// Place file inside /js/plugins
// Remember to save after adding plugins or changing parameters.
// Ellye's States Damage
* Version: 2015-11-08-0156
* 2015-11-08-0156 - Changed the _stateCaster array to no longer store direct object references, that could easily result in infinite data loops. Thanks, Bobstah.
* 2015-11-05-1029 - Added tags <drain>, <mp_drain>, <mp_heal>, <mp_damage>, <can_critical>.
* 2015-11-04-2327 - Made this compatible with Yanfly's Cooldowns (that plugin wasn't expecting the possibility of its attributes being undefined in a skill)
* 2015-11-03-3442 - Fixed _stateCaster information being unintentionaly shared between battlers.
* 2015-11-03-0948 - Fixed an issue that could cause compatibility problems.
* 2015-11-01-1141 - Added collapse animation for enemies that die due to status effects.
* 2015-10-31-2112 - Some combinations of plugins would cause the damage popup to appear twice. So I added a compatibility parameter.
* 2015-10-31-1802 - Fixed a bug that made the plugin not work properly in many cases.
* 2015-10-31-1434 - Fixed a crash at turn end.
* 2015-10-31-1225 - Fixed a few potential crashes.
* 2015-10-31-0221 - Beta Release.
* @plugindesc Ver.2015-11-08-0156. Customized state damage/healing. See help.
* <Ellye SD>
* @author [url]https://ellyeblog.wordpress.com/[/url] || [url]http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ellye[/url]
* @param Damage Popup Compatibility
* @desc Change this to "1" if you're having an issue that causes damage numbers to appear twice per turn (compatibility).
* @default 0
* @help This plugin allows you to set up custom damage or healing for States.
* Use the notes field, and swap FORMULA_HERE for the formula you want to use (exactly like you'd do for a Skill).
* <formula:FORMULA_HERE>
* <element:ELEMENT_ID>
* You can also set:
* <can_critical>
* If the state has a chance to critical hit (based on caster's critical hit chance)
* You can also set the following flags (mutually exclusive):
* <heal>
* <drain>
* <mp_damage>
* <mp_heal>
* <mp_drain>
* For example, let's say we want to create a "Burning" state:
* <formula:a.mat/(1+(b.mdf/100))>
* <element:2>
* <variance:20>
* Or a "Regeneration" state:
* <formula:a.mat>
* <element:6>
* <variance:10>
* Keep in mind, "a" is always the person who have casted the state, and "b" is always the afflicted person.
* Sometimes they might both be the same (if a person casts Regeneration on himself, for an easy example).
(function() {
var parameters = $plugins.filter(function(p) {
return p.description.contains('<Ellye SD>');
})[0].parameters; //Thanks to Iavra
var damage_popup_compatibility = Number(parameters['Damage Popup Compatibility'] || 0);
//Let's add a new property for battlers, called "_stateCaster". It will be array holding the caster of each state we have.
Object.defineProperties(Game_Battler.prototype, {
_stateCasterIndex: {
writable: true,
value: [],
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
Game_Battler.prototype.stateCasters = function() {
var stateCasters = [];
this._stateCasterIndex.forEach(function(index, state) {
//Actors receive a positive id on the array
if (index > 0 && $gameActors._data.length >= index - 1 && typeof $gameActors._data[index] !== 'undefined')
stateCasters[state] = $gameActors._data[index];
index *= -1;
if ($gameTroop._enemies.length >= index - 1 && typeof $gameTroop._enemies[index] !== 'undefined')
stateCasters[state] = $gameTroop._enemies[index];
}, this);
return stateCasters;
//We need to initialize _stateCaster for our Game Battlers:
_alis_gb_init = Game_Battler.prototype.initMembers;
Game_Battler.prototype.initMembers = function() {
this._stateCasterIndex = [];
//We modify the function that adds states, so that it shall pass the caster as a parameter:
Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectAddNormalState = function(target, effect) {
var caster = this.subject();
var chance = effect.value1;
if (!this.isCertainHit()) {
chance *= target.stateRate(effect.dataId);
chance *= this.lukEffectRate(target);
if (Math.random() < chance) {
target.addState(effect.dataId, caster);
//We start receiving a parameter:
Game_Battler.prototype.addState = function(stateId, caster) {
if (typeof caster === 'undefined') {
caster = this;
if (this.isStateAddable(stateId)) {
if (!this.isStateAffected(stateId)) {
//We could also override AddNewState() to make it receive the parameter and assign values, but we might be compromising compatibility a bit too much.
//So we are going to add those values here. This also means that receiving a second Poison will override the values from the first one.
if (caster.isActor())
this._stateCasterIndex[stateId] = $gameActors._data.indexOf(caster);
this._stateCasterIndex[stateId] = -$gameTroop._enemies.indexOf(caster);
//At end of turn, we need to call our method that will deal with those parameters:
_game_battler_onTurnEnd_alias = Game_Battler.prototype.onTurnEnd;
Game_Battler.prototype.onTurnEnd = function() {
//And our method:
Game_Battler.prototype.ProcessEllyeStatesDamage = function() {
this.states().forEach(function(state) {
if (typeof state.meta !== 'undefined' && state.meta !== null && typeof state.meta.formula !== 'undefined')
var caster = this;
var element = 1;
var type = 1;
var variance = 0;
var formula = state.meta.formula;
var critical = false;
var stateCasters = this.stateCasters();
if (typeof stateCasters[state.id] !== 'undefined') {
caster = stateCasters[state.id];
if (typeof state.meta.element !== 'undefined')
element = Number(state.meta.element || 1);
if (typeof state.meta.drain !== 'undefined' && caster !== this && caster.isAlive())
type = 5;
else if (typeof state.meta.heal !== 'undefined')
type = 3;
else if (typeof state.meta.mp_damage !== 'undefined')
type = 2;
else if (typeof state.meta.mp_recover !== 'undefined' || typeof state.meta.mp_heal !== 'undefined')
type = 4;
else if (typeof state.meta.mp_drain !== 'undefined' && caster !== this && caster.isAlive())
type = 6;
//Types above.
if (typeof state.meta.variance !== 'undefined')
variance = Number(state.meta.variance || 0);
if (typeof state.meta.can_critical !== 'undefined')
critical = true;
var action = new Game_Action(this);
var item_data = {
damage: {
critical: critical,
elementId: element,
formula: formula,
type: type,
variance: variance
hitType: 0,
message1: "",
message2: "",
occasion: 1,
repeats: 1,
requiredWtypeId1: 0,
requiredWtypeId2: 0,
scope: 1,
speed: 0,
stypeId: 1,
tpCost: 0,
tpGain: 0,
effects: [],
animationId: null,
meta: {},
//For compatibility with Yanfly's cooldown (it doesn't check for the possibility of those being undefined):
cooldownChange: {},
stypeCooldownChange: {},
globalCooldownChange: 0,
warmupChange: {},
stypeWarmupChange: {},
globalWarmupChange: 0
//End of Yanfly's cooldown compatibility
var item = new Game_Item();
item._item = item_data;
item.object = function() {
return this._item;
item.effects = [];
action._item = item;
if (damage_popup_compatibility !== 1)
if (this.isActor())
if (typeof sprite._battler !== 'undefined' && sprite._battler === this)
}, this);
if (typeof sprite._battler !== 'undefined' && sprite._battler === this)
}, this);
if (this.isDead())
}, this);
//Clear everything on battle end:
_alias_gb_obe = Game_Battler.prototype.onBattleEnd;
Game_Battler.prototype.onBattleEnd = function() {
this._stateCasterIndex = [];