赞 | 3 |
VIP | 35 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 3 |
经验 | 10768 |
最后登录 | 2022-8-10 |
在线时间 | 185 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 344
- 在线时间
- 185 小时
- 注册时间
- 2007-9-2
- 帖子
- 168
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【梦幻多体攻击脚本】- class Scene_Battle
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 设置物品或特技对像方的战斗者
- # scope : 特技或者是物品的范围
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_target_battlers(scope)
- # 行动方的战斗者是敌人的情况下
- if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- # 效果范围分支
- case scope
- when 1 # 敌单体
- index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
- @target_battlers.push($game_party.smooth_target_actor(index))
- dr_ac
- when 2 # 敌全体
- for actor in $game_party.actors
- if actor.exist?
- @target_battlers.push(actor)
- end
- end
- when 3 # 我方单体
- index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
- @target_battlers.push($game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(index))
- dr_dr
- when 4 # 我方全体
- for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
- if enemy.exist?
- @target_battlers.push(enemy)
- end
- end
- when 5 # 我方单体 (HP 0)
- index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
- enemy = $game_troop.enemies[index]
- if enemy != nil and enemy.hp0?
- @target_battlers.push(enemy)
- end
- when 6 # 我方全体 (HP 0)
- for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
- if enemy != nil and enemy.hp0?
- @target_battlers.push(enemy)
- end
- end
- when 7 # 使用者
- @target_battlers.push(@active_battler)
- end
- end
- # 行动方的战斗者是角色的情况下
- if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
- # 效果范围分支
- case scope
- when 1 # 敌单体
- index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
- @target_battlers.push($game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(index))
- ac_dr
- when 2 # 敌全体
- for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
- if enemy.exist?
- @target_battlers.push(enemy)
- end
- end
- when 3 # 我方单体
- index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
- @target_battlers.push($game_party.smooth_target_actor(index))
- ac_ac
- when 4 # 我方全体
- for actor in $game_party.actors
- if actor.exist?
- @target_battlers.push(actor)
- end
- end
- when 5 # 我方单体 (HP 0)
- index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
- actor = $game_party.actors[index]
- if actor != nil and actor.hp0?
- @target_battlers.push(actor)
- end
- when 6 # 我方全体 (HP 0)
- for actor in $game_party.actors
- if actor != nil and actor.hp0?
- @target_battlers.push(actor)
- end
- end
- when 7 # 使用者
- @target_battlers.push(@active_battler)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- module RPG
- class Sprite < ::Sprite
- @@_animations = []
- @@_reference_count = {}
- def initialize(viewport = nil)
- super(viewport)
- @_whiten_duration = 0
- @_appear_duration = 0
- @_escape_duration = 0
- @_collapse_duration = 0
- @_damage_duration = 0
- @_animation_duration = 0
- @_blink = false
- end
- def dispose
- dispose_damage
- dispose_animation
- dispose_loop_animation
- super
- end
- def xiaoshi=(xiaoshi)
- @xiaoshi = xiaoshi
- return @xiaoshi
- end
- def xiaoshi
- return @xiaoshi
- end
- def whiten
- self.blend_type = 0
- self.color.set(255, 255, 255, 128)
- self.opacity = 255
- @_whiten_duration = 16
- @_appear_duration = 0
- @_escape_duration = 0
- @_collapse_duration = 0
- end
- def appear
- self.blend_type = 0
- self.color.set(0, 0, 0, 0)
- self.opacity = 0
- @_appear_duration = 16
- @_whiten_duration = 0
- @_escape_duration = 0
- @_collapse_duration = 0
- end
- def escape
- self.blend_type = 0
- self.color.set(0, 0, 0, 0)
- self.opacity = 255
- @_escape_duration = 32
- @_whiten_duration = 0
- @_appear_duration = 0
- @_collapse_duration = 0
- end
- def collapse
- self.blend_type = 1
- self.color.set(255, 64, 64, 255)
- self.opacity = 255
- @_collapse_duration = 48
- @_whiten_duration = 0
- @_appear_duration = 0
- @_escape_duration = 0
- end
- def animation(animation, hit)
- dispose_animation
- @_animation = animation
- return if @_animation == nil
- @_animation_hit = hit
- @_animation_duration = @_animation.frame_max
- animation_name = @_animation.animation_name
- animation_hue = @_animation.animation_hue
- bitmap = RPG::Cache.animation(animation_name, animation_hue)
- if @@_reference_count.include?(bitmap)
- @@_reference_count[bitmap] += 1
- else
- @@_reference_count[bitmap] = 1
- end
- @_animation_sprites = []
- if @_animation.position != 3 or not @@_animations.include?(animation)
- for i in 0..15
- sprite = ::Sprite.new(self.viewport)
- sprite.bitmap = bitmap
- sprite.visible = false
- @_animation_sprites.push(sprite)
- end
- unless @@_animations.include?(animation)
- @@_animations.push(animation)
- end
- end
- update_animation
- end
- def loop_animation(animation)
- return if animation == @_loop_animation
- dispose_loop_animation
- @_loop_animation = animation
- return if @_loop_animation == nil
- @_loop_animation_index = 0
- animation_name = @_loop_animation.animation_name
- animation_hue = @_loop_animation.animation_hue
- bitmap = RPG::Cache.animation(animation_name, animation_hue)
- if @@_reference_count.include?(bitmap)
- @@_reference_count[bitmap] += 1
- else
- @@_reference_count[bitmap] = 1
- end
- @_loop_animation_sprites = []
- for i in 0..15
- sprite = ::Sprite.new(self.viewport)
- sprite.bitmap = bitmap
- sprite.visible = false
- @_loop_animation_sprites.push(sprite)
- end
- update_loop_animation
- end
- def dispose_damage
- if @_damage_sprite != nil
- @_damage_sprite.bitmap.dispose
- @_damage_sprite.dispose
- @_damage_sprite = nil
- @_damage_duration = 0
- end
- end
- def dispose_animation
- if @_animation_sprites != nil
- sprite = @_animation_sprites[0]
- if sprite != nil
- @@_reference_count[sprite.bitmap] -= 1
- if @@_reference_count[sprite.bitmap] == 0
- sprite.bitmap.dispose
- end
- end
- for sprite in @_animation_sprites
- sprite.dispose
- end
- @_animation_sprites = nil
- @_animation = nil
- end
- end
- def dispose_loop_animation
- if @_loop_animation_sprites != nil
- sprite = @_loop_animation_sprites[0]
- if sprite != nil
- @@_reference_count[sprite.bitmap] -= 1
- if @@_reference_count[sprite.bitmap] == 0
- sprite.bitmap.dispose
- end
- end
- for sprite in @_loop_animation_sprites
- sprite.dispose
- end
- @_loop_animation_sprites = nil
- @_loop_animation = nil
- end
- end
- def blink_on
- unless @_blink
- @_blink = true
- @_blink_count = 0
- end
- end
- def blink_off
- if @_blink
- @_blink = false
- self.color.set(0, 0, 0, 0)
- end
- end
- def blink?
- @_blink
- end
- def effect?
- @_whiten_duration > 0 or
- @_appear_duration > 0 or
- @_escape_duration > 0 or
- @_collapse_duration > 0 or
- @_damage_duration > 0 or
- @_animation_duration > 0
- end
- def update
- super
- if @_whiten_duration > 0
- @_whiten_duration -= 1
- self.color.alpha = 128 - (16 - @_whiten_duration) * 10
- end
- if @_appear_duration > 0
- @_appear_duration -= 1
- self.opacity = (16 - @_appear_duration) * 16
- end
- if @_escape_duration > 0
- @_escape_duration -= 1
- self.opacity = 256 - (32 - @_escape_duration) * 10
- end
- if @_collapse_duration > 0
- @_collapse_duration -= 1
- self.opacity = 256 - (48 - @_collapse_duration) * 6
- end
- if @_damage_duration > 0
- @_damage_duration -= 1
- case @_damage_duration
- when 38..39
- @_damage_sprite.y -= 4
- when 36..37
- @_damage_sprite.y -= 2
- when 34..35
- @_damage_sprite.y += 2
- when 28..33
- @_damage_sprite.y += 4
- end
- @_damage_sprite.opacity = 256 - (12 - @_damage_duration) * 32
- if @_damage_duration == 0
- dispose_damage
- end
- end
- if @_animation != nil and (Graphics.frame_count % 2 == 0)
- @_animation_duration -= 1
- update_animation
- end
- if @_loop_animation != nil and (Graphics.frame_count % 2 == 0)
- update_loop_animation
- @_loop_animation_index += 1
- @_loop_animation_index %= @_loop_animation.frame_max
- end
- if @_blink
- @_blink_count = (@_blink_count + 1) % 32
- if @_blink_count < 16
- alpha = (16 - @_blink_count) * 6
- else
- alpha = (@_blink_count - 16) * 6
- end
- self.color.set(255, 255, 255, alpha)
- end
- @@_animations.clear
- end
- def update_animation
- if @_animation_duration > 0
- frame_index = @_animation.frame_max - @_animation_duration
- cell_data = @_animation.frames[frame_index].cell_data
- position = @_animation.position
- animation_set_sprites(@_animation_sprites, cell_data, position)
- for timing in @_animation.timings
- if timing.frame == frame_index
- animation_process_timing(timing, @_animation_hit)
- end
- end
- else
- dispose_animation
- end
- end
- def update_loop_animation
- if @xiaoshi2 != nil and @xiaoshi2 > 0
- @xiaoshi2 -= 1
- frame_index = @_loop_animation_index
- cell_data = @_loop_animation.frames[frame_index].cell_data
- position = @_loop_animation.position
- animation_set_sprites(@_loop_animation_sprites, cell_data, position,true)
- else
- frame_index = @_loop_animation_index
- cell_data = @_loop_animation.frames[frame_index].cell_data
- position = @_loop_animation.position
- animation_set_sprites(@_loop_animation_sprites, cell_data, position)
- for timing in @_loop_animation.timings
- if timing.frame == frame_index
- animation_process_timing(timing, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def animation_set_sprites(sprites, cell_data, position,kds = false)
- if kds
- for i in 0..15
- sprites[i].visible = false
- end
- return
- end
- for i in 0..15
- sprite = sprites[i]
- pattern = cell_data[i, 0]
- if sprite == nil or pattern == nil or pattern == -1
- sprite.visible = false if sprite != nil
- next
- end
- sprite.visible = true
- sprite.src_rect.set(pattern % 5 * 192, pattern / 5 * 192, 192, 192)
- if position == 3
- if self.viewport != nil
- sprite.x = self.viewport.rect.width / 2
- sprite.y = self.viewport.rect.height - 160
- else
- sprite.x = 320
- sprite.y = 240
- end
- else
- sprite.x = self.x - self.ox + self.src_rect.width / 2
- sprite.y = self.y - self.oy + self.src_rect.height / 2
- sprite.y -= self.src_rect.height / 4 if position == 0
- sprite.y += self.src_rect.height / 4 if position == 2
- end
- sprite.x += cell_data[i, 1]
- sprite.y += cell_data[i, 2]
- sprite.z = self.z#2000
- sprite.ox = 96
- sprite.oy = 96
- sprite.zoom_x = cell_data[i, 3] / 100.0
- sprite.zoom_y = cell_data[i, 3] / 100.0
- sprite.angle = cell_data[i, 4]
- sprite.mirror = (cell_data[i, 5] == 1)
- sprite.opacity = cell_data[i, 6] * self.opacity / 255.0
- sprite.blend_type = cell_data[i, 7]
- end
- end
- def animation_process_timing(timing, hit)
- if (timing.condition == 0) or
- (timing.condition == 1 and hit == true) or
- (timing.condition == 2 and hit == false)
- if timing.se.name != ""
- se = timing.se
- Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + se.name, se.volume, se.pitch)
- end
- case timing.flash_scope
- when 1
- self.flash(timing.flash_color, timing.flash_duration * 2)
- when 2
- if self.viewport != nil
- self.viewport.flash(timing.flash_color, timing.flash_duration * 2)
- end
- when 3
- self.flash(nil, timing.flash_duration * 2)
- @xiaoshi2 = timing.flash_duration
- @xiaoshi = timing.flash_duration
- end
- end
- end
- def x=(x)
- sx = x - self.x
- if sx != 0
- if @_animation_sprites != nil
- for i in 0..15
- @_animation_sprites[i].x += sx
- end
- end
- if @_loop_animation_sprites != nil
- for i in 0..15
- @_loop_animation_sprites[i].x += sx
- end
- end
- end
- super
- end
- def y=(y)
- sy = y - self.y
- if sy != 0
- if @_animation_sprites != nil
- for i in 0..15
- @_animation_sprites[i].y += sy
- end
- end
- if @_loop_animation_sprites != nil
- for i in 0..15
- @_loop_animation_sprites[i].y += sy
- end
- end
- end
- super
- end
- end
- end
- module RPG
- class Skill
- def name
- name = @name.split(/◆/)[0]
- return name != nil ? name : ""
- end
- def kds_miao
- name = @name.split(/◆/)[1]
- return name != nil ? name.to_i.abs : 0
- end
- end
- end
- class Scene_Battle
- def tg_xiuzheng(s)
- for kds_dui in $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id].plus_state_set
- if $game_party.smooth_target_actor(s).states.include?(kds_dui)
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- def tg_xiuzheng2(s)
- for kds_dui in $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id].plus_state_set
- if $game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(s).states.include?(kds_dui)
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- def dr_ac
- index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
- $miao = 1
- if @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1
- @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
- if $data_skills[@skill.id].kds_miao > 1
- @sudu = []
- @guang = []
- for s in 0..$game_party.actors.size-1
- if $game_party.actors[s].hp != 0
- @sudu.push($game_party.smooth_target_actor(s).agi)
- @guang.push(s)
- end
- end
- for a in [email protected]
- for s in [email protected]
- if s < @sudu.size-1 and @sudu[s] < @sudu[s+1]
- elsif s < @sudu.size-1 and @sudu[s] > @sudu[s+1]
- @abc = @sudu[s]
- @sudu[s] = @sudu[s+1]
- @sudu[s+1] = @abc
- @bcd = @guang[s]
- @guang[s] = @guang[s+1]
- @guang[s+1] = @bcd
- end
- end
- end
- for s in [email protected]
- if @guang[@sudu.size-1-s] == index
- else
- $miao += 1
- @target_battlers.push($game_party.smooth_target_actor(@guang[@sudu.size-1 - s]))
- end
- if $miao == $data_skills[@skill.id].kds_miao
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def dr_dr
- index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
- $miao = 1
- if @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1
- @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
- if $data_skills[@skill.id].kds_miao > 1
- @sudu = []
- @guang = []
- for s in 0..$game_troop.enemies.size-1
- if $game_troop.enemies[s].hp != 0 and @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1 and tg_xiuzheng2(s) == false
- @sudu.push($game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(s).agi)
- @guang.push(s)
- end
- end
- for a in [email protected]
- for s in [email protected]
- if s < @sudu.size-1 and @sudu[s] < @sudu[s+1]
- elsif s < @sudu.size-1 and @sudu[s] > @sudu[s+1]
- @abc = @sudu[s]
- @sudu[s] = @sudu[s+1]
- @sudu[s+1] = @abc
- @bcd = @guang[s]
- @guang[s] = @guang[s+1]
- @guang[s+1] = @bcd
- end
- end
- end
- for s in [email protected]
- if @guang[@sudu.size-1-s] == index
- else
- $miao += 1
- @target_battlers.push($game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(@guang[@sudu.size-1 - s]))
- end
- if $miao == $data_skills[@skill.id].kds_miao
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def ac_dr
- index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
- if @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1
- @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
- $miao = 1
- if $data_skills[@skill.id].kds_miao > 1
- @sudu = []
- @guang = []
- for s in 0..$game_troop.enemies.size-1
- if $game_troop.enemies[s].hp != 0
- @sudu.push($game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(s).agi)
- @guang.push(s)
- end
- end
- for a in [email protected]
- for s in [email protected]
- if s < @sudu.size-1 and @sudu[s] < @sudu[s+1]
- elsif s < @sudu.size-1 and @sudu[s] > @sudu[s+1]
- @abc = @sudu[s]
- @sudu[s] = @sudu[s+1]
- @sudu[s+1] = @abc
- @bcd = @guang[s]
- @guang[s] = @guang[s+1]
- @guang[s+1] = @bcd
- end
- end
- end
- for s in [email protected]
- if @guang[@sudu.size-1-s] == index
- else
- $miao += 1
- @target_battlers.push($game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(@guang[@sudu.size-1 - s]))
- end
- if $miao == $data_skills[@skill.id].kds_miao
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def ac_ac
- index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
- if @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1
- @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
- $miao = 1
- if $data_skills[@skill.id].kds_miao > 1
- @sudu = []
- @guang = []
- for s in 0..$game_party.actors.size-1
- if $game_party.actors[s].hp != 0 and @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1 and tg_xiuzheng(s) == false
- @sudu.push($game_party.smooth_target_actor(s).agi)
- @guang.push(s)
- end
- end
- for a in [email protected]
- for s in [email protected]
- if s < @sudu.size-1 and @sudu[s] < @sudu[s+1]
- elsif s < @sudu.size-1 and @sudu[s] > @sudu[s+1]
- @abc = @sudu[s]
- @sudu[s] = @sudu[s+1]
- @sudu[s+1] = @abc
- @bcd = @guang[s]
- @guang[s] = @guang[s+1]
- @guang[s+1] = @bcd
- end
- end
- end
- for s in [email protected]
- if @guang[@sudu.size-1-s] == index
- else
- $miao += 1
- @target_battlers.push($game_party.smooth_target_actor(@guang[@sudu.size-1 - s]))
- end
- if $miao == $data_skills[@skill.id].kds_miao
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
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