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作者 姫HimeWorks 網址:http://himeworks.com/2016/01/follower-event-touch-mv/
- /*:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @title Follower Event Touch
- @author Hime --> HimeWorks (http://himeworks.com)
- @version 1.1
- @date May 13, 2016
- @filename HIME_FollowerEventTouch.js
- @url http://himeworks.com/2016/01/follower-event-touch-mv/
- If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon!
- * https://www.patreon.com/himeworks
- If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at any of
- the following sites:
- * Main Website: http://himeworks.com
- * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/himeworkscom/
- * Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimeWorks
- * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimeWorks
- * Tumblr: http://himeworks.tumblr.com/
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @plugindesc v1.1 - when an event touches a follower, the event will be
- triggered as if it touched the player.
- @help
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- == Description ==
- In RPG Maker, the "event touch" trigger allows you to create events that will
- execute when they touch the player.
- "Touch" means when they try to move in a certain direction, but are unable to
- move because there is something blocking the way. In this case, the only
- object they check for is the player.
- If one of the player's followers is in the way, they will not be able to move,
- but they won't run their commands either.
- With this plugin, you can have events triggered when they touch either the
- player or the player's followers.
- == Terms of Use ==
- - Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits
- - Free for use in commercial projects, but it would be nice to let me know
- - Please provide credits to HimeWorks
- == Change Log ==
- 1.1 - May 13, 2016
- * Added support for checking which follower is touched
- 1.0 - Jan 1, 2016
- - initial release
- == Usage ==
- To have an event triggered when they touch a follower, set their trigger type
- to "event touch", and then create a comment and write
- <follower touch>
- Whenever the event touches a *visible* follower, the event will also run.
- -- Checking who is touched --
- When an event is triggered, you may be able to access properties of the
- touched follower, assuming a follower was touched.
- In your events, you can access the currently touched follower using
- this.touchedFollower()
- Which will either return a reference to a follower, or null.
- If a follower exists, you can then check the properties of the follower.
- For example, to check if the follower is facing down if one exists, you
- can use this script in a conditional branch:
- var f = this.touchedFollower(); f && f.direction() == 2
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- var Imported = Imported || {} ;
- var TH = TH || {};
- Imported.TH_FollowerEventTouch = 1;
- TH.FollowerEventTouch = TH.FollowerEventTouch || {};
- (function ($) {
- var TH_GameEvent_checkEventTriggerTouch = Game_Event.prototype.checkEventTriggerTouch;
- Game_Event.prototype.checkEventTriggerTouch = function(x, y) {
- TH_GameEvent_checkEventTriggerTouch.call(this, x, y);
- this.checkFollowerEventTouch(x, y);
- };
- Game_Event.prototype.checkFollowerEventTouch = function(x, y) {
- if (!$gameMap.isEventRunning()) {
- if (this._trigger === 2 && this._followerTouch) {
- var followers = $gamePlayer.followers().visibleFollowers();
- for (var i = 0; i < followers.length; i++) {
- if (followers[i].pos(x, y)) {
- this.onFollowerTouch(followers[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- Game_Event.prototype.onFollowerTouch = function(follower) {
- if (!this.isJumping() && this.isNormalPriority()) {
- this.start();
- }
- };
- var TH_GameEvent_setupPageSettings = Game_Event.prototype.setupPageSettings;
- Game_Event.prototype.setupPageSettings = function() {
- TH_GameEvent_setupPageSettings.call(this);
- var page = this.page();
- var list = page.list;
- for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- var cmd = list[i];
- if (cmd.code === 108 && cmd.parameters[0].contains("<follower touch>")) {
- this._followerTouch = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- var TH_GameEvent_clearPageSettings = Game_Event.prototype.clearPageSettings;
- Game_Event.prototype.clearPageSettings = function() {
- TH_GameEvent_clearPageSettings.call(this);
- this._followerTouch = false;
- };
- var TH_GameEvent_onFollowerTouch = Game_Event.prototype.onFollowerTouch;
- Game_Event.prototype.onFollowerTouch = function(follower) {
- TH_GameEvent_onFollowerTouch.call(this, follower);
- this._touchedFollower = follower;
- };
- Game_Event.prototype.touchedFollower = function() {
- return this._touchedFollower;
- };
- Game_Event.prototype.clearTouchedFollower = function() {
- this._touchedFollower = null;
- };
- var TH_GameInterpreter_setup = Game_Interpreter.prototype.setup;
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.setup = function(list, eventId) {
- TH_GameInterpreter_setup.call(this, list, eventId);
- var event = $gameMap.event(eventId);
- if (event) {
- this._touchedFollower = event.touchedFollower();
- event.clearTouchedFollower()
- }
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.touchedFollower = function() {
- return this._touchedFollower;
- };
- })(TH.FollowerEventTouch);
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