赞 | 274 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 3 |
积分 | 496 |
经验 | 40966 |
最后登录 | 2024-9-22 |
在线时间 | 1920 小时 |
- 梦石
- 10
- 星屑
- 39587
- 在线时间
- 1920 小时
- 注册时间
- 2010-11-14
- 帖子
- 3320
您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册会员
请问这个是什么问题呢? @喵呜喵5
一运行游戏就弹出这个……- $_PS0 = {} if $_PS0 == nil
- $_PS0["Window_SaveFile_Plus"] = 20120216
- module PS0
- module Window_SaveFile_Plus
- # 最大存档数(范围正整数)
- MAX_SAVE = 30
- # 存档目录(默认值 "Saves/";根目录 "")
- SAVE_DIR = "Saves/"
- # 无存档时显示的文字
- NO_DATA = "无存档"
- # 保存时显示的信息
- SAVE_NOW = "存档中..."
- # 复制存档时的帮助文字
- HELP_COPY = "要复制到哪个位置?"
- # 移动存档时的帮助文字
- HELP_MOVE = "要移动到哪个位置?"
- # 是否显示存档中窗口(true:显示;false:不显示)
- # - 分辨率较大时建议显示
- SHOW_SAVE_NOW = true
- # 截图缩放使用的插值算法
- # - "NN" 最邻近(速度最快,质量最差,RM默认算法)
- # - "NZ" 不缩放(速度快,质量好,以主角为中心切边,非全屏)
- Zoom_Type = "NZ"
- # 双线性插值能获得更好的截图缩放质量,但所需时间较最邻近插值更长。
- # 缩略图尺寸(范围整数,单位像素)
- # - VA默认分辨率(544×416)推荐使用340×260
- # - VA最大分辨率(640×480)推荐使用425×325
- # - 本脚本兼容分辨率解放,窗口大小将自动计算。
- # 请自行计算截图分辨率,注意要确保宽高比一致,
- # 若使用“不缩放”模式则可以不保持一致。
- Thumbnail_Width = 340 # 宽度
- Thumbnail_Height = 260 # 高度
- # 缩略图位置微调(范围整数,单位像素)
- Thumbnail_ox = -90 # 横向
- Thumbnail_oy = -90 # 纵向
- # 各窗口切换时的渐变帧数
- end
- end
- class Font
- def marshal_dump
- end
- def marshal_load(obj)
- end
- end
- class Bitmap
- RtlMoveMemory_pi = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'RtlMoveMemory', 'pii', 'i')
- RtlMoveMemory_ip = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'RtlMoveMemory', 'ipi', 'i')
- def _dump(limit)
- data = "rgba" * width * height
- RtlMoveMemory_pi.call(data, address, data.length)
- [width, height, Zlib::Deflate.deflate(data)].pack("LLa*")
- end
- def self._load(str)
- w, h, zdata = str.unpack("LLa*")
- b = self.new(w, h)
- RtlMoveMemory_ip.call(b.address, Zlib::Inflate.inflate(zdata), w * h * 4)
- return b
- end
- def address
- buffer, ad = "rgba", object_id * 2 + 16
- RtlMoveMemory_pi.call(buffer, ad, 4)
- ad = buffer.unpack("L")[0] + 8
- RtlMoveMemory_pi.call(buffer, ad, 4)
- ad = buffer.unpack("L")[0] + 16
- RtlMoveMemory_pi.call(buffer, ad, 4)
- return buffer.unpack("L")[0]
- end
- end
- class Game_Temp
- attr_accessor :save_bitmap
- attr_accessor :save_snapshoot
- alias new_initialize initialize
- def initialize
- new_initialize
- @save_bitmap = Bitmap.new(1, 1)
- @save_snapshoot = Bitmap.new(1, 1)
- end
- end
- module SceneManager
- def self.snapshot_for_save
- $game_temp.save_bitmap = Graphics.snap_to_bitmap
- unless FileTest.exist?(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::SAVE_DIR)
- Dir.mkdir(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::SAVE_DIR)
- end
- end
- end
- class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
- alias save_terminate terminate
- def terminate
- SceneManager.snapshot_for_save
- save_terminate
- end
- end
- module DataManager
- def self.save_file_exists?
- !Dir.glob(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::SAVE_DIR + 'Save*.rvdata2').empty?
- end
- def self.make_filename(index)
- sprintf(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::SAVE_DIR + "Save%02d.rvdata2", index + 1)
- end
- def self.make_save_header
- d_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::Thumbnail_Width,
- PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::Thumbnail_Height)
- case PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::Zoom_Type
- when "NN"
- s_rect = $game_temp.save_bitmap.rect
- $game_temp.save_snapshoot = Bitmap.new(d_rect.width, d_rect.height)
- $game_temp.save_snapshoot.stretch_blt(d_rect, $game_temp.save_bitmap, s_rect)
- when "NZ"
- x = [$game_player.screen_x - d_rect.width/2, 0].max
- x = [x, Graphics.width - d_rect.width].min
- y = [$game_player.screen_y - d_rect.height/2, 0].max
- y = [y, Graphics.height - d_rect.height].min
- s_rect = Rect.new(x, y, d_rect.width, d_rect.height)
- $game_temp.save_snapshoot = Bitmap.new(d_rect.width, d_rect.height)
- $game_temp.save_snapshoot.blt(0, 0, $game_temp.save_bitmap, s_rect)
- end
- header = {}
- header[:characters] = $game_party.characters_for_savefile
- header[:playtime_s] = $game_system.playtime_s
- header[:snapshoot] = $game_temp.save_snapshoot
- header[:lihuiname] = $game_party.members[0].name
- header
- end
- def self.save_game(index)
- saving_window = Window_Saving.new
- Graphics.update
- begin
- save_game_without_rescue(index)
- rescue
- delete_save_file(index)
- false
- end
- saving_window.dispose
- return true
- end
- end
- class Window_Yes_Or_No < Window_HorzCommand
- def initialize(yes, no)
- [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=40913]@yes[/url] = yes
- @no = no
- super(130, 0)
- self.x = Graphics.width - self.width - 50
- self.visible = false
- self.active = false
- [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=370741]@Index[/url] = 0
- end
- def col_max
- return 2
- end
- def make_command_list
- add_command(@yes, :yes)
- add_command(@no, :cancel)
- end
- def process_ok
- Input.update
- call_ok_handler
- end
- def process_cancel
- Input.update
- call_cancel_handler
- end
- def activate
- temp = self.y + self.height - Graphics.height
- if temp > 0
- self.y -= (temp + 12)
- end
- self.active = true
- self
- end
- end
- class Window_Saving < Window_Base
- def initialize
- w = PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::SAVE_NOW.length * 16 + 32
- x = (Graphics.width - w)/2
- y = (Graphics.height - fitting_height(1))/2
- super(x, y, w, fitting_height(1))
- self.visible = PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::SHOW_SAVE_NOW
- draw_text_ex(4, 0, PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::SAVE_NOW)
- end
- end
- class Window_SaveManagerCommand < Window_Command
- def initialize(*args)
- @copy, @move, @delete, [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=9053]@cancel[/url] = args[0..3]
- super(130, 0)
- self.x = Graphics.width - self.width - 35
- self.visible = false
- self.active = false
- @index = 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 获取窗口的宽度
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def window_width
- return 100
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 获取项目数
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def item_max
- return 4
- end
- def make_command_list
- add_command(@copy, :copy )
- add_command(@move, :move )
- add_command(@delete, :delete)
- add_command(@cancel, :cancel)
- end
- def process_ok
- Input.update
- call_ok_handler
- end
- def activate
- temp = self.y + self.height - Graphics.height
- if temp > 0
- self.y -= (temp + 12)
- end
- self.active = true
- self
- end
- end
- class Window_FileCommand < Window_Command
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● オブジェクト初期化
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- super(160, 0)
- end
- def window_height
- return fitting_height(1)
- end
- def window_width
- Graphics.width-160
- end
- def visible_line_number
- item_max
- end
- def make_command_list
- add_main_commands
- end
- def add_main_commands
- for i in 1..PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::MAX_SAVE
- if i < 10
- text = Vocab::File + " 0" + i.to_s
- else
- text = Vocab::File + " " + i.to_s
- end
- add_command(text, :file)
- end
- end
- def process_ok
- end
- end
- class Window_SaveFile < Window_Base
- def initialize(index)
- super(160, fitting_height(1), Graphics.width-160, Graphics.height-fitting_height(3))
- @file_index = index
- @selected = true
- refresh
- end
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- change_color(normal_color)
- w = (self.width-PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::Thumbnail_Width-16)/2
- h = (self.height-PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::Thumbnail_Height-16)/2
- width = w + PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::Thumbnail_ox
- height = h + PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::Thumbnail_oy
- draw_shadow(w-4+5, h-10+5)
- draw_text((self.width-32-PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::NO_DATA.length*16)/2,
- self.height/2-32, PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::NO_DATA.length*32,
- line_height, PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::NO_DATA)
- draw_snapshoot(w-4, h-15)
- draw_party_characters(20, contents.height - line_height+22)
- draw_playtime(-10, contents.height - line_height, contents.width - 4, 2)
- end
- def draw_party_characters(x, y)
- header = DataManager.load_header(@file_index)
- return unless header
- header[:characters].each_with_index do |data, i|
- draw_character(data[0], data[1], x + i * 36, y)
- end
- end
- def draw_playtime(x, y, width, align)
- header = DataManager.load_header(@file_index)
- return unless header
- draw_text(x, y, width, line_height, header[:playtime_s], 2)
- end
- def draw_snapshoot(x, y)
- header = DataManager.load_header(@file_index)
- return unless header
- bitmap = header[:snapshoot]
- contents.blt(x, y, bitmap, bitmap.rect)
- bitmap.dispose
- end
- def draw_shadow(x, y)
- header = DataManager.load_header(@file_index)
- return unless header
- contents.fill_rect(x, y, PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::Thumbnail_Width,
- PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::Thumbnail_Height, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
- contents.blur
- end
- end
- module Cache
- def self.m5lihui(filename)
- load_bitmap("Graphics/m5lihui/", filename)
- end
- end
- class Window_M5Lihui < Window_Base
- def initialize(index)
- super(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
- self.z = 200
- self.opacity = 0
- @save_file_index = index
- refresh
- end
- def standard_padding
- return 0
- end
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- draw_actor_lihui
- end
- def draw_actor_lihui
- header = DataManager.load_header(@save_file_index)
- return unless header and header[:lihuiname]
- bitmap = Cache.m5lihui(header[:lihuiname])
- rect = Rect.new(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
- contents.blt(0, 0, bitmap, rect, 255)
- bitmap.dispose
- end
- end
- class Scene_File < Scene_MenuBase
- def start
- super
- create_help_window
- create_savefile_viewport
- create_command_window
- create_savefile_window
- create_manager_window
- create_replace_window
- create_delete_window
- end
- def terminate
- super
- @savefile_viewport.dispose
- @savefile_window.dispose
- @command_window.dispose
- @window_manager.dispose
- @window_replace.dispose
- @window_delete.dispose
- end
- def update
- super
- update_savefile_selection
- end
- def create_replace_window
- @window_replace = Window_Yes_Or_No.new("替换", "取消")
- @window_replace.set_handler(:yes, method(:do_replace))
- @window_replace.set_handler(:cancel, method(:do_cancel))
- end
- def create_delete_window
- @window_delete = Window_Yes_Or_No.new("删除", "取消")
- @window_delete.set_handler(:yes, method(:do_delete))
- @window_delete.set_handler(:cancel, method(:do_return_manager))
- @window_delete.x += 40
- end
- def create_manager_window
- @window_manager = Window_SaveManagerCommand.new("复制", "移动", "删除", "取消")
- @window_manager.set_handler(:copy , method(:on_copy?))
- @window_manager.set_handler(:move , method(:on_move?))
- @window_manager.set_handler(:delete, method(:on_delete?))
- @window_manager.set_handler(:cancel, method(:do_cancel))
- end
- def create_help_window
- @help_window = Window_Help.new(1)
- @help_window.set_text(help_window_text)
- end
- def help_window_text
- return ""
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● セーブファイルビューポートの作成
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_savefile_viewport
- @savefile_viewport = Viewport.new
- @savefile_viewport.rect.y = @help_window.height
- @savefile_viewport.rect.height -= @help_window.height
- end
- def create_savefile_window
- @savefile_window = Window_SaveFile.new(@index)
- @savefile_window.viewport = @savefile_viewport
- @window_lihui = Window_M5Lihui.new(@index)
- end
- def create_command_window
- @command_window = Window_FileCommand.new
- @command_window.index = first_savefile_index
- @index = @command_window.index
- @command_window.viewport = @savefile_viewport
- @command_window.set_handler(:file, method(:on_savefile_ok))
- end
- def update_savefile_selection
- if @source_index != nil
- if Input.trigger?(:C)
- if @index == @source_index
- Sound.play_buzzer
- elsif FileTest.exist?(DataManager.make_filename(@index))
- Graphics.freeze
- @command_window.deactivate
- @window_replace.y = 72
- @window_replace.activate
- @window_replace.visible = true
- @window_replace.refresh
- Sound.play_ok
- Graphics.transition(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::TRANS_DURATION)
- else
- return on_copy_ok
- end
- elsif Input.trigger?(:B)
- return do_return_manager
- end
- else
- if Input.trigger?(:C)
- if self.is_a?(Scene_Save) and FileTest.exist?(DataManager.make_filename(@index))
- Graphics.freeze
- @command_window.deactivate
- @window_replace.y = 72
- @window_replace.activate
- @window_replace.visible = true
- @window_replace.refresh
- Sound.play_ok
- Graphics.transition(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::TRANS_DURATION)
- else
- return on_savefile_ok
- end
- elsif Input.trigger?(:B)
- return on_savefile_cancel
- elsif Input.trigger?(:F5)
- unless @window_manager.active == true or
- @window_delete.active == true or
- @window_replace.active == true
- return on_manager?
- end
- end
- end
- @need_refresh = true if @index != @command_window.index
- if @need_refresh
- Graphics.freeze
- @index = @command_window.index
- @savefile_window.dispose
- @window_lihui.dispose
- create_savefile_window
- @need_refresh = false
- Graphics.transition(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::TRANS_DURATION)
- end
- end
- def on_savefile_ok
- end
- def on_savefile_cancel
- Sound.play_cancel
- return_scene
- end
- def on_copy_ok
- Graphics.freeze
- source_name = DataManager.make_filename(@source_index)
- new_name = DataManager.make_filename(@index)
- case @source_type
- when "copy"
- Win32API.new('kernel32',"CopyFileA",'ppl','').call(source_name,new_name,0)
- when "move"
- File.rename(source_name, new_name)
- end
- @help_window.set_text(help_window_text)
- @source_index = nil
- do_return_savelist
- end
- def on_copy?
- Graphics.freeze
- @help_window.set_text(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::HELP_COPY)
- @source_index = @index
- @source_type = "copy"
- do_return_savelist
- end
- def on_move?
- Graphics.freeze
- @help_window.set_text(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::HELP_MOVE)
- @source_index = @index
- @source_type = "move"
- do_return_savelist
- end
- def on_manager?
- if FileTest.exist?(DataManager.make_filename(@index))
- Graphics.freeze
- @command_window.deactivate
- @window_manager.y = 72
- @window_manager.activate
- @window_manager.visible = true
- @window_manager.refresh
- Sound.play_ok
- Graphics.transition(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::TRANS_DURATION)
- else
- Sound.play_buzzer
- end
- end
- def on_delete?
- Graphics.freeze
- @window_manager.deactivate
- @command_window.deactivate
- @window_delete.y = 72 + 72
- @window_delete.activate
- @window_delete.visible = true
- @window_delete.refresh
- Sound.play_ok
- Graphics.transition(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::TRANS_DURATION)
- end
- def do_delete
- Graphics.freeze
- File.delete(DataManager.make_filename(@index))
- @window_delete.index = 0
- @window_manager.index = 0
- @window_delete.visible = false
- @window_manager.visible = false
- @window_delete.deactivate
- @window_manager.deactivate
- @command_window.activate
- @need_refresh = true
- Sound.play_save
- if DataManager.save_file_exists?
- Graphics.transition(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::TRANS_DURATION)
- else
- return_scene
- end
- end
- def do_replace
- Graphics.freeze
- if @source_index != nil
- return on_copy_ok
- else
- return on_savefile_ok
- end
- @window_replace.visible = false
- @window_replace.deactivate
- @need_refresh = true
- end
- def do_cancel
- Graphics.freeze
- Sound.play_cancel
- @window_delete.index = 0
- @window_replace.index = 0
- @window_manager.index = 0
- @window_delete.visible = false
- @window_replace.visible = false
- @window_manager.visible = false
- @window_delete.deactivate
- @window_replace.deactivate
- @window_manager.deactivate
- @command_window.activate
- Graphics.transition(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::TRANS_DURATION)
- end
- def do_return_manager
- Graphics.freeze
- @help_window.set_text(help_window_text)
- @command_window.index = @source_index unless @source_index == nil
- @source_index = nil
- @source_type = nil
- @command_window.deactivate
- @window_delete.index = 0
- @window_replace.index = 0
- @window_delete.visible = false
- @window_replace.visible = false
- @window_delete.deactivate
- @window_replace.deactivate
- @window_manager.y = 72
- @window_manager.activate
- @window_manager.visible = true
- @window_manager.refresh
- Sound.play_cancel
- Graphics.transition(PS0::Window_SaveFile_Plus::TRANS_DURATION)
- end
- def do_return_savelist
- @window_manager.visible = false
- @window_manager.deactivate
- @command_window.activate
- @need_refresh = true
- Sound.play_ok
- end
- end
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