#=============================================================================== # ■ 队伍 #=============================================================================== class Game_Party Tonghua = Struct.new(:id, :name, :info, :status) alias org_init_tonghua initialize if !defined?(org_init_tonghua) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 重定义初始化 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize @tonghua = {} org_init_tonghua end def no_tonghua? return @tonghua == {} end def tonghuas if no_tonghua? m = Tonghua.new(0,"没有电话"," ",0) return [m] end return @tonghua.values.sort_by {|m|m.id} end def get_tonghua(tonghua,info) return if @tonghua.has_key?(tonghua) id = tonghuas[-1].id + 1 @tonghua[tonghua] = Tonghua.new(id,tonghua,info,0) end def done_tonghua(tonghua) @mission[tonghua].status = 1 if @tonghua[tonghua].status == 0 end def delete_tonghua(tonghua) @tonghua.delete(tonghua) end def fail_tonghua(tonghua) @tonghua[tonghua].status = 2 if @tonghua[tonghua].status == 0 end def resume_tonghua(tonghua) @tonghua[tonghua].status = 0 if @tonghua[tonghua].status == 2 end def done_all_tonghua @tonghua.each{|k,m|m.status = 1} end def update_tonghua(tonghua,info) @tonghua[tonghua].info = info end def add_tonghua_info(tonghua,info) @tonghua[tonghua].info += "\n" + info end def delete_all_tonghua @tonghua = {} end def resume_all_tonghua @tonghua.each{|k,n|n.status = 0 if m.status == 2} end end #=============================================================================== # ■ 任务列表窗口 #=============================================================================== class Window_Tonghua < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 初始化对象 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize super(220, 90, 200, 280) self.index = 0 @tonghua = $game_party.tonghuas @item_max = @tonghua.size if self.contents != nil self.contents.dispose self.contents = nil end self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, @item_max * 32) for i in 0...@tonghua.size t = @tonghua[i].status != 0 self.contents.font.color = t ? disabled_color : normal_color text = @tonghua[i].name self.contents.draw_text(4, i * 32, 160, 32, text.to_s) self.contents.font.color = system_color end end end #=============================================================================== # ■ 任务界面 #=============================================================================== class Scene_Tonghua #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 初始化 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize @last_scene = $scene end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 主处理 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main screen = Spriteset_Map.new @tonghua = $game_party.tonghuas @tonghua_window = Window_Tonghua.new @tonghua_window.index = 0#@mission.size - 1 @index = @tonghua_window.index Graphics.transition loop do Graphics.update Input.update update if $scene != self break end end Graphics.freeze @tonghua_window.dispose screen.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 刷新画面 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update @tonghua_window.update if @index != @tonghua_window.index @index = @tonghua_window.index end return update_mission if @tonghua_window.active update_info end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 刷新任务 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_mission if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) $game_temp.common_event_id = 1 $scene = Scene_Map.new elsif Input.trigger?(Input::B) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) $scene = Scene_Map.new#$scene = @last_scene return end end end
#==============================================================================# # 便民任务界面 by EngShun # # $scene = Scene_Mission.new 打开脚本 # # 由于此版本仅做出了一些小优化, # # 因此设置方法请参考v0.7的范例 # # # # 效果说明: # # 支持普通对话框效果 # # \a[号码] :更改左右对齐方式(0,1,2)。 # # \itm[物品id] :物品数量 # # \wpn[武器id] :武器数量 # # \amr[防具id] :防具数量 # # \eval{脚本} :运行脚本 # # \1line{内容} :把多行的内容显示为一行 # # \bold :字体加粗,插入多一次关闭 # # \italic :字体打斜,插入多一次关闭 # # \f[字体名称] :更改字体 # # \s[号码] :更改字体大小 # # \p[名称] :插入图片 # # \icon[名称] :插入图标 # # # #==============================================================================# #=============================================================================== # ■ 队伍 #=============================================================================== class Game_Party Mission = Struct.new(:id, :name, :info, :status) alias org_init_mission initialize if !defined?(org_init_mission) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 重定义初始化 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize @mission = {} org_init_mission end def no_mission? return @mission == {} end def missions if no_mission? m = Mission.new(0,"没有任务"," ",0) return [m] end return @mission.values.sort_by {|m|m.id} end def get_mission(mission,info) return if @mission.has_key?(mission) id = missions[-1].id + 1 @mission[mission] = Mission.new(id,mission,info,0) end def done_mission(mission) @mission[mission].status = 1 if @mission[mission].status == 0 end def delete_mission(mission) @mission.delete(mission) end def fail_mission(mission) @mission[mission].status = 2 if @mission[mission].status == 0 end def resume_mission(mission) @mission[mission].status = 0 if @mission[mission].status == 2 end def done_all_mission @mission.each{|k,m|m.status = 1} end def update_mission(mission,info) @mission[mission].info = info end def add_mission_info(mission,info) @mission[mission].info += "\n" + info end def delete_all_mission @mission = {} end def resume_all_mission @mission.each{|k,m|m.status = 0 if m.status == 2} end end #=============================================================================== # ■ 任务列表窗口 #=============================================================================== class Window_Mission < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 初始化对象 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize super(0, 64, 200, 416) self.index = 0 @mission = $game_party.missions @item_max = @mission.size if self.contents != nil self.contents.dispose self.contents = nil end self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, @item_max * 32) for i in 0...@mission.size t = @mission[i].status != 0 self.contents.font.color = t ? disabled_color : normal_color text = @mission[i].name self.contents.draw_text(4, i * 32, 160, 32, text.to_s) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(self.contents.width-32, i * 32, 32, 32, "□",1) unless $game_party.no_mission? if @mission[i].status == 1 self.contents.font.color = crisis_color self.contents.draw_text(self.contents.width-32, i * 32, 32, 32, "√",1) elsif @mission[i].status == 2 self.contents.font.color = knockout_color self.contents.draw_text(self.contents.width-32, i * 32, 32, 32, "×",1) end end end end #=============================================================================== # ■ 任务详情窗口 #=============================================================================== class Window_MissionInfo < Window_Base attr_accessor :wait attr_accessor :scroll_up #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 初始化对象 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize super(200,64,440,416) self.contents = Bitmap.new(408, 384) @scroll_up = false @wait = 90 @items = [] @progress = 0 @draw_y = 0 @align = 0 @cache = Bitmap.new(160,160) @font = Font.new end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 刷新画面 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super parse_items if @items.size > 0 return if self.contents.height <= 384 return @wait -= 1 if @wait > 0 self.oy += @scroll_up ? -1 : 1 self.oy = 0 if self.oy < 0 self.oy = oy_max if self.oy > oy_max if self.oy <= 0 @scroll_up = false @wait = 60 elsif self.oy >= oy_max @scroll_up = true @wait = 60 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 释放 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose super @cache.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 滚动最大值 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def oy_max return self.contents.height - 384 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 刷新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh(str) str = str.clone @scroll_up = false @wait = 120 @draw_y = 0 @align = 0 @progress = 0 @lines = [] self.oy = 0 @cache.font = Font.new @font = Font.new self.contents.dispose self.contents = Bitmap.new(408, 384) parse_text(str) 12.times{parse_items} end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 描绘行 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_line(width, height, items) bitmap = Bitmap.new(width, height) bitmap.font = @font x = 0 for item in items if item.is_a?(Color) bitmap.font.color = item elsif item.is_a?(Integer) bitmap.font.size = item elsif item.is_a?(Array) bitmap.font.name = item[0] if item.size == 1 elsif item.is_a?(Bitmap) bitmap.blt(x + 2, (height - item.height) / 2, item, Rect.new(0,0,item.width,item.height)) x += item.width + 4 elsif item == :bold bitmap.font.italic = !bitmap.font.bold elsif item == :italic bitmap.font.italic = !bitmap.font.italic else bitmap.draw_text(x,0,width,height,item) x += bitmap.text_size(item).width end end return bitmap end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 解析文本 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_text(str) begin last_text = str.clone str.gsub!(/\\v\[(\d+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] } str.gsub!(/\\g/i) { $game_party.gold.to_s } str.gsub!(/\\itm\[(\d+)\]/i) { $game_party.item_number($1.to_i) } str.gsub!(/\\wpn\[(\d+)\]/i) { $game_party.weapon_number($1.to_i) } str.gsub!(/\\amr\[(\d+)\]/i) { $game_party.armor_number($1.to_i) } str.gsub!(/\\1line{(.+?)}/im) { $1.delete("\n") } str.gsub!(/\\eval{(.+?)}/im) { eval($1) } end until str == last_text str.gsub!(/\\n\[(\d+)\]/i) do $game_actors[$1.to_i] != nil ? $game_actors[$1.to_i].name : "" end str.gsub!(/\n/){"\000\002n\000"} str.gsub!(/\\\\/) { "\001" } str.gsub!(/\\a\[([0-2])\]/i){ "\000\0027#{$1}" } str.gsub!(/\\c\[(\d+)\]/i) { "\000\0020#{$1}\000" } str.gsub!(/\\bold/i) { "\000\0021\000" } str.gsub!(/\\italic/i) { "\000\0022\000" } str.gsub!(/\\f\[(\w+)\]/i) { "\000\0023#{$1}\000" } str.gsub!(/\\s\[(\d+)\]/i) { "\000\0024#{$1}\000" } str.gsub!(/\\p\[(.+?)\]/i) { "\000\0025#{$1}\000" } str.gsub!(/\\icon\[(.+?)\]/i){ "\000\0026#{$1}\000" } str.gsub!(/\001/) {"\\"} @items = str.split("\000") @items.delete("") end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 深度解析 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_items return unless @items.size > 0 bitmap = @cache width, height, items = 1, 32, [] while item = @items.delete_at(0) if item[/^\002([0-9a-z])(.*)/] case (a = $1) when '7' @align = $2.to_i when '0' color = $2.to_i bitmap.font.color = if color >= 0 and color <= 9 text_color(color) elsif color == 8 disabled_color elsif color == 9 system_color end items.push bitmap.font.color when '1' items.push :bold when '2' items.push :italic when '3' bitmap.font.name = $2 items.push [bitmap.font.name] when '4' bitmap.font.size = $2.to_i items.push bitmap.font.size when '5', '6' item = (a == 5) ? RPG::Cache.picture($2) : RPG::Cache.icon($2) if item.width > 408 item.dispose items.unshift("[图片太大无法显示]") next elsif width + item.width > 408 @items.unshift(item) break end items.push(item) width += item.width + 4 height = item.height + 4 if item.height + 4 > height when 'n' break end else str = "" size = Rect.new(0, 0, 0, 0) while s = item.slice!(/./) size = bitmap.text_size(str + s) if width + size.width > 408 item.insert(0, s) break else str += s end end if items[-1].is_a?(String) items[-1] += str else items.push(str) end width += size.width height = size.height + 4 if size.height + 4 > height if item != "" @items.unshift(item) break end end end b = draw_line(width, height, items) if @draw_y + b.height > 384 c = self.contents self.contents = Bitmap.new(408, @draw_y + b.height) self.contents.blt(0, 0, c, Rect.new(0,0,c.width, c.height)) c.dispose end x = 0 x = 204 - (b.width / 2) if @align == 1 x = 408 - b.width if @align == 2 self.contents.blt(x, @draw_y, b, Rect.new(0,0,b.width, b.height)) @draw_y += b.height end end #=============================================================================== # ■ 任务界面 #=============================================================================== class Scene_Mission #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 初始化 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize @last_scene = $scene end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 主处理 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main screen = Spriteset_Map.new @mission = $game_party.missions @window1 = Window_Base.new(0,0,200,64) @window1.contents = Bitmap.new(168,32) @window1.contents.draw_text(0,0,168,32,"任务",1) @window2 = Window_Base.new(200,0,440,64) @window2.contents = Bitmap.new(408,32) @window2.contents.draw_text(0,0,408,32,"任务说明",1) @mission_window = Window_Mission.new @mission_window.index = @mission.size - 1 @index = @mission_window.index @info_window = Window_MissionInfo.new @info_window.refresh(@mission[@index].info) Graphics.transition loop do Graphics.update Input.update update if $scene != self break end end Graphics.freeze @window1.dispose @window2.dispose @mission_window.dispose @info_window.dispose screen.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 刷新画面 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update @mission_window.update @info_window.update if @index != @mission_window.index @index = @mission_window.index @info_window.refresh(@mission[@index].info) end return update_mission if @mission_window.active update_info end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 刷新任务 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_mission if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) @mission_window.active = false @info_window.oy = 0 elsif Input.trigger?(Input::B) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) $scene = Scene_Menu.new(5)#$scene = @last_scene return end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 刷新人物详情 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_info @info_window.wait = 90 if Input.press?(Input::UP) @info_window.oy -= 3 @info_window.oy = 0 if @info_window.oy < 0 elsif Input.press?(Input::DOWN) @info_window.oy += 3 @info_window.oy = @info_window.oy_max if @info_window.oy > @info_window.oy_max elsif Input.repeat?(Input::L) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se) @mission_window.index -= 1 @mission_window.index = $game_party.missions.size - 1 if @mission_window.index < 0 elsif Input.repeat?(Input::R) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se) @mission_window.index += 1 @mission_window.index = 0 if @mission_window.index >= $game_party.missions.size elsif Input.trigger?(Input::B) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) @mission_window.active = true @info_window.scroll_up = false @info_window.oy = 0 end end end #=============================================================================== # ■ 事件处理器 #=============================================================================== class Interpreter alias orig_ec_mission execute_command if !defined?(orig_ec_mission) alias orig_ec_tonghua execute_command if !defined?(orig_ec_tonghua) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 重定义执行事件命令 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def execute_command if @index >= @list.size - 1 command_end return true end @parameters = @list[@index].parameters return command_108 if @list[@index].code == 108 return orig_ec_mission end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 注释 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def command_108 case @list[@index].parameters[0] when (/^删除任务\[(\w+)\]$/) $game_party.delete_mission($1) return true when (/^完成任务\[(\w+)\]$/) $game_party.done_mission($1) return true when "删除所有任务" $game_party.delete_all_mission return true when "完成所有任务" $game_party.done_all_mission return true when (/^放弃任务\[(\w+)\]$/) $game_party.fail_mission($1) return true when (/^恢复任务\[(\w+)\]$/) $game_party.resume_mission($1) return true when "恢复所有任务" $game_party.resume_all_mission return true when (/^删除电话\[(\w+)\]$/) $game_party.delete_tonghua($1) return true when (/^完成电话\[(\w+)\]$/) $game_party.done_tonghua($1) return true when "删除所有电话" $game_party.delete_all_tonghua return true when "完成所有电话" $game_party.done_all_tonghua return true when (/^放弃电话\[(\w+)\]$/) $game_party.fail_tonghua($1) return true when (/^恢复电话\[(\w+)\]$/) $game_party.resume_tonghua($1) return true when "恢复所有电话" $game_party.resume_all_tonghua return true end text = @list[@index].parameters[0] loop do if @list[@index+1].code == 108 or @list[@index+1].code == 408 text += "\n" + @list[@index+1].parameters[0] else break end @index += 1 end split = text.split("\n") if (split[0] == "任务设置" or split[0] == "任务更新" or split[0] == "追加说明" or split[0] == "电话设置" or split[0] == "电话更新" or split[0] == "电话追加说明") and split.size >= 3 info , name = split[2] , split[1] if split.size >= 4 for i in 3...split.size info += "\n" + split[i] end end $game_party.get_mission(name,info) if split[0] == "任务设置" $game_party.update_mission(name,info) if split[0] == "任务更新" $game_party.add_mission_info(name,info) if split[0] == "追加说明" $game_party.get_tonghua(name,info) if split[0] == "电话设置" $game_party.update_tonghua(name,info) if split[0] == "电话更新" $game_party.add_tonghua_info(name,info) if split[0] == "电话追加说明" end return true end end
1.png (96.2 KB, 下载次数: 20)
灯笼菜刀王 发表于 2018-5-25 10:56
你依样画葫芦没画好啊,不能只单单改方法名称,这个脚本是由几个class组成的,可以试试把它们先分 ...
text = @tonghua[i].name
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