赞 | 7 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 3 |
积分 | 6 |
经验 | 8536 |
最后登录 | 2022-8-26 |
在线时间 | 164 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 637
- 在线时间
- 164 小时
- 注册时间
- 2012-4-18
- 帖子
- 264
小叮鈴 发表于 2016-3-22 13:16 ![]()
我有一个道具仓库脚本,不过和YEP_ItemCore插件冲突了。不知道如果不开独立道具会不会还是冲突的,我测试的时候发现确实可以存取,但是当时开着YEP_ItemCore的独立道具(所有装备自成一格,不堆叠),然后就发生了恶性事件,装备存了就被老板黑吃了,占去仓库空间,但是看不见也取不出来= =,给你看看吧。- /*:
- PH - Warehouse/Storage
- @plugindesc This plugin allows the creation of warehouses where you can store items in the game.
- @author PrimeHover
- @version 1.0.0
- @date 11/14/2015
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @param ---Vocabulary---
- @desc Use the spaces below to personalize the vocabulary of the plugin
- @default
- @param Withdraw Text
- @desc Text shown in option "Withdraw"
- @default Withdraw
- @param Deposit Text
- @desc Text shown in option "Deposit"
- @default Deposit
- @param Available Space Text
- @desc Text shown in the information window
- @default Available Space:
- @help
- Plugin Commands:
- - PHWarehouse create <Title of the Warehouse:50> # Creates a warehouse with 50 spaces if it does not exist
- - PHWarehouse show <Title of the Warehouse> # Shows a warehouse
- - PHWarehouse remove <Title of the Warehouse> # Removes a warehouse
- The first command creates and opens a warehouse with the given title.
- If it already exists, the command will be ignored.
- Substitute "50" for the maximum number of spaces that the warehouse will have.
- If you leave the number in blank, the default size will be 50.
- Sizes cannot be changed.
- The second command opens the warehouse in the screen.
- The third command deletes an existent warehouse.
- Any remaining item in that specific warehouse will be removed as well.
- ========================================
- Script Calls: Use the commands below as a script command in a variable or conditional statement.
- - PHWarehouse.getMaxCapacity("Title of the Warehouse"); # Gets the maximum capacity of a warehouse (returns a number)
- - PHWarehouse.getCurrentCapacity("Title of the Warehouse"); # Gets the current capacity of a warehouse (returns a number)
- - PHWarehouse.exist("Title of the Warehouse"); # Checks if a warehouse exists (returns true or false)
- */
- /* Global variable for management of the warehouses */
- var PHWarehouse;
- (function() {
- /* Getting the parameters */
- var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('PH_Warehouse');
- var withdrawText = String(parameters['Withdraw Text']);
- var depositText = String(parameters['Deposit Text']);
- var availableSpaceText = String(parameters['Available Space Text']);
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
- function PHWarehouseManager() {
- this._warehouses = {};
- this._lastActive = "";
- this._lastOption = 0; // 0 = Withdraw, 1 = Deposit
- this._lastCategory = "item";
- }
- /* Creates a warehouse if it does not exist */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.createWarehouse = function(_sentence) {
- var matches = this.checkSentence(_sentence);
- var results;
- var title;
- var capacity = 50;
- if (matches != null) {
- results = matches[1].split(":");
- title = results[0];
- if (!this._warehouses.hasOwnProperty(title)) {
- if (results.length == 2) {
- capacity = parseInt(results[1]);
- if (isNaN(capacity) || capacity <= 0) {
- capacity = 50;
- }
- }
- this._warehouses[title] = {
- title: title,
- maxCapacity: capacity,
- currentCapacity: 0,
- items: {
- item: [],
- weapon: [],
- armor: [],
- keyItem: []
- },
- qtty: {
- item: {},
- weapon: {},
- armor: {},
- keyItem: {}
- }
- };
- }
- this._lastActive = title;
- }
- };
- /* Opens a warehouse */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.openWarehouse = function(_sentence) {
- var matches = this.checkSentence(_sentence);
- if (matches != null) {
- this._lastActive = matches[1];
- }
- };
- /* Get all the items from the current warehouse */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.getItems = function() {
- var totalItems = this.getCommonItems();
- totalItems = totalItems.concat(this.getArmors());
- totalItems = totalItems.concat(this.getKeyItems());
- totalItems = totalItems.concat(this.getWeapons());
- return totalItems;
- };
- /* Get weapon items */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.getWeapons = function() {
- var totalItems = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items.weapon.length; i++) {
- for (var j = 0; j < $dataWeapons.length; j++) {
- if ($dataWeapons[j] != null && this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items.weapon[i] == $dataWeapons[j].id) {
- totalItems.push($dataWeapons[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- return totalItems;
- };
- /* Get common items */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.getCommonItems = function() {
- var totalItems = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items.item.length; i++) {
- for (var j = 0; j < $dataItems.length; j++) {
- if ($dataItems[j] != null && this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items.item[i] == $dataItems[j].id) {
- totalItems.push($dataItems[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- return totalItems;
- };
- /* Get armor items */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.getArmors = function() {
- var totalItems = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items.armor.length; i++) {
- for (var j = 0; j < $dataArmors.length; j++) {
- if ($dataArmors[j] != null && this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items.armor[i] == $dataArmors[j].id) {
- totalItems.push($dataArmors[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- return totalItems;
- };
- /* Get key items */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.getKeyItems = function() {
- var totalItems = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items.keyItem.length; i++) {
- for (var j = 0; j < $dataItems.length; j++) {
- if ($dataItems[j] != null && this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items.keyItem[i] == $dataItems[j].id) {
- totalItems.push($dataItems[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- return totalItems;
- };
- /* Get the quantity for the corresponding item */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.getQuantity = function(item) {
- return this._warehouses[this._lastActive].qtty[this._lastCategory][item.id];
- };
- /* Checks whether or not the warehouse is already full */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.checkCapacity = function() {
- if (this._warehouses[this._lastActive].currentCapacity < this._warehouses[this._lastActive].maxCapacity) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- /* Deposit on warehouse */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.deposit = function(item) {
- if (this.checkCapacity()) {
- var hasItem = false;
- if (this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items[this._lastCategory].indexOf(item.id) > -1) {
- hasItem = true;
- }
- if (hasItem) {
- this._warehouses[this._lastActive].qtty[this._lastCategory][item.id]++;
- } else {
- this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items[this._lastCategory].push(item.id);
- this._warehouses[this._lastActive].qtty[this._lastCategory][item.id] = 1;
- }
- this._warehouses[this._lastActive].currentCapacity++;
- }
- };
- /* Withdraw from a warehouse */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.withdraw = function(item) {
- var hasItem = false;
- var index = this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items[this._lastCategory].indexOf(item.id);
- if (index > -1) {
- hasItem = true;
- }
- if (hasItem) {
- this._warehouses[this._lastActive].qtty[this._lastCategory][item.id]--;
- if (this._warehouses[this._lastActive].qtty[this._lastCategory][item.id] == 0) {
- this._warehouses[this._lastActive].items[this._lastCategory].splice(index, 1);
- delete this._warehouses[this._lastActive].qtty[this._lastCategory][item.id];
- }
- this._warehouses[this._lastActive].currentCapacity--;
- }
- };
- /* Remove a warehouse */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.removeWarehouse = function(_sentence) {
- var matches = this.checkSentence(_sentence);
- if (matches != null) {
- if (this._warehouses.hasOwnProperty(matches[1])) {
- delete this._warehouses[matches[1]];
- }
- }
- };
- /* Check sentences coming from the arguments */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.checkSentence = function(_sentence) {
- var regExp = /\<([^)]+)\>/;
- return regExp.exec(_sentence);
- };
- /* Return the value of the maximum capacity of the warehouse for the given title */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.getMaxCapacity = function(title) {
- if (this._warehouses.hasOwnProperty(title)) {
- return this._warehouses[title].maxCapacity;
- }
- return 0;
- };
- /* Return the value of the current capacity of the warehouse for the given title */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.getCurrentCapacity = function(title) {
- if (this._warehouses.hasOwnProperty(title)) {
- return this._warehouses[title].currentCapacity;
- }
- return 0;
- };
- /* Return whether or not the warehouse for the given title exists */
- PHWarehouseManager.prototype.exist = function(title) {
- if (this._warehouses.hasOwnProperty(title) && this._warehouses[title] !== undefined) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- * Creating PHWarehouse variable after loading the whole database
- */
- var _DataManager_loadDatabase_ = DataManager.loadDatabase;
- DataManager.loadDatabase = function() {
- _DataManager_loadDatabase_.call(this);
- PHWarehouse = new PHWarehouseManager();
- };
- /* Saves the warehouses when the player saves the game */
- var _DataManager_makeSaveContents_ = DataManager.makeSaveContents;
- DataManager.makeSaveContents = function() {
- var contents = _DataManager_makeSaveContents_.call(this);
- contents.phwarehouse = PHWarehouse._warehouses;
- return contents;
- };
- /* Retrieve the warehouses from the save content */
- var _DataManager_extractSaveContents_ = DataManager.extractSaveContents;
- DataManager.extractSaveContents = function(contents) {
- _DataManager_extractSaveContents_.call(this, contents);
- PHWarehouse = new PHWarehouseManager();
- PHWarehouse._warehouses = contents.phwarehouse;
- };
- var getAllArguments = function(args) {
- var str = args[1].toString();
- for (var i = 2; i < args.length; i++) {
- str += ' ' + args[i].toString();
- }
- return str;
- };
- var _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {
- _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
- if (command === 'PHWarehouse') {
- switch (args[0]) {
- case 'create':
- PHWarehouse.createWarehouse(getAllArguments(args));
- break;
- case 'show':
- PHWarehouse.openWarehouse(getAllArguments(args));
- SceneManager.push(Scene_Warehouse);
- break;
- case 'remove':
- PHWarehouse.removeWarehouse(getAllArguments(args));
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
- function Window_WarehouseTitle() {
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Window_WarehouseTitle.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
- Window_WarehouseTitle.prototype.constructor = Window_WarehouseTitle;
- Window_WarehouseTitle.prototype.initialize = function() {
- Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, 0, 0, Graphics.boxWidth, this.fittingHeight(1));
- this.refresh();
- };
- Window_WarehouseTitle.prototype.refresh = function() {
- this.contents.clear();
- this.changeTextColor(this.crisisColor());
- this.drawText(PHWarehouse._lastActive, 0, 0, Graphics.boxWidth, "center");
- };
- function Window_WarehouseOption() {
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Window_WarehouseOption.prototype = Object.create(Window_Selectable.prototype);
- Window_WarehouseOption.prototype.constructor = Window_WarehouseOption;
- Window_WarehouseOption.prototype.initialize = function() {
- Window_Selectable.prototype.initialize.call(this, 0, this.fittingHeight(1), Graphics.boxWidth, this.fittingHeight(1));
- this.withdrawText = withdrawText;
- this.depositText = depositText;
- this.refresh();
- this.select(0);
- this.activate();
- };
- Window_WarehouseOption.prototype.maxItems = function() {
- return 2;
- };
- Window_WarehouseOption.prototype.maxCols = function() {
- return 2;
- };
- Window_WarehouseOption.prototype.changeOption = function() {
- PHWarehouse._lastOption = this._index;
- };
- Window_WarehouseOption.prototype.refresh = function() {
- var rectWithdraw = this.itemRectForText(0);
- var rectDeposit = this.itemRectForText(1);
- this.drawText(this.withdrawText, rectWithdraw.x, rectWithdraw.y, rectWithdraw.width, "center");
- this.drawText(this.depositText, rectDeposit.x, rectDeposit.y, rectDeposit.width, "center");
- };
- function Window_WarehouseCategory() {
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Window_WarehouseCategory.prototype = Object.create(Window_ItemCategory.prototype);
- Window_WarehouseCategory.prototype.constructor = Window_WarehouseCategory;
- Window_WarehouseCategory.prototype.initialize = function() {
- Window_ItemCategory.prototype.initialize.call(this);
- this.y = this.fittingHeight(3);
- this.deselect();
- this.deactivate();
- };
- Window_WarehouseCategory.prototype.changeCategory = function() {
- PHWarehouse._lastCategory = this.currentSymbol() || "item";
- };
- Window_WarehouseCategory.prototype.setItemWindow = function(itemWindow) {
- this._itemWindow = itemWindow;
- this.update();
- };
- Window_WarehouseCategory.prototype.update = function() {
- Window_ItemCategory.prototype.update.call(this);
- this.changeCategory();
- this._itemWindow.refresh();
- };
- function Window_WarehouseItemList() {
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Window_WarehouseItemList.prototype = Object.create(Window_ItemList.prototype);
- Window_WarehouseItemList.prototype.constructor = Window_WarehouseItemList;
- Window_WarehouseItemList.prototype.initialize = function() {
- Window_ItemList.prototype.initialize.call(this, 0, this.fittingHeight(5), Graphics.boxWidth, Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(7));
- };
- Window_WarehouseItemList.prototype.isCurrentItemEnabled = function() {
- if (this._data.length > 0) {
- if (PHWarehouse._lastOption == 1 && PHWarehouse.checkCapacity()) {
- return true;
- } else if (PHWarehouse._lastOption == 0) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- Window_WarehouseItemList.prototype.makeWarehouseItemList = function() {
- var data = PHWarehouse.getItems();
- this._data = data.filter(function(item) {
- return this.includes(item);
- }, this);
- if (this.includes(null)) {
- this._data.push(null);
- }
- };
- Window_WarehouseItemList.prototype.loadItems = function() {
- // Deposit
- if (PHWarehouse._lastOption == 1) {
- this.makeItemList();
- }
- // Withdraw
- else if (PHWarehouse._lastOption == 0) {
- this.makeWarehouseItemList();
- }
- };
- Window_WarehouseItemList.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
- var item = this._data[index];
- if (item) {
- var numberWidth = this.numberWidth();
- var rect = this.itemRect(index);
- rect.width -= this.textPadding();
- this.drawItemName(item, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width - numberWidth);
- if (PHWarehouse._lastOption == 1) {
- this.drawItemNumber(item, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width);
- } else if (PHWarehouse._lastOption == 0) {
- this.drawWarehouseItemNumber(item, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width);
- }
- }
- };
- Window_WarehouseItemList.prototype.drawWarehouseItemNumber = function(item, x, y, width) {
- var qtty = PHWarehouse.getQuantity(item);
- if (typeof Yanfly !== "undefined") {
- this.contents.fontSize = Yanfly.Param.ItemQuantitySize;
- this.drawText('\u00d7' + qtty, x, y, width, 'right');
- this.resetFontSettings();
- } else {
- this.drawText(':', x, y, width - this.textWidth('00'), 'right');
- this.drawText(qtty, x, y, width, 'right');
- }
- };
- Window_WarehouseItemList.prototype.refresh = function() {
- this.contents.clear();
- this.loadItems();
- this.drawAllItems();
- };
- Window_WarehouseItemList.prototype.moveItem = function() {
- // Deposit
- if (PHWarehouse._lastOption == 1) {
- if (PHWarehouse.checkCapacity()) {
- PHWarehouse.deposit(this.item());
- $gameParty.loseItem(this.item(), 1);
- }
- }
- // Withdraw
- else if (PHWarehouse._lastOption == 0) {
- PHWarehouse.withdraw(this.item());
- $gameParty.gainItem(this.item(), 1);
- }
- };
- function Window_WarehouseInfo() {
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Window_WarehouseInfo.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
- Window_WarehouseInfo.prototype.constructor = Window_WarehouseInfo;
- Window_WarehouseInfo.prototype.initialize = function() {
- Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, 0, Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(1), Graphics.boxWidth, this.fittingHeight(1));
- this.availableSpaceText = availableSpaceText + " ";
- this.refresh();
- };
- Window_WarehouseInfo.prototype.refresh = function() {
- this.contents.clear();
- this.availableSpaceValue = (PHWarehouse._warehouses[PHWarehouse._lastActive].maxCapacity - PHWarehouse._warehouses[PHWarehouse._lastActive].currentCapacity) + " / " + PHWarehouse._warehouses[PHWarehouse._lastActive].maxCapacity;
- this.changeTextColor(this.normalColor());
- this.drawText(this.availableSpaceText + this.availableSpaceValue, 0, 0, this.x);
- };
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
- function Scene_Warehouse() {
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype = Object.create(Scene_MenuBase.prototype);
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.constructor = Scene_Warehouse;
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.initialize = function() {
- Scene_MenuBase.prototype.initialize.call(this);
- };
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.create = function() {
- Scene_MenuBase.prototype.create.call(this);
- this.createTitle();
- this.createOptions();
- this.createCategory();
- this.createItemList();
- this.createInfoLocation();
- };
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.createTitle = function() {
- this._titleWindow = new Window_WarehouseTitle();
- this.addWindow(this._titleWindow);
- };
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.createOptions = function() {
- this._optionWindow = new Window_WarehouseOption();
- this._optionWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.popScene.bind(this));
- this._optionWindow.setHandler('ok', this.onOptionOk.bind(this));
- this.addWindow(this._optionWindow);
- };
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.createCategory = function() {
- this._categoryWindow = new Window_WarehouseCategory();
- this._categoryWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.onCategoryCancel.bind(this));
- this._categoryWindow.setHandler('ok', this.onCategoryOk.bind(this));
- this.addWindow(this._categoryWindow);
- };
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.createItemList = function() {
- this._itemWindow = new Window_WarehouseItemList();
- this._itemWindow.setHandler('ok', this.onItemOk.bind(this));
- this._itemWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.onItemCancel.bind(this));
- this.addWindow(this._itemWindow);
- this._categoryWindow.setItemWindow(this._itemWindow);
- };
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.createInfoLocation = function() {
- this._infoLocationWindow = new Window_WarehouseInfo();
- this.addWindow(this._infoLocationWindow);
- };
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.onOptionOk = function() {
- this._optionWindow.changeOption();
- this._categoryWindow.activate();
- this._categoryWindow.select(0);
- this._optionWindow.deactivate();
- };
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.onCategoryOk = function() {
- this._itemWindow.activate();
- if (this._itemWindow._data.length > 0) {
- this._itemWindow.select(0);
- }
- this._categoryWindow.deactivate();
- };
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.onCategoryCancel = function() {
- this._categoryWindow.deselect();
- this._optionWindow.activate();
- };
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.onItemCancel = function() {
- this._itemWindow.deselect();
- this._categoryWindow.activate();
- };
- Scene_Warehouse.prototype.onItemOk = function() {
- SoundManager.playEquip();
- this._itemWindow.moveItem();
- this._infoLocationWindow.refresh();
- this._itemWindow.activate();
- };
- })();
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