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本帖最后由 tseyik 于 2015-3-29 16:54 编辑
# Name Box:名字框位置
# \nb{text} -在 namebox 顯示文本。
# \nbl{text} - namebox顯示在文字框左方
# \nbr{text} -右方
# \nbt{text} -上方
# \nbb{text} -下方
# \nblt{text} - 左上
# \nblb{text} -左下
# \nbrt{text} -右上
# \nbrb{text} -右下
# Message Size and Position:名字框,大小,位置(0 = 玩家; >0 = 事件)
# \fit - Fits the window to this message (:paragraph_format must be false)
# \e[n] - Sets the text box in reference to character n(0 = 玩家; >0 = 事件)
# \et[n] - Sets the text box above character n (0 = Player; >0 = Event)
# \eb[n] - Sets the text box below character n (0 = Player; >0 = Event)
# \el[n] - Sets the text box to the left of character n(0 = Player; >0 = Event)
# \er[n] - Sets the text box to the right of character n(0 = Player; >0 = Event)
# Sound Effects:(音效)
# \lse - Turns the letter by letter SE on.
# /lse - Turns the letter by letter SE off.
# \pse - Turns the pause SE on.
# /pse - Turns the pause SE off.
# \fse - Turns the finish SE on.
# /fse - Turns the finish SE off.
# \tse - Turns the terminate SE on.
# /tse - Turns the terminate SE off.
# \pSE[file,x,y] - Play the "file" SE at volume x and pitch y
# \pME[file,x,y] - Play the "file" ME at volume x and pitch y
# Other Effects:
# \pANIM[x,n] - Play the animation with ID n over character x
# \pBLN[x,n] - Play the balloon with ID n over character x
- #==============================================================================
- # ATS: Message Options [VXA]
- # Version: 1.0.7
- # Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
- # Date: 28 January 2013
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Description:
- #
- # This script allows you to control a number of things about the message
- # window, such as its size and position. It also provides for scrolling
- # and review, and it includes the option to create a name window to identify
- # the speaker (or for any other use).
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # ATS Series:
- #
- # This script is part of the Advanced Text System series of scripts. These
- # scripts are based off the Advanced Text System for RMVX, but since RMVX Ace
- # has a much more sensibly designed message system, it is no longer necessary
- # that it be one large script. For that reason, and responding to feedback on
- # the ATS, I have split the ATS into multiple different scripts so that you
- # only need to pick up the components for the features that you want. It is
- # therefore easier to customize and configure.
- #
- # To find more scripts in the ATS Series, please visit:
- # http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,44525.0.html
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Instructions:
- #
- # There are a lot of configuration options in this script, and I direct you
- # to the Editable Region at line 125 for detailed comments on what each does
- # Here, I will just list them:
- #
- # :append_text :scrolling_on
- # :scroll_speed :pause_before_scroll
- # :scroll_by_page :scroll_review
- # :letter_sound_on :letter_se
- # :letters_per_se :random_pitch
- # :start_sound_on :start_se
- # :pause_sound_on :pause_se
- # :terminate_sound_on :terminate_se
- # :finish_sound_on :finish_se
- # :message_windowskin :message_dim_bg
- # :message_win_x :message_win_y
- # :character_size_offset :do_not_obscure
- # :message_win_width :message_win_height
- # :message_win_padding :fit_window_to_message
- # :fit_window_width_range :fit_window_height_range
- # :name_win_min_width :name_win_padding
- # :name_format :name_win_align
- # :name_win_x :name_win_y
- # :name_win_x_offset :name_win_y_offset
- #
- # As with other ATS scripts, you can change the value of these options in
- # game with the following codes in a script call:
- #
- # ats_next(:message_option, x)
- # ats_all(:message_option, x)
- #
- # Where :message_option is the symbol you want and x is the value you want
- # to change it to. ats_next will only change it for the very next message,
- # while ats_all will change it for every message to follow.
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # List of Special Message Codes:
- #
- # The following is a complete list of the message codes at your disposal.
- # Simply insert them into a Display Message command.
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Name Box:
- #
- # \nb{text} - Shows the namebox with text displayed.
- # \nbl{text} - Shows the namebox left of the message with text displayed.
- # \nbr{text} - Shows the namebox right of the message with text displayed.
- # \nbt{text} - Shows the namebox above the message with text displayed.
- # \nbb{text} - Shows the namebox below the message with text displayed.
- # \nblt{text} - Shows the namebox left and above with text displayed.
- # \nblb{text} - Shows the namebox left and below with text displayed.
- # \nbrt{text} - Shows the namebox right and above with text displayed.
- # \nbrb{text} - Shows the namebox right and below with text displayed.
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Message Size and Position:
- #
- # \fit - Fits the window to this message (:paragraph_format must be false)
- # \e[n] - Sets the text box in reference to character n(0 = Player; >0 = Event)
- # \et[n] - Sets the text box above character n (0 = Player; >0 = Event)
- # \eb[n] - Sets the text box below character n (0 = Player; >0 = Event)
- # \el[n] - Sets the text box to the left of character n(0 = Player; >0 = Event)
- # \er[n] - Sets the text box to the right of character n(0 = Player; >0 = Event)
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Sound Effects:
- #
- # \lse - Turns the letter by letter SE on.
- # /lse - Turns the letter by letter SE off.
- # \pse - Turns the pause SE on.
- # /pse - Turns the pause SE off.
- # \fse - Turns the finish SE on.
- # /fse - Turns the finish SE off.
- # \tse - Turns the terminate SE on.
- # /tse - Turns the terminate SE off.
- # \pSE[file,x,y] - Play the "file" SE at volume x and pitch y
- # \pME[file,x,y] - Play the "file" ME at volume x and pitch y
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Other Effects:
- #
- # \pANIM[x,n] - Play the animation with ID n over character x
- # \pBLN[x,n] - Play the balloon with ID n over character x
- #==============================================================================
- $imported = {} unless $imported
- $imported[:ATS_MessageOptions] = true
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Game_ATS
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Summary of Changes:
- # new public instance variables - append_text; scrolling_on; scroll_speed;
- # pause_before_scroll; scroll_by_page; scroll_review; letter_sound_on;
- # letter_se; letters_per_se; random_pitch; start_sound_on; start_se;
- # pause_sound_on; pause_se; terminate_sound_on; terminate_se;
- # finish_sound_on; finish_se; message_windowskin; message_dim_bg;
- # message_win_x; message_win_y; character_size_offset; do_not_obscure;
- # message_win_width; message_win_height; message_win_padding;
- # fit_window_to_message; fit_window_width_range; fit_window_height_range;
- # name_win_min_width; name_win_padding; name_format; name_win_align;
- # name_win_x; name_win_y; name_win_x_offset; name_win_y_offset
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_ATS
- CONFIG ||= {}
- CONFIG[:ats_message_options] = {
- ats_message_options: true,
- #\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- #||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- # :append_text - Set this value to either true or false. If true, then any
- # immediately subsequent display text event commands with the same settings
- # will be joined together and they will show in the same message window if
- # there is space. This option is primarily useful for message scrolling and
- # oversized windows. If you are using ATS: Formatting, the value set in
- # this script applies and the one set in ATS: Formatting does not.
- append_text: true,
- #||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- # Scrolling
- #||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- # If :scrolling_on is false, then whenever a message ends, it will pause
- # and create a new page. If :scrolling_on is true, then it will smoothly
- # scroll instead, and you can choose whether to scroll line by line or
- # by page. Practically, :append_text needs to be true for this feature to
- # be useful.
- scrolling_on: true,
- # :scroll_speed - the pixels scrolled per frame when scrolling. If this
- # is 0, then it will be instant.
- scroll_speed: 2,
- # :pause_before_scroll - when this is true, the message will pause
- # before the page (or line) scrolls.
- pause_before_scroll: false,
- # :scroll_by_page - If this is true, then the message will scroll one
- # whole page at a time. If it is false, it will scroll after each line.
- scroll_by_page: false,
- # :scroll_review - When this is true, then at each time the message
- # pauses, the player can use the Up and Down directional keys to review
- # the entire message
- scroll_review: true,
- #||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- # Sound Effects
- #||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- # Letter By Letter SE
- # :letter_sound_on - when this is true, the sound specified below will
- # be played as letters are drawn, according to a chosen frequency.
- letter_sound_on: true,
- # :letter_se - This determines what sound effect is played when
- # :letter_sound_on is true. You set it as an array, with the first entry
- # being the filename as a string, and the other entries being integers
- # representing the volume. EX: ["Cursor2", 60],
- letter_se: ["Cursor2"],
- # :letters_per_se - This determines how frequently :letter_se is played
- # when :letter_sound_on is true. Basically, the number you put in the
- # amount of letters that are drawn between each sound effect. If, for
- # instance, it is 5, then 5 letters are drawn between playing the SE.
- letters_per_se: 4,
- # :random_pitch - This range determines the pitch the sound effect is
- # played at. It is in the form x...y and if x is equal to y, then the SE
- # is always played at that pitch. If they are different, x must be less
- # than y and each SE will play at a pitch randomly selected between the
- # x and y. It is used to simulate changes of pitch in speech.
- random_pitch: 100...100,
- # Start SE
- # :start_sound_on - when this is true, the sound specified at :start_se
- # will play whenever a message first opens.
- start_sound_on: false,
- # :start_se - This determines what sound effect is played when
- # :start_sound_on is true. You set it as an array, with the first entry
- # being the filename as a string, and the other entries being integers
- # representing the volume and the pitch. EX: ["Chime2", 80, 50],
- start_se: ["Chime2"],
- # Pause SE
- # :pause_sound_on - when this is true, the sound specified at :pause_se is
- # played whenever a message pauses and waits for player input.
- pause_sound_on: false,
- # :pause_se - This determines what sound effect is played when
- # :pause_sound_on is true. You set it as an array, with the first entry
- # being the filename as a string, and the other entries being integers
- # representing the volume and the pitch. EX: ["Decision2"],
- pause_se: ["Decision2"],
- # Finish SE
- # :finish_sound_on - when this is true, the sound specified at :finish_se
- # is played whenever a message finishes.
- finish_sound_on: false,
- # :finish_se - This determines what sound effect is played when
- # :finish_sound_on is true. You set it as an array, with the first entry
- # being the filename as a string, and the other entries being integers
- # representing the volume and the pitch. EX: ["Chime1", 120],
- finish_se: ["Chime1"],
- # Terminate SE
- # :terminate_sound_on - when this is true, the sound specified at
- # :terminate_se is played whenever a message finishes.
- terminate_sound_on: false,
- # :terminate_se - This determines what sound effect is played when
- # :terminate_sound_on is true. You set it as an array, with the first
- # entry being the filename as a string, and the other entries being
- # integers representing the volume and the pitch. EX: ["Cancel2"],
- terminate_se: ["Cancel2"],
- #||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- # Message Window Settings
- #||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- # Message Graphics
- # :message_windowskin - This sets the windowskin of the message window
- # and all its related windows. The graphic chosen must be in the System
- # folder of Graphics.
- message_windowskin: "Window",
- # :message_dim_bg - This feature allows you to replace the default dim
- # background with an image of your choosing. Just set it to a filename. The
- # graphic chosen must be in the System folder of Graphics
- message_dim_bg: "",
- # Message Position
- # :message_win_x - This determines the x-coordinate of the message window.
- # When set to -1, it is centred. When set to any other integer, it is
- # directly set to that x-coordinate on the screen. This is completely
- # overridden when you use message codes to set the message window in
- # reference to a character.
- message_win_x: -1, # -1 = centred
- # :message_win_y - This determines the y-coordinate of the message window.
- # When set to -1, it defaults to the position setting in the normal message
- # window. When set to any other integer, it is directly set to that
- # y-coordinate on the screen. This is completely overridden when you
- # use message codes to set the message window in reference to a character.
- message_win_y: -1, # -1 = default to position
- # :character_size_offset - This feature is used when setting the message
- # window's position in reference to a character, and it should be set to
- # the size of the character (in the direction the window is being set). In
- # other words, if setting a window to above or below the character, this
- # should be set to the height of that character. If setting it to the left
- # or right of a character, this should be set to the width of the character
- character_size_offset: 32,
- # :do_not_obscure - This feature is only useful if :message_win_y is set
- # to -1 and you are using the default position setting. Basically, if you
- # put the ID of any character (0 is the player; otherwise the ID of the
- # event you don't want to obscure) in this array, then the message window
- # will be repositioned so as not to obscure that character. In other words,
- # if you set this value to [0, 5], then the message window will never
- # obscure either the player or the event with ID 5. So, if a message window
- # is set to bottom, but drawing it at the bottom would cover the player,
- # then the message window will instead be positioned to Top.
- do_not_obscure: [],
- # Message Window Size
- # :message_win_width - This sets the width, in pixels, of the message
- # window. It is overridden if :fit_window_to_message is true.
- message_win_width: 544,
- # :message_win_height - This sets the height, in pixels, of the message
- # window. A normal line of text is 24 pixels high. This value is overridden
- # if :fit_window_to_message is true.
- message_win_height: 120,
- # :message_win_padding - This value determines the size, in pixels, of the
- # border of the message window
- message_win_padding: 12,
- # :fit_window_to_message - when this is true, the message window's width
- # will be fitted to the longest line and the message window's height will
- # be set to include as many lines as possible. The sizes in both respects
- # are limited by :fit_window_width_range and :fit_window_height_range. If
- # you are using ATS: Formatting, then this feature will only work if
- # :paragraph_format is off.
- fit_window_to_message: false,
- # :fit_window_width_range - This is a range in the form x...y, where
- # x must be less than y. x is the minimum width the window to which the
- # window can be set when using :fit_window_to_message, while y is the
- # maximum.
- fit_window_width_range: 160...544,
- # :fit_window_height_range - This is a range in the form x...y, where
- # x must be less than y. x is the minimum height the window to which the
- # window can be set when using :fit_window_to_message, while y is the
- # maximum.
- fit_window_height_range: 72...144,
- #||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- # Name Window Settings
- #||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- # Name Window Size
- # :name_win_min_width - normally, the name window will be sized to fit
- # whatever name is input in it. This value determines the minimum width
- # that the name window can be, such that if the name is shorter, the
- # name window will be set to this size.
- name_win_min_width: 32,
- # :name_win_padding - this determines the size of the border of the name
- # window. The default for most other windows is 12.
- name_win_padding: 8,
- # Name Format
- # :name_format - This allows you to set some default formatting for names.
- # Basically, it is a string ('%s'), and the %s will be replaced by whatever
- # name you set for the message. This allows you to use some special message
- # codes for every name, without having to put it in. For instance, if you
- # set this value to '\c[16]%s', then every name would automatically be set
- # to colour 16.
- name_format: '%s',
- # :name_win_align - This sets the alignment of the name in the window.
- # Since the window is normally sized to fit the name, this will generally
- # only matter if the name is short enough to engage the :name_win_min_width
- # or if there is more than one line in the name window.
- name_win_align: 1,
- # Name Position
- # :name_win_x - This sets the x-position of the name window. It can be set
- # to either :l, :r, or an integer. If :l, it will be set flush with the left
- # corners of the message window, offset by + :name_win_x_offset. If :r, it
- # will be set flush with the right corners of the message window, offset
- # by - :name_win_x_offset. If an integer, it will be directly set to that
- # x-coordinate on the screen.
- name_win_x: :l,
- # :name_win_y - This sets the y-position of the name window. It can be set
- # to either :t, :b, or an integer. If :t, it will be set flush with the top
- # corners of the message window, offset by + :name_win_y_offset. If :b, it
- # will be set flush with the bottom corners of the message window, offset
- # by - :name_win_y_offset. If an integer, it will be directly set to that
- # y-coordinate on the screen.
- name_win_y: :t,
- # :name_win_x_offset - this is the number of pixels offset when
- # :name_win_x is set to :l or :r. When :l, it is added. When :r, it is
- # subtracted.
- name_win_x_offset: 8,
- # :name_win_y_offset - this is the number of pixels offset when
- # :name_win_y is set to :t or :b. When :t, it is added. When :b, it is
- # subtracted.
- name_win_y_offset: 8,
- #||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- }
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Public Instance Variables
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CONFIG[:ats_formatting].delete(:append_text) if $imported[:ATS_Formatting]
- CONFIG[:ats_message_options].keys.each { |key| attr_accessor key }
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Overwrite SE methods
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [:letter_se, :start_se, :pause_se, :finish_se, :terminate_se].each { |method_name|
- define_method(:"#{method_name}=") do |*args|
- instance_variable_set(:"@#{method_name}", Game_ATS.set_sound_effect(*args))
- end
- }
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Set Sound Effect
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def self.set_sound_effect(settings)
- return settings if settings.is_a?(RPG::SE)
- settings = [settings] if settings.is_a?(String)
- settings[1] = 80 if !settings[1]
- RPG::SE.new(*settings)
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Set Random Pitch
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def random_pitch=(val)
- @random_pitch = val.is_a?(Integer) ? letter_se.pitch..(letter_se.pitch + val) : val
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # Initialize Common ATS Data if no other ATS script interpreted first
- #==============================================================================
- if !$imported[:AdvancedTextSystem]
- #============================================================================
- # *** DataManager
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Summary of Changes:
- # aliased method - create_game_objects; make_save_contents;
- # extract_save_contents
- #============================================================================
- module DataManager
- class << self
- alias modb_ats_crtgmobj_6yh7 create_game_objects
- alias mlba_ats_mksave_5tg9 make_save_contents
- alias ma_ats_extrcsvcon_8uj2 extract_save_contents
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Create Game Objects
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def self.create_game_objects(*args, &block)
- modb_ats_crtgmobj_6yh7(*args, &block)
- $game_ats = Game_ATS.new
- $game_ats.init_new_installs
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Make Save Contents
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def self.make_save_contents(*args, &block)
- contents = mlba_ats_mksave_5tg9(*args, &block)
- contents[:ats] = $game_ats
- contents
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Extract Save Contents
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def self.extract_save_contents(contents, *args, &block)
- ma_ats_extrcsvcon_8uj2(contents, *args, &block)
- $game_ats = contents[:ats] ? contents[:ats] : Game_ATS.new
- $game_ats.init_new_installs
- end
- end
- #============================================================================
- # ** Game_ATS
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # This class holds the default data for all scripts in the ATS series
- #============================================================================
- class Game_ATS
- def initialize; reset; end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Reset any or all installed ATS scripts
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def reset(script_name = nil)
- if script_name.is_a? (Symbol) # If script to reset specified
- CONFIG[script_name].each_pair { |key, value|
- self.send("#{key}=".to_sym, value)
- $game_message.send("#{key}=".to_sym, value)
- }
- else # Reset all ATS scripts
- CONFIG.keys.each { |script| reset(script) }
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Initialize any newly installed ATS scripts
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def init_new_installs
- CONFIG.keys.each { |script| reset(script) unless self.send(script) }
- end
- end
- #============================================================================
- # ** Game_Message
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Summary of Changes:
- # aliased method - clear
- #============================================================================
- class Game_Message
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Clear
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias mlb_ats_clrats_5tv1 clear
- def clear(*args, &block)
- mlb_ats_clrats_5tv1(*args, &block) # Run Original Method
- return if !$game_ats
- Game_ATS::CONFIG.values.each { |installed|
- installed.keys.each { |key| self.send("#{key}=".to_sym, $game_ats.send(key)) }
- }
- end
- end
- #============================================================================
- # ** Game_Interpreter
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Summary of Changes:
- # new methods - ats_all; ats_next
- #============================================================================
- class Game_Interpreter
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * ATS All
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def ats_all(sym, *args, &block)
- $game_ats.send("#{sym}=".to_sym, *args, &block)
- ats_next(sym, *args, &block)
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * ATS Next
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def ats_next(sym, *args, &block)
- $game_message.send("#{sym}=".to_sym, *args, &block)
- end
- end
- $imported[:AdvancedTextSystem] = true
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Game_Message
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Summary of Changes:
- # new attr_reader methods - show_on_character_id; show_on_character_pos
- # new attr_accessor methods - append_text; scrolling_on; scroll_speed;
- # pause_before_scroll; scroll_by_page; scroll_review; letter_sound_on;
- # letter_se; letters_per_se; random_pitch; start_sound_on; start_se;
- # pause_sound_on; pause_se; terminate_sound_on; terminate_se;
- # finish_sound_on; finish_se; message_windowskin; message_dim_bg;
- # message_win_x; message_win_y; character_size_offset; do_not_obscure;
- # message_win_width; message_win_height; message_win_padding;
- # fit_window_to_message; fit_window_width_range; fit_window_height_range;
- # name_win_min_width; name_win_padding; name_format; name_win_align;
- # name_win_x; name_win_y; name_win_x_offset; name_win_y_offset;
- # message_name
- # aliased method - clear; all_text
- # new methods - atsmo_play_sound?; atsmo_setup_name_window
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Message
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Public Instance Variables
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- attr_reader :message_name
- attr_reader :show_on_character_id
- attr_reader :show_on_character_pos
- Game_ATS::CONFIG[:ats_message_options].keys.each { |key| attr_accessor key }
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Clear
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_cler_2yx7 clear
- def clear(*args, &block)
- @show_on_character_id = -1
- @show_on_character_pos = :t
- @message_name = nil
- tso = @terminate_sound_on # Don't reset terminate sound
- maatsmo_cler_2yx7(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- @terminate_sound_on = tso unless tso.nil?
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # SE Definitions
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [:letter, :start, :pause, :finish, :terminate].each { |method_name|
- define_method(:"#{method_name}_se=") do |*args|
- instance_variable_set(:"@#{method_name}_se", Game_ATS.set_sound_effect(*args))
- end
- }
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Play Sound?
- # type : :letter, :start, :pause, :finish, or :terminate
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def atsmo_play_sound?(type)
- return instance_variable_get(:"@#{type}_sound_on") &&
- !instance_variable_get(:"@#{type}_se").nil?
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Set Random Pitch
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def random_pitch=(val)
- @random_pitch = val.is_a?(Integer) ? letter_se.pitch..(letter_se.pitch + val) : val
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Set Name for Name Window
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def message_name=(string)
- @message_name = !@name_format.empty? ? sprintf(@name_format, string) : string
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * All Text
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_altx_7jv2 all_text
- def all_text(*args, &block)
- result = maatsmo_altx_7jv2(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- # Look for the Name Box Code
- if result[/\\NB([LRTB]*)\{(.+?)\}/im]
- atsmo_setup_name_window($2, $1)
- result.gsub!(/\\NB([LRTB]*)\{(.+?)\}/im, "")
- end
- if result[/([\\\/])FIT/i]
- @fit_window_to_message = $1 == "\\"
- result.gsub!(/[\\\/]FIT/i, "")
- end
- if result[/\\E([LRTB]?)\[(\d+)\]/i]
- @show_on_character_pos = $1.downcase.to_sym if !$1.empty?
- @show_on_character_id = $2.to_i
- # Don't show on character if the event referenced is nil
- @show_on_character_id = -1 if show_on_character_id > 0 && !$game_map.events[show_on_character_id]
- result.gsub!(/\\E[LRTB]?\[\d+\]/i, "")
- end
- result
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Set Name
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def atsmo_setup_name_window(name, pos)
- self.message_name = name
- pos.each_char {|letter|
- val = letter.downcase.to_sym
- case val
- when :l, :r then self.name_win_x = val
- when :t, :b then self.name_win_y = val
- end
- }
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Game_Interpreter
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Summary of Changes:
- # aliased methods - command_101; next_event_code
- # new method - maatsf_same_message_conditions?
- #==============================================================================
- if !$imported[:ATS_Formatting]
- class Game_Interpreter
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Display Text Message
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsf_disptext_3jf5 command_101
- def command_101(*args, &block)
- @ats_appending_text = $game_message.append_text
- maatsf_disptext_3jf5(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- @ats_appending_text = false
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Next Event Code
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsf_nexcode_5rq9 next_event_code
- def next_event_code(*args, &block)
- result = maatsf_nexcode_5rq9(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- if @ats_appending_text && result == 101
- if maats_same_message_conditions?(@index + 1)
- @index += 1
- result = next_event_code(*args, &block)
- end
- end
- result
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Same Message Conditions?
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def maats_same_message_conditions?(list_index)
- n_params = @list[list_index].parameters
- if ($imported[:MA_CompositeGraphics] || $imported[:ATS_FaceOptions]) &&
- @list[list_index + 1] && @list[list_index + 1].parameters[0][/^\\([AP])F\[(\d+)\]/i]
- param = $2.to_i
- actor = ($1 == 'A') ? $game_actors[param] : $game_party.members[param - 1]
- return (actor.face_name == $game_message.face_name &&
- actor.face_index == $game_message.face_index &&
- n_params[2] == $game_message.background && n_params[3] == $game_message.position)
- end
- n_params[0] == $game_message.face_name && n_params[1] == $game_message.face_index &&
- n_params[2] == $game_message.background && n_params[3] == $game_message.position
- end
- end
- end
- unless $imported[:"MA_ParagraphFormat_1.0.1"] # Overwrite if earlier version
- #============================================================================
- # ** MA_Window_ParagraphFormat
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # This module inserts into Window_Base and provides a method to format the
- # strings so as to go to the next line if it exceeds a set limit. This is
- # designed to work with draw_text_ex, and a string formatted by this method
- # should go through that, not draw_text.
- #============================================================================
- module MA_Window_ParagraphFormat
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Calc Line Width
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def mapf_calc_line_width(line, tw = 0, contents_dummy = false)
- return tw if line.nil?
- line = line.clone
- unless contents_dummy
- real_contents = contents # Preserve Real Contents
- # Create a dummy contents
- self.contents = Bitmap.new(contents_width, 24)
- reset_font_settings
- end
- pos = {x: 0, y: 0, new_x: 0, height: calc_line_height(line)}
- test = @atsf_testing
- @atsf_testing = true # This
- while line[/^(.*?)\e(.*)/]
- tw += text_size($1).width
- line = $2
- # Remove all ancillaries to the code, like parameters
- code = obtain_escape_code(line)
- # If direct setting of x, reset tw.
- tw = 0 if ($imported[:ATS_SpecialMessageCodes] && code.upcase == 'X') ||
- ($imported["YEA-MessageSystem"] && code.upcase == 'PX')
- # If I need to do something special on the basis that it is testing,
- # alias process_escape_character and differentiate using @atsf_testing
- process_escape_character(code, line, pos)
- end
- @atsf_testing = test
- # Add width of remaining text, as well as the value of pos[:x] under the
- # assumption that any additions to it are because the special code is
- # replaced by something which requires space (like icons)
- tw += text_size(line).width + pos[:x]
- unless contents_dummy
- contents.dispose # Dispose dummy contents
- self.contents = real_contents # Restore real contents
- end
- return tw
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Format Paragraph
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def mapf_format_paragraph(text, max_width = contents_width)
- text = text.clone
- # Create a Dummy Contents - I wanted to boost compatibility by using the
- # default process method for escape codes. It may have the opposite effect,
- # for some :(
- real_contents = contents # Preserve Real Contents
- self.contents = Bitmap.new(contents_width, 24)
- reset_font_settings
- paragraph = ""
- while !text.empty?
- oline, nline, tw = mapf_format_by_line(text.clone, max_width)
- # Replace old line with the new one
- text.sub!(/#{Regexp.escape(oline)}/m, nline)
- paragraph += text.slice!(/.*?(\n|$)/)
- text.lstrip!
- end
- contents.dispose # Dispose dummy contents
- self.contents = real_contents # Restore real contents
- return paragraph
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Format By Line
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def mapf_format_by_line(text, max_width = contents_width)
- oline, nline, tw = "", "", 0
- loop do
- # Format each word until reach the width limit
- oline, nline, tw, done = mapf_format_by_word(text, nline, tw, max_width)
- return oline, nline, tw if done
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Format By Word
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def mapf_format_by_word(text, line, tw, max_width)
- return line, line, tw, true if text.nil? || text.empty?
- # Extract next word
- if text.sub!(/([ \t\r\f]*)(\S*)([\n\f]?)/, "") != nil
- prespace, word, line_end = $1, $2, $3
- ntw = mapf_calc_line_width(word, tw, true)
- pw = contents.text_size(prespace).width
- if (pw + ntw >= max_width)
- # Insert
- if line.empty?
- # If one word takes entire line
- return prespace + word, word + "\n", ntw, true
- else
- return line + prespace + word, line + "\n" + word, tw, true
- end
- else
- line += prespace + word
- tw = pw + ntw
- # If the line is force ended, then end
- return line, line, tw, true if !line_end.empty?
- end
- else
- return line, line, tw, true
- end
- return line, line, tw, false
- end
- end
- class Window_Base
- include MA_Window_ParagraphFormat unless $imported[:"MA_ParagraphFormat_1.0"]
- end
- $imported[:"MA_ParagraphFormat_1.0"] = true
- $imported[:"MA_ParagraphFormat_1.0.1"] = true
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # *** MA Window ATS Message Options
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # This module mixes in with Window_Message and the Name window
- #==============================================================================
- module MA_Window_ATS_MessageOptions
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Resize
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def resize(w, h)
- if w != self.width || h != self.height
- self.width = w
- self.height = h
- create_contents
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Window_ATS_Name
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # This window shows a single message to identify the speaker of a message.
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_ATS_Name < Window_Base
- include MA_Window_ATS_MessageOptions
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Object Initialization
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def initialize(message_window)
- @message_window = message_window
- super(0, 0, $game_message.name_win_min_width, line_height + standard_padding*2)
- @current_windowskin = windowskin
- update_placement
- self.visible = false
- self.z = @message_window.z + 1
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Frame Update
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def update(*args, &block)
- super(*args, &block)
- if $game_message.message_name.nil?
- self.visible = false
- else
- self.openness = @message_window.openness
- self.visible = @message_window.visible
- self.opacity = @message_window.opacity
- self.back_opacity = @message_window.back_opacity
- set_text($game_message.message_name)
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update Placement
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def update_placement
- set_x_position
- set_y_position
- update_padding
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Set X Position
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def set_x_position
- self.x = case $game_message.name_win_x
- when :l then @message_window.x + $game_message.name_win_x_offset
- when :r then @message_window.x + @message_window.width - self.width - $game_message.name_win_x_offset
- else $game_message.name_win_x
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Set y Position
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def set_y_position
- case $game_message.name_win_y
- when :t
- self.y = @message_window.y - self.height + $game_message.name_win_y_offset
- self.y = @message_window.y + @message_window.height - $game_message.name_win_y_offset if self.y < 0
- when :b
- self.y = @message_window.y + @message_window.height - $game_message.name_win_y_offset
- self.y = @message_window.y - self.height + $game_message.name_win_y_offset if self.y + self.height > Graphics.height
- else
- self.y = $game_message.name_win_y
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Refresh
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- align = $game_message.name_win_align
- if align > 0
- y = 0
- for line in convert_escape_characters(@text.clone).split(/\n/)
- tw = mapf_calc_line_width(line)
- x = align*((contents_width - tw) / 2)
- draw_text_ex(x, y, line)
- y += calc_line_height(line)
- end
- else
- draw_text_ex(0, 0, @text)
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Set Text
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def set_text(text)
- if text.is_a?(String) && (@text != text || $game_message.name_win_min_width > contents.width)
- @text = text
- resize(*calc_window_size_by_text(text)) unless text.empty?
- update_placement
- refresh
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Calculate Width and Height
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def calc_window_size_by_text(text)
- text = convert_escape_characters(text.clone)
- # Calculate width and height of window
- fit_w = $game_message.name_win_min_width
- h = standard_padding*2
- text.split(/\n/).each { |line|
- h += calc_line_height(line)
- tw = mapf_calc_line_width(line)
- fit_w = tw if tw > fit_w
- }
- w = [fit_w + (standard_padding*2), Graphics.width].min
- return w, h
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Standard Padding
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def standard_padding
- $game_message.name_win_padding
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Window_Message
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Summary of Changes:
- # aliased methods - initialize; create_all_windows; update_all_windows;
- # update_placement; convert_escape_characters
- # new method - maatsmo_convert_escape_characters; atsmo_update_placement_x;
- # atsmo_update_placement_y; atsmo_update_placement_w;
- # atsmo_update_placement_h;
- # overwritten method - process_new_line; standard padding;
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_Message
- include MA_Window_ATS_MessageOptions
- IS_ATSF_ABOVE = $imported[:ATS_Formatting] # Check if Formatting installed
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Object Initialization
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_initz_2uq7 initialize
- def initialize(*args, &block)
- @maatsmo_lblse_char_count = 0
- @scroll_review_max_oy = 0
- @atsmo_all_windows = []
- maatsmo_initz_2uq7(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- @atsmo_old_windowskin = self.windowskin
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Create All Windows
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_creatalwins_2jf4 create_all_windows
- def create_all_windows(*args, &block)
- @atsmo_all_windows.clear
- maatsmo_creatalwins_2jf4(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- @atsmo_name_window = Window_ATS_Name.new(self)
- @atsmo_all_windows.push(@gold_window, @choice_window, @number_window,
- @item_window, @atsmo_name_window)
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Create Back Bitmap
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_cretebbmp_3gl5 create_back_bitmap
- def create_back_bitmap(*args, &block)
- @back_bitmap.dispose if @back_bitmap && !@back_bitmap.disposed?
- if $game_message.message_dim_bg.empty?
- maatsmo_cretebbmp_3gl5(*args, &block)
- else
- @back_bitmap = Bitmap.new(width, height)
- bbmp = Cache.system($game_message.message_dim_bg)
- @back_bitmap.stretch_blt(@back_bitmap.rect, bbmp, bbmp.rect)
- end
- @back_sprite.bitmap = @back_bitmap if @back_sprite
- @current_bbmp = $game_message.message_dim_bg
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Standard Padding
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def standard_padding
- $game_message.message_win_padding # Get padding
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update All Windows
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_updtallwin_8ih4 update_all_windows
- def update_all_windows(*args, &block)
- maatsmo_updtallwin_8ih4(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- @atsmo_name_window.update
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Free All Windows
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_dispallwins_4bx9 dispose_all_windows
- def dispose_all_windows(*args, &block)
- maatsmo_dispallwins_4bx9(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- @atsmo_name_window.dispose
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update Windowskins
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def atsmo_update_windowskin
- new_wskin = Cache.system($game_message.message_windowskin)
- # If windowskin is new and exists
- if new_wskin != self.windowskin && new_wskin.width > 32
- ([self] + @atsmo_all_windows).each { |win| win.windowskin = new_wskin }
- @atsmo_name_window.set_text("") # Clear to redraw in right colour
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update Placement
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_updplacem_3yg5 update_placement
- def update_placement(*args, &block)
- # Resize window
- resize(atsmo_update_placement_w, atsmo_update_placement_h)
- # Set X Position
- self.x = atsmo_update_placement_x
- # Set Y Position
- self.y = atsmo_update_placement_y(*args, &block) # Original Method, essentially
- update_padding
- @atsmo_name_window.update_placement
- create_back_bitmap if @current_bbmp != $game_message.message_dim_bg
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update X Position
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def atsmo_update_placement_x
- # Show on Character
- return show_on_character_x if $game_message.show_on_character_id >= 0
- # If not showing on character
- return $game_message.message_win_x == -1 ? # Centre or else direct set
- (Graphics.width - self.width) / 2 : $game_message.message_win_x
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update X in reference to character
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def show_on_character_x
- character = atsmo_get_character($game_message.show_on_character_id)
- x = case $game_message.show_on_character_pos
- when :t, :b then character.screen_x - (self.width / 2)
- when :l then character.screen_x - self.width - ($game_message.character_size_offset / 2)
- when :r then character.screen_x + ($game_message.character_size_offset / 2)
- else character.screen_x
- end
- [[x, Graphics.width - self.width].min, 0].max
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update Y Position
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def atsmo_update_placement_y(*args, &block)
- # Show on Character
- return show_on_character_y if $game_message.show_on_character_id >= 0
- # If not showing on a character
- if $game_message.message_win_y == -1
- do_not_obscure_characters unless $game_message.do_not_obscure.empty?
- maatsmo_updplacem_3yg5(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- return self.y
- else
- @gold_window.y = $game_message.message_win_y > @gold_window.height ? 0 :
- Graphics.height - @gold_window.height
- return $game_message.message_win_y
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update Y in reference to character
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def show_on_character_y
- character = atsmo_get_character($game_message.show_on_character_id)
- y = case $game_message.show_on_character_pos
- when :l, :r then character.screen_y - (($game_message.character_size_offset + self.height) / 2)
- when :t then character.screen_y - $game_message.character_size_offset - self.height
- when :b then character.screen_y
- end
- [[y, Graphics.height - self.height].min, 0].max
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update Message Window Width
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def atsmo_update_placement_w
- $game_message.message_win_width == -1 ? Graphics.width : $game_message.message_win_width
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update Message Window Height
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def atsmo_update_placement_h
- $game_message.message_win_height
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Do Not Obstruct Characters
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def do_not_obscure_characters
- obscured = [0, 0, 0]
- positions = [2, 0, 1]
- positions.unshift(positions.delete($game_message.position))
- chosen_pos = positions[0]
- positions.each { |pos|
- y = ((Graphics.height - self.height) / 2)*pos
- range1 = y..(y + self.height)
- $game_message.do_not_obscure.each { |id|
- char = atsmo_get_character(id)
- next if char.nil?
- range2 = (char.screen_y - $game_message.character_size_offset)..char.screen_y
- obscured[pos] += 1 if range1 === range2.first || range2 === range1.first
- }
- chosen_pos = pos if obscured[pos] < obscured[chosen_pos]
- }
- $game_message.position = chosen_pos
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Get Character
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def atsmo_get_character(id)
- id == 0 ? $game_player : $game_map.events[id]
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Process All Text
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_procsalltx_6fw2 process_all_text
- def process_all_text(*args, &block)
- # Play Start SE
- $game_message.start_se.play if $game_message.atsmo_play_sound?(:start)
- fit_window_to_message(convert_escape_characters($game_message.all_text.dup))
- atsmo_update_windowskin
- update_placement
- maatsmo_procsalltx_6fw2(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- # Play Finish SE
- $game_message.finish_se.play if $game_message.atsmo_play_sound?(:finish)
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Input Processing
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_proceinpt_3rf6 process_input
- def process_input(*args, &block)
- # Don't play Pause Sound if Finish Sound played
- $game_message.pause_sound_on = false if $game_message.atsmo_play_sound?(:finish)
- maatsmo_proceinpt_3rf6(*args, &block)
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Close Window and Wait for It to Fully Close
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_closewat_4dr9 close_and_wait
- def close_and_wait(*args, &block)
- # Play Terminate SE
- $game_message.terminate_se.play if $game_message.atsmo_play_sound?(:terminate)
- $game_message.terminate_sound_on = $game_ats.terminate_sound_on
- maatsmo_closewat_4dr9(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * New Page
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_newpge_3rj8 new_page
- def new_page(*args, &block)
- # Reset Contents size
- create_contents if contents.height > contents_height
- self.oy = 0
- maatsmo_newpge_3rj8(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Convert Escape Characters
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if instance_methods(false).include?(:convert_escape_characters)
- # If convert_escape_characters already defined in Window_Message, just alias
- alias maatsmo_cnvrscchrc_7yc3 convert_escape_characters
- def convert_escape_characters(*args, &block)
- maatsmo_convert_escape_characters(maatsmo_cnvrscchrc_7yc3(*args, &block))
- end
- else
- # If convert_escape_characters undefined in Window_Message, call super method
- def convert_escape_characters(*args, &block)
- maatsmo_convert_escape_characters(super(*args, &block))
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * ATS MO Convert Escape Characters
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def maatsmo_convert_escape_characters(text)
- # Sound Effects
- text.gsub!(/\eP_?([MS]E)\[\s*\"?([^\",\]]+)\"?(.*?)\]/i) { "\ePLAYSOUND\[#{$1.upcase},\"#{$2}\"#{$3.gsub(/ /, "")}\]" }
- text.gsub!(/\eP_?(ANIM|BLN)\[\s*(\d+)[\s,:;]*(\d+)\s*\]/i) { "\eANIMATION\[#{$1.upcase == "ANIM" ? 0 : 1},#{$2},#{$3}\]" }
- letter_ary = ["L", "P", "F", "T"]
- # Turn Sound Effects on or off
- text.gsub!(/([\e\/])([LPFT])SE/i) {
- num = ($1 == "\e" ? 0 : 1) + (2*letter_ary.index($2.upcase))
- "\eATSMOSE\[#{num}\]" }
- return text
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Process Escape Character
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatasmo_procescchar_2ia4 process_escape_character
- def process_escape_character(code, text, *args, &block) # (code, text, pos)
- case code.upcase
- when 'ATSMOSE'
- param = obtain_escape_param(text)
- return if @atsf_testing
- case param / 2
- when 0 then $game_message.letter_sound_on = (param == 0) # Letter Sound
- when 1 then $game_message.pause_sound_on = (param == 2) # Pause Sound
- when 2 then $game_message.finish_sound_on = (param == 4) # Finish Sound
- when 3 then $game_message.terminate_sound_on = (param == 6) # Terminate Sound
- end
- when 'PLAYSOUND'
- return unless text.slice!(/^\[([MS]E),\"(.+?)\",?(\d*),?(\d*)\]/i)
- return if @atsf_testing
- RPG.const_get($1.to_sym).new($2, $3.empty? ? 80 : $3.to_i, $4.empty? ? 100 : $4.to_i).play
- when 'ANIMATION'
- return unless text.slice!(/^\[(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\]/)
- return if @atsf_testing
- character = atsmo_get_character($2.to_i)
- if character
- case $1.to_i
- when 0 then character.animation_id = $3.to_i
- when 1 then character.balloon_id = $3.to_i
- end
- end
- else
- maatasmo_procescchar_2ia4(code, text, *args, &block) # Run Original Method
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Process Normal Character
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_prcssnrmlch_3kz8 process_normal_character
- def process_normal_character(c, pos, *args, &block)
- maatsmo_prcssnrmlch_3kz8(c, pos, *args, &block) # Call Original Method
- # Play SE if not showing fast and the letter sound is on
- maatsmo_play_letter_by_letter_se if $game_message.atsmo_play_sound?(:letter) &&
- !@show_fast && !@line_show_fast
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * New Line Character Processing
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_procnewlin_3jd8 process_new_line
- def process_new_line(text, pos, *args)
- if $game_message.scrolling_on # If using scrolling
- @line_show_fast = false
- super
- if $imported[:ATS_Formatting] && IS_ATSF_ABOVE
- maatsf_paragraph_new_line(method(:maatsmo_process_new_line_scroll), text, pos)
- else
- maatsmo_process_new_line_scroll(text, pos)
- end
- else # Not using scrolling, so no need to interfere with this method
- maatsmo_procnewlin_3jd8(text, pos, *args) # Call Original Method
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * New Line Character Processing when scrolling
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def maatsmo_process_new_line_scroll(text, pos)
- if need_new_page?(text, pos)
- # Only pause if demanded
- input_pause if $game_message.pause_before_scroll && !@pause_skip
- scroll_h = !$game_message.scroll_by_page ? pos[:y] + pos[:height] : # Line
- contents.height + (pos[:y] - self.oy) # Page
- atsmo_scroll_page(text, pos, scroll_h)
- @show_fast = false # Don't speed through entire message
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Wait / Wait for One Character / Process Input
- #``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
- # Do not permit these to run when testing
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [:wait, :wait_for_one_character].each { |meth|
- alias_method(:"maatsmo_#{meth}_6hb1", meth)
- define_method(meth) do |*args|
- send(:"maatsmo_#{meth}_6hb1", *args) unless @atsf_testing
- end
- }
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Input Pause
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_inppuse_3kx5 input_pause
- def input_pause(*args, &block)
- return if @atsf_testing
- # Play Pause SE
- $game_message.pause_se.play if $game_message.atsmo_play_sound?(:pause) # Play
- if $game_message.scroll_review && self.oy > 0
- # If scroll review, need to overwrite this method
- self.pause = true
- wait(10)
- @scroll_review_max_oy = contents.height - contents_height
- until Input.trigger?(:B) || Input.trigger?(:C)
- update_scroll_review
- Fiber.yield
- end
- self.oy = @scroll_review_max_oy
- Input.update
- self.pause = false
- else
- maatsmo_inppuse_3kx5(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Play Letter By Letter SE
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def maatsmo_play_letter_by_letter_se
- # If drawn enough letters to play the SE
- if @maatsmo_lblse_char_count >= $game_message.letters_per_se
- @maatsmo_lblse_char_count = 0
- $game_message.letter_se.pitch = $game_message.random_pitch.first
- unless $game_message.random_pitch.first >= $game_message.random_pitch.last
- # Randomize pitch
- $game_message.letter_se.pitch += rand($game_message.random_pitch.last - $game_message.random_pitch.first)
- end
- $game_message.letter_se.play # Play Letter by Letter SE
- else
- @maatsmo_lblse_char_count += 1 # Advance character count
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Resize Contents
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def resize_contents(w, h)
- bmp = contents # Save old contents
- self.contents = Bitmap.new(w, h)
- self.contents.font = bmp.font.dup
- self.contents.blt(0, 0, bmp, bmp.rect) # Draw old contents onto new
- bmp.dispose
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Fit Window to Message
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def fit_window_to_message(text)
- # Fit window to message if longes
- if !($imported[:ATS_Formatting] && $game_message.paragraph_format) &&
- $game_message.fit_window_to_message
- w, h = 0, 0
- for line in text.split(/[\n\r]+/)
- lw = mapf_calc_line_width(line) + new_line_x
- w = lw if lw > w
- h += calc_line_height(line)
- end
- $game_message.message_win_width = [$game_message.fit_window_width_range.last,
- [w + (standard_padding*2), $game_message.fit_window_width_range.first].max].min
- $game_message.message_win_height = [$game_message.fit_window_height_range.last,
- [h + (standard_padding*2), $game_message.fit_window_height_range.first].max].min
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Scroll to Next Line
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def atsmo_scroll_page(text, pos, height)
- resize_contents(contents.width, height)
- goal_oy = contents.height - contents_height
- if $game_message.scroll_speed <= 0
- self.oy = goal_oy # Instant scroll
- else
- until self.oy == goal_oy # Scroll until goal reached
- self.oy += [$game_message.scroll_speed, goal_oy - self.oy].min
- Fiber.yield
- end
- end
- end
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update Scroll Review
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- def update_scroll_review
- if Input.press?(:UP)
- self.oy -= [4, self.oy].min
- elsif Input.press?(:DOWN) # self.oy = contents.height - contents_height
- self.oy += [4, @scroll_review_max_oy - self.oy].min
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Window_ChoiceList
- #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Summary of Changes:
- # aliased method - update_placement
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_ChoiceList
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # * Update Window Position
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- alias maatsmo_updplace_3ib6 update_placement
- def update_placement(*args, &block)
- maatsmo_updplace_3ib6(*args, &block) # Call original method
- if !$imported[:ATS_AdvancedChoices]
- self.x = @message_window.x
- self.x += @message_window.width - self.width unless $game_message.name_win_x == :r
- end
- end
- end
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