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dalao们 有没有人教我一下 这个插件 到底是改怎么用法 在事件里面怎么调用 比如我想要一个视频一直循环播放 该怎么设定
By default, RPG Maker MV only allows you one thing. Play a video. This is a plugin to have more control over videos such as looping, play multiple videos at once and play videos as the rest of the command events are initiating. This is great if you have video cutscenes and want messages to play.
How to use?
Use script call event command and you will be able to do any of the following:
* ysp.VideoPlayer.loadVideo(videoName) - Preload Video
* ysp.VideoPlayer.releaseVideo(videoName) - Release memory for a Video
* ysp.VideoPlayer.newVideo(videoName, id) - Create new Video object with id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.playVideoById(id) - Play a Video object by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.stopVideoById(id) - Stop a Video object by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.setLoopById(id) - Make a Video object playing loop by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.getVideoById(id) - Get Video object by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.isReady() - Check if all videos have been loaded
Here is an example case if I want the video to fade in and fade out:
* @plugindesc v1.0.0 Plugin used for playing video.
* @author Dr.Yami
* @help
* Use script call:
* ysp.VideoPlayer.loadVideo(videoName) - Preload Video
* ysp.VideoPlayer.releaseVideo(videoName) - Release memory for a Video
* ysp.VideoPlayer.newVideo(videoName, id) - Create new Video object with id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.playVideoById(id) - Play a Video object by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.stopVideoById(id) - Stop a Video object by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.setLoopById(id) - Make a Video object playing loop by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.getVideoById(id) - Get Video object by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.isReady() - Check if all videos have been loaded
* Video Object is a PIXI.Sprite object, can be re-position by modifying x and y props
* To preload a (or many) video(s), use loadVideo(videoName) followed by a loop in
* an event, break the loop when isReady() returns true
!function ( t) { function e( r) { if ( n[ r] ) return n[ r] .exports ;var o=n[ r] ={ i:r,l:!1 ,exports:{ } } ;return t[ r] .call ( o.exports ,o,o.exports ,e) ,o.l =!0 ,o.exports } var n={ } ;e.m =t,e.c =n,e.d =function ( t,n,r) { e.o ( t,n) ||Object.defineProperty ( t,n,{ configurable:!1 ,enumerable:!0 ,get:r} ) } ,e.n =function ( t) { var n=t&&t.__esModule?function ( ) { return t.default } :function ( ) { return t} ;return e.d ( n,"a" ,n) ,n} ,e.o =function ( t,e) { return Object.prototype .hasOwnProperty .call ( t,e) } ,e.p ="" ,e( e.s =35 ) } ( [ function ( t,e) { var n=t.exports ="undefined" !=typeof window&&window.Math ==Math?window:"undefined" !=typeof self&&self.Math ==Math?self:Function ( "return this" ) ( ) ;"number" ==typeof __g&&( __g=n) } ,function ( t,e,n) { t.exports =!n( 11 ) ( function ( ) { return 7 !=Object.defineProperty ( { } ,"a" ,{ get:function ( ) { return 7 } } ) .a } ) } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 10 ) ,o=n( 15 ) ;t.exports =n( 1 ) ?function ( t,e,n) { return r.f ( t,e,o( 1 ,n) ) } :function ( t,e,n) { return t[ e] =n,t} } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports =function ( t) { return "object" ==typeof t?null !==t:"function" ==typeof t} } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 28 ) ,o=n( 12 ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return r( o( t) ) } } ,function ( t,e) { var n=t.exports ={ version:"2.4.0" } ;"number" ==typeof __e&&( __e=n) } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 3 ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { if ( !r( t) ) throw TypeError( t+" is not an object!" ) ;return t} } ,function ( t,e) { var n={ } .hasOwnProperty ;t.exports =function ( t,e) { return n.call ( t,e) } } ,function ( t,e) { var n=Math.ceil ,r=Math.floor ;t.exports =function ( t) { return isNaN( t=+t) ?0 :( t>0 ?r:n) ( t) } } ,,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 6 ) ,o=n( 24 ) ,u=n( 25 ) ,i=Object.defineProperty ;e.f =n( 1 ) ?Object.defineProperty :function ( t,e,n) { if ( r( t) ,e=u( e,!0 ) ,r( n) ,o) try { return i( t,e,n) } catch ( t) { } if ( "get" in n||"set" in n) throw TypeError( "Accessors not supported!" ) ;return"value" in n&&( t[ e] =n.value ) ,t} } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports =function ( t) { try { return !!t( ) } catch ( t) { return !0 } } } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports =function ( t) { if ( void 0 ==t) throw TypeError( "Can't call method on " +t) ;return t} } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 17 ) ( "keys" ) ,o=n( 18 ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return r[ t] ||( r[ t] =o( t) ) } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 3 ) ,o=n( 0 ) .document ,u=r( o) &&r( o.createElement ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return u?o.createElement ( t) :{ } } } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports =function ( t,e) { return { enumerable:!( 1 &t) ,configurable:!( 2 &t) ,writable:!( 4 &t) ,value:e} } } ,function ( t,e) { var n={ } .toString ;t.exports =function ( t) { return n.call ( t) .slice ( 8 ,-1 ) } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 0 ) ,o=r[ "__core-js_shared__" ] ||( r[ "__core-js_shared__" ] ={ } ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return o[ t] ||( o[ t] ={ } ) } } ,function ( t,e) { var n=0 ,r=Math.random ( ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return "Symbol(" .concat ( void 0 ===t?"" :t,")_" ,( ++n+r) .toString ( 36 ) ) } } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports ="constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf" .split ( "," ) } ,,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 0 ) ,o=n( 5 ) ,u=n( 22 ) ,i=n( 2 ) ,c=function ( t,e,n) { var f,a,s,p=t&c.F ,l=t&c.G ,d=t&c.S ,v=t&c.P ,y=t&c.B ,x=t&c.W ,h=l?o:o[ e] ||( o[ e] ={ } ) ,_=h.prototype ,b=l?r:d?r[ e] :( r[ e] ||{ } ) .prototype ;l&&( n=e) ;for( f in n) ( a=!p&&b&&void 0 !==b[ f] ) &&f in h||( s=a?b[ f] :n[ f] ,h[ f] =l&&"function" !=typeof b[ f] ?n[ f] :y&&a?u( s,r) :x&&b[ f] ==s?function ( t) { var e=function ( e,n,r) { if ( this instanceof t) { switch ( arguments.length ) { case 0 :return new t;case 1 :return new t( e) ;case 2 :return new t( e,n) } return new t( e,n,r) } return t.apply ( this ,arguments) } ;return e.prototype =t.prototype ,e} ( s) :v&&"function" ==typeof s?u( Function .call ,s) :s,v&&( ( h.virtual ||( h.virtual ={ } ) ) [ f] =s,t&c.R &&_&&!_[ f] &&i( _,f,s) ) ) } ;c.F =1 ,c.G =2 ,c.S =4 ,c.P =8 ,c.B =16 ,c.W =32 ,c.U =64 ,c.R =128 ,t.exports =c} ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 23 ) ;t.exports =function ( t,e,n) { if ( r( t) ,void 0 ===e) return t;switch( n) { case 1 :return function ( n) { return t.call ( e,n) } ;case 2 :return function ( n,r) { return t.call ( e,n,r) } ;case 3 :return function ( n,r,o) { return t.call ( e,n,r,o) } } return function ( ) { return t.apply ( e,arguments) } } } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports =function ( t) { if ( "function" !=typeof t) throw TypeError( t+" is not a function!" ) ;return t} } ,function ( t,e,n) { t.exports =!n( 1 ) &&!n( 11 ) ( function ( ) { return 7 !=Object.defineProperty ( n( 14 ) ( "div" ) ,"a" ,{ get:function ( ) { return 7 } } ) .a } ) } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 3 ) ;t.exports =function ( t,e) { if ( !r( t) ) return t;var n,o;if( e&&"function" ==typeof ( n=t.toString ) &&!r( o=n.call ( t) ) ) return o;if( "function" ==typeof ( n=t.valueOf ) &&!r( o=n.call ( t) ) ) return o;if( !e&&"function" ==typeof ( n=t.toString ) &&!r( o=n.call ( t) ) ) return o;throw TypeError( "Can't convert object to primitive value" ) } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 27 ) ,o=n( 19 ) ;t.exports =Object.keys ||function( t) { return r( t,o) } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 7 ) ,o=n( 4 ) ,u=n( 29 ) ( !1 ) ,i=n( 13 ) ( "IE_PROTO" ) ;t.exports =function ( t,e) { var n,c=o( t) ,f=0 ,a=[ ] ;for( n in c) n!=i&&r( c,n) &&a.push ( n) ;for( ;e.length >f;) r( c,n=e[ f++] ) &&( ~u( a,n) ||a.push ( n) ) ;return a} } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 16 ) ;t.exports =Object( "z" ) .propertyIsEnumerable ( 0 ) ?Object:function ( t) { return "String" ==r( t) ?t.split ( "" ) :Object( t) } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 4 ) ,o=n( 30 ) ,u=n( 31 ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return function ( e,n,i) { var c,f=r( e) ,a=o( f.length ) ,s=u( i,a) ;if( t&&n!=n) { for ( ;a>s;) if ( ( c=f[ s++] ) !=c) return !0 } else for ( ;a>s;s++) if ( ( t||s in f) &&f[ s] ===n) return t||s||0 ;return!t&&-1 } } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 8 ) ,o=Math.min ;t.exports =function ( t) { return t>0 ?o( r( t) ,9007199254740991 ) :0 } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 8 ) ,o=Math.max ,u=Math.min ;t.exports =function ( t,e) { return t=r( t) ,t<0 ?o( t+e,0 ) :u( t,e) } } ,,,,function ( t,e,n) { "use strict" ;function r( t) { return t&&t.__esModule?t:{ default :t} } var o=n( 36 ) ,u=r( o) ;( 0 ,r( n( 42 ) ) .default ) ( Spriteset_Base) ,window.ysp =window.ysp ||{ } ,window.ysp .VideoPlayer =u.default } ,function ( t,e,n) { "use strict" ;Object.defineProperty ( e,"__esModule" ,{ value:!0 } ) ;var r=n( 37 ) ,o=function ( t) { return t&&t.__esModule?t:{ default :t} } ( r) ,u={ } ,i={ } ,c=function ( t) { if ( u[ t] ) return u[ t] ;var e=PIXI.Texture .fromVideo ( "movies/" +t) ;return e.baseTexture .autoPlay =!1 ,u[ t] =e,e} ,f=function ( t) { var e=arguments.length >1 &&void 0 !==arguments[ 1 ] ?arguments[ 1 ] :"video" ,n=new PIXI.Sprite ( c( t) ) ;return n.update =function ( ) { n.texture .update ( ) } ,i[ e] =n,n} ,a=function ( t) { SceneManager._scene._spriteset.addVideo ( t) ,t.texture .baseTexture .source .play ( ) } ,s=function ( t) { var e=x( t) ;a( e) } ,p=function ( t) { SceneManager._scene._spriteset.removeVideo ( t) ,t.texture .baseTexture .source .pause ( ) } ,l=function ( t) { var e=x( t) ;p( e) ,delete i[ t] } ,d=function ( t) { t.texture .baseTexture .source .loop =!0 } ,v=function ( t) { var e=x( t) ;d( e) } ,y=function ( t) { delete u[ t] } ,x=function ( t) { return i[ t] } ,h=function ( ) { return !( 0 ,o.default ) ( u) .some ( function ( t) { return !t.baseTexture .hasLoaded } ) } ;e.default ={ newVideo:f,loadVideo:c,playVideo:a,playVideoById:s,stopVideoById:l,setLoopById:v,releaseVideo:y,getVideoById:x,isReady:h} } ,function ( t,e,n) { t.exports ={ default :n( 38 ) ,__esModule:!0 } } ,function ( t,e,n) { n( 39 ) ,t.exports =n( 5 ) .Object .values } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 21 ) ,o=n( 40 ) ( !1 ) ;r( r.S ,"Object" ,{ values:function ( t) { return o( t) } } ) } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 26 ) ,o=n( 4 ) ,u=n( 41 ) .f ;t.exports =function ( t) { return function ( e) { for ( var n,i=o( e) ,c=r( i) ,f=c.length ,a=0 ,s=[ ] ;f>a;) u.call ( i,n=c[ a++] ) &&s.push ( t?[ n,i[ n] ] :i[ n] ) ;return s} } } ,function ( t,e) { e.f ={ } .propertyIsEnumerable } ,function ( t,e,n) { "use strict" ;Object.defineProperty ( e,"__esModule" ,{ value:!0 } ) ,e.default =function ( t) { var e=t.prototype .createUpperLayer ;t.prototype .createUpperLayer =function ( ) { this .createVideos ( ) ,e.call ( this ) } ,t.prototype .createVideos =function ( ) { this ._videosContainer=new Sprite,this .addChild ( this ._videosContainer) } ,t.prototype .addVideo =function ( t) { this ._videosContainer.addChild ( t) } ,t.prototype .removeVideo =function ( t) { this ._videosContainer.removeChild ( t) } } } ] ) ;
//# sourceMappingURL=YSP_VideoPlayer.js.map
* @plugindesc v1.0.0 Plugin used for playing video.
* @author Dr.Yami
* @help
* Use script call:
* ysp.VideoPlayer.loadVideo(videoName) - Preload Video
* ysp.VideoPlayer.releaseVideo(videoName) - Release memory for a Video
* ysp.VideoPlayer.newVideo(videoName, id) - Create new Video object with id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.playVideoById(id) - Play a Video object by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.stopVideoById(id) - Stop a Video object by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.setLoopById(id) - Make a Video object playing loop by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.getVideoById(id) - Get Video object by id
* ysp.VideoPlayer.isReady() - Check if all videos have been loaded
* Video Object is a PIXI.Sprite object, can be re-position by modifying x and y props
* To preload a (or many) video(s), use loadVideo(videoName) followed by a loop in
* an event, break the loop when isReady() returns true
!function ( t) { function e( r) { if ( n[ r] ) return n[ r] .exports ;var o=n[ r] ={ i:r,l:!1 ,exports:{ } } ;return t[ r] .call ( o.exports ,o,o.exports ,e) ,o.l =!0 ,o.exports } var n={ } ;e.m =t,e.c =n,e.d =function ( t,n,r) { e.o ( t,n) ||Object.defineProperty ( t,n,{ configurable:!1 ,enumerable:!0 ,get:r} ) } ,e.n =function ( t) { var n=t&&t.__esModule?function ( ) { return t.default } :function ( ) { return t} ;return e.d ( n,"a" ,n) ,n} ,e.o =function ( t,e) { return Object.prototype .hasOwnProperty .call ( t,e) } ,e.p ="" ,e( e.s =35 ) } ( [ function ( t,e) { var n=t.exports ="undefined" !=typeof window&&window.Math ==Math?window:"undefined" !=typeof self&&self.Math ==Math?self:Function ( "return this" ) ( ) ;"number" ==typeof __g&&( __g=n) } ,function ( t,e,n) { t.exports =!n( 11 ) ( function ( ) { return 7 !=Object.defineProperty ( { } ,"a" ,{ get:function ( ) { return 7 } } ) .a } ) } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 10 ) ,o=n( 15 ) ;t.exports =n( 1 ) ?function ( t,e,n) { return r.f ( t,e,o( 1 ,n) ) } :function ( t,e,n) { return t[ e] =n,t} } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports =function ( t) { return "object" ==typeof t?null !==t:"function" ==typeof t} } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 28 ) ,o=n( 12 ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return r( o( t) ) } } ,function ( t,e) { var n=t.exports ={ version:"2.4.0" } ;"number" ==typeof __e&&( __e=n) } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 3 ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { if ( !r( t) ) throw TypeError( t+" is not an object!" ) ;return t} } ,function ( t,e) { var n={ } .hasOwnProperty ;t.exports =function ( t,e) { return n.call ( t,e) } } ,function ( t,e) { var n=Math.ceil ,r=Math.floor ;t.exports =function ( t) { return isNaN( t=+t) ?0 :( t>0 ?r:n) ( t) } } ,,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 6 ) ,o=n( 24 ) ,u=n( 25 ) ,i=Object.defineProperty ;e.f =n( 1 ) ?Object.defineProperty :function ( t,e,n) { if ( r( t) ,e=u( e,!0 ) ,r( n) ,o) try { return i( t,e,n) } catch ( t) { } if ( "get" in n||"set" in n) throw TypeError( "Accessors not supported!" ) ;return"value" in n&&( t[ e] =n.value ) ,t} } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports =function ( t) { try { return !!t( ) } catch ( t) { return !0 } } } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports =function ( t) { if ( void 0 ==t) throw TypeError( "Can't call method on " +t) ;return t} } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 17 ) ( "keys" ) ,o=n( 18 ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return r[ t] ||( r[ t] =o( t) ) } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 3 ) ,o=n( 0 ) .document ,u=r( o) &&r( o.createElement ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return u?o.createElement ( t) :{ } } } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports =function ( t,e) { return { enumerable:!( 1 &t) ,configurable:!( 2 &t) ,writable:!( 4 &t) ,value:e} } } ,function ( t,e) { var n={ } .toString ;t.exports =function ( t) { return n.call ( t) .slice ( 8 ,-1 ) } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 0 ) ,o=r[ "__core-js_shared__" ] ||( r[ "__core-js_shared__" ] ={ } ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return o[ t] ||( o[ t] ={ } ) } } ,function ( t,e) { var n=0 ,r=Math.random ( ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return "Symbol(" .concat ( void 0 ===t?"" :t,")_" ,( ++n+r) .toString ( 36 ) ) } } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports ="constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf" .split ( "," ) } ,,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 0 ) ,o=n( 5 ) ,u=n( 22 ) ,i=n( 2 ) ,c=function ( t,e,n) { var f,a,s,p=t&c.F ,l=t&c.G ,d=t&c.S ,v=t&c.P ,y=t&c.B ,x=t&c.W ,h=l?o:o[ e] ||( o[ e] ={ } ) ,_=h.prototype ,b=l?r:d?r[ e] :( r[ e] ||{ } ) .prototype ;l&&( n=e) ;for( f in n) ( a=!p&&b&&void 0 !==b[ f] ) &&f in h||( s=a?b[ f] :n[ f] ,h[ f] =l&&"function" !=typeof b[ f] ?n[ f] :y&&a?u( s,r) :x&&b[ f] ==s?function ( t) { var e=function ( e,n,r) { if ( this instanceof t) { switch ( arguments.length ) { case 0 :return new t;case 1 :return new t( e) ;case 2 :return new t( e,n) } return new t( e,n,r) } return t.apply ( this ,arguments) } ;return e.prototype =t.prototype ,e} ( s) :v&&"function" ==typeof s?u( Function .call ,s) :s,v&&( ( h.virtual ||( h.virtual ={ } ) ) [ f] =s,t&c.R &&_&&!_[ f] &&i( _,f,s) ) ) } ;c.F =1 ,c.G =2 ,c.S =4 ,c.P =8 ,c.B =16 ,c.W =32 ,c.U =64 ,c.R =128 ,t.exports =c} ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 23 ) ;t.exports =function ( t,e,n) { if ( r( t) ,void 0 ===e) return t;switch( n) { case 1 :return function ( n) { return t.call ( e,n) } ;case 2 :return function ( n,r) { return t.call ( e,n,r) } ;case 3 :return function ( n,r,o) { return t.call ( e,n,r,o) } } return function ( ) { return t.apply ( e,arguments) } } } ,function ( t,e) { t.exports =function ( t) { if ( "function" !=typeof t) throw TypeError( t+" is not a function!" ) ;return t} } ,function ( t,e,n) { t.exports =!n( 1 ) &&!n( 11 ) ( function ( ) { return 7 !=Object.defineProperty ( n( 14 ) ( "div" ) ,"a" ,{ get:function ( ) { return 7 } } ) .a } ) } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 3 ) ;t.exports =function ( t,e) { if ( !r( t) ) return t;var n,o;if( e&&"function" ==typeof ( n=t.toString ) &&!r( o=n.call ( t) ) ) return o;if( "function" ==typeof ( n=t.valueOf ) &&!r( o=n.call ( t) ) ) return o;if( !e&&"function" ==typeof ( n=t.toString ) &&!r( o=n.call ( t) ) ) return o;throw TypeError( "Can't convert object to primitive value" ) } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 27 ) ,o=n( 19 ) ;t.exports =Object.keys ||function( t) { return r( t,o) } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 7 ) ,o=n( 4 ) ,u=n( 29 ) ( !1 ) ,i=n( 13 ) ( "IE_PROTO" ) ;t.exports =function ( t,e) { var n,c=o( t) ,f=0 ,a=[ ] ;for( n in c) n!=i&&r( c,n) &&a.push ( n) ;for( ;e.length >f;) r( c,n=e[ f++] ) &&( ~u( a,n) ||a.push ( n) ) ;return a} } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 16 ) ;t.exports =Object( "z" ) .propertyIsEnumerable ( 0 ) ?Object:function ( t) { return "String" ==r( t) ?t.split ( "" ) :Object( t) } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 4 ) ,o=n( 30 ) ,u=n( 31 ) ;t.exports =function ( t) { return function ( e,n,i) { var c,f=r( e) ,a=o( f.length ) ,s=u( i,a) ;if( t&&n!=n) { for ( ;a>s;) if ( ( c=f[ s++] ) !=c) return !0 } else for ( ;a>s;s++) if ( ( t||s in f) &&f[ s] ===n) return t||s||0 ;return!t&&-1 } } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 8 ) ,o=Math.min ;t.exports =function ( t) { return t>0 ?o( r( t) ,9007199254740991 ) :0 } } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 8 ) ,o=Math.max ,u=Math.min ;t.exports =function ( t,e) { return t=r( t) ,t<0 ?o( t+e,0 ) :u( t,e) } } ,,,,function ( t,e,n) { "use strict" ;function r( t) { return t&&t.__esModule?t:{ default :t} } var o=n( 36 ) ,u=r( o) ;( 0 ,r( n( 42 ) ) .default ) ( Spriteset_Base) ,window.ysp =window.ysp ||{ } ,window.ysp .VideoPlayer =u.default } ,function ( t,e,n) { "use strict" ;Object.defineProperty ( e,"__esModule" ,{ value:!0 } ) ;var r=n( 37 ) ,o=function ( t) { return t&&t.__esModule?t:{ default :t} } ( r) ,u={ } ,i={ } ,c=function ( t) { if ( u[ t] ) return u[ t] ;var e=PIXI.Texture .fromVideo ( "movies/" +t) ;return e.baseTexture .autoPlay =!1 ,u[ t] =e,e} ,f=function ( t) { var e=arguments.length >1 &&void 0 !==arguments[ 1 ] ?arguments[ 1 ] :"video" ,n=new PIXI.Sprite ( c( t) ) ;return n.update =function ( ) { n.texture .update ( ) } ,i[ e] =n,n} ,a=function ( t) { SceneManager._scene._spriteset.addVideo ( t) ,t.texture .baseTexture .source .play ( ) } ,s=function ( t) { var e=x( t) ;a( e) } ,p=function ( t) { SceneManager._scene._spriteset.removeVideo ( t) ,t.texture .baseTexture .source .pause ( ) } ,l=function ( t) { var e=x( t) ;p( e) ,delete i[ t] } ,d=function ( t) { t.texture .baseTexture .source .loop =!0 } ,v=function ( t) { var e=x( t) ;d( e) } ,y=function ( t) { delete u[ t] } ,x=function ( t) { return i[ t] } ,h=function ( ) { return !( 0 ,o.default ) ( u) .some ( function ( t) { return !t.baseTexture .hasLoaded } ) } ;e.default ={ newVideo:f,loadVideo:c,playVideo:a,playVideoById:s,stopVideoById:l,setLoopById:v,releaseVideo:y,getVideoById:x,isReady:h} } ,function ( t,e,n) { t.exports ={ default :n( 38 ) ,__esModule:!0 } } ,function ( t,e,n) { n( 39 ) ,t.exports =n( 5 ) .Object .values } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 21 ) ,o=n( 40 ) ( !1 ) ;r( r.S ,"Object" ,{ values:function ( t) { return o( t) } } ) } ,function ( t,e,n) { var r=n( 26 ) ,o=n( 4 ) ,u=n( 41 ) .f ;t.exports =function ( t) { return function ( e) { for ( var n,i=o( e) ,c=r( i) ,f=c.length ,a=0 ,s=[ ] ;f>a;) u.call ( i,n=c[ a++] ) &&s.push ( t?[ n,i[ n] ] :i[ n] ) ;return s} } } ,function ( t,e) { e.f ={ } .propertyIsEnumerable } ,function ( t,e,n) { "use strict" ;Object.defineProperty ( e,"__esModule" ,{ value:!0 } ) ,e.default =function ( t) { var e=t.prototype .createUpperLayer ;t.prototype .createUpperLayer =function ( ) { this .createVideos ( ) ,e.call ( this ) } ,t.prototype .createVideos =function ( ) { this ._videosContainer=new Sprite,this .addChild ( this ._videosContainer) } ,t.prototype .addVideo =function ( t) { this ._videosContainer.addChild ( t) } ,t.prototype .removeVideo =function ( t) { this ._videosContainer.removeChild ( t) } } } ] ) ;
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