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// Change Tile Size
// by Shaz
// Last Update: 2015.10 .21
* @plugindesc Allows maps based on a grid size other than 48x48
* @author Shaz
* @param Tile Size
* @desc Size of tiles ( pixels)
* @default 48
* @param Tileset Image Folder
* @desc Folder where the in-game tilesets are kept
* @default img/tilesets/
* @param Parallax Image Folder
* @desc Folder where the in-game parallaxes are kept
* @default img/parallaxes/[ i] [ /i]
* @help This plugin does not provide plugin commands.
* To use the map editor with tiles of a size other than 48x48 in your project,
* have two folders for tileset images. The folder named in the plugin
* parameters is for original, high-quality, final-sized tiles. The
* original folder, img/tilesets/ can contain a duplicate copy of each
* tileset, shrunk or enlarged to 48x48 pixels per tile. Quality in the
* editor may be poorer, but the original tiles will be used in the game.
* The img/tilesets folder can be cleared prior to distribution.
* The same applies to the img/parallaxes folder if using a parallax map
* with a grid size other than 48x48.
( function( ) {
var parameters = PluginManager.parameters ( 'ChangeTileSize' ) ;
var tileSize = parseInt( parameters[ 'Tile Size' ] || 48 ) ;
var tilesetsFolder = String ( parameters[ 'Tileset Image Folder' ] || 'img/tilesets/' ) ;
var parallaxesFolder = String ( parameters[ 'Parallax Image Folder' ] || 'img/parallaxes/' ) ;
ImageManager.loadTileset = function( filename, hue) {
return this.loadBitmap ( tilesetsFolder, filename, hue, false ) ;
} ;
ImageManager.loadParallax = function( filename, hue) {
return this.loadBitmap ( parallaxesFolder, filename, hue, true ) ;
} ;
Game_Map.prototype .tileWidth = function( ) {
return tileSize;
} ;
Game_Map.prototype .tileHeight = function( ) {
return tileSize;
} ;
Game_Vehicle.prototype .maxAltitude = function( ) {
return tileSize;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
// Change Tile Size
// by Shaz
// Last Update: 2015.10 .21
* @plugindesc Allows maps based on a grid size other than 48x48
* @author Shaz
* @param Tile Size
* @desc Size of tiles ( pixels)
* @default 48
* @param Tileset Image Folder
* @desc Folder where the in-game tilesets are kept
* @default img/tilesets/
* @param Parallax Image Folder
* @desc Folder where the in-game parallaxes are kept
* @default img/parallaxes/[ i] [ /i]
* @help This plugin does not provide plugin commands.
* To use the map editor with tiles of a size other than 48x48 in your project,
* have two folders for tileset images. The folder named in the plugin
* parameters is for original, high-quality, final-sized tiles. The
* original folder, img/tilesets/ can contain a duplicate copy of each
* tileset, shrunk or enlarged to 48x48 pixels per tile. Quality in the
* editor may be poorer, but the original tiles will be used in the game.
* The img/tilesets folder can be cleared prior to distribution.
* The same applies to the img/parallaxes folder if using a parallax map
* with a grid size other than 48x48.
( function( ) {
var parameters = PluginManager.parameters ( 'ChangeTileSize' ) ;
var tileSize = parseInt( parameters[ 'Tile Size' ] || 48 ) ;
var tilesetsFolder = String ( parameters[ 'Tileset Image Folder' ] || 'img/tilesets/' ) ;
var parallaxesFolder = String ( parameters[ 'Parallax Image Folder' ] || 'img/parallaxes/' ) ;
ImageManager.loadTileset = function( filename, hue) {
return this.loadBitmap ( tilesetsFolder, filename, hue, false ) ;
} ;
ImageManager.loadParallax = function( filename, hue) {
return this.loadBitmap ( parallaxesFolder, filename, hue, true ) ;
} ;
Game_Map.prototype .tileWidth = function( ) {
return tileSize;
} ;
Game_Map.prototype .tileHeight = function( ) {
return tileSize;
} ;
Game_Vehicle.prototype .maxAltitude = function( ) {
return tileSize;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;