赞 | 0 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 0 |
经验 | 0 |
最后登录 | 2010-5-3 |
在线时间 | 0 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 240
- 在线时间
- 0 小时
- 注册时间
- 2010-2-17
- 帖子
- 4
您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册会员
- begin
- patch = Win32API.new("1024patch.dll", "start", "p", "i")
- rescue RuntimeError
- raise ""
- end
- if (ret = patch.call("Game")) < 0
- raise ""
- end
- module RPG
- module Cache
- def self.logo(filename)
- self.load_bitmap("Graphics/Logo/", filename)
- end
- end
- end
- class Sprite < ::Sprite
- attr_accessor :透明度
- def initialize(viewport = nil)
- super(viewport)
- @透明度 = :无
- end
- end
- class NS_Ani < RPG::Sprite
- def initialize
- @v = Viewport.new(0,0,1024,768)
- @v.z = 10
- super(@v)
- self.z = 15
- self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(16,16)
- self.ox,self.oy = 8,8
- update
- end
- def ani(x,y,id)
- self.x,self.y = x,y
- animation = $data_animations[id]
- animation(animation, false)
- id = 0
- end
- def dispose
- super
- @v.dispose
- end
- def update
- super
- end
- end
- class Scene_Logo
- def main
- $data_animations = load_data("Data/Animations.rxdata")
- @anis = []
- 10.times{@anis << NS_Ani.new}
- @ani_con = []
- 10.times{@ani_con << false}
- # 计数
- @count = 0
- # 步骤
- @phase = 0
- # 移动标记
- @move = true
- # 主画面开始标记
- @logo_start = false
- # 移动步骤
- @update_01_phase = 0
- # 等待帧
- @wait = 0
- #
- @frames = [200,100]
- # number
- @number = 0
- # menu_step
- @menu_step = 0
- # aspeed
- @aspeed = 0
- # 装载
- load_bitmap
- set_sprite
- Graphics.transition(80)
- # 主循环
- loop do
- # 刷新游戏画面
- Graphics.update
- # 刷新输入信息
- Input.update
- # 刷新画面
- update
- # 如果画面被切换就中断循环
- if $scene != self
- break
- end
- end
- # 装备过渡
- Graphics.freeze
- end
- def load_bitmap
- @bitmap_black = RPG::Cache.logo("black.jpg")
- @bitmap_t1 = RPG::Cache.logo("字.png")
- @bitmap_bg_land = RPG::Cache.logo("bg_land.jpg")
- @bitmap_bg_sky = RPG::Cache.logo("bg_sky.png")
- @bitmap_bg_ff = RPG::Cache.logo("bg_ff.png")
- @people1 = RPG::Cache.logo("1.png")
- @people1max = RPG::Cache.logo("2.png")
- @people2 = RPG::Cache.logo("未标题-1.png")
- @people2max = RPG::Cache.logo("未标题-2.png")
- @people3 = RPG::Cache.logo("未标题-3.png")
- @people3max = RPG::Cache.logo("未标题-4.png")
- @peoplemax = RPG::Cache.logo("c2.png")
- @evl = RPG::Cache.logo("c.png")
- @white = RPG::Cache.logo("white.png")
- @bitmap_t2 = RPG::Cache.logo("logo.png")
- @bitmap_yun1 = RPG::Cache.logo("yun1.png")
- @bitmap_yun2 = RPG::Cache.logo("yun2.png")
- @bitmap_yun2 = RPG::Cache.logo("yun3.png")
- @bitmap_light1 = RPG::Cache.logo("line1.png")
- @bitmap_light2 = RPG::Cache.logo("line2.png")
- @bitmap_light3 = RPG::Cache.logo("line3.png")
- end
- def set_sprite
- @s1 = Sprite.new
- @s1.bitmap = @bitmap_black
- @s1.z = 5
- @s2 = Sprite.new
- @s2.bitmap = @bitmap_black.clone
- @s2.z = 5
- @s2.y = 384
- @s3 = Sprite.new
- @s3.bitmap = @bitmap_t1
- @s3.x,@s3.y,@s3.z = 400,768/[email protected]/2+7,6
- @s_b1 = Sprite.new
- @s_b1.bitmap = @bitmap_bg_land
- @s_b1.x,@s_b1.y,@s_b1.z = 0,768-@s_b1.bitmap.height,0
- end
- def update
- update_count
- update_move if @move
- update_move_bg if @move_bg != nil
- @anis.each{|n|
- n.update if n.effect?
- }
- case @phase
- when 0
- update_01
- when 1
- update_02
- when 2
- update_03
- when 3
- update_04
- when 4
- update_05
- when 5
- update_06
- when 6
- update_07
- when 7
- update_08
- when 8
- update_09
- when 9
- update_10
- when 10
- update_11
- when 11
- update_12
- when 12
- update_13
- end
- end
- def update_move
- if @logo_start == true
- @s_b1.x -= 1 if Graphics.frame_count % 2 == 0
- else
- @s_b1.x -= 1
- end
- @s_b1.x = 0 if @s_b1.x == -@s_b1.bitmap.width + 1024
- end
- def update_move_bg
- @move_bg.x -= 1 if Graphics.frame_count % 5 == 0
- if @move_bg.x == -(1341)
- @move_bg.x = 0
- end
- end
- def update_count
- if Graphics.frame_count >= 400
- Graphics.frame_reset
- Graphics.frame_count = 0
- end
- @count += 1
- @wait -= 1 if @wait > 0
- end
- def update_01
- case @update_01_phase
- when 0
- @s1.y -= 1
- @s2.y += 1
- when 1
- when 2
- @s1.y -= 3
- @s2.y += 3
- end
- if @s1.y == -70
- @update_01_phase = 1
- @phase = 1
- end
- end
- def update_02
- 淡出(@s3) if @wait == 0
- end
- def update_03
- 淡入(@s3) if @wait == 0
- end
- def update_04
- 淡出(@s3) if @wait == 0
- if @wait> 0
- @peple_bg.x -= 1
- @peple_bg.opacity -= 2.5 if @wait < 80
- end
- end
- def update_05
- 淡入(@s3) if @wait == 0
- end
- def update_06
- 淡出(@s3) if @wait == 0
- if @wait > 0
- @peple_bg.x += 1
- @peple_bg.opacity -= 2.5 if @wait < 80
- end
- end
- def update_07
- 淡入(@s3) if @wait == 0
- end
- def update_08
- 淡出(@s3) if @wait == 0
- if @wait> 0
- @peple_bg.x -= 1
- @peple_bg.opacity -= 2.5 if @wait < 80
- end
- end
- def update_09
- # 交替图片
- if @s3.x <= -1800
- @s3.bitmap = RPG::Cache.logo("ani01/mc1.png")
- @number = 1
- @s3.x = -350
- @phase += 1
- @wait = 100
- end
- @s3.x -= 10
- if @wait < 100
- @peple_bg.x += 10
- end
- end
- def update_10
- if @number < 14
- @number += 1 if Graphics.frame_count % 2 == 0
- @s3.bitmap = RPG::Cache.logo("ani01/mc"[email protected]_s+".png")
- #if @number == 13
- #Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/se01.WAV")
- #end
- end
- if @s1.y <= -400
- @s3.bitmap.clear
- @s3.bitmap = @white
- @s3.x,@s3.y = -100,0
- @s3.opacity = 0
- @透明度 = :上升
- # 建立菜单
- @menu_a = Sprite.new
- @menu_a.bitmap = RPG::Cache.logo("menu_a.png")
- @menu_a.x,@menu_a.y,@menu_a.z = 1024,300,7
- @menu_a.opacity = 0
- @menu_b = Sprite.new
- @menu_b.bitmap = RPG::Cache.logo("menu_b.png")
- @menu_b.x,@menu_b.y,@menu_b.z = 1024+100,380,7
- @menu_b.opacity = 0
- @menu_c = Sprite.new
- @menu_c.bitmap = RPG::Cache.logo("menu_c.png")
- @menu_c.x,@menu_c.y,@menu_c.z = 1024+200,460,7
- @menu_c.opacity = 0
- @menu_d = Sprite.new
- @menu_d.bitmap = RPG::Cache.logo("menu_d.png")
- @menu_d.x,@menu_d.y,@menu_d.z = 1024+300,540,7
- @menu_d.opacity = 0
- @phase += 1
- end
- case @wait
- when 81..100
- @s3.x += @number + 10
- when 60
- @s3.x += @number + 20
- @s3.bitmap = RPG::Cache.logo("ani01/mc15.png")
- @s_b2 = Sprite.new
- @s_b2.bitmap = @bitmap_bg_sky
- @s_b2.x,@s_b2.y,@s_b2.z = 0,0,1
- @s_b3 = Sprite.new
- @s_b3.bitmap = @bitmap_bg_ff
- @s_b3.x,@s_b3.y,@s_b3.z = 0,150,2
- # 播放拉开声效
- # Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/se08.WAV")
- when 61..80
- else
- @s3.x += @number + 30
- @s1.y -= 6
- @s2.y += 6
- end
- end
- def update_11
- if @透明度 == :上升
- @s3.opacity += 5
- end
- if @透明度 == :下降
- if @wait == 0
- @s3.opacity -= 5
- end
- if @s3.opacity == 0
- Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/se08.WAV")
- @s3.bitmap = @bitmap_t2
- @s3.x,@s3.y = 280,50
- @s3.opacity = 0
- @phase += 1
- end
- end
- if @s3.opacity == 255 and @透明度 == :上升
- @wait = 30
- @透明度 = :下降
- @logo_start = true
- # 停止移動
- @move = false
- # 移动背景
- @move_bg = Sprite.new
- @move_bg.bitmap = RPG::Cache.logo("bg_move.png")
- @move_bg.z = 5
- end
- end
- def update_12
- @s3.opacity += 5 if @s3.opacity < 255
- if @s3.opacity == 255
- @phase += 1
- @count = 0
- @l1 = Sprite.new
- @l1.bitmap = @bitmap_light1
- @l2 = Sprite.new
- @l2.bitmap = @bitmap_light2
- @l3 = Sprite.new
- @l3.bitmap = @bitmap_light3
- @l1.z,@l2.z,@l3.z = 20,20,20
- @l1.opacity,@l2.opacity,@l3.opacity = 0,0,0
- @yun1 = Sprite.new
- @yun1.bitmap = @bitmap_yun1
- @yun2 = Sprite.new
- @yun2.bitmap = @bitmap_yun2
- @yun3 = Sprite.new
- @yun3.bitmap = @bitmap_yun3
- @yun1.z,@yun2.z,@yun3.z = 19,19,19
- @yun1.x,@yun1.y = 1024,0
- @yun2.x,@yun2.y = 1700,0
- @yun3.x,@yun3.y = 2200,0
- #Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/music.mp3",100)
- @menu_step = 1
- end
- end
- def update_13
- update_light
- update_yun
- update_menu
- case @count
- when 1
- #Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/se08.WAV")
- @anis[7].ani(200,400,990)
- when 30
- @anis[8].ani(200,600,988)
- #when 120
- #$@anis[9].ani(200,400,989)
- end
- if !@anis[7].effect? and @ani_con[7] == false
- @anis[7].ani(430,680,999)
- @ani_con[7] = true
- end
- if !@anis[8].effect? and @ani_con[8] == false and @count >= 30
- @anis[8].ani(770,600,987)
- @ani_con[8] = true
- end
- =begin
- if !@anis[9].effect? and @ani_con[9] == false and @count >= 120
- @anis[9].ani(820,240,989)
- @ani_con[9] = true
- end
- =end
- end
- def update_light
- case @count
- when 20
- @l1.透明度 = :上升
- @l1.x = -200+rand(300)
- when 125
- @l2.透明度 = :上升
- @l2.x = 100+rand(300)
- when 250
- @l3.透明度 = :上升
- @l3.x = 400+rand(300)
- end
- if @l1.透明度 == :上升
- @l1.opacity += 2
- #@l1.x += 0.1
- end
- if @l2.透明度 == :上升
- @l2.opacity += 2
- #@l2.x += 0.1
- end
- if @l3.透明度 == :上升
- @l3.opacity += 2
- #@l3.x += 0.1
- end
- if @l1.透明度 == :下降
- @l1.opacity -= 2
- #@l1.x += 0.1
- end
- if @l2.透明度 == :下降
- @l2.opacity -= 2
- #@l2.x += 0.1
- end
- if @l3.透明度 == :下降
- @l3.opacity -= 2
- #@l3.x += 0.1
- end
- if @l1.opacity == 255
- @l1.透明度 = :下降
- end
- if @l2.opacity == 255
- @l2.透明度 = :下降
- end
- if @l3.opacity == 255
- @l3.透明度 = :下降
- end
- if @l1.opacity == 0 and @count > 250
- @l1.透明度 = :上升
- @l1.x = -200+rand(300)
- end
- if @l2.opacity == 0 and @count > 250
- @l2.透明度 = :上升
- @l2.x = 100+rand(300)
- end
- if @l3.opacity == 0 and @count > 250
- @l3.透明度 = :上升
- @l3.x = 400+rand(300)
- end
- end
- def update_yun
- if Graphics.frame_count % 3 == 0
- @yun1.x -= 1
- @yun2.x -= 1
- @yun3.x -= 1
- end
- @yun1.x = 1024 if @yun1.x <= -700
- @yun2.x = 1700 if @yun1.x <= -800
- @yun3.x = 2200 if @yun1.x <= -600
- end
- def 淡出(obj)
- if obj.opacity == 0
- case @phase
- when 1
- @wait = 120
- @s3.bitmap = @people1
- @s3.x,@s3.y = 80,200
- when 3
- @wait = 60
- @s3.bitmap = @people2
- @s3.x,@s3.y = 580,200
- when 5
- @wait = 60
- @s3.bitmap = @people3
- @s3.x,@s3.y = 80,200
- when 7
- # 左右交替图片
- @wait = 200
- @s3.bitmap = @peoplemax
- @s3.x,@s3.y = 1024,200
- @s3.opacity = 255
- @peple_bg.bitmap = @evl
- @peple_bg.x,@peple_bg.y = -800,339
- @peple_bg.opacity = 255
- #Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/se05.wav")
- end
- @phase += 1
- else
- obj.opacity -= 5 if obj.opacity > 0
- end
- end
- def update_menu
- if @menu_step != 0
- @aspeed += 1 if @aspeed <= 30
- end
- case @menu_step
- when 0
- when 1
- if @menu_a.opacity != 255
- @menu_a.opacity += 5
- end
- if @menu_a.x <= 730 and @menu_a.x > 700
- Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/se03.WAV")
- end
- if @menu_a.x <= 700
- @menu_a.x = 700
- if @menu_a.opacity != 255
- @menu_a.opacity += 2
- else
- @menu_step += 1
- end
- else
- @menu_a.x -= @aspeed
- end
- when 2
- if @menu_b.opacity != 255
- @menu_b.opacity += 5
- end
- if @menu_b.x <= 730 and @menu_b.x > 700
- Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/se03.WAV")
- end
- if @menu_b.x <= 700
- @menu_b.x = 700
- @menu_step += 1
- else
- @menu_b.x -= @aspeed
- end
- when 3
- if @menu_c.opacity != 255
- @menu_c.opacity += 5
- end
- if @menu_c.x <= 730 and @menu_c.x > 700
- Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/se03.WAV")
- end
- if @menu_c.x <= 700
- @menu_c.x = 700
- @menu_step += 1
- else
- @menu_c.x -= @aspeed
- end
- when 4
- if @menu_d.opacity != 255
- @menu_d.opacity += 5
- end
- if @menu_d.x <= 730 and @menu_d.x > 700
- Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/se03.WAV")
- end
- if @menu_d.x <= 700
- @menu_d.x = 700
- @menu_step += 1
- Graphics.frame_reset
- Graphics.frame_count = 0
- @wait = 60
- @random = [60+rand(40),100+rand(40),140+rand(40),180+rand(40),220+rand(40),260+rand(40)]
- @command_index = 0
- else
- @menu_d.x -= @aspeed
- end
- when 5
- Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/music.mp3",100) if @wait == 1
- update_ani
- update_command
- case @command_index
- when 0
- @menu_a.opacity < 255 ? @menu_a.opacity += 5 : @menu_a.opacity = 255
- @menu_b.opacity > 100 ? @menu_b.opacity -= 5 : @menu_b.opacity = 100
- @menu_c.opacity > 100 ? @menu_c.opacity -= 5 : @menu_c.opacity = 100
- @menu_d.opacity > 100 ? @menu_d.opacity -= 5 : @menu_d.opacity = 100
- @menu_a.x > 650 ? @menu_a.x -= 4 : @menu_a.x = 650
- @menu_b.x < 700 ? @menu_b.x += 4 : @menu_b.x = 700
- @menu_c.x < 700 ? @menu_c.x += 4 : @menu_c.x = 700
- @menu_d.x < 700 ? @menu_d.x += 4 : @menu_d.x = 700
- when 1
- @menu_b.opacity < 255 ? @menu_b.opacity += 5 : @menu_b.opacity = 255
- @menu_a.opacity > 100 ? @menu_a.opacity -= 5 : @menu_a.opacity = 100
- @menu_c.opacity > 100 ? @menu_c.opacity -= 5 : @menu_c.opacity = 100
- @menu_d.opacity > 100 ? @menu_d.opacity -= 5 : @menu_d.opacity = 100
- @menu_b.x > 650 ? @menu_b.x -= 4 : @menu_b.x = 650
- @menu_a.x < 700 ? @menu_a.x += 4 : @menu_a.x = 700
- @menu_c.x < 700 ? @menu_c.x += 4 : @menu_c.x = 700
- @menu_d.x < 700 ? @menu_d.x += 4 : @menu_d.x = 700
- when 2
- @menu_c.opacity < 255 ? @menu_c.opacity += 5 : @menu_c.opacity = 255
- @menu_a.opacity > 100 ? @menu_a.opacity -= 5 : @menu_a.opacity = 100
- @menu_b.opacity > 100 ? @menu_b.opacity -= 5 : @menu_b.opacity = 100
- @menu_d.opacity > 100 ? @menu_d.opacity -= 5 : @menu_d.opacity = 100
- @menu_c.x > 650 ? @menu_c.x -= 4 : @menu_c.x = 650
- @menu_b.x < 700 ? @menu_b.x += 4 : @menu_b.x = 700
- @menu_a.x < 700 ? @menu_a.x += 4 : @menu_a.x = 700
- @menu_d.x < 700 ? @menu_d.x += 4 : @menu_d.x = 700
- when 3
- @menu_d.opacity < 255 ? @menu_d.opacity += 5 : @menu_d.opacity = 255
- @menu_a.opacity > 100 ? @menu_a.opacity -= 5 : @menu_a.opacity = 100
- @menu_b.opacity > 100 ? @menu_b.opacity -= 5 : @menu_b.opacity = 100
- @menu_c.opacity > 100 ? @menu_c.opacity -= 5 : @menu_c.opacity = 100
- @menu_d.x > 650 ? @menu_d.x -= 4 : @menu_d.x = 650
- @menu_b.x < 700 ? @menu_b.x += 4 : @menu_b.x = 700
- @menu_c.x < 700 ? @menu_c.x += 4 : @menu_c.x = 700
- @menu_a.x < 700 ? @menu_a.x += 4 : @menu_a.x = 700
- end
- end
- end
- def update_command
- @command_index = 3 if @command_index == -1
- @command_index = 0 if @command_index == 4
- if Input.repeat?(Input::UP)
- @command_index -= 1# if @command_index != 0
- Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/se03.WAV")
- return
- end
- if Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN)
- @command_index += 1# if @command_index != 3
- Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/se03.WAV")
- return
- end
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- if @thelastpic.nil?
- @thelastpic = Sprite.new
- @thelastpic.bitmap = RPG::Cache.logo("msg2.png")
- @thelastpic.opacity = 0
- @thelastpic.z = 99
- end
- begin
- Graphics.update
- @thelastpic.opacity += 5
- end until @thelastpic.opacity == 255
- sleep 3
- begin
- Graphics.update
- @thelastpic.opacity -= 5
- end until @thelastpic.opacity == 0
- return
- end
- end
- def update_ani
- case Graphics.frame_count
- when 0
- @random = [60+rand(40),100+rand(40),140+rand(40),180+rand(40),220+rand(40),260+rand(40)]
- when @random[0]
- @ani_con[7] = false
- @anis[7].ani(200,400,990)
- when @random[1]
- @ani_con[8] = false
- @anis[8].ani(200,600,988)
- when @random[2]
- @ani_con[9] = false
- @anis[9].ani(200,400,989)
- when @random[3]
- @ani_con[5] = false
- @anis[5].ani(200,400,991)
- when @random[4]
- @ani_con[4] = false
- @anis[4].ani(200,400,993)
- when @random[5]
- @ani_con[6] = false
- @anis[6].ani(0,400,995)
- end
- if !@anis[7].effect? and @ani_con[7] == false and Graphics.frame_count >= @random[0]
- @anis[7].ani(430,680,999)
- @ani_con[7] = true
- end
- if !@anis[8].effect? and @ani_con[8] == false and Graphics.frame_count >= @random[1]
- @anis[8].ani(770,600,987)
- @ani_con[8] = true
- end
- if !@anis[9].effect? and @ani_con[9] == false and Graphics.frame_count >= @random[2]
- @anis[9].ani(800,232,989)
- @ani_con[9] = true
- end
- if !@anis[5].effect? and @ani_con[5] == false and Graphics.frame_count >= @random[3]
- @anis[5].ani(700,640,992)
- @ani_con[5] = true
- end
- if !@anis[4].effect? and @ani_con[4] == false and Graphics.frame_count >= @random[4]
- @anis[4].ani(820,410,994)
- @ani_con[4] = true
- end
- if !@anis[6].effect? and @ani_con[6] == false and Graphics.frame_count >= @random[5]
- @anis[6].ani(640,400,996)
- @ani_con[6] = true
- end
- end
- def 淡入(obj)
- if obj.opacity == 255
- case @phase
- when 2
- @wait = 100
- @peple_bg = Sprite.new
- @peple_bg.bitmap = @people1max
- @peple_bg.x,@peple_bg.y,@peple_bg.z = 300,-98,7
- @peple_bg.opacity = 255
- when 4
- @wait = 100
- @peple_bg.bitmap = @people2max
- @peple_bg.x = 0
- @peple_bg.opacity = 255
- when 6
- @wait = 100
- @peple_bg.bitmap = @people3max
- @peple_bg.x = 300
- @peple_bg.opacity = 255
- end
- @phase += 1
- else
- obj.opacity += 5 if obj.opacity < 255
- end
- end
- end
复制代码 怎么让这脚本按新游戏图标进入游戏?要修改哪方面? |