// Community Plugins - Lighting system
// Community_Lighting.js
Forked from Terrax Lighting
var Community = Community || {};
Community.Lighting = Community.Lighting || {};
Community.Lighting.parameters = PluginManager.parameters('Community_Lighting');
Community.Lighting.version = 2.6;
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.Community_Lighting = true;
* @plugindesc v2.6 Creates an extra layer that darkens a map and adds lightsources! Released under the MIT license!
* @author Terrax, iVillain, Aesica, Eliaquim, Alexandre, Nekohime1989
* @param ---General Settings---
* @default
* @param Options Menu Entry
* @parent ---General Settings---
* @desc Adds an option to disable this plugin's lighting effects to the options menu (leave blank to omit)
* @default Lighting Effects
* @param Light event required
* @parent ---General Settings---
* @desc At least one light event on the current is needed to make the plugin active (as in original TerraxLighting)
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @param Lights Active Radius
* @parent ---Offset and Sizes---
* @desc The number of grid spaces away from the player that lights are turned on.
* Default: 20
* @default 20
* @param Reset Lights
* @parent ---General Settings---
* @desc Resets the conditional lights on map change
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @param Kill Switch
* @parent ---General Settings---
* @desc Possible values A,B,C,D. If Selfswitch X is switched ON, the event's lightsource will be disabled.
* @type select
* @option None
* @option A
* @option B
* @option C
* @option D
* @default None
* @param Kill Switch Auto
* @parent ---General Settings---
* @desc If a conditional light is OFF(ON), lock the Kill Switch to ON(OFF)?
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @param Note Tag Key
* @parent ---General Settings---
* @desc Specify a key (<Key: Light 25 ...>) to be used with all note tags or leave blank for Terrax compatibility (Light 25 ...)
* @default cl
* @param ---DayNight Settings---
* @default
* @param Save DaynightHours
* @parent ---DayNight Settings---
* @desc Game variable the time of day (0-23) can be stored in. Disable: 0
* @type number
* @min 0
* @default 0
* @param Save DaynightMinutes
* @parent ---DayNight Settings---
* @desc Game variable the time of day (0-59) can be stored in. Disable: 0
* @type number
* @min 0
* @default 0
* @param Save DaynightSeconds
* @parent ---DayNight Settings---
* @desc Game variable the time of day (0-59) can be stored in. Disable: 0
* @type number
* @min 0
* @default 0
* @param Save Night Switch
* @parent ---DayNight Settings---
* @desc Game switch to set as ON during night and OFF during day. Disable: 0
* @type number
* @min 0
* @default 0
* @param Night Hours
* @parent ---DayNight Settings---
* @desc Comma-separated list of night hours. Not used/relevant if Save Night Switch set to 0.
* @default 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
* @param DayNight Colors
* @parent ---DayNight Settings---
* @desc Set DayNight colors. Each color represents 1 hour of the day
* @default ["#6666ff","#6666ff","#6666ff","#6666ff","#6666ff","#6666ff","#9999ff","#ccccff","#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffcc88","#9999ff","#6666ff","#6666ff","#6666ff","#6666ff"]
* @type text[]
* @param ---Offset and Sizes---
* @default
* @param Player radius
* @parent ---Offset and Sizes---
* @desc Adjust the light radius around the player
* Default: 300
* @type number
* @min 0
* @default 300
* @param Flashlight offset
* @parent ---Offset and Sizes---
* @desc Increase this setting to move up the flashlight for double height characters.
* Default: 0
* @type number
* @min -100
* @max 100
* @default 0
* @param Screensize X
* @parent ---Offset and Sizes---
* @desc Increase if your using a higher screen resolution then the default
* Default : 866
* @default 866
* @type number
* @min 0
* @param Screensize Y
* @parent ---Offset and Sizes---
* @desc Increase if your using a higher screen resolution then the default
* Default : 630
* @default 630
* @type number
* @min 0
* @param Lightmask Padding
* @parent ---Offset and Sizes---
* @desc Offscreen x-padding size for the light mask
* @type number
* @min 0
* @default 40
* @param ---Battle Settings---
* @default
* @param Battle Tinting
* @parent ---Battle Settings---
* @desc Add a tint layer to the battle screen? If set to false, no light effect will occur during battles.
* @type boolean
* @default true
* @param Light Mask Position
* @parent ---Battle Settings---
* @desc Place the light mask above the battlers, or between the battleground and the battlers?
* @type select
* @option Above Battlers
* @value Above Background and Battler
* @option Between Background and Battlers
* @value Between
* @default Above
* @help
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Important info about note tags and the note tag key plugin paramter: This
* plugin features an optional note tag key that lets this plugin's note tags
* work alongside those of other plugins--a feature not found in the original
* Terrax Lighting plugin. If a note tag key is set in the plugin paramters,
* all of these commands must be enclosed in a note tag with that particular
* key in in order to be recognized.
* This note tag key applies to anything this plugin would have placed inside
* a note box, such as "DayNight" on a map or "Light/Fire/etc on an event.
* Examples:
* With the default note tag key, "CL" (not case sensitive):
* <CL: Light 250 #ffffff>
* <CL: Daynight>
* ...etc
* Without a note tag key set:
* Light 250 #ffffff
* Daynight
* ...etc
* Using a note tag key is recommended since it allows for other things
* (plugins, or even you rown personal notes) to make use of the note box
* without breaking things. Omiting the key is intended primarily as legacy
* support, allowing this plugin to be used with older projects that use Terrax
* Lighting so they don't have to go back and change a bunch of event and map
* notes.
* Notation characters:
* [] Values are optional (the brightness parameter in light, etc)
* | Select the value from the specified list (on|off, etc)
* Do not include these in the actual plugin commands.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* List of Note Tags
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Events
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DayNight
* - Activates day/night cycle. Put in map note or event note
* Light radius color [brightness] [direction] [x] [y] [id]
* - Light
* - radius 100, 250, etc
* - color #ffffff, #ff0000, etc
* - brightness B50, B25, etc [optional]
* - direction D1: n.wall, D2: e.wall, D3: s.wall, D4: w.wall
* D5 n.+e. walls, D6 s.+e. walls, D7 s.+w. walls,
* D8 n.+w. walls, D9 n.-e. corner, D10 s.-e. corner
* D11 s.-w. corner, D12 n.-w. corner [optional]
* - x x offset [optional] (0.5: half tile, 1 = full tile, etc)
* - y y offset [optional]
* - id 1, 2, 2345, etc--an id number for plugin commands [optional]
* Light radius cycle color dur color dur [color dur] [x] [y] [color dur]
* Cycles the specified light colors and durations. Min 2, max 4
* - radius Same as standard Light command above
* - color Color (#ff8800, etc)
* - dur Duration in ms
* Fire ...params
* - Same as Light params above, but adds a subtle flicker
* Flashlight [bl] [bw] [c] [onoff] [x] [y] [sdir]
* - Sets the light as a flashlight with beam length (bl) beam width (bw) color (c),
* 0|1 (onoff), and 1=up, 2=right, 3=down, 4=left for static direction (sdir)
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Maps
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DayNight [speed]
* Activates day/night cycle. Put in map note or event note
* - speed Optional parameter to alter the speed at which time passes. 10 is
the default speed, higher numbers are slower, lower numbers are
faster, and 0 stops the flow of time entirely. If speed is not
specified, then the current speed is used.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Plugin Commands
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Light deactivate|activate
* - Completely disables the lighting effects of this plugin
* Light on id
* - Turn on light with matching id number
* Light off id
* - Turn off light with matching id number
* Light color id c
* - Change the color (c) of lightsource with id (id)
* - Work even if the associated light is currently off.
* - Will be in effect until conditional lights are resetted
* - If c is set to 'defaultcolor' (without the quotes),
* it will reset the light back to its initial color.
* Light switch reset
* - Reset all conditional lights.
* Light radius r c b
* - Change player light radius (r), color (c), and brightness (b)
* Light radiusgrow r c b
* - Same as above, but apply changes over time
* Setfire r s
* - Alters fire settings with radius shift (r) and red/yellow color shift (s)
* Flashlight on bl bw c bd
* - turn on flashlight for player with beam length (bl), beam width (hw), color (c),
* and beam density (bd)
* Flashlight off
* - Turn off the flashlight. yup.
* Daynight speed n
* - Changes the speec by which hours pass ingame in relation to real life seconds
* Daynight hour h m
* - Sets the ingame time to hh:mm
* Daynight color h c
* - Sets the hour (h) to use color (c)
* Daynight add h m
* - Adds the specified hours (h) and minutes (m) to the ingame clock
* Daynight debug
* - Shows current ingame time
* Daynight hoursinday h
* - Sets the number of hours in a day to [h] (set hour colors if doing this)
* Tint set c
* - Sets the current screen tint to the color (c)
* Tint fade c s
* - Same as above, but fades (1 = fast, 20 = very slow)
* Tint daylight
* - Set to the daylight corresponding to the current time
* TileLight id ON c r
* RegionLight id ON c r
* - Turns on lights for tile tag or region tag (id) using color (c) and radius (r)
* - Replace ON with OFF to turn them off
* TileFire, TileGlow, RegionFire, RegionGlow
* - Same as above, but different lighting effects
* TileBlock id ON color
* - Turns on light blocking for tile with tiletag id (id) using color (color)
* TileBlock id OFF
* - Turns off light blocking for tile with tiletag id (id)
* RegionBlock id ON color
* - Turns on light blocking for tile with region id (id) using color (color)
* RegionBlock id OFF
* - Turns off light blocking for tile with region id (id)
* RegionBlock id ON color shape xoffset yoffset width height
* - id id of region
* - color color of block (usually #000000)
* - shape 1=square, 2=oval
* - xoffset x offset
* - yoffset y offset
* - width width of shape
* - height height of shape
* effect_on_event id radius color frames
* - id event id
* - radius radius
* - color color
* - frames frames to persist
* effect_on_xy x y radius color frames
* - x x coord
* - y y coord
* - radius radius
* - color color
* - frames frames to persist
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Kill Switch and conditional lighting
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If the 'Kill Switch Auto' parameter has been set to true, any event with
* a (non) active conditional light have their killswitch locked to ON(OFF).
* You can use this difference to give alternate apparences to these events.
* For example, a conditional light event can have a page where it shows a
* burning candle, and second page (active only when the kill switch is ON)
* who shows an unlit candle
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Plugin in battle
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If the plugin is active while a battle begin, the battle screen will
* be tinted like it was on the map. Too dark color will be automatically set
* to '#666666' (dark gray).
* If there is no map to take the tint from (ex: battle test),
* the screen will not be tinted.
* You can manually tint the battle screen with the following plugin commands.
* Note that these commands affect only the current battle,
* and will have no effect on the map.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Plugin Commands - Battle
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* TintBattle set [color]
* - Tint the battle screen to the color used as argument.
* - Automatically set too dark color to '#666666' (dark gray).
* TintBattle reset
* - Reset the battle screen to its original color.
* TintBattle fade [color] [speed]
* - Fade the battle screen to the color used as first argument.
* - The second argument is speed of the fade (1 very fast, 20 more slow)
* - Still automatically set too dark color to '#666666' (dark gray).
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Lights Active Radius
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This allows you to decide how far away from the player lights are active,
* anything beyond this range will not light up until the player gets
* closer to it.
* It can be changed in the plugin parameters, or using the script call...
* $gameVariables.SetActiveRadius(#)
* ....where # is the max distance you want in tiles.
(function ($$) {
let Community_tint_speed = 60;
let Community_tint_target = '#000000';
let colorcycle_count = [1000];
let colorcycle_timer = [1000];
let event_note = [];
let event_id = [];
let event_x = [];
let event_y = [];
let event_dir = [];
let event_moving = [];
let event_stacknumber = [];
let event_eventcount = 0;
let tiletype = 0;
let tile_lights = [];
let tile_blocks = [];
let parameters = $$.parameters;
let lightMaskPadding = +parameters["Lightmask Padding"] || 0;
let light_event_required = eval(parameters["Light event required"]) || false;
let player_radius = Number(parameters['Player radius']);
let reset_each_map = eval(String(parameters['Reset Lights'])) || false;
let noteTagKey = parameters["Note Tag Key"] !== "" ? parameters["Note Tag Key"] : false;
let dayNightSaveHours = Number(parameters['Save DaynightHours'] || 0);
let dayNightSaveMinutes = Number(parameters['Save DaynightMinutes'] || 0);
let dayNightSaveSeconds = Number(parameters['Save DaynightSeconds'] || 0);
let dayNightSaveNight = +parameters["Save Night Switch"] || 0;
let dayNightList = parseDayNightParams(parameters["DayNight Colors"], parameters["Night Hours"]);
let flashlightoffset = Number(parameters['Flashlight offset'] || 0);
let killswitch = parameters['Kill Switch'] || 'None';
if (killswitch !== 'A' && killswitch !== 'B' && killswitch !== 'C' && killswitch !== 'D') {
killswitch = 'None'; //Set any invalid value to no switch
let killSwitchAuto = eval(String(parameters['Kill Switch Auto']));
let optionText = parameters["Options Menu Entry"] || "";
let lightInBattle = eval(String(parameters['Battle Tinting']));
let battleMaskPosition = parameters['Light Mask Position'] || 'Above';
if (battleMaskPosition !== 'Above' && battleMaskPosition !== 'Between') {
battleMaskPosition = 'Above'; //Get rid of any invalid value
let options_lighting_on = true;
let maxX = Number(parameters['Screensize X'] || 866);
let maxY = Number(parameters['Screensize Y'] || 630);
let tint_oldseconds = 0;
let tint_timer = 0;
let oldseconds = 0;
let daynightdebug = false;
let event_reload_counter = 0;
let Community_tint_speed_old = 60;
let Community_tint_target_old = '#000000';
let tileglow = 0;
let glow_oldseconds = 0;
let glow_dir = 1;
let cyclecolor_counter = 0;
//let darkcount = 0;
//let daynightset = false;
//let averagetime = [];
//let averagetimecount = 0;
let notetag_reg = RegExp("<" + noteTagKey + ":[ ]*([^>]+)>", "i");
function getTag() {
let result;
let note = this.note;
if (typeof note === "string") {
if (noteTagKey) {
result = note.match(notetag_reg);
result = result ? result[1].trim() : "";
else result = note.trim();
return result;
function parseDayNightParams(dayNight, nightHours) {
let result = [];
try {
dayNight = JSON.parse(dayNight);
nightHours = nightHours.split(",").map(x => x = +x);
result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dayNight.length; i++)
result[i] = { "color": dayNight[i], "isNight": nightHours.contains(i) };
catch (e) {
console.log("CommunitiyLighting: Night Hours and/or DayNight Colors contain invalid JSON data - cannot parse.");
result = new Array(24).fill(undefined).map(x => x = { "color": "#000000", "isNight": false });
return result;
$$.getDayNightList = function () {
return dayNightList;
function saveTime(hh, mm, ss = null) {
let dayNightList = $gameVariables.GetDaynightColorArray();
if (dayNightSaveHours > 0) $gameVariables.setValue(dayNightSaveHours, hh);
if (dayNightSaveMinutes > 0) $gameVariables.setValue(dayNightSaveMinutes, mm);
if (dayNightSaveSeconds > 0 && ss !== null) $gameVariables.setValue(dayNightSaveSeconds, ss);
if (dayNightSaveNight > 0 && dayNightList[hh] instanceof Object) $gameSwitches.setValue(dayNightSaveNight, dayNightList[hh].isNight);
let _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) {
_Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
if (typeof command != 'undefined') {
this.communityLighting_Commands(command, args);
Game_Interpreter.prototype.communityLighting_Commands = function (command, args) {
command = command.toLowerCase();
const allCommands = {
tileblock: 'tileType', regionblock: 'tileType', tilelight: 'tileType', regionlight: 'tileType', tilefire: 'tileType', regionfire: 'tileType',
tileglow: 'tileType', regionglow: 'tileType', tint: 'tint', daynight: 'dayNight', flashlight: 'flashLight', setfire: 'setFire', fire: 'fire', light: 'light',
effect_on_event: 'effectOnEvent', effect_on_xy: 'effectOnXy', script: 'scriptF', reload: 'reload', tintbattle: 'tintbattle'
const result = allCommands[command];
if (result) {
this[result](command, args);
Game_Interpreter.prototype.tileType = function (command, args) {
const cmdArr = ['', 'tileblock', 'regionblock', 'tilelight', 'regionlight', 'tilefire', 'regionfire', 'tileglow', 'regionglow'];
tiletype = cmdArr.indexOf(command);
if (tiletype > 0) $$.tile(args);
Game_Interpreter.prototype.tint = function (command, args) {
Game_Interpreter.prototype.dayNight = function (command, args) {
Game_Interpreter.prototype.flashLight = function (command, args) {
Game_Interpreter.prototype.setFire = function (command, args) {
flickerradiusshift = args[0];
flickercolorshift = args[1];
Game_Interpreter.prototype.fire = function (command, args) {
if (args.contains("radius") || args.contains("radiusgrow")) $gameVariables.SetFire(true);
if (args[0] === "deactivate") {
} else {
Game_Interpreter.prototype.light = function (command, args) {
if (args.contains("radius") || args.contains("radiusgrow")) $gameVariables.SetFire(false);
if (args[0] === "deactivate") {
} else {
Game_Interpreter.prototype.effectOnEvent = function (command, args) {
Game_Interpreter.prototype.effectOnXy = function (command, args) {
Game_Interpreter.prototype.scriptF = function (command, args) {
if (args[0] === "deactivate") {
} else if (args[0] === "activate") {
Game_Interpreter.prototype.reload = function (command, args) {
if (args[0] === "events") {
Game_Interpreter.prototype.tintbattle = function (command, args) {
if ($gameParty.inBattle()) {
if (args[0].toLowerCase() === 'reset') {
$gameTemp._BattleTint = $gameTemp._MapTint;
$gameTemp._BattleTintSpeed = 0;
} else if (args[0] === "set") {
$gameTemp._BattleTint = this.determineBattleTint(args[1]);
$gameTemp._BattleTintSpeed = 0;
} else if (args[0].toLowerCase() === 'fade') {
$gameTemp._BattleTintFade = $gameTemp._BattleTint;
$gameTemp._BattleTintTimer = 0;
$gameTemp._BattleTint = this.determineBattleTint(args[1]);
$gameTemp._BattleTintSpeed = args[2];
Game_Interpreter.prototype.determineBattleTint = function (tintColor) {
if (!tintColor || tintColor.length < 7) {
return '#666666' // Not an hex color strintg
var redhex = tintColor.substring(1, 3);
var greenhex = tintColor.substring(3, 5);
var bluehex = tintColor.substring(5);
var red = parseInt(redhex, 16);
var green = parseInt(greenhex, 16);
var blue = parseInt(bluehex, 16);
var color = red + green + blue;
if (color < 300 && red < 100 && green < 100 && blue < 100) { // Check for NaN values or too dark colors
return '#666666' // The player have to see something
return tintColor;
Spriteset_Map.prototype.createLightmask = function () {
this._lightmask = new Lightmask();
function Lightmask() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Lightmask.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Container.prototype);
Lightmask.prototype.constructor = Lightmask;
Lightmask.prototype.initialize = function () {
this._width = Graphics.width;
this._height = Graphics.height;
this._sprites = [];
//Updates the Lightmask for each frame.
Lightmask.prototype.update = function () {
//@method _createBitmaps
Lightmask.prototype._createBitmap = function () {
this._maskBitmap = new Bitmap(maxX + lightMaskPadding, maxY); // one big bitmap to fill the intire screen with black
let canvas = this._maskBitmap.canvas; // a bit larger then setting to take care of screenshakes
* @method _updateAllSprites
* @private
Lightmask.prototype._updateMask = function () {
// ****** DETECT MAP CHANGES ********
let map_id = $gameMap.mapId();
if (map_id != $gameVariables.GetOldMapId()) {
// recalc tile and region tags.
//clear color cycle arrays
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
colorcycle_count[i] = 0;
colorcycle_timer[i] = 0;
$$.ReloadMapEvents(); // reload map events on map chance
if (reset_each_map) {
// reload mapevents if event_data has chanced (deleted or spawned events/saves)
if (event_eventcount != $gameMap.events().length) {
// remove old sprites
for (let i = 0, len = this._sprites.length; i < len; i++) { // remove all old sprites
if (map_id <= 0) return; // No lighting on map 0
if (options_lighting_on !== true) return; // Plugin deactivated in the option
if ($gameVariables.GetScriptActive() !== true) return; // Plugin deactivated by plugin command
event_reload_counter++; // reload map events every 200 cycles just in case.
if (event_reload_counter > 200) {
event_reload_counter = 0;
if (light_event_required && event_note.length <= 0) return; // If no lightsources on this map, no lighting if light_event_required set to true.
this._addSprite(-lightMaskPadding, 0, this._maskBitmap);
// ******** GROW OR SHRINK GLOBE PLAYER *********
let firstrun = $gameVariables.GetFirstRun();
if (firstrun === true) {
Community_tint_speed = 60;
Community_tint_target = '#000000';
Community_tint_speed_old = 60;
Community_tint_target_old = '#000000';
player_radius = Number(parameters['Player radius']);
} else {
player_radius = $gameVariables.GetRadius();
let lightgrow_value = player_radius;
let lightgrow_target = $gameVariables.GetRadiusTarget();
let lightgrow_speed = $gameVariables.GetRadiusSpeed();
if (lightgrow_value < lightgrow_target) {
lightgrow_value = lightgrow_value + lightgrow_speed;
if (lightgrow_value > lightgrow_target) {
//other wise it can keep fliping back and forth between > and <
lightgrow_value = lightgrow_target;
player_radius = lightgrow_value;
if (lightgrow_value > lightgrow_target) {
lightgrow_value = lightgrow_value - lightgrow_speed;
if (lightgrow_value < lightgrow_target) {
//other wise it can keep fliping back and forth between > and <
lightgrow_value = lightgrow_target;
player_radius = lightgrow_value;
// ****** PLAYER LIGHTGLOBE ********
let canvas = this._maskBitmap.canvas;
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
this._maskBitmap.fillRect(0, 0, maxX + lightMaskPadding, maxY, '#000000');
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter';
let pw = $gameMap.tileWidth();
let ph = $gameMap.tileHeight();
let dx = $gameMap.displayX();
let dy = $gameMap.displayY();
let px = $gamePlayer._realX;
let py = $gamePlayer._realY;
let pd = $gamePlayer._direction;
let x1 = (pw / 2) + ((px - dx) * pw);
let y1 = (ph / 2) + ((py - dy) * ph);
let paralax = false;
// paralax does something weird with coordinates.. recalc needed
if (dx > $gamePlayer.x) {
let xjump = $gameMap.width() - Math.floor(dx - px);
x1 = (pw / 2) + (xjump * pw);
if (dy > $gamePlayer.y) {
let yjump = $gameMap.height() - Math.floor(dy - py);
y1 = (ph / 2) + (yjump * ph);
let playerflashlight = $gameVariables.GetFlashlight();
let playercolor = $gameVariables.GetPlayerColor();
let flashlightlength = $gameVariables.GetFlashlightLength();
let flashlightwidth = $gameVariables.GetFlashlightWidth();
let playerflicker = $gameVariables.GetFire();
let playerbrightness = $gameVariables.GetPlayerBrightness();
let iplayer_radius = Math.floor(player_radius);
if (iplayer_radius > 0) {
if (playerflashlight == true) {
this._maskBitmap.radialgradientFillRect2(x1, y1, lightMaskPadding, iplayer_radius, playercolor, '#000000', pd, flashlightlength, flashlightwidth);
y1 = y1 - flashlightoffset;
if (iplayer_radius < 100) {
// dim the light a bit at lower lightradius for a less focused effect.
let r = hexToRgb(playercolor).r;
let g = hexToRgb(playercolor).g;
let b = hexToRgb(playercolor).b;
g = g - 50;
r = r - 50;
b = b - 50;
if (g < 0) {
g = 0;
if (r < 0) {
r = 0;
if (b < 0) {
b = 0;
let newcolor = "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1);
this._maskBitmap.radialgradientFillRect(x1, y1, 0, iplayer_radius, newcolor, '#000000', playerflicker, playerbrightness);
} else {
this._maskBitmap.radialgradientFillRect(x1, y1, lightMaskPadding, iplayer_radius, playercolor, '#000000', playerflicker, playerbrightness);
// *********************************** DAY NIGHT CYCLE TIMER **************************
let daynightspeed = $gameVariables.GetDaynightSpeed();
if (daynightspeed > 0 && daynightspeed < 5000) {
let datenow = new Date();
let seconds = Math.floor(datenow.getTime() / 10);
if (seconds > oldseconds) {
let daynighttimer = $gameVariables.GetDaynightTimer(); // timer = minutes * speed
let daynightcycle = $gameVariables.GetDaynightCycle(); // cycle = hours
let daynighthoursinday = $gameVariables.GetDaynightHoursinDay(); // 24
oldseconds = seconds;
daynighttimer = daynighttimer + 1;
let daynightminutes = Math.floor(daynighttimer / daynightspeed);
let daynighttimeover = daynighttimer - (daynightspeed * daynightminutes);
let daynightseconds = Math.floor(daynighttimeover / daynightspeed * 60);
if (daynightdebug == true) {
let daynightseconds2 = daynightseconds;
if (daynightseconds < 10) {
daynightseconds2 = '0' + daynightseconds;
let hourvalue = '-';
let hourset = 'Not set';
if (daynightsavehours > 0) {
hourvalue = $gameVariables.value(daynightsavehours);
hourset = daynightsavehours
let minutevalue = '-';
let minuteset = 'Not set';
if (daynightsavemin > 0) {
minutevalue = $gameVariables.value(daynightsavemin);
minuteset = daynightsavemin
let secondvalue = '-';
let secondset = 'Not set';
if (daynightsavesec > 0) {
secondvalue = $gameVariables.value(daynightsavesec);
secondset = daynightsavesec
minutecounter = $gameVariables.value(daynightsavemin);
secondcounter = $gameVariables.value(daynightsavesec);
Graphics.Debug('Debug Daynight system', daynightcycle + ' ' + daynightminutes + ' ' + daynightseconds2 +
'<br>' + 'Hours -> Variable: ' + hourset + ' Value: ' + hourvalue +
'<br>' + 'Minutes-> Variable: ' + minuteset + ' Value: ' + minutevalue +
'<br>' + 'Seconds-> Variable: ' + secondset + ' Value: ' + secondvalue);
if (daynighttimer >= (daynightspeed * 60)) {
daynightcycle = daynightcycle + 1;
if (daynightcycle >= daynighthoursinday) daynightcycle = 0;
daynighttimer = 0;
saveTime(daynightcycle, daynightminutes, daynightseconds);
$gameVariables.SetDaynightTimer(daynighttimer); // timer = minutes * speed
$gameVariables.SetDaynightCycle(daynightcycle); // cycle = hours
// ********** OTHER LIGHTSOURCES **************
for (let i = 0, len = event_note.length; i < len; i++) {
let note = event_note[i];
let evid = event_id[i];
let note_args = note.split(" ");
let note_command = note_args.shift().toLowerCase();
let lightsOnRadius = $gameVariables.GetActiveRadius();
let distanceApart = Math.round(Community.Lighting.distance($gamePlayer.x, $gamePlayer.y, $gameMap.events()[event_stacknumber[i]]._realX, $gameMap.events()[event_stacknumber[i]]._realY));
if (distanceApart <= lightsOnRadius) {
if (note_command == "light" || note_command == "fire" || note_command == "flashlight") {
let objectflicker = false;
if (note_command == "fire") {
objectflicker = true;
let light_radius = 1;
let flashlength = 8;
let flashwidth = 12;
if (note_command == "flashlight") {
flashlength = Number(note_args.shift());
flashwidth = Number(note_args.shift());
if (flashlength == 0) {
flashlightlength = 8
if (flashwidth == 0) {
flashlightlength = 12
} else {
light_radius = note_args.shift();
// light radius
if (light_radius >= 0) {
// light color
let colorvalue = note_args.shift();
// Cycle colors
if (colorvalue == 'cycle' && evid < 1000) {
let cyclecolor0 = note_args.shift();
let cyclecount0 = Number(note_args.shift());
let cyclecolor1 = note_args.shift();
let cyclecount1 = Number(note_args.shift());
let cyclecolor2 = '#000000';
let cyclecount2 = 0;
let cyclecolor3 = '#000000';
let cyclecount3 = 0;
let morecycle = note_args.shift();
if (typeof morecycle != 'undefined') {
if (morecycle.substring(0, 1) == "#") {
cyclecolor2 = morecycle;
cyclecount2 = Number(note_args.shift());
morecycle = note_args.shift();
if (typeof morecycle != 'undefined') {
if (morecycle.substring(0, 1) == "#") {
cyclecolor3 = morecycle;
cyclecount3 = Number(note_args.shift());
} else {
} else {
let switch0 = '0';
let switch1 = '0';
let switch2 = '0';
let switch3 = '0';
let switches = note_args.shift();
if (typeof switches != 'undefined') {
if (switches.length == 7) {
if (switches.substring(0, 3) == "SS:") {
switch0 = switches.substring(3, 4);
switch1 = switches.substring(4, 5);
switch2 = switches.substring(5, 6);
switch3 = switches.substring(6, 7);
} else {
} else {
// set cycle color
switch (colorcycle_count[evid]) {
case 0:
colorvalue = cyclecolor0;
case 1:
colorvalue = cyclecolor1;
case 2:
colorvalue = cyclecolor2;
case 3:
colorvalue = cyclecolor3;
colorvalue = '#FFFFFF';
// cycle timing
//let datenow = new Date();
//let seconds = Math.floor(datenow.getTime() / 100);
cyclecolor_counter = cyclecolor_counter + 1;
if (cyclecolor_counter > 10) {
cyclecolor_counter = 0;
//reset all switches
if (switch0 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch0];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, false);
if (switch1 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch1];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, false);
if (switch2 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch2];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, false);
if (switch3 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch3];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, false);
if (colorcycle_count[evid] == 0) {
if (colorcycle_timer[evid] > cyclecount0) {
colorcycle_count[evid] = 1;
colorcycle_timer[evid] = 0;
if (switch1 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch1];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, true);
} else {
if (switch0 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch0];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, true);
if (colorcycle_count[evid] == 1) {
if (colorcycle_timer[evid] > cyclecount1) {
colorcycle_count[evid] = 2;
colorcycle_timer[evid] = 0;
if (switch2 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch2];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, true);
} else {
if (switch1 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch1];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, true);
if (colorcycle_count[evid] == 2) {
if (colorcycle_timer[evid] > cyclecount2) {
colorcycle_count[evid] = 3;
colorcycle_timer[evid] = 0;
if (switch3 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch3];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, true);
} else {
if (switch2 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch2];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, true);
if (colorcycle_count[evid] == 3) {
if (colorcycle_timer[evid] > cyclecount3) {
colorcycle_count[evid] = 0;
colorcycle_timer[evid] = 0;
if (switch0 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch0];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, true);
} else {
if (switch3 != '0') {
key = [map_id, evid, switch3];
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, true);
} else {
let isValidColor = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(colorvalue);
if (!isValidColor) {
colorvalue = '#FFFFFF'
// brightness and direction
let brightness = 0.0;
let direction = 0;
// offsets
let lightXOffset = 0.0;
let lightYOffset = 0.0;
let next_arg = note_args.shift();
if (typeof next_arg != 'undefined') {
let key = next_arg.substring(0, 1);
if (key == 'b' || key == 'B') {
brightness = Number(next_arg.substring(1)) / 100;
next_arg = note_args.shift();
if (typeof next_arg != 'undefined') {
key = next_arg.substring(0, 1);
if (key == 'd' || key == 'D') {
direction = next_arg.substring(1);
next_arg = note_args.shift();
if (typeof next_arg != 'undefined') {
key = next_arg.substring(0, 1);
if (key == 'x' || key == 'X') {
lightXOffset = +next_arg.substring(1) * $gameMap.tileWidth();
next_arg = note_args.shift();
if (typeof next_arg != 'undefined') {
key = next_arg.substring(0, 1);
if (key == 'y' || key == 'Y') {
lightYOffset = +next_arg.substring(1) * $gameMap.tileHeight();
console.log("y offset confirmed: " + lightYOffset);
next_arg = note_args.shift();
// conditional lighting
let lightid = 0;
if (typeof next_arg != 'undefined') {
lightid = next_arg;
let state = true;
if (lightid > 0) {
state = false;
let lightarray_id = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayId();
let lightarray_state = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayState();
let lightarray_color = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayColor();
for (let j = 0, jlen = lightarray_id.length; j < jlen; j++) {
if (lightarray_id[j] == lightid) {
// idfound = true;
state = lightarray_state[j];
let newcolor = lightarray_color[j];
if (newcolor != 'defaultcolor') {
colorvalue = newcolor;
// Set kill switch to ON if the conditional light is deactivated,
// or to OFF if it is active.
if (killSwitchAuto && killswitch !== 'None') {
key = [map_id, evid, killswitch];
if ($gameSelfSwitches.value(key) === state) {
$gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, !state);
// kill switch
if (killswitch !== 'None' && state) {
key = [map_id, evid, killswitch];
if ($gameSelfSwitches.value(key) === true) {
state = false;
// show light
if (state == true) {
let ldir = 0;
if (event_moving[i] > 0) {
ldir = $gameMap.events()[event_stacknumber[i]]._direction;
} else {
ldir = event_dir[i];
// moving lightsources
let flashlight = false;
if (note_command == "flashlight") {
flashlight = true;
let walking = event_moving[i];
if (walking == false) {
let tldir = Number(note_args.shift());
if (!isNaN(tldir)) {
if (tldir < 0 || ldir >= 5) {
ldir = 4
if (tldir == 1) {
ldir = 8
if (tldir == 2) {
ldir = 6
if (tldir == 3) {
ldir = 2
if (tldir == 4) {
ldir = 4
let lx1 = $gameMap.events()[event_stacknumber[i]].screenX();
let ly1 = $gameMap.events()[event_stacknumber[i]].screenY() - 24;
lx1 += +lightXOffset;
ly1 += +lightYOffset;
if (flashlight == true) {
this._maskBitmap.radialgradientFillRect2(lx1, ly1, 0, light_radius, colorvalue, '#000000', ldir, flashlength, flashwidth);
} else {
this._maskBitmap.radialgradientFillRect(lx1, ly1, 0, light_radius, colorvalue, '#000000', objectflicker, brightness, direction);
// *************************** TILE TAG *********************
let glowdatenow = new Date();
let glowseconds = Math.floor(glowdatenow.getTime() / 100);
if (glowseconds > glow_oldseconds) {
glow_oldseconds = glowseconds;
tileglow = tileglow + glow_dir;
if (tileglow > 120) {
glow_dir = -1;
if (tileglow < 1) {
glow_dir = 1;
tile_lights = $gameVariables.GetLightTags();
tile_blocks = $gameVariables.GetBlockTags();
for (let i = 0, len = tile_lights.length; i < len; i++) {
let tilestr = tile_lights[i];
let tileargs = tilestr.split(";");
let x = tileargs[0];
let y = tileargs[1];
let tile_type = tileargs[2];
let tile_radius = tileargs[3];
let tile_color = tileargs[4];
let brightness = tileargs[5];
let x1 = (pw / 2) + (x - dx) * pw;
let y1 = (ph / 2) + (y - dy) * ph;
if ($dataMap.scrollType === 2 || $dataMap.scrollType === 3) {
if (dx - 5 > x) {
let lxjump = $gameMap.width() - (dx - x);
x1 = (pw / 2) + (lxjump * pw);
if ($dataMap.scrollType === 1 || $dataMap.scrollType === 3) {
if (dy - 5 > y) {
let lyjump = $gameMap.height() - (dy - y);
y1 = (ph / 2) + (lyjump * ph);
if (tile_type == 3 || tile_type == 4) {
this._maskBitmap.radialgradientFillRect(x1, y1, 0, tile_radius, tile_color, '#000000', false, brightness); // Light
} else if (tile_type == 5 || tile_type == 6) {
this._maskBitmap.radialgradientFillRect(x1, y1, 0, tile_radius, tile_color, '#000000', true, brightness); // Fire
} else {
let r = hexToRgb(tile_color).r;
let g = hexToRgb(tile_color).g;
let b = hexToRgb(tile_color).b;
r = Math.floor(r + (60 - tileglow));
g = Math.floor(g + (60 - tileglow));
b = Math.floor(b + (60 - tileglow));
if (r < 0) {
r = 0;
if (g < 0) {
g = 0;
if (b < 0) {
b = 0;
if (r > 255) {
r = 255;
if (g > 255) {
g = 255;
if (b > 255) {
b = 255;
let newtile_color = "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1);
this._maskBitmap.radialgradientFillRect(x1, y1, 0, tile_radius, newtile_color, '#000000', false, brightness);
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply";
for (let i = 0, len = tile_blocks.length; i < len; i++) {
let tilestr = tile_blocks[i];
let tileargs = tilestr.split(";");
let x = tileargs[0];
let y = tileargs[1];
let shape = tileargs[2];
let xo1 = tileargs[3];
let yo1 = tileargs[4];
let xo2 = tileargs[5];
let yo2 = tileargs[6];
let tile_color = tileargs[7];
let x1 = (x - dx) * pw;
let y1 = (y - dy) * ph;
if ($dataMap.scrollType === 2 || $dataMap.scrollType === 3) {
if (dx - 5 > x) {
let lxjump = $gameMap.width() - (dx - x);
x1 = (lxjump * pw);
if ($dataMap.scrollType === 1 || $dataMap.scrollType === 3) {
if (dy - 5 > y) {
let lyjump = $gameMap.height() - (dy - y);
y1 = (lyjump * ph);
if (shape == 0) {
this._maskBitmap.FillRect(x1, y1, pw, ph, tile_color);
if (shape == 1) {
x1 = x1 + Number(xo1);
y1 = y1 + Number(yo1);
this._maskBitmap.FillRect(x1, y1, Number(xo2), Number(yo2), tile_color);
if (shape == 2) {
x1 = x1 + Number(xo1);
y1 = y1 + Number(yo1);
this._maskBitmap.FillCircle(x1, y1, Number(xo2), Number(yo2), tile_color);
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter';
// *********************************** DAY NIGHT CYCLE FILTER **************************
if ($$.daynightset) {
let daynighttimer = $gameVariables.GetDaynightTimer(); // timer = minutes * speed
let daynightcycle = $gameVariables.GetDaynightCycle(); // cycle = hours
let daynighthoursinday = $gameVariables.GetDaynightHoursinDay(); // 24
let daynightcolors = $gameVariables.GetDaynightColorArray();
let r, g, b;
let color1 = daynightcolors[daynightcycle].color;
if (daynightspeed > 0) {
let nextcolor = daynightcycle + 1;
if (nextcolor >= daynighthoursinday) {
nextcolor = 0;
let color2 = daynightcolors[nextcolor].color;
let rgb = hexToRgb(color1);
r = rgb.r;
g = rgb.g;
b = rgb.b;
rgb = hexToRgb(color2);
let r2 = rgb.r;
let g2 = rgb.g;
let b2 = rgb.b;
let stepR = (r2 - r) / (60 * daynightspeed);
let stepG = (g2 - g) / (60 * daynightspeed);
let stepB = (b2 - b) / (60 * daynightspeed);
r = Math.floor(r + (stepR * daynighttimer));
g = Math.floor(g + (stepG * daynighttimer));
b = Math.floor(b + (stepB * daynighttimer));
color1 = "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1);
this._maskBitmap.FillRect(-lightMaskPadding, 0, maxX + lightMaskPadding, maxY, color1);
// *********************************** TINT **************************
else {
let tint_value = $gameVariables.GetTint();
let tint_target = $gameVariables.GetTintTarget();
let tint_speed = $gameVariables.GetTintSpeed();
if (Community_tint_target != Community_tint_target_old) {
Community_tint_target_old = Community_tint_target;
tint_target = Community_tint_target;
if (Community_tint_speed != Community_tint_speed_old) {
Community_tint_speed_old = Community_tint_speed;
tint_speed = Community_tint_speed;
let tcolor = tint_value;
if (tint_value != tint_target) {
let tintdatenow = new Date();
let tintseconds = Math.floor(tintdatenow.getTime() / 10);
if (tintseconds > tint_oldseconds) {
tint_oldseconds = tintseconds;
let r = hexToRgb(tint_value).r;
let g = hexToRgb(tint_value).g;
let b = hexToRgb(tint_value).b;
let r2 = hexToRgb(tint_target).r;
let g2 = hexToRgb(tint_target).g;
let b2 = hexToRgb(tint_target).b;
let stepR = (r2 - r) / (60 * tint_speed);
let stepG = (g2 - g) / (60 * tint_speed);
let stepB = (b2 - b) / (60 * tint_speed);
let r3 = Math.floor(r + (stepR * tint_timer));
let g3 = Math.floor(g + (stepG * tint_timer));
let b3 = Math.floor(b + (stepB * tint_timer));
if (r3 < 0) {
r3 = 0
if (g3 < 0) {
g3 = 0
if (b3 < 0) {
b3 = 0
if (r3 > 255) {
r3 = 255
if (g3 > 255) {
g3 = 255
if (b3 > 255) {
b3 = 255
let reddone = false;
let greendone = false;
let bluedone = false;
if (stepR >= 0 && r3 >= r2) {
reddone = true;
if (stepR <= 0 && r3 <= r2) {
reddone = true;
if (stepG >= 0 && g3 >= g2) {
greendone = true;
if (stepG <= 0 && g3 <= g2) {
greendone = true;
if (stepB >= 0 && b3 >= b2) {
bluedone = true;
if (stepB <= 0 && b3 <= b2) {
bluedone = true;
if (reddone == true && bluedone == true && greendone == true) {
tcolor = "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r3 << 16) + (g3 << 8) + b3).toString(16).slice(1);
} else {
tint_timer = 0;
this._maskBitmap.FillRect(-lightMaskPadding, 0, maxX + lightMaskPadding, maxY, tcolor);
// reset drawmode to normal
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
* @method _addSprite
* @private
Lightmask.prototype._addSprite = function (x1, y1, selectedbitmap) {
let sprite = new Sprite(this.viewport);
sprite.bitmap = selectedbitmap;
sprite.opacity = 255;
sprite.blendMode = 2;
sprite.x = x1;
sprite.y = y1;
sprite.rotation = 0;
sprite.ax = 0;
sprite.ay = 0;
sprite.opacity = 255;
* @method _removeSprite
* @private
Lightmask.prototype._removeSprite = function () {
// ******************* NORMAL BOX SHAPE ***********************************
Bitmap.prototype.FillRect = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, color1) {
x1 = x1 + lightMaskPadding;
let context = this._context;
context.fillStyle = color1;
context.fillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2);
// ******************* CIRCLE/OVAL SHAPE ***********************************
// from [url]http://scienceprimer.com/draw-oval-html5-canvas[/url]
Bitmap.prototype.FillCircle = function (centerX, centerY, xradius, yradius, color1) {
centerX = centerX + lightMaskPadding;
let context = this._context;
context.fillStyle = color1;
let rotation = 0;
let start_angle = 0;
let end_angle = 2 * Math.PI;
for (let i = start_angle * Math.PI; i < end_angle * Math.PI; i += 0.01) {
xPos = centerX - (yradius * Math.sin(i)) * Math.sin(rotation * Math.PI) + (xradius * Math.cos(i)) * Math.cos(rotation * Math.PI);
yPos = centerY + (xradius * Math.cos(i)) * Math.sin(rotation * Math.PI) + (yradius * Math.sin(i)) * Math.cos(rotation * Math.PI);
if (i == 0) {
context.moveTo(xPos, yPos);
} else {
context.lineTo(xPos, yPos);
// ******************* NORMAL LIGHT SHAPE ***********************************
// Fill gradient circle
Bitmap.prototype.radialgradientFillRect = function (x1, y1, r1, r2, color1, color2, flicker, brightness, direction) {
let isValidColor = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(color1);
if (!isValidColor) {
color1 = '#000000'
let isValidColor2 = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(color2);
if (!isValidColor2) {
color2 = '#000000'
x1 = x1 + lightMaskPadding;
//y1 += 5; // What the fuck? Seriously?
// clipping
let nx1 = Number(x1);
let ny1 = Number(y1);
let nr2 = Number(r2);
let clip = false;
if (nx1 - nr2 > maxX) {
clip = true;
if (ny1 - nr2 > maxY) {
clip = true;
if (nx1 + nr2 < 0) {
clip = true;
if (nx1 + nr2 < 0) {
clip = true;
if (clip == false) {
if (!brightness) {
brightness = 0.0;
if (!direction) {
direction = 0;
let context = this._context;
let grad;
let wait = Math.floor((Math.random() * 8) + 1);
if (flicker == true && wait == 1) {
let flickerradiusshift = $gameVariables.GetFireRadius();
let flickercolorshift = $gameVariables.GetFireColorshift();
let gradrnd = Math.floor((Math.random() * flickerradiusshift) + 1);
let colorrnd = Math.floor((Math.random() * flickercolorshift) - (flickercolorshift / 2));
let r = hexToRgb(color1).r;
let g = hexToRgb(color1).g;
let b = hexToRgb(color1).b;
g = g + colorrnd;
if (g < 0) {
g = 0;
if (g > 255) {
g = 255;
color1 = "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1);
r2 = r2 - gradrnd;
if (r2 < 0) r2 = 0;
grad = context.createRadialGradient(x1, y1, r1, x1, y1, r2);
if (brightness) {
grad.addColorStop(0, '#FFFFFF');
grad.addColorStop(brightness, color1);
grad.addColorStop(1, color2);
context.fillStyle = grad;
direction = Number(direction);
let pw = $gameMap.tileWidth() / 2;
let ph = $gameMap.tileHeight() / 2;
let hackishFix = 0; // I'm not proud of having to do this...
switch (direction) {
case 0:
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - r2, r2 * 2, r2 * 2);
case 1:
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - ph, r2 * 2, r2 * 2);
case 2:
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - r2, r2 * 1 + pw, r2 * 2);
case 3:
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - r2 + hackishFix, r2 * 2, r2 * 1 + ph);
case 4:
context.fillRect(x1 - pw, y1 - r2, r2 * 2, r2 * 2);
case 5:
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - ph, r2 * 1 + pw, r2 * 1 + ph);
case 6:
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - r2 + hackishFix, r2 * 1 + pw, r2 * 1 + ph);
case 7:
context.fillRect(x1 - pw, y1 - r2 + hackishFix, r2 * 1 + pw, r2 * 1 + ph);
case 8:
context.fillRect(x1 - pw, y1 - ph, r2 * 1 + pw, r2 * 1 + ph);
case 9:
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - ph + hackishFix, r2 * 2, r2 * 2);
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - r2 + hackishFix, r2 * 1 - pw, r2 * 1 - ph);
case 10:
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - r2 + hackishFix, r2 * 2, r2 * 1 + ph);
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 + pw + hackishFix, r2 * 1 - pw, r2 * 1 - ph);
case 11:
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - r2 + hackishFix, r2 * 2, r2 * 1 + ph);
context.fillRect(x1 + pw, y1 + pw + hackishFix, r2 * 1 - pw, r2 * 1 - ph);
case 12:
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - ph + hackishFix, r2 * 2, r2 * 2);
context.fillRect(x1 + pw, y1 - r2 + hackishFix, r2 * 1 - pw, r2 * 1 - ph);
// ********************************** FLASHLIGHT *************************************
// Fill gradient Cone
Bitmap.prototype.radialgradientFillRect2 = function (x1, y1, r1, r2, color1, color2, direction, flashlength, flashwidth) {
x1 = x1 + lightMaskPadding;
let isValidColor = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(color1);
if (!isValidColor) {
color1 = '#000000'
let isValidColor2 = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(color2);
if (!isValidColor2) {
color2 = '#000000'
let context = this._context;
let grad;
// smal dim glove around player
y1 = y1 - flashlightoffset;
r1 = 1;
r2 = 40;
grad = context.createRadialGradient(x1, y1, r1, x1, y1, r2);
grad.addColorStop(0, '#999999');
grad.addColorStop(1, color2);
context.fillStyle = grad;
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - r2, r2 * 2, r2 * 2);
// flashlight
for (let cone = 0; cone < flashlength; cone++) {
let flashlightdensity = $gameVariables.GetFlashlightDensity();
r1 = cone * flashlightdensity;
r2 = cone * flashwidth;
switch (direction) {
case 6:
x1 = x1 + cone * 6;
case 4:
x1 = x1 - cone * 6;
case 2:
y1 = y1 + cone * 6;
case 8:
y1 = y1 - cone * 6;
grad = context.createRadialGradient(x1, y1, r1, x1, y1, r2);
grad.addColorStop(0, color1);
grad.addColorStop(1, color2);
context.fillStyle = grad;
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - r2, r2 * 2, r2 * 2);
context.fillStyle = grad;
context.fillRect(x1 - r2, y1 - r2, r2 * 2, r2 * 2);
function hexToRgb(hex) {
let result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
result = result ? {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
} : null;
return result;
// ALIASED Begin battle: prepare battle lighting
let Community_Lighting_BattleManager_setup = BattleManager.setup;
BattleManager.setup = function (troopId, canEscape, canLose) {
$gameTemp._MapTint = '#FFFFFF'; // By default, no darkness during battle
if (!DataManager.isBattleTest() && !DataManager.isEventTest() && $gameMap.mapId() >= 0) { // If we went there from a map...
if ($gameVariables.GetScriptActive() === true) { // If the script is active...
if (options_lighting_on && lightInBattle) { // If configuration autorise using lighting effects
if (event_note.length > 0) { // If there is lightsource on this map...
$gameTemp._MapTint = $gameVariables.GetTint(); // ... Use the tint of the map.
// Add daylight tint?
Community_Lighting_BattleManager_setup.call(this, troopId, canEscape, canLose);
// ALIASED Scene_Battle initialisation: create the light mask.
let Community_Lighting_Spriteset_Battle_createLowerLayer = Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createLowerLayer;
Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createLowerLayer = function () {
if (battleMaskPosition === 'Above') {
let Community_Lighting_Spriteset_Battle_createBattleback = Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createBattleback;
Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createBattleback = function () {
if (battleMaskPosition === 'Between') {
Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createBattleLightmask = function () {
if ($gameVariables.GetScriptActive()) { // If the script is active
if (lightInBattle) { // If is active during battles.
this._battleLightmask = new BattleLightmask(); // ... Create the light mask.
if (battleMaskPosition === 'Above') {
} else if (battleMaskPosition === 'Between') {
function BattleLightmask() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
BattleLightmask.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Container.prototype);
BattleLightmask.prototype.constructor = BattleLightmask;
BattleLightmask.prototype.initialize = function () {
this._width = Graphics.width;
this._height = Graphics.height;
this._sprites = [];
//Initialize the bitmap
this._addSprite(-lightMaskPadding, 0, this._maskBitmap);
var redhex = $gameTemp._MapTint.substring(1, 3);
var greenhex = $gameTemp._MapTint.substring(3, 5);
var bluehex = $gameTemp._MapTint.substring(5);
var red = parseInt(redhex, 16);
var green = parseInt(greenhex, 16);
var blue = parseInt(bluehex, 16);
var color = red + green + blue;
if (color < 200 && red < 66 && green < 66 && blue < 66) {
$gameTemp._MapTint = '#666666' // Prevent the battle scene from being too dark.
$gameTemp._BattleTint = $$.daynightset ? $gameVariables.GetTintByTime() : $gameTemp._MapTint;
this._maskBitmap.FillRect(-lightMaskPadding, 0, maxX + lightMaskPadding, maxY, $gameTemp._BattleTint);
$gameTemp._BattleTintSpeed = 0;
//@method _createBitmaps
BattleLightmask.prototype._createBitmap = function () {
this._maskBitmap = new Bitmap(maxX + lightMaskPadding, maxY); // one big bitmap to fill the intire screen with black
var canvas = this._maskBitmap.canvas; // a bit larger then setting to take care of screenshakes
BattleLightmask.prototype.update = function () {
var color1 = $gameTemp._BattleTint;
if ($gameTemp._BattleTintSpeed > 0) {
$gameTemp._BattleTintTimer += 1;
var r = hexToRgb($gameTemp._BattleTintFade).r;
var g = hexToRgb($gameTemp._BattleTintFade).g;
var b = hexToRgb($gameTemp._BattleTintFade).b;
var r2 = hexToRgb($gameTemp._BattleTint).r;
var g2 = hexToRgb($gameTemp._BattleTint).g;
var b2 = hexToRgb($gameTemp._BattleTint).b;
var stepR = (r2 - r) / (60 * $gameTemp._BattleTintSpeed);
var stepG = (g2 - g) / (60 * $gameTemp._BattleTintSpeed);
var stepB = (b2 - b) / (60 * $gameTemp._BattleTintSpeed);
var r3 = Math.floor(r + (stepR * $gameTemp._BattleTintTimer));
var g3 = Math.floor(g + (stepG * $gameTemp._BattleTintTimer));
var b3 = Math.floor(b + (stepB * $gameTemp._BattleTintTimer));
if (r3 < 0) { r3 = 0 }
if (g3 < 0) { g3 = 0 }
if (b3 < 0) { b3 = 0 }
if (r3 > 255) { r3 = 255 }
if (g3 > 255) { g3 = 255 }
if (b3 > 255) { b3 = 255 }
var reddone = false;
var greendone = false;
var bluedone = false;
if (stepR >= 0 && r3 >= r2) {
reddone = true;
if (stepR <= 0 && r3 <= r2) {
reddone = true;
if (stepG >= 0 && g3 >= g2) {
greendone = true;
if (stepG <= 0 && g3 <= g2) {
greendone = true;
if (stepB >= 0 && b3 >= b2) {
bluedone = true;
if (stepB <= 0 && b3 <= b2) {
bluedone = true;
if (reddone == true && bluedone == true && greendone == true) {
$gameTemp._BattleTintFade = $gameTemp._BattleTint;
$gameTemp._BattleTintSpeed = 0;
$gameTemp._BattleTintTimer = 0;
color1 = "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r3 << 16) + (g3 << 8) + b3).toString(16).slice(1);
$gameTemp._BattleTintFade = color1;
this._maskBitmap.FillRect(-lightMaskPadding, 0, maxX + lightMaskPadding, maxY, color1);
* @method _addSprite
* @private
BattleLightmask.prototype._addSprite = function (x1, y1, selectedbitmap) {
var sprite = new Sprite(this.viewport);
sprite.bitmap = selectedbitmap;
sprite.opacity = 255;
sprite.blendMode = 2;
sprite.x = x1;
sprite.y = y1;
sprite.rotation = 0;
sprite.ax = 0;
sprite.ay = 0
sprite.opacity = 255;
* @method _removeSprite
* @private
BattleLightmask.prototype._removeSprite = function () {
// ALLIASED Move event location => reload map.
let Alias_Game_Interpreter_command203 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command203;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.command203 = function () {
return true;
ConfigManager.cLighting = true;
Object.defineProperty(ConfigManager, 'cLighting', {
get: function () {
return options_lighting_on;
set: function (value) {
options_lighting_on = value;
configurable: true
let Alias_ConfigManager_makeData = ConfigManager.makeData;
ConfigManager.makeData = function () {
let config = Alias_ConfigManager_makeData.call(this);
config.cLighting = options_lighting_on;
return config;
let Alias_ConfigManager_applyData = ConfigManager.applyData;
ConfigManager.applyData = function (config) {
Alias_ConfigManager_applyData.call(this, config);
this.cLighting = this.readFlag2(config, 'cLighting');
let Window_Options_addGeneralOptions = Window_Options.prototype.addGeneralOptions;
Window_Options.prototype.addGeneralOptions = function () {
if (optionText !== "") this.addCommand(optionText, 'cLighting');
ConfigManager.readFlag2 = function (config, name) {
let value = config[name];
if (value !== undefined) {
return !!config[name];
} else {
return true;
$$.ReloadMapEvents = function () {
//**********************fill up new map-array *************************
event_note = [];
event_id = [];
event_x = [];
event_y = [];
event_dir = [];
event_moving = [];
event_stacknumber = [];
event_eventcount = $gameMap.events().length;
for (let i = 0; i < event_eventcount; i++) {
if ($gameMap.events()[i]) {
if ($gameMap.events()[i].event()) {
let note = getTag.call($gameMap.events()[i].event());
let note_args = note.split(" ");
let note_command = note_args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (note_command == "light" || note_command == "fire" || note_command == "flashlight") {
event_moving.push($gameMap.events()[i]._moveType || $gameMap.events()[i]._moveRouteForcing);
// else if (note_command == "daynight") daynightset = true;
// *********************************** DAY NIGHT Setting **************************
$$.daynightset = false;
let mapnote = getTag.call($dataMap);
if (mapnote) {
mapnote = mapnote.toLowerCase();
if (mapnote.match(/^daynight/i)) {
$$.daynightset = true;
let dnspeed = mapnote.match(/\d+/);
if (dnspeed) {
daynightspeed = +dnspeed[0];
if (daynightspeed < 1) daynightspeed = 5000;
$$.ReloadTagArea = function () {
// *************************** TILE TAG LIGHTSOURCES *********
// clear arrays
tile_lights = [];
tile_blocks = [];
// refill arrays
let tilearray = $gameVariables.GetTileArray();
for (let i = 0, len = tilearray.length; i < len; i++) {
let tilestr = tilearray[i];
let tileargs = tilestr.split(";");
let tile_type = tileargs[0];
let tile_number = tileargs[1];
let tile_on = tileargs[2];
let tile_color = tileargs[3];
let tile_radius = 0;
let brightness = 0.0;
let shape = 0;
let xo1 = 0.0;
let yo1 = 0.0;
let xo2 = 0.0;
let yo2 = 0.0;
if (tile_type == 1 || tile_type == 2) {
let b_arg = tileargs[4];
if (typeof b_arg != 'undefined') {
shape = b_arg;
b_arg = tileargs[5];
if (typeof b_arg != 'undefined') {
xo1 = b_arg;
b_arg = tileargs[6];
if (typeof b_arg != 'undefined') {
yo1 = b_arg;
b_arg = tileargs[7];
if (typeof b_arg != 'undefined') {
xo2 = b_arg;
b_arg = tileargs[8];
if (typeof b_arg != 'undefined') {
yo2 = b_arg;
} else {
tile_radius = tileargs[4];
let b_arg = tileargs[5];
if (typeof b_arg != 'undefined') {
let key = b_arg.substring(0, 1);
if (key == 'b' || key == 'B') {
brightness = Number(b_arg.substring(1)) / 100;
if (tile_on == 1) {
if (tile_type >= 3) {
// *************************** TILE TAG LIGHTSOURCES *********
for (let y = 0, mapHeight = $dataMap.height; y < mapHeight; y++) {
for (let x = 0, mapWidth = $dataMap.width; x < mapWidth; x++) {
let tag = 0;
if (tile_type == 3 || tile_type == 5 || tile_type == 7) {
tag = $gameMap.terrainTag(x, y);
} // tile light
if (tile_type == 4 || tile_type == 6 || tile_type == 8) {
tag = $dataMap.data[(5 * $dataMap.height + y) * $dataMap.width + x];
} // region light
if (tag == tile_number) {
let tilecode = x + ";" + y + ";" + tile_type + ";" + tile_radius + ";" + tile_color + ";" + brightness;
// *************************** REDRAW MAPTILES FOR ROOFS ETC *********
if (tile_type == 1 || tile_type == 2) {
for (let y = 0, mapHeight = $dataMap.height; y < mapHeight; y++) {
for (let x = 0, mapWidth = $dataMap.width; x < mapWidth; x++) {
let tag = 0;
if (tile_type == 1) {
tag = $gameMap.terrainTag(x, y);
} // tile block
if (tile_type == 2) {
tag = $dataMap.data[(5 * $dataMap.height + y) * $dataMap.width + x];
} // region block
if (tag == tile_number) {
let tilecode = x + ";" + y + ";" + shape + ";" + xo1 + ";" + yo1 + ";" + xo2 + ";" + yo2 + ";" + tile_color;
$$.flashlight = function (args) {
if (args[0] == 'on') {
let flashlightlength = $gameVariables.GetFlashlightLength();
let flashlightwidth = $gameVariables.GetFlashlightWidth();
let flashlightdensity = $gameVariables.GetFlashlightDensity();
let playercolor = $gameVariables.GetPlayerColor();
if (args.length >= 1) {
flashlightlength = args[1];
if (args.length >= 2) {
flashlightwidth = args[2];
if (args.length >= 3) {
playercolor = args[3];
let isValidPlayerColor = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(playercolor);
if (!isValidPlayerColor) {
playercolor = '#FFFFFF'
if (args.length >= 4) {
flashlightdensity = args[4]; // density
if (flashlightlength == 0 || isNaN(flashlightlength)) {
flashlightlength = 8
if (flashlightwidth == 0 || isNaN(flashlightwidth)) {
flashlightwidth = 12
if (flashlightdensity == 0 || isNaN(flashlightdensity)) {
flashlightdensity = 3
if (args[0] === 'off') {
$$.effectXy = function (args) {
let x1 = args[0];
if (x1.substring(0, 1) == '#') {
x1 = $gameVariables.value(Number(x1.substring(1)));
let y1 = args[1];
if (y1.substring(0, 1) == '#') {
y1 = $gameVariables.value(Number(y1.substring(1)));
let radius = args[2];
if (radius.substring(0, 1) == '#') {
radius = $gameVariables.value(Number(radius.substring(1)));
let color = args[3];
let time = args[4];
if (time.substring(0, 1) == '#') {
time = $gameVariables.value(Number(time.substring(1)));
let def = radius + "," + color + "," + time;
if (args.length >= 6) {
let command = args[5];
let ctime = args[6];
if (ctime.substring(0, 1) == '#') {
ctime = $gameVariables.value(Number(ctime.substring(1)));
def = def + "," + command + "," + ctime;
$$.effectOnEvent = function (args) {
x1 = 0;
y1 = 0;
let evid = -1;
for (let i = 0, len = $gameMap.events().length; i < len; i++) {
if ($gameMap.events()[i]) {
evid = $gameMap.events()[i]._eventId;
if (evid == args[0]) {
x1 = $gameMap.events()[i]._realX * $gameMap.tileWidth();
y1 = $gameMap.events()[i]._realY * $gameMap.tileHeight();
// def = radius,color,duration(,keyword,speed)
// 0. Radius
// 1. Color
// 2. Time in Frames
// 4. Fade/Grow Speed in frames
let radius = args[1];
if (radius.substring(0, 1) == '#') {
radius = $gameVariables.value(Number(radius.substring(1)));
let color = args[2];
let time = args[3];
if (time.substring(0, 1) == '#') {
time = $gameVariables.value(Number(time.substring(1)));
let def = radius + "," + color + "," + time;
if (args.length >= 5) {
let command = args[4];
let ctime = args[5];
if (ctime.substring(0, 1) == '#') {
ctime = $gameVariables.value(Number(ctime.substring(1)));
def = def + "," + command + "," + ctime;
$$.fireLight = function (args) {
//******************* Light radius 100 #FFFFFF ************************
if (args[0] == 'radius') {
let newradius = Number(args[1]);
if (newradius >= 0) {
if (args.length > 2) {
playercolor = args[2];
let isValidPlayerColor = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(playercolor);
if (!isValidPlayerColor) {
playercolor = '#FFFFFF'
// player brightness
if (args.length > 3) {
let brightness = 0.0;
let b_arg = args[3];
if (typeof b_arg != 'undefined') {
let key = b_arg.substring(0, 1);
if (key == 'b' || key == 'B') {
brightness = ((+b_arg.substring(1) || 0) / 100).clamp(0, 1);
//******************* Light radiusgrow 100 #FFFFFF ************************
if (args[0] === 'radiusgrow') {
let newradius = Number(args[1]);
if (newradius >= 0) {
let lightgrow_value = $gameVariables.GetRadius();
let lightgrow_target = newradius;
let lightgrow_speed = 0.0;
if (args.length >= 4) {
if (player_radius > newradius) {
lightgrow_speed = (player_radius * 0.012) / Number(args[4]);
} else {
lightgrow_speed = (newradius * 0.012) / Number(args[4]);
} else {
lightgrow_speed = (Math.abs(newradius - player_radius)) / 500;
// player color
if (args.length > 2) {
playercolor = args[2];
let isValidPlayerColor = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(playercolor);
if (!isValidPlayerColor) {
playercolor = '#FFFFFF'
// player brightness
if (args.length > 3) {
let brightness = 0.0;
let b_arg = args[3];
if (typeof b_arg != 'undefined') {
let key = b_arg.substring(0, 1);
if (key == 'b' || key == 'B') {
brightness = ((+b_arg.substring(1) || 0) / 100).clamp(0, 1);
// *********************** TURN SPECIFIC LIGHT ON *********************
if (args[0] === 'on') {
let lightarray_id = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayId();
let lightarray_state = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayState();
let lightarray_color = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayColor();
let lightid = Number(args[1]);
let idfound = false;
for (let i = 0, len = lightarray_id.length; i < len; i++) {
if (lightarray_id[i] == lightid) {
idfound = true;
lightarray_state[i] = true;
if (idfound === false) {
// *********************** TURN SPECIFIC LIGHT OFF *********************
if (args[0] === 'off') {
let lightarray_id = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayId();
let lightarray_state = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayState();
let lightarray_color = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayColor();
let lightid = Number(args[1]);
let idfound = false;
for (let i = 0, len = lightarray_id.length; i < len; i++) {
if (lightarray_id[i] == lightid) {
idfound = true;
lightarray_state[i] = false;
if (idfound === false) {
// *********************** SET COLOR *********************
if (args[0] === 'color') {
let newcolor = args[2];
if (newcolor && newcolor.toLowerCase() === 'defaultcolor') {
newcolor = 'defaultcolor';
let lightarray_id = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayId();
let lightarray_state = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayState();
let lightarray_color = $gameVariables.GetLightArrayColor();
let lightid = Number(args[1]);
idfound = false;
for (let i = 0, len = lightarray_id.length; i < len; i++) {
if (lightarray_id[i] == lightid) {
idfound = true;
lightarray_color[i] = newcolor;
if (idfound === false) {
// **************************** RESET ALL SWITCHES ***********************
if (args[0] === 'switch' && args[1] === 'reset') {
$$.tile = function (args) {
let tilearray = $gameVariables.GetTileArray();
let tilenumber = Number(eval(args[0]));
let tile_on = 0;
if (args[1] === "on") {
tile_on = 1;
let tilecolor = args[2];
let isValidColor1 = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(tilecolor);
if (!isValidColor1) {
if (tiletype === 1 || tiletype === 2) {
tilecolor = '#000000';
} else {
tilecolor = '#FFFFFF';
let tileradius = 100;
let tilebrightness = 0.0;
let shape = 0;
let x1 = 0;
let y1 = 0;
let x2 = 0;
let y2 = 0;
if (tiletype === 1 || tiletype === 2) {
if (args.length > 3) {
shape = args[3];
if (args.length > 4) {
x1 = args[4];
if (args.length > 5) {
y1 = args[5];
if (args.length > 6) {
x2 = args[6];
if (args.length > 7) {
y2 = args[7];
} else {
if (args.length > 3) {
tileradius = args[3];
if (args.length > 4) {
tilebrightness = args[4];
let tilefound = false;
for (let i = 0, len = tilearray.length; i < len; i++) {
let tilestr = tilearray[i];
let tileargs = tilestr.split(";");
if (tileargs[0] == tiletype && tileargs[1] == tilenumber) {
tilefound = true;
if (tiletype === 1 || tiletype === 2) {
tilearray[i] = tiletype + ";" + tilenumber + ";" + tile_on + ";" + tilecolor + ";" + shape + ";" + x1 + ";" + y1 + ";" + x2 + ";" + y2;
} else {
tilearray[i] = tiletype + ";" + tilenumber + ";" + tile_on + ";" + tilecolor + ";" + tileradius + ";" + tilebrightness;
if (tilefound === false) {
let tiletag = "";
if (tiletype === 1 || tiletype === 2) {
tiletag = tiletype + ";" + tilenumber + ";" + tile_on + ";" + tilecolor + ";" + shape + ";" + x1 + ";" + y1 + ";" + x2 + ";" + y2;
} else {
tiletag = tiletype + ";" + tilenumber + ";" + tile_on + ";" + tilecolor + ";" + tileradius + ";" + tilebrightness;
$$.tint = function (args) {
if (args[0] === 'set') {
if (args[0] === 'fade') {
else if (args[0] === "daylight") {
let currentColor = $gameVariables.GetTintByTime();
$$.DayNight = function (args) {
let daynightspeed = $gameVariables.GetDaynightSpeed();
let daynighttimer = $gameVariables.GetDaynightTimer(); // timer = minutes * speed
let daynightcycle = $gameVariables.GetDaynightCycle(); // cycle = hours
let daynighthoursinday = $gameVariables.GetDaynightHoursinDay(); // 24
//let daynightcolors = $gameVariables.GetDaynightColorArray();
if (args[0] === 'speed') {
daynightspeed = Number(args[1]);
if (daynightspeed <= 0) {
daynightspeed = 5000;
if (args[0] === 'add') {
let houradd = Number(args[1]);
let minuteadd = 0;
if (args.length > 2) {
minuteadd = Number(args[2]);
let daynightminutes = Math.floor(daynighttimer / daynightspeed);
daynightminutes = daynightminutes + minuteadd;
if (daynightminutes > 60) {
daynightminutes = daynightminutes - 60;
daynightcycle = daynightcycle + 1;
daynightcycle = daynightcycle + houradd;
daynighttimer = daynightminutes * daynightspeed;
if (daynightcycle < 0) daynightcycle = 0;
if (daynightcycle >= daynighthoursinday) daynightcycle = daynightcycle - daynighthoursinday;
saveTime(daynightcycle, daynightminutes);
$gameVariables.SetDaynightTimer(daynighttimer); // timer = minutes * speed
$gameVariables.SetDaynightCycle(daynightcycle); // cycle = hours
if (args[0] === 'hour') {
daynightcycle = Number(args[1]);
if (args.length > 2) {
daynightminutes = Number(args[2]);
} else {
daynightminutes = 0;
daynighttimer = daynightminutes * daynightspeed;
if (daynightcycle < 0) daynightcycle = 0;
if (daynightcycle >= daynighthoursinday) daynightcycle = daynighthoursinday - 1;
saveTime(daynightcycle, daynightminutes);
$gameVariables.SetDaynightTimer(daynighttimer); // timer = minutes * speed
$gameVariables.SetDaynightCycle(daynightcycle); // cycle = hours
if (args[0] === 'hoursinday') {
let old_value = daynighthoursinday;
daynighthoursinday = Number(args[1]);
if (daynighthoursinday < 0) {
daynighthoursinday = 0;
if (daynighthoursinday > old_value) {
for (let i = old_value; i < daynighthoursinday; i++) {
daynightcolors.push({ "color": "#ffffff", "isNight": false });
if (args[0] === 'debug') {
daynightdebug = true;
if (args[0] === 'color') {
let hour = Number(args[1]);
if (hour < 0) {
hour = 0;
if (hour >= daynighthoursinday) {
hour = (daynighthoursinday - 1);
let hourcolor = args[2];
let isValidColor = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(hourcolor);
if (isValidColor) {
daynightcolors[hour].color = hourcolor;
Community.Lighting.distance = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.abs(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1 - x2,2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2,2)));
Game_Variables.prototype.SetActiveRadius = function (value) {
this._Player_Light_Radius = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetActiveRadius = function () {
return this._Player_Light_Radius || Number(Community.Lighting.parameters['Lights Active Radius']);
Game_Variables.prototype.GetFirstRun = function () {
if (typeof this._Community_Lighting_FirstRun == 'undefined') {
this._Community_Lighting_FirstRun = true;
return this._Community_Lighting_FirstRun;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetFirstRun = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_FirstRun = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetScriptActive = function () {
if (typeof this._Community_Lighting_ScriptActive == 'undefined') {
this._Community_Lighting_ScriptActive = true;
return this._Community_Lighting_ScriptActive;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetScriptActive = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_ScriptActive = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetOldMapId = function () {
if (typeof this._Community_Lighting_OldMapId == 'undefined') {
this._Community_Lighting_OldMapId = 0;
return this._Community_Lighting_OldMapId;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetOldMapId = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_OldMapId = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetTint = function (value) {
this._Community_Tint_Value = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetTint = function () {
return this._Community_Tint_Value || '#000000';
Game_Variables.prototype.GetTintByTime = function () {
let result = this.GetDaynightColorArray()[this.GetDaynightCycle()];
return result ? (result.color || "#000000") : "#000000";
Game_Variables.prototype.SetTintTarget = function (value) {
this._Community_TintTarget_Value = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetTintTarget = function () {
return this._Community_TintTarget_Value || '#000000';
Game_Variables.prototype.SetTintSpeed = function (value) {
this._Community_TintSpeed_Value = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetTintSpeed = function () {
return this._Community_TintSpeed_Value || 60;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetFlashlight = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_Flashlight = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetFlashlight = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_Flashlight || false;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetFlashlightDensity = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_FlashlightDensity = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetFlashlightDensity = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_FlashlightDensity || 3;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetFlashlightLength = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_FlashlightLength = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetFlashlightLength = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_FlashlightLength || 8;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetFlashlightWidth = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_FlashlightWidth = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetFlashlightWidth = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_FlashlightWidth || 12;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetPlayerColor = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_PlayerColor = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetPlayerColor = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_PlayerColor || '#FFFFFF';
Game_Variables.prototype.SetPlayerBrightness = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_PlayerBrightness = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetPlayerBrightness = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_PlayerBrightness || 0;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetRadius = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_Radius = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetRadius = function () {
if (this._Community_Lighting_Radius === undefined) {
return 150;
} else {
return this._Community_Lighting_Radius;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetRadiusTarget = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_RadiusTarget = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetRadiusTarget = function () {
if (this._Community_Lighting_RadiusTarget === undefined) {
return 150;
} else {
return this._Community_Lighting_RadiusTarget;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetRadiusSpeed = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_RadiusSpeed = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetRadiusSpeed = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_RadiusSpeed || 0;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetDaynightColorArray = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_DayNightColorArray = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetDaynightColorArray = function () {
let result = this._Community_Lighting_DayNightColorArray || Community.Lighting.getDayNightList();
if (!result) {
result = ['#000000', '#000000', '#000000', '#000000',
'#000000', '#000000', '#666666', '#AAAAAA',
'#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#AAAAAA', '#666666',
'#000000', '#000000', '#000000', '#000000'].map(x => x = { "color": x, "isNight": false });
this._Community_Lighting_DayNightColorArray = result;
if (!this._Community_Lighting_DayNightColorArray) this.SetDaynightColorArray(result);
return result;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetDaynightSpeed = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_DaynightSpeed = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetDaynightSpeed = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_DaynightSpeed || 10;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetDaynightCycle = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_DaynightCycle = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetDaynightCycle = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_DaynightCycle || 0;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetDaynightTimer = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_DaynightTimer = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetDaynightTimer = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_DaynightTimer || 0;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetDaynightHoursinDay = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_DaynightHoursinDay = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetDaynightHoursinDay = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_DaynightHoursinDay || 24;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetFireRadius = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_FireRadius = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetFireRadius = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_FireRadius || 7;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetFireColorshift = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_FireColorshift = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetFireColorshift = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_FireColorshift || 10;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetFire = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_Fire = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetFire = function () {
return this._Community_Lighting_Fire || false;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetLightArrayId = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_LightArrayId = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetLightArrayId = function () {
let default_LAI = [];
return this._Community_Lighting_LightArrayId || default_LAI;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetLightArrayState = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_LightArrayState = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetLightArrayState = function () {
let default_LAS = [];
return this._Community_Lighting_LightArrayState || default_LAS;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetLightArrayColor = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_LightArrayColor = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetLightArrayColor = function () {
let default_LAS = [];
return this._Community_Lighting_LightArrayColor || default_LAS;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetTileArray = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_TileArray = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetTileArray = function () {
let default_TA = [];
return this._Community_Lighting_TileArray || default_TA;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetLightTags = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_LightTags = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetLightTags = function () {
let default_TA = [];
return this._Community_Lighting_LightTags || default_TA;
Game_Variables.prototype.SetBlockTags = function (value) {
this._Community_Lighting_BlockTags = value;
Game_Variables.prototype.GetBlockTags = function () {
let default_TA = [];
return this._Community_Lighting_BlockTags || default_TA;
Community.Lighting.Spriteset_Map_prototype_createLowerLayer = Spriteset_Map.prototype.createLowerLayer;
Spriteset_Map.prototype.createLowerLayer = function () {