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YEP.3b - Battle Engine Core (Part II) Action Sequences
Action Sequences
The Yanfly Engine Plugins – Battle Engine Core includes the capability of using custom action sequences. Action sequences are basic instructions for the game to creating a customized skill both visually and mechanically. The Battle Engine Core, however, will only include the most basic of action sequences so the instructions on how to create a custom action sequence will be included in the Help file on future extension plugins for this plugin.
Adapted and improved from Battle Engine Melody, Action Sequences can now be used for the hardcore users of YEP’s Battle Engine Core. Using Action Sequences, you can create, animate, and alter the individual aspects of any battle action in the game.
Action Sequences – ala Melody
Battle Engine Core includes Yanfly Engine Melody’s Battle Engine system, where each individual aspect of the skill and item effects can be controlled to a degree. These are called Action Sequences, where each command in the action sequence causes the game to perform a distinct individual action.
Each skill and item consists of five different action sequences. They are as follows:
Setup Actions
They prepare the active battler before carrying out the bulk of the action and its individual effects. Usually what you see here are things such as the active battler moving forward a bit, unsheathing their weapon, etc. This step will occur before the active battler expends their skill or item costs.
Whole Actions
These actions will affect all of the targets simultaneously. Although this section does not need to be used, most actions will use this for displaying animations upon all enemies. This step occurs after skill and item costs.
Target Actions
This section will affect all of the targets individually. Used primarily for physical attacks that will deliver more personal forms of damage. Actions that occur here will not affect other targets unless specifically ordered to do so otherwise.
Follow Actions
This section will dedicate towards cleanup work after the individual targeting actions. Here, it’ll do things such as removing immortal flags, start up common events, and more.
Finish Actions
This section will have the active battler close up the action sequence. Usually stuff like running waits and holds at the last minute for skills and items, moving back to place, and others.
Now that you know each of the five steps each action sequence goes through, here’s the tags you can insert inside of skills and items. Pay attention to each tag name.
现在你知道了动作序列里的五步都是怎么运行的,这里是一些你可以插入技能或者物品里的表情。请注意每个标签的名字。- <setup action>
- action list
- action list
- </setup action>
- <whole action>
- action list
- action list
- </whole action>
- <target action>
- action list
- action list
- </target action>
- <follow action>
- action list
- action list
- </follow action>
- <finish action>
- action list
- action list
- </finish action>
复制代码 They will do their own respective action sets. The methods to insert for the action list can be found below in the core of the Help Manual.
Furthermore, to prevent overflooding every single one of your database item’s noteboxes with action sequence lists, there’s a shortcut you can take to copy all of the setup actions, whole actions, target actions, follow actions, and finish actions with just one line.
为了避免你要在每一个物品里面都要使用这个标签,你可以用这个简短的命令来负责你的标签,无论是准备动作,整体动作,目标动作,后续动作还是结束动作,都只需要一行。Replace x with “item” or “skill” to set the type for the action list code to directly copy. The integer y is then the ID assigned for that particular object type. For example, to copy 45th skill’s action sequences, the code would be <action copy: skill:45> for anything that will accept these action codes. If you do use this notetag, it will take priority over any custom that you’ve placed in the notebox.
可以用物品或者技能来替代x,这样就可以直接负责标签命令。数字Y就是你要设定的特点主体的ID。例如,复制第45个技能行动序列。<action copy: skill:45>就可以完成。如果你要使用这个标签,请放在其他标签前面。
Target Typing
You may notice that in some of the actions below will say “refer to target typing” which is this section right here. Here’s a quick run down on the various targets you may select.
对手:不一定是enemies里面的- user; This will select the active battler.
- 使用者。当前选中的。
- target, targets; These will select the active targets in question.
- 目标。被选中的目标。
- actors, existing actors; These will select all living actors.
- 角色。所有存活的角色。
- all actors; This will select all actors including dead ones.
- 所有角色。包括死亡在内的所有角色。
- dead actors: This will select only dead actors.
- 死亡角色。仅死亡的角色。
- actors not user; This will select all living actors except for the user.
- 非使用者。存活且非使用者的角色。
- actor x; This will select the actor in slot x.
- 角色x.选择角色X。
- character x; This will select the specific character with actor ID x.
- 队员x。选择队员x。
- enemies, existing enemies; This will select all living enemies.
- 存活敌方。所有存活的敌方。
- all enemies; This will select all enemies, even dead.
- 所有敌方。包括死亡在内的所有敌方。
- dead enemies: This will select only dead enemies.
- 死亡敌方。仅死亡的敌方。
- enemies not user; This will select all enemies except for the user.
- 非选中敌方。所有非选中的敌方。
- enemy x; This will select the enemy in slot x.
- 敌方x。选择敌方x。
- friends; This will select the battler’s alive allies.
- 队员。所有存活的队员。
- all friends; This will select the all of battler’s allies, even dead.
- 所有队员。包括死亡在内的所有队员。
- dead friends; This will select the battler’s dead allies.
- 死亡队员。仅死亡的队员。
- friends not user; This will select the battler’s allies except itself.
- 非使用者队员。非使用的队员。
- friend x: This will select the battler’s ally in slot x.
- 队员x。选择队员x。
- opponents; This will select the battler’s alive opponents.
- 存活对手。选择存活的对手。
- all opponents; This will select the all of the battler’s opponents.
- 所有对手。所有的对手。
- dead opponents; This will select the battler’s dead opponents.
- 死亡对手。所有死亡的对手。
- opponent x: This will select the battler’s opponent in slot x.
- 对手x。选择对手x。
- all alive; Selects all living actors and enemies.
- 所有存活者。所有角色和敌方的存活者。
- all members; Selects all living and dead actors and enemies.
- 所有成员。所有存活或者死亡的角色和敌方。
- all dead; Selects all dead actors and enemies.
- 所有死亡。所有死亡的角色和敌方。
- all not user; This will select all living battlers except user.
- 非使用者。除了使用者的角色和敌方。
- focus; Selects the active battler and its targets.
- 焦点。选择战斗者和他的目标。
- not focus; Selects everything but the active battler and its targets.
- 非焦点。除了战斗和他的目标外的所有。
复制代码 Action Sequences – Action List
The following contains a list of the actions you can use inside the five action sequences. Each action has a unique function and requires certain formats to operate properly.
Plays the animation assigned to the skill/item. The animation will automatically select the skill’s/item’s assigned targets.
Usage Example:播放技能或者物品动画。动画将会自动选择技能指定的对象。
Plays the common event found within the skill’s/item’s traits list. This will only play the last common event on the list, following the game engine’s original process. Nothing else will continue on the action list until the common event is finished.
Usage Example:执行技能或者物品内的公共事件。这个只会执行列表内最新的事件。在事件执行完之前没有其他的可以继续执行。
Causes the target(s) to take damage/healing from the skill/item and incurs any changes made to the target(s) such as buffs and states.
Usage Example:通过技能或者物品造成伤害或者回复而产生的改变,比如增益效果等等。例如动作效果。
Waits x animaiton frames. Each frame for an animation does not last one game frame, but instead, several. To make life easier, you can use this to have the game wait x frames played for the animation.
Usage Example:- animation 5: user
- animation 6: target, mirror
复制代码 等待x帧。通过用几帧代替一帧来延长时间。为了更方便,你可以用x帧来等待播放。
Plays an animation on the skill’s user. Will not occur if the action is an item or the user’s default normal attack.
Usage Example:在技能使用者身上播放动画。如果这个动作是默认动作,就不会发生。
Clears all the messages at the top of the screen.
Usage Example:清除屏幕顶部信息。
If a user were to die for any reason during the middle of the skill (either via counter attack or reflection), this will force the remainder of the action sequences for the part of the skill/item to shut down and be skipped.
Usage Example:如果一个使用者在一场战斗中死亡(通过反击等等也算),这将会强制结束战斗序列。
Displays the action’s name at the top of the battle log. It will remain there until the battle log is cleared.
Usage Example:在战斗记录里显示动作名称。这将一直持续到记录被清理。
For those familiar with programming, you can use if…else statements to perform different actions based on different conditions. Use ‘if’ to specify a block of code to be executed, if a specified condition is true. Use ‘else’ to specify a block of code to be executed, if the same condition is false. Use ‘else if’ to specify a new condition to test, if the first condition is false. Use ‘end’ to specify where the conditions are to end.
对于程序集合,你可以使用这个语句来在不同情况下使用不同行动。使用if语句来设定一个特殊情况。使用else语句来设定除此之外的情况。else if语句来设定除特定情况外的其他特定情况。使用end来结束。
Usage Example:- if $gameSwitches.value(1)
- action effect
- else if $gameSwitches.value(2)
- action effect
- action effect
- else
- action effect
- action effect
- action effect
- end
复制代码 *Note: You do not have to indent the code in between to work. It just looks better that way in your action sequences.
IMMORTAL: targets, true/false
Sets the targets to a state of immortality so that they don’t die in the middle of an attack. This is to ensure every action effect goes through.
Usage Example:设置永久状态使其不会再战斗中消失。这将确保所有行动效果都发生。
Makes the game wait 12 frames if the target(s) performing the action is an actor. If the target(s) is not an actor, no waiting will be done.
Usage Example:如果对象是角色,则等待12帧。如果不是角色,则不需要等待。
Causes actors to step forward and swing their weapon, thrust it, however the motion that is determined will be automatically done by the game.
Usage Example:使角色上前行走一步并挥舞武器,或者推击。这个在系统默认中是自动执行的。
Causes actor to move back to its home spot.
Usage Example:使角色向后回到初始位置。
Causes actor to move forward from its home spot.
Usage Example:是角色向前回到初始位置。
WAIT: frames
Makes the game wait a certain amount of frames before going on to the next action in the action sequence.
Usage Example:在进行行动序列的下一步之前等待确定的帧数。
Waits for all animations to finish before going on to the next action in the action sequence.
Usage Example:在进行行动序列的下一步之前等待所有动画播放完毕。
Waits for all effects to finish playing before continuing on.
Usage Example:在继续之前等待所有效果发生完毕。
Waits for all battler movements to finish before going on to the next action in the action sequence.
Usage Example:在进行行动序列的下一步之前等待所有战斗移动完成。
Waits for a new line to appear in the log window before going on to the next action in the action sequence.
Usage Example:在进行行动序列的下一步之前等待一条记录窗口的新的线。
Happy RPG Making!