赞 | 0 |
VIP | 170 |
好人卡 | 5 |
积分 | 1 |
经验 | 15787 |
最后登录 | 2013-8-6 |
在线时间 | 285 小时 |
Lv1.梦旅人 垃圾死人
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 50
- 在线时间
- 285 小时
- 注册时间
- 2009-1-27
- 帖子
- 2420
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脚本scene_slg(敌人AI)的196行发生NoMethodError undefined method 'setup_event'for nil:nilclass
对应脚本时这句 $path_finding.setup_event(index)
- class Scene_SLG
- #==========================================================================
- # ■ 敌人AI计算
- #==========================================================================
- def start_phaseAI
- # 转移到回合 0
- @phase = 0
- # 生成敌人行动
- if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- @active_battler.make_action
- if enemy_decide_target(@active_battler) == false
- # 寻找目标失败的话,不行动
- @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
- @active_battler.current_action.basic = 3
- end
- end
- end
- # ◎刷新
- def update_phaseAI
- # 事件移动
- $game_map.events[@active_battler.event_id].move_type_custom
- # 镜头跟随
- if $game_map.events[@active_battler.event_id].moving?
- max_x = ($game_map.width - 20) * 128
- max_y = ($game_map.height - 15) * 128
- $game_map.display_x = [0, [
- $game_map.events[@active_battler.event_id].real_x - CENTER_X, max_x].min].max
- $game_map.display_y = [0, [
- $game_map.events[@active_battler.event_id].real_y - CENTER_Y, max_y].min].max
- return
- end
- # 开始行动回合
- start_phase5
- end
- #==========================================================================
- # ■ 算法
- #==========================================================================
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ◎确定目标
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def enemy_decide_target(battler)
- # 检测视野
- check_view_range(battler)
- # 无仇恨就放弃行动
- if battler.hate_list.compact == []
- return false
- end
- case battler.current_action.kind
- # 基本
- when 0
- # 攻击
- if battler.current_action.basic == 0
- battler.current_action.kind = 1
- skill = $data_skills[battler.skill_of_attack]
- battler.current_action.skill_id = skill.id
- make_range_and_aoe(skill)
- decide_damage_target
- end
- # 特技
- when 1
- # 记录
- skill = $data_skills[battler.current_action.skill_id]
- make_range_and_aoe(skill)
- decide_damage_target
- # 物品
- when 2
- # 敌人无物品
- return false
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ◎检测视野,force为true的话强行添加仇恨列表
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def check_view_range(battler, force=false)
- # 已存在仇恨列表的话,不检测
- if battler.hate_list != [] and !force
- return
- end
- # 取得初始位置
- ori_grid = Grid.new $game_map.events[battler.event_id].x, $game_map.events[battler.event_id].y
- view_grids = get_target_range(ori_grid, battler.view_range)
- for grid in view_grids
- for actor in @actors
- # actor为nil就跳过
- next if actor == nil
- # 角色在其视野内,不隐身或死亡,对其无仇恨的话
- if $game_map.events[actor.event_id].x == grid.x and
- $game_map.events[actor.event_id].y == grid.y and
- !actor.hp0? and battler.hate_list[actor.event_id] == nil
- # 添加到仇恨列表
- battler.hate_list[actor.event_id] = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ◎仇恨列表排序(仇恨列表理论上支持同时对1000个单位有仇恨)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def sort_hate_list(battler)
- # 获得列表
- list = battler.hate_list.dup
- # 在个位、十位和百位标记位置
- for number in 0...list.size
- # 不为nil的话,标记
- if list[number] != nil
- list[number] = list[number] * 1000 + number
- end
- end
- # 排序(由小到大)
- list.compact!
- list.sort!
- list.reverse!
- #返回列表
- return list
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ◎确认敌人目标
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def decide_damage_target
- battler = @active_battler
- # 取得初始位置
- ori_grid = Grid.new $game_map.events[battler.event_id].x, $game_map.events[battler.event_id].y
- # 取得排好序的仇恨列表
- # 第一张是一次行动就能攻击用,第二张是长距离移动用
- list1 = sort_hate_list(battler)
- list2 = list1.dup
- # 计算移动范围
- @move_range_grids = get_move_range(ori_grid, battler.move_range)
- # 一次行动可及距离
- @available_range = battler.current_action.range +
- battler.current_action.aoe - 1 + battler.move_range
- # 攻击可及距离
- @attack_range = battler.current_action.range +
- battler.current_action.aoe - 1
- # 不用AOE可及距离
- @no_aoe_range = battler.current_action.range
- # AOE可及距离
- @aoe_range = battler.current_action.aoe
- # 循环
- loop do
- # 取得列表排首位的角色
- actor_id = list1.shift
- # 找不到角色就进行移动处理
- if actor_id != nil
- # 还原角色ID
- actor_id %= 1000
- # 不打死人
- next if @battlers[actor_id].death
- # 取得角色坐标
- actor_x = $game_map.events[actor_id].x
- actor_y = $game_map.events[actor_id].y
- actor_grid = Grid.new(actor_x, actor_y)
- # 获得双方距离
- @battler_range = (actor_x - ori_grid.x).abs + (actor_y - ori_grid.y).abs
- # 一次行动就可以攻击到的话
- if @battler_range <= @available_range
- # 不用移动就可以攻击到的话
- if @battler_range <= @attack_range
- # 调用获得行动目标格子
- decide_target_grid(ori_grid, actor_grid)
- return
- end
- # 需要移动才攻击到
- # 匹配格子
- for grid in @move_range_grids
- if (actor_x - grid.x).abs + (
- actor_y - grid.y).abs <= @attack_range and
- @battler_coordinate[grid.x, grid.y] == 0
- # 设置移动路线(采用短距离算法)
- index = battler.event_id
- setup_path(index, grid)
- start_event(index)
- # 确定目标
- decide_target_grid(grid, actor_grid)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- # 找不到一次行动就可以攻击到的目标的话,移动
- else
- # 初始化对比路径
- available_paths = []
- # 移动到最近的战斗者
- for actor_id in list2
- next if actor_id == nil
- # 还原角色ID
- actor_id %= 1000
- # 取得角色坐标
- actor_x = $game_map.events[actor_id].x
- actor_y = $game_map.events[actor_id].y
- actor_grid = Grid.new(actor_x, actor_y)
- # 采用长距离移动算法
- index = battler.event_id
- $path_finding.setup_event(index)
- if $path_finding.add_paths_event(index, actor_grid.x, actor_grid.y,
- [$game_map.events[actor_id]]) != false
- available_paths.push $game_map.events[index].path.list
- end
- end
- # 寻路失败就返回false
- return false if available_paths == []
- # 按照移动路径远近排序
- available_paths.sort! do |a, b|
- a.size <=> b.size
- end
- # 清空路径
- $game_map.events[index].path.list = []
- # 代入最短的路径(限制步数)
- for step in 0...battler.move_range
- $game_map.events[index].path.list.push(available_paths[0][step])
- end
- # 防止战斗者重叠
- loop do
- # 路径上所有格子都被阻挡的话就放弃移动
- break if $game_map.events[index].path.list == []
- end_grid = get_path_end_grid(ori_grid, $game_map.events[index].path.list)
- if @battler_coordinate[end_grid.x, end_grid.y] == 0
- # 开始行动
- $path_finding.start_event(index)
- # 休息
- battler.current_action.kind = 0
- battler.current_action.basic = 3
- return
- end
- # 删除最后一步,继续检查
- $game_map.events[index].path.list.pop
- end
- # 休息
- battler.current_action.kind = 0
- battler.current_action.basic = 3
- return
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ◎获得行动目标格子
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def decide_target_grid(start_grid, target_grid)
- # 在射程内(不用AOE)的话,直接以角色的格子为目标
- if @battler_range <= @no_aoe_range
- @active_battler.current_action.target_grid = target_grid
- return
- # 需要AOE范围的话
- else
- # 从目标开始铺AOE范围
- aoe_grids = get_target_aoe(target_grid, @aoe_range)
- # 从自己开始铺射程范围
- range_grids = get_target_range(start_grid, @no_aoe_range)
- # 匹配格子
- for grid in range_grids
- if grid.compare_grids(aoe_grids) == true
- @active_battler.current_action.target_grid = grid
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
复制代码 版务信息:本贴由楼主自主结贴~ |