赞 | 0 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 4 |
经验 | 4706 |
最后登录 | 2022-2-15 |
在线时间 | 74 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 375
- 在线时间
- 74 小时
- 注册时间
- 2014-1-13
- 帖子
- 40
您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册会员
- #_______________________________________________________________________________
- # MOG Scene Menu Itigo V1.5
- #_______________________________________________________________________________
- # By Moghunter
- # http://www.atelier-rgss.com
- #_______________________________________________________________________________
- module MOG
- #Tipo de fundo.
- # 0 = Imagens em movimento.
- # 1 = Mapa de fundo.
- #Transition Time.
- MNTT = 20
- #Transition Type (Name)
- MNTP = "006-Stripe02"
- end
- $mogscript = {} if $mogscript == nil
- $mogscript["menu_itigo"] = true
- ##############
- # Game_Actor #
- ##############
- class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
- def now_exp
- return @exp - @exp_list[@level]
- end
- def next_exp
- return @exp_list[@level+1] > 0 ? @exp_list[@level+1] - @exp_list[@level] : 0
- end
- end
- ############
- # Game_Map #
- ############
- class Game_Map
- attr_reader :map_id
- def mpname
- $mpname = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata")
- $mpname[@map_id].name
- end
- end
- ###############
- # Window_Base #
- ###############
- class Window_Base < Window
- def nada
- face = RPG::Cache.picture("")
- end
- def drw_face(actor,x,y)
- face = RPG::Cache.picture(actor.name + "_fc") rescue nada
- cw = face.width
- ch = face.height
- src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x , y - ch, face, src_rect)
- end
- def draw_maphp3(actor, x, y)
- back = RPG::Cache.picture("BAR0")
- cw = back.width
- ch = back.height
- src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x + 65, y - ch + 30, back, src_rect)
- meter = RPG::Cache.picture("HP_Bar")
- cw = meter.width * actor.hp / actor.maxhp
- ch = meter.height
- src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x + 65, y - ch + 30, meter, src_rect)
- text = RPG::Cache.picture("HP_Tx")
- cw = text.width
- ch = text.height
- src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x + 35, y - ch + 30, text, src_rect)
- self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0,255)
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 81, y - 1, 48, 32, actor.hp.to_s, 2)
- self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255,255)
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 80, y - 2, 48, 32, actor.hp.to_s, 2)
- end
- def draw_mapsp3(actor, x, y)
- back = RPG::Cache.picture("BAR0")
- cw = back.width
- ch = back.height
- src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x + 65, y - ch + 30, back, src_rect)
- meter = RPG::Cache.picture("SP_Bar")
- cw = meter.width * actor.sp / actor.maxsp
- ch = meter.height
- src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x + 65, y - ch + 30, meter, src_rect)
- text = RPG::Cache.picture("SP_Tx")
- cw = text.width
- ch = text.height
- src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x + 35, y - ch + 30, text, src_rect)
- self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0,255)
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 81, y - 1, 48, 32, actor.sp.to_s, 2)
- self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255,255)
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 80, y - 2, 48, 32, actor.sp.to_s, 2)
- end
- def draw_mexp2(actor, x, y)
- bitmap2 = RPG::Cache.picture("Exp_Back")
- cw = bitmap2.width
- ch = bitmap2.height
- src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x + 60 , y - ch + 30, bitmap2, src_rect)
- if actor.next_exp != 0
- rate = actor.now_exp.to_f / actor.next_exp
- else
- rate = 1
- end
- bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("Exp_Meter")
- if actor.level < 99
- cw = bitmap.width * rate
- else
- cw = bitmap.width
- end
- ch = bitmap.height
- src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x + 60 , y - ch + 30, bitmap, src_rect)
- exp_tx = RPG::Cache.picture("Exp_tx")
- cw = exp_tx.width
- ch = exp_tx.height
- src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x + 55 , y - ch + 30, exp_tx, src_rect)
- lv_tx = RPG::Cache.picture("LV_tx")
- cw = lv_tx.width
- ch = lv_tx.height
- src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x + 125 , y - ch + 35, lv_tx, src_rect)
- self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0,255)
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 161, y + 7, 24, 32, actor.level.to_s, 1)
- self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255,255)
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 160, y + 6, 24, 32, actor.level.to_s, 1)
- end
- def draw_actor_state2(actor, x, y, width = 80)
- text = make_battler_state_text(actor, width, true)
- self.contents.font.color = actor.hp == 0 ? knockout_color : normal_color
- self.contents.draw_text(x, y, width, 32, text,2)
- end
- end
- ######################
- # Window_MenuStatus2 #
- ######################
- class Window_MenuStatus2 < Window_Selectable
- def initialize
- super(0, 0, 415, 280)
- self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
- self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin("")
- self.opacity = 0
- self.z = 15
- refresh
- self.active = false
- self.index = -1
- end
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear
- @item_max = $game_party.actors.size
- for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
- x = 20
- y = i * 62
- actor = $game_party.actors[i]
- self.contents.font.name = "Georgia"
- if $mogscript["TP_System"] == true
- draw_actor_tp(actor ,x + 285, y - 5,4)
- draw_actor_state2(actor ,x + 190, y - 5)
- else
- draw_actor_state2(actor ,x + 220, y - 5)
- end
- drw_face(actor,x,y + 50)
- draw_maphp3(actor,x + 40, y - 5)
- draw_mapsp3(actor,x + 40, y + 20 )
- draw_mexp2(actor,x + 140, y + 15 )
- end
- end
- def update_cursor_rect
- if @index < 0
- self.cursor_rect.empty
- else
- self.cursor_rect.set(5, @index * 62, self.width - 32, 50)
- end
- end
- end
- ################
- # Window_Gold2 #
- ################
- class Window_Gold2 < Window_Base
- def initialize
- super(0, 0, 160, 64)
- self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
- self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin("")
- self.opacity = 0
- self.z = 15
- refresh
- end
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear
- cx = contents.text_size($data_system.words.gold).width
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 120-cx-2, 32, $game_party.gold.to_s, 2)
- self.contents.font.color = system_color
- self.contents.draw_text(124-cx, 0, cx, 32, $data_system.words.gold, 2)
- end
- end
- ####################
- # Window_PlayTime2 #
- ####################
- class Window_PlayTime2 < Window_Base
- def initialize
- super(0, 0, 160, 96)
- self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
- self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin("")
- self.opacity = 0
- self.z = 15
- refresh
- end
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear
- @total_sec = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate
- hour = @total_sec / 60 / 60
- min = @total_sec / 60 % 60
- sec = @total_sec % 60
- text = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, min, sec)
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 32, 120, 32, text, 2)
- end
- def update
- super
- if Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate != @total_sec
- refresh
- end
- end
- end
- #################
- # Window_Steps2 #
- #################
- class Window_Steps2 < Window_Base
- def initialize
- super(0, 0, 160, 96)
- self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
- self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin("")
- self.opacity = 0
- self.z = 15
- refresh
- end
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 32, 120, 32, $game_party.steps.to_s, 2)
- end
- end
- ###################
- # Window_Map_Name #
- ###################
- class Window_Map_Name < Window_Base
- def initialize
- super(0, 0, 160, 96)
- self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
- self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin("")
- self.opacity = 0
- self.z = 15
- refresh
- end
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 32, 120, 32, $game_map.mpname.to_s, 1)
- end
- end
- ##############
- # Scene_Menu #
- ##############
- class Scene_Menu
- def initialize(menu_index = 0)
- @menu_index = menu_index
- end
- def main
- s1 = ""
- s2 = ""
- s3 = ""
- s4 = ""
- s5 = ""
- s6 = ""
- @command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6])
- @command_window.index = @menu_index
- if $game_party.actors.size == 0
- @command_window.disable_item(0)
- @command_window.disable_item(1)
- @command_window.disable_item(2)
- @command_window.disable_item(3)
- end
- @command_window.visible = false
- @command_window.x = -640
- @mnlay = Sprite.new
- @mnlay.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("Mn_lay")
- @mnlay.z = 10
- @mnlay.opacity = 0
- @mnlay.x = -100
- @mnback = Plane.new
- @mnback.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("Mn_back")
- @mnback.blend_type = 0
- @mnback.z = 5
- @mnback2 = Plane.new
- @mnback2.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("Mn_back")
- @mnback2.blend_type = 0
- @mnback2.z = 5
- @mnback2.opacity = 60
- else
- @spriteset = Spriteset_Map.new
- end
- @mnsel = Sprite.new
- @mnsel.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("Mn_Sel")
- @mnsel.z = 20
- @mnsel.x = 0
- @mnsel.y = 110
- @mnop = 150
- if $game_system.save_disabled
- @command_window.disable_item(4)
- end
- @playtime_window = Window_PlayTime2.new
- @playtime_window.x = 30
- @playtime_window.y = 375
- @playtime_window.contents_opacity = 0
- @mapname_window = Window_Map_Name.new
- @mapname_window.x = 425
- @mapname_window.y = 25
- @mapname_window.contents_opacity = 0
- @steps_window = Window_Steps2.new
- @steps_window.x = 230
- @steps_window.y = 375
- @steps_window.contents_opacity = 0
- @gold_window = Window_Gold2.new
- @gold_window.x = 455
- @gold_window.y = 405
- @gold_window.contents_opacity = 0
- @status_window = Window_MenuStatus2.new
- @status_window.x = 295
- @status_window.y = 110
- @status_window.contents_opacity = 0
- Graphics.transition(MOG::MNTT, "Graphics/Transitions/" + MOG::MNTP)
- else
- Graphics.transition
- end
- loop do
- Graphics.update
- Input.update
- update
- if $scene != self
- break
- end
- end
- for i in 0..10
- @mnback.oy += 1
- @mnback.ox += 1
- @mnback2.oy += 1
- @mnback2.ox -= 1
- end
- @status_window.x += 20
- @status_window.contents_opacity -= 25
- @mnsel.opacity -= 25
- @mnsel.zoom_x += 0.03
- @mnlay.x -= 10
- @mnlay.opacity -= 25
- @mapname_window.x += 5
- @mapname_window.contents_opacity -= 20
- @steps_window.contents_opacity -= 25
- @gold_window.contents_opacity -= 25
- @playtime_window.contents_opacity -= 25
- Graphics.update
- end
- Graphics.freeze
- @command_window.dispose
- @playtime_window.dispose
- @steps_window.dispose
- @gold_window.dispose
- @status_window.dispose
- @mnlay.dispose
- @mnback.dispose
- @mnback2.dispose
- else
- @spriteset.dispose
- end
- @mnsel.dispose
- @mapname_window.dispose
- Graphics.update
- end
- def update
- if @mnsel.zoom_x <= 1.6
- @mnsel.zoom_x += 0.03
- @mnsel.opacity -= 10
- elsif @mnsel.zoom_x > 1.6
- @mnsel.zoom_x = 1.0
- @mnsel.opacity = 255
- end
- if @mnlay.x < 0
- @mnlay.opacity += 25
- @mnlay.x += 10
- elsif @mnlay.x >= 0
- @mnlay.opacity = 255
- @mnlay.x = 0
- end
- @command_window.update if @command_window.active
- @playtime_window.update
- @status_window.update if @status_window.active
- @mnback.oy += 1
- @mnback.ox += 1
- @mnback2.oy += 1
- @mnback2.ox -= 1
- end
- @mnop += 5
- @mapname_window.contents_opacity += 15
- @playtime_window.contents_opacity += 15
- @gold_window.contents_opacity += 15
- @playtime_window.contents_opacity += 15
- @steps_window.contents_opacity += 15
- if @status_window.x > 195
- @status_window.x -= 10
- @status_window.contents_opacity += 10
- elsif @status_window.x <= 195
- @status_window.x = 195
- @status_window.contents_opacity = 255
- end
- if @mnop >= 255
- @mnop = 120
- end
- if @command_window.active
- update_command
- return
- end
- if @status_window.active
- update_status
- return
- end
- end
- def update_command
- case @command_window.index
- when 0
- @mnsel.x = 0
- @mnsel.y = 110
- when 1
- @mnsel.x = 25
- @mnsel.y = 155
- when 2
- @mnsel.x = 40
- @mnsel.y = 197
- when 3
- @mnsel.x = 45
- @mnsel.y = 242
- when 4
- @mnsel.x = 25
- @mnsel.y = 285
- when 5
- @mnsel.x = 0
- @mnsel.y = 325
- end
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se)
- $scene = Scene_Map.new
- return
- end
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- if $game_party.actors.size == 0 and @command_window.index < 4
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- return
- end
- case @command_window.index
- when 0
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- $scene = Scene_Item.new
- when 1
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- @command_window.active = false
- @status_window.active = true
- @status_window.index = 0
- when 2
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- @command_window.active = false
- @status_window.active = true
- @status_window.index = 0
- when 3
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- @command_window.active = false
- @status_window.active = true
- @status_window.index = 0
- when 4
- if $game_system.save_disabled
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- return
- end
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- $scene = Scene_Save.new
- when 5
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- $scene = Scene_End.new
- end
- return
- end
- end
- def update_status
- case @status_window.index
- when 0
- @mnsel.x = 180
- @mnsel.y = 130
- when 1
- @mnsel.x = 180
- @mnsel.y = 195
- when 2
- @mnsel.x = 180
- @mnsel.y = 255
- when 3
- @mnsel.x = 180
- @mnsel.y = 320
- end
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se)
- @command_window.active = true
- @status_window.active = false
- @status_window.index = -1
- return
- end
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- case @command_window.index
- when 1
- if $game_party.actors[@status_window.index].restriction >= 2
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- return
- end
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- $scene = Scene_Skill.new(@status_window.index)
- when 2
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- $scene = Scene_Equip.new(@status_window.index)
- when 3
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- $scene = Scene_Status.new(@status_window.index)
- end
- return
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # 本脚本来自www.66RPG.com,使用和转载请保留此信息
- #==============================================================================
- #简略使用说明:
- #事件脚本输入 $任务 = "文字" 或 $支线 = "文字" 即可设定任务。
- #至于怎么完成任务……本喵忘记了……(~ ̄△ ̄)~
- #==============================================================================
- # Game_System
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 添加内容
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_System
- attr_accessor :mission #现在执行的任务
- attr_accessor :partmission
- alias carol3_ini initialize
- def initialize
- carol3_ini
- @mission = ""
- @partmission = []
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Scene_Title
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 处理标题画面的类。
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_Title
- alias carol3_title1 main
- def main
- $map_infos = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata")
- for key in $map_infos.keys
- $map_infos[key] = $map_infos[key].name
- end
- $任务 = ""
- $支线 = nil
- $支线完成 = nil
- carol3_title1
- end
- end
- class Scene_Map
- alias carol3_update update
- def update
- carol3_update
- if $支线 != nil
- for i in 0...$game_system.partmission.size
- if $game_system.partmission[i] == $支线
- $支线 = nil
- break
- end
- end
- if $支线 != nil
- $game_system.partmission.push($支线)
- $支线 = nil
- end
- end
- if $支线完成 != nil
- for i in 0...$game_system.partmission.size
- if $game_system.partmission[i] == $支线完成
- $game_system.partmission.delete($game_system.partmission[i])
- break
- end
- end
- $支线完成 = nil
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # Window_MenuStatus
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 显示菜单画面和同伴状态的窗口。
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_MenuStatus < Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 初始化目标
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- super(0, 0, 480, 384)
- self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
- self.active = false
- self.index = -1
- @position = 0
- @count = 0
- @oldposition = 0
- refresh
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear
- @item_max = $game_party.actors.size
- for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
- x = 64
- y = i * 90
- actor = $game_party.actors[i]
- self.contents.font.size = 18
- draw_actor_active_graphic(actor, x - 40, y + 50)
- draw_actor_name(actor, x, y)
- draw_actor_class(actor, x + 144, y)
- draw_actor_level(actor, x, y + 25)
- draw_actor_state(actor, x + 90, y + 25)
- draw_actor_exp(actor, x, y + 50)
- draw_actor_hp(actor, x + 236, y + 25)
- draw_actor_sp(actor, x + 236, y + 50)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 绘制行走图
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_actor_active_graphic(actor, x, y)
- bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(actor.character_name, actor.character_hue)
- cw = bitmap.width / 4
- ch = bitmap.height / 4
- p = @position * cw
- src_rect = Rect.new(p, 0, cw, ch)
- self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新光标矩形
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_cursor_rect
- if @index < 0
- self.cursor_rect.empty
- else
- self.cursor_rect.set(0, @index *90-5, self.width - 32, 90)
- end
- end
- def update
- super
- @count += 1
- @count %= 15
- if @count == 0
- @position = (@position + 1) % 4
- end
- if @position != @oldposition
- @oldposition = @position
- refresh
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game_Map
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 处理地图的类。包含卷动以及可以通行的判断功能。
- # 本类的实例请参考 $game_map 。
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Map
- def name
- return $map_infos[@map_id]
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # Window_RecordBook
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 菜单界面表示信息的窗口
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_RecordBook < Window_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 初始化对象
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- super(160, 384, 480, 480)
- self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
- if $任务 == ""
- $任务 = $game_system.mission
- else
- $game_system.mission = $任务
- end
- refresh
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear
- self.contents.font.color = system_color
- self.contents.font.size = 20
- cx = self.contents.text_size("现在地点").width + 24
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, cx, 24, "现在地点")
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- self.contents.draw_text(4 + cx, 0, 444 - cx, 24, $game_map.name.to_s)
- self.contents.font.color = system_color
- cx = self.contents.text_size("主线任务").width + 24
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 32, cx, 24, "主线任务")
- self.contents.font.color = Color.new(240,250,75,255)
- self.contents.draw_text(4 + cx, 32, 444 - cx, 24, $game_system.mission.to_s)
- self.contents.font.color = system_color
- cx = self.contents.text_size("支线任务").width + 24
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 96, cx, 24, "支线任务")
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- for i in 0...$game_system.partmission.size
- self.contents.draw_text(4 + cx, 96 + i * 32, 444 - cx, 24, $game_system.partmission[i].to_s)
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Scene_Menu
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 处理菜单画面的类。
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_Menu
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 初始化对像
- # menu_index : 命令光标的初期位置
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(menu_index = 0)
- @menu_index = menu_index
- @切换状态暂停 = ""
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 主处理
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def main
- # 生成命令窗口
- s1 = " 使用物品"#$data_system.words.item
- s2 = " 使用技能"#$data_system.words.skill
- s3 = " 更改装备"#$data_system.words.equip
- s4 = " 查看状态"
- s5 = " 储存游戏"
- s6 = " 结束游戏"
- s7 = " 查看任务"
- @command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7])
- @command_window.index = @menu_index
- # 同伴人数为 0 的情况下
- if $game_party.actors.size == 0
- # 物品、特技、装备、状态无效化
- @command_window.disable_item(0)
- @command_window.disable_item(1)
- @command_window.disable_item(2)
- @command_window.disable_item(3)
- end
- # 禁止存档的情况下
- if $game_system.save_disabled
- # 存档无效
- @command_window.disable_item(4)
- end
- # 生成游戏时间窗口
- @playtime_window = Window_PlayTime.new
- @playtime_window.x = 0
- @playtime_window.y = 256
- # 生成金钱窗口
- @gold_window = Window_Gold.new
- @gold_window.x = 0
- @gold_window.y = 416
- # 生成状态窗口
- @status_window = Window_MenuStatus.new
- @status_window.x = 160
- @status_window.y = 0
- #—— 生成天书窗口
- @recordbook_window = Window_RecordBook.new
- @recordbook_window.z = 1000
- #—— 生成外边框窗口
- @outside_window = Window_Outside.new
- @outside_window.visible = true
- @outside_window.z = 1001
- # 执行过渡
- Graphics.transition
- # 主循环
- loop do
- # 刷新游戏画面
- Graphics.update
- # 刷新输入信息
- Input.update
- # 刷新画面
- update
- # 如果切换画面就中断循环
- if $scene != self
- break
- end
- end
- # 准备过渡
- Graphics.freeze
- # 释放窗口
- @command_window.dispose
- @playtime_window.dispose
- @gold_window.dispose
- @status_window.dispose
- @outside_window.dispose
- @recordbook_window.dispose
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- # 刷新窗口
- @command_window.update
- @playtime_window.update
- @gold_window.update
- @status_window.update
- # 命令窗口被激活的情况下: 调用 update_command
- if @command_window.active
- update_command
- return
- end
- # 状态窗口被激活的情况下: 调用 update_status
- if @status_window.active
- update_status
- return
- end
- if @outside_window.visible == false
- update_recordbook
- return
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面 (命令窗口被激活的情况下)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_command
- # 按下 B 键的情况下
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- # 演奏取消 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se)
- # 切换的地图画面
- $scene = Scene_Map.new
- return
- end
- # 按下 C 键的情况下
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- # 同伴人数为 0、存档、游戏结束以外的场合
- if $game_party.actors.size == 0 and @command_window.index < 4
- # 演奏冻结 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- return
- end
- # 命令窗口的光标位置分支
- case @command_window.index
- when 0 # 物品
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 切换到物品画面
- $scene = Scene_Item.new
- when 1 # 特技
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 激活状态窗口
- @command_window.active = false
- @status_window.active = true
- @status_window.index = 0
- when 2 # 装备
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 激活状态窗口
- @command_window.active = false
- @status_window.active = true
- @status_window.index = 0
- when 3 # 状态
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 激活状态窗口
- @command_window.active = false
- @status_window.active = true
- @status_window.index = 0
- when 4 # 存档
- # 禁止存档的情况下
- if $game_system.save_disabled
- # 演奏冻结 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- return
- end
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 切换到存档画面
- $scene = Scene_Save.new
- when 5 # 游戏结束
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 切换到游戏结束画面
- $scene = Scene_End.new
- when 6 # 查看任务
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- @command_window.active = false
- @outside_window.visible = false
- end
- return
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面 (查看天书的情况下)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_recordbook
- if @切换状态暂停 == "天书消失"
- if @recordbook_window.y < 384
- @recordbook_window.y +=64
- @status_window.y -= 16
- return
- else
- @切换状态暂停 = ""
- @outside_window.visible = true
- @command_window.active = true
- end
- else
- if @recordbook_window.y >0
- @recordbook_window.y -= 32
- @status_window.y += 8
- return
- else
- @status_window.visible = false
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- @切换状态暂停 = "天书消失"
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se)
- @status_window.visible = true
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面 (状态窗口被激活的情况下)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_status
- # 按下 B 键的情况下
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- # 演奏取消 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se)
- # 激活命令窗口
- @command_window.active = true
- @status_window.active = false
- @status_window.index = -1
- return
- end
- # 按下 C 键的情况下
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- # 命令窗口的光标位置分支
- case @command_window.index
- when 1 # 特技
- # 本角色的行动限制在 2 以上的情况下
- if $game_party.actors[@status_window.index].restriction >= 2
- # 演奏冻结 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- return
- end
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 切换到特技画面
- $scene = Scene_Skill.new(@status_window.index)
- when 2 # 装备
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 切换的装备画面
- $scene = Scene_Equip.new(@status_window.index)
- when 3 # 状态
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 切换到状态画面
- $scene = Scene_Status.new(@status_window.index)
- end
- return
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # Window_Outside
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 外边框窗口
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_Outside < Window_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 初始化对象
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- super(160, 384, 480, 96)
- self.back_opacity = 0
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_PlayTime
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 菜单画面的系统时间表示
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_PlayTime < Window_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 初始化对像
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- super(0, 0, 160, 128)
- self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
- self.contents.font.size = 18
- refresh
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear
- self.contents.font.color = system_color
- self.contents.font.color = text_color(6)
- time = Time.now
- text = time.strftime("%x %X")
- self.contents.draw_text(-2, 32, 130, 32, text, 2)
- @total_sec = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate
- hour = @total_sec / 60 / 60
- min = @total_sec / 60 % 60
- sec = @total_sec % 60
- text = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, min, sec)
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 160, 32, "日期与游戏时间")
- self.contents.draw_text(-2, 64, 130, 32, text, 2)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 更新
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- super
- if Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate != @total_sec
- refresh
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # 本脚本来自www.66RPG.com,使用和转载请保留此信息
- #==============================================================================
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