赞 | 170 |
VIP | 6 |
好人卡 | 208 |
积分 | 230 |
经验 | 137153 |
最后登录 | 2024-11-16 |
在线时间 | 8638 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 22958
- 在线时间
- 8638 小时
- 注册时间
- 2011-12-31
- 帖子
- 3367
完成脱离RTP- #==============================================================================
- # TheoAllen - Resources Logger + Skip Missing Resource
- # Version : 2.0
- # Language : Informal Indonesian
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Contact :
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # *> http://www.rpgmakerid.com
- # *> http://www.rpgmakervxace.net
- # *> http://theolized.blogspot.com
- #==============================================================================
- # Change Logs:
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 2013.10.06 - Finished
- #==============================================================================
- %Q{
- =================
- || Perkenalan ||
- -----------------
- Pernah kesusahan buat milah-milah resource apa aja yang kepake di game kamu?
- Pernah kesusahan buat ngecek resors mana sih yang ilang di game kamu?
- Sekarang kalian tidak perlu kesusahan. Script ini akan membantu kamu mencatat
- semua resource yang digunakan di game kalian. Dan jika kalian mau, script
- ini juga membantu mencatat grafis / audio mana aja yang ilang di dalam game
- kamu. Yang kamu lakukan adalah tinggal melihat log yang dihasilkan oleh script
- ini di folder game kamu
- ======================
- || Cara penggunaan ||
- ----------------------
- Pasang script ini di bawah material namun di atas main
- Gunakan test play. Karena script ini hanya akan berjalan dengan test play
- Jika kalian ingin mematikan fungsi script ini, kalian bisa mengeset
- Activate dengan false. Atau menaruh script ini di bawah main.
- ===================
- || Terms of use ||
- -------------------
- Jika kalian merasa terbantu dengan script ini, masukin ke special thanks.
- Script ini bebas dimodifikasi atau disebar luaskan. Dengan catatan, credit
- tetap buat gw, TheoAllen / Theolized RGSS3
- }
- #==============================================================================
- # Konfigurasi
- #==============================================================================
- module Theo
- module ResLog
- Activate = true # Jalanin check menyeluruh? (true/false)
- Check = true # Mau sekalian tes apakah resors lagi ilang?(true/false)
- EndWait = 120 # Berhenti sejenak sesudah ngecek dalam frame
- LogName = "ResourceLog"
- # Nama file untuk mencatat resource log
- MissName = "MissingResources"
- # Nama file untuk mencatat resource yang hilang
- MissingSkip = true
- # Skip resors ilang waktu jalanin game? (true/false)
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # Di bawah garis ini jangan disentuh :v
- #==============================================================================
- class RPG::BGM
- def get_name
- return "Audio/BGM/" + name
- end
- end
- class RPG::BGS
- def get_name
- return "Audio/BGS/" + name
- end
- end
- class RPG::ME
- def get_name
- return "Audio/ME/" + name
- end
- end
- class RPG::SE
- def get_name
- return "Audio/SE/" + name
- end
- end
- class << Theo::ResLog
- def write_missing(path)
- @cache ||= []
- @cache << path
- @cache.uniq!
- end
- end
- class Theo_Window_ResLog < Window_Base
- def initialize(y)
- super(0, y, Graphics.width, fitting_height(1))
- self.opacity = 0
- end
- def set_text(text)
- contents.clear
- draw_text(contents.rect, text, 1)
- end
- end
- class ResLog_Loadingset
- attr_reader :current
- def initialize(max = 1)
- @max = [max, 1].max
- @current = 0
- create_all_instances
- end
- def create_all_instances
- @sprite_bar = Sprite.new
- @sprite_bar.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Graphics.width - 75 ,24)
- @sprite_bar.x = (Graphics.width - @sprite_bar.bitmap.width)/2
- @sprite_bar.y = (Graphics.height - @sprite_bar.bitmap.height)/2
- @window1 = Theo_Window_ResLog.new(Graphics.height/2 - 64)
- @window2 = Theo_Window_ResLog.new(@sprite_bar.y + @sprite_bar.height)
- @window3 = Theo_Window_ResLog.new(Graphics.height/2 - 24)
- rect = @sprite_bar.bitmap.rect
- col1 = @window1.hp_gauge_color1
- col2 = @window1.hp_gauge_color2
- @sprite_bar.bitmap.gradient_fill_rect(rect, col1, col2)
- refresh_rate
- end
- def max=(max)
- @max = max
- refresh_rate
- end
- def current=(current)
- @current = current
- refresh_rate
- end
- def refresh_rate
- rate = @current / @max.to_f
- @sprite_bar.src_rect.width = @sprite_bar.bitmap.width * rate
- @window3.set_text("#{(rate * 100).to_i}%")
- end
- def text1=(text)
- @window1.set_text(text)
- end
- def text2=(text)
- @window2.set_text(text)
- end
- def dispose
- @sprite_bar.dispose
- @window1.dispose
- @window2.dispose
- @window3.dispose
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- #==============================================================================
- if Theo::ResLog::Activate && $TEST
- DataManager.init
- loading_bar = ResLog_Loadingset.new
- graphics_res = [] # Record graphics resources
- audio_res = [] # Record audio resources
- #==============================================================================
- # Record all used graphics from database
- #==============================================================================
- # Mandatory graphics resources ~
- graphics_res += ["Graphics/System/Iconset", "Graphics/System/Shadow",
- "Graphics/System/Balloon", "Graphics/System/GameOver",
- "Graphics/System/Window"]
- # Database resources
- graphics_res += $data_animations.compact.collect {|a| "Graphics/Animations/" +
- a.animation1_name}
- graphics_res += $data_animations.compact.collect {|a| "Graphics/Animations/" +
- a.animation2_name}
- graphics_res += $data_actors.compact.collect {|a| "Graphics/Characters/" +
- a.character_name}
- graphics_res += $data_actors.compact.collect {|a| "Graphics/Faces/" +
- a.face_name}
- graphics_res += $data_enemies.compact.collect {|e| "Graphics/Battlers/" +
- e.battler_name}
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Titles1/" + $data_system.title1_name
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Titles2/" + $data_system.title2_name
- $data_tilesets.compact.each do |tiles|
- 8.times do |index|
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Tilesets/" + tiles.tileset_names[index]
- end
- end
- # Vehicle graphics
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Characters/" + $data_system.boat.character_name
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Characters/" + $data_system.ship.character_name
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Characters/" + $data_system.airship.character_name
- #==============================================================================
- # Record all used audio from database
- #==============================================================================
- $data_animations.compact.each do |anim|
- anim.timings.each do |tim|
- audio_res << tim.se.get_name
- end
- end
- audio_res << $data_system.title_bgm.get_name
- audio_res << $data_system.battle_bgm.get_name
- audio_res << $data_system.battle_end_me.get_name
- audio_res << $data_system.gameover_me.get_name
- audio_res += $data_system.sounds.compact.collect {|s| s.get_name }
- #==============================================================================
- # Record all used graphics & audio from common events
- #==============================================================================
- $data_common_events.compact.each do |comev|
- comev.list.each do |list|
- case list.code
- when 101 # Show Text
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Faces/" + list.parameters[0]
- when 231 # Show Pic
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Pictures/" + list.parameters[1]
- when 132, 133, 241, 245, 249, 250 # Audio Related event
- audio_res << list.parameters[0].get_name
- when 205 # Set Move route
- list.parameters[1].list.each do |li|
- if li.code == 41 # Change character graphic
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Characters/" + li.parameters[0]
- elsif li.code == 44 # Play SE
- audio_res << li.parameters[0].get_name
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # Record all used graphics & audio from maps
- #==============================================================================
- unless $BTEST
- loading_bar.max = $data_mapinfos.size
- loading_bar.text1 = "Retriving data from maps ...."
- $data_mapinfos.each do |map_id, map|
- name = sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rvdata2", map_id)
- map = load_data(name)
- log = "Loading map ID : #{sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rvdata2", map_id)}"
- puts log
- loading_bar.text2 = log
- loading_bar.current += 1
- Graphics.update
- # Record used graphics in map
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Battlebacks1/" + map.battleback1_name
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Battlebacks2/" + map.battleback2_name
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Parallaxes/" + map.parallax_name
- # Record used sound in map
- audio_res << map.bgm.get_name
- audio_res << map.bgs.get_name
- # Load all events
- map.events.each_value do |event|
- # Load all pages
- event.pages.each do |page|
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Characters/" + page.graphic.character_name
- # Load all event list
- page.list.each do |list|
- case list.code
- when 101 # Show Text
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Faces/" + list.parameters[0]
- when 231 # Show Pic
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Pictures/" + list.parameters[1]
- when 132, 133, 241, 245, 249, 250 # Audio Related event
- audio_res << list.parameters[0].get_name
- when 205 # Set Move route
- list.parameters[1].list.each do |li|
- if li.code == 41 # Change character graphic
- graphics_res << "Graphics/Characters/" + li.parameters[0]
- elsif li.code == 44 # Play SE
- audio_res << li.parameters[0].get_name
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # Data cleaning process
- #==============================================================================
- graphics_res.uniq! # Delete duplicated data
- graphics_res.sort! # Sort data
- graphics_res.delete_if {|g| !(g =~ /Graphics\/.+\/.+/i) } # Delete empty name
- audio_res.uniq! # Delete duplicated data
- audio_res.sort! # Sort data
- audio_res.delete_if {|a| !(a =~ /Audio\/.+\/.+/i) } # Delete empty name
- #==============================================================================
- # Create resource log file
- #==============================================================================
- File.open("#{Theo::ResLog::LogName}.txt", 'w') do |file|
- file.print "-----------------------------------------------\n"
- file.print "Last checked at : #{Time.now}\n\n"
- file.print "-----------------------------------------------\n"
- file.print " *) USED GRAPHIC RESOURCES : \n"
- file.print "-----------------------------------------------\n"
- graphics_res.each do |g|
- file.print("~> " + g + "\n")
- end
- file.print "\n"
- file.print "-----------------------------------------------\n"
- file.print " *) USED AUDIO RESOURCES : \n"
- file.print "-----------------------------------------------\n"
- audio_res.each do |a|
- file.print("~> " + a + "\n")
- end
- end
- puts "\nLog created in \"#{Theo::ResLog::LogName}.txt\""
- loading_bar.text1 = "Log created in #{Theo::ResLog::LogName}.txt"
- loading_bar.text2 = "Resource listing completed!"
- Theo::ResLog::EndWait.times do
- Graphics.update
- Input.update
- break if Input.trigger?(:C) || Input.trigger?(:B)
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # Perform checking each resource
- #==============================================================================
- if Theo::ResLog::Check
- loading_bar.max = (graphics_res + audio_res).size
- loading_bar.current = 0
- loading_bar.text1 = "Performing check each resource ...."
- missing = []
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphic resources check
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- graphics_res.each do |g|
- log = "Checking : #{g}"
- puts log
- loading_bar.current += 1
- loading_bar.text2 = log
- Graphics.update
- begin
- b = Bitmap.new(g)
- b.dispose
- rescue
- puts "Missing!"
- missing << g
- Theo::Reslog.write_missing(g)
- loading_bar.text1 = "Total Missing Resources : #{missing.size}"
- end
- end
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Audio resources check
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- audio_res.each do |a|
- log = "Checking : #{a}"
- puts log
- loading_bar.current += 1
- loading_bar.text2 = log
- Graphics.update
- begin
- case a
- when /Audio\/BGM\/(.+)/i
- RPG::BGM.new($1.to_s, 0, 100).play
- when /Audio\/BGS\/(.+)/i
- RPG::BGS.new($1.to_s, 0, 100).play
- when /Audio\/ME\/(.+)/i
- RPG::ME.new($1.to_s, 0, 100).play
- when /Audio\/SE\/(.+)/i
- RPG::SE.new($1.to_s, 0, 100).play
- end
- rescue
- puts "Missing!"
- missing << a
- Theo::Reslog.write_missing(a)
- loading_bar.text1 = "Total Missing Resources : #{missing.size}"
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # Final Check!
- #==============================================================================
- if missing.empty?
- log = "\n\nResources check complete. You don't have any missing resources!"
- puts log
- loading_bar.text2 = log.gsub(/\n+/) {""}
- else
- File.open("#{Theo::ResLog::MissName}.txt", 'w') do |file|
- file.print "----------------------------------------------------\n"
- file.print "Last checked at : #{Time.now}\n\n"
- file.print "----------------------------------------------------\n"
- file.print " *) MISSING RESOURCES : "
- file.print "----------------------------------------------------\n"
- missing.each do |miss|
- file.print(miss + "\n")
- end
- file.print "\n\n---------------------------------------------------\n"
- end
- log="\n\nResources check complete. Please check #{Theo::ResLog::MissName}.txt"
- puts log
- loading_bar.text2 = log.gsub(/\n+/) {""}
- end
- Theo::ResLog::EndWait.times do
- Graphics.update
- Input.update
- break if Input.trigger?(:C) || Input.trigger?(:B)
- end
- loading_bar.dispose
- end # Theo::ResLog::Check
- end # Theo::ResLog::Activate
- #==============================================================================
- #==============================================================================
- if Theo::ResLog::MissingSkip
- class << Theo::ResLog
- alias theo_reslog_missing write_missing
- def write_missing(path)
- @cache ||= []
- return if @cache.include?(path)
- theo_reslog_missing(path)
- File.open("#{Theo::ResLog::MissName}.txt", 'a') do |file|
- text = "Missing at Runtime. Checked at - #{Time.now} : " + path + "\n"
- file.print text
- msgbox "Missing at Runtime : " + path
- end
- end
- end
- class << Bitmap
- alias :theo_reslog_new :new
- def new(*args)
- begin
- return theo_reslog_new(*args)
- rescue
- if args[0].is_a?(String)
- Theo::ResLog.write_missing(args[0])
- end
- return theo_reslog_new(32,32)
- end
- end
- end
- class << Audio
- [:bgm, :bgs, :me, :se].each do |method_name|
- alias_method "theo_reslog_#{method_name}_play", "#{method_name}_play"
- eval "
- def #{method_name}_play(*args)
- begin
- theo_reslog_#{method_name}_play(*args)
- rescue
- Theo::ResLog.write_missing(args[0])
- return
- end
- end
- "
- end
- end
- end # Missing Skip
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