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楼主 |
发表于 2014-10-1 11:36:28
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * [ACE] Khas Awesome Light Effects
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * By Khas Arcthunder - arcthunder.site40.net
- # * Version: 1.0 EN
- # * Released on: 17/01/2012
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Terms of Use
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # When using any Khas script, you agree with the following terms:
- # 1. You must give credit to Khas;
- # 2. All Khas scripts are licensed under a Creative Commons license;
- # 3. All Khas scripts are for non-commercial projects. If you need some script
- # for your commercial project (I accept requests for this type of project),
- # send an email to [email protected] with your request;
- # 4. All Khas scripts are for personal use, you can use or edit for your own
- # project, but you are not allowed to post any modified version;
- # 5. You can’t give credit to yourself for posting any Khas script;
- # 6. If you want to share a Khas script, don’t post the direct download link,
- # please redirect the user to arcthunder.site40.net
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Features
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - Realistic Light
- # - Light does not pass over walls, blocks and roofs
- # - Static Light Sources
- # - Dynamic Light Sources (like a player's lantern)
- # - Multiple effects
- # - Easy to use (comments)
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * WARNING - Performance
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This script may be too heavy to old processors! The Awesome Light Effects was
- # tested on a Core 2 Duo E4500 and on a Core i5, without any lag. However,
- # there's other factors that may influence the script performance:
- #
- # 1. Map size
- # This script searches surfaces on the map, in order to cut the light pictures.
- # In a huge map, the number of surfaces may increase a lot, affecting the
- # DYNAMIC LIGHT SOURCE only. Map size does not influence the static sources.
- #
- # 2. Number of effects
- # This script draws the effects on the screen, but before drawing, it checks
- # if the effect is out of screen (in this case, the script will skip the
- # light drawing). Too much effects may cause lag, but this is just a prevision.
- #
- # 3. Effect's picture size
- # The picture size of the DYNAMIC LIGHT SOURCE influences directly on your
- # game's performace. The bigger is the picture, the slower it will be to
- # draw it dynamically. The recommended maximum size is 200x200 pixels
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * WARNING - Light pictures
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # In order to run this script correctly, the light pictures MUST obey the
- # following conditions:
- # 1. The picture's size MUST be multiple of 2. Example: 150x150
- # 2. The picture's width MUST be equal to it's height. Example: 156x156
- # 3. The picture's colors MUST be inverted! This is necessary because
- # the script inverts the colors to draw the effect. The black color
- # will be transparent!
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Instructions - 1. Setup your effects!
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # In order to setup your static effects, go to the setup part and define your
- # effects inside the Effects hash. Do as the following mode:
- #
- # X => [picture,opacity,variation,cut], <= Remember to put a comma here!
- #
- # Where:
- # picture => Picture's name, inside the Graphics/Lights folder;
- # opacity => Effect's opacity;
- # variation => Effect's opacity variation;
- # cut => Put true to cut the effect or false to don't;
- # X => The effect's ID, it will be used on events.
- #
- # Check the default effects to understand how they work.
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Instructions - 2. Use your effects!
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # In order to use a effect, put the following comment on a event:
- #
- # [light x]
- #
- # Where x must be the Effect's ID.
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Instructions - 3. Use an awesome lantern!
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The dynamic light source (lantern) is initialized invisible by default.
- # You may call the following commands:
- #
- # l = $game_map.lantern
- # Gets the lantern into a variable
- # l.set_graphic(i)
- # Sets the lantern's graphic to i, where i must be the picture's file name on
- # Graphics/Lights folder.
- #
- # l.set_multiple_graphics(h)
- # Sets the lantern's graphics to h, where h must be a hash with the following
- # structure:
- #
- # h = {2=>"ld",4=>"ll",6=>"lr",8=>"lu"}
- #
- # Where:
- # "ld" is the name of the picture when the lantern's owner is looking down;
- # "ll" is the name of the picture when the lantern's owner is looking left;
- # "lr" is the name of the picture when the lantern's owner is looking right;
- # "lu" is the name of the picture when the lantern's owner is looking up.
- #
- # l.change_owner(char)
- # Sets the lantern's owner to char. Char must be ONE of the following commands:
- # $game_player <= The player itself;
- # self_event <= The event where the command was called;
- # $game_map.events[x] <= The event ID x.
- #
- # l.set_opacity(o,p)
- # Sets the lantern's opacity, where:
- # o is the opacity itself;
- # p is the opacity variation.
- #
- # l.show
- # After setting the lantern with the commands above, you may set it to visible
- # using this command.
- #
- # l.hide
- # Use this command to set the lantern as invisible.
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Instructions - 4. Use the effect's surface!
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The Awesome Light Effects draws the effects on a surface. In order to make
- # the effects visible, the effect's surface MUST be visible. The Effect's
- # Surface is initialized with it's opacity set to zero. You can call the
- # following commands:
- #
- # s = $game_map.effect_surface
- # Gets the Effect's Surface into a variable
- #
- # s.set_color(r,g,b)
- # Changes the Effect's Surface color instantly, where:
- # r => red level;
- # g => green level;
- # b => blue level;
- #
- # s.set_alpha(a)
- # Changes the Effect's Surface opacity instantly to a.
- #
- # s.change_color(time,r,g,b)
- # Changes the Effect's Surface color ONLY in a certain time, where:
- # time => The change's time (frames);
- # r => red level;
- # g => green level;
- # b => blue level;
- #
- # s.change_color(time,r,g,b,a)
- # Changes the Effect's Surface color and it's opacity in a certain time, where:
- # time => The change's time (frames);
- # r => red level;
- # g => green level;
- # b => blue level;
- # a => opacity
- #
- # s.change_alpha(time,a)
- # Changes the Effect's Surface opacity in a certain time, where:
- # time => The change's time (frames);
- # a => opacity
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Instructions - 5. Use the effect's surface with Tone command!
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # You can access the Effect's Surface with the "Screen Tone" command. In order
- # to turn this feature on, set the "Surface_UE" constant to true.
- #
- # If you decided to use this feature, please note some details:
- # 1. The colors values must be between 0 and 255;
- # 2. The time is in frames;
- # 3. The "gray" value will be sent as the opacity value
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Instructions - 6. Setup your Tileset Tags!
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # In order to cut the effect's picture correctly, there's 3 types of behavior
- # for a tile: wall, block and roof. Walls will make shadows as real walls,
- # blocks as blocks and roofs as roofs. So, the tileset tags MUST be configured.
- # Check the demo to understand how this system works. If the tilesets aren't
- # configured correctly, the script won't cut the effects correctly.
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Setup Part
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- module Light_Core
- Effects = { # <= DON'T change this!
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 => ["light",255,0,true],
- 1 => ["torch",200,20,true],
- 2 => ["torch_m",180,30,true],
- 3 => ["light_s",255,0,true],
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # End of effecs configuration
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- } # <= DON'T change this!
- # Z coordinate of the Effect's Surface
- Surface_Z = 180
- # Enable Effect's Surface control by "Screen Tone" command?
- Surface_UE = true
- # Roof behavior tag
- Roof_Tag = 5
- # Wall behavior tag
- Wall_Tag = 6
- # Block behavior tag
- Block_Tag = 7
- # Don't change this!
- ACC = Math.tan(Math::PI/26)
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Script
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- module Cache
- def self.light(filename)
- load_bitmap("Graphics/Lights/", filename)
- end
- end
- module Light_Bitcore
- include Light_Core
- def self.initialize
- @@buffer = {}
- Effects.values.each { |effect| Light_Bitcore.push(effect[0])}
- end
- def self::[](key)
- return @@buffer[key]
- end
- def self.push(key)
- return if @@buffer.keys.include?(key)
- @@buffer[key] = Cache.light(key)
- end
- end
- Light_Bitcore.initialize
- class Light_SSource
- attr_reader :real_x
- attr_reader :real_y
- attr_reader :range
- attr_accessor :bitmap
- attr_reader :w
- attr_reader :h
- attr_reader :hs
- def initialize(char,bitmap,opacity,plus,hs)
- sync(char)
- [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=20462]@KEY[/url] = bitmap
- @bitmap = Light_Bitcore[@key].clone
- [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=2614270]@range[/url] = @bitmap.width/2
- [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=133944]@w[/url] = @bitmap.width
- @h = @bitmap.height
- @mr = @range - 16
- @opacity = opacity
- [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=304334]@plus[/url] = plus
- @hs = hs
- render if @hs
- end
- def render
- tx = x
- ty = y
- tsx = x + @range
- tsy = y + @range
- dr = @range*2
- for s in $game_map.surfaces
- next if !s.visible?(tsx,tsy) || !s.within?(tx,tx+dr,ty,ty+dr)
- s.render_shadow(tx,ty,tsx,tsy,@range,@bitmap)
- end
- end
- def restore
- return unless @bitmap.nil?
- @bitmap = Light_Bitcore[@key].clone
- render if @hs
- end
- def opacity
- @plus == 0 ? @opacity : (@opacity + rand(@plus))
- end
- def sx
- return $game_map.adjust_x(@real_x)*32-@mr
- end
- def sy
- return $game_map.adjust_y(@real_y)*32-@mr
- end
- def sync(char)
- @real_x = char.real_x
- @real_y = char.real_y
- end
- def x
- return (@real_x*32 - @mr).to_f
- end
- def y
- return (@real_y*32 - @mr).to_f
- end
- def dispose
- return if @bitmap.nil?
- @bitmap.dispose
- @bitmap = nil
- end
- end
- class Light_DSource < Light_SSource
- attr_reader :bitmap
- attr_reader :visible
- def initialize
- @key = nil
- @bitmap = nil
- @opacity = 255
- @plus = 0
- [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=9567]@CHAR[/url] = $game_player
- @visible = false
- end
- def set_opacity(o,p)
- @opacity = o
- @plus = p
- end
- def set_graphic(sb)
- dispose
- @key = {2=>sb,4=>sb,6=>sb,8=>sb}
- Light_Bitcore.push(sb)
- @bitmap = {2=>Light_Bitcore[@key[2]].clone,4=>Light_Bitcore[@key[4]].clone,6=>Light_Bitcore[@key[6]].clone,8=>Light_Bitcore[@key[8]].clone}
- @range = @bitmap[2].width/2
- @w = @bitmap[2].width
- @h = @bitmap[2].height
- @mr = @range - 16
- end
- def set_multiple_graphics(ba)
- dispose
- @key = ba
- @key.values.each {|key| Light_Bitcore.push(key)}
- @bitmap = {2=>Light_Bitcore[@key[2]].clone,4=>Light_Bitcore[@key[4]].clone,6=>Light_Bitcore[@key[6]].clone,8=>Light_Bitcore[@key[8]].clone}
- @range = @bitmap[2].width/2
- @w = @bitmap[2].width
- @h = @bitmap[2].height
- @mr = @range - 16
- end
- def get_graphic
- return @bitmap[@char.direction].clone
- end
- def show
- return if @bitmap.nil?
- @visible = true
- end
- def hide
- @visible = false
- end
- def restore
- return if @key.nil?
- @key.values.each {|key| Light_Bitcore.push(key)}
- @bitmap = {2=>Light_Bitcore[@key[2]].clone,4=>Light_Bitcore[@key[4]].clone,6=>Light_Bitcore[@key[6]].clone,8=>Light_Bitcore[@key[8]].clone}
- end
- def dispose
- return if @bitmap.nil?
- @bitmap.values.each { |b| b.dispose }
- @bitmap = nil
- end
- def change_owner(char)
- @char = char
- end
- def render
- end
- def sx
- return $game_map.adjust_x(@char.real_x)*32-@mr
- end
- def sy
- return $game_map.adjust_y(@char.real_y)*32-@mr
- end
- def x
- return (@char.real_x*32 - @mr).to_f
- end
- def y
- return (@char.real_y*32 - @mr).to_f
- end
- end
- class Light_Surface
- def initialize
- @ta = @a = 0
- @tr = [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=186386]@r[/url] = 255
- @tg = @g = 255
- @tb = @b = 255
- @va = @vr = @vg = @vb = 0.0
- @timer = 0
- end
- def refresh
- return if @timer == 0
- @a += @va
- @r += @vr
- @g += @vg
- @b += @vb
- $game_map.light_surface.opacity = @a
- @timer -= 1
- end
- def change_color(time,r,g,b,a=nil)
- r = 0 if r < 0; r = 255 if r > 255
- g = 0 if g < 0; g = 255 if g > 255
- b = 0 if b < 0; b = 255 if b > 255
- unless a.nil?
- a = 0 if a < 0; a = 255 if a > 255
- end
- @timer = time
- @tr = 255-r
- @tg = 255-g
- @tb = 255-b
- @va = (a.nil? ? 0 : (a-@a).to_f/@timer)
- @vr = (@tr - @r).to_f/@timer
- @vg = (@tg - @g).to_f/@timer
- @vb = (@tb - @b).to_f/@timer
- end
- def change_alpha(time,a)
- a = 0 if a < 0; a = 255 if a > 255
- @timer = time
- @ta = a
- @vr = @vg = @vb = 0.0
- @va = (a-@a).to_f/@timer
- end
- def set_color(r,g,b)
- r = 0 if r < 0; r = 255 if r > 255
- g = 0 if g < 0; g = 255 if g > 255
- b = 0 if b < 0; b = 255 if b > 255
- @tr = @r = 255-r
- @tg = @g = 255-g
- @tb = @b = 255-b
- @va = @vr = @vg = @vb = 0.0
- @timer = 0
- end
- def set_alpha(a)
- a = 0 if a < 0; a = 255 if a > 255
- @ta = @a = a
- $game_map.light_surface.opacity = @a
- @va = @vr = @vg = @vb = 0.0
- @timer = 0
- end
- def alpha
- return @a
- end
- def color
- return Color.new(@r,@g,@b)
- end
- end
- class Game_Map
- include Light_Core
- attr_accessor :light_surface
- attr_accessor :light_sources
- attr_accessor :surfaces
- attr_accessor :effect_surface
- attr_accessor :lantern
- alias kbl_setup_events setup_events
- alias kbl_initialize initialize
- alias kbl_update update
- def initialize
- kbl_initialize
- @effect_surface = Light_Surface.new
- @lantern = Light_DSource.new
- end
- def update(arg)
- @effect_surface.refresh if arg
- kbl_update(arg)
- end
- def first_tag(x,y)
- tag = tileset.flags[tile_id(x,y,0)] >> 12
- return tag > 0 ? tag : 0
- end
- def setup_events
- @light_sources.nil? ? @light_sources = [] : @light_sources.clear
- setup_surfaces
- merge_surfaces
- kbl_setup_events
- end
- def setup_surfaces
- @surfaces = []
- for x in 0..(width-1)
- for y in 0..(height-1)
- tag = first_tag(x,y)
- if tag == Wall_Tag
- i = tile_id(x,y,0)
- if i & 0x02 == 0x02
- @surfaces << Block_SD.new(x*32,y*32,x*32+32,y*32)
- end
- if i & 0x04 == 0x04
- @surfaces << Block_WR.new(x*32+31,y*32,x*32+31,y*32+32)
- @surfaces << Block_IL.new(x*32+32,y*32,x*32+32,y*32+32)
- end
- if i & 0x01 == 0x01
- @surfaces << Block_IR.new(x*32-1,y*32,x*32-1,y*32+32)
- @surfaces << Block_WL.new(x*32,y*32,x*32,y*32+32)
- end
- elsif tag == Roof_Tag
- i = tile_id(x,y,0)
- @surfaces << Block_SU.new(x*32,y*32,x*32+32,y*32) if i & 0x02 == 0x02
- @surfaces << Block_SR.new(x*32+31,y*32,x*32+31,y*32+32) if i & 0x04 == 0x04
- @surfaces << Block_SL.new(x*32,y*32,x*32,y*32+32) if i & 0x01 == 0x01
- elsif tag == Block_Tag
- f = tileset.flags[tile_id(x,y,0)]
- @surfaces << Block_SL.new(x*32,y*32,x*32,y*32+32) if f & 0x02 == 0x02
- @surfaces << Block_SR.new(x*32+31,y*32,x*32+31,y*32+32) if f & 0x04 == 0x04
- @surfaces << Block_SU.new(x*32,y*32,x*32+32,y*32) if f & 0x08 == 0x08
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def merge_surfaces
- new_surfaces = []
- hs = []; vs = []
- ws = []; is = []
- for surface in @surfaces
- if surface.type & 0x05 == 0
- hs << surface
- else
- if surface.type & 0x010 == 0
- vs << surface
- else
- if surface.type & 0x08 == 0
- ws << surface
- else
- is << surface
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for surface in hs
- surface.ready ? next : surface.ready = true
- for s in hs
- next if s.ready || s.y1 != surface.y1 || surface.type != s.type
- if s.x2 == surface.x1
- surface.x1 = s.x1
- s.trash = true
- s.ready = true
- surface.ready = false
- elsif s.x1 == surface.x2
- surface.x2 = s.x2
- s.trash = true
- s.ready = true
- surface.ready = false
- end
- end
- end
- hs.each { |s| @surfaces.delete(s) if s.trash}
- for surface in vs
- surface.ready ? next : surface.ready
- for s in vs
- next if s.ready || s.x1 != surface.x1
- if s.y2 == surface.y1
- surface.y1 = s.y1
- s.trash = true
- s.ready = true
- surface.ready = false
- elsif s.y1 == surface.y2
- surface.y2 = s.y2
- s.trash = true
- s.ready = true
- surface.ready = false
- end
- end
- end
- vs.each { |s| @surfaces.delete(s) if s.trash}
- for surface in ws
- surface.ready ? next : surface.ready
- for s in ws
- next if s.ready || s.x1 != surface.x1
- if s.y2 == surface.y1
- surface.y1 = s.y1
- s.trash = true
- s.ready = true
- surface.ready = false
- elsif s.y1 == surface.y2
- surface.y2 = s.y2
- s.trash = true
- s.ready = true
- surface.ready = false
- end
- end
- end
- ws.each { |s| @surfaces.delete(s) if s.trash}
- for surface in is
- surface.ready ? next : surface.ready
- for s in is
- next if s.ready || s.x1 != surface.x1
- if s.y2 == surface.y1
- surface.y1 = s.y1
- s.trash = true
- s.ready = true
- surface.ready = false
- elsif s.y1 == surface.y2
- surface.y2 = s.y2
- s.trash = true
- s.ready = true
- surface.ready = false
- end
- end
- end
- is.each { |s| @surfaces.delete(s) if s.trash}
- end
- end
- class Game_Event < Game_Character
- alias kbl_initialize initialize
- alias kbl_setup_page setup_page
- def initialize(m,e)
- [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=22469]@light[/url] = nil
- kbl_initialize(m,e)
- end
- def setup_page(np)
- kbl_setup_page(np)
- setup_light(np.nil?)
- end
- def setup_light(dispose)
- unless @light.nil?
- $game_map.light_sources.delete(self)
- @light.dispose
- @light = nil
- end
- unless dispose && @list.nil?
- for command in @list
- if command.code == 108 && command.parameters[0].include?("[light")
- command.parameters[0].scan(/\[light ([0.0-9.9]+)\]/)
- effect = Light_Core::Effects[$1.to_i]
- @light = Light_SSource.new(self,effect[0],effect[1],effect[2],effect[3])
- $game_map.light_sources << self
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def draw_light
- sx = @light.sx
- sy = @light.sy
- w = @light.w
- h = @light.h
- return if sx > 544 && sy > 416 && sx + w < 0 && sy + h < 0
- $game_map.light_surface.bitmap.blt(sx,sy,@light.bitmap,Rect.new(0,0,w,h),@light.opacity)
- end
- def dispose_light
- @light.dispose
- end
- def restore_light
- @light.restore
- end
- end
- if Light_Core::Surface_UE
- class Game_Interpreter
- def command_223
- $game_map.effect_surface.change_color(@params[1],@params[0].red,@params[0].green,@params[0].blue,@params[0].gray)
- wait(@params[1]) if @params[2]
- end
- end
- end
- class Game_Interpreter
- def self_event
- return $game_map.events[@event_id]
- end
- end
- class Block_Surface
- include Light_Core
- attr_accessor :x1
- attr_accessor :y1
- attr_accessor :x2
- attr_accessor :y2
- attr_accessor :ready
- attr_accessor :trash
- def initialize(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- @x1 = x1
- @y1 = y1
- @x2 = x2
- @y2 = y2
- @ready = false
- @trash = false
- end
- def within?(min_x,max_x,min_y,max_y)
- return @x2 > min_x && @x1 < max_x && @y2 > min_y && @y1 < max_y
- end
- end
- class Block_SL < Block_Surface
- attr_reader :type
- def initialize(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- super(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- @type = 0x01
- end
- def visible?(sx,sy)
- return sx < @x1
- end
- def render_shadow(phx,phy,sx,sy,range,bitmap)
- @m1 = (@y1-sy)/(@x1-sx)
- @n1 = sy - @m1*sx
- @m2 = (@y2-sy)/(@x2-sx)
- @n2 = sy - @m2*sx
- for x in @x1..(sx+range)
- init = shadow_iy(x)
- bitmap.clear_rect(x-phx,init-phy,1,shadow_fy(x)-init+3)
- end
- end
- def shadow_iy(x)
- return @m1*x+@n1
- end
- def shadow_fy(x)
- return @m2*x+@n2
- end
- end
- class Block_SR < Block_Surface
- attr_reader :type
- def initialize(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- super(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- @type = 0x04
- end
- def visible?(sx,sy)
- return sx > @x1
- end
- def render_shadow(phx,phy,sx,sy,range,bitmap)
- @m1 = (@y1-sy)/(@x1-sx)
- @n1 = sy - @m1*sx
- @m2 = (@y2-sy)/(@x2-sx)
- @n2 = sy - @m2*sx
- for x in (sx-range).to_i..@x1
- init = shadow_iy(x)
- bitmap.clear_rect(x-phx,init-phy,1,shadow_fy(x)-init+3)
- end
- end
- def shadow_iy(x)
- return @m1*x+@n1
- end
- def shadow_fy(x)
- return @m2*x+@n2
- end
- end
- class Block_IL < Block_Surface
- attr_reader :type
- def initialize(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- super(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- @type = 0x019
- end
- def visible?(sx,sy)
- return sx < @x1 && sy > @y1
- end
- def render_shadow(phx,phy,sx,sy,range,bitmap)
- @m1 = (@y1-sy)/(@x1-sx)
- @n1 = @y1 - @m1*@x1
- @m2 = (@y2-sy)/(@x2-sx)
- @m2 = 0 if @m2 > 0
- @n2 = @y2 - @m2*@x2
- for x in @x1..(sx+range)
- init = shadow_iy(x).floor
- bitmap.clear_rect(x-phx,init-3-phy,1,shadow_fy(x)-init+3)
- end
- end
- def shadow_iy(x)
- return @m1*x+@n1
- end
- def shadow_fy(x)
- return @m2*x+@n2
- end
- end
- class Block_IR < Block_Surface
- attr_reader :type
- def initialize(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- super(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- @type = 0x01c
- end
- def visible?(sx,sy)
- return sx > @x1 && sy > @y1
- end
- def render_shadow(phx,phy,sx,sy,range,bitmap)
- @m1 = (@y1-sy)/(@x1-sx)
- @n1 = @y1 - @m1*@x1
- @m2 = (@y2-sy)/(@x2-sx)
- @m2 = 0 if @m2 < 0
- @n2 = @y2 - @m2*@x2
- for x in (sx-range).to_i..@x1
- init = shadow_iy(x).floor
- bitmap.clear_rect(x-phx,init-3-phy,1,shadow_fy(x)-init+3)
- end
- end
- def shadow_iy(x)
- return @m1*x+@n1
- end
- def shadow_fy(x)
- return @m2*x+@n2
- end
- end
- class Block_WL < Block_Surface
- attr_reader :type
- def initialize(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- super(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- @type = 0x011
- end
- def visible?(sx,sy)
- return sx < @x1 && sy < @y2
- end
- def render_shadow(phx,phy,sx,sy,range,bitmap)
- @m1 = (@y1-sy)/(@x1-sx)
- @n1 = sy - @m1*sx
- @m2 = (@y2-sy)/(@x2-sx)
- @n2 = sy - @m2*sx
- for x in @x1..(sx+range)
- init = shadow_iy(x)
- bitmap.clear_rect(x-phx,init-phy,1,shadow_fy(x)-init+2)
- end
- end
- def shadow_iy(x)
- return @m1*x+@n1
- end
- def shadow_fy(x)
- return @m2*x+@n2
- end
- end
- class Block_WR < Block_Surface
- attr_reader :type
- def initialize(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- super(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- @type = 0x014
- end
- def visible?(sx,sy)
- return sx > @x1 && sy < @y2
- end
- def render_shadow(phx,phy,sx,sy,range,bitmap)
- @m1 = (@y1-sy)/(@x1-sx)
- @n1 = sy - @m1*sx
- @m2 = (@y2-sy)/(@x2-sx)
- @n2 = sy - @m2*sx
- for x in (sx-range).to_i..@x1
- init = shadow_iy(x)
- bitmap.clear_rect(x-phx,init-phy,1,shadow_fy(x)-init+2)
- end
- end
- def shadow_iy(x)
- return @m1*x+@n1
- end
- def shadow_fy(x)
- return @m2*x+@n2
- end
- end
- class Block_SU < Block_Surface
- attr_reader :type
- def initialize(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- super(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- @type = 0x02
- end
- def visible?(sx,sy)
- return sy < @y1
- end
- def render_shadow(phx,phy,sx,sy,range,bitmap)
- if @x1 == sx
- @m1 = nil
- else
- @m1 = (@y1-sy)/(@x1-sx)
- @m1 += ACC if @m1 < -ACC
- @n1 = @y1 - @m1*@x1
- end
- if @x2 == sx
- @m2 = nil
- else
- @m2 = (@y2-sy)/(@x2-sx)
- @n2 = sy - @m2*sx
- end
- for y in @y1..(sy+range)
- init = shadow_ix(y)
- bitmap.clear_rect(init-phx,y-phy,shadow_fx(y)-init+1,1)
- end
- end
- def shadow_ix(y)
- return @m1.nil? ? @x1 : (y-@n1)/@m1
- end
- def shadow_fx(y)
- return @m2.nil? ? @x2 : (y-@n2)/@m2
- end
- end
- class Block_SD < Block_Surface
- attr_reader :type
- def initialize(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- super(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- @type = 0x08
- end
- def visible?(sx,sy)
- return sy > @y1
- end
- def render_shadow(phx,phy,sx,sy,range,bitmap)
- if @x1 == sx
- @m1 = nil
- else
- @m1 = (@y1-sy)/(@x1-sx)
- @m1 -= ACC if @m1 > ACC
- @n1 = sy - @m1*sx
- end
- if x2 == sx
- @m2 = nil
- else
- @m2 = (@y2-sy)/(@x2-sx)
- @n2 = sy - @m2*sx
- end
- for y in (sy-range).to_i..@y1
- init = shadow_ix(y)
- bitmap.clear_rect(init-phx,y-phy,shadow_fx(y)-init+1,1)
- end
- end
- def shadow_ix(y)
- return @m1.nil? ? @x1 : (y-@n1)/@m1
- end
- def shadow_fx(y)
- return @m2.nil? ? @x2 : (y-@n2)/@m2
- end
- end
- class Spriteset_Map
- include Light_Core
- alias kbl_initialize initialize
- alias kbl_update update
- alias kbl_dispose dispose
- def initialize
- setup_lights
- kbl_initialize
- end
- def update
- kbl_update
- update_lights
- end
- def dispose
- kbl_dispose
- dispose_lights
- end
- def dispose_lights
- $game_map.lantern.dispose
- $game_map.light_sources.each { |source| source.dispose_light }
- $game_map.light_surface.bitmap.dispose
- $game_map.light_surface.dispose
- $game_map.light_surface = nil
- end
- def update_lights
- $game_map.light_surface.bitmap.clear
- $game_map.light_surface.bitmap.fill_rect(0,0,544,416,$game_map.effect_surface.color)
- $game_map.light_sources.each { |source| source.draw_light }
- return unless $game_map.lantern.visible
- @btr = $game_map.lantern.get_graphic
- x = $game_map.lantern.x
- y = $game_map.lantern.y
- r = $game_map.lantern.range
- sx = x + r
- sy = y + r
- dr = r*2
- $game_map.surfaces.each { |s| s.render_shadow(x,y,sx,sy,r,@btr) if s.visible?(sx,sy) && s.within?(x,x+dr,y,y+dr) }
- $game_map.light_surface.bitmap.blt($game_map.lantern.sx,$game_map.lantern.sy,@btr,Rect.new(0,0,dr,dr),$game_map.lantern.opacity)
- end
- def setup_lights
- @btr = nil
- $game_map.lantern.restore
- $game_map.light_sources.each { |source| source.restore_light }
- $game_map.light_surface = Sprite.new
- $game_map.light_surface.bitmap = Bitmap.new(544,416)
- $game_map.light_surface.bitmap.fill_rect(0,0,544,416,$game_map.effect_surface.color)
- $game_map.light_surface.blend_type = 2
- $game_map.light_surface.opacity = $game_map.effect_surface.alpha
- $game_map.light_surface.z = Surface_Z
- end
- end
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