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本帖最后由 一般通过鸦天狗 于 2020-10-6 19:48 编辑
LISA the Painful 是一款深受老美喜爱的rpg游戏,其作者使用RM的方式让人不得不惊叹
2020.10.6更新 修改了若干bug
- =begin
- LISA物理系统脚本 V1.5
- By 炽天之咸鱼裁决
- 修复了成吨bug
- =end
- #使用方法,创建一个并行事件,输入脚本"lisajump(X)",X为玩家奔跑时跳跃的最大距离
- module Jump
- #=============Run/On bike====================================
- #自行车开关ID
- #不需要就写"nil"
- BIKE = nil
- #自行车/奔跑图像
- RUN = ["$Brad bike",0]
- #自行车/奔跑时的跳跃图像
- RUNJUMP = ["$Brad bike",0]
- #自行车/奔跑时的跳崖图像
- LRUNFALL = ["$Brad bike jump L",0]
- RRUNFALL = ["$Brad bike jump R",0]
- #自行车/奔跑时的摔倒图像
- BIKEFALL = ["$Brad fall bike",0]
- #掉落高度 => 伤害
- RLIST = {0 => 0,
- 5 => 10}
- #自行车/奔跑时的攀爬图像
- RROPEP = ["$Brad rope bike",0]
- #=================================================================
- #绳子区域编号
- ROPE = [18]
- #爬绳贴图
- ROPEP = ["$Brad rope",0]
- #陆地区域编号
- LAND = [1,2,5,7]
- #跳跃贴图
- PIC = ["$Brad Jump1eye",0]
- #行走贴图
- WALK = ["Brad",2]
- #摔倒贴图
- FALL = ["$Brad fall 1eye",0]
- #掉落高度 => 伤害
- LIST = {0 => 0,
- 3 => 10}
- #受到的伤害 => 动画
- EXLIST = {0 => 1,
- 10 => 106}
- #跳跃音效与受伤音效
- FSE = RPG::SE.new("Rustle", 70, 150)
- DSE = RPG::SE.new("Earth5", 70, 150)
- #空变量ID
- V = 66
- #=================================================================
- #空气墙ID
- WALL = [48]
- end
- #========================================以下勿动===============================
- class Game_Player < Game_Character
- def move_by_input
- return if !movable? || $game_map.interpreter.running? || $game_variables[Jump::V] == 1
- move_straight(Input.dir4) if Input.dir4 > 0
- end
- end
- class Game_Player < Game_Character
- def getX
- @x
- end
- def getY
- @y
- end
- end
- class Game_Player < Game_Character
- def dash?
- if Jump::BIKE != nil
- if $game_switches[Jump::BIKE] == true
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- else
- return false if $game_map.disable_dash?
- return false if vehicle
- return Input.press?(:A)
- end
- end
- end
- class Game_Interpreter
- attr_accessor :rg
- attr_accessor :bike
- alias lisa_initialize initialize
- def initialize(depth = 0)
- @rg = 0
- @bike = 1
- lisa_initialize(depth = 0)
- end
- def rush
- if Input.press?(:A)
- if Jump::BIKE != nil
- if $game_switches[Jump::BIKE] == true
- $game_switches[Jump::BIKE] = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def island(id)
- for n in Jump::LAND
- if n == id
- return 1
- end
- end
- return 0
- end
- def isrope(id)
- for n in Jump::ROPE
- if n == id
- return 1
- end
- end
- return 0
- end
- def refresh
- i = [0,0]
- x = $game_player.x
- y = $game_player.y
- id=$game_map.region_id(x, y)
- i[1] = isrope(id)
- i[0] = island(id)
- if i[0] == 1
- if $game_player.direction == 8
- id2=$game_map.region_id(x, y - 1)
- j = isrope(id2)
- if j == 1
- i = [0,1]
- end
- end
- elsif i[1] == 1
- if $game_player.direction == 2
- id2=$game_map.region_id(x, y + 1)
- j = island(id2)
- if j == 1
- i = [1,0]
- end
- end
- end
- if i[1] == 1
- if $game_player.dash?
- p = Jump::RROPEP
- else
- p = Jump::ROPEP
- end
- o = [RPG::MoveCommand.new(41,p),RPG::MoveCommand.new(0)]
- fall_move(o)
- elsif i[0] == 1
- if $game_player.dash?
- p = Jump::RUN
- else
- p = Jump::WALK
- end
- o = [RPG::MoveCommand.new(41,p),RPG::MoveCommand.new(0)]
- fall_move(o)
- end
- @rg = id
- end
- def rope()
- if $game_variables[Jump::V] == 1
- return
- end
- if $game_player.dash?
- b = 1
- else
- b = 0
- end
- refresh if @bike != b
- @bike = b
- i = [0,0]
- x = $game_player.x
- y = $game_player.y
- id=$game_map.region_id(x, y)
- return if id == @rg
- refresh
- @rg = id
- end
- def lisajump(i)
- return if $game_player.move_route_forcing
- rush
- fall(i)
- jumpupanddown()
- rope()
- end
- def jumpjump(i)
- $game_variables[Jump::V] = 1
- if $game_player.dash?
- p = Jump::RUNJUMP
- else
- p = Jump::PIC
- end
- if $game_player.dash?
- w = Jump::RUN
- else
- w = Jump::WALK
- end
- Jump::FSE.play
- o = [RPG::MoveCommand.new(41,p),RPG::MoveCommand.new(14,[0,-i]),RPG::MoveCommand.new(0)]
- fall_move(o)
- o = [RPG::MoveCommand.new(41,w),RPG::MoveCommand.new(0)]
- fall_move(o)
- $game_variables[Jump::V] = 0
- end
- def jumpupanddown()
- if $game_variables[Jump::V] == 1
- return
- end
- i=0
- j=0
- if Input.press?(:UP) and Input.press?(:C)
- x = $game_player.getX
- y = $game_player.getY
- if $game_map.valid?(x, y - 1) == true
- id1=$game_map.region_id(x, y)
- id2=$game_map.region_id(x, y - 1)
- for n in Jump::LAND
- if n == id1
- i = 1
- end
- if n == id2
- j = 1
- end
- end
- k = i * j
- for n in Jump::ROPE
- if n == id1 or n == id2
- k = 0
- end
- end
- if k == 1
- jumpjump(1)
- end
- end
- end
- if Input.press?(:DOWN) and Input.press?(:C)
- x = $game_player.getX
- y = $game_player.getY
- if $game_map.valid?(x, y + 1) == true
- id1=$game_map.region_id(x, y)
- id2=$game_map.region_id(x, y + 1)
- for n in Jump::LAND
- if n == id1
- i = 1
- end
- if n == id2
- j = 1
- end
- end
- k = i * j
- if k == 1
- jumpjump(-1)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def fall_move(x)
- point = $game_player
- r = RPG::MoveRoute.new
- r.repeat = false
- r.skippable = true
- r.wait = true
- r.list = x
- point.force_move_route(r)
- if r.wait
- Fiber.yield while point.move_route_forcing
- end
- end
- def checkdirection(x)
- r = x
- if $game_player.direction == 4
- r = -r
- end
- return r
- end
- def findpoint(f)
- x = $game_player.getX
- y = $game_player.getY
- r = f
- i = -1
- d = 0
- while true
- i += 1
- j = 1
- while j <= r
- if $game_player.dash?
- t = checkdirection(j)
- else
- t = 0
- j = r
- end
- id = $game_map.region_id(x + t, y + i)
- for n in Jump::LAND
- if n == id
- return [t,i,0]
- end
- end
- j += 1
- end
- if $game_map.valid?(x + t, y + i) == false
- i = -1
- while true
- i += 1
- id = $game_map.region_id(x, y + i)
- for n in Jump::LAND
- if n == id
- return [0,i,0]
- end
- end
- t = checkdirection(1)
- return [t,i,1] if $game_map.valid?(x, y + i) == false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def fall(f)
- if $game_variables[Jump::V] == 1
- return
- end
- x = $game_player.getX
- y = $game_player.getY
- q = 0
- p = $game_map.region_id(x, y)
- for n in Jump::LAND
- if n == p
- q=1
- end
- end
- for n in Jump::ROPE
- if n == p
- q=1
- end
- end
- if q == 0
- $game_variables[Jump::V] = 1
- a = findpoint(f)
- r = a[0]
- i = a[1]
- d = a[2]
- if $game_player.dash?
- if $game_player.direction == 6
- igf = Jump::RRUNFALL
- else
- igf = Jump::LRUNFALL
- end
- else
- igf = Jump::PIC
- end
- if d == 1
- s = Jump::FSE
- o = [RPG::MoveCommand.new(44,[s]),RPG::MoveCommand.new(41,igf),RPG::MoveCommand.new(14,[r,i-1]),RPG::MoveCommand.new(0)]
- fall_move(o)
- SceneManager.goto(Scene_Gameover)
- return
- end
- if $game_player.dash?
- lst= Jump::RLIST
- else
- lst= Jump::LIST
- end
- f = 0
- dam = 0
- while f < i
- f += 1
- if lst[f] != nil
- dam = lst[f]
- end
- end
- if dam!=0 and Jump::EXLIST[dam] != nil
- o = [RPG::MoveCommand.new(44,[Jump::FSE]),RPG::MoveCommand.new(41,igf),RPG::MoveCommand.new(14,[r,i]),RPG::MoveCommand.new(44,[Jump::DSE]),RPG::MoveCommand.new(0)]
- fall_move(o)
- $game_player.animation_id = Jump::EXLIST[dam]
- value = operate_value(1,0,dam)
- iterate_actor_var(0, 0) do |actor|
- next if actor.dead?
- actor.change_hp(value, -dam)
- actor.perform_collapse_effect if actor.dead?
- end
- SceneManager.goto(Scene_Gameover) if $game_party.all_dead?
- s = Jump::FSE
- o = [RPG::MoveCommand.new(41,Jump::FALL),RPG::MoveCommand.new(44,[s]),RPG::MoveCommand.new(0)]
- fall_move(o)
- wait(60)
- else
- s = Jump::FSE
- o = [RPG::MoveCommand.new(41,igf),RPG::MoveCommand.new(44,[s]),RPG::MoveCommand.new(14,[r,i]),RPG::MoveCommand.new(0)]
- fall_move(o)
- end
- refresh
- $game_variables[Jump::V] = 0
- end
- end
- end
- class Game_Map
- def iswall(id)
- for n in Jump::WALL
- if n == id
- return 1
- end
- end
- return 0
- end
- def isrope(id)
- for n in Jump::ROPE
- if n == id
- return 1
- end
- end
- return 0
- end
- alias lisa_passable passable?
- def passable?(x, y, d)
- if d ==4 or d == 6
- id=region_id(x,y)
- i = iswall(id)
- return false if i == 1
- end
- s = $game_player.direction
- if s == 2 or s == 8
- id =region_id(x, y)
- j = isrope(id)
- if j == 1
- return true
- end
- id =region_id(x, y + 1)
- j = isrope(id)
- if j == 1
- return true
- end
- id =region_id(x, y - 1)
- j = isrope(id)
- if j == 1
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- lisa_passable(x, y, d)
- end
- end
最后祝您身体健康,再见 |
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