赞 | 0 |
VIP | 0 |
好人卡 | 0 |
积分 | 1 |
经验 | 8922 |
最后登录 | 2016-3-14 |
在线时间 | 1 小时 |
- 梦石
- 0
- 星屑
- 50
- 在线时间
- 1 小时
- 注册时间
- 2007-7-9
- 帖子
- 145
楼主 |
发表于 2008-4-24 21:44:27
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game_Party
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 处理同伴的类。包含金钱以及物品的信息。本类的实例
- # 请参考 $game_party。
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Party
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 设置战斗测试用同伴
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def setup_battle_test_members
- @actors = []
- for battler in $data_system.test_battlers
- actor = $game_actors[battler.actor_id]
- actor.level = battler.level
- gain_weapon(battler.weapon_id, 1)
- if actor.double_edge
- gain_weapon(battler.armor1_id, 1)
- else
- gain_armor(battler.armor1_id, 1)
- end
- gain_armor(battler.armor2_id, 1)
- gain_armor(battler.armor3_id, 1)
- gain_armor(battler.armor4_id, 1)
- actor.equip(0, battler.weapon_id)
- if actor.double_edge
- if actor.equippable?($data_weapons[battler.armor1_id])
- actor.equip(1, battler.armor1_id)
- end
- else
- actor.equip(1, battler.armor1_id)
- end
- actor.equip(2, battler.armor2_id)
- actor.equip(3, battler.armor3_id)
- actor.equip(4, battler.armor4_id)
- actor.recover_all
- @actors.push(actor)
- end
- @items = {}
- for i in 1...$data_items.size
- if $data_items[i].name != ""
- occasion = $data_items[i].occasion
- if occasion == 0 or occasion == 1
- @items[i] = 99
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_EquipRight
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 装备画面、显示角色现在装备的物品的窗口。
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_EquipRight <Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear
- @data = []
- @data.push($data_weapons[@actor.weapon_id])
- if @actor.double_edge
- @data.push($data_weapons[@actor.weapon2_id])
- else
- @data.push($data_armors[@actor.armor1_id])
- end
- @data.push($data_armors[@actor.armor2_id])
- @data.push($data_armors[@actor.armor3_id])
- @data.push($data_armors[@actor.armor4_id])
- @item_max = @data.size
- self.contents.font.color = system_color
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 32 * 0, 92, 32, $data_system.words.weapon)
- if @actor.double_edge
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 32 * 1, 92, 32, $data_system.words.weapon)
- else
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 32 * 1, 92, 32, $data_system.words.armor1)
- end
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 32 * 2, 92, 32, $data_system.words.armor2)
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 32 * 3, 92, 32, $data_system.words.armor3)
- self.contents.draw_text(5, 32 * 4, 92, 32, $data_system.words.armor4)
- draw_item_name(@data[0], 92, 32 * 0)
- draw_item_name(@data[1], 92, 32 * 1)
- draw_item_name(@data[2], 92, 32 * 2)
- draw_item_name(@data[3], 92, 32 * 3)
- draw_item_name(@data[4], 92, 32 * 4)
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Scene_Equip
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 处理装备画面的类。
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_Equip
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 初始化对像
- # actor_index : 角色索引
- # equip_index : 装备索引
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(actor_index = 0, equip_index = 0)
- @actor_index = actor_index
- @equip_index = equip_index
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 主处理
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def main
- # 获取角色
- @actor = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
- # 生成窗口
- @help_window = Window_Help.new
- @left_window = Window_EquipLeft.new(@actor)
- @right_window = Window_EquipRight.new(@actor)
- @item_window1 = Window_EquipItem.new(@actor, 0)
- unless @actor.double_edge
- @item_window2 = Window_EquipItem.new(@actor, 1)
- end
- @item_window3 = Window_EquipItem.new(@actor, 2)
- @item_window4 = Window_EquipItem.new(@actor, 3)
- @item_window5 = Window_EquipItem.new(@actor, 4)
- # 关联帮助窗口
- @right_window.help_window = @help_window
- @item_window1.help_window = @help_window
- unless @actor.double_edge
- @item_window2.help_window = @help_window
- end
- @item_window3.help_window = @help_window
- @item_window4.help_window = @help_window
- @item_window5.help_window = @help_window
- # 设置光标位置
- @right_window.index = @equip_index
- refresh
- # 执行过渡
- Graphics.transition
- # 主循环
- loop do
- # 刷新游戏画面
- Graphics.update
- # 刷新输入信息
- Input.update
- # 刷新画面
- update
- # 如果画面切换的话的就中断循环
- if $scene != self
- break
- end
- end
- # 准备过渡
- Graphics.freeze
- # 释放窗口
- @help_window.dispose
- @left_window.dispose
- @right_window.dispose
- @item_window1.dispose
- # unless @actor.double_edge
- # @item_window2.dispose
- # end
- @item_window3.dispose
- @item_window4.dispose
- @item_window5.dispose
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- # 设置物品窗口的可视状态
- if @actor.double_edge
- @item_window1.visible = (@right_window.index == 0 or @right_window.index == 1)
- else
- @item_window1.visible = (@right_window.index == 0)
- @item_window2.visible = (@right_window.index == 1)
- end
- @item_window3.visible = (@right_window.index == 2)
- @item_window4.visible = (@right_window.index == 3)
- @item_window5.visible = (@right_window.index == 4)
- # 获取当前装备中的物品
- item1 = @right_window.item
- # 设置当前的物品窗口到 @item_window
- case @right_window.index
- when 0
- @item_window = @item_window1
- when 1
- if @actor.double_edge
- @item_window = @item_window1
- else
- @item_window = @item_window2
- end
- when 2
- @item_window = @item_window3
- when 3
- @item_window = @item_window4
- when 4
- @item_window = @item_window5
- end
- # 右窗口被激活的情况下
- if @right_window.active
- # 删除变更装备后的能力
- @left_window.set_new_parameters(nil, nil, nil)
- end
- # 物品窗口被激活的情况下
- if @item_window.active
- # 获取现在选中的物品
- item2 = @item_window.item
- # 变更装备
- last_hp = @actor.hp
- last_sp = @actor.sp
- @actor.equip(@right_window.index, item2 == nil ? 0 : item2.id)
- # 获取变更装备后的能力值
- new_atk = @actor.atk
- new_pdef = @actor.pdef
- new_mdef = @actor.mdef
- # 返回到装备
- @actor.equip(@right_window.index, item1 == nil ? 0 : item1.id)
- @actor.hp = last_hp
- @actor.sp = last_sp
- # 描画左窗口
- @left_window.set_new_parameters(new_atk, new_pdef, new_mdef)
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- # 刷新窗口
- @left_window.update
- @right_window.update
- @item_window.update
- refresh
- # 右侧窗口被激活的情况下: 调用 update_right
- if @right_window.active
- update_right
- return
- end
- # 物品窗口被激活的情况下: 调用 update_item
- if @item_window.active
- update_item
- return
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面 (右侧窗口被激活的情况下)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_right
- # 按下 B 键的情况下
- if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
- # 演奏取消 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se)
- # 切换到菜单画面
- $scene = Scene_Menu.new(2)
- return
- #二刀流者唯一的武器如果左右手交换
- if @actor.double_edge and @actor.weapon_id == 0 and @actor.weapon2_id > 0
- weapon = @actor.weapon2_id
- @actor.equip(1, 0)
- @actor.equip(0, weapon)
- end
- return
- end
- # 按下 C 键的情况下
- if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
- # 固定装备的情况下
- if @actor.equip_fix?(@right_window.index)
- # 演奏冻结 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
- return
- end
- # 演奏确定 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
- # 激活物品窗口
- @right_window.active = false
- @item_window.active = true
- @item_window.index = 0
- return
- end
- # 按下 R 键的情况下
- if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT) or Input.trigger?(Input::R)
- # 演奏光标 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se)
- # 移至下一位角色
- @actor_index += 1
- @actor_index %= $game_party.actors.size
- @actor = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
- # 切换到别的装备画面
- $scene = Scene_Equip.new(@actor_index, @right_window.index)
- return
- end
- # 按下 L 键的情况下
- if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) or Input.trigger?(Input::L)
- # 演奏光标 SE
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se)
- # 移至上一位角色
- @actor_index += $game_party.actors.size - 1
- @actor_index %= $game_party.actors.size
- @actor = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
- # 切换到别的装备画面
- $scene = Scene_Equip.new(@actor_index, @right_window.index)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Scene_Battle (分割定义 4)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 处理战斗画面的类。
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_Battle
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面 (主阶段步骤 3 : 行动方动画)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias :update_phase4_step3_double :update_phase4_step3
- def update_phase4_step3(battler)
- update_phase4_step3_double(battler)
- if battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) and battler.anime1 == 0 and
- battler.second_weapon
- battler.white_flash = false
- battler.wait = 0
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面 (主阶段步骤 4 : 对像方动画)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_phase4_step4(battler)
- # 对像方动画
- if battler.target[0].is_a?(Game_Enemy) and battler.anime1 != 0
- camera_set(battler)
- end
- # Miss的情况下
- for target in battler.target
- if battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) and battler.second_weapon
- target.animation.push([battler.anime2,
- (target.damage[battler] != "Miss"), true])
- else
- target.animation.push([battler.anime2,
- (target.damage[battler] != "Miss")])
- end
- unless battler.anime2 == 0
- battler.wait = 2 * $data_animations[battler.anime2].frame_max - 10
- end
- end
- # 移至步骤 5
- battler.phase = 5
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面 (主阶段步骤 5 : 显示伤害)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias :update_phase4_step5_double :update_phase4_step5
- def update_phase4_step5(battler)
- update_phase4_step5_double (battler)
- if battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) and battler.target.size > 0 and
- (not battler.target[0].hidden and
- (battler.target[0].hp > 0 or battler.target[0].immortal)) and
- battler.current_action.kind == 0 and battler.double_edge?
- if battler.first_weapon
- battler.first_weapon = false
- battler.second_weapon = true
- battler.wait = 0
- battler.phase = 2
- else battler.second_weapon
- battler.second_weapon = false
- end
- elsif battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
- battler.first_weapon = false
- battler.second_weapon = false
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 开始行动
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def action_start(battler)
- battler.phase = 1
- battler.anime1 = 0
- battler.anime2 = 0
- battler.target = []
- battler.event = 0
- if battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) and battler.current_action.kind == 0
- battler.first_weapon = true
- battler.second_weapon = false
- end
- @action_battlers.unshift(battler)
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_Status
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 显示状态画面、完全规格的状态窗口。
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_Status <Window_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear
- draw_actor_graphic(@actor, 44, 96)
- draw_actor_battler(@actor, 426, 368)
- draw_actor_name(@actor, 24, 0)
- draw_actor_class(@actor, 24 + 144, 0)
- draw_actor_level(@actor, 320, 16)
- draw_actor_state(@actor, 320, 48)
- draw_actor_hp(@actor, 68, 32, 172)
- draw_actor_sp(@actor, 68, 64, 172)
- draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 68, 112, 0)
- draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 68, 144, 1)
- draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 68, 176, 2)
- draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 68, 224, 3)
- draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 68, 256, 4)
- draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 68, 288, 5)
- draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 68, 320, 6)
- self.contents.font.color = system_color
- self.contents.draw_text(304, 96, 80, 32, "EXP")
- self.contents.draw_text(304, 128, 80, 32, "NEXT")
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- self.contents.draw_text(304 + 80, 96, 84, 32, @actor.exp_s, 2)
- self.contents.draw_text(304 + 80, 128, 84, 32, @actor.next_rest_exp_s, 2)
- self.contents.font.color = system_color
- self.contents.draw_text(304, 176, 96, 32, "装备")
- draw_item_name($data_weapons[@actor.weapon_id], 304 + 16, 208)
- if @actor.double_edge
- draw_item_name($data_weapons[@actor.weapon2_id], 304 + 16, 240)
- else
- draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor1_id], 304 + 16, 240)
- end
- draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor2_id], 304 + 16, 272)
- draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor3_id], 304 + 16, 304)
- draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor4_id], 304 + 16, 336)
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Sprite_Battler
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 战斗显示用活动块。Game_Battler 类的实例监视、
- # 活动块的状态的监视。
- #==============================================================================
- class Sprite_Battler <RPG:: Sprite
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新画面
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- super
- # 战斗者为 nil 的情况下
- if @battler == nil
- self.bitmap = nil
- loop_animation(nil)
- return
- end
- # 文件名和色相与当前情况有差异的情况下
- if @battler.battler_name != @battler_name or
- @battler.battler_hue != @battler_hue
- # 获取、设置位图
- @battler_name = @battler.battler_name
- @battler_hue = @battler.battler_hue
- self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(@battler_name, @battler_hue)
- @width = bitmap.width
- @height = bitmap.height
- self.ox = @width / 2
- self.oy = @height
- if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- @battler.height = @height
- end
- # 如果是战斗不能或者是隐藏状态就把透明度设置成 0
- if @battler.dead? or @battler.hidden
- self.opacity = 0
- end
- end
- # 动画 ID 与当前的情况有差异的情况下
- if @battler.state_animation_id != @state_animation_id
- @state_animation_id = @battler.state_animation_id
- loop_animation($data_animations[@state_animation_id])
- end
- # 应该被显示的角色的情况下
- if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) and @battler_visible
- # 不是主状态的时候稍稍降低点透明度
- if $game_temp.battle_main_phase
- self.opacity += 3 if self.opacity < 255
- else
- self.opacity -= 3 if self.opacity > 207
- end
- end
- # 明灭
- if @battler.blink
- blink_on
- else
- blink_off
- end
- # 不可见的情况下
- unless @battler_visible
- # 出现
- if not @battler.hidden and not @battler.dead? and
- (@battler.damage.size < 2 or @battler.damage_pop.size < 2)
- appear
- @battler_visible = true
- end
- end
- # 伤害
- for battler in @battler.damage_pop
- if battler[0].class == Array
- if battler[0][1] >= 0
- $scene.skill_se
- else
- $scene.levelup_se
- end
- damage(@battler.damage[battler[0]], false, 2)
- else
- damage(@battler.damage[battler[0]], @battler.critical[battler[0]])
- end
- if @battler.damage_sp.include?(battler[0])
- damage(@battler.damage_sp[battler[0]],
- @battler.critical[battler[0]], 1)
- @battler.damage_sp.delete(battler[0])
- end
- @battler.damage_pop.delete(battler[0])
- @battler.damage.delete(battler[0])
- @battler.critical.delete(battler[0])
- end
- # 可见的情况下
- if @battler_visible
- # 逃跑
- if @battler.hidden
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.escape_se)
- escape
- @battler_visible = false
- end
- # 白色闪烁
- if @battler.white_flash
- whiten
- @battler.white_flash = false
- end
- # 动画
- unless @battler.animation.empty?
- for animation in @battler.animation.reverse
- if animation[2]
- animation($data_animations[animation[0]], animation[1], true)
- else
- animation($data_animations[animation[0]], animation[1])
- end
- @battler.animation.delete(animation)
- end
- end
- # 死亡
- if @battler.damage.empty? and @battler.dead?
- if $scene.dead_ok?(@battler)
- if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.enemy_collapse_se)
- else
- $game_system.se_play($data_system.actor_collapse_se)
- end
- collapse
- @battler_visible = false
- end
- end
- end
- # 设置活动块的坐标
- self.x = @battler.screen_x
- self.y = @battler.screen_y
- self.z = @battler.screen_z
- if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- self.zoom_x = @battler.real_zoom * @battler.zoom
- self.zoom_y = @battler.real_zoom * @battler.zoom
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Sprite module
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 管理动画的模块。
- #==============================================================================
- module RPG
- class Sprite < ::Sprite
- def animation(animation, hit, reverse = false)
- return if animation == nil
- num = @_animation.size
- @_animation.push([animation, hit, animation.frame_max, [], reverse])
- bitmap = RPG::Cache.animation(animation.animation_name,
- animation.animation_hue)
- if @@_reference_count.include?(bitmap)
- @@_reference_count[bitmap] += 1
- else
- @@_reference_count[bitmap] = 1
- end
- if @_animation[num][0] != 3 or not @@_animations.include?(animation)
- for i in 0..15
- sprite = ::Sprite.new
- sprite.bitmap = bitmap
- sprite.visible = false
- @_animation[num][3].push(sprite)
- end
- unless @@_animations.include?(animation)
- @@_animations.push(animation)
- end
- end
- update_animation(@_animation[num])
- end
- def update_animation(anime)
- if anime[2] > 0
- frame_index = anime[0].frame_max - anime[2]
- cell_data = anime[0].frames[frame_index].cell_data
- position = anime[0].position
- animation_set_sprites(anime[3], cell_data, position, anime[4])
- for timing in anime[0].timings
- if timing.frame == frame_index
- animation_process_timing(timing, anime[1])
- end
- end
- else
- @@_reference_count[anime[3][0].bitmap] -= 1
- if @@_reference_count[anime[3][0].bitmap] == 0
- anime[3][0].bitmap.dispose
- end
- for sprite in anime[3]
- sprite.dispose
- end
- @_animation.delete(anime)
- end
- end
- def animation_set_sprites(sprites, cell_data, position, reverse = false)
- for i in 0..15
- sprite = sprites[i]
- pattern = cell_data[i, 0]
- if sprite == nil or pattern == nil or pattern == -1
- sprite.visible = false if sprite != nil
- next
- end
- sprite.visible = true
- sprite.src_rect.set(pattern % 5 * 192, pattern / 5 * 192, 192, 192)
- if position == 3
- if self.viewport != nil
- sprite.x = self.viewport.rect.width / 2
- if $game_temp.in_battle and self.battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- sprite.y = self.viewport.rect.height - 320
- else
- sprite.y = self.viewport.rect.height - 160
- end
- else
- sprite.x = 320
- sprite.y = 240
- end
- else
- sprite.x = self.x + self.viewport.rect.x -
- self.ox + self.src_rect.width / 2
- if $game_temp.in_battle and self.battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- sprite.y = self.y - self.oy * self.zoom_y / 2 +
- self.viewport.rect.y
- if position == 0
- sprite.y -= self.src_rect.height * self.zoom_y / 4
- elsif position == 2
- sprite.y += self.src_rect.height * self.zoom_y / 4
- end
- else
- sprite.y = self.y + self.viewport.rect.y -
- self.oy + self.src_rect.height / 2
- sprite.y -= self.src_rect.height / 4 if position == 0
- sprite.y += self.src_rect.height / 4 if position == 2
- end
- end
- if reverse
- sprite.x -= cell_data[i, 1]
- else
- sprite.x += cell_data[i, 1]
- end
- sprite.y += cell_data[i, 2]
- sprite.z = 2000
- sprite.ox = 96
- sprite.oy = 96
- sprite.zoom_x = cell_data[i, 3] / 100.0
- sprite.zoom_y = cell_data[i, 3] / 100.0
- if position != 3
- sprite.zoom_x *= self.zoom_x
- sprite.zoom_y *= self.zoom_y
- end
- sprite.angle = cell_data[i, 4]
- if reverse
- sprite.mirror = (cell_data[i, 5] == 0)
- else
- sprite.mirror = (cell_data[i, 5] == 1)
- end
- sprite.opacity = cell_data[i, 6] * self.opacity / 255.0
- sprite.blend_type = cell_data[i, 7]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_ShopStatus
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 商店画面、显示物品所持数与角色装备的窗口。
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_ShopStatus < Window_Base
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● 刷新
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear
- if @item == nil
- return
- end
- case @item
- when RPG::Item
- number = $game_party.item_number(@item.id)
- when RPG::Weapon
- number = $game_party.weapon_number(@item.id)
- when RPG::Armor
- number = $game_party.armor_number(@item.id)
- end
- self.contents.font.color = system_color
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 200, 32, "所持数")
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- self.contents.draw_text(204, 0, 32, 32, number.to_s, 2)
- if @item.is_a?(RPG::Item)
- return
- end
- # 添加装备品信息
- for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
- # 获取角色
- actor = $game_party.actors[i]
- # 可以装备为普通文字颜色、不能装备设置为无效文字颜色
- if actor.equippable?(@item)
- self.contents.font.color = normal_color
- else
- self.contents.font.color = disabled_color
- end
- # 描绘角色名字
- self.contents.draw_text(4, 64 + 64 * i, 120, 32, actor.name)
- # 获取当前的装备品
- if @item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon)
- weapon1 = $data_weapons[actor.weapon_id]
- weapon2 = $data_weapons[actor.weapon2_id]
- if actor.double_edge and (weapon1 != nil ? weapon1.atk : 0) >
- (weapon2 != nil ? weapon2.atk : 0)
- item1 = $data_weapons[actor.weapon2_id]
- else
- item1 = $data_weapons[actor.weapon_id]
- end
- elsif @item.kind == 0
- item1 = $data_armors[actor.armor1_id]
- elsif @item.kind == 1
- item1 = $data_armors[actor.armor2_id]
- elsif @item.kind == 2
- item1 = $data_armors[actor.armor3_id]
- else
- item1 = $data_armors[actor.armor4_id]
- end
- # 可以装备的情况
- if actor.equippable?(@item)
- # 武器的情况
- if @item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon)
- atk1 = item1 != nil ? item1.atk : 0
- atk2 = @item != nil ? @item.atk : 0
- change = atk2 - atk1
- end
- # 防具的情况
- if @item.is_a?(RPG::Armor)
- pdef1 = item1 != nil ? item1.pdef : 0
- mdef1 = item1 != nil ? item1.mdef : 0
- pdef2 = @item != nil ? @item.pdef : 0
- mdef2 = @item != nil ? @item.mdef : 0
- change = pdef2 - pdef1 + mdef2 - mdef1
- end
- # 描绘能力值变化
- self.contents.draw_text(124, 64 + 64 * i, 112, 32,
- sprintf("%+d", change), 2)
- end
- # 描绘物品
- if item1 != nil
- x = 4
- y = 64 + 64 * i + 32
- bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item1.icon_name)
- opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128
- self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 212, 32, item1.name)
- end
- end
- end
- end
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