赞 | 0 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 4 |
经验 | 1120 |
最后登录 | 2021-3-9 |
在线时间 | 50 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 428
- 在线时间
- 50 小时
- 注册时间
- 2017-1-10
- 帖子
- 28
- #=============================================================================
- # Σ Fullscreen
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # @author : Gabriel "Gab!" Teles
- # @date : 2014-09-27
- # @version : 0.9.2
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # TODO:
- # - Transições por imagens
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Créditos:
- # Scripter Desconhecido no Pastebin (http://pastebin.com/sM2MNJZj)
- # Esrever : Map viewport/scroll fix
- # Zeus81 : FPS Display
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Permite utilizar fullscreen real (sem redimensionamento de tela), e alterar
- # o limite da função Graphics.resize_screen para a resolução máxima do monitor
- # ou um valor próximo.
- #=============================================================================
- # Módulo Graphics
- class << Graphics
- # API
- User32 = DL.dlopen('user32')
- Kernel32 = DL.dlopen('kernel32')
- GetActiveWindow = DL::CFunc.new( User32['GetActiveWindow' ], DL::TYPE_LONG)
- GetSystemMetrics = DL::CFunc.new( User32['GetSystemMetrics'], DL::TYPE_LONG)
- GetWindowRect = DL::CFunc.new( User32['GetWindowRect' ], DL::TYPE_LONG)
- SetWindowLong = DL::CFunc.new( User32['SetWindowLong' ], DL::TYPE_LONG)
- SetWindowPos = DL::CFunc.new( User32['SetWindowPos' ], DL::TYPE_LONG)
- GetModuleHandle = DL::CFunc.new(Kernel32['GetModuleHandle' ], DL::TYPE_LONG)
- # DLL sendo utilizada
- _DLLName = DL::CPtr.malloc(140)
- s = DL::CFunc.new(Kernel32['GetPrivateProfileString'], DL::TYPE_LONG).call([
- DL::CPtr["Game"].to_i,
- DL::CPtr["Library"].to_i,
- 0,
- _DLLName.to_i,
- 140,
- DL::CPtr["./Game.ini"].to_i
- ])
- @@DLLName = File.basename(_DLLName.to_s(s))
- # Verifica se é uma RGSS3xx.dll
- if @@DLLName.match(/^RGSS3(\d{2})\.dll$/)
- @@DLLVersion = $1.to_i
- # Verifica se a versão é 0 ou 1.
- if @@DLLVersion.between?(0, 1)
- # Flag de fullscreen
- @@inFullscreen = false
- # Instância da DLL. *Necessariamente* a RGSS300.dll ou RGSS301.dll, visto
- # que o trabalho com memória a seguir é específico.
- @@DLLHandle = GetModuleHandle.call([DL::CPtr[@@DLLName].to_i])
- # Instância da janela de jogo
- @@hWnd = GetActiveWindow.call([])
- # Tamanho da tela
- @@screenSize = [
- GetSystemMetrics.call([0]),
- GetSystemMetrics.call([1])
- ]
- # Calcula o próximo tamanho divisível por 32 para fazer a limitação
- width, height = @@screenSize
- width += (32 - (width % 32)) unless (width % 32).zero?
- height += (32 - (height % 32)) unless (height % 32).zero?
- puts "Limitando para: #{width}x#{height}" if $TEST
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Bruxaria de scripter desconhecido. Remove a limitação de tamanho para
- # o método Graphics.resize_screen (640x480)
- #
- # Base retirada de: http://pastebin.com/sM2MNJZj
- #
- # Adaptações para a RGSS300.dll e início do mapeamento dos endereços
- # utilizados por Gab!
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Número para string
- wh = ->(w, h, off = 0){
- [w + off, h + off].pack('l2').scan(/..../)
- }
- # Altera um valor na memória relativa à DLL
- mod = ->(adr, val){
- adr += @@OFF if @@DLLVersion.zero?
- DL::CPtr.new(@@DLLHandle + adr)[0, val.size] = val
- }
- # Valores úteis
- wt, ht = width.divmod(32), height.divmod(32)
- w, h = wh.(width, height)
- ww, hh = wh.(width, height, 32)
- www, hhh = wh.(wt.first, ht.first, 1)
- zero = [0].pack('l')
- # Faz as alterações na memória
- # Graphics
- @@OFF = 0
- mod.(0x195F, "\x90"*5) # ???
- mod.(0x19A4, h ) # ???
- mod.(0x19A9, w ) # ???
- mod.(0x1A56, h ) # ???
- mod.(0x1A5B, w ) # ???
- mod.(0x20F6, w ) # Max width (?)
- mod.(0x20FF, w ) # Max width (?)
- mod.(0x2106, h ) # Max height (?)
- mod.(0x210F, h ) # Max height (?)
- # Plane (?) Class
- @@OFF = -0xC0
- Graphics::PlaneSpeedUp = true
- # Setando para false não é necessário reescrever classe Plane. No
- # entanto, o mapa fica MUITO lento.
- mod.(0x1C5E3, Graphics::PlaneSpeedUp ? zero : h) # Max height
- mod.(0x1C5E8, Graphics::PlaneSpeedUp ? zero : w) # Max width
- # ???
- @@OFF = 0x20
- mod.(0x1F477, h ) # ???
- mod.(0x1F47C, w ) # ???
- # Tilemap Class
- @@OFF = 0x1E0
- mod.(0x211FF, hh ) # Tilemap render height
- mod.(0x21204, ww ) # Tilemap render width
- mod.(0x21D7D, hhh[0]) # Tilemap max tiles on screen height
- mod.(0x21E01, www[0]) # Tilemap max tiles on screen width
- # ???
- @@OFF = 0x140
- mod.(0x10DEA8, h ) # ???
- mod.(0x10DEAD, w ) # ???
- mod.(0x10DEDF, h ) # ???
- mod.(0x10DEE3, w ) # ???
- mod.(0x10DF14, h ) # ???
- mod.(0x10DF18, w ) # ???
- mod.(0x10DF48, h ) # ???
- mod.(0x10DF4C, w ) # ???
- mod.(0x10E6A7, w ) # ???
- mod.(0x10E6C3, h ) # ???
- mod.(0x10EEA9, w ) # ???
- mod.(0x10EEB9, h ) # ???
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Fim da bruxaria
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Sprite de transição de tela
- @@TransitionSprite = Sprite.new
- @@TransitionSprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
- @@TransitionSprite.bitmap.fill_rect(@@TransitionSprite.bitmap.rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
- @@TransitionSprite.opacity = 0
- @@TransitionSprite.z = 0x7FFFFFFF
- # Bitmap da tela no momento do Graphics.freeze
- @@FrozenBitmap = Bitmap.new(Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
- @@FrozenBitmap.fill_rect(@@FrozenBitmap.rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
- # Realiza a transição de tela
- # Nota: Não é possível realizar transição de tela com imagens
- alias oldFullscreenResTransition transition
- def transition(time, image='', vague=40)
- @@TransitionSprite.bitmap.dispose
- @@TransitionSprite.dispose
- @@TransitionSprite = Sprite.new
- @@TransitionSprite.bitmap = @@FrozenBitmap
- @@TransitionSprite.opacity = 255
- @@TransitionSprite.z = 0x7FFFFFFF
- oldFullscreenResTransition(0)
- dec = (255.0 / time)
- time.times {
- @@TransitionSprite.opacity -= dec
- Graphics.update
- }
- end
- # Fadein
- def fadein(time)
- @@FrozenBitmap = Bitmap.new(Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
- @@FrozenBitmap.fill_rect(@@FrozenBitmap.rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
- transition(time)
- end
- # Fadeout
- def fadeout(time)
- inc = (255.0 / time)
- time.times {
- @@TransitionSprite.opacity += inc
- Graphics.update
- }
- end
- # Armazena a imagem da tela
- alias oldFullscreenResFreeze freeze
- def freeze(*a, &b)
- oldFullscreenResFreeze(*a, &b)
- @@FrozenBitmap = Graphics.snap_to_bitmap
- end
- # Realiza o redimensionamento de tela
- alias gabFullscreenOldResizeScreen resize_screen
- def resize_screen(*a, &b)
- # Redimensiona normalmente
- gabFullscreenOldResizeScreen(*a, &b)
- # Redimensiona o sprite de transição
- @@TransitionSprite.bitmap.dispose
- @@TransitionSprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(*Graphics.size)
- @@TransitionSprite.bitmap.fill_rect(@@TransitionSprite.bitmap.rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
- if Graphics::PlaneSpeedUp
- # Manda o sinal de atualização para todas as instâncias da classe Plane
- ObjectSpace.each_object(Plane){|plane|
- plane.send(:recreateBitmap)
- }
- end
- end
- # Altera para fullscreen
- def fullscreen
- # Retorna se já estiver em fullscreen
- return if @@inFullscreen
- # Tamanho antes do fullscreen
- rect = DL::CPtr.malloc(16)
- rect[0, 16] = 0.chr * 16
- GetWindowRect.call([@@hWnd, rect])
- @@windowSize = rect[0, 16].unpack("l*")
- @@windowSize[2] -= @@windowSize[0]
- @@windowSize[3] -= @@windowSize[1]
- @@windowResolution = Graphics.size
- # Muda o tamanho da tela
- Graphics.resize_screen(*@@screenSize)
- # Remover bordas da janela
- SetWindowLong.call([@@hWnd, -16, 0x14000000])
- # Coloca a janela acima de todas as outras
- SetWindowPos.call([@@hWnd, -1, 0, 0, *@@screenSize, 0])
- # Modifica a flag de fullscreen
- @@inFullscreen = true
- # Espera alguns frames para terminar o processamento
- Graphics.wait(5)
- end
- # Altera para modo janela
- def windowed
- # Retorna se não estiver em fullscreen
- return unless @@inFullscreen
- # Muda o tamanho da tela
- Graphics.resize_screen(*@@windowResolution)
- # Recoloca bordas da janela
- SetWindowLong.call([@@hWnd, -16, 0x14CA0000])
- # Coloca a janela na posição x,y,z comum e ajusta seu tamanho
- SetWindowPos.call([@@hWnd, 0, *@@windowSize, 0])
- # Modifica a flag de fullscreen
- @@inFullscreen = false
- # Espera alguns frames para terminar o processamento
- Graphics.wait(5)
- end
- # Tamanho da tela
- def size
- [self.width, self.height]
- end
- # Verifica se a janela está no modo fullscreen
- def fullscreen?
- return @@inFullscreen
- end
- # Verifica se a janela está no modo janela
- def windowed?
- return !@@inFullscreen
- end
- # Alterna entre os modos fullscreen e janela
- def toggleFullscreen
- @@inFullscreen ? self.windowed : self.fullscreen
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if Graphics::PlaneSpeedUp
- # Remove a classe Plane Anterior
- Object.send(:remove_const, :Plane)
- # Redefinição da classe Plane
- class Plane
- attr_reader :viewport
- attr_reader :bitmap
- attr_reader :ox
- attr_reader :oy
- attr_reader :opacity
- attr_reader :blend_type
- attr_reader :color
- attr_reader :tone
- attr_reader :visible
- attr_reader :zoom_x
- attr_reader :zoom_y
- attr_reader :z
- # Inicialização do objeto
- def initialize(viewport = nil)
- # É necessário verificar se um viewport foi enviado. Desse modo, ao mudar a
- # resolução da tela, deve-se mudar também a rect do viewport para que o
- # Plane que ocupava a tela toda continue
- @defaultViewport = !viewport.is_a?(Viewport)
- @viewport = @defaultViewport ? Viewport.new(0, 0, *Graphics.size) : viewport
- @sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport)
- @bitmap = nil
- @ox = @sprite.ox # 0
- @oy = @sprite.oy # 0
- @opacity = @sprite.opacity # 255
- @blend_type = @sprite.blend_type # 0
- @color = @sprite.color # Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0)
- @tone = @sprite.tone # Tone.new(0, 0, 0, 0)
- @visible = @sprite.visible # true
- @z = @sprite.z # 0
- @zoom_x = @sprite.zoom_x # 1.0
- @zoom_y = @sprite.zoom_y # 1.0
- end
- def bitmap=(bitmap)
- return unless bitmap.is_a?(Bitmap)
- @bitmap = bitmap
- self.recreateBitmap(true)
- end
- def ox=(value)
- @ox = value
- return unless @bitmap
- @sprite.ox = (value % @bitmap.width)
- end
- def oy=(value)
- @oy = value
- return unless @bitmap
- @sprite.oy = (value % @bitmap.height)
- end
- def opacity=(value)
- @sprite.opacity = value
- @opacity = @sprite.opacity
- end
- def blend_type=(value)
- @sprite.blend_type = value
- @blend_type = @sprite.blend_type
- end
- def color=(value)
- @sprite.color = value
- @color = @sprite.color
- end
- def tone=(value)
- @sprite.tone = value
- @tone = @sprite.tone
- end
- def viewport=(value)
- @defaultViewport &= (value == @sprite.viewport)
- @sprite.viewport = value
- @viewport = @sprite.viewport
- end
- def visible=(value)
- @sprite.visible = value
- @visible = sprite.visible
- end
- def z=(value)
- @sprite.z = value
- @z = @sprite.z
- end
- def zoom_x=(value)
- @sprite.zoom_x = value
- @zoom_x = @sprite.zoom_x
- self.recreateBitmap
- end
- def zoom_y=(value)
- @sprite.zoom_y = value
- @zoom_y = @sprite.zoom_y
- self.recreateBitmap
- end
- def disposed?
- return @sprite.disposed?
- end
- def dispose
- @sprite.dispose
- end
- protected
- def recreateBitmap(forceRefresh = false)
- cw, ch = Graphics.width * (2.0/@zoom_x), Graphics.height * (2.0/@zoom_y)
- needRefresh = true
- if @defaultViewport
- @viewport.rect.width, @viewport.rect.height = *Graphics.size
- end
- if @sprite.bitmap.nil? or @sprite.bitmap.disposed?
- newBitmap = Bitmap.new(cw, ch)
- else
- if (cw == @sprite.bitmap.width) and (ch == @sprite.bitmap.height) and (!forceRefresh)
- return
- end
- newBitmap = Bitmap.new(cw, ch)
- if (cw < @sprite.bitmap.width) and (ch < @sprite.bitmap.height)
- newBitmap.blt(0, 0, @sprite.bitmap, @sprite.bitmap.rect)
- @sprite.bitmap.dispose
- needRefresh = false
- end
- end
- @sprite.bitmap = newBitmap
- self.refreshBitmap if needRefresh or forceRefresh
- end
- def refreshBitmap
- # Limpa o bitmap
- b = @sprite.bitmap
- b.clear
- return if @bitmap.nil?
- # Quantia de espaços para blt
- tx = (b.width / @bitmap.width.to_f )
- ty = (b.height / @bitmap.height.to_f)
- b.blt(0, 0, @bitmap, @bitmap.rect)
- return if tx + ty == 2
- # Preenche 1 linha
- basePow = @bitmap.width
- baseRct = Rect.new(0, 0, @bitmap.width, @bitmap.height)
- Math.log2(tx).floor.times{
- b.blt(basePow, 0, b, baseRct)
- baseRct.width += basePow
- basePow *= 2
- }
- # Último bitmap da linha
- baseRct.width = (b.width - baseRct.width)
- b.blt(basePow, 0, b, baseRct)
- # Preenche o restante das linhas
- basePow = @bitmap.height
- baseRct = Rect.new(0, 0, b.width, @bitmap.height)
- Math.log2(ty).floor.times{
- b.blt(0, basePow, b, baseRct)
- baseRct.height += basePow
- basePow *= 2
- }
- # Última linha
- baseRct.height = b.height - baseRct.height
- b.blt(basePow, 0, b, baseRct)
- end
- end
- end
- class Game_Map
- # Número de tiles horizontais na tela
- def screen_tile_x
- (Graphics.width / 32.0).ceil
- end
- # Número de tiles verticais na tela
- def screen_tile_y
- (Graphics.height / 32.0).ceil
- end
- end
- # Contador de FPS para o modo Fullscreen
- if $TEST
- # FPS Display // Zeus81
- # http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/3738-fps-display-isnt-very-accurate/#entry40350
- module Graphics
- @fps, @fps_tmp = 0, []
- class << self
- attr_reader :fps
- alias fps_update update unless method_defined?(:fps_update)
- def update
- t = Time.now
- fps_update
- @fps_tmp[frame_count % frame_rate] = Time.now != t
- @fps = 0
- frame_rate.times {|i| @fps += 1 if @fps_tmp[i]}
- fps_sprite.src_rect.y = @fps * 16
- end
- def fps_sprite
- if !@fps_sprite or @fps_sprite.disposed?
- @fps_sprite = Sprite.new
- @fps_sprite.z = 0x7FFFFFFF
- @fps_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(24, 16*120)
- @fps_sprite.bitmap.font.name = "Arial"
- @fps_sprite.bitmap.font.size = 16
- @fps_sprite.bitmap.font.color.set(255, 255, 255)
- @fps_sprite.bitmap.fill_rect(@fps_sprite.bitmap.rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 127))
- 120.times {|i|
- @fps_sprite.bitmap.draw_text(0, i*16, 24, 16, "% 3d"%i, 1)
- }
- @fps_sprite.src_rect.height = 16
- end
- return @fps_sprite
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ▼ Viewports/Map Fix for Modified RGSS300.dll File
- # Origin of Code: Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Core Engine v1.06
- # -- Last Updated: 2011.12.26
- # -- Level: Easy, Normal
- # -- Requires: n/a
- #==============================================================================
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game_Map
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Map
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # overwrite method: scroll_down
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def scroll_down(distance)
- if loop_vertical?
- @display_y += distance
- @display_y %= @map.height * 256
- @parallax_y += distance
- else
- last_y = @display_y
- dh = Graphics.height > height * 32 ? height : screen_tile_y
- @display_y = [@display_y + distance, height - dh].min
- @parallax_y += @display_y - last_y
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # overwrite method: scroll_right
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def scroll_right(distance)
- if loop_horizontal?
- @display_x += distance
- @display_x %= @map.width * 256
- @parallax_x += distance
- else
- last_x = @display_x
- dw = Graphics.width > width * 32 ? width : screen_tile_x
- @display_x = [@display_x + distance, width - dw].min
- @parallax_x += @display_x - last_x
- end
- end
- end # Game_Map
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Spriteset_Map
- #==============================================================================
- class Spriteset_Map
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # overwrite method: create_viewports
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_viewports
- if Graphics.width > $game_map.width * 32 && !$game_map.loop_horizontal?
- dx = (Graphics.width - $game_map.width * 32) / 2
- else
- dx = 0
- end
- dw = [Graphics.width, $game_map.width * 32].min
- dw = Graphics.width if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
- if Graphics.height > $game_map.height * 32 && !$game_map.loop_vertical?
- dy = (Graphics.height - $game_map.height * 32) / 2
- else
- dy = 0
- end
- dh = [Graphics.height, $game_map.height * 32].min
- dh = Graphics.height if $game_map.loop_vertical?
- @viewport1 = Viewport.new(dx, dy, dw, dh)
- @viewport2 = Viewport.new(dx, dy, dw, dh)
- @viewport3 = Viewport.new(dx, dy, dw, dh)
- @viewport2.z = 50
- @viewport3.z = 100
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # new method: update_viewport_sizes
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_viewport_sizes
- if Graphics.width > $game_map.width * 32 && !$game_map.loop_horizontal?
- dx = (Graphics.width - $game_map.width * 32) / 2
- else
- dx = 0
- end
- dw = [Graphics.width, $game_map.width * 32].min
- dw = Graphics.width if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
- if Graphics.height > $game_map.height * 32 && !$game_map.loop_vertical?
- dy = (Graphics.height - $game_map.height * 32) / 2
- else
- dy = 0
- end
- dh = [Graphics.height, $game_map.height * 32].min
- dh = Graphics.height if $game_map.loop_vertical?
- rect = Rect.new(dx, dy, dw, dh)
- for viewport in [@viewport1, @viewport2, @viewport3]
- viewport.rect = rect
- end
- end
- end # Spriteset_Map
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Scene_Map
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # alias method: post_transfer
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias scene_map_post_transfer_ace post_transfer
- def post_transfer
- @spriteset.update_viewport_sizes
- scene_map_post_transfer_ace
- end
- end # Scene_Map
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game_Event
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Event < Game_Character
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # overwrite method: near_the_screen?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def near_the_screen?(dx = nil, dy = nil)
- dx = [Graphics.width, $game_map.width * 256].min/32 - 5 if dx.nil?
- dy = [Graphics.height, $game_map.height * 256].min/32 - 5 if dy.nil?
- ax = $game_map.adjust_x(@real_x) - Graphics.width / 2 / 32
- ay = $game_map.adjust_y(@real_y) - Graphics.height / 2 / 32
- ax >= -dx && ax <= dx && ay >= -dy && ay <= dy
- end
- end # Game_Event
- # Chama o método que realiza a mudança de tamanho
- # Graphics.fullscreen
- Graphics.resize_screen(800, 600)
- __END__
- # Graphics.windowed
- x = Bitmap.new(50, 50)
- x.gradient_fill_rect(0, 0, 50, 25, Color.new(255, 0, 0), Color.new(0, 255, 0))
- x.gradient_fill_rect(0, 25, 50, 25, Color.new(0, 255, 0), Color.new(0, 0, 255))
- y = Plane.new
- y.bitmap = x
- y.zoom_x = 3
- y.zoom_y = 3
- #Graphics.fullscreen
- #Graphics.windowed
- loop do
- Graphics.update
- y.ox += 1
- y.oy += 1
- end
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