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好人卡 | 13 |
积分 | 42 |
经验 | 63030 |
最后登录 | 2021-5-30 |
在线时间 | 594 小时 |
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- 4161
- 在线时间
- 594 小时
- 注册时间
- 2014-1-12
- 帖子
- 476
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Terms of use
Any content originally created by me (Victor Sant) provided on this webpage is free for use in both commercial and non-commerical RPG Maker projects and other related content (tutorials, videos…). You don’t have to pay any type of fee to use any original content created by me shared here, even for commercial porpouses.
You should give proper credit. You can credit me just as ‘Victor Sant’, although a link to this webpage is welcomed. Don’t claim ownership or authorship over any original content provided here, even in the case of you editing any part of it.
Additionally, the content of this page can’t be shared on the following website: http://www.mundorpgmaker.com.br/.
你需要给出致谢页面。你可以称我为Victor Sant,如果能做一个超链接到我的网站会更好。不需要索要认证使用权,即使你需要改动其中的部分。
Basic Module (Required to use all other plugins) 核心插件(其他插件依赖与此)
Action Conditions 条件动作
Action Dodge 躲避动作
Action Resistance 抵抗动作
Action States 状态动作
Action Strengthen 增强动作
Battle Advantage 有利战斗模式
Battler Graphic Setup 战斗图像设置
Cast Animations 角色动画
Character Frames 角色动画构造
Charge Actions 预约动作
Command Replace 替代命令
Control Text 文本控制
Counter Actions 遇敌动作
Critical Hit Effects 暴击
Custom Vehicles 自定义交通工具
Diagonal Movement 沿对角线移动
Direct Commands 更改战斗命令
Element Set 元素设置
Enemy Skills 敌人技能
Escape Codes 逃跑
Event Conditions 条件事件
Fog and Overlay 雾和图层
Hit Formula 打击公式
Incapacitate States 无法行动状态
Masters 训练师
Materia System 材料系统
Mix Actions 混合动作
Note Text File 文件作为标签
Passive States 被动状态
Reflect Actions 反击
Retaliation Damage 报复伤害
SFont 字体
Skip Battle Log 跳过战斗记录
State Graphics 状态图像
State Replace 状态替代
Tech Points 技能可使用点
Toggle Targets 切换目标
Trait Control 特性控制
Unreachable Targets 范围外目标