赞 | 0 |
VIP | 9 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 1 |
经验 | 18278 |
最后登录 | 2018-5-1 |
在线时间 | 210 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 85
- 在线时间
- 210 小时
- 注册时间
- 2013-7-26
- 帖子
- 346
您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册会员
本帖最后由 夕仔 于 2014-7-20 01:33 编辑
代码出错出 draw_txt_ex(4, 0, @text,width,40,false)- def refresh
- contents.clear
- hide if @text == ""
- draw_text_ex(4, 0, @text,width,40,false)
- end
- end
- #encoding:utf-8
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ 装备说明增强
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 修改了说明窗口,增强了装备的说明 作者:wyongcan 发布于66RPG 转载请注明
- #==============================================================================
- module Help
- CODE ={
- 11 => "属性抗性",
- 12 => "弱化抗性",
- 13 => "状态抗性",
- 14 => "状态免疫",
- 21 => "普通能力",
- 22 => "添加能力",
- 23 => "特殊能力",
- 31 => "攻击附带属性",
- 32 => "攻击附带状态",
- 33 => "修正攻击速度",
- 34 => "添加攻击次数",
- 41 => "添加技能类型",
- 42 => "禁用技能类型",
- 43 => "添加技能",
- 44 => "禁用技能",
- 51 => "可装备武器类型",
- 52 => "可装备护甲类型",
- 53 => "固定装备",
- 54 => "禁用装备",
- 55 => "装备风格",
- 61 => "添加行动次数",
- 62 => "特殊标志",
- 63 => "消失效果",
- 64 => "队伍能力"}
- #特殊标志
- FLAG ={
- 0 => "自动战斗",
- 1 => "擅长防御",
- 2 => "保护弱者",
- 3 => "特技专注"}
- #普通能力
- PARAM ={
- 0 => "最大HP",
- 1 => "最大MP",
- 2 => "物理攻击",
- 3 => "物理防御",
- 4 => "魔法攻击",
- 5 => "魔法防御",
- 6 => "敏 捷 值",
- 7 => "幸 运 值"}
- #添加能力
- 0 => "物理命中几率:",
- 1 => "物理闪避几率:",
- 2 => "必杀几率:",
- 3 => "必杀闪避几率:",
- 4 => "魔法闪避几率:",
- 5 => "魔法反射几率:",
- 6 => "物理反击几率:",
- 7 => "体力值再生速度:",
- 8 => "魔力值再生速度:",
- 9 => "特技值再生速度:"}
- #特殊能力
- 0 => "受到攻击的几率",
- 1 => "防御效果比率",
- 2 => "恢复效果比率",
- 3 => "药理知识",
- 4 => "MP消费率",
- 5 => "TP消耗率",
- 6 => "物理伤害加成",
- 7 => "魔法伤害加成",
- 8 => "地形伤害加成",
- 9 => "经验获得加成"}
- #~ #效果范围
- #~ SCOPE ={
- #~ 0 => "特殊",
- #~ 1 => "单个敌人",
- #~ 2 => "全体敌人" ,
- #~ 3 => "一个随机敌人",
- #~ 4 => "两个随机敌人",
- #~ 5 => "三个随机敌人",
- #~ 6 => "四个随机敌人",
- #~ 7 => "单个队友",
- #~ 8 => "全体队友",
- #~ 9 => "单个队友(无法战斗)",
- #~ 10 => "全体队友(无法战斗)",
- #~ 11 => "使用者"}
- @队伍能力 ={
- 0 => "遇敌几率减半",
- 1 => "随机遇敌无效",
- 2 => "敌人偷袭无效",
- 3 => "先制攻击几率上升",
- 4 => "获得金钱数量双倍",
- 5 => "物品掉落几率双倍"}
- def self.ready
- @状态 = {}
- @武器类型 = {}
- @防具类型 = {}
- @属性 = {}
- $data_states.each{|x| @状态[x.id] = x.name if x != nil}
- elements = $data_system.elements
- weapon_types = $data_system.weapon_types
- armor_types = $data_system.armor_types
- elements.each_with_index{|x,y| @属性[y] = x if x != ""}
- weapon_types.each_with_index{|x,y| @武器类型[y] = x if x != ""}
- armor_types.each_with_index{|x,y| @防具类型[y] = x if x != ""}
- end
- def self.getequiphelp(equip)
- help = ""
- param = []
- equip.params.each_with_index{|x,y| param.push([PARAM[y],x])}
- param = param.select{|x| x[1] != 0}
- param.each{|x| help += x[0] + ":" + x[1].to_s + "\n"}
- features = equip.features
- features.select{|x| x.code == 55}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":双持武器" + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 11}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @属性[x.data_id] + "*" + x.value.to_s + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 12}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + PARAM[x.data_id] + "*" + x.value.to_s + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 13}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @状态[x.data_id] + "*" + x.value.to_s + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 14}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @状态[x.data_id] + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 31}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @属性[x.data_id] + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 32}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @状态[x.data_id] + "+" + x.value.to_s + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 33}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + x.value.to_s + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 34}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + x.value.to_s + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 41}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + (x.data_id == 1 ? "特技" : "魔法") + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 42}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + (x.data_id == 1 ? "特技" : "魔法") + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 43}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + $data_skills[x.data_id].name + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 44}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + $data_skills[x.data_id].name + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 51}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @武器类型[x.data_id] + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 52}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @防具类型[x.data_id] + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 61}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + x.value.to_s + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 62}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + FLAG[x.data_id] + "\n"}
- features.select{|x| x.code == 64}.each{|x| help += CODE[x.code] + ":" + @队伍能力[x.data_id] + "\n"}
- featuresparam = []
- featuresparam.push features.select{|x| x.code == 21}
- featuresparam.push features.select{|x| x.code == 22}
- featuresparam.push features.select{|x| x.code == 23}
- featuresparam[0].each{|x| help += PARAM[x.data_id] + "*" + x.value.to_s + "\n"}
- featuresparam[1].each{|x| help += XPARAM[x.data_id] + x.value.to_s + "\n"}
- featuresparam[2].each{|x| help += SPARAM[x.data_id] + "*" + x.value.to_s + "\n"}
- help
- end
- def self.getline(text,maxtext)
- xtext = []
- line = 0
- text.each_line{|x| xtext.push x.sub(/\n/){}}
- xtext.each{|x| x.size % maxtext != 0 ? line += x.size / maxtext + 1 : line += x.size / maxtext}
- line
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_Help
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 显示特技和物品等的说明、以及角色状态的窗口
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_Help < Window_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 初始化对象
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(line_number = 0)
- super(0, 0, 210, fitting_height(line_number))
- self.z = 150
- contents.font.size = 20
- hide
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 设置内容
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_text(text)
- if text != @text
- @text = text
- refresh
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 清除
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def clear
- set_text("")
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新帮助位置
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def uppos(index,rect,window)
- self.height = fitting_height2(Help.getline(@xtext,13))
- create_contents
- #=====================================
- contents.font.size = 20 #字体大小修改
- #=====================================
- rect.x -= window.ox
- rect.y -= window.oy
- ax = rect.x + rect.width + 10
- ax = rect.x - self.width + 10 if ax + self.width > window.width + 10
- ax += window.x
- ax = 0 if ax < 0
- ay = rect.y + rect.height
- ay = rect.y - self.height if ay + self.height > window.height
- ay += window.y
- ay = 0 if ay < 0
- self.x = ax
- self.y = ay
- set_text(@xtext)
- show
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 设置物品
- # item : 技能、物品等
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_item(item)
- if item == nil
- set_text("")
- return
- end
- @xtext = ""
- @xtext = "名称:" + item.name + "\n"
- @xtext += "介绍:" + item.description + "\n"
- @xtext += "价格:" + item.price.to_s + "\n" if item.is_a?(RPG::EquipItem) || item.is_a?(RPG::Item)
- @xtext += Help.getequiphelp(item) if item.is_a?(RPG::EquipItem)
- @xtext = @xtext[0,@text.size - 2] if @xtext[@xtext.size - 2,2] == "\n"
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- hide if @text == ""
- draw_text_ex(4, 0, @text,width,40,false)
- end
- end
- class Window_Base < Window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 计算窗口显示指定行数时的应用高度2*************************
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def fitting_height2(line_number)
- line_number * contents.font.size + standard_padding * 2
- end
- #~ draw_text_ex的增强,使其可以自动换行 原作者:叶子 修改:wyongcan
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 绘制带有控制符的文本内容
- # 如果传递了width参数的话,会自动换行
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_text_ex(x, y, text, width = nil,textwidth = nil,normalfont = true)
- reset_font_settings if normalfont == true
- text = convert_escape_characters(text)
- pos = {:x => x, :y => y, :new_x => x, :height => calc_line_height(text)}
- if width != nil
- pos[:height] = contents.font.size
- pos[:width] = width
- pos[:textwidth] = textwidth
- end
- process_character(text.slice!(0, 1), text, pos) until text.empty?
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 文字的处理
- # c : 文字
- # text : 绘制处理中的字符串缓存(字符串可能会被修改)
- # pos : 绘制位置 {:x, :y, :new_x, :height}
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def process_character(c, text, pos)
- case c
- when "\r" # 回车
- return
- when "\n" # 换行
- process_new_line(text, pos)
- when "\f" # 翻页
- process_new_page(text, pos)
- when "\e" # 控制符
- process_escape_character(obtain_escape_code(text), text, pos)
- else # 普通文字
- pos[:textwidth] == nil ? text_width = text_size(c).width : text_width = pos[:textwidth]
- if pos[:width] != nil && pos[:x] - pos[:new_x] + text_width > pos[:width]
- process_new_line(text, pos)
- end
- process_normal_character(c, pos)
- end
- end
- end
- class Window_ItemList < Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新帮助内容
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_help
- @help_window.set_item(item)
- @help_window.uppos(index,item_rect(index),self) if index != -1 && item != nil
- end
- end
- class Window_SkillList < Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新帮助内容
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_help
- @help_window.set_item(item)
- @help_window.uppos(index,item_rect(index),self) if index != -1 && item != nil
- end
- end
- class Window_ShopBuy < Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新帮助内容
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_help
- @help_window.set_item(item) if @help_window
- @help_window.uppos(index,item_rect(index),self) if index != -1 && item != nil && @help_window
- @status_window.item = item if @status_window
- end
- end
- class Window_EquipSlot < Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新帮助内容
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_help
- super
- @help_window.set_item(item) if @help_window
- @help_window.uppos(index,item_rect(index),self) if index != -1 && item != nil && @help_window
- @status_window.set_temp_actor(nil) if @status_window
- end
- end
- class Scene_Shop < Scene_MenuBase
- alias on_sell_ok_old on_sell_ok
- def on_sell_ok
- on_sell_ok_old
- @help_window.hide
- end
- alias on_buy_ok_old on_buy_ok
- def on_buy_ok
- on_buy_ok_old
- @help_window.hide
- end
- alias on_number_ok_old on_number_ok
- def on_number_ok
- on_number_ok_old
- @help_window.refresh
- @help_window.show
- end
- alias on_number_cancel_old on_number_cancel
- def on_number_cancel
- on_number_cancel_old
- @help_window.refresh
- @help_window.show
- end
- end
- class Scene_Title < Scene_Base
- alias start_old start
- def start
- start_old
- Help.ready
- end
- end
- class Window_Base < Window
- alias old_process_new_line process_new_line
- def process_new_line(text, pos)
- old_process_new_line(text, pos)
- pos[:height] = contents.font.size if pos[:width] != nil
- end
- end
- class Scene_ItemBase < Scene_MenuBase
- alias old_on_actor_cancel on_actor_cancel
- def on_actor_cancel
- old_on_actor_cancel
- @help_window.refresh
- end
- alias old_on_actor_ok on_actor_ok
- def on_actor_ok
- old_on_actor_ok
- @help_window.refresh
- end
- end
复制代码- #==============================================================================
- # ■ 物品颜色描绘 Ver.1.3 - By 柍若
- # ItemLevelDrawer
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Item类窗口中给图标描绘彩色边框以表示品质等级,同时改变名称颜色。
- # 物品、技能、装备等适用。
- #==============================================================================
- #
- # - 2014.02.05 By 柍若
- # * [ BUG修正 ]重定义品质判定算法,兼容性更良。
- # * [ 优化 ]简化写法(基本是重写了)。
- # * [ 补充 ]无限扩张品级数目。支持自定义。
- # * [ 补充 ]添加背景块,支持不透明度设定。
- # * [ 新功能 ]美化品质框,可选圆角或方角形状。
- # * [ 优化 ]修正名称文字显示位置。
- # * [ 新功能 ]定义全局自动/ 手动描绘两种模式可切换。
- # * [ 新功能 ]物品名称可用控制符。
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 基于以下脚本
- # 改写已取得两位作者同意
- #==============================================================================
- # - 2012.01.03 By 仲秋启明
- # * 修改为VA定义
- # - 2011.12.27 By 仲秋启明
- # * 移植至RGSS3,遵循PS0协议;
- # * 优化数据库备注中设定方法
- # - 2011.08.22 By 冰舞蝶恋
- # * 蓝本(实用·极简 -- 按品质,给物品描绘色彩边框)
- # - 2010.08.06 By 仲秋启明
- # * 蓝本(物品颜色描绘脚本(完整无冲突版))
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # [使用说明]
- # - 替换原Window_Base中的draw_item_name定义或复制到Main之前
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # [使用方法]
- # - 在备注栏内填写"<品质 n>",其中n表示品质等级。
- #==============================================================================
- module ItemLevelDrawer
- #==============================================================================
- # true: 默认全局描绘 / false: 手动设置描绘
- WhenZero = true # 开启则当品质为0(即不填)时,默认描绘品质1颜色
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # true: 圆角 / false: 方角
- CornerShape = true
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 背景块不透明度
- BackOpacity = 160
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 各品质颜色设置,预设7种,可自行添加新品级
- # 数据库设定的品质大于下列品质的最大值时,将不描绘品质
- ColorSet = [[255, 255, 255], # 备注 <品质 1> 或不填 [ 白 ]
- [128, 255, 128], # 备注 <品质 2> [ 绿 ]
- [128, 128, 255], # 备注 <品质 3> [ 蓝 ]
- [255, 0, 255], # 备注 <品质 4> [ 紫 ]
- [255, 128, 128], # 备注 <品质 5> [ 红 ]
- [255, 128, 0], # 备注 <品质 6> [ 橙 ]
- [255, 255, 128], # 备注 <品质 7> [ 黄 ]
- ]
- #==============================================================================
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_Base
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_Base < Window
- alias din2 draw_item_name
- def draw_item_name(item, x, y, enabled = true, width = 172)
- return unless item
- n = $1.to_i if /<品质 (\d+?)>/i =~ item.note
- x += 2
- return din2(item, x, y, enabled, width) unless n or ItemLevelDrawer::WhenZero and n.to_i <= ItemLevelDrawer::ColorSet.size
- n -= 1 if n and n >= 1
- n = 0 unless n
- n = ItemLevelDrawer::ColorSet[n.to_i]
- self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+2, 22, 20, Color.new(n[0], n[1], n[2], ItemLevelDrawer::BackOpacity))
- s = 1 if ItemLevelDrawer::CornerShape
- self.contents.fill_rect(x+s.to_i, y+1, 24-s.to_i*2, 1, Color.new(n[0], n[1], n[2]))
- self.contents.fill_rect(x, y+s.to_i+1, 1, 22-s.to_i*2, Color.new(n[0], n[1], n[2]))
- self.contents.fill_rect(x+s.to_i, y+22, 24-s.to_i*2, 1, Color.new(n[0], n[1], n[2]))
- self.contents.fill_rect(x+23, y+s.to_i+1, 1, 22-s.to_i*2, Color.new(n[0], n[1], n[2]))
- draw_icon(item.icon_index, x, y, enabled)
- change_color(Color.new(n[0], n[1], n[2]), enabled)
- draw_text_ex(x + 30, y, item.name, Color.new(n[0], n[1], n[2]))
- end
- def draw_text_ex(x, y, text, initial_color = normal_color)
- reset_font_settings(initial_color)
- text = convert_escape_characters(text)
- pos = {:x => x, :y => y, :new_x => x, :height => calc_line_height(text)}
- process_character(text.slice!(0, 1), text, pos) until text.empty?
- end
- def reset_font_settings(initial_color = normal_color)
- change_color(initial_color)
- contents.font.size = Font.default_size
- contents.font.bold = Font.default_bold
- contents.font.italic = Font.default_italic
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # End of Script
- #==============================================================================
复制代码 |