赞 | 0 |
VIP | 177 |
好人卡 | 10 |
积分 | 1 |
经验 | 12547 |
最后登录 | 2017-8-1 |
在线时间 | 193 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 50
- 在线时间
- 193 小时
- 注册时间
- 2013-3-24
- 帖子
- 448
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本帖最后由 joe5491 于 2013-4-5 13:07 编辑
新增! 案ESC可以結束MV播放。 如果沒結束播放就F12,會悲劇的....
Project XD.rar,大小:4.62MB
115网盘: http://115.com/lb/5lbqdjs3
freakshare: http://freakshare.com/files/myzqgsmq/Project-XD.rar.html
115网盘: http://115.com/lb/5lbqdab1
freakshare: http://freakshare.com/files/htbxj5f1/video.rar.html
- #======================================================
- #★ 節奏遊戲 -by joe59491
- #======================================================
- #========參數設定======================================
- $Hit_Control = 9 #錄譜開關,打開為錄譜模式,關閉為播放模式
- $Hit_Control2 = 10 #疊加開關,打開為疊加模式,關閉為播放模式
- $Hit_Playing = 12 #播放中開關,播放中為On,否則Off
- $Hit_Cool = 103 #Cool動畫編號
- $Hit_Good = 104 #Good動畫編號
- $Hit_Fail = 105 #Fail動畫編號
- #======================================================
- #========參數歸零======================================
- $Hit_pjd=[0]
- #======================================================
- class Scene_Map
- def hit_music
- # Graphics.frame_rate = 60
- if $Hit_fls!=nil
- $game_switches[$Hit_Playing] = true
- $Hit_fls.z=-1
- if $Hit_k!=$Hit_fls.current_frame
- $Hit_fls.update
- $Hit_stop=0
- else
- $Hit_stop+=1
- end
- if $Hit_k < $Hit_fls.current_frame
- $Hit_k=$Hit_fls.current_frame
- end
- $Hit_fwin.contents.clear
- $Hit_fwin.contents.font.size = 20
- op=0;
- $Hit_fwin.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,0,255)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.draw_text(10, 0, 212, 32,"C: "+$Hit_c.to_s, 0)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,255,0,255)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.draw_text(110, 0, 212, 32,"G: "+$Hit_g.to_s, 0)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.font.color = Color.new(127,127,127,255)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.draw_text(210, 0, 212, 32,"F: "+$Hit_f.to_s, 0)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255,255)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.draw_text(360, 0, 212, 32,"Combo: "+$Hit_co.to_s, 0)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.draw_text(0, 438, 212, 32,$Hit_np.to_s, 0)
- #$fwin.contents.font.name = "Arial"
- $Hit_fwin.contents.font.size = 25
- ndpress='?'
- pp=1
- for i in $Hit_k..$Hit_k + 60#50
- if $Hit_pjd[i]!=nil
- op=255
- case $Hit_pjd[i]
- when 37
- ndpress='←'
- when 38
- ndpress='↑'
- when 39
- ndpress='→'
- when 40
- ndpress='↓'
- when 65
- ndpress='A'
- when 66
- ndpress='B'
- when 67
- ndpress='C'
- when 68
- ndpress='D'
- when 69
- ndpress='E'
- when 70
- ndpress='F'
- when 71
- ndpress='G'
- when 72
- ndpress='H'
- when 73
- ndpress='I'
- when 74
- ndpress='J'
- when 75
- ndpress='K'
- when 76
- ndpress='L'
- when 77
- ndpress='M'
- when 78
- ndpress='N'
- when 79
- ndpress='O'
- when 80
- ndpress='P'
- when 81
- ndpress='Q'
- when 82
- ndpress='R'
- when 83
- ndpress='S'
- when 84
- ndpress='T'
- when 85
- ndpress='U'
- when 86
- ndpress='V'
- when 87
- ndpress='W'
- when 88
- ndpress='X'
- when 89
- ndpress='Y'
- when 90
- ndpress='Z'
- end
- else
- op -= 255
- end
- if ndpress !='?' and pp==1
- #bitmap=Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/"+ndpress+".png")
- #src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32)
- #$fwin.contents.blt(570, 420, bitmap,src_rect)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255,255)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.draw_text(570, 420, 212, 32,ndpress, 0)
- pp=0
- end
- if op==255
- if !$game_switches[9] || $game_switches[10]
- #bitmap=Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/"+ndpress+".png")
- #src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32)
- #$fwin.contents.blt(570-12*(i-$k), 420, bitmap,src_rect)
- #$fwin.contents.font.color = Color.new(127,127,127,255)
- # $fwin.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,127,127,255)
- # $fwin.contents.draw_text(570-10*(i-$k)+1, 420, 212, 32,ndpress, 0)
- # $fwin.contents.draw_text(570-10*(i-$k)-1, 420, 212, 32,ndpress, 0)
- # $fwin.contents.draw_text(570-10*(i-$k), 420+1, 212, 32,ndpress, 0)
- # $fwin.contents.draw_text(570-10*(i-$k), 420-1, 212, 32,ndpress, 0)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,0,0,255)
- $Hit_fwin.contents.draw_text(570-10*(i-$Hit_k), 420, 212, 32,ndpress, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- press=0
- for i in 37..40
- if Kboard.trigger?(i)
- press=i
- end
- end
- for i in 65..90
- if Kboard.trigger?(i)
- press=i
- end
- end
- if press != 0 #and $k-$key>2
- if !$game_switches[$Hit_Control]
- $Hit_key=$Hit_k
- if$Hit_pjd[$Hit_key]==press
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Cool
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key]=nil
- $Hit_c+=1
- $Hit_co+=1
- $Hit_np+=$Hit_co*10 + 300
- elsif $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key]!=nil
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Fail
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key]=nil
- $Hit_f+=1
- $Hit_co=0
- elsif$Hit_pjd[$Hit_key+1]==press
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Cool
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key+1]=nil
- $Hit_c+=1
- $Hit_co+=1
- $Hit_np+=$Hit_co*10 +300
- elsif $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key+1]!=nil
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Fail
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key+1]=nil
- $Hit_f+=1
- $Hit_co=0
- elsif$Hit_pjd[$Hit_key-1]==press
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Cool
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key-1]=nil
- $Hit_c+=1
- $Hit_co+=1
- $Hit_np+=$Hit_co*10 +300
- elsif$Hit_pjd[$Hit_key-1]!=nil
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Fail
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key-1]=nil
- $Hit_f+=1
- $Hit_co=0
- elsif$Hit_pjd[$Hit_key+2]==press
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Good
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key+2]=nil
- $Hit_g+=1
- $Hit_co+=1
- $Hit_np+=$Hit_co*5 +100
- elsif$Hit_pjd[$Hit_key+2]!=nil
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Fail
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key+2]=nil
- $Hit_f+=1
- $Hit_co=0
- elsif$Hit_pjd[$Hit_key-2]==press
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Good
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key-2]=nil
- $Hit_g+=1
- $Hit_co+=1
- $Hit_np+=$Hit_co*5 +100
- elsif$Hit_pjd[$Hit_key-2]!=nil
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Fail
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key-2]=nil
- $Hit_f+=1
- $Hit_co=0
- elsif$Hit_pjd[$Hit_key+3]==press
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Fail
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_key+3]=nil
- $Hit_f+=1
- $Hit_co=0
- else
- #$game_player.animation_id = 105
- #$f+=1
- #$co=0
- end
- else
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_k]=press
- $game_player.animation_id = $Hit_Cool
- $Hit_c+=1
- $Hit_co+=1
- $Hit_np+=$Hit_co*10 +300
- end
- end
- if !$game_switches[$Hit_Control]
- if $Hit_k > 3
- if $Hit_pjd[$Hit_k-3]
- $game_player.animation_id = 105
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_k-3]=nil
- $Hit_f+=1
- $Hit_co=0
- end
- end
- end
- if $Hit_stop>10 || Kboard.trigger?($R_Key_F5)
- $Hit_fls.dispose
- $Hit_fls=nil
- $Hit_fls=RMFlash.load("Audio/video/"+$Hit_so+".swf",640,480)
- $Hit_fls.goto_frame($Hit_k)
- $Hit_fls.x = 0
- $Hit_fls.y = 0
- $Hit_fls.z = -1
- $Hit_fls.loop = 0
- end
- if Kboard.press?($R_Key_DELETE) and $game_switches[$Hit_Control2]
- $Hit_pjd[$Hit_k]=nil
- end
- if Kboard.trigger?( $R_Key_ESCAPE) or $Hit_fls.total_frames==$Hit_fls.current_frame+1#||!$fls.playing?
- if $game_switches[$Hit_Control]
- file = File.open("PJDV/"+$Hit_so+".rxdata", "wb")
- Marshal.dump($Hit_pjd, file)
- file.close
- end
- p "完畢! 按F12回標題"
- $Hit_fls.dispose
- $Hit_fls=nil
- $game_switches[$Hit_Playing] = false
- #$game_temp.common_event_id = 12
- $Hit_fwin.dispose
- end
- end
- end
- alias map_update_hit update
- def update
- hit_music
- map_update_hit
- end
- end
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