赞 | 1 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 7 |
经验 | 32726 |
最后登录 | 2024-4-7 |
在线时间 | 661 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 675
- 在线时间
- 661 小时
- 注册时间
- 2012-10-21
- 帖子
- 350

楼主 |
发表于 2014-11-10 15:52:08
#Weapon/Armor Randomization v1.2 #----------# #Features: Allow the stats of an item to be randomized, yay! Also can tack # on random prefixes and suffixes. Oooh, fancy. # #Usage: Basic Usage: # # Note tags for weapons and armors: # # <HP amount> <HP% amount> <ATK amount> <ATK% amount> # <MP amount> <MP% amount> <DEF amount> <DEF% amount> # <MAT amount> <MAT% amount> <MDF amount> <MDF% amount> # <AGI amount> <AGI% amount> <LUK amount> <LUK% amount> # <PRICE amount> <PRICE% amount> # # Where amount is the amount to be randomly added on, with % being # a percentage instead of specific. # Examples: <HP 500> or <HP% 10> # # Script calls: # add_armor(base_id, amount) # add_weapon(base_id, amount) # # These script calls create a new version of the item of the base_id # number, with randomized stats as set in their note. # # Advanced Usage: # # Note tags for weapons and armors: # # <SUFFIX# rarity> <PREFIX# rarity> # # Where # is the id number of the affix and rarity is the chance of it # occuring with 100 always occuring and 1 almost never occuring. # Multiple affix notes can be added and the first one that passes it's # rarity chance will be added. # Examples: <PREFIX1 50> or <SUFFIX2 90> # # The Complicated Part: (Affixes) # See that AFFIXES hash down there? That's where you set these up. # Basic setup is: # ID => { :symbol => data, }, # You can have as many different symbols in there as you want, each # seperated by a comma, and don't forget the comma between each AFFIX # id. # # Usable Symbols: # :name = "name" # # :hp, :mp, :atk, :def, :mat, :mdf, :agi, :luk (random bonus) # :Shp, :Smp, :Satk, :Sdef, :Smat, :Smdf, :Sagi, :Sluk (static bonus) # :hpP, :mpP, :atkP, :defP, :matP, :mdfP, :agiP, :lukP (random % bonus) # :ShpP, :SmpP, :SatkP, :SdefP, :SmatP, :SmdfP, :SagiP, :SlukP (static % bonus) # # :price, :Sprice, :priceP, :SpriceP # # each of these goes :symbol = value # # The fun part, :features # You can have as many features as you want, set up in an array: # :features = [[code, id, value],[code, id, value]] etc... # But what are the codes, ids, and values?? Don't worry, I found out: # # Element Rate = 11, element_id, float value # Debuff Rate = 12, param_id, float value # State Rate = 13, state_id, float value # State Resist = 14, state_id, 0 # # Parameter = 21, param_id, float value # Ex-Parameter = 22, exparam_id, float value # Sp-Parameter = 23, spparam_id, float value # # Atk Element = 31, element_id, 0 # Atk State = 32, state_id, float value # Atk Speed = 33, 0, value # Atk Times+ = 34, 0, value # # Add Skill Type = 41, skill_type, 0 # Seal Skill Type = 42, skill_type, 0 # Add Skill = 43, skill_id, 0 # Seal Skill = 44, skill_id, 0 # # Equip Weapon = 51, weapon_skill, 0 # Equip Armor = 52, armor_skill, 0 # Fix Equip = 53, item_type, 0 # Seal Equip = 54, item_type, 0 # Slot Type = 55, 1, 0 # # Action Times+ = 61, 0, value # Special Flag = 62, flag_id, 0 # Collapse Effect = 62, flag_id, 0 # Party Ability = 63, flag_id, 0 # # float value = percentage value where 1 = 100%, 0.75 = 75%, and 1.25 = 125% # param_id, 0=hp, 1=mp, 2=atk, 3=def, 4=mat, 5=mdf, 6=agi, 7=luk # # Examples: [21, 2, 1.5] which would increase atk to 150% # [62, 0, 0] which makes the item give the auto-battle flag # [32, 1, 0.5] which gives a 50% of applying death state # #----------# #-- Script by: Vlue of Daimonious Tails # #- Questions or comments can be: # posted on the thread for the script # provided on facebook: [url]http://www.facebook.com/DaimoniousTailsGames[/url] # posed on site: daimonioustails.wordpress.com # #--- Free to use in any project with credit given AFFIXES = { 1 => { :name => "Bronze ", :SatkP => 10,}, 2 => { :name => "Iron ", :SatkP => 30,}, 3 => { :name => "Steel ", :SatkP => 60,}, 4 => { :name => "Mithril ", :SatkP => 100,}, 5 => { :name => "Harder Mithril ", :SatkP => 150,}, 100 => { :name => " of Power", :SatkP => 40, :SmatP => 40,}, 200 => { :name => " of Defense", :SdefP => 40, :SmdfP => 40,}, 300 => { :name => " of Speed", :SagiP => 80,}, 400 => { :name => " of Better Speed", :features => [[34,0,2]],}, } #If true, then weapons and armors dropped by enemies will be randomized RANDOM_ENEMY_DROPS = true class Game_Interpreter def add_weapon(id, am) $game_party.add_weapon(id, am) end def add_armor(id, am) $game_party.add_armor(id, am) end end class Game_Party alias rig_initialize initialize def initialize rig_initialize @saved_weapons = $data_weapons @saved_armors = $data_armors end attr_accessor :saved_weapons attr_accessor :saved_armors def add_weapon(id, amount) item = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($data_weapons[id])) item.id = $data_weapons.size edit_item(item) edit_affixes(item) $data_weapons.each do |base_item| next if base_item.nil? if ( item.params == base_item.params && item.price == base_item.price && item.name == base_item.name ) $game_party.gain_item(base_item, amount) return end end $data_weapons.push(item) $game_party.gain_item(item, amount) end def add_armor(id, amount) item = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($data_armors[id])) item.id = $data_armors.size edit_item(item) edit_affixes(item) $data_armors.push(item) $game_party.gain_item(item, amount) end def edit_affixes(item) note = item.note.clone while note.include?("<SUF") id = note =~ /<SUFFIX(\d+) (\d+)>/ if !AFFIXES[$~[1].to_i].nil? break if add_affix(item, $~[1].to_i, false) if rand(100) < $2.to_i note[id] = "N" else msgbox("Affix #" + $1 + " doesn't exist. \nItem creation failed.") return end end while note.include?("<PRE") id = note =~ /<PREFIX(\d+) (\d+)>/ if !AFFIXES[$~[1].to_i].nil? break if add_affix(item, $~[1].to_i, true) if rand(100) < $2.to_i note[id] = "N" else msgbox("Affix #" + $1 + " doesn't exist. \nItem creation failed.") return end end end def add_affix(item, id, prefix) affix = AFFIXES[id] if prefix && !affix[:name].nil? item.name = affix[:name] + item.name elsif !affix[:name].nil? item.name = item.name + affix[:name] end item.params[0] += rand(affix[:hp]) if !affix[:hp].nil? item.params[1] += rand(affix[:mp]) if !affix[:mp].nil? item.params[2] += rand(affix[:atk]) if !affix[:atk].nil? item.params[3] += rand(affix[:def]) if !affix[:def].nil? item.params[4] += rand(affix[:mat]) if !affix[:mat].nil? item.params[5] += rand(affix[:mdf]) if !affix[:mdf].nil? item.params[6] += rand(affix[:agi]) if !affix[:agi].nil? item.params[7] += rand(affix[:luk]) if !affix[:luk].nil? item.price += rand(affix[:price]) if !affix[:price].nil? item.params[0] += affix[:Shp] if !affix[:Shp].nil? item.params[1] += affix[:Smp] if !affix[:Smp].nil? item.params[2] += affix[:Satk] if !affix[:Satk].nil? item.params[3] += affix[:Sdef] if !affix[:Sdef].nil? item.params[4] += affix[:Smat] if !affix[:Smat].nil? item.params[5] += affix[:Smdf] if !affix[:Smdf].nil? item.params[6] += affix[:Sagi] if !affix[:Sagi].nil? item.params[7] += affix[:Sluk] if !affix[:Sluk].nil? item.price += affix[:Sprice] if !affix[:Sprice].nil? item.params[0] += item.params[0] * (rand(affix[:hpP])) / 100 if !affix[:hpP].nil? item.params[1] += item.params[1] * (rand(affix[:mpP])) / 100 if !affix[:mpP].nil? item.params[2] += item.params[2] * (rand(affix[:atkP])) / 100 if !affix[:atkP].nil? item.params[3] += item.params[3] * (rand(affix[:defP])) / 100 if !affix[:defP].nil? item.params[4] += item.params[4] * (rand(affix[:matP])) / 100 if !affix[:matP].nil? item.params[5] += item.params[5] * (rand(affix[:mdfP])) / 100 if !affix[:mdfP].nil? item.params[6] += item.params[6] * (rand(affix[:agiP])) / 100 if !affix[:agiP].nil? item.params[7] += item.params[7] * (rand(affix[:lukP])) / 100 if !affix[:lukP].nil? item.price += item.price * (rand(affix[:priceP])) / 100 if !affix[:priceP].nil? item.params[0] += item.params[0] * affix[:ShpP] / 100 if !affix[:ShpP].nil? item.params[1] += item.params[1] * affix[:SmpP] / 100 if !affix[:SmpP].nil? item.params[2] += item.params[2] * affix[:SatkP] / 100 if !affix[:SatkP].nil? item.params[3] += item.params[3] * affix[:SdefP] / 100 if !affix[:SdefP].nil? item.params[4] += item.params[4] * affix[:SmatP] / 100 if !affix[:SmatP].nil? item.params[5] += item.params[5] * affix[:SmdfP] / 100 if !affix[:SmdfP].nil? item.params[6] += item.params[6] * affix[:SagiP] / 100 if !affix[:SagiP].nil? item.params[7] += item.params[7] * affix[:SlukP] / 100 if !affix[:SlukP].nil? item.price += item.price * affix[:SpriceP] / 100 if !affix[:SpriceP].nil? if !affix[:features].nil? for feature in affix[:features] new_feature = RPG::BaseItem::Feature.new(feature[0], feature[1], feature[2]) item.features.push(new_feature) end end return true end def edit_item(item) item.note =~ /<HP (\d+)>/ item.params[0] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~ item.note =~ /<MP (\d+)>/ item.params[1] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~ item.note =~ /<ATK (\d+)>/ item.params[2] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~ item.note =~ /<DEF (\d+)>/ item.params[3] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~ item.note =~ /<MAT (\d+)>/ item.params[4] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~ item.note =~ /<MDF (\d+)>/ item.params[5] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~ item.note =~ /<AGI (\d+)>/ item.params[6] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~ item.note =~ /<LUK (\d+)>/ item.params[7] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~ item.note =~ /<PRICE (\d+)>/ item.price += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~ item.note =~ /<HP% (\d+)>/ item.params[0] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~ item.note =~ /<MP% (\d+)>/ item.params[1] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~ item.note =~ /<ATK% (\d+)>/ item.params[2] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~ item.note =~ /<DEF% (\d+)>/ item.params[3] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~ item.note =~ /<MAT% (\d+)>/ item.params[4] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~ item.note =~ /<MDF% (\d+)>/ item.params[5] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~ item.note =~ /<AGI% (\d+)>/ item.params[6] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~ item.note =~ /<LUK% (\d+)>/ item.params[7] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~ item.note =~ /<PRICE% (\d+)>/ item.price += item.price * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~ end end module BattleManager def self.gain_drop_items $game_troop.make_drop_items.each do |item| if RANDOM_ENEMY_DROPS if item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) $game_party.add_weapon(item.id, 1) item = $data_weapons[-1] elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) $game_party.add_armor(item.id, 1) item = $data_armors[-1] else $game_party.gain_item(item, 1) end else $game_party.gain_item(item, 1) end $game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::ObtainItem, item.name)) end wait_for_message end end class Scene_Load alias rig_on_load_success on_load_success def on_load_success rig_on_load_success $data_weapons = $game_party.saved_weapons $data_armors = $game_party.saved_armors end end
#Weapon/Armor Randomization v1.2
#Features: Allow the stats of an item to be randomized, yay! Also can tack
# on random prefixes and suffixes. Oooh, fancy.
#Usage: Basic Usage:
# Note tags for weapons and armors:
# <HP amount> <HP% amount> <ATK amount> <ATK% amount>
# <MP amount> <MP% amount> <DEF amount> <DEF% amount>
# <MAT amount> <MAT% amount> <MDF amount> <MDF% amount>
# <AGI amount> <AGI% amount> <LUK amount> <LUK% amount>
# <PRICE amount> <PRICE% amount>
# Where amount is the amount to be randomly added on, with % being
# a percentage instead of specific.
# Examples: <HP 500> or <HP% 10>
# Script calls:
# add_armor(base_id, amount)
# add_weapon(base_id, amount)
# These script calls create a new version of the item of the base_id
# number, with randomized stats as set in their note.
# Advanced Usage:
# Note tags for weapons and armors:
# <SUFFIX# rarity> <PREFIX# rarity>
# Where # is the id number of the affix and rarity is the chance of it
# occuring with 100 always occuring and 1 almost never occuring.
# Multiple affix notes can be added and the first one that passes it's
# rarity chance will be added.
# Examples: <PREFIX1 50> or <SUFFIX2 90>
# The Complicated Part: (Affixes)
# See that AFFIXES hash down there? That's where you set these up.
# Basic setup is:
# ID => { :symbol => data, },
# You can have as many different symbols in there as you want, each
# seperated by a comma, and don't forget the comma between each AFFIX
# id.
# Usable Symbols:
# :name = "name"
# :hp, :mp, :atk, :def, :mat, :mdf, :agi, :luk (random bonus)
# :Shp, :Smp, :Satk, :Sdef, :Smat, :Smdf, :Sagi, :Sluk (static bonus)
# :hpP, :mpP, :atkP, :defP, :matP, :mdfP, :agiP, :lukP (random % bonus)
# :ShpP, :SmpP, :SatkP, :SdefP, :SmatP, :SmdfP, :SagiP, :SlukP (static % bonus)
# :price, :Sprice, :priceP, :SpriceP
# each of these goes :symbol = value
# The fun part, :features
# You can have as many features as you want, set up in an array:
# :features = [[code, id, value],[code, id, value]] etc...
# But what are the codes, ids, and values?? Don't worry, I found out:
# Element Rate = 11, element_id, float value
# Debuff Rate = 12, param_id, float value
# State Rate = 13, state_id, float value
# State Resist = 14, state_id, 0
# Parameter = 21, param_id, float value
# Ex-Parameter = 22, exparam_id, float value
# Sp-Parameter = 23, spparam_id, float value
# Atk Element = 31, element_id, 0
# Atk State = 32, state_id, float value
# Atk Speed = 33, 0, value
# Atk Times+ = 34, 0, value
# Add Skill Type = 41, skill_type, 0
# Seal Skill Type = 42, skill_type, 0
# Add Skill = 43, skill_id, 0
# Seal Skill = 44, skill_id, 0
# Equip Weapon = 51, weapon_skill, 0
# Equip Armor = 52, armor_skill, 0
# Fix Equip = 53, item_type, 0
# Seal Equip = 54, item_type, 0
# Slot Type = 55, 1, 0
# Action Times+ = 61, 0, value
# Special Flag = 62, flag_id, 0
# Collapse Effect = 62, flag_id, 0
# Party Ability = 63, flag_id, 0
# float value = percentage value where 1 = 100%, 0.75 = 75%, and 1.25 = 125%
# param_id, 0=hp, 1=mp, 2=atk, 3=def, 4=mat, 5=mdf, 6=agi, 7=luk
# Examples: [21, 2, 1.5] which would increase atk to 150%
# [62, 0, 0] which makes the item give the auto-battle flag
# [32, 1, 0.5] which gives a 50% of applying death state
#-- Script by: Vlue of Daimonious Tails
#- Questions or comments can be:
# posted on the thread for the script
# provided on facebook: [url]http://www.facebook.com/DaimoniousTailsGames[/url]
# posed on site: daimonioustails.wordpress.com
#--- Free to use in any project with credit given
AFFIXES = { 1 => { :name => "Bronze ",
:SatkP => 10,},
2 => { :name => "Iron ",
:SatkP => 30,},
3 => { :name => "Steel ",
:SatkP => 60,},
4 => { :name => "Mithril ",
:SatkP => 100,},
5 => { :name => "Harder Mithril ",
:SatkP => 150,},
100 => { :name => " of Power",
:SatkP => 40,
:SmatP => 40,},
200 => { :name => " of Defense",
:SdefP => 40,
:SmdfP => 40,},
300 => { :name => " of Speed",
:SagiP => 80,},
400 => { :name => " of Better Speed",
:features => [[34,0,2]],},
#If true, then weapons and armors dropped by enemies will be randomized
class Game_Interpreter
def add_weapon(id, am)
$game_party.add_weapon(id, am)
def add_armor(id, am)
$game_party.add_armor(id, am)
class Game_Party
alias rig_initialize initialize
def initialize
@saved_weapons = $data_weapons
@saved_armors = $data_armors
attr_accessor :saved_weapons
attr_accessor :saved_armors
def add_weapon(id, amount)
item = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($data_weapons[id]))
item.id = $data_weapons.size
$data_weapons.each do |base_item|
next if base_item.nil?
if ( item.params == base_item.params &&
item.price == base_item.price &&
item.name == base_item.name )
$game_party.gain_item(base_item, amount)
$game_party.gain_item(item, amount)
def add_armor(id, amount)
item = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump($data_armors[id]))
item.id = $data_armors.size
$game_party.gain_item(item, amount)
def edit_affixes(item)
note = item.note.clone
while note.include?("<SUF")
id = note =~ /<SUFFIX(\d+) (\d+)>/
if !AFFIXES[$~[1].to_i].nil?
break if add_affix(item, $~[1].to_i, false) if rand(100) < $2.to_i
note[id] = "N"
msgbox("Affix #" + $1 + " doesn't exist. \nItem creation failed.")
while note.include?("<PRE")
id = note =~ /<PREFIX(\d+) (\d+)>/
if !AFFIXES[$~[1].to_i].nil?
break if add_affix(item, $~[1].to_i, true) if rand(100) < $2.to_i
note[id] = "N"
msgbox("Affix #" + $1 + " doesn't exist. \nItem creation failed.")
def add_affix(item, id, prefix)
affix = AFFIXES[id]
if prefix && !affix[:name].nil?
item.name = affix[:name] + item.name
elsif !affix[:name].nil?
item.name = item.name + affix[:name]
item.params[0] += rand(affix[:hp]) if !affix[:hp].nil?
item.params[1] += rand(affix[:mp]) if !affix[:mp].nil?
item.params[2] += rand(affix[:atk]) if !affix[:atk].nil?
item.params[3] += rand(affix[:def]) if !affix[:def].nil?
item.params[4] += rand(affix[:mat]) if !affix[:mat].nil?
item.params[5] += rand(affix[:mdf]) if !affix[:mdf].nil?
item.params[6] += rand(affix[:agi]) if !affix[:agi].nil?
item.params[7] += rand(affix[:luk]) if !affix[:luk].nil?
item.price += rand(affix[:price]) if !affix[:price].nil?
item.params[0] += affix[:Shp] if !affix[:Shp].nil?
item.params[1] += affix[:Smp] if !affix[:Smp].nil?
item.params[2] += affix[:Satk] if !affix[:Satk].nil?
item.params[3] += affix[:Sdef] if !affix[:Sdef].nil?
item.params[4] += affix[:Smat] if !affix[:Smat].nil?
item.params[5] += affix[:Smdf] if !affix[:Smdf].nil?
item.params[6] += affix[:Sagi] if !affix[:Sagi].nil?
item.params[7] += affix[:Sluk] if !affix[:Sluk].nil?
item.price += affix[:Sprice] if !affix[:Sprice].nil?
item.params[0] += item.params[0] * (rand(affix[:hpP])) / 100 if !affix[:hpP].nil?
item.params[1] += item.params[1] * (rand(affix[:mpP])) / 100 if !affix[:mpP].nil?
item.params[2] += item.params[2] * (rand(affix[:atkP])) / 100 if !affix[:atkP].nil?
item.params[3] += item.params[3] * (rand(affix[:defP])) / 100 if !affix[:defP].nil?
item.params[4] += item.params[4] * (rand(affix[:matP])) / 100 if !affix[:matP].nil?
item.params[5] += item.params[5] * (rand(affix[:mdfP])) / 100 if !affix[:mdfP].nil?
item.params[6] += item.params[6] * (rand(affix[:agiP])) / 100 if !affix[:agiP].nil?
item.params[7] += item.params[7] * (rand(affix[:lukP])) / 100 if !affix[:lukP].nil?
item.price += item.price * (rand(affix[:priceP])) / 100 if !affix[:priceP].nil?
item.params[0] += item.params[0] * affix[:ShpP] / 100 if !affix[:ShpP].nil?
item.params[1] += item.params[1] * affix[:SmpP] / 100 if !affix[:SmpP].nil?
item.params[2] += item.params[2] * affix[:SatkP] / 100 if !affix[:SatkP].nil?
item.params[3] += item.params[3] * affix[:SdefP] / 100 if !affix[:SdefP].nil?
item.params[4] += item.params[4] * affix[:SmatP] / 100 if !affix[:SmatP].nil?
item.params[5] += item.params[5] * affix[:SmdfP] / 100 if !affix[:SmdfP].nil?
item.params[6] += item.params[6] * affix[:SagiP] / 100 if !affix[:SagiP].nil?
item.params[7] += item.params[7] * affix[:SlukP] / 100 if !affix[:SlukP].nil?
item.price += item.price * affix[:SpriceP] / 100 if !affix[:SpriceP].nil?
if !affix[:features].nil?
for feature in affix[:features]
new_feature = RPG::BaseItem::Feature.new(feature[0], feature[1], feature[2])
return true
def edit_item(item)
item.note =~ /<HP (\d+)>/
item.params[0] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~
item.note =~ /<MP (\d+)>/
item.params[1] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~
item.note =~ /<ATK (\d+)>/
item.params[2] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~
item.note =~ /<DEF (\d+)>/
item.params[3] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~
item.note =~ /<MAT (\d+)>/
item.params[4] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~
item.note =~ /<MDF (\d+)>/
item.params[5] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~
item.note =~ /<AGI (\d+)>/
item.params[6] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~
item.note =~ /<LUK (\d+)>/
item.params[7] += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~
item.note =~ /<PRICE (\d+)>/
item.price += rand($~[1].to_i) if $~
item.note =~ /<HP% (\d+)>/
item.params[0] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~
item.note =~ /<MP% (\d+)>/
item.params[1] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~
item.note =~ /<ATK% (\d+)>/
item.params[2] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~
item.note =~ /<DEF% (\d+)>/
item.params[3] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~
item.note =~ /<MAT% (\d+)>/
item.params[4] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~
item.note =~ /<MDF% (\d+)>/
item.params[5] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~
item.note =~ /<AGI% (\d+)>/
item.params[6] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~
item.note =~ /<LUK% (\d+)>/
item.params[7] += item.params[2] * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~
item.note =~ /<PRICE% (\d+)>/
item.price += item.price * (rand($~[1].to_i)) / 100 if $~
module BattleManager
def self.gain_drop_items
$game_troop.make_drop_items.each do |item|
if item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon)
$game_party.add_weapon(item.id, 1)
item = $data_weapons[-1]
elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Armor)
$game_party.add_armor(item.id, 1)
item = $data_armors[-1]
$game_party.gain_item(item, 1)
$game_party.gain_item(item, 1)
$game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::ObtainItem, item.name))
class Scene_Load
alias rig_on_load_success on_load_success
def on_load_success
$data_weapons = $game_party.saved_weapons
$data_armors = $game_party.saved_armors