赞 | 0 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 15 |
积分 | 2 |
经验 | 7012 |
最后登录 | 2023-2-20 |
在线时间 | 252 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 210
- 在线时间
- 252 小时
- 注册时间
- 2010-10-30
- 帖子
- 51
<recharge x> 该标签表示技能在施放后 x 回合内不能再次使用.- #===============================================================================
- # Yanfly Engine RD - Custom Skill Effects ReDONE
- # 《自定义技能效果重制版》 简体中文化 by 小爽
- #
- # 最后更新: 2009.06.01
- # 适用人群: 普通玩家、专家和疯子
- #
- # 本脚本整合了两个不同效果的脚本,导致非常的巨大...
- # 但是一定值得你使用。看看下面的功能吧:
- #
- # - 为每个参战者增加一个怒气值. 每一回合或者每当参战者受到伤害时可以获得怒气,
- # 以使用需要怒气值才能发动的技能。同时也可以使用其它消费形式使用技能(不
- # 局限于消耗MP才能发动技能,比如HP、金钱、怒气等).
- # - 技能延迟:技能可以设置为延迟一定回合后才施放,怪物的技能亦可实现此效果.
- # - 技能冷却:技能可以设置成在施放后的一定回合内无法再次施放.
- # - 物品合成系统:允许你使用合成的物品,这些物品可以继承原料自带的特殊效果.
- # - 子技能菜单:节省技能列表菜单(例如不同级别的法术归类到该法术下的子菜单中).
- # - 允许技能立刻施放而不再等待到下个回合.
- # - 现在技能可以按指定的顺序依次施放了.
- # - 现在技能可以在指定的情况下在战斗中习得了.
- #
- # - 为脚本狂人量身订制的自定义技能效果. 在施放法术时、蓄力时、吟唱过程中
- # 或法术施放后均可自定义技能造成的效果.
- # - 为脚本狂人量身订制的自定义技能动画. 可以依据不同的条件为技能设置完全不同的.
- # 法术动画.
- #===============================================================================
- # 更新:
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # o 2009.05.31 - 合成技能和连锁技能现在可以正确地重置消耗了.
- # o 2009.05.30 - Scene Battle 恢复兼容性.
- # o 2009.05.28 - 更改 <require learn> 为 <not require learn>
- # 为 子技能 及 技能链 添加 <require level> 标签.
- # o 2009.05.25 - Upgrade Pack 2
- # 添加合成物品能力
- # 添加瞬发技能
- # 添加子技能扩展
- # 添加技能链功能
- # 添加受到攻击后领悟技能
- # o 2009.05.18 - 修正装备技能插槽
- # o 2009.05.15 - 修正参战者属性:士气
- # o 2009.05.12 - 更高效的技能窗口.
- # 添加 <require element x> 标签
- # 修复一个惊天大bug:现在怪物们不会因技能消耗我们的金钱了-,-.
- # o 2009.04.22 - 现在怪物们也将受到如下效果的影响:重载、预备及次数限制
- # 反射现在能正确反弹伤害给对立的队伍了,反弹给怪物或者被反弹回来.
- # o 2009.04.19 - Upgrade Pack 1
- # 添加怒气值增速修改选项.
- # 添加无法被反弹的技能属性.
- # 添加技能消费值修改选项.
- # 为狂人们添加了技能链功能.
- # o 2009.04.15 - 添加 Scene_Skill 功能. 我居然会忘记这个.
- # 修正参战者在MP不符合时依然可以使用技能.
- # Added another return for cost_custom.
- # 为重载添加特性.
- # o 2009.04.14 - 更新兼容 KGC 装备后习得技能脚本.
- # 添加一个爆击后等待时间的选项.
- # Added common before, common during, and common after effects.
- # Added calc_common_cost.
- # o 2009.04.12 - 本次更新整合了自定义技能脚本.
- # 添加一个施法时间参数用于装载技能.
- # 爆击信息不再占用一整行的信息窗口了.
- # o 2009.04.09 - 注意:这些最初是为自定义技能功能使用的.
- # 添加诸如“当前MP、最大MP百分比、当前HP、最大HP百分比、金钱、
- # 最大金钱百分比、自定义消费类型和脚本模板”用于技能的消耗.
- # 添加怒气系统.
- # 0 2009.02.18 - 完成第一版脚本.
- #===============================================================================
- # 使用方法: 正常模式
- #===============================================================================
- #
- # 将下列需要的标签插入到数据库——技能——备注栏里. 一次可以填入多个标签
- # 并由上至下执行.
- # 但是你不能填入两个功能相反的标签.
- #
- # <cost curmp x> 该标签表示技能消费的MP值 x ,最大为9999.
- # <cost maxmp x> 该标签表示技能消费占最大MP值的百分比 x %.
- # <cost curhp x> 该标签表示技能消费的HP值 x ,会造成使用者 x 点的伤害.
- # <cost maxhp x> 该标签表示技能消费占最大HP值的百分比 x %,并造成使用者 x %
- # 最大血量的伤害.
- # <cost gold x> 该标签表示技能消费的金币值 x.
- # <cost maxgold x> 该标签表示技能消费占最大(当前)金币值的 x %.
- # <cost rage x> 该标签表示技能消费的怒气值 x.
- # <rage boost x> 该标签表示使用技能获得的怒气值 x.
- #
- #===============================================================================
- # 使用方法: 专家模式
- #===============================================================================
- #
- # 将下列需要的标签插入到数据库——技能——备注栏里. 它们不会被优先执行,
- # 但是无论本回合技能是否被施放都将产生标签代表的效果.
- #
- # <prepare x> 该标签表示技能会在战斗开始后 x 回合后施放(准备时间).
- # <cast time x> 该标签表示技能施法时间为 x 回合.
- # <fatigue x> 该标签表示人物在施放技能后会存在 x 回合的虚弱时间(无法操作).
- # <recharge x> 该标签表示技能在施放后 x 回合内不能再次使用.
- # <limit uses x> 该标签表示技能在本次战斗中只能使用 x 次.
- #
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 以下为技能的特殊效果
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # <require all elements x> 及 <require all elements x,x>
- # 带有该标签的技能必须在玩家的武器属性中拥有 x 元素属性才能发动(需同时满足).
- # 比如技能 火球术 必须装备了火属性的武器后发动. 你需要首先为武器设置好属性.
- # 可以同时使用多个这样的标签.
- #
- # <require any elements x> 及 <require any elements x,x>
- # 带有该标签的技能必须在玩家的武器属性中拥有 x 元素属性才能发动(任意一个).
- # 比如技能 冰火球术 可以在装备有冰属性武器或火属性武器的情况下发动.
- #
- # <require all states x> 及 <require all states x,x>
- # 带有该标签的技能必须在玩家获得所有状态 x 后才能使用.
- #
- # <not require learn>
- # 这个标签修改自 <require learn> ,子技能和技能链专用标签.
- # 默认情况下,技能必须在技能窗口中可习得的状态下学习到. 使用这个标签后
- # 子技能和技能链属性的技能就无需学习了.
- #
- # <require level x>
- # 带有该标签的技能只有在玩家等级到达 x 时才会显示在子技能或技能链的窗口中.
- # 这不会改变学习此技能所需要的等级.
- #
- # <unreflectable>
- # 带有该标签的技能将无视施放对象所拥有的反弹法术状态.
- #
- # <mix items all>
- # 允许玩家合成物品并获得新的物品特效,此标签表示所有队伍角色拥有的物品都可以
- # 参与合成,但是那些被标注为 <do not mix> 的除外.
- #
- # <mix type x> or <mix type x,x>
- # 允许玩家合成类型为 x 的物品,持有同类标签的物品可以参与合成,你可以插入更多
- # 不同的类型标签来获得更多的合成方式,或者使用 <mix type x,x> .
- #
- # <do not mix>
- # 带有该标签的物品显然不会参与任何合成,可以使用在任务物品或者其它关键物品上.
- #
- # <instant cast>
- # 带有该标签的法术会在选择后立刻使用而不再按顺序施放.
- #
- # <subskills x> or <subskills x,x>
- # 带有该标签的技能在从技能窗口被点击时将弹出子技能菜单,里面存储着id为x的技能.
- # 这些技能也许是玩家已经学会的子技能,也可以是尚未学会或压根不可能学到的技能.
- #
- # <subskill only>
- # 带有该标签的技能只会显示在子技能窗口中(可以理解为需要前置技能).
- #
- # <open chain x>
- # 自由技能链,允许你一次选择 x 个技能连续施放,这些技能师你已经学会的,包括但
- # 不限于暂时无法使用的技能。
- #
- # <closed chain x:y> or <closed chain x:y,y>
- # 闭合技能链,与自由技能链的区别是,你需要指定处于技能链中的技能类型 y,只有该
- # 类型的技能才会显示在技能链选择菜单中.类型的指定使用下列标签.
- #
- # <closed type x> or <closed type x,x>
- # 带有该标签的技能可以被闭合技能链调用组成连续技,x 可以是数字或其它容易辨识的
- # 字符,被标识相同类型的技能可以被闭合技能链调用,如<closed type 1,2> 可以被
- # <closed chain 5:1> 或者<closed chain 4:1,2>调用.
- #
- # <forced chain x:y,y>
- # 强制技能链,与闭合技能链的区别是,除了要符合闭合技能链的要求外,可以忽略
- # 使用者是否学会了技能链中的技能而强行使用它们,但是标注为 <require learn>
- # 的技能除外 .
- #
- # <reselect chain>
- # 允许处于技能链反射已选定的技能.
- #
- # <unchainable>
- # 带有该标签的技能无法组建技能链.
- #
- # <hit learn actor x> 及 <hit learn actor x,x>
- # <hit learn class x> 及 <hit learn class x,x>
- # 带有此标签的技能击中后将导致玩家 x 习得该技能,可以指定多个玩家,但是只有被.
- # 击中的玩家才能习得.class代表拥有本组法术类别的玩家可以习得,比如法师可以习得
- # 怪物的3级火球术之类.
- #
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 以下为状态的特殊效果
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 下面的某些效果必须设置正确,才能配合上述的一些技能产生特效
- #
- # <reflect>
- # 将法术反射给施法者,但是法术免疫反弹例外(免疫反射标签).
- #
- # <rage boost per x>, <rage boost add x>, <rage boost sub x>
- # 增加或减少参数 x 的怒气,第一个按百分比增加 x% 怒气,第二个直接增加x点怒气,
- # 第三个减去 x 点怒气,下同.
- # <cost hp per x> <cost hp add x> <cost hp sub x>
- # <cost mp per x> <cost mp add x> <cost mp sub x>
- # <cost gold per x> <cost gold add x> <cost gold sub x>
- # <cost maxgold per x> <cost maxgold add x> <cost maxgold sub x>
- # <cost rage per x> <cost rage add x> <cost rage sub x>
- #
- #
- #===============================================================================
- #
- # 兼容性:
- # - 兼容于: KGC_OnScreenStatus, KGC_Steal
- # - 兼容于: Yanfly's Battler Stat: Morale
- # - Alias: Game_Actor, setup
- # - Alias: Game_Battler, inputable?, attack_effect, skill_effect
- # - Alias: Game_BattleAction, valid?
- # - Alias: Game_Enemy, initialize
- # - Alias: Scene_Battle, process_battle_start, display_hp_damage, execute_action
- # - Alias: Scene_Skill, use_skill_nontarget
- # - Overwrites: Game_Battler, calc_mp_cost, skill_can_use?
- # - Overwrites: Scene_Battle, execute_action_skill, display_action_effects
- # - Overwrites: Scene_Skill, apply_skill_cost
- #
- #===============================================================================
- $imported = {} if $imported == nil
- $imported["CustomSkillEffects"] = true
- module YE
- module BATTLE
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 基本性能
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 这里设置默认信息及爆击信息的等待时间.
- MSGWAIT = 60
- # 这里设置技能消费的种类所使用的图标,比如代表这个技能使用的是怒气的图标
- USE_ICONS = true # 图标开关
- MP_ICON = 100 # 消耗法力值技能的图标.
- HP_ICON = 99 # 消耗体力值技能的图标.
- GOLD_ICON = 205 # 消耗金币值技能的图标.
- WINCOLUMN = 2 # 技能窗口分栏数量.
- # 如果你不准备使用图标, 那么必须将下列信息填写完整以便区分技能消费类型.
- MP_COST = "%d MP" # 消耗 %d 法力值,只修改“MP”的名称即可,下同.
- HP_COST = "%d HP" # 消耗 %d 体力值.
- GOLD_COST = "%d Gold" # 消耗 %d 金币.
- MGOLD_COST = "%d%% Gold" # 消耗百分之 %d 的金币值.
- # 这个开关可以控制在使用消费HP技能时是否无视玩家的生命值过少?
- # 这里设置怒气系统,包括怒气的获取方式.
- INC_RAGE_ATTACK = true # 每次攻击获得.
- NUM_RAGE_ATTACK = 2 # 每次攻击获得量.
- INC_RAGE_DAMAGED = true # 受到攻击获取.
- NUM_RAGE_DAMAGED = 1 # 受到攻击获得量.
- INC_RAGE_SKILL = true # 使用技能时获得.
- NUM_RAGE_SKILL = 1 # 每次使用技能获得量.
- RAGE_ICON = 132 # 代表消费怒气值的技能的类别图标.
- RAGE_COST = "%d Rage" # 技能消费 %d 怒气值.
- MAX_RAGE = 12 # 怒气的最大值.
- RAGE_RESET_BATTLE = true # 每场战斗怒气归零.
- # 这里设置那些需要吟唱时间的技能在信息框显示的信息及播放的音效.
- CHARGE_MSG = "%s 开始吟唱 %s!" # 开始吟唱
- CHARGE_CON = "%s 持续吟唱 %s!" # 正在吟唱
- CHARGE_SND = RPG::SE.new("Up", 80, 100) # 音效名称
- # 这里设置使用蓄力法术时是否替换消费图标,需要显示的信息和图标.
- RECHARGE_ICON = 142 # 图标id
- RECHARGE_MSG = "%d Turns" # 蓄力回合数
- RECHARGE_MSG1 = "%d Turn" # 蓄力回合数
- # 这里设置虚弱,施法后获得虚弱属性,无法再次行动直到状态消失.
- FATIGUE_MSG = "%s 变得虚弱了." # 虚弱信息
- FATIGUE_SND = RPG::SE.new("Down", 80, 100) # 音效
- # 这里设置使用次数限制的技能,每场战斗可使用的次数,并且在消耗完所有次数后
- # 使用新图标代替同时显示警告信息.
- REPLACE_ICON_USAGE = true # 图标开关
- USAGE_ICON = 143 # 图标id
- USAGE_MSG = "Can't Use" # 显示信息
- # 这里设置技能被反射时显示效果.
- REFLECT_MSG = "%s 反射了 %s." # 反射提示
- REFLECT_SND = RPG::SE.new("Flash2", 80, 100) # 音效
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 物品合成
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 下列规则约束了物品的合成,规则的合理性直接决定了合成系统的成败,GoodLucy.
- # 物品合成成功的音效.
- SUCCESSFUL_ITEM_MIX = RPG::SE.new("Decision2", 80, 150)
- # 缺少原料的提示信息.
- NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS = "缺少足够的原料."
- ITEM_COLOUR1 = 14 # 第一件物品被选择时的颜色.
- ITEM_COLOUR2 = 14 # 第二件物品被选择时的颜色.
- ITEM_COLOUR3 = 18 # 一件物品被重复选取时的颜色.
- # 以下规定了如果合成物品不存在于哈希表中,那么系统将自动从下列两种类型中
- # 随机选取一种技能,请不要删除 type 0 及其中至少保留一个技能 id,如果
- # 如果随机类型不存在,那么默认使用 type 0.
- # 类型 => [技能 id]
- 0 => [15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25],
- 2 => [ 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
- } # 请勿删除本规则.
- # 此哈希表规定了各物品合成后获得何种技能的效果,物品合成表是双向的,
- # 也就是说你不必为了一个相反的合成规则订立新的规则.
- # 在合成结果中填入一个或多个技能 id,表示合成物会拥有其中之一的技能效果.
- # [Item, Item] => [Skill.ID Result]
- [ 15, 15] => [60], # 例:火球术卷轴 + 火球术卷轴 = 2级火球术
- [ 15, 16] => [60, 62], # 火球术卷轴 + 火焰卷轴 = 2级火球术或2级火焰术
- [ 16, 16] => [62], # 下同,略
- [ 17, 17] => [64], #
- [ 17, 18] => [64, 66], #
- [ 18, 18] => [66], #
- [ 19, 19] => [68], #
- [ 19, 20] => [68, 70], #
- [ 20, 20] => [70], #
- } # 请勿删除本规则.
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 攻击后习得技能
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 以下规定了攻击技能发动后习得其他技能的规则.只有玩家有此功能.
- HIT_LEARN_MESSAGE = "%s 领悟了 %s!" # 习得新技能信息
- SUBCLASS_HIT_LEARN = true # 如果你开启了子技能系统这里也保持开启.
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 技能链
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 以下设定为如何在技能链窗口中显示已选择的技能链中的所有技能.
- CHAIN_MAX_TEXT = "%d/%d"
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # 使用方法:脚本狂人!本节未翻译,有能力写脚本的无需我画蛇添足吧.原文意思更明确
- #===============================================================================
- #
- # 你可以使用 YE::BATTLE::MSGWAIT 自由定义信息等待时间. 如果你确定你需要文字信息
- # 延迟一些时间显示,请使用下面的代码.
- # msgwait
- #
- # <effect before x>
- # Adding that tag into the notebox of a skill would give it the extra effect
- # before the damage is dealt. Find "def effect_before" to begin adding in your
- # own before skill effects. "def common_before" will occur for each skill
- # regardless of BSE tags. Input those common before effects there.
- #
- # <effect charge x>
- # This can only occur when the skill is one that requires charging. This is here
- # mainly because chargable skills don't activate any before, during, or after
- # effects and that sometimes, scripters would like to produce effects simply
- # from charing a skill. "def common_charge" will occur for each charge skill.
- #
- # <effect during x>
- # Adding that tag into the notebox of a skill would give it the extra effect
- # during the damage being dealt. Note that the damage still takes place, but
- # the extra effect will occur in between each enemy taking damage. To use this,
- # find "def effect_during" to begin adding in your own during skill effects.
- # "def common_during" will occur for each skill regardless of DSE tags. Input
- # those common during effects there.
- #
- # <effect after x>
- # Adding that tag into the notebox of a skill would give it the extra effect
- # after the damage is dealt. Find "def effect_after" to begin adding in your own
- # after skill effects. "def common_after" will occur for each skill regardless
- # of ASE tags. Input those common during effects there.
- #
- # <custom ani x>
- # Adding that tag into the notebox of a skill would allow it to have conditional
- # skill animations played. You can choose what animations would be played and
- # under what conditions. Find "def custom_ani" to begin adding in your own
- # conditional skill animations.
- #
- # <cost custom x>
- # Adding that tag into the notebox of a skill would allow it to have different
- # (and conditional) costs. Follow the template and you should be okay regarding
- # how it's composed. Find "cost_custom" to change the visual aspects of the
- # costs and "apply_custom_cost" for the mechanical aspects. The new definition
- # "def calc_cost_common" will alter costs regardless of their type.
- #
- #===============================================================================
- class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
- def effect_before(skill, beforeskill)
- line_number = @message_window.line_number
- case beforeskill
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # This is where you begin adding in your own before skill effects.
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- when 1
- @active_battler.maxmp = 10000
- @active_battler.mp = 10000
- sound = RPG::SE.new("Item2", 80, 100)
- sound.play
- refresh_onscreenstatus # if KGC_OnScreenStatus is imported
- text = sprintf("%s 感到全身充满了能量.", @active_battler.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- msgwait
- @message_window.back_to(line_number)
- when 2
- when 3
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This is the part you guys shouldn't touch afterwards.
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----This is the common before effect. It'll occur regardless of BSE tagging.
- def common_before(skill)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def effect_charge(skill, chargeskill)
- line_number = @message_window.line_number
- case chargeskill
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # This is where you begin adding in your own charge skill effects.
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- when 1
- #
- when 2
- when 3
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This is the part you guys shouldn't touch afterwards.
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----This is the common charge effect. It'll occur regardless of CSE tagging.
- def common_charge(skill)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def effect_during(target, skill, duringskill)
- line_number = @message_window.line_number
- case duringskill
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # This is where you begin adding in your own during skill effects.
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- when 1
- target.maxmp = 0
- target.mp = 0
- sound = RPG::SE.new("Bow2", 80, 100)
- sound.play
- text = sprintf("%s 失去了能量!", target.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- msgwait
- when 2
- target.hp = 1
- sound = RPG::SE.new("Down", 80, 100)
- sound.play
- text = sprintf("%s 快要死了!", target.name)
- @message_window.replace_instant_text(text)
- when 3
- #@active_battler.remove_state(17)
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This is the part you guys shouldn't touch afterwards.
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----This is the common during effect. It'll occur regardless of DSE tagging.
- def common_during(target, skill)
- #---
- if skill == nil
- # Regular Attack
- else
- # Skill Effect
- end
- #---
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def effect_after(skill, afterskill)
- line_number = @message_window.line_number
- case afterskill
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # This is where you begin adding in your own after skill effects.
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- when 1
- @active_battler.maxhp = 10000
- @active_battler.hp = 10000
- sound = RPG::SE.new("Item1", 80, 100)
- sound.play
- refresh_onscreenstatus # if KGC_OnScreenStatus is imported
- text = sprintf ("%s 此刻已经无敌!", @active_battler.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- msgwait
- @message_window.back_to(line_number)
- when 2
- when 3
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This is the part you guys shouldn't touch afterwards.
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----This is the common after effect. It'll occur regardless of ASE tagging.
- def common_after(skill)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def custom_ani(targets, customani)
- case customani
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # This is where you begin adding in your own custom skill animations.
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- when 1
- # Plays a fire sword animation if user's current HP is above 50%.
- if @active_battler.hp > (@active_battler.maxhp / 2)
- display_normal_animation(targets, 8)
- else
- display_normal_animation(targets, 7)
- end
- when 2
- when 3
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This is the part you guys shouldn't touch afterwards.
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- wait(20)
- wait_for_animation
- end
- end # Scene_Battle
- class Game_Battler
- def cost_custom(skill, return_value)
- cost_icon = 0
- cost_name = ""
- cost_name2 = ""
- cost_value = 0
- can_use = true
- skill_case = skill.cost_custom
- case skill_case
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # This is where you begin editting your own custom costs.
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- when 1
- cost_icon = 1
- cost_name = "Mastery"
- cost_name2 = "Mastery Requirement"
- cost_value = 10
- if cost_value > $game_variables[1]
- can_use = false
- end
- when 2
- cost_icon = 64
- cost_name = "Pots"
- cost_name2 = "Requires"
- cost_value = 3
- if cost_value > $game_party.item_number($data_items[1])
- can_use = false
- end
- when 3
- cost_icon = 65
- cost_name = "Ether"
- cost_name2 = "Requires"
- cost_value = 0
- if cost_value > $game_party.item_number($data_items[1])
- can_use = false
- end
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This is the part you guys shouldn't touch afterwards.
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- return cost_icon if return_value == 1
- return cost_name if return_value == 2
- return cost_value if return_value == 3
- return can_use if return_value == 4
- return cost_name2 if return_value == 5
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----This is where all undergo one final cost calculation before returning.
- def calc_cost_common(cost, skill)
- return cost
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end # Game_Battler
- class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
- def apply_custom_cost(battler, skill)
- skill_case = skill.cost_custom
- case skill_case
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # This is where you perform the custom costs.
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- when 1
- $game_variables[1] -= 10
- when 2
- $game_party.gain_item($data_items[1], -3)
- when 3
- $game_party.gain_item($data_items[1], -1)
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This is the part you guys shouldn't touch afterwards.
- # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- end
- end # Scene_Battle
- #===============================================================================
- # Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing computer
- # damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or halitosis.
- # Therefore, edit at your own risk.大意就是:下有电缆,高压危险 :)
- #===============================================================================
- module YE
- module REGEXP
- module BASEITEM
- # 技能消费.
- COST_CURMP = /<(?:COST_CURMP|cost curmp|cost cur mp)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_MAXMP = /<(?:COST_MAXMP|cost maxmp|cost max mp)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_CURHP = /<(?:COST_CURMP|cost curhp|cost cur hp)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_MAXHP = /<(?:COST_MAXMP|cost maxhp|cost max hp)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_GOLD = /<(?:COST_GOLD|cost gold)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_MGOLD = /<(?:COST_MAXGOLD|cost maxgold|cost max gold)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_RAGE = /<(?:COST_RAGE|cost rage)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- RAGE_BOOST = /<(?:RAGE_BOOST|rage boost)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_CUSTOM = /<(?:COST_CUSTOM|cost custom)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- # 其他技能特性.
- UNREFLECT = /<(?:UNREFLECT|unreflectable)>/i
- REQUIRE_LEVEL = /<(?:REQUIRE_LEVEL|require level)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- REQUIRE_LEARN = /<(?:NOT_REQUIRE_LEARN|not require learn)>/i
- /<(?:REQUIRE_ALL_ELEMENTS|require all elements)[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- /<(?:REQUIRE_ANY_ELEMENTS|require any elements)[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- /<(?:REQUIRE_ALL_STATES|require all states)[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- /<(?:REQUIRE_ANY_STATES|require any states)[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- MIX_ITEMS_ALL = /<(?:MIX_ITEMS_ALL|MIX_TYPE_ALL|mix items all|mix type all)>/i
- MIX_ITEMS = /<(?:MIX_TYPE|mix type)[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- DONT_MIX = /<(?:DONT_MIX|DO_NOT_MIX|dont mix|do not mix)>/i
- INSTANT_CAST = /<(?:INSTANT_CAST|instant cast)>/i
- SUBSKILLS = /<(?:SUBSKILLS|sub skills)[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- SUBSKILL_ONLY = /<(?:SUBSKILL_ONLY|subskill only)>/i
- # 攻击习得技能特性
- HIT_LEARN_ACTOR = /<(?:HIT_LEARN_ACTOR|hit learn actor)[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- HIT_LEARN_CLASS = /<(?:HIT_LEARN_CLASS|hit learn class)[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- # 技能链特性
- UNCHAINABLE = /<(?:UNCHAINABLE|nonchainable)>/i
- RESELECT_CHAIN = /<(?:RESELECTABLE|reselect chain)>/i
- OPEN_CHAIN = /<(?:OPEN_CHAIN|open chain)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- CLOSED_CHAIN = /<(?:CLOSED_CHAIN|closed chain)[ ]*(\d+):(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- CLOSED_TYPE = /<(?:CLOSED_TYPE|closed type)[ ]*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- FORCED_CHAIN = /<(?:FORCED_CHAIN|forced chain)[ ]*(\d+):(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- # 其它技能.
- CAST_TIME = /<(?:CAST_TIME|cast time)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- RECHARGE = /<(?:RECHARGE|cooldown)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- LIMITUSES = /<(?:LIMIT_USES|limit uses)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- FATIGUEVAL = /<(?:FATIGUE|tired)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- PREPARE = /<(?:PREPARE|warmup)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- # 自定义技能特效.
- EFFECT_BEFORE = /<(?:EFFECT_BEFORE|effect before|before effect|bse)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- EFFECT_CHARGE = /<(?:EFFECT_CHARGE|effect charge|charge effect|cse)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- EFFECT_DURING = /<(?:EFFECT_DURING|effect during|during effect|dse)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- EFFECT_AFTER = /<(?:EFFECT_AFTER|effect after|after effect|ase)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- # 技能动画条件.
- CUSTOM_ANI = /<(?:CUSTOM_ANI|custom ani|custom animation|csa)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- end #module BASEITEM
- module STATE
- # 技能参数.
- REFLECT = /<(?:REFLECT|reflectable)>/i
- RAGE_BOOST_PER = /<(?:RAGE_BOOST_PER|rage boost per)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- RAGE_BOOST_ADD = /<(?:RAGE_BOOST_ADD|rage boost add)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- RAGE_BOOST_SUB = /<(?:RAGE_BOOST_SUB|rage boost sub)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- # 技能消耗修正.
- COST_HP_PER = /<(?:COST_HP_PER|cost hp per)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_HP_ADD = /<(?:COST_HP_ADD|cost hp add)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_HP_SUB = /<(?:COST_HP_SUB|cost hp sub)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_MP_PER = /<(?:COST_MP_PER|cost mp per)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_MP_ADD = /<(?:COST_MP_ADD|cost mp add)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_MP_SUB = /<(?:COST_MP_SUB|cost mp sub)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_GOLD_PER = /<(?:COST_GOLD_PER|cost gold per)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_GOLD_ADD = /<(?:COST_GOLD_ADD|cost gold add)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_GOLD_SUB = /<(?:COST_GOLD_SUB|cost gold sub)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_MAXG_PER = /<(?:COST_MAXGOLD_PER|cost maxgold per)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_MAXG_ADD = /<(?:COST_MAXGOLD_ADD|cost maxgold add)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_MAXG_SUB = /<(?:COST_MAXGOLD_SUB|cost maxgold sub)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_RAGE_PER = /<(?:COST_RAGE_PER|cost rage per)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_RAGE_ADD = /<(?:COST_RAGE_ADD|cost rage add)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- COST_RAGE_SUB = /<(?:COST_RAGE_SUB|cost rage sub)[ ]*(\d+)>/i
- end # STATE
- end # REGEXP
- end # YE
- #===============================================================================
- # RPG::State
- #===============================================================================
- class RPG::State
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Yanfly_Cache_CSE
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def yanfly_cache_state_cse
- @reflect = false; @rage_boost_per = 100; @rage_boost_set = 0
- @cost_hp_per = 100; @cost_hp_set = 0; @cost_mp_per = 100; @cost_mp_set = 0
- @cost_gold_per = 100; @cost_gold_set = 0; @cost_maxgold_per = 100;
- @cost_maxgold_set = 0; @cost_rage_per = 100; @cost_rage_set = 0
- self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
- case line
- @reflect = true
- @rage_boost_per = $1.to_i
- @rage_boost_set = $1.to_i
- @rage_boost_set = $1.to_i * -1
- @cost_hp_per = $1.to_i
- @cost_hp_set = $1.to_i
- @cost_hp_set = $1.to_i *-1
- @cost_mp_per = $1.to_i
- @cost_mp_set = $1.to_i
- @cost_mp_set = $1.to_i * -1
- @cost_gold_per = $1.to_i
- @cost_gold_set = $1.to_i
- @cost_gold_set = $1.to_i * -1
- @cost_maxgold_per = $1.to_i
- @cost_maxgold_set = $1.to_i
- @cost_maxgold_set = $1.to_i * -1
- @cost_rage_per = $1.to_i
- @cost_rage_set = $1.to_i
- @cost_rage_set = $1.to_i * -1
- end
- }
- end # end yanfly_cache_state_cse
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 反射
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def reflect
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @reflect == nil
- return @reflect
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 怒气获得情况
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def rage_boost_per
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @rage_boost_per == nil
- return @rage_boost_per
- end
- def rage_boost_set
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @rage_boost_set == nil
- return @rage_boost_set
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 消费体力情况
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cost_hp_per
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @cost_hp_per == nil
- return @cost_hp_per
- end
- def cost_hp_set
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @cost_hp_set == nil
- return @cost_hp_set
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 消费法力情况
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cost_mp_per
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @cost_mp_per == nil
- return @cost_mp_per
- end
- def cost_mp_set
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @cost_mp_set == nil
- return @cost_mp_set
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 消费金币的技能
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cost_gold_per
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @cost_gold_per == nil
- return @cost_gold_per
- end
- def cost_gold_set
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @cost_gold_set == nil
- return @cost_gold_set
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 消费最大金币
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cost_maxgold_per
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @cost_maxgold_per == nil
- return @cost_maxgold_per
- end
- def cost_maxgold_set
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @cost_maxgold_set == nil
- return @cost_maxgold_set
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 消费怒气情况
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cost_rage_per
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @cost_rage_per == nil
- return @cost_rage_per
- end
- def cost_rage_set
- yanfly_cache_state_cse if @cost_rage_set == nil
- return @cost_rage_set
- end
- end # end RPG::State
- #===============================================================================
- # RPG::BaseItem
- #===============================================================================
- class RPG::BaseItem
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Yanfly_Cache_CSE
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse
- @unreflectable = false; @bse = 0; @cse = 0; @dse = 0; @ase = 0; @csa = 0
- @cur_mp_cost = 0; @max_mp_cost = 0; @cur_hp_cost = 0; @max_hp_cost = 0
- @gold_cost = 0; @maxgold_cost = 0; @rage_cost = 0; @cost_custom = 0
- @cast_time = 0; @recharge = 0; @prepare = 0; @usage = 0; @rage_boost = 0
- @fatigue = 0; @mix_items = false; @mix_types = []; @mix_items_all = false;
- @dont_mix = false; @subskills = []; @instant_cast = false
- @hit_learn_actor = []; @hit_learn_class = []; @hit_learnable = false
- @subskill_only = false; @require_learn = true
- @required_all_elements = []; @required_any_elements = []; @require_level = 0
- @required_all_states = []; @required_any_states = []
- @unchainable = false; @reselect_chain = false; @closed_type = []
- @chain_type = 0 # 0:none 1:open 2:limit 3:forced
- @chain_times = 0; @chain_array = []
- self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
- case line
- @unreflectable = true
- @require_level = $1.to_i
- @require_learn = false
- $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
- if num.to_i > 0
- @required_all_elements.push(num.to_i)
- end }
- $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
- if num.to_i > 0
- @required_any_elements.push(num.to_i)
- end }
- $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
- if num.to_i > 0
- @required_all_states.push(num.to_i)
- end }
- $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
- if num.to_i > 0
- @required_any_states.push(num.to_i)
- end }
- @instant_cast = false
- @mix_items = true
- $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
- if num.to_i > 0
- @mix_types.push(num.to_i)
- end }
- @instant_cast = false
- @mix_items = true
- @mix_items_all = true
- @dont_mix = true
- @instant_cast = true
- $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
- if num.to_i > 0
- @subskills.push(num.to_i)
- end }
- @subskill_only = true
- @hit_learnable = true
- $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
- if num.to_i > 0
- @hit_learn_actor.push(num.to_i)
- end }
- @hit_learnable = true
- $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
- if num.to_i > 0
- @hit_learn_class.push(num.to_i)
- end }
- @unchainable = true
- @reselect_chain = true
- @instant_cast = false
- @chain_type = 1
- @chain_times = $1.to_i
- @instant_cast = false
- @chain_type = 2
- @chain_times = $1.to_i
- $2.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
- if num.to_i > 0
- @chain_array.push(num.to_i)
- end }
- $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
- if num.to_i > 0
- @closed_type.push(num.to_i)
- end }
- @instant_cast = false
- @chain_type = 3
- @chain_times = $1.to_i
- $2.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
- if num.to_i > 0
- @chain_array.push(num.to_i)
- end }
- @bse = $1.to_i
- @cse = $1.to_i
- @dse = $1.to_i
- @ase = $1.to_i
- @csa = $1.to_i
- @cur_mp_cost = $1.to_i
- @max_mp_cost = $1.to_i
- @cur_hp_cost = $1.to_i
- @max_hp_cost = $1.to_i
- @gold_cost = $1.to_i
- @maxgold_cost = $1.to_i
- @rage_cost = $1.to_i
- @cost_custom = $1.to_i
- @cast_time = $1.to_i
- @recharge = $1.to_i
- @prepare = $1.to_i
- @usage = $1.to_i
- @rage_boost = $1.to_i
- @fatigue = $1.to_i
- end
- }
- end # end yanfly_cache_cse
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 杂项
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def unreflectable
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @unreflectable == nil
- return @unreflectable
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 前提
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def require_level
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @require_level == nil
- return @require_level
- end
- def require_learn
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @require_learn == nil
- return @require_learn
- end
- def required_all_elements
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @required_all_elements == nil
- return @required_all_elements
- end
- def required_any_elements
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @required_any_elements == nil
- return @required_any_elements
- end
- def required_all_states
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @required_all_states == nil
- return @required_all_states
- end
- def required_any_states
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @required_any_states == nil
- return @required_any_states
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 合成物品
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def mix_items
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @mix_items == nil
- return @mix_items
- end
- def mix_items_all
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @mix_items_all == nil
- return @mix_items_all
- end
- def mix_types
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @mix_types == nil
- return @mix_types
- end
- def dont_mix
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @dont_mix == nil
- return @dont_mix
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 瞬发
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def instant_cast
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @instant_cast == nil
- return @instant_cast
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 子技能
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def subskills
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @subskills == nil
- return @subskills
- end
- def subskill_only
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @subskill_only == nil
- return @subskill_only
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 攻击习得
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def hit_learnable?
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @hit_learnable == nil
- return @hit_learnable
- end
- def hit_learn_actor
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @hit_learn_actor == nil
- return @hit_learn_actor
- end
- def hit_learn_class
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @hit_learn_class == nil
- return @hit_learn_class
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 技能链
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def unchainable
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @unchainable == nil
- return @unchainable
- end
- def reselect_chain
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @reselect_chain == nil
- return @reselect_chain
- end
- def chain_type
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @chain_type == nil
- return @chain_type
- end
- def closed_type
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @closed_type == nil
- return @closed_type
- end
- def chain_times
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @chain_times == nil
- return @chain_times
- end
- def chain_array
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @chain_array == nil
- return @chain_array
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 技能时态侦测. 动画侦测.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def bse
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @bse == nil
- return @bse
- end
- def cse
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @cse == nil
- return @cse
- end
- def dse
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @dse == nil
- return @dse
- end
- def ase
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @ase == nil
- return @ase
- end
- def csa
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @csa == nil
- return @csa
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 消费侦测
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cur_mp_cost
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @cur_mp_cost == nil
- return @cur_mp_cost
- end
- def max_mp_cost
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @max_mp_cost == nil
- return @max_mp_cost
- end
- def cur_hp_cost
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @cur_hp_cost == nil
- return @cur_hp_cost
- end
- def max_hp_cost
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @max_hp_cost == nil
- return @max_hp_cost
- end
- def gold_cost
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @gold_cost == nil
- return @gold_cost
- end
- def maxgold_cost
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @maxgold_cost == nil
- return @maxgold_cost
- end
- def rage_cost
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @rage_cost == nil
- return @rage_cost
- end
- def cost_custom
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @cost_custom == nil
- return @cost_custom
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 蓄力/蓄力时间/预备/用法/怒气获取/虚弱
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cast_time
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @cast_time == nil
- return @cast_time
- end
- def recharge
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @recharge == nil
- return @recharge
- end
- def prepare
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @prepare == nil
- return @prepare
- end
- def usage
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @usage == nil
- return @usage
- end
- def rage_boost
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @rage_boost == nil
- return @rage_boost
- end
- def fatigue
- yanfly_cache_baseitem_cse if @fatigue == nil
- return @fatigue
- end
- end # RPG::BaseItem
- #===============================================================================
- # Game_Actor
- #===============================================================================
- class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias setup
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias setup_cse setup unless $@
- def setup(actor_id)
- setup_cse(actor_id)
- @mix_flag = false
- @scd = {}
- reset_recharge
- @slu = {}
- reset_usage
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # set_chain
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_chain(array1 = nil, array2 = nil)
- @chain_skills = array1
- @chain_targets = array2
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # reset mix items
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def reset_mix_items
- @mix_item_1 = nil
- @mix_item_2 = nil
- @mix_item_skill = nil
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # recharge definitions
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def reset_recharge
- @scd = {} if @scd == nil
- for skill in skills
- @scd[skill.id] = 0
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # limited uses definitions
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def reset_usage
- @slu = {} if @slu == nil
- for skill in skills
- @slu[skill.id] = 0
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias skills
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias skills_cse skills unless $@
- def skills
- result = skills_cse
- for skill in result
- result -= [skill] if skill.subskill_only
- end
- return result
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias skill_can_use?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias skill_can_use_actor_cse skill_can_use? unless $@
- def skill_can_use?(skill)
- if skill == nil
- return false
- elsif @subskill_flag == true
- return super
- elsif skill.subskills != [] and @subskill_flag != true
- return true
- else
- return skill_can_use_actor_cse(skill)
- end
- end
- end # Game_Actor
- #===============================================================================
- # Game_Enemy
- #===============================================================================
- class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias initialize
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias initialize_enemy_cse initialize unless $@
- def initialize(index, enemy_id)
- initialize_enemy_cse(index, enemy_id)
- @scd = {}
- reset_recharge
- @slu = {}
- reset_usage
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # recharge definitions
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def reset_recharge
- @scd = {} if @scd == nil
- for action in enemy.actions
- next if action.kind != 1
- skill = $data_skills[action.skill_id]
- @scd[skill.id] = 0
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # limited uses definitions
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def reset_usage
- @slu = {} if @slu == nil
- for action in enemy.actions
- next if action.kind != 1
- skill = $data_skills[action.skill_id]
- @slu[skill.id] = 0
- end
- end
- end # Game_Enemy
- #===============================================================================
- # Game_Battler
- #===============================================================================
- class Game_Battler
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Public Instance Variables
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :mix_item_1
- attr_accessor :mix_item_2
- attr_accessor :mix_item_skill
- attr_accessor :chain_skills
- attr_accessor :chain_targets
- attr_accessor :subskill_flag
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias initialize
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias initialize_cse initialize unless $@
- def initialize
- @rage = 0
- @charge_turns = 0
- @charge_skill = nil
- @fatigue = 0
- initialize_cse
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # recharge definitions
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def recharge(skill_id)
- @scd = {} if @scd == nil
- return 0 if skill_id == nil
- @scd[skill_id] = 0 if @scd[skill_id] == nil
- x = @scd[skill_id]
- return x
- end
- def make_recharge(skill, amount)
- amount = 0 if amount < 0
- @scd = {} if @scd == nil
- @scd[skill.id] = amount
- end
- def update_recharge
- @scd = {} if @scd == nil
- @scd.each_key {|key|
- @scd[key] = 0 if @scd[key] == nil
- @scd[key] -= 1
- @scd[key] = 0 if @scd[key] < 0
- }
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # limited uses definitions
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def usage(skill_id)
- @slu = {} if @slu == nil
- return 0 if skill_id == nil
- @slu[skill_id] = 0 if @slu[skill_id] == nil
- x = @slu[skill_id]
- return x
- end
- def update_usage(skill_id)
- @slu = {} if @slu == nil
- @slu[skill_id] = 0 if @slu[skill_id] == nil
- @slu[skill_id] = @slu[skill_id] + 1
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias inputable?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias inputable_cse inputable? unless $@
- def inputable?
- return false if @fatigue >= 1
- return false if (@charge_skill != nil) and (@charge_turns > 0)
- inputable_cse
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # reflect
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def reflect
- for state in states
- return true if state.reflect
- end
- return false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Cost Mods
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cost_hp_mod(value)
- states.each { |state|
- value = value * state.cost_hp_per / 100
- value += state.cost_hp_set
- }
- return value
- end
- def cost_mp_mod(value)
- states.each { |state|
- value = value * state.cost_mp_per / 100
- value += state.cost_mp_set
- }
- return value
- end
- def cost_gold_mod(value)
- states.each { |state|
- value = value * state.cost_gold_per / 100
- value += state.cost_gold_set
- }
- return value
- end
- def cost_maxgold_mod(value)
- states.each { |state|
- value = value * state.cost_maxgold_per / 100
- value += state.cost_maxgold_set
- }
- return value
- end
- def cost_rage_mod(value)
- states.each { |state|
- value = value * state.cost_rage_per / 100
- value += state.cost_rage_set
- }
- return value
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # rage definitions
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def rage
- @rage = 0 if @rage == nil or @rage < 0
- @rage = YE::BATTLE::MAX_RAGE if @rage > YE::BATTLE::MAX_RAGE
- return @rage
- end
- def rage=(new_rage)
- @rage = new_rage
- @rage = 0 if @rage < 0
- @rage = YE::BATTLE::MAX_RAGE if @rage > YE::BATTLE::MAX_RAGE
- end
- def rage_boost_mod(value)
- states.each { |state|
- value = value * state.rage_boost_per / 100
- value += state.rage_boost_set
- }
- value = 0 if value < 0
- return value
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # cast time definitions
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def charge_turns
- return @charge_turns
- end
- def charge_turns=(new_charge_turn)
- @charge_turns = (new_charge_turn)
- end
- def charge_skill
- return @charge_skill
- end
- def charge_skill=(new_skill)
- @charge_skill = new_skill
- end
- def make_charge(skill)
- @charge_turns = skill.cast_time
- @charge_skill = skill
- end
- def reset_charging
- if @charge_skill != nil
- make_recharge(@charge_skill, @charge_skill.recharge)
- end
- @charge_turns = 0
- @charge_skill = nil
- end
- def update_charging
- if @charge_skill != nil
- @charge_turns -= 1
- csekeep = true
- csekeep = false if dead?
- csekeep = false if !exist?
- csekeep = false if !movable?
- csekeep = false if berserker?
- csekeep = false if confusion?
- if !csekeep
- reset_charging
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # fatigue definitions
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def fatigue
- return @fatigue
- end
- def fatigue=(new_fatigue)
- @fatigue = new_fatigue
- @fatigue = 0 if fatigue < 0
- end
- def make_fatigue(skill)
- @fatigue = skill.fatigue
- end
- def update_fatigue
- @fatigue -= 1
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Create Cost Icon
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_cost_icon(skill)
- if skill.cost_custom > 0
- icon = cost_custom(skill, 1)
- elsif skill.cur_mp_cost > 0
- icon = YE::BATTLE::MP_ICON
- elsif skill.max_mp_cost > 0
- icon = YE::BATTLE::MP_ICON
- elsif skill.cur_hp_cost > 0
- icon = YE::BATTLE::HP_ICON
- elsif skill.max_hp_cost > 0
- icon = YE::BATTLE::HP_ICON
- elsif skill.gold_cost > 0
- elsif skill.maxgold_cost > 0
- elsif skill.rage_cost > 0
- else
- icon = YE::BATTLE::MP_ICON
- end
- if skill.subskills != [] and self.subskill_flag != true
- icon = 0
- end
- return icon
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Calculation of MP Consumed for Skills
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def calc_mp_cost(skill)
- recharge = self.recharge(skill.id)
- if recharge > 0 and YE::BATTLE::REPLACE_ICON_RECHARGE
- cost = recharge
- elsif skill.cost_custom > 0
- cost = cost_custom(skill, 3)
- elsif skill.cur_mp_cost > 0
- cost = skill.cur_mp_cost
- cost /= 2 if half_mp_cost
- cost = cost_mp_mod(cost)
- elsif skill.max_mp_cost > 0
- cost = skill.max_mp_cost * maxmp
- cost /= 100
- cost /= 2 if half_mp_cost
- cost = cost_mp_mod(cost)
- elsif skill.cur_hp_cost > 0
- cost = skill.cur_hp_cost
- cost = cost_hp_mod(cost)
- elsif skill.max_hp_cost > 0
- cost = skill.max_hp_cost * maxhp
- cost /= 100
- cost = cost_hp_mod(cost)
- elsif skill.gold_cost > 0
- cost = skill.gold_cost
- cost = cost_gold_mod(cost)
- cost = 0 unless self.actor?
- elsif skill.maxgold_cost > 0
- cost = skill.maxgold_cost
- cost = cost_maxgold_mod(cost)
- cost = 0 unless self.actor?
- elsif skill.rage_cost > 0
- cost = skill.rage_cost
- cost = cost_rage_mod(cost)
- else
- cost = skill.mp_cost
- cost /= 2 if half_mp_cost
- cost = cost_mp_mod(cost)
- end
- cost = 0 if cost <= 0
- return calc_cost_common(cost, skill)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # overwrite skill_can_use?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def skill_can_use?(skill)
- return false unless skill.is_a?(RPG::Skill)
- return false unless movable?
- return false if silent? and skill.spi_f > 0
- #---
- if $imported["BattlerStatMorale"] and skill.requires_morale
- if skill.required_morale >= 0
- return false if skill.required_morale > self.morale
- elsif skill.required_morale < 0
- return false if skill.required_morale < self.morale
- end
- end
- if $imported["EquipSkillSlots"]
- return false unless can_use_limit_type?(skill)
- end
- #---
- return false unless custom_skill_requirements(skill)
- #---
- recharge = self.recharge(skill.id)
- recharge = 0 unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle)
- usage = self.usage(skill.id)
- usage = 0 unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle)
- cost = calc_mp_cost(skill)
- if recharge > 0
- return false
- elsif skill.cost_custom > 0
- can_use = cost_custom(skill, 4)
- return false if can_use == false
- elsif skill.usage > 0
- return false if usage >= skill.usage
- elsif skill.cur_mp_cost > 0
- return false if cost > mp
- elsif skill.max_mp_cost > 0
- return false if cost > mp
- elsif skill.cur_hp_cost > 0
- return false if cost > self.hp
- end
- elsif skill.max_hp_cost > 0
- return false if cost > self.hp
- end
- elsif skill.gold_cost > 0
- return false if cost > $game_party.gold
- elsif skill.maxgold_cost > 0
- cost *= $game_party.gold
- cost /= 100
- return false if $game_party.gold < cost
- return false if cost == 0
- elsif skill.rage_cost > 0
- return false if cost > self.rage
- else
- return false if cost > mp
- end
- #---
- if $game_temp.in_battle
- return skill.battle_ok?
- else
- return skill.menu_ok?
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # custom_skill_requirements
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def custom_skill_requirements(skill)
- return true if !self.actor?
- #---
- if skill.required_all_elements != []
- for ele_id in skill.required_all_elements
- next if self.element_set.include?(ele_id)
- return false
- end
- end
- if skill.required_any_elements != []
- possess_element = false
- for ele_id in skill.required_any_elements
- possess_element = true if self.element_set.include?(ele_id)
- end
- return false unless possess_element
- end
- #---
- if skill.required_all_states != []
- for state_id in skill.required_all_states
- return false unless self.states.include?($data_states[state_id])
- end
- end
- if skill.required_any_states != []
- for state_id in skill.required_any_states
- possess_state = true if self.states.include?($data_states[state_id])
- end
- return false unless possess_state
- end
- #---
- return true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias attack_effect
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias attack_effect_cse attack_effect unless $@
- def attack_effect(attacker)
- attack_effect_cse(attacker)
- attacker.rage += YE::BATTLE::NUM_RAGE_ATTACK
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias skill_effect
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias skill_effect_cse skill_effect unless $@
- def skill_effect(user, skill)
- skill_effect_cse(user, skill)
- if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle)
- rb = user.rage_boost_mod(skill.rage_boost)
- user.rage += rb
- end
- if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle)
- user.make_recharge(skill, skill.recharge)
- user.update_usage(skill.id) unless $scene.usage_flag
- $scene.set_usage
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # hit_learn?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def hit_learn?(skill)
- return false unless self.actor?
- return false unless skill.hit_learnable?
- return false if self.skill_learn?(skill)
- return false if self.dead?
- return true if skill.hit_learn_actor.include?(self.id)
- return true if skill.hit_learn_class.include?(self.class.id)
- if $imported["SubclassSelectionSystem"] and self.subclass != nil and
- return true if skill.hit_learn_class.include?(self.subclass.id)
- end
- return false
- end
- end #class Game_Battler
- #===============================================================================
- # Game_BattleAction
- #===============================================================================
- class Game_BattleAction
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias valid
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias valid_cse valid? unless $@
- def valid?
- battler.update_recharge
- if battler.fatigue >= 1
- battler.update_fatigue
- return false
- end
- return true if battler.charge_turns >= 1 and
- battler.charge_skill != nil and !battler.dead?
- valid_cse
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # perform_charge_skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def perform_charge_skill
- @forcing = true
- decide_last_target
- set_skill(battler.charge_skill.id)
- $game_troop.forcing_battler = @active_battler
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Scene Battle
- #===============================================================================
- class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Refresh OnScreenStatus
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh_onscreenstatus
- @onscreen_status_window.refresh if $imported["OnScreenStatus"]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Message Wait
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def msgwait
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias process_battle_start
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias process_battle_start_cps process_battle_start unless $@
- def process_battle_start
- for actor in $game_party.members
- actor_reset(actor)
- create_prep_charge_actor(actor)
- end
- for battler in $game_troop.members
- create_prep_charge_enemy(battler)
- end
- process_battle_start_cps
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias battle_end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias battle_end_cse battle_end unless $@
- def battle_end(result)
- for actor in $game_party.members
- actor_reset(actor)
- end
- battle_end_cse(result)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # actor reset
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def actor_reset(actor)
- actor.rage = 0 if YE::BATTLE::RAGE_RESET_BATTLE
- actor.charge_turns = 0
- actor.charge_skill = nil
- actor.fatigue = 0
- actor.reset_recharge
- actor.subskill_flag = nil
- actor.set_chain
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # create preparation charging
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_prep_charge_actor(actor)
- for skill in actor.skills
- next if skill == nil
- actor.make_recharge(skill, skill.prepare)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # create preparation charging
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_prep_charge_enemy(battler)
- for action in battler.enemy.actions
- if action.kind == 1
- skill = $data_skills[action.skill_id]
- battler.make_recharge(skill, skill.prepare)
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias update_actor_command_selection
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias update_actor_command_selection_cse update_actor_command_selection unless $@
- def update_actor_command_selection
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- @active_battler.reset_mix_items
- @active_battler.subskill_flag = nil
- @active_battler.set_chain
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) and !$imported["CustomBattleActions"]
- @active_battler.reset_mix_items
- @active_battler.subskill_flag = nil
- @active_battler.set_chain
- end
- update_actor_command_selection_cse
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias update_target_enemy_selection
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias update_target_enemy_selection_cse update_target_enemy_selection unless $@
- def update_target_enemy_selection
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- if @mix_item_window != nil
- @mix_item_window.active = true
- @active_battler.mix_item_2 = nil
- @mix_item_window.refresh
- elsif @subskill_window != nil
- @subskill_window.active = true
- elsif @chain_window != nil
- @chain_window.active = true
- @chain_array.delete_at (@chain_array.size - 1)
- @chain_targets.delete_at (@chain_targets.size - 1)
- @chain_info.refresh(@chain_array)
- @chain_window.refresh(@chain_array)
- else
- @active_battler.reset_mix_items
- end
- end
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and @chain_window != nil
- add_chain_targets
- else
- update_target_enemy_selection_cse
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias update_target_actor_selection
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias update_target_actor_selection_cse update_target_actor_selection unless $@
- def update_target_actor_selection
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- if @mix_item_window != nil
- @mix_item_window.active = true
- @active_battler.mix_item_2 = nil
- @mix_item_window.refresh
- elsif @subskill_window != nil
- @subskill_window.active = true
- elsif @chain_window != nil
- @chain_window.active = true
- @chain_array.delete_at (@chain_array.size - 1)
- @chain_targets.delete_at (@chain_targets.size - 1)
- @chain_info.refresh(@chain_array)
- @chain_window.refresh(@chain_array)
- else
- @active_battler.reset_mix_items
- end
- end
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and @chain_window != nil
- add_chain_targets
- else
- update_target_actor_selection_cse
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias next_actor
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias next_actor_cse next_actor unless $@
- def next_actor
- if instant_cast_skill?
- perform_instant_cast
- if @active_battler.inputable?
- start_actor_command_selection
- else
- next_actor_cse
- end
- else
- next_actor_cse
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # instant_cast_skill?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def instant_cast_skill?
- return false if @active_battler == nil
- return false unless @active_battler.action.skill?
- return false unless @active_battler.action.skill.instant_cast
- return true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # perform instant cast
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def perform_instant_cast
- @message_window.clear
- @message_window.visible = true
- unless $imported["SceneBattleReDux"] and @redux_msg
- @info_viewport.visible = false
- end
- cast_the_skill(@active_battler.action.skill)
- unless $imported["SceneBattleReDux"] and @redux_msg
- @info_viewport.visible = true
- end
- @message_window.visible = false
- @status_window.refresh
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias determine skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias determine_skill_cse determine_skill unless $@
- def determine_skill
- if @skill.mix_items
- create_mix_item_windows
- elsif @skill.subskills != []
- create_subskill_windows
- elsif @skill.chain_type > 0
- create_chain_windows
- else
- determine_skill_cse
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # create_mix_item_windows
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_mix_item_windows
- sk = @skill
- @active_battler.action.set_skill(@skill.id)
- @mix_item_window = Window_Mix_Item.new(0, 56, 544, 232, @active_battler, sk)
- @mix_item_window.help_window = @help_window
- if $imported["HelpExtension"]
- @mix_item_window.y = @help_window.height
- @mix_item_window.height = Graphics.height -
- (@help_window.height + @status_window.height)
- @mix_item_window.refresh
- end
- @mix_item_window.active = true
- @skill_window.active = false
- @skill_window.visible = false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # end_mix_item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def end_mix_item
- if $imported["CustomBattleActions"]
- if @active_battler.custom_action_flag == true
- end_skill_selection
- end
- end
- if @skill_window != nil
- @skill_window.active = true
- @skill_window.visible = true
- end
- if @mix_item_window != nil
- @mix_item_window.dispose
- @mix_item_window = nil
- end
- @active_battler.reset_mix_items
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias end_skill_selection
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias end_skill_selection_cse end_skill_selection unless $@
- def end_skill_selection
- if @mix_item_window != nil
- @mix_item_window.dispose
- @mix_item_window = nil
- end
- if @subskill_window != nil
- @subskill_window.dispose
- @subskill_window = nil
- end
- if @chain_window != nil
- @chain_window.dispose
- @chain_window = nil
- end
- if @chain_info != nil
- @chain_info.dispose
- @chain_info = nil
- end
- end_skill_selection_cse
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias update_skill_selection
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias update_skill_selection_cse update_skill_selection unless $@
- def update_skill_selection
- if @mix_item_window != nil and @mix_item_window.active
- update_mix_item
- elsif @subskill_window != nil and @subskill_window.active
- update_subskill
- elsif @chain_window != nil and @chain_window.active
- update_chain_skill
- else
- update_skill_selection_cse
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # update_mix_item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_mix_item
- @mix_item_window.update
- @help_window.update
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- if @active_battler.mix_item_1 == nil and @active_battler.mix_item_2 == nil
- Sound.play_cancel
- end_mix_item
- elsif @active_battler.mix_item_2 != nil
- Sound.play_cancel
- @active_battler.mix_item_2 = nil
- @mix_item_window.refresh
- elsif @active_battler.mix_item_1 != nil
- Sound.play_cancel
- @active_battler.mix_item_1 = nil
- @mix_item_window.refresh
- end
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- item = @mix_item_window.item
- if item == nil
- Sound.play_buzzer
- elsif @active_battler.mix_item_1 == nil
- Sound.play_decision
- @active_battler.mix_item_1 = item.id
- elsif @active_battler.mix_item_2 == nil
- if item.id == @active_battler.mix_item_1 and
- $game_party.item_number(item) < 2
- Sound.play_buzzer
- else
- @active_battler.mix_item_2 = item.id
- determine_mix_item
- end
- end
- @mix_item_window.refresh if @mix_item_window != nil
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # determine_mix_item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def determine_mix_item
- item1 = @active_battler.mix_item_1
- item2 = @active_battler.mix_item_2
- if combo_hash.include?([item1, item2])
- else
- Sound.play_decision
- end
- combo_array = combo_hash[[item1, item2]]
- @active_battler.mix_item_skill = combo_array[rand(combo_array.size)]
- elsif combo_hash.include?([item2, item1])
- else
- Sound.play_decision
- end
- combo_array = combo_hash[[item2, item1]]
- @active_battler.mix_item_skill = combo_array[rand(combo_array.size)]
- else
- Sound.play_decision
- select_random_mix_item_skill(item1, item2)
- end
- item_skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.mix_item_skill]
- if item_skill.need_selection?
- if item_skill.for_opponent?
- start_target_enemy_selection
- else
- start_target_actor_selection
- end
- else
- end_skill_selection
- next_actor
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # select_random_mix_item_skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def select_random_mix_item_skill(item1, item2)
- random_array = []
- for type in $data_items[item1].mix_types
- random_array += random_hash[type] if random_hash.include?(type)
- end
- for type in $data_items[item2].mix_types
- random_array += random_hash[type] if random_hash.include?(type)
- end
- random_array = random_hash[0] if random_array == []
- @active_battler.mix_item_skill = random_array[rand(random_array.size)]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # create_subskill_windows
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_subskill_windows
- sk = @skill
- @active_battler.subskill_flag = true
- @active_battler.action.set_skill(@skill.id)
- @subskill_window = Window_Subskills.new(0,56,544,232,@active_battler, sk)
- @subskill_window.help_window = @help_window
- if $imported["HelpExtension"]
- @subskill_window.y = @help_window.height
- @subskill_window.height = Graphics.height -
- (@help_window.height + @status_window.height)
- @subskill_window.refresh
- end
- @subskill_window.active = true
- @skill_window.active = false
- @skill_window.visible = false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # update subskill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_subskill
- @subskill_window.update
- @help_window.update
- if $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"] and YE::MENU::SKILL::BATTLE_HELP_SHOW
- if @skill_data_window.active
- @help_info_window.visible = false
- elsif @subskill_window.active
- @help_info_window.visible = true
- else
- @help_info_window.visible = false
- end
- else
- @help_info_window.visible = false if $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"]
- end
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- Sound.play_cancel
- @subskill_window.dispose
- @subskill_window = nil
- @skill_window.active = true
- @skill_window.visible = true
- @active_battler.subskill_flag = nil
- if $imported["CustomBattleActions"]
- if @active_battler.custom_action_flag == true
- @help_info_window.visible = false if $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"]
- end_skill_selection
- end
- end
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- @skill = @subskill_window.skill
- if @active_battler.skill_can_use?(@skill)
- Sound.play_decision
- @help_info_window.visible = false if $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"]
- determine_subskill
- else
- Sound.play_buzzer
- end
- elsif $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"] and
- skill = @subskill_window.skill
- if skill != nil
- Sound.play_decision
- @skill_data_window.appear(skill, @subskill_window, @active_battler)
- @subskill_window.active = false
- else
- Sound.play_buzzer
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # determine_subskill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def determine_subskill
- @active_battler.action.set_skill(@skill.id)
- @subskill_window.active = false
- if @skill.need_selection?
- if @skill.for_opponent?
- start_target_enemy_selection
- else
- start_target_actor_selection
- end
- else
- end_skill_selection
- next_actor
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # create chain windows
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_chain_windows
- sk = @skill
- @chain_array = []
- @chain_targets = []
- @active_battler.subskill_flag = true
- @active_battler.action.set_skill(@skill.id)
- @chain_window = Window_Chain_Skill.new(0,56,272,232,@active_battler, sk)
- @chain_window.help_window = @help_window
- @chain_info = Window_Chain_Info.new(272,56,272,232,@active_battler, sk)
- if $imported["HelpExtension"]
- @chain_window.y = @help_window.height
- @chain_info.y = @help_window.height
- @chain_window.height = Graphics.height -
- (@help_window.height + @status_window.height)
- @chain_info.height = Graphics.height -
- (@help_window.height + @status_window.height)
- @chain_window.refresh
- @chain_window.refresh(@chain_array)
- @chain_info.refresh(@chain_array)
- end
- @chain_window.active = true
- @skill_window.active = false
- @skill_window.visible = false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # update chain skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_chain_skill
- @chain_window.update
- @help_window.update
- if $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"] and YE::MENU::SKILL::BATTLE_HELP_SHOW
- if @skill_data_window.active
- @help_info_window.visible = false
- elsif @chain_window.active
- @help_info_window.visible = true
- else
- @help_info_window.visible = false
- end
- else
- @help_info_window.visible = false if $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"]
- end
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- Sound.play_cancel
- if @chain_array == []
- @active_battler.set_chain
- @chain_window.dispose
- @chain_window = nil
- @chain_info.dispose
- @chain_info = nil
- @skill_window.active = true
- @skill_window.visible = true
- if $imported["CustomBattleActions"]
- if @active_battler.custom_action_flag == true
- @help_info_window.visible = false if $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"]
- end_skill_selection
- end
- end
- else
- @chain_array.delete_at (@chain_array.size - 1)
- @chain_targets.delete_at (@chain_targets.size - 1)
- @chain_info.refresh(@chain_array)
- @chain_window.refresh(@chain_array)
- end
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- skill = @chain_window.skill
- if select_chain_valid?(skill)
- @help_info_window.visible = false if $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"]
- determine_chain(skill)
- else
- Sound.play_buzzer
- end
- elsif $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"] and
- skill = @chain_window.skill
- if skill != nil
- Sound.play_decision
- @skill_data_window.appear(skill, @chain_window, @active_battler, 2)
- @chain_window.active = false
- else
- Sound.play_buzzer
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # select chain valid
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def select_chain_valid?(skill)
- return false if [email protected]_chain and @chain_array.include?(skill.id)
- return false if @chain_array.size >= @skill.chain_times
- return true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # determine chain
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def determine_chain(skill)
- Sound.play_decision
- skill = @chain_window.skill
- @chain_array.push(skill.id)
- @chain_window.refresh(@chain_array)
- @chain_info.refresh(@chain_array)
- if skill.need_selection?
- @chain_window.active = false
- if skill.for_opponent?
- start_target_enemy_selection
- else
- start_target_actor_selection
- end
- else
- add_chain_targets
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # add chain targets
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_chain_targets
- if @target_actor_window != nil and @target_actor_window.visible
- Sound.play_decision
- @chain_targets.push(@target_actor_window.index)
- end_target_actor_selection
- elsif @target_enemy_window != nil and @target_enemy_window.visible
- Sound.play_decision
- @chain_targets.push(@target_enemy_window.index)
- end_target_enemy_selection
- else
- @chain_targets.push(0)
- end
- @active_battler.set_chain(@chain_array, @chain_targets)
- if @chain_array.size >= @skill.chain_times
- end_skill_selection
- end_item_selection
- next_actor
- else
- @chain_window.active = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias display_hp_damage
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias display_hp_damage_cse display_hp_damage unless $@
- def display_hp_damage(target, obj = nil)
- if target.hp_damage > 0 and YE::BATTLE::INC_RAGE_DAMAGED
- target.rage += YE::BATTLE::NUM_RAGE_DAMAGED
- end
- display_hp_damage_cse(target, obj)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias execute_action
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias execute_action_cse execute_action unless $@
- def execute_action
- if @active_battler.charge_skill != nil
- @active_battler.update_charging
- if @active_battler.charge_turns <= 0
- @active_battler.action.perform_charge_skill
- else
- name = @active_battler.name
- skill = @active_battler.charge_skill.name
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::CHARGE_CON, name, skill)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- wait(60)
- end
- end
- execute_action_cse
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # usage flag
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def usage_flag
- @usage_flag = false if @usage_flag == nil
- return @usage_flag
- end
- def set_usage
- @usage_flag = true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Execute Battle Action: Skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def execute_action_skill
- skill = @active_battler.action.skill
- charged = @active_battler.action.forcing
- @mix_item_flag = nil
- if skill.cast_time >= 1 and @active_battler.charge_skill == nil and !charged
- charge_the_skill(skill)
- elsif !@active_battler.actor? and @active_battler.charge_turns >= 1
- #do nothing since monsters don't have an inputable? check
- elsif @active_battler.actor? and skill.mix_items and
- @active_battler.mix_item_skill != nil
- set_mix_skill(skill)
- elsif @active_battler.actor? and skill.chain_type > 0
- chain_cast_skill(skill)
- else
- cast_the_skill(skill)
- end
- end # end execute_action_skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # charge_the_skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def charge_the_skill(skill)
- sound.play
- unless $imported["SceneBattleReDux"] and
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::CHARGE_MSG, @active_battler.name, skill.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- end
- apply_skill_cost(@active_battler, skill)
- @active_battler.make_charge(skill)
- refresh_onscreenstatus
- effect_charge(skill, skill.cse) if skill.cse > 0
- common_charge(skill)
- msgwait
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # set_mix_skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_mix_skill(skill)
- unless $imported["SceneBattleReDux"] and
- unless skill.message1.empty?
- text = @active_battler.name + skill.message1
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- end
- unless skill.message2.empty?
- wait(10)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(skill.message2)
- end
- msgwait
- end
- effect_before(skill, skill.bse) if skill.bse > 0
- common_before(skill)
- apply_skill_cost(@active_battler, skill)
- refresh_onscreenstatus
- @message_window.clear
- @mix_item_flag = true
- item1 = $data_items[@active_battler.mix_item_1]
- item2 = $data_items[@active_battler.mix_item_2]
- #---
- if @active_battler.mix_item_1 == @active_battler.mix_item_1
- @mix_item_flag = false if $game_party.item_number(item1) < 2
- else
- @mix_item_flag = false if $game_party.item_number(item1) < 1
- @mix_item_flag = false if $game_party.item_number(item2) < 1
- end
- #---
- if @mix_item_flag
- $game_party.gain_item(item1, -1)
- $game_party.gain_item(item2, -1)
- skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.mix_item_skill]
- @active_battler.action.set_skill(skill.id)
- cast_the_skill(skill)
- else
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- end
- @message_window.clear
- effect_after(skill, skill.ase) if skill.ase > 0
- common_after(skill)
- @active_battler.reset_mix_items
- @active_battler.reset_charging
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # chain_cast_skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def chain_cast_skill(skill)
- unless $imported["SceneBattleReDux"] and
- unless skill.message1.empty?
- text = @active_battler.name + skill.message1
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- end
- unless skill.message2.empty?
- wait(10)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(skill.message2)
- end
- msgwait
- end
- effect_before(skill, skill.bse) if skill.bse > 0
- common_before(skill)
- #---
- for i in 0..(@active_battler.chain_skills.size - 1)
- chainskill = $data_skills[@active_battler.chain_skills[i]]
- next if chainskill == nil
- @active_battler.action.set_skill(chainskill.id)
- @active_battler.action.target_index = @active_battler.chain_targets[i]
- next unless @active_battler.action.valid?
- @message_window.clear
- cast_the_skill(@active_battler.action.skill)
- end
- #---
- @message_window.clear
- apply_skill_cost(@active_battler, skill)
- refresh_onscreenstatus
- effect_after(skill, skill.ase) if skill.ase > 0
- common_after(skill)
- @active_battler.set_chain
- @active_battler.reset_charging
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # cast_the_skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cast_the_skill(skill)
- @mix_item_flag = false if @mix_item_flag == nil
- unless $imported["SceneBattleReDux"] and
- unless skill.message1.empty?
- text = @active_battler.name + skill.message1
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- end
- unless skill.message2.empty?
- wait(10)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(skill.message2)
- end
- end
- targets = @active_battler.action.make_targets
- if skill.csa > 0
- custom_ani(targets, skill.csa)
- else
- display_animation(targets, skill.animation_id)
- end
- apply_skill_cost(@active_battler, skill) unless @mix_item_flag
- refresh_onscreenstatus
- effect_before(skill, skill.bse) if skill.bse > 0
- common_before(skill)
- @usage_flag = false
- for target in targets
- target = reflect_check(target, skill)
- target.skill_effect(@active_battler, skill)
- display_action_effects(target, skill)
- end
- for target in targets
- target.perform_collapse unless target.collapse
- if $imported["SceneBattleReDux"] and @redux_msg and target.actor?
- @status_window.draw_item(target.index) if target.collapse
- end
- end
- effect_after(skill, skill.ase) if skill.ase > 0
- common_after(skill)
- @active_battler.make_fatigue(skill)
- if @active_battler.fatigue > 0
- sound.play
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::FATIGUE_MSG, @active_battler.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- wait(60)
- end
- @active_battler.reset_charging
- if $imported["EquipSkillSlots"] and skill.skill_copy?
- create_skill_copy_window(skill, targets) if @active_battler.actor?
- else
- $game_temp.common_event_id = skill.common_event_id
- end
- @mix_item_flag = nil
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Reflect Check
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def reflect_check(target, skill)
- @reflected = false
- @origtarget = target
- unless skill.unreflectable
- if target.reflect
- @reflected = true
- if target.actor? and @active_battler.actor?
- target = $game_troop.random_target
- elsif !target.actor? and !@active_battler.actor?
- target = $game_party.random_target
- else
- target = @active_battler
- end
- end
- end
- return target
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Show Action Results
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_action_effects(target, obj = nil)
- unless target.skipped
- line_number = @message_window.line_number
- anti_no_effect = false
- wait(5)
- if @reflected
- sound.play
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::REFLECT_MSG, @origtarget.name, obj.name)
- unless $imported["SceneBattleReDux"] and !@misc_msg
- @reflected = false
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- msgwait
- @message_window.back_to(line_number)
- end
- end
- if target.critical
- display_critical(target, obj)
- @message_window.back_to(line_number)
- end
- display_damage(target, obj)
- if $imported["Steal"] and obj.is_a?(RPG::Skill)
- if obj.steal?
- display_stole_object(target, obj)
- end
- end
- if obj.is_a?(RPG::Skill)
- if obj.dse > 0 and !target.missed and !target.evaded
- effect_during(target, obj, obj.dse)
- anti_no_effect = true
- end
- end
- if $imported["EquipSkillSlots"] and obj.is_a?(RPG::Skill)
- anti_no_effect = true if obj.skill_copy?
- end
- common_during(target, obj)
- if obj.is_a?(RPG::Skill)
- if target.hit_learn?(obj)
- target.learn_skill(obj.id)
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::HIT_LEARN_MESSAGE, target.name, obj.name)
- @message_window.add_instant_text(text)
- msgwait
- end
- end
- display_state_changes(target, obj)
- anti_no_effect = true if target.states_active?
- if line_number == @message_window.line_number
- display_failure(target, obj) unless anti_no_effect
- end
- if line_number != @message_window.line_number
- end
- @message_window.back_to(line_number)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Apply Skill Cost
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def apply_skill_cost(battler, skill)
- if battler.charge_skill == nil
- cost = battler.calc_mp_cost(skill)
- if skill.cost_custom > 0
- apply_custom_cost(battler, skill)
- elsif skill.cur_mp_cost > 0
- battler.mp -= cost
- elsif skill.max_mp_cost > 0
- battler.mp -= cost
- elsif skill.cur_hp_cost > 0
- battler.hp -= cost
- elsif skill.max_hp_cost > 0
- battler.hp -= cost
- elsif skill.gold_cost > 0
- return unless battler.actor?
- cost *= -1
- $game_party.gain_gold(cost)
- elsif skill.maxgold_cost > 0
- return unless battler.actor?
- cost *= $game_party.gold
- cost /= 100
- cost *= -1
- $game_party.gain_gold(cost)
- elsif skill.rage_cost > 0
- battler.rage -= cost
- else
- battler.mp -= cost
- end
- end
- if $imported["SceneBattleReDux"] and battler.actor?
- @status_window.draw_item(battler.index)
- end
- end
- end # Scene_Battle
- #===============================================================================
- # Scene_Skill
- #===============================================================================
- class Scene_Skill < Scene_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # use_skill_nontarget
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def use_skill_nontarget
- Sound.play_use_skill
- apply_skill_cost(@actor, @skill)
- @status_window.refresh
- @skill_window.refresh
- @target_window.refresh
- if $game_party.all_dead?
- $scene = Scene_Gameover.new
- elsif @skill.common_event_id > 0
- $game_temp.common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id
- $scene = Scene_Map.new
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Apply Skill Cost
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def apply_skill_cost(actor, skill)
- if actor.charge_skill == nil
- cost = actor.calc_mp_cost(skill)
- if skill.cost_custom > 0
- apply_custom_cost(actor, skill)
- elsif skill.cur_mp_cost > 0
- actor.mp -= cost
- elsif skill.max_mp_cost > 0
- actor.mp -= cost
- elsif skill.cur_hp_cost > 0
- actor.hp -= cost
- elsif skill.max_hp_cost > 0
- actor.hp -= cost
- elsif skill.gold_cost > 0
- cost *= -1
- $game_party.gain_gold(cost)
- elsif skill.maxgold_cost > 0
- cost *= $game_party.gold
- cost /= 100
- cost *= -1
- $game_party.gain_gold(cost)
- elsif skill.rage_cost > 0
- actor.rage -= cost
- else
- actor.mp -= cost
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # use_skill_nontarget
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def use_skill_nontarget
- if @skill.subskills != [] and @actor.subskill_flag == nil
- Sound.play_decision
- create_subskill_window
- return
- end
- Sound.play_use_skill
- apply_skill_cost(@actor, @skill)
- @status_window.refresh
- @skill_window.refresh
- @target_window.refresh
- if $game_party.all_dead?
- $scene = Scene_Gameover.new
- elsif @skill.common_event_id > 0
- $game_temp.common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id
- $scene = Scene_Map.new
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # create subskill window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_subskill_window
- y = @help_window.height + @status_window.height
- height = Graphics.height - @help_window.height - @status_window.height
- if $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"] and YE::MENU::SKILL::MENU_HELP_SHOW
- height -= 56
- end
- skill = @skill
- @actor.subskill_flag = true
- @subskill_window = Window_Subskills.new(0, y, 544, height, @actor, skill)
- @subskill_window.active = true
- @subskill_window.z = 1
- @subskill_window.help_window = @help_window
- @subskill_window.viewport = @viewport
- @skill_window.active = false
- @skill_window.visible = false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias update
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias update_skill_submenu_cse update unless $@
- def update
- if @subskill_window != nil and @subskill_window.active
- update_subskill_window
- else
- update_skill_submenu_cse
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # update_subskill_window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_subskill_window
- @subskill_window.update
- @help_window.update
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- Sound.play_cancel
- @actor.subskill_flag = nil
- @skill_window.active = true
- @skill_window.visible = true
- @subskill_window.dispose
- @subskill_window = nil
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::R)
- Sound.play_cursor
- next_actor
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L)
- Sound.play_cursor
- prev_actor
- elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- @skill = @subskill_window.skill
- if @actor.skill_can_use?(@skill)
- Sound.play_decision
- @subskill_window.active = false
- determine_skill
- @actor.subskill_flag = nil
- else
- Sound.play_buzzer
- end
- elsif $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"] and
- skill = @subskill_window.skill
- if skill != nil
- Sound.play_decision
- @skill_data_window.appear(skill, @subskill_window, @actor)
- @subskill_window.active = false
- else
- Sound.play_buzzer
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias hide_target_window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias hide_target_window_cse hide_target_window unless $@
- def hide_target_window
- hide_target_window_cse
- if @subskill_window != nil
- @subskill_window.active = true
- end
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Window_Base
- #===============================================================================
- class Window_Selectable < Window_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Draw Skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_skill(index)
- rect = item_rect(index)
- self.contents.clear_rect(rect)
- skill = @data[index]
- if skill != nil
- skill_id = @data[index].id
- actor_id = @actor.id
- recharge = $game_actors[actor_id].recharge(skill_id)
- #---
- usage = $game_actors[actor_id].usage(skill_id)
- if skill.usage > 0 and YE::BATTLE::REPLACE_ICON_USAGE
- if usage >= skill.usage
- usagecheck = true
- else
- usagecheck = false
- end
- end
- #---
- rect.width -= 4
- x = rect.x
- y = rect.y
- enabled = @actor.skill_can_use?(skill)
- #---
- draw_icon(skill.icon_index, x, y, enabled)
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 24, y, rect.width-84, WLH, skill.name, 0)
- #---
- cost = @actor.calc_mp_cost(skill)
- #--- Use icons
- rect.width -= 24
- x = rect.x + rect.width
- y = rect.y
- #---
- if usagecheck
- self.contents.draw_text(rect, "", 2)
- elsif recharge > 0 and YE::BATTLE::REPLACE_ICON_RECHARGE
- self.contents.draw_text(x-30, y, 30, WLH, recharge, 2)
- elsif cost == 0
- self.contents.draw_text(rect, "", 2)
- elsif skill.maxgold_cost > 0
- self.contents.draw_text(x-30, y, 30, WLH, sprintf("%d%%",cost), 2)
- else
- self.contents.draw_text(x-30, y, 30, WLH, cost, 2)
- end
- #---
- if usagecheck
- elsif recharge > 0 and YE::BATTLE::REPLACE_ICON_RECHARGE
- elsif skill.cost_custom > 0
- icon = @actor.create_cost_icon(skill)
- elsif cost == 0
- icon = 0
- else
- icon = @actor.create_cost_icon(skill)
- end
- draw_icon(icon, x, y, enabled)
- #---
- else
- #--- Don't use icons
- if usagecheck
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::USAGE_MSG, recharge)
- elsif recharge > 0 and YE::BATTLE::REPLACE_ICON_RECHARGE
- if recharge == 1
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::RECHARGE_MSG1, recharge)
- else
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::RECHARGE_MSG, recharge)
- end
- elsif skill.cost_custom > 0
- text = @actor.cost_custom(skill, 1)
- elsif cost == 0
- text = ""
- elsif skill.cur_mp_cost > 0
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::MP_COST, cost)
- elsif skill.max_mp_cost > 0
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::MP_COST, cost)
- elsif skill.cur_hp_cost > 0
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::HP_COST, cost)
- elsif skill.max_hp_cost > 0
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::HP_COST, cost)
- elsif skill.gold_cost > 0
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::GOLD_COST, cost)
- elsif skill.maxgold_cost > 0
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::MGOLD_COST, cost)
- elsif skill.rage_cost > 0
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::RAGE_COST, cost)
- else
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::MP_COST, cost)
- end
- x = rect.x + rect.width - 54
- self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 54, WLH, text, 2)
- #---
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Window_Skill
- #===============================================================================
- class Window_Skill < Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Draw Item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_item(index)
- draw_skill(index)
- end
- end # class Window_Skill < Window_Selectable
- #==============================================================================
- # Window_Mix_Item
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_Mix_Item < Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # initialize
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(x, y, width, height, actor, skill)
- super(x, y, width, height)
- @column_max = 2
- @actor = actor
- @skill = skill
- self.index = 0
- refresh
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def item
- return @data[self.index]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # refresh
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- @data = []
- for item in $game_party.items
- @data.push(item) if include?(item)
- end
- @item_max = @data.size
- create_contents
- for i in 0...@item_max
- draw_item(i)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # include?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def include?(item)
- return false unless item.is_a?(RPG::Item)
- return false if item.dont_mix
- return true if @skill.mix_items_all
- for type in @skill.mix_types
- return true if item.mix_types.include?(type)
- end
- return false
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # draw_item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_item(index)
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- rect = item_rect(index)
- self.contents.clear_rect(rect)
- item = @data[index]
- if item != nil
- number = $game_party.item_number(item)
- rect.width -= 4
- draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, true)
- self.contents.draw_text(rect, sprintf("亊%2d", number), 2)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # draw item name
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_item_name(item, x, y, enabled = true)
- if item != nil
- draw_icon(item.icon_index, x, y, enabled)
- if item.id == @actor.mix_item_1 and item.id == @actor.mix_item_2
- self.contents.font.color = text_color(YE::BATTLE::ITEM_COLOUR3)
- elsif item.id == @actor.mix_item_1
- self.contents.font.color = text_color(YE::BATTLE::ITEM_COLOUR1)
- elsif item.id == @actor.mix_item_2
- self.contents.font.color = text_color(YE::BATTLE::ITEM_COLOUR2)
- else
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- end
- self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 24, y, 172, WLH, item.name)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # update help
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_help
- @help_window.set_text(item == nil ? "" : item.description)
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Window Subskills
- #===============================================================================
- class Window_Subskills < Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # initialize
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(x, y, width, height, actor, sk)
- super(x, y, width, height)
- @superskill = sk
- @actor = actor
- @column_max = 2
- self.index = 0
- refresh
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # refresh
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- @data = []
- for skill_id in @superskill.subskills
- sk = $data_skills[skill_id]
- next if sk == nil
- @data.push(sk) if include?(sk)
- end
- @item_max = @data.size
- create_contents
- for i in 0...@item_max
- draw_skill(i)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def skill
- return @data[self.index]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # include?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def include?(sk)
- return false if sk == nil
- return false if sk.require_level > @actor.level
- return false if sk.require_learn and [email protected]_learn?(sk)
- return false if sk.mix_items
- return false if sk.subskills != []
- return false if sk.chain_type > 0
- return true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # update_help
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_help
- @help_window.set_text(skill == nil ? "" : skill.description)
- end
- end # Window_Subskills
- #===============================================================================
- # Window Chain Skill
- #===============================================================================
- class Window_Chain_Skill < Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # initialize
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(x, y, width, height, actor, sk)
- super(x, y, width, height)
- @skill = sk
- @actor = actor
- @column_max = 1
- self.index = 0
- refresh
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # refresh
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh(chain_array = [])
- @data = []
- @chain_array = chain_array
- array = []
- #----------------------------
- if @skill.chain_type == 1
- for skill in @actor.skills
- array.push(skill.id)
- end
- end
- #----------------------------
- if @skill.chain_type == 2
- allowed_types = @skill.chain_array
- for sk in @actor.skills
- for type in sk.closed_type
- array.push(sk.id) if allowed_types.include?(type)
- end
- end
- end
- #----------------------------
- if @skill.chain_type == 3
- for skill_id in @skill.chain_array
- array.push(skill_id)
- end
- end
- #----------------------------
- for skill_id in array
- sk = $data_skills[skill_id]
- next if sk == nil
- @data.push(sk) if include?(sk)
- end
- @item_max = @data.size
- create_contents
- for i in 0...@item_max
- draw_skill(i)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def skill
- return @data[self.index]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # include?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def include?(sk)
- return false if sk == nil
- return false if sk.mix_items
- return false if sk.require_level > @actor.level
- return false if sk.require_learn and [email protected]_learn?(sk)
- return false if sk.subskills != []
- return false if sk.chain_type > 0
- return true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Draw Skill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_skill(index)
- rect = item_rect(index)
- self.contents.clear_rect(rect)
- skill = @data[index]
- if skill != nil
- skill_id = @data[index].id
- actor_id = @actor.id
- recharge = $game_actors[actor_id].recharge(skill_id)
- #---
- usage = $game_actors[actor_id].usage(skill_id)
- if skill.usage > 0 and YE::BATTLE::REPLACE_ICON_USAGE
- if usage >= skill.usage
- usagecheck = true
- else
- usagecheck = false
- end
- end
- #---
- rect.width -= 4
- x = rect.x
- y = rect.y
- enabled = skill_can_use?(skill)
- #---
- draw_icon(skill.icon_index, x, y, enabled)
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 24, y, rect.width-84, WLH, skill.name, 0)
- #---
- cost = @actor.calc_mp_cost(skill)
- rect.width -= 24
- x = rect.x + rect.width
- y = rect.y
- #---
- if usagecheck
- self.contents.draw_text(rect, "", 2)
- elsif recharge > 0 and YE::BATTLE::REPLACE_ICON_RECHARGE
- self.contents.draw_text(x-30, y, 30, WLH, recharge, 2)
- elsif cost == 0
- self.contents.draw_text(rect, "", 2)
- elsif skill.maxgold_cost > 0
- self.contents.draw_text(x-30, y, 30, WLH, sprintf("%d%%",cost), 2)
- else
- self.contents.draw_text(x-30, y, 30, WLH, cost, 2)
- end
- #---
- if usagecheck
- elsif recharge > 0 and YE::BATTLE::REPLACE_ICON_RECHARGE
- elsif skill.cost_custom > 0
- icon = @actor.create_cost_icon(skill)
- elsif cost == 0
- icon = 0
- else
- icon = @actor.create_cost_icon(skill)
- end
- draw_icon(icon, x, y, enabled)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # skill_can_use?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def skill_can_use?(sk)
- return false if @chain_array.include?(sk.id) and [email protected]_chain
- return true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # update_help
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_help
- @help_window.set_text(skill == nil ? "" : skill.description)
- end
- end # Window_Chain_Skill
- #==============================================================================
- # Window_Chain_Info
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_Chain_Info < Window_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # initialize
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(x, y, width, height, actor, sk)
- super(x, y, width, height)
- @actor = actor
- @skill = sk
- refresh
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # refresh
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh(array = [])
- self.contents.clear
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- @array = array
- draw_icon(@skill.icon_index, 0, 0)
- self.contents.draw_text(24, 0, 166, WLH, @skill.name, 0)
- text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::CHAIN_MAX_TEXT, @array.size, @skill.chain_times)
- self.contents.draw_text(190, 0, 50, WLH, text, 2)
- draw_costs
- dx = 0
- dy = WLH * 2
- for skill_id in @array
- skill = $data_skills[skill_id]
- draw_item_name(skill, dx, dy)
- cost = @actor.calc_mp_cost(skill)
- icon = @actor.create_cost_icon(skill)
- draw_icon(icon, 216, dy)
- self.contents.draw_text(186, dy, 30, WLH, cost, 2)
- dy += WLH
- break if dy + WLH > self.height - 32
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # draw costs
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_costs
- icon = YE::BATTLE::MP_ICON
- draw_icon(icon, 44, 24)
- icon = YE::BATTLE::HP_ICON
- draw_icon(icon, 124, 24)
- draw_icon(icon, 204, 24)
- mpcost = 0; hpcost = 0; ragecost = 0
- for skill_id in @array
- sk = $data_skills[skill_id]
- next if sk == nil
- if sk.cur_mp_cost > 0
- mpcost += @actor.calc_mp_cost(sk)
- elsif sk.max_mp_cost > 0
- mpcost += @actor.calc_mp_cost(sk)
- elsif sk.cur_hp_cost > 0
- hpcost += @actor.calc_mp_cost(sk)
- elsif sk.max_hp_cost > 0
- hpcost += @actor.calc_mp_cost(sk)
- elsif sk.rage_cost > 0
- hpcost += @actor.calc_mp_cost(sk)
- else
- mpcost += @actor.calc_mp_cost(sk)
- end
- end
- self.contents.draw_text(12, 24, 32, WLH, mpcost, 2)
- self.contents.draw_text(92, 24, 32, WLH, hpcost, 2)
- self.contents.draw_text(172, 24, 32, WLH, ragecost, 2)
- end
- end # Window_Chain_Info
- #===============================================================================
- #
- # 脚本结束
- #
- #===============================================================================
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