赞 | 0 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 0 |
经验 | 6326 |
最后登录 | 2017-9-16 |
在线时间 | 579 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 48
- 在线时间
- 579 小时
- 注册时间
- 2011-5-30
- 帖子
- 497
楼主 |
发表于 2011-8-1 08:54:47
本帖最后由 Kimu 于 2011-8-1 09:15 编辑
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Scene_Battle
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 這個類用來執行顯示作戰畫面的程式。
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 程式開始
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def start
- super
- $game_temp.in_battle = true
- @spriteset = Spriteset_Battle.new
- @message_window = Window_BattleMessage.new
- @action_battlers = []
- create_info_viewport
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 程式開始後的處理
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def post_start
- super
- process_battle_start
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 程式終止
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def terminate
- super
- dispose_info_viewport
- @message_window.dispose
- @spriteset.dispose
- unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Gameover)
- $scene = nil if $BTEST
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 基礎更新處理
- # main : 呼叫主更新方法
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_basic(main = false)
- Graphics.update unless main # 更新螢幕內容
- Input.update unless main # 更新指令輸入資訊
- $game_system.update # 更新計時器
- $game_troop.update # 更新敵人隊伍資訊
- @spriteset.update # 更新精靈物設
- @message_window.update # 更新文本訊息視窗
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 等待預定的時間
- # duration : 等待時長(按幀數計算)
- # no_fast : 禁用快速播放畫面
- # 一種當場景畫面類更新內容顯示的過程的時候插入等待的方法。
- # 通常,顯示每一幀的時候都會呼叫一次畫面更新,
- # 不過在作戰時卻難以把握處理流程,所以這個方法被當作一種異常來使用。
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def wait(duration, no_fast = false)
- for i in 0...duration
- update_basic
- break if not no_fast and i >= duration / 2 and show_fast?
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 等待文本訊息顯示完畢
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def wait_for_message
- @message_window.update
- while $game_message.visible
- update_basic
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 等待動畫播放顯示完畢
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def wait_for_animation
- while @spriteset.animation?
- update_basic
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 快速播放畫面指令的判定
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def show_fast?
- return (Input.press?(Input::A) or Input.press?(Input::C))
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 更新幀
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- super
- update_basic(true)
- update_info_viewport # 更新資訊視口
- if $game_message.visible
- @info_viewport.visible = false
- @message_window.visible = true
- end
- unless $game_message.visible # 除非正在顯示文本訊息
- return if judge_win_loss # 判定作戰勝負結果
- update_scene_change
- if @target_enemy_window != nil
- update_target_enemy_selection # 選擇目標敵人
- elsif @target_actor_window != nil
- update_target_actor_selection # 選擇目標主角
- elsif @skill_window != nil
- update_skill_selection # 選擇技能
- elsif @item_window != nil
- update_item_selection # 選擇物品
- elsif @party_command_window.active
- update_party_command_selection # 隊伍選單項目選擇
- elsif @actor_command_window.active
- update_actor_command_selection # 主角行動選單項目選擇
- else
- process_battle_event # 作戰事件處理
- process_action # 作戰行為
- process_battle_event # 作戰事件處理
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 創建資訊顯示視口
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_info_viewport
- @info_viewport = Viewport.new(0, 288, 544, 128)
- @info_viewport.z = 100
- @status_window = Window_BattleStatus.new
- @party_command_window = Window_PartyCommand.new
- @actor_command_window = Window_ActorCommand.new
- @status_window.viewport = @info_viewport
- @party_command_window.viewport = @info_viewport
- @actor_command_window.viewport = @info_viewport
- @status_window.x = 128
- @actor_command_window.x = 544
- @info_viewport.visible = false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 清除資訊顯示視口
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dispose_info_viewport
- @status_window.dispose
- @party_command_window.dispose
- @actor_command_window.dispose
- @info_viewport.dispose
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 更新資訊顯示視口內容
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_info_viewport
- @party_command_window.update
- @actor_command_window.update
- @status_window.update
- if @party_command_window.active and @info_viewport.ox > 0
- @info_viewport.ox -= 16
- elsif @actor_command_window.active and @info_viewport.ox < 128
- @info_viewport.ox += 16
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 作戰事件處理
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def process_battle_event
- loop do
- return if judge_win_loss
- return if $game_temp.next_scene != nil
- $game_troop.interpreter.update
- $game_troop.setup_battle_event
- wait_for_message
- process_action if $game_troop.forcing_battler != nil
- return unless $game_troop.interpreter.running?
- update_basic
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 判定作戰勝負結果
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def judge_win_loss
- if $game_temp.in_battle
- if $game_party.all_dead?
- process_defeat
- return true
- elsif $game_troop.all_dead?
- process_victory
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 結束作戰
- # result : 作戰結果 (0: 得勝, 1: 撤退, 2: 我方全滅)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def battle_end(result)
- if result == 2 and not $game_troop.can_lose
- call_gameover
- else
- $game_party.clear_actions
- $game_party.remove_states_battle
- $game_troop.clear
- if $game_temp.battle_proc != nil
- $game_temp.battle_proc.call(result)
- $game_temp.battle_proc = nil
- end
- unless $BTEST
- $game_temp.map_bgm.play
- $game_temp.map_bgs.play
- end
- $scene = Scene_Map.new
- @message_window.clear
- Graphics.fadeout(30)
- end
- $game_temp.in_battle = false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 轉而接收下一個主角的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def next_actor
- loop do
- if @actor_index == $game_party.members.size-1
- start_main
- return
- end
- @status_window.index = @actor_index += 1
- @active_battler = $game_party.members[@actor_index]
- if @active_battler.auto_battle
- @active_battler.make_action
- next
- end
- break if @active_battler.inputable?
- end
- start_actor_command_selection
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 轉而接收上一個主角的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def prior_actor
- loop do
- if @actor_index == 0
- start_party_command_selection
- return
- end
- @status_window.index = @actor_index -= 1
- @active_battler = $game_party.members[@actor_index]
- next if @active_battler.auto_battle
- break if @active_battler.inputable?
- end
- start_actor_command_selection
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 開始接收隊伍選單命令項選擇指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def start_party_command_selection
- if $game_temp.in_battle
- @status_window.refresh
- @status_window.index = @actor_index = -1
- @active_battler = nil
- @info_viewport.visible = true
- @message_window.visible = false
- @party_command_window.active = true
- @party_command_window.index = 0
- @actor_command_window.active = false
- $game_party.clear_actions
- if $game_troop.surprise or not $game_party.inputable?
- start_main
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 更新隊伍選單命令項選擇指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_party_command_selection
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- case @party_command_window.index
- when 0 # 作戰
- Sound.play_decision
- @status_window.index = @actor_index = -1
- next_actor
- when 1 # 撤退
- if $game_troop.can_escape == false
- Sound.play_buzzer
- return
- end
- Sound.play_decision
- process_escape
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 開始接收主角行動指令選擇的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def start_actor_command_selection
- @party_command_window.active = false
- @actor_command_window.setup(@active_battler)
- @actor_command_window.active = true
- @actor_command_window.index = 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 更新主角行動指令選擇的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_actor_command_selection
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- Sound.play_cancel
- prior_actor
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- case @actor_command_window.index
- when 0 # 攻擊
- Sound.play_decision
- @active_battler.action.set_attack
- start_target_enemy_selection
- when 1 # 技能
- Sound.play_decision
- start_skill_selection
- when 2 # 防禦
- Sound.play_decision
- @active_battler.action.set_guard
- next_actor
- when 3 # 用品
- Sound.play_decision
- start_item_selection
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 開始接收選擇目標敵人的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def start_target_enemy_selection
- @target_enemy_window = Window_TargetEnemy.new
- @target_enemy_window.y = @info_viewport.rect.y
- @info_viewport.rect.x += @target_enemy_window.width
- @info_viewport.ox += @target_enemy_window.width
- @actor_command_window.active = false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 停止接收選擇目標敵人的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def end_target_enemy_selection
- @info_viewport.rect.x -= @target_enemy_window.width
- @info_viewport.ox -= @target_enemy_window.width
- @target_enemy_window.dispose
- @target_enemy_window = nil
- if @actor_command_window.index == 0
- @actor_command_window.active = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 更新目標敵人選擇的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_target_enemy_selection
- @target_enemy_window.update
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- Sound.play_cancel
- end_target_enemy_selection
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- Sound.play_decision
- @active_battler.action.target_index = @target_enemy_window.enemy.index
- end_target_enemy_selection
- end_skill_selection
- end_item_selection
- next_actor
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 開始接收選擇目標主角的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def start_target_actor_selection
- @target_actor_window = Window_BattleStatus.new
- @target_actor_window.index = 0
- @target_actor_window.active = true
- @target_actor_window.y = @info_viewport.rect.y
- @info_viewport.rect.x += @target_actor_window.width
- @info_viewport.ox += @target_actor_window.width
- @actor_command_window.active = false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 停止接收選擇目標主角的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def end_target_actor_selection
- @info_viewport.rect.x -= @target_actor_window.width
- @info_viewport.ox -= @target_actor_window.width
- @target_actor_window.dispose
- @target_actor_window = nil
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 更新目標主角選擇的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_target_actor_selection
- @target_actor_window.update
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- Sound.play_cancel
- end_target_actor_selection
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- Sound.play_decision
- @active_battler.action.target_index = @target_actor_window.index
- end_target_actor_selection
- end_skill_selection
- end_item_selection
- next_actor
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 開始接收技能選擇的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def start_skill_selection
- @help_window = Window_Help.new
- @skill_window = Window_Skill.new(0, 56, 544, 232, @active_battler)
- @skill_window.help_window = @help_window
- @actor_command_window.active = false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 停止接收技能選擇的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def end_skill_selection
- if @skill_window != nil
- @skill_window.dispose
- @skill_window = nil
- @help_window.dispose
- @help_window = nil
- end
- @actor_command_window.active = true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 更新技能選擇的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_skill_selection
- @skill_window.active = true
- @skill_window.update
- @help_window.update
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- Sound.play_cancel
- end_skill_selection
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- @skill = @skill_window.skill
- if @skill != nil
- @active_battler.last_skill_id = @skill.id
- end
- if @active_battler.skill_can_use?(@skill)
- Sound.play_decision
- determine_skill
- else
- Sound.play_buzzer
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 確認技能此時是否可用
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def determine_skill
- @active_battler.action.set_skill(@skill.id)
- @skill_window.active = false
- if @skill.need_selection?
- if @skill.for_opponent?
- start_target_enemy_selection
- else
- start_target_actor_selection
- end
- else
- end_skill_selection
- next_actor
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 開始接收物品選擇的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def start_item_selection
- @help_window = Window_Help.new
- @item_window = Window_Item.new(0, 56, 544, 232)
- @item_window.help_window = @help_window
- @actor_command_window.active = false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 停止接收物品選擇的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def end_item_selection
- if @item_window != nil
- @item_window.dispose
- @item_window = nil
- @help_window.dispose
- @help_window = nil
- end
- @actor_command_window.active = true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 更新物品選擇的指令輸入資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_item_selection
- @item_window.active = true
- @item_window.update
- @help_window.update
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- Sound.play_cancel
- end_item_selection
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- @item = @item_window.item
- if @item != nil
- $game_party.last_item_id = @item.id
- end
- if $game_party.item_can_use?(@item)
- Sound.play_decision
- determine_item
- else
- Sound.play_buzzer
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 確認物品此時是否可用
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def determine_item
- @active_battler.action.set_item(@item.id)
- @item_window.active = false
- if @item.need_selection?
- if @item.for_opponent?
- start_target_enemy_selection
- else
- start_target_actor_selection
- end
- else
- end_item_selection
- next_actor
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 作戰進程開始
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def process_battle_start
- @message_window.clear
- wait(10)
- for name in $game_troop.enemy_names
- text = sprintf(Vocab::Emerge, name)
- $game_message.texts.push(text)
- end
- if $game_troop.preemptive
- text = sprintf(Vocab::Preemptive, $game_party.name)
- $game_message.texts.push(text)
- elsif $game_troop.surprise
- text = sprintf(Vocab::Surprise, $game_party.name)
- $game_message.texts.push(text)
- end
- wait_for_message
- @message_window.clear
- make_escape_ratio
- process_battle_event
- start_party_command_selection
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 生成撤退比率
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_escape_ratio
- actors_agi = $game_party.average_agi
- enemies_agi = $game_troop.average_agi
- @escape_ratio = 150 - 100 * enemies_agi / actors_agi
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 關於撤退的處理
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def process_escape
- @info_viewport.visible = false
- @message_window.visible = true
- text = sprintf(Vocab::EscapeStart, $game_party.name)
- $game_message.texts.push(text)
- if $game_troop.preemptive
- success = true
- else
- success = (rand(100) < @escape_ratio)
- end
- Sound.play_escape
- if success
- wait_for_message
- battle_end(1)
- else
- @escape_ratio += 10
- $game_message.texts.push('\.' + Vocab::EscapeFailure)
- wait_for_message
- $game_party.clear_actions
- start_main
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 關於作戰勝利的處理
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def process_victory
- @info_viewport.visible = false
- @message_window.visible = true
- RPG::BGM.stop
- $game_system.battle_end_me.play
- unless $BTEST
- $game_temp.map_bgm.play
- $game_temp.map_bgs.play
- end
- display_exp_and_gold
- display_drop_items
- display_level_up
- battle_end(0)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示所獲得的經驗值和敵人掉落的資金
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_exp_and_gold
- exp = $game_troop.exp_total
- gold = $game_troop.gold_total
- $game_party.gain_gold(gold)
- text = sprintf(Vocab::Victory, $game_party.name)
- $game_message.texts.push('\|' + text)
- if exp > 0
- text = sprintf(Vocab::ObtainExp, exp)
- $game_message.texts.push('\.' + text)
- end
- if gold > 0
- text = sprintf(Vocab::ObtainGold, gold, Vocab::gold)
- $game_message.texts.push('\.' + text)
- end
- wait_for_message
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示所獲得的敵人掉落的物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_drop_items
- drop_items = $game_troop.make_drop_items
- for item in drop_items
- $game_party.gain_item(item, 1)
- text = sprintf(Vocab::ObtainItem, item.name)
- $game_message.texts.push(text)
- end
- wait_for_message
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示等級提升訊息
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_level_up
- exp = $game_troop.exp_total
- for actor in $game_party.existing_members
- last_level = actor.level
- last_skills = actor.skills
- actor.gain_exp(exp, true)
- end
- wait_for_message
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 關於作戰失敗的處理
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def process_defeat
- @info_viewport.visible = false
- @message_window.visible = true
- text = sprintf(Vocab::Defeat, $game_party.name)
- $game_message.texts.push(text)
- wait_for_message
- battle_end(2)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 執行畫面切換
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_scene_change
- case $game_temp.next_scene
- when "map"
- call_map
- when "gameover"
- call_gameover
- when "title"
- call_title
- else
- $game_temp.next_scene = nil
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 切換至地圖場景畫面
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def call_map
- $game_temp.next_scene = nil
- battle_end(1)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 切換至GAMEOVER畫面
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def call_gameover
- $game_temp.next_scene = nil
- $scene = Scene_Gameover.new
- @message_window.clear
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 切換至標題畫面
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def call_title
- $game_temp.next_scene = nil
- $scene = Scene_Title.new
- @message_window.clear
- Graphics.fadeout(60)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 開始執行作戰程式
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def start_main
- $game_troop.increase_turn
- @info_viewport.visible = false
- @info_viewport.ox = 0
- @message_window.visible = true
- @party_command_window.active = false
- @actor_command_window.active = false
- @status_window.index = @actor_index = -1
- @active_battler = nil
- @message_window.clear
- $game_troop.make_actions
- make_action_orders
- wait(20)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 創建行為指令
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_action_orders
- @action_battlers = []
- unless $game_troop.surprise
- @action_battlers += $game_party.members
- end
- unless $game_troop.preemptive
- @action_battlers += $game_troop.members
- end
- for battler in @action_battlers
- battler.action.make_speed
- end
- @action_battlers.sort! do |a,b|
- b.action.speed - a.action.speed
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 作戰行為處理
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def process_action
- return if judge_win_loss
- return if $game_temp.next_scene != nil
- set_next_active_battler
- if @active_battler == nil
- turn_end
- return
- end
- @message_window.clear
- wait(5)
- @active_battler.white_flash = true
- unless @active_battler.action.forcing
- @active_battler.action.prepare
- end
- if @active_battler.action.valid?
- execute_action
- end
- unless @active_battler.action.forcing
- @message_window.clear
- remove_states_auto
- display_current_state
- end
- @active_battler.white_flash = false
- @message_window.clear
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 執行作戰行為
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def execute_action
- case @active_battler.action.kind
- when 0 # 本能
- case @active_battler.action.basic
- when 0 # 攻擊
- execute_action_attack
- when 1 # 防禦
- execute_action_guard
- when 2 # 撤退
- execute_action_escape
- when 3 # 等待
- execute_action_wait
- end
- when 1 # 技能
- execute_action_skill
- when 2 # 物品
- execute_action_item
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 回合結束
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def turn_end
- $game_troop.turn_ending = true
- $game_party.slip_damage_effect
- $game_troop.slip_damage_effect
- $game_party.do_auto_recovery
- $game_troop.preemptive = false
- $game_troop.surprise = false
- process_battle_event
- $game_troop.turn_ending = false
- start_party_command_selection
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 安排下一個參戰者的行動
- # 當[強行下達指令……]這條事件指令正在執行的時候,將這個被下達指令的參戰
- # 者從這個調度清單中除名。否則從這個調度清單的頂端讀取並調度行動。
- # 如果調度清單中的參戰者不在場(比如說目標敵人被掛掉而留下了空的編號,或
- # 者我方有主角在[隊伍人事調動]這個事件指令的影響下離開了戰場,或者更多類
- # 似的情況),則直接跳過。
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_next_active_battler
- loop do
- if $game_troop.forcing_battler != nil
- @active_battler = $game_troop.forcing_battler
- @action_battlers.delete(@active_battler)
- $game_troop.forcing_battler = nil
- else
- @active_battler = @action_battlers.shift
- end
- return if @active_battler == nil
- return if @active_battler.index != nil
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 自動解除狀態
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def remove_states_auto
- last_st = @active_battler.states
- @active_battler.remove_states_auto
- if @active_battler.states != last_st
- wait(5)
- display_state_changes(@active_battler)
- wait(30)
- @message_window.clear
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示當前狀態資訊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_current_state
- state_text = @active_battler.most_important_state_text
- unless state_text.empty?
- wait(5)
- text = @active_battler.name + state_text
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- wait(45)
- @message_window.clear
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 執行戰鬥行為:攻擊
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def execute_action_attack
- text = sprintf(Vocab::DoAttack, @active_battler.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- targets = @active_battler.action.make_targets
- display_attack_animation(targets)
- wait(20)
- for target in targets
- target.attack_effect(@active_battler)
- display_action_effects(target)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 執行戰鬥行為:防禦
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def execute_action_guard
- text = sprintf(Vocab::DoGuard, @active_battler.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- wait(45)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 執行戰鬥行為:撤退
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def execute_action_escape
- text = sprintf(Vocab::DoEscape, @active_battler.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- @active_battler.escape
- Sound.play_escape
- wait(45)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 執行戰鬥行為:等待
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def execute_action_wait
- text = sprintf(Vocab::DoWait, @active_battler.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- wait(45)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 執行戰鬥行為:使用技能
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def execute_action_skill
- skill = @active_battler.action.skill
- text = @active_battler.name + skill.message1
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- unless skill.message2.empty?
- wait(10)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(skill.message2)
- end
- targets = @active_battler.action.make_targets
- display_animation(targets, skill.animation_id)
- @active_battler.mp -= @active_battler.calc_mp_cost(skill)
- $game_temp.common_event_id = skill.common_event_id
- for target in targets
- target.skill_effect(@active_battler, skill)
- display_action_effects(target, skill)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 執行戰鬥行為:使用物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def execute_action_item
- item = @active_battler.action.item
- text = sprintf(Vocab::UseItem, @active_battler.name, item.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- targets = @active_battler.action.make_targets
- display_animation(targets, item.animation_id)
- $game_party.consume_item(item)
- $game_temp.common_event_id = item.common_event_id
- for target in targets
- target.item_effect(@active_battler, item)
- display_action_effects(target, item)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示動畫
- # targets : 顯示位置
- # animation_id : 動畫編號(如果為-1則播放普通攻擊動畫)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_animation(targets, animation_id)
- if animation_id < 0
- display_attack_animation(targets)
- else
- display_normal_animation(targets, animation_id)
- end
- wait(20)
- wait_for_animation
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示攻擊動畫
- # targets : 顯示位置
- # 如果是敵人,只播放[敵人攻擊]聲效,然後等待一陣子。
- # 如果是主角則同時考慮到貳刀流主角的情況(左手動畫水準翻轉顯示)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_attack_animation(targets)
- if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- Sound.play_enemy_attack
- wait(15, true)
- else
- aid1 = @active_battler.atk_animation_id
- aid2 = @active_battler.atk_animation_id2
- display_normal_animation(targets, aid1, false)
- display_normal_animation(targets, aid2, true)
- end
- wait_for_animation
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示普通動畫
- # targets : 顯示位置
- # animation_id : 動畫編號
- # mirror : 水準翻轉
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_normal_animation(targets, animation_id, mirror = false)
- animation = $data_animations[animation_id]
- if animation != nil
- to_screen = (animation.position == 3) # 動畫顯示基準位置為全螢幕?
- for target in targets.uniq
- target.animation_id = animation_id
- target.animation_mirror = mirror
- wait(20, true) unless to_screen # 如果是單體動畫,等待
- end
- wait(20, true) if to_screen # 如果是全體動畫,等待
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示行動結果
- # target : 目標參戰者
- # obj : 技能或物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_action_effects(target, obj = nil)
- unless target.skipped
- line_number = @message_window.line_number
- wait(5)
- display_critical(target, obj)
- display_damage(target, obj)
- display_state_changes(target, obj)
- if line_number == @message_window.line_number
- display_failure(target, obj) unless target.states_active?
- end
- if line_number != @message_window.line_number
- wait(30)
- end
- @message_window.back_to(line_number)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示會心一擊資訊
- # target : 目標參戰者
- # obj : 技能或物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_critical(target, obj = nil)
- if target.critical
- if target.actor?
- text = Vocab::CriticalToActor
- else
- text = Vocab::CriticalToEnemy
- end
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- wait(20)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示傷害資訊
- # target : 目標參戰者
- # obj : 技能或物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_damage(target, obj = nil)
- if target.missed
- display_miss(target, obj)
- elsif target.evaded
- display_evasion(target, obj)
- else
- display_hp_damage(target, obj)
- display_mp_damage(target, obj)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示落空資訊
- # target : 目標參戰者
- # obj : 技能或物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_miss(target, obj = nil)
- if obj == nil or obj.physical_attack
- if target.actor?
- text = sprintf(Vocab::ActorNoHit, target.name)
- else
- text = sprintf(Vocab::EnemyNoHit, target.name)
- end
- Sound.play_miss
- else
- text = sprintf(Vocab::ActionFailure, target.name)
- end
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- wait(30)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示撤退資訊
- # target : 目標參戰者
- # obj : 技能或物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_evasion(target, obj = nil)
- if target.actor?
- text = sprintf(Vocab::ActorEvasion, target.name)
- else
- text = sprintf(Vocab::EnemyEvasion, target.name)
- end
- Sound.play_evasion
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- wait(30)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示HP傷害資訊
- # target : 目標參戰者
- # obj : 技能或物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_hp_damage(target, obj = nil)
- if target.hp_damage == 0 # 無HP傷害
- return if obj != nil and obj.damage_to_mp
- return if obj != nil and obj.base_damage == 0
- fmt = target.actor? ? Vocab::ActorNoDamage : Vocab::EnemyNoDamage
- text = sprintf(fmt, target.name)
- elsif target.absorbed # HP被汲取
- fmt = target.actor? ? Vocab::ActorDrain : Vocab::EnemyDrain
- text = sprintf(fmt, target.name, Vocab::hp, target.hp_damage)
- elsif target.hp_damage > 0 # HP傷害
- if target.actor?
- text = sprintf(Vocab::ActorDamage, target.name, target.hp_damage)
- Sound.play_actor_damage
- $game_troop.screen.start_shake(5, 5, 10)
- else
- text = sprintf(Vocab::EnemyDamage, target.name, target.hp_damage)
- Sound.play_enemy_damage
- target.blink = true
- end
- else # HP恢復
- fmt = target.actor? ? Vocab::ActorRecovery : Vocab::EnemyRecovery
- text = sprintf(fmt, target.name, Vocab::hp, -target.hp_damage)
- Sound.play_recovery
- end
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- wait(30)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示MP傷害資訊
- # target : 目標參戰者
- # obj : 技能或物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_mp_damage(target, obj = nil)
- return if target.dead?
- return if target.mp_damage == 0
- if target.absorbed # MP被汲取
- fmt = target.actor? ? Vocab::ActorDrain : Vocab::EnemyDrain
- text = sprintf(fmt, target.name, Vocab::mp, target.mp_damage)
- elsif target.mp_damage > 0 # MP傷害
- fmt = target.actor? ? Vocab::ActorLoss : Vocab::EnemyLoss
- text = sprintf(fmt, target.name, Vocab::mp, target.mp_damage)
- else # MP恢復
- fmt = target.actor? ? Vocab::ActorRecovery : Vocab::EnemyRecovery
- text = sprintf(fmt, target.name, Vocab::mp, -target.mp_damage)
- Sound.play_recovery
- end
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- wait(30)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示狀態改變的資訊
- # target : 目標參戰者
- # obj : 技能或物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_state_changes(target, obj = nil)
- return if target.missed or target.evaded
- return unless target.states_active?
- if @message_window.line_number < 4
- @message_window.add_instant_text("")
- end
- display_added_states(target, obj)
- display_removed_states(target, obj)
- display_remained_states(target, obj)
- if @message_window.last_instant_text.empty?
- @message_window.back_one
- else
- wait(10)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示被附加的狀態的訊息
- # target : 目標參戰者
- # obj : 技能或物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_added_states(target, obj = nil)
- for state in target.added_states
- if target.actor?
- next if state.message1.empty?
- text = target.name + state.message1
- else
- next if state.message2.empty?
- text = target.name + state.message2
- end
- if state.id == 1 # 瀕死?
- target.perform_collapse
- end
- @message_window.replace_instant_text(text)
- wait(20)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示被解除的狀態的訊息
- # target : 目標參戰者
- # obj : 技能或物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_removed_states(target, obj = nil)
- for state in target.removed_states
- next if state.message4.empty?
- text = target.name + state.message4
- @message_window.replace_instant_text(text)
- wait(20)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示持續存在的狀態的訊息
- # target : 目標參戰者
- # obj : 技能或物品
- # 用於催眠某個睡眠狀態的參戰者等情況。
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_remained_states(target, obj = nil)
- for state in target.remained_states
- next if state.message3.empty?
- text = target.name + state.message3
- @message_window.replace_instant_text(text)
- wait(20)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * 顯示失敗訊息
- # target : 目標參戰者(主角)
- # obj : 技能或物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_failure(target, obj)
- text = sprintf(Vocab::ActionFailure, target.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- wait(20)
- end
- end
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