.type;
obj._sensorRange = sensor.currentPage.range;
obj._sensorWidth = sensor.currentPage.width;
obj._sensorRangeVar = sensor.currentPage.rangeVar;
obj._sensorWidthVar = sensor.currentPage.widthVar;
obj._sensorDirection = sensor.currentPage.dir;
obj._sensorThisDir = sensor.currentPage.thisDir;
// Check RegEx against note entries on an Event
LS.processEventTag = function (tag) {
var event = this.event();
if (event.note) {
var note = event.note.split(/(?:>)[ ]/);
for (var i = 0; i < note.length; i++) {
if (note.match(tag)) {
LS.setupSensorSettings.call(this, note.match(tag), false)
// Check the RegEx against comment entries on an event page.
LS.processCommentTag = function (tag) {
if (!this.page()) return;
var note;
var list = this.page().list;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list.code === 108 || list.code === 408) {
note = list.parameters[0];
if (note.match(tag)) {
LS.setupSensorSettings.call(this, note.match(tag), true)
//Sets sensor properties to either the event object or the event's page object.
LS.setupSensorSettings = function (match, commTag) {
var object;
if (commTag) { object = this.page() } else { object = this.event(); }; //Set var object to page or event, to place the properties on the proper object.
try {
//Set range property that all sensor types, except RV use.
if (match[2]) { LS.setRangeVar(object, parseInt(match[3])); LS.setRange(object); } else { LS.setRange(object, parseInt(match[3])); };
if (match[1]) {//Matches LV, CV, or RV following Sensor in the tag, indicating sensor type.
//Set the direction of the sensor zone if indicated on tag.
var dirs = [match[6], match[7], match[8], match[9]].join('').split('');
if (dirs) { LS.setDir.call(this, object, dirs) } else { LS.setThisDir(object, true); LS.setDir.call(this, object); }
switch (match[1].toLowerCase()) {//Set properties based on the sensor type.
case "lv": //Set properties specific to Line View sensors
LS.setWidth(object, 0);
LS.setType(object, 'lv');
case "rv": //Set properties specific to Rectangle View sensors & overwrite _sensorRange/_sensorRangeVar properties.
LS.setType(object, 'rv');
if (match[2]) { LS.setWidthVar(object, parseInt(match[3])); LS.setWidth(object); } else { LS.setWidth(object, parseInt(match[3])); };
if (match[4]) { LS.setRangeVar(object, parseInt(match[5])); LS.setRange(object); } else { LS.setRange(object, parseInt(match[5])); };
case "cv": //Set properties specific to Cone View sensors
LS.setType(object, 'cv');
} else {//No LV, CV, RV means its a basic sensor.
LS.setType(object, 'b');
} catch (e) { //Stop game processing and throw error if the tag is incorrect.
console.error("Error reading Sensor SelfSwitch Tag.\nPlease check Sensor tag on Event: " + this.event().name + ", EventID: " + this.event().id);
Graphics.printError("Event Sensor Tag Invalid", "EventID: " + this.event().id + ", EventName: " + this.event().name);
if (object._sensorType) { LS.events[$gameMap._mapId][this._eventId] = { currentPage: {} }; };
//Process the tag direction indicator.
LS.makeDir = function (dirs) {
var directions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
var dir = dirs;
switch (dir.toLowerCase()) {
case "d":
case "l":
case "r":
case "u":
return directions;
// Uses the sensor type to check if player is in the sensor zone.
LS.checkSensorZone = function () {
var object = [this.page(), this.event()];
for (var i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
if (object._sensorType) {
LS.checkChanges.call(this, object);
if (i === 0 && !LS.PageSensors) return;
if (i === 1 && !LS.EventSensors) return;
switch (object._sensorType) {
case "lv":
LS.setWidth(object, 0);
case "rv":
LS.rectSensor.call(this, object);
case "cv":
LS.coneSensor.call(this, object);
case "b":
LS.basicSensor.call(this, object);
// Update direction when using event's direction, and variable based range and width.
LS.checkChanges = function (object) {
LS.getDir.call(this, object);
// Check player position against basic circle sensor of event.
LS.basicSensor = function (object) {
var selfs = LS.selfSwitch;
if (object == this.page()) { selfs = LS.selfSwitchComment; };
if (LS.regionBlock()) { selfs.call(this, false); return; };
var inRange = Math.abs(this.deltaXFrom($gamePlayer.x));
inRange += Math.abs(this.deltaYFrom($gamePlayer.y));
if (inRange <= LS.getRange(object)) {
selfs.call(this, true);
} else {
selfs.call(this, false);
// Check player position against Rectangle View and Line View sensor of event.
LS.rectSensor = function (object) {
//Set selfs to the appropriate selfswitch switching function.
var selfs = LS.selfSwitch;
if (object == this.page()) { selfs = LS.selfSwitchComment; };
// Checks blackout region function.
if (LS.regionBlock()) { selfs.call(this, false); return; };
// Provides 2 way switching for event note sensors.
var trigger = false;
var absDeltaY = Math.abs(this.deltaYFrom($gamePlayer.y));
var absDeltaX = Math.abs(this.deltaXFrom($gamePlayer.x));
var sensor = LS.getRange(object);
var sensorNeg = 0 - sensor;
var sWidth = LS.getWidth(object);
if (object._sensorType === 'lv') { sWidth = 0 };
var dir = LS.getDir.call(this, object);
for (var d = 0; d < dir.length; d++) {
if ((dir[d] === 2 || dir[d] === 8)) {//if sensor direction is up or down
//Positive value if player is to the down of the event, Negative value if the player is to the up of the event.
var inFront = this.deltaYFrom($gamePlayer.y);
if (absDeltaX <= sWidth) {
if (dir[d] === 8) {//if sensor direction is up, check player distance against sensor range.
if (inFront <= sensor && inFront > 0) trigger = true;
} else {//else sensor direction down, check player distance against sensor range.
if (inFront >= sensorNeg && inFront < 0) trigger = true;
} else {//else sensor direction is left or right
//Positive value if player is to the left of the event, Negative value if the player is to the right of the event.
var inFront = this.deltaXFrom($gamePlayer.x);
if (absDeltaY <= sWidth) {
if (dir[d] === 4) {//if sensor direction is left, check player distance against sensor range.
if (inFront <= sensor && inFront > 0) trigger = true;
} else {//else sensor direction is right, check player distance against sensor range.
if (inFront >= sensorNeg && inFront < 0) trigger = true;
//if (inFront = 0) trigger = false;
selfs.call(this, trigger);
// Check player position against Cone View sensor of event.
LS.coneSensor = function (object) {
//Set selfs to the appropriate selfswitch switching function.
var selfs = LS.selfSwitch;
if (object == this.page()) { selfs = LS.selfSwitchComment; };
// Checks blackout region function.
if (LS.regionBlock()) { selfs.call(this, false); return; };
// Provides 2 way switching for event note sensors.
var trigger = false;
// The distance between the event and the player, on the X axis as absDeltaX, on the Y axis as absDeltaY.
var absDeltaY = Math.abs(this.deltaYFrom($gamePlayer.y));
var absDeltaX = Math.abs(this.deltaXFrom($gamePlayer.x));
//Local variables for the page/event's sensor range and the negative of that range
var sensor = object._sensorRange;
var sensorNeg = 0 - sensor;
// Math for cone shape
var coneL = this.deltaXFrom($gamePlayer.x) - absDeltaY;
var coneR = this.deltaXFrom($gamePlayer.x) + absDeltaY;
var coneU = this.deltaYFrom($gamePlayer.y) - absDeltaX;
var coneD = this.deltaYFrom($gamePlayer.y) + absDeltaX;
var dir = LS.getDir.call(this, object);
for (var d = 0; d < dir.length; d++) {
if ((dir[d] === 2 || dir[d] === 8)) {
//Positive value if player is to the down of the event, Negative value if the player is to the up of the event.
var inFront = this.deltaYFrom($gamePlayer.y);
if (coneU >= 0 && dir[d] === 8) { //If player is in cone shape upwards and the sensor zone is directed up, check player distance against sensor range.
if (inFront <= sensor && inFront > 0) trigger = true;
} else if (coneD <= 0 && dir[d] === 2) {//If player is in cone shape downwards and the sensor zone is directed down, check player distance against sensor range.
if (inFront >= sensorNeg && inFront < 0) trigger = true;
} else {
//Positive value if player is to the left of the event, Negative value if the player is to the right of the event.
var inFront = this.deltaXFrom($gamePlayer.x);
if (coneL >= 0 && dir[d] === 4) {//If player is in cone shape left and the sensor zone is directed left, check player distance against sensor range.
if (inFront <= sensor && inFront > 0) trigger = true;
} else if (coneR <= 0 && dir[d] === 6) {//If player is in cone shape right and the sensor zone is directed right, check player distance against sensor range.
if (inFront >= sensorNeg && inFront < 0) trigger = true;
selfs.call(this, trigger);
// Returns true or false depending on if player is on a blackout region that meets all the switch/variable conditions if any exist.
LS.regionBlock = function () {
if (Lyson.Param.RegionBlock === 0) return false;
var blockedRegion;
if (Lyson.Param.blockVariable === 'true') { blockedRegion = $gameVariables.value(Lyson.Param.RegionBlock) } else { blockedRegion = Lyson.Param.RegionBlock };
if (Lyson.Param.blockSwitch === 'true') {
if ($gameSwitches.value(Lyson.Param.blockSwitchNum) !== true) { return false; };
if ($gamePlayer.regionId() === blockedRegion) { return true; } else { return false; };
// Change the event note selfswitch.
LS.selfSwitch = function (selfs) {
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, this._eventId, Lyson.Param.SelfSwitch], selfs);
// Change the comment tag selfswitch.
LS.selfSwitchComment = function (selfs) {
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, this._eventId, Lyson.Param.CommentSwitch], selfs);
// End of File |